B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
THEORY 1. 131701 2. 131702 3. 131703 '. 1(()*1 *. 1'170' ). %2 PRACTICAL 1. 1317*1 2. 1317*2
2. 3. '. *.
.io/&edical ,nstrumentation ,ntelli$ent "ontrol Power ystem 0ynamics "omputer Architecture 2otal 3uality &ana$ement
3 3 3 3 3
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 3 ' 3
131 01 AIM:
LTPC 3003
2o understand the day to day operation of power system and the control actions to be implemented on the system to meet the minute/to/minute +ariation of system load demand.
OB"ECTIVES: i. 2o ha+e an o+er+iew of power system operation and control. ii. 2o model power/fre4uency dynamics and to desi$n power/fre4uency controller. iii. 2o model reacti+e power/+olta$e interaction and the control actions to be implemented for maintainin$ the +olta$e profile a$ainst +aryin$ system load. 1. INTRODUCTION # ystem load +ariation / load characteristics / load cur+es and load/duration cur+e (daily5 wee6ly and annual) / load factor / di+ersity factor. ,mportance of load forecastin$ and simple techni4ues of forecastin$. An o+er+iew of power system operation and control and the role of computers in the implementation. (3ualitati+e treatment with bloc6 dia$ram). REAL PO!ER - FRE$UENCY CONTROL # .asics of speed $o+ernin$ mechanism and modelin$ / speed/load characteristics load sharin$ between two synchronous machines in parallel. "ontrol area concept -7" control of a sin$le/area system. tatic and dynamic analysis of uncontrolled and controlled cases. ,nte$ration of economic dispatch control with -7". 2wo/area system modelin$ / static analysis of uncontrolled case / tie line with fre4uency bias control of two/area system / state +ariable model. REACTIVE PO!ER%VOLTAGE CONTROL # .asics of reacti+e power control. %8citation systems modelin$. tatic and dynamic analysis / stability compensation / $eneration and absorption of reacti+e power. 9elation between +olta$e5 power and reacti+e power at a node / method of +olta$e control / tap/chan$in$ transformer. ystem le+el control usin$ $enerator +olta$e ma$nitude settin$5 tap settin$ of !-2" transformer and &:A9 in;ection of switched capacitors to maintain acceptable +olta$e profile and to minimi<e transmission loss. UNIT COMMITMENT AND ECONOMIC DISPATCH # tatement of economic dispatch problem cost of $eneration incremental cost cur+e / co/ordination e4uations without loss and with loss5 solution by direct method and =/iteration method. (>o deri+ation of loss coefficients). tatement of ?nit "ommitment problem constraints@ spinnin$ reser+e5 thermal unit constraints5 hydro constraints5 fuel constraints and other constraints. olution methods / Priority/list methods / forward dynamic pro$rammin$ approach. >umerical problems only in priority/list method usin$ full/load a+era$e production cost. COMPUTER CONTROL OF PO!ER SYSTEMS # >eed of computer control of power systems. "oncept of ener$y control centre (or) load dispatch centre and the functions / system monitorin$ / data ac4uisition and control. ystem hardware confi$uration "A0A and %& functions. >etwor6 topolo$y / state estimation / security analysis and control. :arious operatin$ states (>ormal5 alert5 emer$ency5 in/e8tremis and restorati+e). tate transition dia$ram showin$ +arious state transitions and control strate$ies.
TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO(S 1. Allen. A. Bood and .ruce 7. Bollenber$5 CPower Deneration5 !peration and "ontrolE5 Aohn Biley # ons5 ,nc.5 2003. 2. "ha6rabarti # Falder5 GPower ystem AnalysisH !peration and "ontrolI5 Prentice Fall of ,ndia5 200' %dition. REFERENCES 1. 0.P. Jothari and ,.A. >a$rath5 C&odern Power ystem AnalysisE5 2hird %dition5 2ata &cDraw Fill Publishin$ "ompany -imited5 >ew 0elhi5 2003. (7or "hapters 15 2 # 3) 2. -.-. Dri$sby5 C2he %lectric Power %n$ineerin$5 Fand .oo6E5 "9" Press # ,%%% Press5 2001. 3. Fadi aadat5 GPower ystem AnalysisI5 (7or the chapters 15 25 3 and ')11th 9eprint 2007. '. P.Jundur5 CPower ystem tability and "ontrolE &" "raw Fill Publisher5 ? A5 111'. *. !lle.,.%l$erd5 C%lectric %ner$y ystems theory An introductionE 2ata &cDraw Fill Publishin$ "ompany -td. >ew 0elhi5 econd %dition 2003.
