JNTU ANATHAPUR B.TECH Mechanical Engineering R09 Syllabus
JNTU ANATHAPUR B.TECH Mechanical Engineering R09 Syllabus
JNTU ANATHAPUR B.TECH Mechanical Engineering R09 Syllabus
Academic Regulations 2009 for B. Tech (Regular) (Effective for the students admitted into I year from the Academic Year 2009-2010 onwards) 1. Award of B.Tech. Degree A student will be declared eligible for the award of the B.Tech. Degree if he fulfils the following academic regulations: i. Pursue a course of study for not less than four academic years and in not more than eight academic years. ii. Register for 220 credits and secure all 220 credits 2. Students, who fail to fulfil all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within eight academic years from the year of their admission, shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech course and their admission is cancelled. 3. Courses of study The courses of study are offered at present for specialization for the B. Tech. Course: S.No. Branch 1. Aeronautical Engineering. 2. Biotechnology. 3. Civil Engineering. 4. Computer Science and Engineering. 5. Computer Science and System Engineering. 6. Electrical and Electronics Engineering. 7. Electronics and Communication Engineering. 8. Electronics and Computer Engineering. 9. Electronics and Control Engineering. 10. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. 11. Information Technology. 12. Mechanical Engineering. 13. Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics) and any other course as approved by the authorities of the University from time to time.
4. Credits I Year Periods / Week 03 02 03 06 --Credits 06 04 04 06 --Semester Periods / Week Credits 03 04 --03 02 03 02 06 04 6 02 15 10
5. Distribution and Weightage of Marks i. The performance of a student in each semester / I year shall be evaluated subject wise with a maximum of 100 marks for theory and 75 marks for practical subject. In addition seminar and project work shall be evaluated for 50 and 200 marks respectively. ii. For theory subjects the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation and 70 marks for the End-Examination. iii. For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be Two midterm examinations. Each mid term examination consists of objective paper for 10 marks and subjective paper for 20 marks with duration of 1hour 50 minutes (20 minutes for objective and 90 minutes for subjective paper). Objective paper is set for 20 bits for 10 marks. Subjective paper shall contain 5 questions of which student has to answer 3 questions evaluated* for 20 marks. First mid term examination shall be conducted for I-IV units of syllabus and second mid term examination shall be conducted for V -VIII units. The total marks secured by the student in each mid term examination for 30 marks is considered and the better of the two mid term examinations shall be taken as the final sessional marks secured by each candidate in the subject. However for first year, there shall be Three midterm examinations as in the above pattern and the average marks of the best two midterm examinations secured in each subject shall be considered as final marks for sessionals. *Note 1: The subjective paper shall contain 5 questions of equal weightage of 10 marks and the marks obtained for 3questions shall be condensed to 20 marks, any fraction rounded off to the next higher mark. *Note 2: The mid term examination shall be conducted first by distribution of the Objective paper simultaneously marking the attendance, after 20minutes the answered objective paper is collected back. The student is not allowed to leave the examination hall. Then the descriptive question paper and the answer booklet are distributed. After 90minutes the answered booklets are collected back.
iv. For practical subjects there shall be a continuous evaluation during the semester for 25 sessional marks and 50 end examination marks. Day-to-day work in the laboratory shall be evaluated for 25 marks by the concerned laboratory teacher based on the report of experiments/jobs. The end examination shall be conducted by the laboratory teacher and another examiner. v. For the subject having design and / or drawing, such as Engineering Drawing, Machine Drawing and estimation, the distribution shall be 30 marks for internal evaluation and 70 marks for end examination. The Internal evaluation for sessionals will be 15 marks for day-to-day work in the class that shall be evaluated by the concerned subject teacher based on the reports/submissions prepared in the class. And there shall be two midterm exams in a Semester for a duration of 2hrs each, evenly distributed over the syllabi for 15 marks and the better of the two shall be considered as internal test marks. The sum of day to day evaluation and the internal test marks will be the final sessionals for the subject. However in the I year class, there shall be three midterm exams and the average of best two will be taken into consideration. vi. There shall be a seminar presentation in IV year II Semester. For the seminar, the student shall collect the information on a specialized topic and prepare a technical report, showing his understanding over the topic, and submit to the department before presentation. The report and the presentation shall be evaluated by the Departmental committee consisting of Head of the department, seminar supervisor and a senior faculty member. The seminar shall be evaluated for 50 marks and marks shall be submitted to the University along with internal marks. There shall be no external examination for seminar. vii. Out of a total of 200 marks for the project work, 60 marks shall be for Internal Evaluation and 140 marks for the End Semester Examination (Viva-voce). The viva-voce shall be conducted by a committee consisting of HOD, Project Supervisor and an External Examiner nominated by the University. The evaluation of project work shall be conducted at the end of the IV year. The Internal Evaluation shall be made by the departmental committee, on the basis of two seminars given by each student on the topic of his project. viii. Laboratory marks and the sessional marks awarded by the College are not final. They are subject to scrutiny and scaling by the University wherever necessary. In such cases, the sessional and laboratory marks awarded by the College will be referred to a Committee. The Committee will arrive at a scaling factor and the marks will be scaled as per the scaling factor. The recommendations of the Committee are final and binding. ix. The laboratory records and internal test papers shall be preserved in the respective institutions as per the University norms and shall be produced to the Committees of the University as and when the same are asked for.
6. Attendance Requirements: i. A student shall be eligible to appear for University examinations if he acquires a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the subjects in a semester/ I year. ii. Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall in NO case be condoned. iii. Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above and below 75%) in each semester or I year may be granted by the College Academic Committee. iv. Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester / I year are not eligible to take their end examination of that class and their registration shall stand cancelled. v. A student will not be promoted to the next semester unless he satisfies the attendance requirements of the present semester / I year, as applicable. They may seek readmission for that semester / I year when offered next. vi. A stipulated fee shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance to the University. 7. Minimum Academic Requirements: The following academic requirements have to be satisfied in addition to the attendance requirements mentioned in item no.6 i. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each theory, practical, design, drawing subject or project if he secures not less than 35% of marks in the end examination and a minimum of 40% of marks in the sum total of the internal evaluation and end examination taken together. In the Seminar he should secure 40%. ii. A student shall be promoted from II to III year only if he fulfils the academic requirement of securing 40 credits from One regular and one supplementary examinations of I year. One regular examination of II year I semester. irrespective of whether the candidate takes the end examination or not as per the normal course of study. iii. A student shall be promoted from third year to fourth year only if he fulfils the academic requirements of securing 68 credits from the following examinations, a. Two regular and two supplementary examinations of I year. b. Two regular and one supplementary examinations of II year I semester. c. One regular and one supplementary examinations of II year II semester. d. One regular examination of III year I semester. irrespective of whether the candidate takes the end examination or not as per the normal course of study.
a. b.
And in case of getting detained for want of credits by sections ii and iii above, the student may make up the credits through supplementary exams of the above exams before the date of class work commencement of Third or Fourth year I semester respectively. iv. A student shall register and put up minimum attendance in all 220 credits and earn all the 220 credits. Marks obtained in all 220 credits shall be considered for the calculation of percentage of marks obtained. v. Students who fail to earn 220 credits as indicated in the course structure within eight academic years from the year of their admission shall forfeit their seat in B.Tech course and their admission shall stand cancelled. 8. Course pattern: The entire course of study is of four academic years. The first year shall be on yearly pattern and the second, third and fourth years on semester pattern. ii. A student eligible to appear for the end examination in a subject, but absent at it or has failed in the end examination may appear for that subject at the next supplementary examination offered. iii. When a student is detained due to lack of credits / shortage of attendance he may be re-admitted when the semester is offered after fulfilment of academic regulations, whereas he continues to be in the academic regulations he was first admitted. i. Transitory Regulations: Candidates who have been detained for want of attendance or not fulfilled academic requirements or who have failed after having undergone the course in earlier regulations or have discontinued and wish to continue the course are eligible for admission into the unfinished semester from the date of commencement of class work with the same or equivalent subjects as and when subjects are offered, subject to Section 2. and they continues to be in the academic regulations they were first admitted. Withholding of results: If the candidate has any dues not paid to the university or if any case of indiscipline or malpractice is pending against him, the result of the candidate shall be withheld and he will not be allowed / promoted into the next higher semester. The issue of degree is liable to be withheld in such cases. Award of Class: After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the completion of the program and is eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree he shall be placed in one of the following four classes:
% of marks to be secured First Class with Distinction 70% and above From the First Class Below 70% but not less aggregate than 60% marks secured Second Class Below 60% but not less for the best 220 than 50% Credits. Pass Class Below 50% but not less than 40% (The marks in internal evaluation and end examination shall be shown separately in the marks memorandum) 12. Minimum Instruction Days: The minimum instruction days including exams for each semester / I year shall be 90/180 days respectively. 13. There shall be no branch transfers after the completion of admission process. 14. There shall be no place transfer within the Constituent Colleges. 15. General: The academic regulations should be read as a whole for purpose of any interpretation. ii. Malpractices rules- nature and punishments is appended. iii. Where the words he, him, his, occur in the regulations, they include she, her, hers. iv. In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final. v. The University may change or amend the academic regulations or syllabi at any time and the changes or amendments shall be made applicable to all the students on roles with effect from the dates notified by the University. *-*-*
Class Awarded
ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR B. TECH. (LATERAL ENTRY SCHEME) (Effective for the students getting admitted into II year through Lateral Entry Scheme from the Academic Year 2010-2011 and onwards) 1. Award of B.Tech. Degree A student admitted in LES will be declared eligible for the award of the B. Tech Degree if he fulfils the following academic regulations: i. Pursue a course of study for not less than three academic years and in not more than six academic years. ii. Register for 168 credits and secure all 168 credits from II to IV year of Regular B.Tech. program 2. Students, who fail to fulfil the requirement for the award of the degree in six consecutive academic years from the year of admission, shall forfeit their seat. 3. The regulations 3 to 6 are to be adopted as that of B. Tech. (Regular). 7. Minimum Academic Requirements : The following academic requirements have to be satisfied in addition to the attendance requirements mentioned in item no.6 i. A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each theory, practical, design, drawing subject or project if he secures not less than 35% of marks in the end examination and a minimum of 40% of marks in the sum total of the internal evaluation and end examination taken together. For the Seminar he should secure 40% in the internal evaluation. ii. A student shall be promoted from third year to fourth year only if he fulfils the academic requirements of 42 credits from the following examinations. a. Two regular and one supplementary examinations of II year I semester. b. One regular and one supplementary examinations of II year II semester. c. One regular examination of III year I semester. irrespective of whether the candidate takes the end examination or not as per the normal course of study. and in case of getting detained for want of credits the student may make up the credits through supplementary exams of the above exams before the date of class work commencement of Fourth year I semester. 8. Course Pattern i. The entire course of study is three academic years on semester pattern. ii. A student eligible to appear for the end examination in a subject, but absent at it or has failed in the end examination may appear for that subject at the next supplementary examination offered. iii. When a student is detained due to lack of credits / shortage of attendance he may be re-admitted when the semester is offered after fulfilment of academic regulations, whereas he continues to be in the academic regulations he was first admitted.
9. The regulations 9 to 10 are to be adopted as that of B. Tech. (Regular). 11. Award of Class: After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the completion of the program and is eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree he shall be placed in one of the following four classes: First Class with Distinction 70% and above From the First Class Below 70% but not less aggregate marks than 60% secured for 168 Second Class Below 60% but not less Credits. than 50% (i.e. II year to IV Pass Class Below 50% but not less year) than 40% (The marks in internal evaluation and end examination shall be shown separately in the marks memorandum) 12. The regulations 12 to 15 are to be adopted as that of B. Tech. (Regular). All other regulations as applicable for B. Tech. Four-year degree course (Regular) will hold good for B. Tech. (Lateral Entry Scheme)
RULES FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR MALPRACTICES / IMPROPER CONDUCT IN EXAMINATIONS Nature of Malpractices/Improper conduct If the candidate: 1. (a) Possesses or keeps accessible in examination hall, any paper, note book, programmable calculators, Cell phones, pager, palm computers or any other form of material concerned with or related to the subject of the examination (theory or practical) in which he is appearing but has not made use of (material shall include any marks on the body of the candidate which can be used as an aid in the subject of the examination). Gives assistance or guidance or receives it from any other candidate orally or by any other body language methods or communicates through cell phones with any candidate or persons in or outside the exam hall in respect of any matter. Has copied in the examination hall from any paper, book, programmable calculators, palm computers or any other form of material relevant to the subject of the examination (theory or practical) in which the candidate is appearing. Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the performance in that subject only. Punishment
Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the performance in that subject only of all the candidates involved. In case of an outsider, he will be handed over to the police and a case is registered against him. Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate has already appeared including practical examinations and project work and shall not be permitted to appear for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that Semester/year. The Hall Ticket of the candidate is to be cancelled and sent to the University.
Smuggles in the Answer book or additional sheet or takes out or arranges to send out the question paper during the examination or answer book or additional sheet, during or after the examination.
Uses objectionable, abusive or offensive language in the answer paper or in letters to the examiners or
The candidate who has impersonated shall be expelled from examination hall. The candidate is also debarred and forfeits the seat. The performance of the original candidate who has been impersonated, shall be cancelled in all the subjects of the examination (including practicals and project work) already appeared and shall not be allowed to appear for examinations of the remaining subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for two consecutive semesters from class work and all University examinations. The continuation of the course by the candidate is subject to the academic regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat. If the imposter is an outsider, he will be handed over to the police and a case is registered against him. Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of performance in that subject and all the other subjects the candidate has already appeared including practical examinations and project work and shall not be permitted for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for two consecutive semesters from class work and all University examinations. The continuation of the course by the candidate is subject to the academic regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat. Cancellation of the performance in that subject.
writes to the examiner requesting him to award pass marks. Refuses to obey the orders of the Chief Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent / any officer on duty or misbehaves or creates disturbance of any kind in and around the examination hall or organizes a walk out or instigates others to walk out, or threatens the officer-in charge or any person on duty in or outside the examination hall of any injury to his person or to any of his relations whether by words, either spoken or written or by signs or by visible representation, assaults the officer-incharge, or any person on duty in or outside the examination hall or any of his relations, or indulges in any other act of misconduct or mischief which result in damage to or destruction of property in the examination hall or any part of the College campus or engages in any other act which in the opinion of the officer on duty amounts to use of unfair means or misconduct or has the tendency to disrupt the orderly conduct of the examination. Leaves the exam hall taking away answer script or intentionally tears of the script or any part thereof inside or outside the examination hall.
