Complete AutoCAD Commands
Complete AutoCAD Commands
Complete AutoCAD Commands
R Radius
ATTEXT Extracts attribute data from drawings C CDF comma delimited format extract
BLOCK Forms a single compound entity from a ? Lists names of already-defined blocks in
group of entities within the current the current drawing
BREAK Erases part of a line, arc or circle, or F allows respecification of first point
splits it into two lines or arcs
LT Linetype
T Thickness
CIRCLE Draws a circle of any size. The default 2P Specifies circle by picking 2 points on
method is to pick a center point and the diameter
or pick a point on the radius or type the
radius dimension, but other methods 3P Specifies circle by picking 3 points
can be selected. through which the circle will pass
DDATTEXT Displays a dialogue box that extracts C CDF comma delimited format
data from a drawing. extract
LT Linetype
T Thickness
DDEDIT Allows text and attribute definition Undo Undoes edit to return
editing to the previous value
DIVIDE Places points along a line, polyline, B Uses a specified Block to divide
arc, or circle, dividing it into the the object instead of a point
specified number of equal parts
R Right-justifies text
BL Bottom-left justification
BC Bottom-center justification
BR Bottom-right justification
ML Middle-left justification
MC Middle-center justification
MR Middle-right justification
TL Top-left justification
TC Top-center justification
T Sub-option, toggles
between angle in the X-Y
plane, and angle from the
X-Y plane
TW Twists the view around the line
of sight
DXFOUT Writes a drawing interchange file (DXF B Writes binary DXF file
file) to be able to use an AutoCAD
drawing in another CAD program E Outputs selected entities only
R Allows specification of
eccentricity rotation rather than
length of second axis
FILES Allows DOS disk and file utility tasks to can be transparent
be done through a dialogue box
<number> Sets
grid spacing for
both X- and Y-
<pattern-name> or U can be
followed by a comma and the
following sub-commands:
O Hatches outermost
boundary area only
Creates a block in the
current drawing with the
same name as the file
T Top plane
LOAD Loads a file of user-defined shapes to ? Lists the names of loaded Shape
be used with the Shape command files
MEASURE Places points (or, optionally, Blocks) at B specifies that a defined Block is
intervals along a selected line, polyline, to be used as a marker instead of a
arc or circle. The interval distance is point.
given by the user. If points are used as
the marker to be placed along the
entity, they are not visible unless the
Point type is set to type 3 with the
PDMODE command.
2 Creates 2 Viewports in
specified area or fit to the
current Paper Space view.
3 Creates 3 Viewports in
specified area or fit to the
current Paper Space view.
4 Creates 4 Viewports in
specified area or fit to the
current Paper Space view.
Restore Translates
viewport configurations
saved with the VPORTS
command into individual
Viewport entities in Paper
E Edit vertices
PEDIT Mesh Allows editing of Meshes which are D De-smooth -- restores original
already drawn mesh
PLAN Puts the display in "Plan" view, with C Establishes the Plan view of the
Vpoint set to 0,0,1, relative to either Current UCS
the current UCS, a specified UCS, or
the World Coordinate System U Establishes the Plan view of a
specified UCS
PLINE Draws a 2D polyline, which are H sets the half-width of the polyline
connected line or arc segments with segments
user-determined width and taper
U Undoes previous segment
CE Center Point
D Starting direction
R Radius
PURGE Removes unused Blocks, Text Styles, A Purges All unused named objects
Layers, Linetypes, and Dimension
Styles from current drawing B Purges unused Blocks
LT Renames Linetypes
S Renames Text Styles
U Renames UCS
VI Renames Views
VP Renames Viewports
ON aligns designated
TABLET Aligns the digitizing tablet with ON Turns Tablet Mode ON (but it
coordinates of a paper drawing to has to be CALibrated first)
accurately copy it with AutoCAD
OFF Turns Tablet Mode OFF
TEXT Draws text characters of any size with J Prompts for justification options
selected styles
S Lists or selects text style
R Right-justifies text
UCS Defines or modifies the current User D ("Delete") Deletes one or more
Coordinate System saved coordinate systems
UCSICON Controls visibility and placement of the A Changes settings of all active
User Coordinate System Icon, which viewports
graphically indicates the origin and
orientation of the current UCS. The N ("NoOrigin") Displays the
options normally affect only the current UCSICON at the lower-left corner
viewport. of the viewport (i.e., not at the
Control Sub-Options
All Enables the full UNDO
VIEWPORTS Used in Model Space only, and has D Deletes a saved viewport
been superseded by Paper Space configuration
or Vports, created with the MVIEW
command. Divides the AutoCAD J Joins (merges) two viewports
graphics display into multiple
viewports, each of which can contain a R Restores a saved viewport
different view of the current drawing configuration
(maximum of 4 "tiled" viewports per
S Saves the current viewport
VPLAYER Sets viewport visibility for new and ? Lists layers frozen in a selected
existing layers viewport
*filename preloads
slide which the
next command
VSLIDE will view
= filename.DWG to be
created is same as the
entities included in a
previously defined Block by
the same name
XREF Allows you to work with other AutoCAD A ("Attach") "Attaches" a new Xref
drawings without adding them to the drawing or updates an Xref
permanently to your drawing and that is already attached
without altering their contents
B ("Bind") Makes an Xref a
permanent part of your drawing
<number XP>multiplier of
magnification relative to
paper space -- used for
plotting to get right plot
scale in each viewport
3DFACE Draws flat planes in 3D space with I ("Invisible") this is used by typing
either 3 corners or 4 corners (3 sided in the letter "I" just before picking a
or 4 sided flat planes). These are used corner point for the 3DFACE, and it
to hide objects behind them in space to will make the edge of the 3DFACE
create the illusion of a solid object. drawn from that point to the next
3DFACEs can also be shaded using one "Invisible" (that is, it will not be
the SHADE command, in which case shown as a line on the drawing).
the entire plane takes on the color This is important when joining
assigned to its edges. Normally several 3DFACEs together to cover
(without using the HIDE or SHADE a complex, multi-faceted surface,
commands, 3DFACEs are transparent, where you do not want the "seams"
which means that objects behind them of the 3DFACEs to show in the final
in space are visible through them, and drawing. The visibility of edges of
they appear as "wireframes." 3DFACEs can further be turned on
or off by the AutoCAD variable
is set to 1 ("on"), both edges which
have been made "Invisible" as well
as normal, visible edges are shown
on the drawing. When SPLFRAME
is set to 0 ("off"), Invisible edges
are not shown. The purpose of
sometimes wanting to see invisible
edges is that you may want to
move, stretch, or copy the 3DFACE
and if its edges are invisible, you
cannot select them fopr
modification. You can only select a
3DFACE by picking on a visible