131 02
LTPC 300 3
AIM: 2o introduce the students to the +arious abnormal operatin$ conditions in power system and describe the apparatus and system protection schemes. Also to describe the phenomena of current interruption to study the +arious switch$ears. OB"ECTIVES: i. 2o discuss the causes of abnormal operatin$ conditions (faults5 li$htnin$ and switchin$ sur$es) of the apparatus and system. ii. 2o understand the characteristics and functions of relays and protection schemes. iii. 2o understand the problems associated with circuit interruption by a circuit brea6er. 1. INTRODUCTION # ,mportance of protecti+e schemes for electrical apparatus and power system. 3ualitati+e re+iew of faults and fault currents / relay terminolo$y definitions / and essential 4ualities of protection. Protection a$ainst o+er +olta$es due to li$htnin$ and switchin$ / arcin$ $rounds / Peterson "oil / $round wires / sur$e absorber and di+erters Power ystem earthin$ neutral %arthin$ / basic ideas of insulation coordination. OPERATING PRINCIPLES AND RELAY CHARACTERISTICS # %lectroma$netic relays o+er current5 directional and non/directional5 distance5 ne$ati+e se4uence5 differential and under fre4uency relays ,ntroduction to static relays. APPARATUS PROTECTION #
&ain considerations in apparatus protection / transformer5 $enerator and motor protection / protection of busbars. 2ransmission line protection / <ones of protection. "2s and P2s and their applications in protection schemes. &. THEORY OF CIRCUIT INTERRUPTION # Physics of arc phenomena and arc interruption. 0" and A" circuit brea6in$ / restri6in$ +olta$e and reco+ery +olta$e / rate of rise of reco+ery +olta$e / resistance switchin$ / current choppin$ / interruption of capaciti+e current. CIRCUIT BREA(ERS # 2ypes of circuit brea6ers air blast5 air brea65 oil5 7 ) and +acuum circuit brea6ers comparati+e merits of different circuit brea6ers testin$ of circuit brea6ers. TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO(S: 1. &.-. oni5 P.:. Dupta5 :. . .hatna$ar5 A. "ha6rabarti5 CA 2e8t .oo6 on Power ystem %n$ineerin$E5 0hanpat 9ai # "o.5 111(. (7or All "hapters 15 25 35 ' and *). 2. 9.J.9a;put5 A 2e8 boo6 of Power ystem %n$ineerin$. -a8mi Publications5 7irst %dition 9eprint 2007. REFERENCES 1. unil . 9ao5 C witch$ear and ProtectionE5 Jhanna publishers5 >ew 0elhi5 11(). 2. ".-. Badhwa5 C%lectrical Power ystemsE5 >ewa$e ,nternational (P) -td.5 2000. 3. .. 9a+indranath5 and >. "hander5 CPower ystem Protection # witch$earE5 Biley %astern -td.5 1177. '. .adri 9am5 :ishwa6arma5 CPower ystem Protection and witch$earE5 2ata &cDraw Fill5 2001. *. K.D. Paithan6ar and .9. .hide5 C7undamentals of Power ystem ProtectionE5 Prentice Fall of ,ndia P+t. -td.5 >ew 0elhi1100015 2003. 131 03 AIM 2o e8pose the students to the construction5 principle of operation and performance of special electrical machines as an e8tension to the study of basic electrical machines. OB"ECTIVES 2o impart 6nowled$e on i. "onstruction5 principle of operation and performance of synchronous reluctance motors. ii. iii. "onstruction5 principle of operation5 control and performance of steppin$ motors. "onstruction5 principle of operation5 control and performance of switched reluctance motors. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL MACHINES 300 3
i+. +.
"onstruction5 principle of operation5 control and performance of permanent ma$net brushless 0.". motors. "onstruction5 principle of operation and performance of permanent ma$net synchronous motors.
1. SYNCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTORS # "onstructional features 2ypes A8ial and 9adial flu8 motors !peratin$ principles :ariable 9eluctance and Fybrid &otors K>9%- &otors :olta$e and 2or4ue %4uations / Phasor dia$ram / "haracteristics. 2. STEPPING MOTORS # "onstructional features Principle of operation :ariable reluctance motor Fybrid motor in$le and multi stac6 confi$urations 2or4ue e4uations &odes of e8citations "haracteristics 0ri+e circuits &icroprocessor control of steppin$ motors "losed loop control. 3. S!ITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTORS # "onstructional features 9otary and -inear 9&s / Principle of operation 2or4ue production teady state performance prediction/ Analytical method /Power "on+erters and their controllers ðods of 9otor position sensin$ ensorless operation "losed loop control of 9& / "haracteristics. &. PERMANENT MAGNET BRUSHLESS D.C. MOTORS # Permanent &a$net materials &a$netic "haracteristics Permeance coefficient /Principle of operation 2ypes &a$netic circuit analysis %&7 and tor4ue e4uations "ommutation / Power controllers &otor characteristics and control. 5. PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS # Principle of operation ,deal P& & %&7 and 2or4ue e4uations Armature reaction &&7 ynchronous 9eactance inewa+e motor with practical windin$s / Phasor dia$ram 2or4ueLspeed characteristics / Power controllers / "on+erter :olt/ ampere re4uirements. TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO(S 1. 2.A.%. &iller5 C.rushless Permanent &a$net and 9eluctance &otor 0ri+esE5 "larendon Press5 !8ford5 11(1. 2. 2. Jen;o5 C teppin$ &otors and 2heir &icroprocessor "ontrolsE5 "larendon Press -ondon5 11('.
REFERENCES 1. 9.Jrishnan5 C witched 9eluctance &otor 0ri+es &odelin$5 imulation5 Analysis5 0esi$n and ApplicationE5 "9" Press5 >ew Kor65 2001. 2. P.P. Aearnley5 C teppin$ &otors A Duide to &otor 2heory and PracticeE5 Peter Peren$rinus5 -ondon5 11(2.