In case of students of the college, they shall be expelled from examination halls and cancellation of their performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate(s) has (have) already appeared and shall not be permitted to appear for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The candidates also are debarred and forfeit their seats. In case of outsiders, they will be handed over to the police and a police case is registered against them.
Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of performance in that subject and all the other subjects the candidate has already appeared including practical examinations and project work and shall not be permitted for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for two consecutive semesters from class work and all University examinations. The continuation of the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic regulations in connection with forfeiture of seat. Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate has already appeared including practical examinations and project work and shall not be permitted for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is also debarred and forfeits the seat. Student of the colleges expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate has already appeared including practical examinations and project work and shall not be permitted for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The candidate is also debarred and forfeits the seat. Person(s) who do not belong to the College will be handed over to police and, a police case will be registered against them. Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate has already appeared including practical examinations and project work and shall not be permitted for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. Cancellation of the performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate has appeared including practical examinations
If student of the college, who is not a candidate for the particular examination or any person not connected with the college indulges in any malpractice or improper conduct mentioned in clause 6 to 8.
Copying detected on the basis of internal evidence, such as, during valuation or during special scrutiny.
If any malpractice is detected which is not covered in the above clauses 1 to 11 shall be reported to the University for further action to award suitable punishment. Malpractices identified by squad or special invigilators 1. Punishments to the candidates as per the above guidelines. 2. Punishment for institutions : (if the squad reports that the college is also involved in encouraging malpractices) (i) A show cause notice shall be issued to the college. (ii) Impose a suitable fine on the college. Shifting the examination centre from the college to another college for a specific period of not less than one year. ****
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR Course structure for B.Tech. (Regular) I year (2009-10) for affiliated Engineering Colleges. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (M.E) (Common for Branches: M.E., C.E, Bio-Tech., Aero.E.) S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Course code 9ABS101 9ABS102 9ABS103 9ABS104 9A05101 Subject English Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry Mathematics I Programming in C and Data Structures Engineering Drawing * Engineering Mechanics C Programming & Data Structures Lab Engineering & I.T. Workshop # Engineering Physics and Engineering Chemistry Lab ** English Language & Communication Skills Lab contact periods/week Th 2 2 2 3 3 Tu/Drg./Lab. Credits 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 4
1 1 - 6
1 - - - 3 - - 3 3
11. 9ABS107
- 15
3 6 12 36 52
Th = Theory; Tu = Tutorial; Drg = Drawing & Lab = Laboratory: * Engineering Drawing will have University External Exam. ** The Students attend the Physics lab and Chemistry lab. in alternate week that is 3/2 per week. The end exam shall be conducted separately and average of the two exams will be recorded by the exam section # The Students attend Engineering and IT work shop as a single lab. every week and the end exam is conducted as a single lab. sharing the Maximum marks and time for one task from Engineering workshop and one from IT workshop. The sum of the marks awarded will be recorded
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (M.E.) B.Tech II - I Semester S. Course No code 1. 9ABS301 2. 9A01301 3. 9A02301 4. 9A03301 5. 9A03302 6. 9A03303 7. 9A02302 8. 9A03304 Subject Mathematics -II Mechanics of Solids Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Thermodynamics Machine Drawing Electrical Engineering Lab / Electronics Engineering Lab Material Science Lab/ Mechanics of Solids Lab contact periods/week Theory 4 4 4 4 4 6 3 3 20 Total 6 32 6 28 Lab. Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2
*NOTE: In Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering two questions from each part should be chosen to answer five questions in the End semester examination. The Students attend the Electrical Engineering lab and Electronics Engineering lab in alternate week that is 3/2 per week. The Students attend the Material Science lab and Mechanics of Solids lab in alternate week that is 3/2 per week. Machine Drawing will be 4 hrs End Exam
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (M.E.) B.Tech II - II Semester S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Course code 9ABS304 9ABS303 9A03401 9A03402 9A01404 Subject Probability and Statistics Environmental Science Kinematics of Machinery Thermal Engineering -I Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Manufacturing Technology Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Lab Manufacturing Technology Lab contact periods/week Theory 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 30 Lab. Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28
24 Total
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (ME) COURSE STRUCTURE III B. Tech. I Semester (ME) S. Course No code 1. 9AHS401 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9A03501 9A03502 9A03503 9A03504 9A03505 9A03506 9A03507 Subject Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis Thermal Engineering II Dynamics of Machinery Machine tools Design of Machine Elements-I Heat Transfer Heat Transfer Lab Thermal Engineering Lab contact periods/week Theory 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 6 30 Lab. Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 28
24 Total
III B. Tech. II Semester (ME) S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. Course code 9A03601 9A03602 9A03603 9A03604 Subject Industrial Management CAD/CAM Metrology Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Design of Machine Elements-II Automobile Engineering Metrology Lab & Machine Tools Lab Advanced English Communication Skills Lab contact periods/week Theory 4 4 4 4 4 4 3/2 (eac h) 3 24 6 Lab. Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 2
8. 9AHS601
2 28
IV B. Tech. I Semester (ME) S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9A03705 9A03706 9A03707 6. 9A03708 9A03709 9A03710 7. 9A03711 8. 9A03712 Course code 9A03701 9A03702 9A03703 9A03704 Subject Operations Research Automation & Robotics Finite Element Methods Instrumentation and Control Systems ELECTIVE I 1. Entrepreneurship 2. Computational Fluid Dynamics 3. Mechatronics ELECTIVE II 1. Modern Manufacturing Methods 2. Tool Design 3. Power Plant Engineering Instrumentation and Control Systems Lab CAD/CAM Lab TOTAL Theory 4 4 4 4 4 Lab. Credits 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 6
2 2 28
IV B. Tech. II Semester (ME) S. Course Subject No code 1. 9A03801 Production & Operations Management 2. 9A03802 Energy Systems 3. ELECTIVE III 9A03803 1. Total Quality Management 9A03804 2. Mechanical Vibrations 9A03805 3. Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion 4. ELECTIVE IV 9A03806 1. Geometric Modeling 9A03807 2. Composite Materials 9A03808 3. Professional Ethics & Intellectual Property Rights 5. 9A03809 Seminar 6. 9A03810 Project Work TOTAL
Theory 4 4 4
Lab. Credits 4 4 4
2 10 28
The sweeping changes in the world have elevated English to the status of a tool of global communication and transformed it into e-English. The syllabus has been drafted to improve the competence of students in communication in general and language skills in particular. The books prescribed serve as students handbooks. The teacher should focus on the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking while using the prescribed text and exercises. The classes should be interactive. The students should be encouraged to participate in the classroom proceedings and also to write short paragraphs and essays. The main aim is to encourage two way communications in place of the one-sided lecture. . The text for non-detailed study is meant for extensive reading by the students. They may be encouraged to read some select topics on their own, which could lead into a classroom discussion. In addition to the exercises from the texts done in the class, the teacher can bring variety by using authentic materials such as newspaper articles, advertisements etc. 2. OBJECTIVES: a. To improve the language proficiency of the students in English with an emphasis on LSRW skills. b. To equip the students to study academic subjects with greater facility through theoretical and practical components of the syllabus. c. To develop study skills as well as communication skills in formal and informal situations. 3. SYLLABUS : Listening Skills: Objectives 1. To enable students to develop their listening skills so that they may appreciate its role in the LSRW skills approach to language and improve their pronunciation 2. To equip students with necessary training in listening so that they can comprehend the speech of people of different backgrounds and dialects. Students should be given practice in listening and identifying the sounds of English language and to mark stress , right intonation in connected speech.
Listening for general content Listening to fill up information Intensive listening Listening for specific information Speaking Skills : Objectives 1. To make students aware of the role of ability to speak fluent English and its contribution totheir success. 2. To enable students to express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional contexts. Oral practice Describing objects/situations/people Role play Individual/Group activities Just A Minute (JAM) Sessions. (Using exercises from all units of the prescribed text) Reading Skills: Objectives 1. To develop an awareness in the students about the significance of silent reading and comprehension. 2. To develop the ability to guess the meanings of words from context and grasp the overall message of the text, draw inferences etc. Skimming the text Understanding the gist of an argument Identifying the topic sentence Inferring lexical and contextual meaning Understanding discourse features Recognizing coherence/sequencing of sentences The students shall be trained in reading skills using the prescribed text for detailed study. They shalll be examined in reading and answering questions using unseen passages which may be taken from the non-detailed text or other authentic texts, such as articles from magazines/newspapers Writing Skills: Objectives 1. To develop an awareness in the students the skill to write exact and formal writing 2. To equip them with the components of different forms of writing. Writing sentences Use of appropriate vocabulary Paragraph writing
Coherence and cohesiveness Narration / description Note Making Formal and informal letter writing Editing a passage 4. TEXTBOOKS PRESCRIBED: In order to improve the proficiency of the student in the acquisition of the four skills mentioned above, the following texts and course content are prescribed and divided into Eight Units: For Detailed study: ENJOYING EVERYDAY ENGLISH, Sangam Books (India) Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, 2009 For Non-detailed study: INSPIRING LIVES, Maruti Publications, Guntur, 2009 Unit -I a. Heavens Gate from ENJOYING EVERYDAY ENGLISH b. Mokshagundam Visvesaraya from INSPIRING LIVES Unit -II a. Sir C.V.Raman from ENJOYING EVERYDAY ENGLISH b. Mother Teresa from INSPIRING LIVES Unit -III a. The Connoisseur from ENJOYING EVERYDAY ENGLISH b. Dr. Amartya Kumar Sen from INSPIRING LIVES Unit -IV a. The Cuddalore Experience from ENJOYING EVERYDAY ENGLISH b. Gertrude Elion from INSPIRING LIVES Unit -V a. Bubbling Well Road from ENJOYING EVERYDAY ENGLISH b. Vishwanathan Anand from INSPIRING LIVES Unit-VI a. Odds Against Us from ENJOYING EVERYDAY ENGLISH b. Charlie Chaplin from INSPIRING LIVES Unit VII Exercises on Reading and Writing Skills Reading Comprehension Letter writing Report writing
Unit VIII Exercises on Remedial Grammar covering Common errors in English, SubjectVerb agreement, Use of Articles and Prepositions, Active/Passive Voice, Reported speech, Tenses Vocabulary development covering Synonyms & Antonyms, one-word substitutes, prefixes & suffixes, Idioms & phrases, words often confused. Evaluation: The question paper shall contain two parts, Part A containing questions from Units I- VI and Part B containing questions from units VII & VIII. The student is required to answer five full questions choosing at least one from Part B.
REFERENCES: 1. Technical Communication , Principle and Practice, Meenakshi Raman and Sangita Sharma, OUP, 2009 2. Essential Grammar in Use, (with CD) 3/e, Cambridge University Press, 2009 3. Resumes and Interviews, M.Ashraf Rizvi, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009 4. Everyday Dialogues in English by Robert J. Dixson, Prentice-Hall of India Ltd., 2006. 5. Communication Skills for Technical Students, Farhathullah, T.M., Orient Blackswan, 2008 6. Developing Communication Skills, 2/e. by Krishna Mohan & Meera Banerji , Macmillan, 2009 7. English for Technical Communication, Vol. 1 & 2, by K. R. Lakshmi Narayanan, Sci tech. Publications. 8. Basic Communication Skills For Technology, Andrea J Ruthurford, Pearson Education , Asia. 9. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with DVD, Pearson Longman
P 0
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UNIT I- OPTICS: Interference - Interference in thin films by reflection - Newtons rings Diffraction - Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit - Fraunhofer diffraction at a double slit - Diffraction grating - Grating spectrum - polarization - Nicol prism -Theory of circular and elliptical polarized light - Quarter and half wave plates. UNIT II- CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AND X-RAY DIFFRACTION: Introduction -Space lattice - Basis - Unit cell - Lattice parameter - Bravais lattices - Crystal systems Structure Simple cubic - Body Centered Cubic Face Centered Cubic crystals - Miller indices of planes and directions in crystals Separation between successive (h k l) planes - X-ray diffraction by crystal planes - Braggs law Laue and Powder methods. UNIT III- PRINCIPLES OF QUANTUM MECHANICS & ELECTRON THEORY: Waves and Particles - de- Broglies hypothesis Heisenbergs uncertainty principle Schroedingers one dimensional wave equation (Time Independent) - Particle in a one dimensional potential box Energy levels - Fermi-Dirac distribution and effect of Temperature (qualitative treatment only) Scattering - Source of electrical resistance Kronig-Penney model (qualitative treatment only) - energy bands metals, semi conductors & insulators. UNIT IV- SEMICONDUCTORS: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors Law of mass action Continuity equation Drift & diffusion - Einsteins relation Hall effect Direct & indirect band gap semiconductors p-n junction - Band diagram of p-n junction diode Diode Equation-LED, LCD & Photo diode. UNIT V- MAGNETIC PROPERTIES: Introduction - Origin of magnetic moment Classification of magnetic materials - Dia, Para , Ferro, anti-Ferro and Ferri magnetism - Hysteresis - Soft and hard magnetic materials Magnetic bubbles memory. DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES: Introduction - Dielectric constant - Electronic, Ionic and Orientation polarizations (qualitative treatment only) - Local field - Clausius-Mossotti equation Frequency dependence of polarisability (qualitative treatment only) Ferro electricity- BaTio3.
