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The Last Spin Story Analysis

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The Last Spin Short Story Analysis Section A - Pre-reading strategies Before you start reading the story,

look at the following aspects of the story to try and understand its context: 1. The Title What does the title tell you about the story? What predictions can you make based on the title? . Biographical information: follow the link to the author!s wikipedia page "ow does information about the author!s life pro#ide clues to what the story is about? Section B Reading Strategies 1. $ead the first part of the story carefully. %ote the details establishing the setting and mood of the story and introducing the characters. a. Where does the story take place? b. What is the general tone or mood of the story? c. Who are the characters in this story? What do you find out about them in the first part of the story? d. What &uestions do you ha#e that you hope will be answered later in the story? . 's you read, create an outline of the story using the chunking strategy. (. )inish reading the story and make notes on the following: a. *hoose one of the characters from the story and identify ( character traits. +se e#idence from the story to support your choices. b. ,ndicate where the climax comes in the plot and why you think it is the climax. c. ,dentify the type of conflict in the story. -. .ooking more closely. a. .ist details of sight, sound and smell in the story. 're they effecti#e in establishing the setting and mood? /. 0ost1reading acti#ity a. ,dentify the purpose of this story. ,s it to entertain, present an insight about life, or something else? +se examples from the story to support your #iew. b. What do you think is the o#erall theme of the story? Why do you think so? c. $ate the story on a scale or 2ero to 13 and explain why you ga#e it that rating

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