2. Jen;o and . >a$amori5 CPermanent &a$net and .rushless 0" &otorsE5 "larendon Press5 -ondon5 11((.
LTPC 300 3
UNIT-I MANAGEMENT THEORY AND SCIENCE # 0efinition of &ana$ement cience5 2heories of &ana$ement &ana$in$ H cience or ArtM &ana$ement # ocietyH ocial 9esponsibility %thics ad :alue ystems. UNIT-II PLANNING # 0efinition 2he >ature and Purpose of Plannin$ 2ypes of plannin$ teps in Plannin$ 2he Plannin$ process !b;eci+es / trate$ies5 Policies and Plannin$ Premises/ 7orecastin$ 0ecision/ma6in$. UNIT-III ORGANI)ING # 0efinition 2he nature and Purpose of or$ani<ation !r$ani<ation le+els and the span of &ana$ement 0epartmentation -ineL taff Authority "entrali<ation 0ecentrali<ation %ffecti+e or$ani<ation # !r$ani<ational culture taffin$ &ana$erial Aob An o+er+iew of staffin$ function (selection process5 techni4ues and instruments) Performance appraisal and career strate$y &ana$ement 0e+elopment process and trainin$ &ana$in$ chan$e !r$ani<ational de+elopment. UNIT-IV LEADING # Fuman factors in &ana$in$ .eha+ioral models "reati+ity and inno+ation &oti+ational theories pecial moti+ational techni4ues Aob enrichment -eadership .eha+iors # styles ituational or contin$ency approaches to leadership. "ommunication "ommunication process .arriers and brea6downs in communication 2owards %ffecti+e communication. UNIT-V CONTROLLING # 2he system and process of "ontrollin$ "ontrol 2echni4ue ,nformation 2echnolo$y Producti+ity # !peration &ana$ement !+erall Pre+entin$ "ontrol ,nternational &ana$ement 2oward a unified5 Dlobal &ana$ement 2heory. TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO(S 1. Jooni<5 G%ssentials of &ana$ementI5 2ata &c$raw Fill52001. 2. tephen P.9obbins and 0a+id A.0ecen<o57undamentals of &ana$ement5 Pearson %ducaion5 2hird %dition5 2001. REFERENCES 1. A. ."handan5 &ana$emen "oncepts and trate$ies5 :i6as Publishin$ Fouse5 2002. 2. 2im Fanna$an5 &ana$ement "oncepts and Practices5 &acmillan ,ndia -td. 1117. 3. Fellrie$el5 Aac6son and locum5 &ana$ementH A competency .ased Approach ouh Bestern5 1th %dition 2002. '. tewart .lac6 and -yman B.Porter5 &ana$ement &eetin$ >ew "hallen$es5 Prentice Fall5 2000. *. .ateman nell5 &ana$ement "ompetin$ in the new era5 &cDraw/Fill ,nwin 2002. LTPC LTPC
1&1 0&
A*+: 2o learn the +arious aspects of operatin$ systems such as process mana$ement5 memory mana$ement5 file systems5 and ,L! mana$ement UNIT I PROCESSES AND THREADS # ,ntroduction to operatin$ systems re+iew of computer or$ani<ation operatin$ system structures system calls system pro$rams system structure +irtual machines. ProcessesH Process concept Process schedulin$ !perations on processes "ooperatin$ processes ,nterprocess communication "ommunication in client/ser+er systems. "ase studyH ,P" in -inu8. 2hreadsH &ulti/threadin$ models 2hreadin$ issues. "ase tudyH Pthreads library UNIT II PROCESS SCHEDULING AND SYNCHRONI)ATION 10 "P? chedulin$H chedulin$ criteria chedulin$ al$orithms &ultiple/processor schedulin$ 9eal time schedulin$ Al$orithm %+aluation. "ase studyH Process schedulin$ in -inu8. Process ynchroni<ationH 2he critical/section problem ynchroni<ation hardware emaphores "lassic problems of synchroni<ation critical re$ions &onitors. 0eadloc6H ystem model 0eadloc6 characteri<ation ðods for handlin$ deadloc6s 0eadloc6 pre+ention 0eadloc6 a+oidance 0eadloc6 detection 9eco+ery from deadloc6. UNIT III STORAGE MANAGEMENT &emory &ana$ementH .ac6$round wappin$ "onti$uous memory allocation Pa$in$ e$mentation e$mentation with pa$in$. :irtual &emoryH.ac6$round 0emand pa$in$ Process creation Pa$e replacement Allocation of frames 2hrashin$. "ase tudyH &emory mana$ement in -inu8 #
UNIT IV FILE SYSTEMS # 7ile/ ystem ,nterfaceH 7ile concept Access methods 0irectory structure 7ile/ system mountin$ Protection. 7ile/ ystem ,mplementation H 0irectory implementation Allocation methods 7ree/space mana$ement efficiency and performance reco+ery lo$/structured file systems. "ase studiesH 7ile system in -inu8 file system in Bindows NP UNIT V I,O SYSTEMS 8 ,L! ystems ,L! Fardware Application ,L! interface 6ernel ,L! subsystem streams performance. &ass/ tora$e tructureH 0is6 schedulin$ 0is6 mana$ement wap/space mana$ement 9A,0 dis6 attachment stable stora$e tertiary stora$e. "ase studyH ,L! in -inu8 TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO(S 1. ilberschat<5 Dal+in5 and Da$ne5 G!peratin$ ystem "onceptsI5 i8th %dition5 Biley ,ndia P+t -td5 2003. 2. 0. &. 0hamdhere5 G!peratin$ ystemsH A concepts based approachI5 econd %dition5 2ata &cDraw/Fill Publishin$ "ompany -td.5 200). REFERENCES 1. Andrew . 2anenbaum5 G&odern !peratin$ ystemsI5 econd %dition5 Pearson %ducationLPF,5 2001. 2. Far+ey &. 0eital5 G!peratin$ ystemsI5 2hird %dition5 Pearson %ducation5 200'.
003 2
2o ac4uire software de+elopment s6ills and e8perience in the usa$e of standard pac6a$es necessary for analysis and simulation of power system re4uired for its plannin$5 operation and control. OB"ECTIVES i. 2o de+elop simple " pro$rams for the followin$ basic re4uirementsH a) 7ormation of bus admittance and impedance matrices and networ6 solution. b) Power flow solution of small systems usin$ simple method5 Dauss/ eidel P.7. method. c) ?nit "ommitment and %conomic 0ispatch. ii. a) b) c) d) 1. 2. 3. '. *. ). 7. (. 1. 10. 2o ac4uire e8perience in the usa$e of standard pac6a$es for the followin$ analysis L simulation L control functions. teady/state analysis of lar$e system usin$ >9P7 and 70P7 methods. 3uasi steady/state (7ault) analysis for balanced and unbalanced faults. 2ransient stability simulation of multimachine power system. imulation of -oad/7re4uency 0ynamics and control of power system.
"omputation of Parameters and &odellin$ of 2ransmission -ines 7ormation of .us Admittance and ,mpedance &atrices and olution of >etwor6s. -oad 7low Analysis / , H olution of -oad 7low And 9elated Problems ?sin$ Dauss/ eidel ðod -oad 7low Analysis / ,,H olution of -oad 7low and 9elated Problems ?sin$ >ewton/9aphson and 7ast/0ecoupled ðods 7ault Analysis 2ransient and mall i$nal tability AnalysisH in$le/&achine ,nfinite .us ystem 2ransient tability Analysis of &ultimachine Power ystems %lectroma$netic 2ransients in Power ystems -oad 7re4uency 0ynamics of in$le/ Area and 2wo/Area Power ystems %conomic 0ispatch in Power ystems. TOTAL : &5 PERIODS
D-./*0-1 S200/345
1. A*+ (i)
2o determine the positi+e se4uence line parameters - and " per phase per 6ilometer of a three phase sin$le and double circuit transmission lines for different conductor arran$ements.