UNIT VI- SUPERCONDUCTIVITY: General properties - Meissner effect - Penetration depth - Type I and Type II superconductors - Flux quantization Josephson effects BCS theory - Applications of superconductors. LASERS: Introduction Characteristics of laser - Spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation - Einsteins coefficients - Population inversion - Ruby Laser Helium-Neon Laser GaAs Laser - Applications of Lasers in Industry, Scientific and Medical fields. UNIT VII- FIBER OPTICS: Introduction - Principle of optical fiber - Acceptance angle and Acceptance cone - Numerical aperture Types of Optical fibers and refractive index profiles Optical fiber communication systems - Application of optical fibers. UNIT VIII- NANOMATERIALS : Introduction - Basic principles of nano materials Fabrication of nano materials - ball milling plasma arching Chemical vapour deposition method sol-gel methods properties of nano materials carbon nanotubes properties and applications of carbon nano tubes - Applications of nano materials. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Physics by P.K.Palanisamy, Scitech Publications 2. Engineering Physics by V. Rajendran & K.Thyagarajan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 3. Engineering Physics by M.R.Srinivasan New Age Publications REFERENCES: 1. Physics Volume 2, by Halliday, Resnick and Krane; John Wiley India 2. Solid State Physics by C.Kittel, Wiley India 3. Engineering Physics by Mittal, I.K.International 4. Introduction to Nanoscience & Nano Technology by K.K Chattopadhyay & A.N. Banarjee , Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. I Year (M.E.) T P 2 0 (9ABS103) ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY UNIT I: Water: Sources of Water, Types of impurities in Water, Hardness of Water Temporary and Permanent hardness. Units. Estimation of hardness by EDTA Method. Analysis of Water - Dissolved Oxygen. Disadvantages of Hard Water. Problems on hardness of water. Methods of Treatment of Water for Domestic Purpose Sterilisation: Chlorination, Ozonisation. Water for Industrial purpose - Water for Steam Making, Boiler Troubles Carry Over (Priming and Foaming), Boiler Corrosion, Scales and Sludge, Caustic Embrittlement. Water Treatment: - Internal Treatment Colloidal, Phosphate, Calgon, Carbonate, Sodium aluminates Conditioning of Water. External Treatment - Ion- Exchange Process; Demineralization of Brakish Water Reverse Osmosis. UNIT II: Science of Corrosion: Definition, Types of corrosion: Dry Corrosion, (Direct Chemical attack), Wet Corrosion, Theories of Corrosion and Mechanism, Electro Chemical Theory of Corrosion. Galvanic Series, Galvanic Corrosion, Concentration Cell Corrosion, Oxygen absorption type. Factors Influencing Corrosion. Control of Corrosion Cathodic Protection Sacrificial anode and Impressed Current. Uses of Inhibitors. Electro Plating, and Electro less plating (copper and nickel) UNIT III: Polymers: Polymerization Reactions Basic concepts. Types of Polymerization Addition and Condensation Polymerization. Plastics Thermosetting and Thermoplastics. Composition, Properties and Engineering Uses of the Following: Teflon, Bakelite, Nylon. Rubber Processing of Natural Rubber and Compounding. Elastomers Buna S, Buna N, Polyurethane Rubber; Silicone Rubber. Conducting Polymers, Synthesis and applications of Polyacetylene and Poly aniline Liquid Crystals definition, properties, suitable examples and Engineering Applications UNIT IV: Chemistry of nano materials: Nano materials definition, properties and applications; Explosives and Propellants: Explosives, Classification, precautions during storage, blasting fuses, important explosives. Rocket propellants, classification of propellants. Lubricants :Principles and function of lubricants - Classification and properties of lubricants Viscosity, flash and fire points, cloud and pour points, aniline point, Neutralisation Number and Mechanical Strength.
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UNIT V: Electro Chemistry: Conductance Equivalent Conductance Molecular Conductance, Conductometric Titrations Applications of Conductivity Measurements. Electrochemical Cells: Measurement of EMF, Standard electrode potential, concentration cells, batteries (NiCd cell), Lithium batteries. Fuel cell: hydrogen oxygen fuel cell and methanol fuel cell Insulators Definition, Properties and Characteristics of Insulating Materials; Engineering Applications. UNIT VI: Phase rule: Definition, Terms involved in Phase Rule and Phase rule equation. Phase diagrams one component system (water system), two component system (lead- silver system) Eutectics, heat treatment based on iron-carbon phase diagram, hardening, annealing. UNIT VII: Fuels and Combustion: Definition and Classification of fuels. Solid, liquid & gaseous fuels, Characteristics of a good fuel. Metallurgical Coke Characteristics & Manufacture ( Otto-Halfmann). Petroleum Refining Synthetic Petrol. Calorific Value & its determination ( Bomb Calorimeter Junkers Gas Calorimeter). Combustion: Flue gas analysis by Orsats apparatus. UNIT VIII: Building Materials: Cement: composition of Portland cement, analysis, setting and hardening of cement (reactions). Refractories : Definition, Classification With Examples; Criteria of a Good Refractory Material; Causes for the failure of a Refractory Material TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Chemistry Prof. K.N.Jayaveera, Dr.G.V.Subba Reddy and Dr.C. Ramachandraiah, McGraw Hill Higher Education Hyd., 2009 2. A text book of Engineering Chemistry by S.S. Dara, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi (2008) 3. Text book of Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company, 15th edition New Delhi (2008). REFERENCES: 1. Engineering Chemistry Dr. K. B. Chandrasekhar, Dr. U.N. Dash, Dr. Sujatha Mishra, Scitech Publications(India) Pvt. Limted, Hyderabad. 2009 2. Fuel Cells principles and applications by B.Viswanath, M.Aulice ScibiohUniversities press 3. Chemistry of Engineering Materials by C.V. Agarwal, Tara Publication, Varanasi.20084. Physical Chemistry - Glasston & Lewis. 4. 5. Engineering Chemistry (Vol.1&2) by J C Kuriacose and J. Rajaram, Tata McGraw-Hill Co, New Delhi (2004) 5. 6. Applied Chemistry: A Text Book for chemistry for Engineers & Technologists, G.D. Gesser, Springer, 2000
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. I Year (M.E.) Th Tu 3 1 (9ABS104) MATHEMATICS I UNIT I Differential equations of first order and first degree Exact, linear and Bernoulli equations. Applications: to Newtons law of cooling, law of natural growth and decay, orthogonal trajectories. UNIT II Non-homogeneous linear differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients with RHS term of the type eax, Sin ax, cos ax, polynomials in x, eax V(x), xV(x), method of variation of parameters. UNIT III Rolles Theorem Lagranges Mean Value Theorem (excluding proof). Simple examples of Taylors and Maclaurins Series - Functions of several variables Jacobian Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables, Lagrangian method of Multipliers with three variables only. UNIT IV Raidus of Curvature Curve tracing Cartesian, polar and parametric curves. Applications of integration to lengths, volume and surface area of solids of revolution in Cartesian and polar coordinates UNIT V Multiple integral: Double and triple integrals Change of Variables Change of order of integration. UNIT VI Laplace transform of standard functions Inverse transform First shifting Theorem, Transforms of derivatives and integrals Unit step function Second shifting theorem Diracs delta function Convolution theorem Laplace transform of Periodic function. UNIT VII Differentiation and integration of Laplace transform Application of Laplace transforms to ordinary differential equations of first and second order. UNIT VIII Vector Calculus: Gradient Divergence Curl and Their properties; Vector integration Line integral - Potential function Area , Surface and volume integrals. Vector integral theorems: Greens theorem Stokes and Gausss Divergence Theorem (excluding their proof). Verification of GreensStokes and Gausss Theorems.
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TEXT BOOKS: 1. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, Vol 1, T.K.V. Iyengar, B. Krishna Gandhi and Others, S. Chand & Company. 2. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, C. Sankaraiah, V.G.S. Book Links. 3. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics-1,E. Rukmangadachari, E. Keshava Reddy, Pearson Education. REFERENCES: 1. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, B.V. Ramana, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 2. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Book Collection. 3. A Text Book of Advanced Engineering Mathematics A Computer Approach, N.Bail, M.Goyal & C. Watkins. 4. Engineering Mathematics, Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Universities Press.
Unit I- Overview of Computers and Programming - Electronic Computers then and Now, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Algorithm, Flowcharts, Software Development Method, Applying the Software Development Method. Unit II- Introduction to C Language - C Language Elements, Variable Declarations and Data Types, Executable Statements, General Form of a C Program, Expressions, Precedence and Associativity, Expression Evaluation, Operators and Expressions, Type Conversions, Decision Statements - If and Switch Statements, Loop Control Statements - while, for, do-while Statements, Nested for Loops, Other Related Statements -break, continue, goto. Unit III- Functions - Library Functions, Top-Down Design and Structure Charts, Functions with and without Arguments, Communications Among Functions, Scope, Storage Classes - Auto, Register, Static, Extern, Scope rules, Type Qualifiers, Recursion - Recursive Functions, Preprocessor Commands. Arrays - Declaring and Referencing Arrays, Array Subscripts, Using For Loops for Sequential Access, Using Array Elements as Function Arguments, Arrays Arguments, Multidimensional Arrays. Unit IV- Pointers - Introduction, Features of Pointers, Pointer Declaration, Arithmetic Operations With Pointers, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Two-Dimensional Arrays, Array of Pointers, Pointers to Pointers, Void Pointers, Memory Allocation Functions, Programming Applications, Pointer to Functions, Command- Line Arguments. Strings - String Basics, String Library Functions, Longer Strings, String Comparison, Arrays of Pointers, Character operations, String-To-Number and Number-To- String Conversions, Pointers and Strings. Unit V- Structure and Union Introduction, Features of Structures, Declaration and Initialization of Structures, Structure within Structure, Array of Structures, Pointer to Structure, Structure and Functions, typedef, Bit Fields, Enumerated Data Type, Union, Union of Structures. Unit VI- Files - Introduction, Streams and File Types, Steps for File Operations, File I/O Structures, Read and Write, Other File function, Searching Errors in Reading/Writing of Files, Low Level Disk I/O, Command Line Arguments, Application of Command Line Arguments, File Status functions (error handling).
Unit VII- Data Structures - Overview of Data Structure, Representation of a Stack, Stack Related Terms, Operation on a Stack, Implementation of a Stack, Representation of Arithmetic Expressions, Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Notations, Evaluation of Postfix Expression, Conversion of Expression from Infix to Postfix, Recursion, Queues Various Positions of Queue, Representation of Queue, Insertion, Deletion, Searching Operations. Linked List - Singly Linked List, Linked List with and without header, Insertion, Deletion and Searching Operations. Unit VIII- Searching and Sorting - Exchange (Bubble) Sort, Selection Sort, Quick Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort. Searching- Linear and Binary Search Methods. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Programming in C and Data Structures, J.R.Hanly, Ashok N. Kamthane and A. Ananda Rao, Pearson Education 2. C Programming & Data Structures, B.A.Forouzan and R.F. Gilberg, Third Edition, Cengage Learning. REFERENCES : 1. Programming in C Stephen G. Kochan, III Edition, Pearson Eductaion. 2. C Programming with problem solving, J.A. Jones & K. Harrow, Dreamtech Press 3. C and Data Structures, a snapshot oriented treatise with live engineering examples, Dr. N.B.Venkateswarlu, Dr. E.V.Prasad, S. Chand 4. C and Data Structures, E.Balaguruswamy, Tata Mc Graw Hill 5. Data Structures using C A.M.Tanenbaum, Y.Langsam, and M.J. Augenstein, Pearson Education / PHI, Eighth Edition.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. I Year (M.E.) T P C 0 6 6 (9A03101) ENGINEERING DRAWING UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DRAWING: Principles of Engineering Graphics and their Significance Drawing Instruments and their Use Conventions in Drawing Lettering BIS Conventions. Curves used in Engineering Practice: a) Conic Sections including the Rectangular Hyperbola General method only. b) Cycloid, Epicycloids and Hypocycloid c) Involutes. d) Helices UNIT II PROJECTION OF POINTS AND LINES: Principles of Orthographic Projection Conventions First and Third Angle Projections. Projections of Points, Lines inclined to one or both planes, Problems on projections, Finding True lengths & traces only. UNIT III PROJECTIONS OF PLANES: Projections of regular Plane surfaces/figures, Projection of lines and planes using auxiliary planes. UNIT IV PROJECTIONS OF SOLIDS: Projections of Regular Solids inclined to one or both planes Auxiliary Views. UNIT V SECTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS OF SOLIDS: Section Planes and Sectional views of Right Regular SolidsPrism, Cylinder, Pyramid and Cone. True shapes of the sections. Development of Surfaces of Right Regular Solids Prisms, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone and their Sectional parts. UNIT VI ISOMETRIC AND ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS: Principles of Isometric Projection Isometric Scale Isometric Views Conventions Isometric Views of Lines, Plane Figures, Simple and Compound Solids Isometric Projection of objects having non- isometric lines. Isometric projections of spherical parts. Conversion of Isometric projections/views to Orthographic Views Conventions. UNIT VII INTERPENETRATION OF RIGHT REGULAR SOLIDS: Projections of curves of Intersection of Cylinder Vs Cylinder, Cylinder Vs Prism, Cylinder Vs Cone, Square Prism Vs Square Prism.
