Ex 1 3 Aim&Algorithm
Ex 1 3 Aim&Algorithm
Ex 1 3 Aim&Algorithm
EX:NO: 01(a) MS-WORD EXERCISES DOCUMENT CREATION AND TEXT MANIPULATION AIM: To create a document using MS-WORD and perform text manipulations with scientific notations. PROCEDURE: Step 1: Start. Step 2: Open a new document from the file menu and type a paragraph. Step 3: Select the bullets and numbering from the home menu and apply to the paragraph. Step 4: Select the font style and font size from the home menu and apply to the paragraph. Step 5: Select the page number option from the insert menu and display the page to every page of the document. Step 6: Select the paragraph and apply the left indent and right indent from home menu. Step 7: Go to Insert menu and select Symbols to insert the necessary symbols Step 8: Save the file. Step 9: Stop.
RESULT: Thus the document creation and performing text manipulations with scientific notations were performed using MS-WORD.
TABLE CREATION AND FORMATTING AIM: To create, format and convert a table in the MS-WORD.
PROCEDURE: Step 1: Start Step 2: Open a blank document in MS-WORD. Step 3: Click the insert menu and click the table option. Select the number of rows and columns to be created and then click ok. Step 4: To insert rows, columns and cells in the table right click in the table and click insert option and click rows or columns or cells. Step 5: To delete rows, columns and cells in the table right click in the table and click delete option and click rows or columns or cells. Step 6: To merge two cells in the table click the two cells and then right click and select merge option. Step 7: To split a cell in the table, right click the cell and click split option. Step 8: To convert text to table click insert menu and click table option and select convert text to table option and to convert table to text select convert table to text option from the layout menu. Step 9: Stop.
RESULT: Thus the creation, formatting and conversion of the table was performed in MSWORD.
1c Aim:
Mail Merge
EX.NO:2 . Presentation and Visualization graphs, charts, 2D, 3D 10 2A:BAR CHART FOR STUDENT MARK LIST
Aim: To try out different types of charts in Excel.
Step1: Graphs in excel Enter the data in the Worksheet as follows Choose Chart option from the Insert menu, or choose the chart wizard button from the Insert menu, or choose the Chart Wizard button from the Standard toolbar. It shows the chart Wizard Step 1 of 4 Chart type dialog box. Choose the appropriate Chart type from the Chart type list box then click next. Shows the Chart Wizard Step 2 of 4 Chart source Data dialog box, then click next. Shows the Chart Wizard Step 3 of 4 Chart options dialog box, here we can give the Chart Titles i.e. X and Y-Axis Titles etc then click next. Shows the Chart Wizard step 3 of 4 Chart Locations dialog box the click Finish. Now the chart is displayed on the active worksheet.
Step 2: Bar Graph Type the data as given in the worksheet. Click at cell address A1.Click Insert-> Chart. Excel will display the first dialog box of Chart Wizard. Select Bar graph and click on Next. Click on Data Range from the Chart Wizard dialog box. Select A1 to E6, and then click next. Click in the Chart Title box. Click on the category X-Axis. Click on the value Y Axis Click next, and then click FINISH. Excel will display the created chart in the current Worksheet. In the same way, repeat the steps for creating 3D and PIE chart.
Step 3: Inserting ClipArt to the chart We can insert an image, E.g.: a bitmap for certain types of data markers, the chart area, or the legend in 2-D and 3-D charts, or the walls and the floor in 3-D charts. To change the chart type of the e4ntire chart, click the chart. To change the chart type of a data series, click the data series. On the Chart menu, click Chart type. On the standard Types or Custom Types tab, click the chart type you want. To apply the cone, cylinder or pyramid chart type to a 3-D bar or column data series, click Cylinder, Cone, or Pyramid in the Chart type box on the Standard Types tab,
and then select the Apply to selection check box. Now the chart type is changed from the Bar chart to the Line Chart.
Thus the bar chart for student mark list was performed in spreadsheet.
Step 1: Select File option in the menu bar and click New, to open a new presentation. Step 2: Select blank presentation and click create button to open a slide. Step 3: INSERTING THE TEXT BOX AND TEXT FORMATTING On slide number 1.insert text box. The text box is inserted by clicking on the inset tab and choosing text box option in the links tab. Step 4: INSERTING FONT AND CHANGINGFONT On slide number 1.select font: and change the size. Or select the certain words and change the size Step 5: CHARTS AND ANIMATIONS Choose the insert tab and then the chart opion on the illustration tab In the simplest sense,animation is something that makes slide objects can include text,pictures,charts,smartart graphics,shapes etc. A custom is through the add effect button. Result: Thus the presentation was prepared using PowerPoint
EX.NO:3 Problem formulations, Problem Solving and Flowcharts 3A:Problem formulations, Problem Solving
To create and edit formulas and use built in formulas using Formula Editor in Spreadsheet.
To find the sum of marks and to print the grade Step 1:Enter the student name, marks in three subject Step 2:Place the cursor in E2,type = SUM (B2:D2). Step 3:Place the cursor in F2,type =AVERAGE(B2:D3). Step4:click on G2, type =IF(B2<35,C2<35,D2<35)FAIL, IF(F2>=75,DISTINCTION,IF(F2>=60,FIRST CLASS, IF(F2>=50,SECOND CLASS,THIRD CLASS)))) Step5:Copy the formulae to the remaining students.
Thus the create and edit formulas and use built in formulas using Formula Editor in Spreadsheet was performed.
EX: NO: 03 b FLOW CHART AIM: To prepare a flowchart in MS-WORD to find the sum of first 100 natural numbers. PROCEDURE: Step 1: Start Step 2: Open a new document and then click the insert menu Step 3: Then click the shapes option and then click the different symbols in the flowchart option to draw a flowchart. Step 4: Stop.