(ii) 2o understand modellin$ and performance of short5 medium and lon$ lines. E6-78*5-5 1.1 "omputation of series inductance and shunt capacitance per phase per 6m of a three phase line with flat hori<ontal spacin$ for sin$le stranded and bundle conductor confi$uration. "omputation of series inductance and shunt capacitance per phase per 6m of a three phase double circuit transmission line with +ertical conductor arran$ement with bundle conductor. "omputation of +olta$e5 current5 power factor5 re$ulation and efficiency at the recei+in$ end of a three phase 2ransmission line when the +olta$e and power at the sendin$ end are $i+en. ?se O model. "omputation of recei+in$ end +olta$e of a lon$ transmission for a $i+en sendin$ end +olta$e and when the line is open circuited at recei+in$. Also compute the shunt reactor compensation to limit the no load recei+in$ end +olta$e to specified +alue. 0etermination of the +olta$e profile alon$ the lon$ transmission line for the followin$ cases of loadin$ at recei+in$ end (i) no load (ii) rated load (iii) sur$e impedance loadin$ and (i+) recei+in$ end short circuited.
2. A*+
2o understand the formation of networ6 matrices5 the bus admittance matri8 Y and the bus impedance matri8 ) of a power networ65 to effect certain re4uired chan$es on these matrices and to obtain networ6 solution usin$ these matrices. E6-78*5-5 2.1 Brite a pro$ram in " lan$ua$e for formation of bus admittance matri8 Y of a power networ6 usin$ the G2wo/9ule ðodI5 $i+en the data pertainin$ to the transmission lines5 transformers and shunt elements. 9un the pro$ram for a sample ) bus system and compare the results with that obtained usin$ a standard software. 2.2 &odify the pro$ram de+eloped in 2.1 for the followin$H (i) 2o obtain modified Y matri8 for the outa$e of a transmission line5 a 2ransformer and a shunt element.
(ii) 2o obtain networ6 solution V $i+en the current in;ection +ector I (iii) 2o obtain full ) matri8 or certain specified columns of ) matri8. :erify the correctness of the modified pro$ram usin$ ) bus sample system P 2.3 Brite a pro$ram in " lan$ua$e for formin$ bus impedance matri8 ) usin$ the G.uildin$ Al$orithmI. P !ptional (not mandatory)
E'PERIMENT 3 LOAD FLO! ANALYSIS - I : SOLUTION OF LOAD FLO! AND RELATED PROBLEMS USING GAUSS-SEIDEL METHOD A*+ (i) 2o understand5 the basic aspects of steady state analysis of power systems that are re4uired for effecti+e plannin$ and operation of power systems. (ii) 2o understand5 in particular5 the mathematical formulation of load flow model in comple8 form and a simple method of sol+in$ load flow problems of small si<ed system usin$ Dauss/ eidel iterati+e al$orithm E6-78*5-5 3.1 Brite a pro$ram in c lan$ua$e for iterati+ely sol+in$ load flow e4uations usin$ Dauss/ eidel method with pro+ision for acceleration factor and for dealin$ with P/: buses. 9un the pro$ram for a sample ) bus system (.ase case) and compare the results with that obtained usin$ a standard software. 3.2 ol+e the G.ase caseI in 3.1 for different +alues of acceleration factor5 draw the con+er$ence characteristics G,teration ta6en for con+er$ence +ersus acceleration factorI and determine the best acceleration factor for the system under study. ol+e the G.ase "aseI in 3.1 for the followin$ chan$ed conditions and comment on the results obtained5 namely +olta$e ma$nitude of the load buses and transmission lossesH (i) (ii) (iii) 0roppin$ all shunt capacitors connected to networ6 "han$in$ the +olta$e settin$ of $enerators :$i o+er the ran$e 1.00 to 1.0* "han$in$ the tap settin$ of the transformers5 ai5 o+er the ran$e 0.(* to 1.1
3.' 9esol+e the base case in 3.1 after shiftin$ $eneration from one $enerator bus to another $enerator bus and comment on the &B loadin$ of lines and transformers. &. LOAD FLO! ANALYSIS % I: SOLUTION OF LOAD FLO! AND RELATED PROBLEMS USING NE!TON-RAPHSON AND FAST DECOUPLED METHODS A*+
2o understand the followin$ for medium and lar$e scale power systemsH (a) &athematical formulation of the load flow problem in real +ariable form (b) >ewton/9aphson method of load flow (>9-7) solution (c) 7ast 0ecoupled method of load flow (70-7) solution
2o become proficient in the usa$e of software for practical problem sol+in$ in the areas of power system plannin$ and operation. 2o become proficient in the usa$e of the software in sol+in$ problems usin$ >ewton/9aphson and 7ast 0ecoupled load flow methods.
ol+e the load flow problem (.ase case) of a sample ) bus system usin$ Dauss/ eidel5 7ast 0ecoupled and >ewton/9aphson -oad 7low pro$rams for a mismatch con+er$ence tolerance of 0.01 &B5 plot the con+er$ence characteristics and compare the con+er$ence rate of the three methods.