UNIT VIII PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS: Perspective View of Plane Figures and Simple Solids.Vanishing Point Method (General Methods only). TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Drawing, N.D. Bhat, Charotar Publishers 2. Engineering Drawing, Johle, Tata McGraw-Hill 3. Engineering Drawing, Shah and Rana, 2/e, Pearson Education REFERENCES: 1. Engineering Drawing and Graphics, Venugopal/ New age 2. Engineering Drawing, B.V.R. Guptha, J.K. Publishesrs 3. Engineering Drawing, K.L. Narayana, P. Khanniah, Scitech Pub. 4. Engineering Drawing, Venkata Reddy, B.S.Publishers.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. I Year (M.E.) Th 3 (9A01101) ENGINEERING MECHANICS UNIT I BASIC CONCEPTS - System of forces Moment of forces and its Application Couples and Resultant of Force System EQUILIBRIUM OF SYSTEM OF FORCES: Free body diagrams Types of Supports Support reactions for beams with different types of loading concentrated, uniformly distributed and uniformly varying loading. UNIT II ANALYSIS OF PERFECT FRAMES: Types of frames cantilever frames and simply supported frames Analysis of frames using method of joints, Tension Coefficient method and methods of sections for vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads. UNIT III FRICTION: Types of friction laws of FrictionLimiting frictionCone of limiting friction static and Dynamic Frictions Motion of bodies Wedge, Screw jack and differential Screw jack. UNIT IV CENTROID AND CENTER OF GRAVITY: Centroids of simple figures Centroids of Composite figures Centre of Gravity of bodies Centre of Gravity of Composite figures. (Simple problems only). UNIT V AREA MOMENT OF INERTIA - Parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorems - Moments of Inertia of Composite Figures MASS MOMENT OF INERTIA: Moment of Inertia of Simple solids, Moment of Inertia of composite masses.( Simple problems only) UNIT VI KINEMATICS : Rectilinear and Curve linear motion Velocity and Acceleration Motion of A Rigid Body Types and their Analysis in Planar Motion. UNIT VII KINETICS : Analysis as particles and Analysis as a Rigid Body in Translation Central Forces of motion Equations of Plane Motion Fixed Axis Rotation Rolling Bodies Work Energy Method Equation for Translation Work Energy application to Particle Motion, Connection System Fixed axis Rotation and Plane Motion. Tu 1 C 6
UNIT VIII MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS: Definitions, Concepts. Simple harmonic motion. Free vibrations. Simple, Compound and Torsional pendulums- Numerical problems TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Engineering Mechanics, Shames & Rao Pearson Education. Engineering Mechanics, Fedrinand L.Singer B.S. Publishers. Engineering Mechanics, Bhavikatti and Rajasekharappa
REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Engineering Mechanics-Statics and dynamics, A.Nelson, Tata McGraw-Hill Company Mechanics of Materials by Timoshenko & Gere, CBS Engineering Mechanics B. Bhathacharya- Oxford University Publications Mechanics of Materials - Dr. B. C.Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, Laxmi Publication Engineering Mechanics Arthur P. Boresi and Richard J. Schmidt. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning
(9A05102) C PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURES LAB Objectives: To make the student learn a programming language. To teach the student to write programs in C to solve the problems. To introduce the student to simple linear data structures such as lists, stacks, queues. Recommended Systems/Software Requirements: Intel based desktop PC with ANSI C Compiler and Supporting Editors Exercise l. a) Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer. b) A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: the first and second terms in the sequence are 0 and 1. Subsequent terms are found by adding the preceding two terms in the sequence. Write a C program to generate the first n terms of the sequence. c) Write a C program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is a value supplied by the user. Exercise 2. a) Write a C program to calculate the following Sum: Sum=1- x2/2! + x4/4! - x6/6! + x8/8! - x10/10! b) Write a C program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. Exercise 3 a) Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions i) To find the factorial of a given integer. ii) To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers. iii) To solve Towers of Hanoi problem. Exercise 4 a) The total distance travelled by vehicle in t seconds is given by distance S = ut+1/2at2 where u and a are the initial velocity (m/sec.) and acceleration (m/sec2) respectively. Write C program to find the distance travelled at regular intervals of time given the values of u and a. The program should provide the flexibility to the user to
select his own time intervals and repeat the calculations for different values of u and a. b) Write a C program, which takes two integer operands and one operator from the user, performs the operation and then prints the result. (Consider the operators +,-,*, /, % and use Switch Statement) Exercise 5 a) Write a C program to find both the largest and smallest number in a list of integers. b) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following: i) Addition of Two Matrices ii) Multiplication of Two Matrices Exercise 6 a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations: i) To insert a sub-string in to a given main string from a given position. ii) To delete n Characters from a given position in a given string. b) Write a C program to determine if the given string is a palindrome or not Exercise 7 a) Write a C program that displays the position or index in the string S where the string T begins, or 1 if S doesnt contain T. b) Write a C program to count the lines, words and characters in a given text. Exercise 8 a) Write a C program to generate Pascals triangle. b) Write a C program to construct a pyramid of numbers. Exercise 9 Write a C program to read in two numbers, x and n, and then compute the sum of the geometric progression: 1+x+x2+x3+.+xn For example: if n is 3 and x is 5, then the program computes 1+5+25+125. Print x, n, the sum Perform error checking. For example, the formula does not make sense for negative exponents if n is less than 0. Have your program print an error message if n<0, then go back and read in the next pair of numbers of without computing the sum. Find if any values of x are also illegal ? If so, test for them too. Exercise 10 a) 2s complement of a number is obtained by scanning it from right to left and complementing all the bits after the first appearance of a 1. Thus 2s complement of 11100 is 00100. Write a C program to find the 2s complement of a binary number. b) Write a C program to convert a Roman numeral to its decimal equivalent.
Exercise 11 Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations: i) Reading a complex number ii) Writing a complex number iii) Addition of two complex numbers iv) Multiplication of two complex numbers (Note: represent complex number using a structure.)
Exercise 12 a) Write a C program which copies one file to another. b) Write a C program to reverse the first n characters in a file. (Note: The file name and n are specified on the command line.) Exercise 13 a) Write a C programme to display the contents of a file. b) Write a C programme to merge two files into a third file (i.e., the contents of the first file followed by those of the second are put in the third file) Exercise 14 Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on singly linked list.: i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal Exercise 15 Write C programs that implement stack (its operations) using i) Arrays ii) Pointers Exercise 16 Write C programs that implement Queue (its operations) using i) Arrays ii) Pointers Exercise 17 Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following: i) Converting infix expression into postfix expression ii) Evaluating the postfix expression Exercise 18 Write a C program that implements the following sorting methods to sort a given list of integers in ascending order i) Bubble sort ii) Selection sort
Exercise 19 Write C programs that use both recursive and non recursive functions to perform the following searching operations for a Key value in a given list of integers: i) Linear search ii) Binary search Exercise 20 Write C program that implements the Quick sort method to sort a given list of integers in ascending order. Exercise 21 Write C program that implement the Merge sort method to sort a given list of integers in ascending order. Exercise 22 Write C programs to implement the Lagrange interpolation and Newton- Gregory forward interpolation. Exercise 23 Write C programs to implement the linear regression and polynomial regression algorithms. Exercise 24 Write C programs to implement Trapezoidal and Simpson methods.
REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Programming in C and Data Structures, J.R.Hanly, Ashok N. Kamthane and A. Ananda Rao, Pearson Education 2. The Spirit of C, an introduction to modern programming, M.Cooper, Jaico Publishing House. 3. Mastering C, K.R. Venugopal and S.R. Prasad, TMH Publications. 4. Computer Basics and C Programming, V. Rajaraman, PHI Publications.
(9A03102) ENGINEERING AND I.T. WORKSHOP ENGINEERING WORKSHOP Objectives: The budding Engineer may turn out to be a technologist, scientist, entrepreneur, practitioner, consultant etc. There is a need to equip the engineer with the knowledge of common and newer engineering materials as well as shop practices to fabricate, manufacture or work with materials. Essentially he should know the labour involved, machinery or equipment necessary, time required to fabricate and also should be able to estimate the cost of the product or job work. Hence engineering work shop practice is included to introduce some common shop practices and on hand experience to appreciate the use of skill, tools, equipment and general practices to all the engineering students. 1. TRADES FOR EXERCISES: a. Carpentry shop Two joints (exercises) involving tenon and mortising, groove and tongue: Making middle lap T joint, cross lap joint, mortise and tenon T joint, Bridle T joint from out of 300 x 40 x 25 mm soft wood stock b. Fitting shop Two joints (exercises) from: square joint, V joint, half round joint or dove tail joint out of 100 x 50 x 5 mm M.S. stock c. Sheet metal shop Two jobs (exercises) from: Tray, cylinder, hopper or funnel from out of 22 or 20 guage G.I. sheet d. House-wiring Two jobs (exercises) from: wiring for ceiling rose and two lamps (bulbs) with independent switch controls with or without looping, wiring for stair case lamp, wiring for a water pump with single phase starter. e. Foundry Preparation of two moulds (exercises): for a single pattern and a double pattern. f. Welding Preparation of two welds (exercises): single V butt joint, lap joint, double V butt joint or T fillet joint 2. TRADES FOR DEMONSTRATION: a. Plumbing b. Machine Shop c. Metal Cutting Apart from the above the shop rooms should display charts, layouts, figures, circuits, hand tools, hand machines, models of jobs, materials with names such as different woods, wood faults, Plastics, steels, meters, gauges, equipment, CD or DVD displays, First aid, shop safety etc. (though they may not be used for the
exercises but they give valuable information to the student). In the class work or in the examination knowledge of all shop practices may be stressed upon rather than skill acquired in making the job. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Engineering Work shop practice for JNTU, V. Ramesh Babu, VRB Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2009 2. Work shop Manual / P.Kannaiah/ K.L.Narayana/ SciTech Publishers. 3. Engineering Practices Lab Manual, Jeyapoovan, Saravana Pandian, 4/e Vikas 4. Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering, GHF Nayler, Jaico Publishing House. I.T. WORKSHOP Objectives: The IT Workshop for engineers is a training lab course. The modules include training on PC Hardware, Internet & World Wide Web and Productivity tools including Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher. PC Hardware introduces the students to a personal computer and its basic peripherals, the process of assembling a personal computer, installation of system software like MS Windows, Linux and the required device drivers. In addition hardware and software level troubleshooting process, tips and tricks would be covered. The students should work on a working PC (PIV or higher)to disassemble and assemble back to working condition and install Windows and Linux on the same PC. Students are suggested to work similar tasks in the Laptop scenario wherever possible. Internet & World Wide Web module introduces the different ways of hooking the PC on to the internet from home and workplace for usage of the internet. Usage of web browsers, email, newsgroups and discussion forums would be covered. In addition, awareness of cyber hygiene, i.e., protecting the personal computer from getting infected with the viruses, worms and other cyber attacks would be introduced. Productivity tools module would enable the students in crafting professional word documents, excel spread sheets, power point presentations and personal web sites using the Microsoft suite of office tools and LaTeX. (It is recommended to use Microsoft office 2007 in place of MS Office 2003) PC Hardware Exercise 1 Task 1: Identify the peripherals of a computer, components in a CPU and its functions. Draw the block diagram of the CPU along with the configuration of each peripheral and submit to your instructor.
Exercise 2 Task 2: Every student should disassemble and assemble the PC back to working condition. Lab instructors should verify the work and follow it up with a Viva. Also students need to go through the video which shows the process of assembling a PC. A video shall be given as part of the course content. Exercise 3 Task 3: Every student should individually install MS windows on the personal computer. Lab instructor should verify the installation and follow it up with a Viva. Exercise 4 Task 4: Every student should install Linux on the computer. This computer should have windows installed. The system should be configured as dual boot with both windows and Linux. Lab instructors should verify the installation and follow it up with a Viva Exercise 5 Task 5: Hardware Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a PC which does not boot due to improper assembly or defective peripherals. They should identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back to working condition. The work done should be verified by the instructor and followed up with a Viva Exercise 6 Task 6: Software Troubleshooting: Students have to be given a malfunctioning CPU due to system software problems. They should identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back to working condition. The work done should be verified by the instructor and followed up with a Viva. OFFICE TOOLS LaTeX and Word Exercise 7 Word Orientation: The mentor needs to give an overview of LaTeX and Microsoft (MS) office 2007/ equivalent (FOSS) tool word: Importance of LaTeX and MS office 2007/ equivalent (FOSS) tool Word as word Processors, Details of the four tasks and features that would be covered in each, Using LaTeX and word Accessing, overview of toolbars, saving files, Using help and resources, rulers, format painter in word. Task 1 : Using LaTeX and Word to create project certificate. Features to be covered:Formatting Fonts in word, Drop Cap in word, Applying Text effects, Using Character Spacing, Borders and Colors, Inserting Header and Footer, Using Date and Time option in both LaTeX and Word.
Excel Exercise 8 - Excel Orientation: The mentor needs to tell the importance of MS office 2007/ equivalent (FOSS) tool Excel as a Spreadsheet tool, give the details of the four tasks and features that would be covered in each. Using Excel Accessing, overview of toolbars, saving excel files, Using help and resources. Task 1: Creating a Scheduler - Features to be covered:- Gridlines, Format Cells, Summation, auto fill, Formatting Text LaTeX and MS/equivalent (FOSS) tool Power Point Exercise 9 - Task1: Students will be working on basic power point utilities and tools which help them create basic power point presentation. Topic covered during this Exercise includes :- PPT Orientation, Slide Layouts, Inserting Text, Word Art, Formatting Text, Bullets and Numbering, Auto Shapes, Lines and Arrows in both LaTeX and Powerpoint. Students will be given model power point presentation which needs to be replicated (exactly how its asked). Exercise 10 - Task 2 : Second Exercise helps students in making their presentations interactive. Topic covered during this Exercise includes : Hyperlinks, Inserting Images, Clip Art, Audio, Video, Objects, Tables and Charts Internet & World Wide Web 2 Exercises Exercise 11 - Task 1: Orientation & Connectivity Boot Camp : Students should get connected to their Local Area Network and access the Internet. In the process they configure the TCP/IP setting. Finally students should demonstrate, to the instructor, how to access the websites and email. If there is no internet connectivity preparations need to be made by the instructors to simulate the WWW on the LAN. Web Browsers, Surfing the Web: Students customize their web browsers with the LAN proxy settings, bookmarks, search toolbars and pop up blockers. Exercise 12 - Task 2: Search Engines & Netiquette: Students should know what search engines are and how to use the search engines. A few topics would be given to the students for which they need to search on Google. This should be demonstrated by the student to the satisfaction of instructors. Cyber Hygiene: Students would be exposed to the various threats on the internet and would be asked to configure their computer to be safe on the internet. They need to first install an anti virus software, configure their personal firewall and windows update on their computer.
