The document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Control (PSOC) covering topics such as power system operations, economic dispatch, load frequency control of single and multiple area systems, automatic voltage control, flexible AC transmission systems controllers, and recommended textbooks. The plan lists 9 units to be taught over 14 lectures, detailing the topics to be covered in each unit along with the number of lectures delivered and notes on attendance.
The document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Control (PSOC) covering topics such as power system operations, economic dispatch, load frequency control of single and multiple area systems, automatic voltage control, flexible AC transmission systems controllers, and recommended textbooks. The plan lists 9 units to be taught over 14 lectures, detailing the topics to be covered in each unit along with the number of lectures delivered and notes on attendance.
The document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Control (PSOC) covering topics such as power system operations, economic dispatch, load frequency control of single and multiple area systems, automatic voltage control, flexible AC transmission systems controllers, and recommended textbooks. The plan lists 9 units to be taught over 14 lectures, detailing the topics to be covered in each unit along with the number of lectures delivered and notes on attendance.
The document outlines a lecture plan for a course on Power System Control (PSOC) covering topics such as power system operations, economic dispatch, load frequency control of single and multiple area systems, automatic voltage control, flexible AC transmission systems controllers, and recommended textbooks. The plan lists 9 units to be taught over 14 lectures, detailing the topics to be covered in each unit along with the number of lectures delivered and notes on attendance.
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FACULTY HOD 1 I,-$.#"/-(., : Structure of power systems, Power system control center and real time computer control, SCADA system Level decomposition in power system Power system security Various operational stages of power system Power system voltage stability 06 2 E/.,.'(/ O01$%-(., : Concept and problems of unit commitment nput!output c"aracteristics of t"ermal and "ydro!plants System constraints #ptimal operation of t"ermal units wit"out and wit" transmission losses, Penalty factor, ncremental transmission loss, $ransmission loss formula %wit"out derivation& 'ydrot"ermal sc"eduling long and s"ort terms Concept of optimal power flow 0( 3 L.%# F$12"1,/3 C.,-$.4 : Concept of load fre)uency control 0* L.%# 5$12"1,/3 /.,-$.4 .5 )(,641 %$1% )3)-1': $urbine speed governing system and modeling, +loc, diagram representation of single area system, Steady state analysis, Dynamic response, control area concept! control, load -re)uency control and economic dispatc" control. 0* L.%# 5$12"1,/3 /.,-$.4 .5 -7. %$1% )3)-1'/ $ie line power modeling, +loc, diagram representation of two area system, Static and dynamic response 4 5 A"-.'%-(/ V.4-%61 C.,-$.4 : Sc"ematic diagram and bloc, diagram representation, Different types of 01citation systems 2 t"eir controllers. 03 V.4-%61 %,# R1%/-(81 P.71$ /.,-$.4 : Concept of voltage control, 4et"ods of voltage control! Control by tap c"anging transformer. S"unt Compensation, Series compensation, P"ase angle compensation 0* S-%-1 E)-('%-(.,: Detection and identification, Linear and non!linear models 05 F419(:41 AC T$%,)'())(., S3)-1'): Concept and ob6ectives 03 FACT) /.,-$.441$): Structures 2 C"aracteristics of following -AC$s Controllers. $C7,-C!$C7, $SC, SVC, S$A$C#4, $SSC, $CSC, SSSC, $C!PA7, 8P-C 09 $e1t +oo,s/ :. D.P. ;ot"ari 2 .<. =agrat", >4odern Power System Analysis? $ata 4c @raw 'ill, 3 rd 0dition. 5. P.S.7. 4urty, >#peration and control in Power Systems? +.S. Publications. 3. =. @. 'ingorani 2 L. @yugyi, > 8nderstanding -AC$s? Conceptsand $ec"nology of -le1ible AC $ransmission Systems? 9. A. <. Aood 2 +.-. Aollenburg, > Power @eneration, #peration and Control > <o"n Ailey 2 Sons.
Determination of Suitable Locations For Power System Stabilizers and Static Var Compensators For Damping of Electromechanical Oscillations in Large Scale Power Systems