'.2 !btain an optimal (minimum transmission loss) load flow solution for the .ase case loadin$ of ) bus sample system by trial and error approach throu$h repeated load flow solutions usin$ 7ast 0ecoupled -oad 7low pac6a$e for different combinations of $enerator +olta$e settin$s5 transformer tap settin$s5 and reacti+e power of shunt elements. '.3 "arry out contin$ency analysis on the optimal state obtained in '.2 for outa$e of a transmission line usin$ 70-7 or >9-7 pac6a$e. '.' !btain load flow solutions usin$ 70-7 or >9-7 pac6a$e on the optimal state obtained in '.2 but with reduced power factor (increased 3 load) load and comment on the system +olta$e profile and transmission loss. '.* 0etermine the ma8imum loadability of a 2 bus system usin$ analytical solution as well as numerical solution usin$ 70-7 pac6a$e. 0raw the P/: cur+e of the system. '.) 7or the base case operatin$ state of the ) bus system in '.1 draw the P/: cur+e for the wea6est load bus. Also obtain the +olta$e tability &ar$in (&B ,nde8) at different operatin$ states of the system. '.7 7or the optimal operatin$ state of ) bus system obtained in '.2 determine the A+ailable 2ransfer "apability (A2") between a $i+en Gsource busI and a $i+en Gs 5. A*+ 2o become familiar with modellin$ and analysis of power systems under faulted condition and to compute the fault le+el5 post/fault +olta$es and currents for different types of faults5 both symmetric and unsymmetric. E6-78*5-5 *.1 "alculate the fault current5 post fault +olta$e and fault current throu$h the branches for a three phase to $round fault in a small power system and also study the effect of nei$hbourin$ system. "hec6 the results usin$ a+ailable software. FAULT ANALYSIS
*.2 !btain the fault current5 fault &:A5 Post/fault bus +olta$es and fault current distribution for sin$le line to $round fault5 line/to/line fault and double line to $round fault for a small power system5 usin$ the a+ailable software. Also chec6 the fault current and fault &:A by hand calculation. *.3 "arryout fault analysis for a sample power system for ---D5 -D5 -- and --D faults and prepare the report.
6. TRANSIENT AND SMALL-SIGNAL STABILITY ANALYSIS: SINGLE MACHINE-INFINITE BUS SYSTEM A*+ 2o become familiar with +arious aspects of the transient and small si$nal stability analysis of in$le/&achine ,nfinite .us ( &,.) system. E6-78*5-5 7or a typical power system comprisin$ a $eneratin$5 step/up transformer5 double/circuit transmission line connected to infinite busH 2ransient tability Analysis ).1 Fand calculation of the initial conditions necessary for the classical model of the synchronous machine.
).2 Fand computation of critical clearin$ an$le and time for the fault usin$ e4ual area criterion. ).3 imulation of typical disturbance se4uenceH fault application5 fault clearance by openin$ of one circuit usin$ the software a+ailable and chec6in$ stability by plottin$ the swin$ cur+e.
).' 0etermination of critical clearin$ an$le and time for the abo+e fault se4uence throu$h trial and error method usin$ the software and chec6in$ with the hand computed +alue. ).* 9epetition of the abo+e for different fault locations and assessin$ the fault se+erity with respect to the location of fault ).) 0etermination of the steady/state and transient stability mar$ins. mall/si$nal tability AnalysisH ).7 7amiliarity with linearised swin$ e4uation and characteristic e4uation and its roots5 damped fre4uency of oscillation in F<5 dampin$ ratio and undamped natural fre4uency. 7orce/free time response for an initial condition usin$ the a+ailable software. %ffect of positi+e5 ne$ati+e and <ero dampin$.
).( ).1
A*+ To become familiar with modellin$ aspects of synchronous machines and networ65 state/ of/the/art al$orithm for simplified transient stability simulation5 system beha+iour when sub;ected to lar$e disturbances in the presence of synchronous machine controllers and to become proficient in the usa$e of the software to tac6le real life problems encountered in the areas of power system plannin$ and operation. E6-78*5-5 7or typical multi/machine power systemH 7.1 imulation of typical disturbance se4uenceH fault application5 fault clearance by openin$ of a line usin$ the software a+ailable and assessin$ stability with and without controllers. 0etermination of critical clearin$ an$le and time for the abo+e fault se4uence throu$h trial and error method usin$ the software. 0etermination of transient stability mar$ins. imulation of full load re;ection with and without $o+ernor. imulation of loss of $eneration with and without $o+ernor. imulation of loss of e8citation (optional). imulation of under fre4uency load sheddin$ scheme (optional).
8. ELECTROMAGNETIC TRANSIENTS IN PO!ER SYSTEMS A*+ 2o study and understand the electroma$netic transient phenomena in power systems caused due to switchin$ and faults by usin$ %lectroma$netic 2ransients Pro$ram (%&2P) and to become proficient in the usa$e of %&2P to address problems in the areas of o+er +olta$e protection and miti$ation and insulation coordination of %F: systems. E6-78*5-5 ?sin$ the %&2P software or e4ui+alent imulation of sin$le/phase ener$isation of the load throu$h sin$le/phase pi/model of a transmission line and understandin$ the effect of source inductance. (.1 imulation of three/phase ener$isation of the load throu$h three/phase pi/model of a transmission line and understandin$ the effect of pole discrepancy of a circuit brea6er. imulation of ener$isation of an open/ended sin$le/phase distributed parameter transmission line and understandin$ the tra+ellin$ wa+e effects.
imulation of a three/phase load ener$isation throu$h a three/phase distributed parameter line with simultaneous and asynchronous closin$ of circuit brea6er and studyin$ the effects. tudy of transients due to sin$le line/to/$round fault. "omputation of transient reco+ery +olta$e.
(.' (.*
#. LOAD-FRE$UENCY DYNAMICS OF SINGLE-AREA AND T!OAREA PO!ER SYSTEMS A*+ 2o become familiar with the modellin$ and analysis of load/fre4uency and tie/line flow dynamics of a power system with load/fre4uency controller (-7") under different control modes and to desi$n impro+ed controllers to obtain the best system response.