REFERENCES : 1. Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions limited, Pearson Education. 2. LaTeX Companion Leslie Lamport, PHI/Pearson. 3. Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton, 6/e Mc Graw Hill 4. Upgrading and Repairing, PCs 18th e, Scott Muller QUE, Pearson Education 5. Comdex Information Technology course tool kit, Vikas Gupta, WILEY Dreamtech 6. IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide, Third Edition by David Anfinson and Ken Quamme. CISCO Press, Pearson Education.
(9ABS106) ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB and ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LAB ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB Any TEN of the following experiments are to be performed during the Academic year. Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name of the Experiment
Determination of wavelength of given source spectrometer normal incidence method. Dispersive power of the prism Spectrometer. Determination of wavelength of a laser source - Diffraction Grating. Determination of particle size by using a laser source. Determination of thickness of a thin wire using parallel fringes. Newtons Rings. Magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying coil Stewart and Gees method. Numerical aperture of an optical fiber. Hall effect. B H Curve. Energy gap of a material of p-n junction Determination of rigidity modulus of a wire material Torsional pendulum Determination of dielectric constant. Verification of laws of stretched string Sonometer. Meldes experiment Transverse & Longitudinal modes.
Equipment required: Spectrometer, Grating, Prism, Mercury vapour lamp, Sodium vapour lamp, Travelling Microscope, Wedge arrangement, Newton rings setup, Stewart-Gees apparatus, HeNe laser source, Optical fiber, Hall effect kit, B-H loop kit, Energy gap kit (four probe method), Torsional pendulum, Dielectric constant kit, Sonometer, Meldes apparatus
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LAB Preparation of Standard Potassium Dichromate and Estimation of Ferrous Iron. 2. Preparation of Standard Potassium Dichromate and Estimation of Copper, by Iodometry. 3. Preparation of Standard EDTA solution and Estimation of Hardness of Water. 4. Preparation of Standard EDTA and Estimation of Copper 5. Determination of Manganese in Steel and Iron in Cement. 6. Determination of strength of the given Hydrochloric acid against standard sodium hydroxide solution by Conducto metric titration 7. Determination of viscosity of the oils through Redwood viscometer 8. Determination of calorific value of fuel using Bomb calorimeter 9. Estimation of dissolved oxygen 10. Determination of Eutectic Temperature of binary system (Urea Benzoic Acid) BOOKS: 1. Chemistry-lab manual by Dr K.N.Jayaveera and K.B. Chandra Sekhar, S.M. Enterprizes Ltd. 2. Vogels Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, ELBS Edition. Equipment Required: 1. Glass ware: Pipettes, Burettes, Volumetric Flasks, Beakers, Standard flasks, Measuring jars, Boiling Test tubes, reagent bottles, (Borosil) 2. Analytical balance (keroy) (15 Nos) 3. Calorimeter 4. Bomb Calorimeter 5. Redwood viscometer No.1& No.2 6. Conductometer/ Conductivity bridge 7. Wash bottles, test tube stands, burette stands 8. Gas cylinders with Bunsen burners 9. Chemicals: Hydrochloric acid, sodiumhydroxide, EDTA, EBT indicator, fast sulfon black-f, urea, benzoic acid, methanol, Mohrs salt, copper sulphate, magnesium sulphate, ammonia, ammonium sulphate, calcium sulphate etc., 1.
(9ABS107) ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB The Language Lab focuses on the production and practice of sounds of language and equips students with the use of English in everyday situations and contexts. Objectives: 1. To train students to use language effectively in everyday conversations, to participate in group discussions, to help them face interviews, and sharpen public speaking skills 2. To expose the students to a varied blend of self-instructional, learner-friendly modes of language learning 3. To enable them to learn better pronunciation through stress on word accent, intonation, and rhythm 4. To initiate them into greater use of the computer in resume preparation, report- writing, format-making etc. 5. To help the students cultivate the habit of reading passages from the computer monitor, thus providing them with the required ability to face computer-based competitive exams such GRE, TOEFL, GMAT etc. SYLLABUS : The following course content is prescribed for the English Language Laboratory sessions: 1. Introduction to the Sounds of English- Vowels, Diphthongs & Consonants. 2. Introduction to Stress and Intonation. 3. Situational Dialogues (giving directions etc.) 4. Speaking on the mobiles and telephone conversation 5. Role Play. 6. Oral Presentations- Prepared and Extempore. 7. Just A Minute Sessions (JAM). 8. Describing Objects / Situations / People. 9. Information Transfer 10.Debate
Minimum Requirement: The English Language Lab shall have two parts: i) The Computer aided Language Lab for 60 students with 60 systems, one master console, LAN facility and English language software for self- study by learners. ii) The Communication Skills Lab with movable chairs and audio-visual aids with a P.A System, a T. V., a digital stereo audio & video system and camcorder etc. System Requirement (Hardware component): Computer network with Lan with minimum 60 multimedia systems with the following specifications: i) P IV Processor a) Speed 2.8 GHZ b) RAM 512 MB Minimum c) Hard Disk 80 GB ii) Headphones of High quality. PRESCRIBED SOFTWARE: GLOBARENA Suggested Software: Cambridge Advanced Learners English Dictionary with CD. The Rosetta Stone English Library Clarity Pronunciation Power Part I Mastering English in Vocabulary, Grammar, Spellings, Composition Dorling Kindersley series of Grammar, Punctuation, Composition etc. Language in Use, Foundation Books Pvt Ltd with CD Learning to Speak English - 4 CDs Microsoft Encarta with CD Murphys English Grammar, Cambridge with CD English in Mind, Herbert Puchta and Jeff Stranks with Meredith Levy, Cambridge Books Suggested for English Language Lab Library (to be located within the lab in addition to the CDs of the text book which are loaded on the systems): 1. 2. 3. 4. English Pronouncing Dictionary, Daniel Jones Current Edition with CD. Spoken English, R. K. Bansal and J. B. Harrison, Orient Longman 2006 Edn. Speaking English Effectively, Krishna Mohan & NP Singh (Macmillan) A Practical Course in English Pronunciation, (with two Audio cassettes) by J. Sethi, Kamlesh Sadanand & D.V. Jindal, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. Body Language- Your Success Mantra , Dr Shalini Verma, S.Chand & Co, 2008
6. 7. 8.
English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, ( with CD ) International edn. Macmillan 2009 A Handbook for Englsih language Laboratories, E.Sureshkumar, P.Sreehari, Foundation Books, 2009 DELTAs key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test, 6 audio CDS, New Age International Publishers, 2007
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. II-I Sem (M.E) (9ABS301) MATHEMATICS II (Common to Civil, Mech. Bio-Tech, Aero.Engg) UNIT I Matrices: Elementary row transformations Rank Normal form Echelon form Consistency Solution of system of simultaneous linear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equations. Eigen values, Eigen vectors Properties Cayley-Hamilton Theorem Inverse and powers of a matrix by Cayley-Hamilton theorem UNIT II Symmetric, skew Symmetric, Orthogonal, Hermitian, Skew Hermitian and unitary matrices and their properties - Quadratic forms Reduction of quadratic forms to canonical form and their nature. UNIT III Fourier Series: Determination of Fourier coefficients Fourier series Even and odd functions Fourier series in an arbitrary interval Even and odd period, continuation Half-range Fourier sine and cosine expansions. UNIT IV Fourier integral theorem Fourier sine and cosine integrals. Fourier transforms Fourier sine and cosine transforms Properties Inverse transforms Finite Fourier transforms. UNIT V Formation of partial differential equations by elimination of arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions Method of separation of variables Solutions of one dimensional wave equation, heat equation and two-dimensional Laplaces equation under initial and boundary conditions. UNIT VI Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Introduction The Bisection Method The Method of False Position The Iteration Method Newton-Raphson Method. Interpolation: Introduction Newtons forward and backward interpolation formulae Lagranges Interpolation formula.
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UNIT VII Curve fitting: Fitting a straight line Second degree curve Exponentional curve-Power curve by method of least squares. Numerical Differentiation and Integration Trapezoidal rule Simpsons 1/3 Rule Simpsons 3/8 Rule. UNIT VIII Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential equations: Solution by Taylors seriesPicards Method of successive Approximations-Eulers Method-Runge-Kutta Method Predictor-Corrector Method Milnes Method. TEXT BOOKS: 1. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, VolII, T.K.V. Iyengar, B. Krishna Gandhi and Others S. Chand & Company. 2. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, C. Sankaraiah, V.G.S. Book Links. 3. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, P. Nageshwara Rao, Y. Narasimhulu & N. Prabhakar Rao, Deepthi Publications. REFERENCES: 1. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics, B.V. Raman, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 2. Engineering Mathematics, Sarveswara Rao Keneru, Universities Press. 3. Introduction to Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB Butt Firewall Media. 4. Introduction to Numerical Analysis S.S. Sastry. PH I Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
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UNIT I SIMPLE STRESSES & STRAINS : Elasticity and plasticity Types of stresses & strainsHookes law stress strain diagram for mild steel Working stress Factor of safety Lateral strain, Poissons ratio & volumetric strain Elastic moduli & the relationship between them Bars of varying section composite bars Temperature stresses.Strain energy Resilience Gradual, sudden, impact and shock loadings. UNIT II SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT : Definition of beam Types of beams Concept of shear force and bending moment S.F and B.M diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams subjected to point loads, u.d.l., uniformly varying loads and combination of these loads Point of contra flexure Relation between S.F., B.M and rate of loading at a section of a beam. UNIT III FLEXURAL STRESSES : Theory of simple bending Assumptions Derivation of bending equation: M/ I = f/y = E/R Neutral axis Determination bending stresses section modulus of rectangular and circular sections (Solid and Hollow), I,T,Angle and Channel sections Design of simple beam sections. UNIT IV SHEAR STRESSES : Derivation of formula Shear stress distribution across various beams sections like rectangular, circular, triangular, I, T angle sections. UNIT V TORSION OF CIRCULAR SHAFTS- Theory of pure torsion- Derivation of torsion equations; T/J=q/r=N/l Assumptions made in the theory of pure torsion- torsional moment of resistance- polar section modulus. SPRINGS- Introduction- types of Springs deflection of closed and open coil helical springs under axial pull and axial couple Springs in series and parallel- carriage or leaf springs
UNIT VI DEFLECTION OF BEAMS : Bending into a circular arc slope, deflection and radius of curvature Differential equation for the elastic line of a beam Double integration and Macaulays methods Determination of slope and deflection for cantilever and simply supported beams subjected to point loads, - U.D.L uniformly varying load. Mohrs theorems Moment area method application to simple cases including overhanging beams. UNIT VII THIN CYLINDERS : Thin seamless cylindrical shells Derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential stresses hoop, longitudinal and Volumetric strains changes in dia, and volume of thin cylinders Riveted boiler shells Thin spherical shells. UNIT VIII Thick cylinderslames equation cylinders subjected to inside & out side pressures compound cylinders. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Strength of materials by Bhavikatti, Lakshmi publications. 2. Solid Mechanics, by Popov REFERENCES : 1. Strength of Materials -By Jindal, Umesh Publications. 2. Analysis of structures by Vazirani and Ratwani. 3. Mechanics of Structures Vol-III, by S.B.Junnarkar. 4. Strength of Materials by S.Timshenko 5. Strength of Materials by Andrew Pytel and Ferdinond L. Singer Longman. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. II-I Sem (M.E) (9A02301) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PART-A-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING UNIT - I ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS: Basic definitions, Types of elements, Ohms Law, Resistive networks, Kirchoffs Laws, Inductive networks, capacitive networks, Series, Parallel circuits and Star-delta and delta-star transformations. UNIT - II DC MACHINES : Principle of operation of DC Generator emf equation - types DC motor types torque equation applications three point starter. UNIT - III TRANSFORMERS : Principle of operation of single phase transformers emf equation losses efficiency and regulation UNIT - IV AC MACHINES : Principle of operation of alternators regulation by synchronous impedance method Principle of operation of induction motor slip torque characteristics applications. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by T. Thyagarajan, 5th Edition, SCITECH Publications, 2007. 2. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and technology by William D Stanley,John R. Hackworth, Richard L Jones Thomson Learning 3. Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by V.K.Mehta, S.Chand & Co. REFERENCES: 1. Introduction to Electrical Engineering M.S Naidu and S. Kamakshaiah, TMH Publ. 2. Basic Electrical Engineering by Kothari and Nagarath, TMH Publications, 2nd Edition. T P 4 0 C 4
PART-B-ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING UNIT-V DIODE AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS: PN Junction diode, Symbol, V-I characteristics, Diode Applications, Rectifiers-Half Wave, Full Wave and Bridge Rectifiers (Simple Problems). UNIT-VI TRANSISTORS PNP and NPN Junction Transistor, Transistor as an Amplifier, Single Stage CE Amplifier, Frequency Response of CE Amplifier, Concepts of Feedback Amplifier, Necessary conditions for Oscillators, SCR Characteristics and Applications. UNIT-VII INDUCTION HEATING: Theory of Induction Heating, Application in Industries. DIELECTRIC HEATING: Theory of Dielectric heating and its industrial Applications. ULTASONICS: Generation, Flow Detection and Other Applications. UNIT-VIII CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE Principles of CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), Deflection Sensitivity, Electrostatic and Magnetic Deflection, Applications of CRO-Voltage, Current and Frequency Measurements. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Electronic devices and circuits R.L.Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, 9th Edition, 2006, PEI/PHI. 2. Industrial Electronics by G.K.Mittal-PHI. 3. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques-Albert D.Helfrick, WillamD.Cooper. REFERENCES: 1. Millmans Electronic Devices and Circuits-J.Millman and C.C.Halkias, Satyabratajit, 2nd Edition, 1998, TMH. 2. Electronic Devices and Circuits-K.Lal Kishore, 2nd Edition, 2005, BSP. Note: In Electrical Engineering ad Electronics Engineering minimum of two questions form each part should be chosen for answering five questions in the end Semester Examination.
