Tupac Reading List
Tupac Reading List
Tupac Reading List
This is a partial list of books read and analyzed by Tupac Shukar: The Autobiography of Malcolm X with the Assistance of: Alex Haley, Alex Haley Roots, Alex Haley Black ike Me, John Howard Griffin !ames Bal"win: The egacy, edited by Quincy Troupe #ocial $ssays, Le oi Jones The %rapes of &rath, John Steinbeck ' (now &hy the )age" Bir" #ings, !aya An"elou *en an" the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, obert #irsi" A Raisin in the #un, Lorraine Hansberry +ati,e #on, ichard $ri"ht The -ractical $ncyclope"ia of +atural Healing, !ark %ricklin ./01, Geor"e &rwell 2ne Hun"re" 3ears of #olitu"e, Gabriel Garcia !ar'uez The 4ictionary of )ultural iteracy, ()() Hirsch* Jr)* Joseph +) ,ett* Ja-es Trefil The 4iary of Anais +in, Gunther Stuhl-ann Tropic of )ancer, Henry !iller +ostra"amus: The Millenium an" Beyon", #eter Lorie )atcher in the Rye, J).) Salin"er #a,age 'ne5ualities: )hil"ren in America6s #chools, Jonathan ,ozol Moby 4ick, Her-an !el/ille Art of &ar, Sun Tzu All 3ou +ee" to (now About the Music Business, .onald #ass-an Monster, Sanyika Shakur 'mitation of )hrist, Tho-as ,e-pis Teachings of the Bu""ha, Jack ,ornfield +o Man is an 'slan", Tho-as !erto 00+or further readin"s* "o to: www)thu"lifear-y)co-1news12id34