E6-78*5-5 1.1 Di+en the data for a in$le/Area power system5 simulate the load/fre4uency dynamics (only $o+ernor control) of this area for a step load disturbance of small ma$nitude5 plot the time response of fre4uency de+iation and the correspondin$ chan$e in turbine power. "hec6 the +alue of steady state fre4uency de+iation obtained from simulation with that obtained by hand calculation. 1.2 "arry out the simulation of load/fre4uency dynamics of the in$le/Area power system in 1.1 with -oad/fre4uency controller (,nte$ral controller) for different +alues of J, ($ain of the controller) and choose the best +alue of J, to $i+e an GoptimalI response with re$ard to pea6 o+er shoot5 settlin$ time5 steady/state error and &ean/ um/ 4uared/%rror. 1.3 Di+en the data for a two/area (identical areas) power system5 simulate the load/ fre4uency dynamics (only $o+ernor control) of this system for a step load disturbance in one area and plot time response of fre4uency de+iation5 turbine power de+iation and tie/line power de+iation. "ompare the steady/state fre4uency de+iation obtained with that obtained in the case of sin$le/area system. 1.' "arry out the simulation of load/fre4uency dynamics of two/area system in 1.3 for the followin$ control modesH (i) (ii) (iii) 7lat tie/line control 7lat fre4uency control 7re4uency bias tie/line control
and for the fre4uency bias 2ie/line control mode5 determine the optimal +alues of $ain and fre4uency bias factor re4uired to $et the GbestI time response. 1.* Di+en the data for a two/area (une4ual areas) power system5 determine the best controller parameters@ $ains and bias factors to $i+e an optimal response for fre4uency de+iation and tie/line de+iations with re$ard to pea6 o+ershoot5 settlin$ time5 steady/state error and &ean/ um/ 4uared/%rror. 10. ECONOMIC DISPATCH IN PO!ER SYSTEMS
A*+ (i) 2o understand the basics of the problem of %conomic 0ispatch (%0) of optimally ad;ustin$ the $eneration schedules of thermal $eneratin$ units to meet the system load which are re4uired for unit commitment and economic operation of power systems. (ii) 2o understand the de+elopment of coordination e4uations (the mathematical model for %0) without and with losses and operatin$ constraints and solution of these e4uations usin$ direct and iterati+e methods E6-78*5-5 10.1. Brite a pro$ram in C"E lan$ua$e to sol+e economic dispatch problem of a power system with only thermal units. 2a6e production cost function as 4uadratic and ne$lect transmission loss. Brite a pro$ram in C"E lan$ua$e to sol+e economic dispatch problem of a power system. 2a6e production cost as 4uadratic and include transmission loss usin$ loss co/efficient. ?se =/iteration al$orithm for sol+in$ the co/ ordination e4uations. 0etermine usin$ the pro$ram de+eloped in e8ercise 10.1 the economic $eneration schedule of each unit and incremental cost of recei+ed power for a sample power system5 for a $i+en load cycle. 0etermine usin$ the pro$ram de+eloped in e8ercise 10.2 the economic $eneration schedule of each unit5 incremental cost of recei+ed power and transmission loss for a sample system5 for the $i+en load le+els. Apply the software module de+eloped in 10.1 to obtain an optimum unit commitment schedule for a few load le+els.
REQUIREMENT FOR A BATCH OF 30 STUDENTS S.No. 1. 2. !. $. 5. 6. Description of Eq ip!ent Personal computers (Pentium-IV, 80GB, 512 MBRAM Printer laser "otmatri# %er&er (Pentium IV, 80GB, 1GBRAM ('i() %pee* Processor %o+t,are..M./.P0./AP012M.0MIP34.R 0an5 po,er s5stem simulation so+t,are 1ompliers- 1, 177, VB, V177 Q "ntit# req ire$ 25 1 1 1 5 licenses 25 users
131 52 AIM:
LTPC 0021
2o encoura$e the students to comprehend the 6nowled$e ac4uired from the first emester to i8th emester of ..% 0e$ree "ourse throu$h periodic e8ercise.
13260& AIM
LTPC 300 3
2he course is desi$ned to ma6e the student ac4uire an ade4uate 6nowled$e of the physiolo$ical systems of the human body and relate them to the parameters that ha+e clinical importance. 2he fundamental principles of e4uipment that are actually in use at the present day are introduced. OB"ECTIVES i. 2o pro+ide an ac4uaintance of the physiolo$y of the heart5 lun$5 blood circulation and circulation respiration. .iomedical applications of different transducers used. ii. 2o introduce the student to the +arious sensin$ and measurement de+ices of electrical ori$in. 2o pro+ide awareness of electrical safety of medical e4uipments iii. 2o pro+ide the latest ideas on de+ices of non/electrical de+ices. i+. 2o brin$ out the important and modern methods of ima$in$ techni4ues. +. 2o pro+ide latest 6nowled$e of medical assistance L techni4ues and therapeutic e4uipments. 1. PHYSIOLOGY AND TRANSDUCERS # "ell and its structure 9estin$ and Action Potential >er+ous systemH 7unctional or$anisation of the ner+ous system tructure of ner+ous system5 neurons / synapse transmitters and neural communication "ardio+ascular system respiratory system .asic components of a biomedical system / 2ransducers selection criteria Pie<o electric5 ultrasonic transducers / 2emperature measurements / 7ibre optic temperature sensors. ELECTRO % PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS # %lectrodes -imb electrodes floatin$ electrodes pre$elled disposable electrodes / &icro5 needle and surface electrodes AmplifiersH Preamplifiers5 differential amplifiers5 chopper amplifiers ,solation amplifier. %"D %%D %&D %9D -ead systems and recordin$ methods 2ypical wa+eforms. %lectrical safety in medical en+ironmentH shoc6 ha<ards lea6a$e current/ ,nstruments for chec6in$ safety parameters of biomedical e4uipments NON-ELECTRICAL PARAMETER MEASUREMENTS # &easurement of blood pressure "ardiac output Feart rate Feart sound Pulmonary function measurements spirometer Photo Plethysmo$raphy5 .ody Plethysmo$raphy .lood Das analysers H pF of blood measurement of blood p"!25 p!25 fin$er/tip o8ymeter / % 95 D 9 measurements . MEDICAL IMAGING # 9adio $raphic and fluoroscopic techni4ues "omputer tomo$raphy &9, ?ltrasono$raphy %ndoscopy 2hermo$raphy 0ifferent types of biotelemetry systems and patient monitorin$ ,ntroduction to .iometric systems ASSISTING AND THERAPEUTIC E$UIPMENTS # Pacema6ers 0efibrillators :entilators >er+e and muscle stimulators 0iathermy Feart -un$ machine Audio meters 0ialysers -ithotripsy TOTAL : &5 PERIODS