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(9A03301) MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UNIT I Structure of Metals : Bonds in Solids Metallic bond - crystallization of metals, grain and grain boundaries, effect of grain boundaries on the properties of metal / alloys determination of grain size. UNIT - II Constitution of Alloys : Necessity of alloying, types of solid solutions, Hume Rotherys rules, intermediate alloy phases, and electron compounds. UNIT -III Equilibrium of Diagrams : Experimental methods of construction of equilibrium diagrams, Isomorphous alloy systems, equilibrium cooling and heating of alloys, Lever rule, coring miscibility gaps, eutectic systems, congruent melting intermediate phases, peritectic reaction. Transformations in the solid state allotropy, eutectoid, peritectoid reactions, phase rule, relationship between equilibrium diagrams and properties of alloys. Study of important binary phase diagrams of Cu-Ni-, Al-Cu, and Fe-Fe3C. UNIT -IV Cast Irons and Steels : Structure and properties of White Cast iron, Malleable Cast iron, grey cast iron, Spheriodal graphite cast iron, Alloy cast irons. Classification of steels, structure and properties of plain carbon steels, Low alloy steels, Hadfield manganese steels, tool and die steels. UNIT V Heat treatment of Alloys: Effect of alloying elements on Iron Iron carbon system, Annealing, normalizing, Hardening, TTT diagrams, tempering , Hardenability, surface hardening methods, Age hardening treatment, Cryogenic treatment of alloys. UNIT - VI Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys : Structure and properties of copper and its alloys, Aluminium and its alloys, Titanium and its alloys. UNIT VII Ceramic materials : Crystalline ceramics, glasses, cermets.
UNIT - VIII Composite materials : Classification of composites, various methods of component manufacture of composites, particle reinforced materials, fiber reinforced materials, metal ceramic mixtures, metal matrix composites and Carbon Carbon composites. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Sidney H. Avener. 2. Essential of Materials Science and Engineering, Donald R.Askeland, Thomson. REFERENCES : 1. Material Science and Metallurgy, kodgire. 2. Science of Engineering Materials, Agarwal 3. Materials Science and Engineering, William and collister. 4. Elements of Material science, V. Rahghavan 5. Engineering Materials and Their Applications R. A Flinn and P K Trojan, Jaico Books. 6. Engineering materials and metallurgy, R.K.Rajput, S.Chand. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03302) THERMODYNAMICS UNIT I Introduction: Basic Concepts: System, Control Volume, Surrounding, Boundaries, Universe, Types of Systems, Macroscopic and Microscopic viewpoints, Concept of Continuum, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, State, Property, Process, Cycle Reversibility, Quasi static Process, Irreversible Process, Causes of Irreversibility Energy in State and in Transition - Types, Work and Heat, Point and Path function. UNIT II Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics Concept of quality of Temperature Principles of Thermometry Reference Points Const. Volume gas Thermometer Scales of Temperature, Ideal Gas Scale PMM I - Joules Experiments First law of Thermodynamics Corollaries First law applied to a Process applied to a flow system Steady Flow Energy Equation. UNIT III Limitations of the First Law Thermal Reservoir, Heat Engine, Heat pump, Parameters of performance, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements and their Equivalence / Corollaries, PMM of Second kind, Carnots principle, Carnot cycle and its specialties, Thermodynamic scale of Temperature, Clausius Inequality, Entropy, Principle of Entropy Increase Energy Equation, Availability and Irreversibility Thermodynamic Potentials, Gibbs and Helmholtz Functions, Maxwell Relations Elementary Treatment of the Third Law of Thermodynamics. UNIT IV Pure Substances, p-V-T- surfaces, T-S and h-s diagrams, Mollier Charts, Phase Transformations Triple point at critical state properties during change of phase, Dryness Fraction Clausius Clapeyron Equation, Constructional use of Property tables. Mollier charts Various Thermodynamic processes and energy Transfer Steam Calorimetry. UNIT - V Perfect Gas Laws Equation of State, specific and Universal Gas constants various Non-flow processes, properties, end states, Heat and Work Transfer, changes in Internal Energy Throttling and Free Expansion Processes Flow processes
Deviations from perfect Gas Model Vander Waals Equation of State Compressibility charts variable specific Heats Gas Tables. UNIT VI Mixtures of perfect Gases Mole Fraction, Mass friction Gravimetric and volumetric Analysis Daltons Law of partial pressure, Avogadros Laws of additive volumes Mole fraction, Volume fraction and partial pressure, Equivalent Gas const. And Molecular Internal Energy, Enthalpy, specific Heats and Entropy of Mixture of perfect Gases and Vapour. UNIT - VII Psychrometry- Atmospheric air - Psychrometric Properties Dry bulb Temperature, Wet Bulb Temperature, Dew point Temperature, Thermodynamic Wet Bulb Temperature, Specific Humidity, Relative Humidity, saturated Air, Vapour pressure, Degree of saturation Adiabatic Saturation, Carriers Equation Psychrometric chart. UNIT - VIII Power Cycles : Otto, Diesel, Dual Combustion cycles, Sterling Cycle, Atkinson Cycle, Ericcson Cycle, Lenoir Cycle Description and representation on PV and T-S diagram, Thermal Efficiency, Mean Effective Pressures on Air standard basis comparison of Cycles.
TEXT BOOKS : 1. Engineering Thermodynamics, PK Nag, TMH, III Edition 2. Basic Engineering Thermodynamics, A. Venkatesh, Orient Longman REFERENCES : 1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics Sonntag, Borgnakke and van wylen, John Wiley & sons (ASIA) Pte Ltd. 2. Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach Yunus Cengel & Boles, TMH 3. Thermodynamics J.P.Holman, McGrawHill 4. An introduction to Thermodynamics, YVC Rao, New Age 5. Engineering Thermodynamics Jones & Dugan Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR T P C 0 4 4 (9A03303) MACHINE DRAWING I. Machine Drawing Conventions : Need for drawing conventions introduction to IS conventions a) Conventional representation of materials, common machine elements and parts such as screws, nuts, bolts, keys, gears, webs, ribs. b) Types of sections selection of section planes and drawing of sections and auxiliary sectional views. Parts not usually sectioned. c) Methods of dimensioning, general rules for sizes and placement of dimensions for holes, centers, curved and tapered features. d) Title boxes, their size, location and details common abbreviations & their liberal usage e) Types of Drawings working drawings for machine parts. II. Drawing of Machine Elements and simple parts Selection of Views, additional views for the following machine elements and parts with every drawing proportions. a) Popular forms of Screw threads, bolts, nuts, stud bolts, tap bolts, set screws. b) Keys, cottered joints and knuckle joint. c) Rivetted joints for plates d) Shaft coupling, spigot and socket pipe joint. e) Journal, pivot and collar and foot step bearings. III. Assembly Drawings: Drawings of assembled views for the part drawings of the following using conventions and easy drawing proportions. a) Engine parts stuffing boxes, cross heads, Eccentrics, Petrol Engine connecting rod, piston assembly. b) Other machine parts Screws jacks, Machine Vices Plummer block, Tailstock. c) Valves : Steam stop valve, spring loaded safety valve, feed check valve and air cock. NOTE : First angle projection to be adopted. The student should be able to provide working drawings of actual parts. TEXT BOOKS : Machine Drawing Dhawan, S.Chand Publications Machine Drawing - K.L.Narayana, P.Kannaiah & K. Venkata Reddy, New Age Publishers
REFERENCES : Machine Drawing P.S.Gill. Machine Drawing Luzzader Machine Drawing Rajput Textbook of Machine Drawing K.C.John, 2009, PHI learning Note: The End exam will be for 4 hrs in the following format. All questions are to be answered Q1 Questions set on section I & II of the syllabus 2 out of 3 or 2 out of 4 to be answered with a weightage of 4 marks each 08 marks Q2 Questions set on Section II of the syllabus 2 out of 3 to be answered with a weightage of 10 marks each 20 marks Q3 Drawing of assembled views of Section III items of Syllabus with a weightage of 42 marks Note: All answers should be on the drawing sheet only. Answers on the drawing sheet only will valued.
PART - A: Electrical Engineering Lab: The following experiments are required to be conducted as compulsory experiments : 1. Swinburnes test on D.C. Shunt machine. (Predetermination of efficiency of a given D.C. Shunt machine working as motor and generator). 2. OC and SC tests on single phase transformer (Predetermination of efficiecy and regulation at given power factors) 3. Brake test on 3-phase Induction motor (Determination of performance characteristics) 4. Regulation of alternator by Synchronous impedance method. 5. Speed control of D.C. Shunt motor by a) Armature Voltage control b) Field flux control method 6. Brake test on D.C Shunt Motor PART - B: Electronics Engineering Lab: 1. Study of CRO (Measurement of Voltage, Frequency and Phase of periodic signals). 2. V - I characteristics of PN junction Diode. 3. Full wave rectifier with and without capacitive filter. 4. Input and output characteristics of Common Emitter (CE) configuration. 5. Frequency response of a single stage CE amplifier. 6. Sinusoidal signal generation using RC phase shift oscillator circuit.
(9A03304) MATERIAL SCIENCE LAB AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS LAB (A) MATERIAL SCIENCE LAB : Preparation and study of the Micro Structure of pure metals like Iron, Cu and Al. Preparation and study of the Microstructure of Mild steels, low carbon steels, high C steels. Study of the Micro Structures of Cast Irons. Study of the Micro Structures of Non-Ferrous alloys. Study of the Micro structures of Heat treated steels. Hardeneability of steels by Jominy End Quench Test. To find out the hardness of various treated and untreated steels. (B) MECHNICS OF SOLIDS LAB : Direct tension test been Bending test on a) Simple supported beam b) Cantilever beam Torsion test Hardness test Brinells hardness test Rockwell hardness test Test on springs Compression test on cube Impact test Punch shear test Note: Internal and End examinations evaluation will be done separately and the average will recorded.
(9ABS304) PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS (Common to CSE, IT, ECC, CSS) UNIT I Probability: Sample space and events Probability The axioms of probability Some Elementary theorems Conditional probability Bayes theorem. UNIT II Random variables Discrete and continuous Distributions Distribution functions. UNIT III Binomial and poison distributions Normal distribution Related properties. UNIT IV Sampling distribution: Populations and samples Sampling distribution of mean (known and unknown) proportions, sums and differences. UNIT V Estimation: Point estimation Interval estimation Bayesian estimation UNIT VI Test of Hypothesis Means Hypothesis concerning one and two means Type I and Type II errors. One tail, two-tail tests.
UNIT VII Tests of significance Students t-test, F-test, 2 test, Estimation of proportions. UNIT VIII Queuing Theory: Pure Birth and Death process, M/M/1 model and simple problems.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Probability & Statistics, T.K.V. Iyengar, B. Krishan Gandhi and Others, S. Chand & Company. 2. Probability & Statistics, Ravindranath, B.S.R. Murthy, I.K. International Pvt. Ltd. 3. Probability & Statistics, Walpore, Myers, Ye 8th edition, - Pearson Education. REFERENCES: 1. Probability & Statistics, Amold O. Allen, Academic Press. 2. Probability & Statistics, D.K. Murugesan & P. Guru Swamy, Anuradha Publications. 3. Introduction to Probability, Charles M. Grinstead, J. Laurie Snell, University Press. 4. Probability & Statistical inference : Hogg, Tanis, Rao 7th edition, Pearson education. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
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(9ABS303) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE UNIT I MULTIDISCIPLINARY NATURE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES : Definition, Scope and Importance Need for Public Awareness. UNIT II NATURAL RESOURCES : Renewable and non-renewable resources Natural resources and associated problems Forest resources Use and over exploitation, deforestation, case studies Timber extraction Mining, dams and other effects on forest and tribal people Water resources Use and over utilization of surface and ground water Floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams benefits and problems Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies. Energy resources: UNIT III ECOSYSTEMS : Concept of an ecosystem. Structure and function of an ecosystem Producers, consumers and decomposers Energy flow in the ecosystem Ecological sucession Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem: a. Forest ecosystem. b. Grassland ecosystem c. Desert ecosystem d. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries) UNIT IV BIODIVERSITY AND ITS CONSERVATION : Introduction 0 Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity Bio-geographical classification of India Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, Productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values Biodiversity at global, National and local levels India as a mega-diversity nation Hot-soports of biodiversity Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts Endangered and endemic species of India Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
UNIT V ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION : Definition, Cause, effects and control measures of : a. Air Pollution. b. Water pollution c. Soil pollution d. Marine pollution e. Noise pollution f. Thermal pollution g. Nuclear hazards
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wates Role of an individual in prevention of pollution Pollution case studies Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. UNIT VI SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT: From Unsustainable to Sustainable development Urban problems related to energy Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case studies Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case Studies Wasteland reclamation. Consumerism and waste products. Environment Protection Act. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act Wildlife Protection Act Forest Conservation Act Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation Public awareness. UNIT VII HUMAN POPULATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT : Population growth, variation among nations. Population explosion Family Welfare Proggramme. Environment and human health Human Rights Value Education HIV/AIDS Women and Child Welfare Role of information Technology in Environment and human health Case studies. UNIT VIII FIELD WORK : Visit to a local area to document environmental assets River/forest grassland/hill/mountain Visit to a local polluted site-Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural Study of common plants, insects, birds river, hill slopes, etc..