TE'T BOO(S 1. 9. .Jhandpur5 CFand .oo6 of .io/&edical instrumentationE5 2ata &cDraw Fill Publishin$ "o -td.5 2003. 2. -eslie "romwell5 7red A.Beibell5 %rich A.Pfeiffer5 C.io/&edical ,nstrumentation and &easurementsE5 ,, edition5 Pearson %ducation5 2002 L PF,. REFERENCES 1. &.Arumu$am5 C.io/&edical ,nstrumentationE5 Anuradha A$encies5 2003. 2. -.A. Deddes and -.%..a6er5 CPrinciples of Applied .io/&edical ,nstrumentationE5 Aohn Biley # ons5 117*. 3. A.Bebster5 C&edical ,nstrumentationE5 Aohn Biley # ons5 111*. '. ".9a;arao and .J. Duha5 CPrinciples of &edical %lectronics and .io/medical ,nstrumentationE5 ?ni+ersities press (,ndia) -td5 !rient -on$man ltd5 2000. LTPC 131 66
300 3
1. INTRODUCTION # Approaches to intelli$ent control. Architecture for intelli$ent control. ymbolic reasonin$ system5 rule/based systems5 the A, approach. Jnowled$e representation. %8pert systems. 2.ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NET!OR(S # "oncept of Artificial >eural >etwor6s and its basic mathematical model5 &c"ulloch/Pitts neuron model5 simple perceptron5 Adaline and &adaline5 7eed/forward &ultilayer Perceptron. -earnin$ and 2rainin$ the neural networ6. 0ata Processin$H calin$5 7ourier transformation5 principal/component analysis and wa+elet transformations. Fopfield networ65 elf/or$ani<in$ networ6 and 9ecurrent networ6. >eural >etwor6 based controller 3. GENETIC ALGORITHM # .asic concept of Denetic al$orithm and detail al$orithmic steps5 ad;ustment of free parameters. olution of typical control problems usin$ $enetic al$orithm. "oncept on some other search techni4ues li6e tabu search and ant/colony search techni4ues for sol+in$ optimi<ation problems. &. FU))Y LOGIC SYSTEM # ,ntroduction to crisp sets and fu<<y sets5 basic fu<<y set operation and appro8imate reasonin$. ,ntroduction to fu<<y lo$ic modelin$ and control. 7u<<ification5 inferencin$ and defu<<ification. 7u<<y 6nowled$e and rule bases. 7u<<y modelin$ and control schemes for nonlinear systems. elf/or$ani<in$ fu<<y lo$ic control. 7u<<y lo$ic control for nonlinear time/delay system. 5. APPLICATIONS # DA application to power system optimisation problem5 "ase studiesH ,dentification and control of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems usin$ &atlab/>eural >etwor6 toolbo8. tability analysis of >eural/>etwor6 interconnection systems. ,mplementation of fu<<y lo$ic controller usin$ &atlab fu<<y/lo$ic toolbo8. tability analysis of fu<<y control systems. TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO(S
1. Padhy.>.P.(200*)5 Artificial ,ntelli$ence and ,ntelli$ent Press. 2. J! J!5.. Q>eural >etwor6s And 7u<<y 111'.
REFERENCES 1. Aace6.&.Rurada5 Q,ntroduction to Artificial >eural ystemsQ5 Aaico Publishin$ Fouse5 1111. 2. J-,9 D.A. # 7!-D%9 2.A. Q7u<<y sets5 uncertainty and ,nformationQ5 Prentice/ Fall of ,ndia P+t. -td.5 1113. 3. Rimmerman F.A. Q7u<<y set theory/and its ApplicationsQ/Jluwer Academic Publishers5 111'. '. 0rian6o+5 Fellendroon5 Q,ntroduction to 7u<<y "ontrolQ5 >arosa Publishers. *. Doldber$ 0.%. (11(1) Denetic al$orithms in earch5 !ptimi<ation and &achine learnin$5 Addison Besley.
131 6 AIM
LTPC 300 3
2o understand the concept of modellin$ the power system and the components for simulatin$ the transient and dynamic beha+iour of power system meant for the stability studies. OB"ECTIVES i. 2o re+iew the modelin$ of synchronous machine5 the e8citation system and speed/ $o+ernin$ controllers. ii. 2o study small si$nal stability analysis of a sin$le/machine infinite bus system with e8citation system and power system stabili<er. iii. 2o study transient stability simulation of multimachine power system. 1. INTRODUCTION # .asics of system dynamics numerical techni4ues introduction to software pac6a$es to study the responses. "oncept and importance of power system stability in the operation and desi$n / distinction between transient and dynamic stability / comple8ity of stability problem in lar$e system necessity for reduced models / stability of interconnected systems. SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE MODELLING # ynchronous machine / flu8 lin6a$e e4uations / Par6Es transformation / per unit con+ersion / normali<in$ the e4uations / e4ui+alent circuit / current space model / flu8 lin6a$e state space model. ub/transient and transient inductances / time constants. implified models (one a8is and constant flu8 lin6a$e) / steady state e4uations and phasor dia$rams. MACHINE CONTROLLERS #
%8citer and +olta$e re$ulators / function and types of e8citation systems / typical e8citation system confi$uration / bloc6 dia$ram and state space representation of ,%%% type 1 e8citation system / saturation function / stabili<in$ circuit. 7unction of speed $o+ernin$ systems / bloc6 dia$ram and state space representation of ,%%% mechanical hydraulic $o+ernor and electrical hydraulic $o+ernors for hydro turbines and steam turbines. &. TRANSIENT STABILITY # tate e4uation for multimachine system with one a8is model and simulation modellin$ of multimachine power system with one a8is machine model includin$ e8citation system and speed $o+ernin$ system and simulation usin$ 9/J method of fourth order (DillEs techni4ue) for transient stability analysis / power system stabili<er. 7or all simulations5 the al$orithm and flow chart ha+e to be discussed. DYNAMIC STABILITY # ystem response to small disturbances / linear model of the unre$ulated synchronous machine and its modes of oscillation / re$ulated synchronous machine / distribution of power impact / lineari<ation of the load e4uation for the one machine problem simplified linear model / effect of e8citation on dynamic stability / appro8imate system representation / supplementary stabili<in$ si$nals / dynamic performance measure / small si$nal performance measures. TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO(S 1. P.&. Anderson and A.A.7ouad5 CPower ystem "ontrol and tabilityE5 Dal$otia Publications5 >ew 0elhi5 2003. 2. P. Jundur5 CPower ystem tability and "ontrolE5 &cDraw Fill ,nc.5 ? A5 111'. REFERENCES 1. &.A.Pai and B. auer5 CPower ystem 0ynamics and tabilityE5 Pearson %ducation Asia5 ,ndia5 2002. 2. Aames A.&omoh5 &ohamed.%. %,/Fawary. G %lectric ystems5 0ynamics and stability with Artificial ,ntelli$ence applicationsI5 &arcel 0e66er5 ? A 7irst %dition 2000.