TEXT BOOKS : 1. Text book of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by Erach Bharucha for University Grants Commission, Universities Press. 2. Environmental Studies by R.Rajagopalan, Oxford University Press. 3. Environmental Studies by Benny Joseph,Mc.graHill Publications. REFERENCES : 1. Text book of Environmental Sciences and Technology by M.Anji Reddy, BS Publication. 2. Comprehensive Environmental studies by J.P.Sharma, Laxmi publications. 3. Environmental sciences and engineering J. Glynn Henry and Gary W. Heinke Printice hall of India Private limited. 4. Introduction to Environmental engineering and science by Gilbert M. Masters and Wendell P. Ela - Printice hall of India Private limited. 5. Environmental Studies by Anindita Basak Pearson Education. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03401) KINEMATICS OF MACHINERY UNIT I MECHANISMS : Elements or Links Classification Rigid Link, flexible and fluid link Types of kinematic pairs sliding, turning, rolling, screw and spherical pairs lower and higher pairs closed and open pairs constrained motion completely, partially or successfully constrained and incompletely constrained . MACHINES : Mechanism and machines classification of machines kinematic chain inversion of mechanism inversion of mechanism inversions of quadric cycle, chain single and double slider crank chains. UNIT - II STRAIGHT LINE MOTION MECHANISMS : Exact and approximate copiers and generated types Peaucellier, Hart and Scott Russul Grasshopper Watt T. Chebicheff and Robert Mechanisms and straight line motion, Pantograph. UNIT III KINEMATICS : Velocity and acceleration Motion of link in machine Determination of Velocity and acceleration diagrams Graphical method Application of relative velocity method four bar chain. Analysis of Mechanisms : Analysis of slider crank chain for displacement, velocity and acceleration of slider Acceleration diagram for a given mechanism, Kleins construction, Coriolis acceleration, determination of Coriolis component of acceleration. Plane motion of body : Instantaneous center of rotation, centroids and axodes relative motion between two bodies Three centres in line theorem Graphical determination of instantaneous centre, diagrams for simple mechanisms and determination of angular velocity of points and links. UNIT IV STEERING Mechanisms : Conditions for correct steering Davis Steering gear, Ackermans steering gear velocity ratio. HOOKES JOINT : Single and double Hookes joint Universial coupling application problems.
UNIT V CAMS : Definitions of cam and followers their uses Types of followers and cams Terminology Types of follower motion - Uniform velocity Simple harmonic motion and uniform acceleration. Maximum velocity and maximum acceleration during outward and return strokes in the above 3 cases. Analysis of motion of followers : Roller follower circular cam with straight, concave and convex flanks. UNIT VI Higher pairs, friction wheels and toothed gears types law of gearing, condition for constant velocity ratio for transmission of motion, Form of teeth: cycloidal and involute profiles. Velocity of sliding phenomena of interferences Methods of interference. Condition for minimum number of teeth to avoid interference, expressions for arc of contact and path of contact Introduction to Helical, Bevel and worm gearing. UNIT VII Belt, Rope and Chain Drives : Introduction, Belt and rope drives, selection of belt drive- types of belt drives,V-belts, materials used for belt and rope drives, velocity ratio of belt drives, slip of belt, creep of belt, tensions for flat belt drive, angle of contact, centrifugal tension, maximum tension of belt, Chains- length, angular speed ratio, classification of chains. UNIT VIII GEAR TRAINS: Introduction Train value Types Simple and reverted wheel train Epicyclic gear Train. Methods of finding train value or velocity ratio Epicyclic gear trains. Selection of gear box-Differential gear for an automobile. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms-S.S.Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers 2. Theory of Machines R.S Khurmi & J.K Gupta REFERENCES : 1. Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan, CBS 2. Theory of Machines, R.K Bansal 3. Theory of Machines Sadhu Singh Pearson Edn. 4. Mechanism and Machine Theory, JS Rao and RV Dukkipati, New Age 5. The theory of Machines, Shiegley, Oxford. 6. Theory of machines PL. Ballaney, Khanna Publishers. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
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(9A03402) THERMAL ENGINEERING - I UNIT I Actual Cycles and their Analysis: Introduction, Comparison of Air Standard and Actual Cycles, Time Loss Factor, Heat Loss Factor, Exhaust Blowdown-Loss due to Gas exchange process, Volumetric Efficiency. Loss due to Rubbing Friction, Actual and Fuel-Air Cycles of CI Engines. UNIT-II I.C. ENGINES : Classification - Working principles, Valve and Port Timing Diagrams, Air Standard, air-fuel and actual cycles - Engine systems Fuel, Carburetor, Fuel Injection System, Ignition, Cooling and Lubrication. UNIT III Combustion in S.I. Engines : Normal Combustion and abnormal combustion Importance of flame speed and effect of engine variables Type of Abnormal combustion, pre-ignition and knocking (explanation of ) Fuel requirements and fuel rating, anti knock additives combustion chamber requirements, types. UNIT IV Combustion in C.I. Engines : Four stages of combustion Delay period and its importance Effect of engine variables Diesel Knock Need for air movement, suction, compression and combustion induced turbulence open and divided combustion chambers and nozzles used fuel requirements and fuel rating. UNIT V Testing and Performance : Parameters of performance - measurement of cylinder pressure, fuel consumption, air intake, exhaust gas composition, Brake power Determination of frictional losses and indicated power Performance test Heat balance sheet and chart. UNIT VI COMPRESSORS Classification positive displacement and roto dynamic machinery Power producing and power absorbing machines, fan, blower and compressor positive displacement and dynamic types reciprocating and rotary types.
Reciprocating : Principle of operation, work required, Isothermal efficiency volumetric efficiency and effect of clearance, stage compression, undercooling, saving of work, minimum work condition for stage compression. UNIT VII Rotary (Positive displacement type) : Roots Blower, vane sealed compressor, Lysholm compressor mechanical details and principle of working efficiency considerations. Dynamic Compressors : Centrifugal compressors: Mechanical details and principle of operation velocity and pressure variation. Energy transfer-impeller blade shapelosses, slip factor, power input factor, pressure coefficient and adiabatic coefficient velocity diagrams power. UNIT-VIII Axial Flow Compressors : Mechanical details and principle of operation velocity triangles and energy transfer per stage degree of reaction, work done factor - isentropic efficiency- pressure rise calculations Polytropic efficiency. TEXT BOOKS: 1. I.C. Engines / V. Ganesan- TMH 2. Thermal Engineering / Rajput / Lakshmi Publications.
REFERENCES: 1. IC Engines Mathur & Sharma Dhanpath Rai & Sons. 2. Engineering fundamentals of IC Engines Pulkrabek, Pearson, PHI 3. Thermal Engineering, Rudramoorthy - TMH 4. Thermodynamics & Heat Engines, B. Yadav, Central Book Depot., Allahabad 5. I.C. Engines, Heywood, McGrawHIll. 6. Thermal Engineering R.S. Khurmi & J.K.Gupta S.Chand 7. Thermal engineering data book-B.Srinivasulu Reddy, JK International Pub. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. II-II Sem (M.E) T P 4 0 (9A01404) FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINERY UNIT I Fluid statics : Dimensions and units: physical properties of fluids- specific gravity, viscosity surface tension- vapor pressure and their influence on fluid motionatmospheric gauge and vacuum pressure measurement of pressure- Piezometer, Utube and differential manometers. UNIT II Fluid kinematics : Stream line, path line and streak lines and stream tube, classification of flows-steady & unsteady, uniform, non uniform, laminar, turbulent, rotational, and irrotational flows-equation of continuity for one dimensional flow. Fluid dynamics : Surface and body forces Eulers and Bernoullis equations for flow along a stream line, momentum equation and its application on force on pipe bend. UNIT III Closed conduit flow: Reynolds experiment- Darcy Weisbach equation- Minor losses in pipes- pipes in series and pipes in parallel- total energy line-hydraulic gradient line. Measurement of flow: pilot tube, venturimeter, and orifice meter, Flow nozzle, Turbine flow meter (Ref.4) UNIT IV Basics of turbo machinery : Hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary and moving flat, inclined, and curved vanes, jet striking centrally and at tip, velocity diagrams, work done and efficiency, flow over radial vanes. UNIT V Hydroelectric power stations : Elements of hydro electric power station-types-concept of pumped storage plants-storage requirements, mass curve (explanation only) estimation of power developed from a given catchment area; heads and efficiencies. UNIT VI Hydraulic Turbines : Classification of turbines, impulse and reaction turbines, Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine-working proportions, work done, efficiencies, hydraulic design draft tube theory- functions and efficiency. C 4
UNIT VII Performance of hydraulic turbines : Geometric similarity, Unit and specific quantities, characteristic curves, governing of turbines, selection of type of turbine, cavitation, surge tank, water hammer. UNIT VIII Centrifugal pumps : Classification, working, work done manomertic head- losses and efficiencies specific speed- pumps in series and parallel-performance characteristic curves, NPSH. Reciprocating pumps : Working, Discharge, slip, indicator diagrams. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Hydraulics, fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machinery Modi and Seth. 2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by Rajput. REFERENCES : 1. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by D.S. Kumar, Kotaria & Sons. 2. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by D. Rama Durgaiah, New Age International. 3. Hydraulic Machines by Banga & Sharma, Khanna Publishers. 4. Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements by James W. Dally, William E. Riley ,John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2004 (Chapter 12 Fluid Flow Measurements). Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03403) MANUFATURING TECHNOLOGY UNIT I CASTING: Steps involved in making a casting Types of patterns - Patterns and Pattern making Materials used for patterns, pattern allowances and their Construction, Principles of Gating, Gating ratio and design of Gating systems UNIT II Solidification of casting Concept Solidification of pure metal and alloys, short & long freezing range alloys. Risers Types, function and design, casting design considerations, special casting processes 1) Centrifugal 2) Die, 3) Investment. Methods of Melting: Crucible melting and cupola operation, steel making processes. UNIT III A) Welding : Classification of welding process types of welds and welded joints and their characteristics, design of welded joints, Gas welding, ARC welding, Forge welding, resistance welding, Thermit welding and Plasma (Air and water ) welding. B) Cutting of Metals: Oxy Acetylene Gas cutting, water plasma. Cutting of ferrous, non-ferrous metals. UNIT IV Inert Gas welding, TIG & MIG welding, Friction welding, Induction welding, Explosive welding, Laser welding, Soldering & Brazing. Heat affected zones in welding; welding defects causes and remedies destructive nondestructive testing of welds. UNIT V Hot working, cold working, strain hardening, recovery, recrystallisation and grain growth, Comparison of properties of Cold and Hot worked parts, Rolling fundamentals theory of rolling, types of Rolling mills and products. Forces in rolling and power requirements, plastic blow and injection moulding. UNIT - VI Stamping, forming and other cold working processes: Blanking and piercing Bending and forming Drawing and its types wire drawing and Tube drawing coining Hot and cold spinning.
UNIT- VII EXTRUSION OF METALS : Basic extrusion process and its characteristics. Hot extrusion and cold extrusion - Forward extrusion and backward extrusion Impact extrusion Hydrostatic extrusion. Forging processes: Principles of forging Tools and dies Types Forging Smith forging, Drop Forging Roll forging Forging hammers: Rotary forging forging defects. UNIT - VIII ADVANCED MANUFACTURING PROCESS: Unconventional machining process: Introduction Classification mechanical, thermal, chemical and hybrid process. Mechanical: - Ultrasonic machining, Water jet machining: -Abrasive jet machining. Thermal: - Electro discharge machining. Laser beam machining, Electro beam machining. Chemical: - Chemical and Electro chemical machining. Hybrid: - Laser assisted Machining. Rapid manufacturing: - Introduction concepts of rapid manufacturing, information flow for rapid prototyping, classification of rapid prototyping process, sterer holography fused deposition modeling, selective laser sintering, Applications of rapid prototyping process TEXT BOOKS: 1. Manufacturing Technology, P.N. Rao,TMH 2. Manufacturing Technology, Kalpak Jain, Pearson education REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Production Technology, R.K. Jain Process and materials of manufacturing Lindberg, PE Principles of Metal Castings, Rosenthal. Welding Process, Parmar Manufacturing Technology, R.K. Rajput, Laxmi Pub Rapid Prototyping Principles and Applications, Rafiq Noorani, Wiely Pub. Unconventional Machining Processes, V.K. Jain, Allied Pub. Production Technology, K.L Narayana, I.K. International Pub
Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
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Impact of jets on Vanes. Performance Test on Pelton Wheel. Performance Test on Francis Turbine. Performance Test on Kaplan Turbine. Performance Test on Single Stage Centrifugal Pump. Performance Test on Multi Stage Centrifugal Pump. Performance Test on Reciprocating Pump. Calibration of Venturimeter. Calibration of Orifice meter. Determination of friction factor for a given pipe line. Determination of loss of head due to sudden contraction in a pipeline. Turbine flow meter. Note : Any 10 of the above 12 experiments are to be conducted.