1&1 6#
3 10&
U9*. I I95.748.*:9 S-. A78;*.-8.47# ,ntroduction to computer architecture / 9e+iew of di$ital desi$n ,nstructions and addressin$ procedures and data assembly lan$ua$e pro$rams instruction set +ariations U9*. II. A7*.;+-.*8,L:<*8 U9*. # >umber representation desi$n of adders desi$n of simple A-?s desi$n of &ultipliers and di+iders desi$n of floatin$ point arithmetic unit U9*. III. D/./ P/.; /91 C:9.7:0 # ,nstruction e8ecution steps control unit synthesis micropro$rammin$ pipelinin$ pipeline performance U9*. IV. M-+:72 S25.-+ # &ain &emory concepts types of memory cache memory or$ani<ation secondary stora$e +irtual memory pa$in$ U9*. V. I,O /91 I9.-7=/8-5 # ,L! de+ices ,L! pro$rammin$ pollin$ interrupts 0&A buses lin6s interfacin$ conte8t switchin$ threads and multithreadin$ L > &5 TE'T BOO(S: 1. .. Parhami5 G"omputer ArchitectureI5 !8ford ?ni+ersity Press5 200*. 2. "arl Famacher5 R+on6o :ranesic and afwat Ra6y5 G"omputer !r$ani<ationI5 7ifth %dition5 2ata &cDraw Fill5 2002. REFERENCES: 1. 0a+id A. Patterson and Aohn -. Fennessy5 G"omputer !r$ani<ation and 0esi$nH 2he FardwareL oftware interfaceI5 2hird %dition5 %lse+ier5 200'. 2. Billiam tallin$s5 G"omputer !r$ani<ation and Architecture 0esi$nin$ for PerformanceI5 e+enth %dition5 Pearson %ducation5 200). 3. &iles &urdocca G"omputers Architecture and !r$ani<ation An ,nte$rated approachI5 Biley ,ndia p+t -td5 2007 '. Aohn 0. "arpinelli5 G"omputer systems or$ani<ation and ArchitectureI5 Pearson %ducation5 2001. T > 15 TOTAL > 60
LTPC 3 003 #
,ntroduction / >eed for 4uality / %+olution of 4uality / 0efinition of 4uality / 0imensions of manufacturin$ and ser+ice 4uality / .asic concepts of 23& / 0efinition of 23& 23& 7ramewor6 / "ontributions of 0emin$5 Auran and "rosby .arriers to 23&. 2. T$M PRINCIPLES #
-eadership trate$ic 4uality plannin$5 3uality statements / "ustomer focus "ustomer orientation5 "ustomer satisfaction5 "ustomer complaints5 "ustomer retention / %mployee in+ol+ement &oti+ation5 %mpowerment5 2eam and 2eamwor65 9eco$nition and 9eward5 Performance appraisal / "ontinuous process impro+ement P0 A cycle5 *s5 Jai<en / upplier partnership Partnerin$5 upplier selection5 upplier 9atin$. 3. T$M TOOLS ? TECHNI$UES I #
2he se+en traditional tools of 4uality >ew mana$ement tools i8/si$maH "oncepts5 methodolo$y5 applications to manufacturin$5 ser+ice sector includin$ ,2 .ench mar6in$ 9eason to bench mar65 .ench mar6in$ process 7&%A ta$es5 2ypes. &. T$M TOOLS ? TECHNI$UES II #
3uality circles 3uality 7unction 0eployment (370) 2a$uchi 4uality loss function 2P& "oncepts5 impro+ement needs "ost of 3uality Performance measures. 5. $UALITY SYSTEMS #
>eed for , ! 1000/ , ! 1000/2000 3uality ystem %lements5 0ocumentation5 3uality auditin$/ 3 1000 , ! 1'000 "oncepts5 9e4uirements and .enefits "ase studies of 23& implementation in manufacturin$ and ser+ice sectors includin$ ,2. TOTAL : &5 PERIODS TE'T BOO( 1. 0ale F..esterfiled5 et at.5 G2otal 3uality &ana$ementI5 Pearson %ducation Asia5 2hird %dition5 ,ndian 9eprint (200)). REFERENCES 1. Aames 9. %+ans and Billiam &. -indsay5 G2he &ana$ement and "ontrol of 3ualityI5 ()th %dition)5 outh/Bestern (2homson -earnin$)5 200*. 2. !a6land5 A. . G23& 2e8t with "asesI5 .utterworth Feinemann -td.5 !8ford5 2hird %dition (2003). 3. u$anthi5- and Anand amuel5 G2otal 3uality &ana$ementI5 Prentice Fall (,ndia) P+t. -td. (200)) '. Aana6iraman5. and Dopal5 9.J5 G2otal 3uality &ana$ement 2e8t and "asesI5 Prentice Fall (,ndia) P+t. -td. (200))