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(9A03404) MANUFACTURINGTECHNOLOGY LAB Minimum of 12 Exercises need to be performed I. METAL CASTING LAB : 1. Pattern Design and making - for one casting drawing. 2. Sand properties testing - Exercise -for strengths, and permeability 1 3. Moulding Melting and Casting - 1 Exercise II. WELDING LAB : 1. ARC Welding Lap & Butt Joint - 2 Exercises 2. Spot Welding - 1 Exercise 3. TIG Welding - 1 Exercise 4. Plasma welding and Brazing - 2 Exercises (Water Plasma Device) III. MECHANICAL PRESS WORKING : 1. Blanking & Piercing operation and study of simple, compound and progressive press tool. 2. Hydraulic Press: Deep drawing and extrusion operation. 3. Bending and other operations IV. PROCESSING OF PLASTICS 1. Injection Moulding 2. Blow Moulding
(9AHS401) MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS & FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (Common to BT, CE, ECM, EEE, ME) UNIT I: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Definition, nature and scope of managerial economics- relation with other disciplinesDemand Analysis: Demand Determinants, Law of Demand and its exceptions UNIT II: ELASTICITY OF DEMAND Definition, Types, Measurement and Significance of Elasticity of Demand. Demand forecasting, factors governing demand forecasting, methods of demand forecasting (Survey methods, Statistical methods, Expert opinion method, Test marketing, Controlled experiments, Judgmental approach to Demand Forecasting) UNIT III :THEORY OF PRODUCTION AND COST ANALYSIS Production Function Isoquants and Isocosts, MRTS, least cost combination of inputs, Cobb-Douglas production function, laws of returns, internal and external economies of scale. Cost Analysis: Cost concepts, opportunity cost, fixed Vs variable costs, explicit costs Vs Implicit costs, out of pocket costs Vs Imputed costs. Break-Even Analysis (BEA) Determination of Break Even Point (Simple Problems)- Managerial significance and limitations of BEA. UNIT IV: INTRODUCTION TO MARKETS AND PRICING POLICIES Market structures: Types of competition, features of perfect competition, monopolymonopolistic competition. Price-Output determination under perfect competition and monopoly - Methods of Pricing-cost plus pricing, marginal cost, limit pricing, skimming pricing, bundling pricing, sealed bid pricing and peak load pricing. UNIT V: BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS AND NEW ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Characteristic features of business, features and evaluation of sole proprietorship, partnership, Joint Stock Company, public enterprises and their types, changing business environment in post-liberalization scenario. UNIT VI: CAPITAL AND CAPITAL BUDGETING Capital and its significance, types of capital, estimation of fixed and working capital requirements, methods and sources of raising finance.
Nature and scope of capital budgeting, features of capital budgeting proposal, methods of capital budgeting payback method, accounting rate of return (ARR) and Net present value method (Simple problems). UNIT VII: INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Double-Entry Book Keeping, Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance- Final Accounts (Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet with simple adjustments). UNIT VIII: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS THROUGH RATIOS Computation, Analysis and Interpretation of financial statements through Liquidity Ratios (Current and Quick ratio), Activity ratios (Inventory Turnover Ratio and Debtor Turnover Ratio), Capital Structure Ratios (Debt- Equity Ratio, Interest Coverage Ratio) and Profitability ratios (Gross Profit Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Operating Ratio, P/E Ratios and EPS), Du Pont Chart. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Management Economics and Financial Analysis, Aryasri, 4/e, TMH, 2009. 2. Managerial Economics, Varshney & Maheswari, Sultan Chand, 2009.
REFERENCES 1. Financial Accounting and Analysis, Premchand Babu, Madan Mohan, Himalaya, 2009 2. Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, S.A. Siddiqui, and A.S. Siddiqui , New Age International, 2009. 3. Principles of Business Economics, Joseph G. Nellis and David Parker, 2/e, Pearson. 4. Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, Domnick Salvatore, Cengage, 2009. 5. Managerial Economics, H.L.Ahuja, 3/e, S.Chand, 2009 Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. III-I Sem (M.E) (9A03501) THERMAL ENGINEERING II UNIT I Basic Concepts: Rankine cycle - Schematic layout, Thermodynamic Analysis, Concept of Mean Temperature of Heat addition, Methods to improve cycle performance Regeneration reheating- combined- cycles. UNIT II Boilers : Classification based on Working principles & Pressures of operation -L.P & H.P.Boilers Mountings and Accessories Boiler horse power, equivalent evaporation, efficiency and heat balance Draught: classification Height of chimney for given draught and discharge, condition for maximum discharge, efficiency of chimney artificial draught, induced and forced draught. UNIT III Steam Nozzles: Function of nozzle applications - types, Flow through nozzles, thermodynamic analysis assumptions -velocity of nozzle at exit-Ideal and actual expansion in nozzle, velocity coefficient, condition for maximum discharge, critical pressure ratio. Criteria for design of nozzle shape: Super saturated flow, its effects, degree of super saturation and degree of under cooling - Wilson line Shock at the exit. UNIT IV Impulse turbine; Mechanical details Velocity diagram effect of friction power developed, axial thrust, blade or diagram efficiency condition for maximum efficiency. De-Laval Turbine - its features. Methods to reduce rotor speed-Velocity compounding and pressure compounding, Velocity and Pressure variation along the flow combined velocity diagram for a velocity compounded impulse turbine. Governing of impulse turbine. UNIT V Reaction Turbine: Mechanical details principle of operation, thermodynamic analysis of a stage, degree of reaction velocity diagram Parsons reaction turbine condition for maximum efficiency. Governing of reaction turbine. UNIT VI Steam Condensers : Requirements of steam condensing plant, rare fraction Classification of condensers working principle of different types vacuum efficiency
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and condenser efficiency air leakage, sources and its effects, air pump- cooling water requirement. . UNIT VII Gas Turbines : Simple gas turbine plant Ideal cycle, essential components parameters of performance actual cycle regeneration, inter cooling and reheating Closed and Semi-closed cycles merits and demerits, Brief concepts about compressors, combustion chambers and turbines of Gas Turbine Plant. UNIT VIII Jet Propulsion : Principle of Operation Classification of jet propulsive engines Working Principles with schematic diagrams and representation on T-S diagram Thrust, Thrust Power and Propulsion Efficiency Turbo jet engines Turbo jet, Turbo prop, Pulse jet Schematic Diagram, Thermodynamic Cycle, Performance Evaluation Thrust Augmentation Methods. Introduction to Rocket propulsion. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Thermal Engineering, R.K. Rajput, 7/e, Lakshmi Publications, 2009 2. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics, P.K. Nag, TMH REFERENCES: 1. Gas Turbines, V. Ganesan, TMH 2. Thermodynamics and Heat Engines, R.Yadav, Central Book Depot 3. Gas Turbines and Propulsive Systems, P.Khajuria & S.P.Dubey, Dhanpatrai 4. Thermal Engineering, R.S Khurmi & JS Gupta, S.Chand. 5. Thermal Engineering-M.L.Mathur & Mehta, Jain bros. 6. Thermal Engineering Data Book, B.S. Reddy and K.H. Reddy, I.K. International Question Paper Pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits
(9A03502) DYNAMICS OF MACHINERY UNIT I PRECESSION: Gyroscopes, effect of precession motion on the stability of moving vehicles such as motor car, motor cycle, aero planes and ships. UNIT II FRICTION: Inclined plane, friction of screw and nuts, pivot and collar, uniform pressure, uniform wear, Friction circle and friction axis : lubricated surfaces, boundary friction, film lubrication. UNIT III CLUTCHES: Friction clutches- Single Disc or plate clutch, Multiple Disc Clutch, Cone Clutch, Centrifugal Clutch. BRAKES AND DYNAMOMETERS: Simple block brakes, internal expanding brake, band brake of vehicle. Dynamometers absorption and transmission types. General description and methods of Operation. UNIT IV TURNING MOMENT DIAGRAM AND FLY WHEELS: Turning moment diagrams for steam engine, I.C. Engine and multi cylinder engine. Crank effort - coefficient of Fluctuation of energy, coefficient of Fluctuation of speed Fly wheels and their design. UNIT-V GOVERNORS: Watt, Porter and Proell governors. Spring loaded governors Hartnell and Hartung governors with auxiliary springs. Sensitiveness, isochronism and hunting effort and power of a governor. UNIT VI BALANCING: Balancing of rotating masses - single and multiple single and different planes. UNIT VII BALANCING OF RECIPROCATING MASSES: Primary, Secondary and higher balancing of reciprocating masses. Analytical and graphical methods. Unbalanced forces and couples V, multi cylinder, in -line and radial engines for primary and secondary balancing, locomotive balancing Hammer blow, Swaying couple, variation of tractive force.
UNIT VIII VIBRATION: Free Vibration of mass attached to vertical spring oscillation of pendulums, centers of oscillation and suspension. Transverse loads, vibrations of beams with concentrated and distributed loads. Dunkerlys method, Raleighs method. Whirling of shafts, critical speeds, torsional vibrations, two and three rotor systems. Simple problems on forced, damped vibration, Vibration Isolation & Transmissibility TEXT BOOKS : 1. Thoery of Machines, S.S Ratan, MGH 2. Theory of machines, Khurmi, S.Chand. REFERENCES : 1. Mechanism and Machine Theory, JS Rao and RV Dukkipati, New Age Publ. 2. Dynamics of Machinery, Ballaney, Dhanpat Rai 3. Theory of Machines, Thomas Bevan, CBS Publishers 4. Theory of Machines, Jagadish Lal & J.M.Shah, Metropolitan. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03503) MACHINE TOOLS UNIT I Elementary treatment of metal cutting theory Elements of cutting process Geometry of single point tooland angles chip formation and types of chips built up edge and its effects, chip breakers. Mechanics ofOrthogonal cutting Merchants Force diagram, cutting forces cutting speeds, feed, depth of cut, tool life,coolants, machinability economics- Tool materials. UNIT II Engine lathe Principle of working, specification of lathe types of lathes work holders, tool holders BoxTools, Taper turning, thread turning and attachments for Lathes. Turret and capstan lathes collet chucks other work holders tool holding devices box and tool layout. Principal features of automatic lathes classification Single spindle and multi-spindle automatic lathes tool layout and cam design. UNIT III Shaping, Slotting and Planning machines their Principles of working Principal parts specification, classification,Operations performed. Kinematic scheme of the shaping slotting and planning machines, machining time calculations. UNIT IV Drilling and Boring Machines Principles of working, specifications, types, operations performed tool holding devices twist drill Boring machines Fine boring machines Jig Boring machine. Deep hole drilling machine. Kinematics scheme of the drilling and boring machines UNIT V Milling machine Principles of working specifications classifications of milling machines Principal features of horizontal, vertical and universal milling machines machining operations, Types and geometry of milling cutters methods of indexing Accessories to milling machines. UNIT VI Grinding machine Theory of grinding classification of grinding machine cylindrical and
surface grinding machine Tool and cutter grinding machine special types of grinding machines Grinding wheel:Different types of abrasives bonds, specification and selection of a grinding wheel UNIT - VII Lapping, Honing and Broaching machines comparison of grinding, lapping and honing. Lapping, Honing and Broaching machines: Constructional features, speed and feed Units, machining time calculations UNIT - VIII Principles of design of Jigs and fixtures and uses. Classification of Jigs & Fixtures Principles of location and clamping Types of clamping & work holding devices. Typical examples of jigs and fixtures. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Production Technology, R.K. Jain and S.C. Gupta. 2. Workshop Technology Vol II, B.S. Raghuvamshi. REFERENCES : 1. Machine Tools, C.Elanhezhian and M. Vijayan, Anuradha Agencies Publishers. 2. Manufacturing Technology, Kalpakzian, Pearson 3. Production Technology, H.M.T. (Hindustan Machine Tools). 4. Introduction to Manufacturing Technology, Date, Jaico Publ. House Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. III-I Sem (M.E) T 4 (9A03504) DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS - I UNIT I INTRODUCTION: General considerations of design, design process. Selection of Engineering Materials - properties Manufacturing considerations in the design. BIS codes of materials. Preferred numbers. UNIT II STRESSES IN MACHINE MEMBERS: Simple stresses Combined stresses Torsional and bending Stresses impact stresses stress -strain relation Various theories of failure factor of safety Design for strength and rigidity. Concept of stiffness in tension, bending, torsion and Combined cases. UNIT III STRENGTH OF MACHINE ELEMENTS: Stress concentration notch sensitivity Design for fluctuating stresses Endurance limit Estimation of Endurance strength Goodmans line Soderbergs line. UNIT IV RIVETED JOINTS: Types of riveted joints, design of riveted joints. Boiler shell riveting, eccentric loading. UNIT V BOLTED JOINTS Forms of Screw threads. Stresses in Screw fasteners. Design of bolts with pre-stresses Design of joints under eccentric loading Bolts of uniform strength. UNIT VI COTTERS AND KNUCKLE JOINTS: Design of Cotter joints: spigot and socket, sleeve and cotter, jib and cotter joints- Knuckle joints. UNIT VII SHAFTS: Design of solid and hollow shafts for strength and rigidity Design of shafts for combined bending and axial loads Shaft sizes BIS code. P 0 C 4
UNIT VIII KEYS AND COUPLINGS: Design of Rigid couplings: Muff, Split muff and Flange couplings-Flexible couplings. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Machine design, Schaum Series. 2. Machine design, Pandya & Shah, Charotar Publ. REFERENCES : 1. Machine design, J.E. Shigley 2. Design of Machine Elements-I, T. Krishna Rao, I.K. International 3. Design of Machine Elements, M.F. Spotts, PHI 4. Machine Design, Kannaiah, Scietech. 5. Machine design, RS Khurmi and Jk Gupta NOTE: Design data books are not permitted in the examinations. The design must not only satisfy strength criteria but also rigidity criteria. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03505) HEAT TRANSFER UNIT I Introduction: Modes and mechanisms of heat transfer Basic laws of heat transfer General applications of heat transfer. Conduction Heat Transfer: Fourier rate equation General heat conduction equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates. UNIT II Simplification and forms of the field equation steady, unsteady and periodic heat transfer boundary and Initial conditions. One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction: in Homogeneous slabs, hollow cylinders and spheres overall heat transfer coefficient electrical analogy Critical radius/thickness of insulation-with Variable Thermal conductivity with internal heat sources or Heat generation. Extended surface (fins) Heat Transfer Long Fin, Fin with insulated tip and Short Fin, Application to errors in Temperature measurement. UNIT III One Dimensional Transient Heat Conduction: in Systems with negligible internal resistance Significance of Biot and Fourier Numbers - Chart solutions of transient conduction systems- Problems on semi-infinite body. UNIT IV Convective Heat Transfer: Dimensional analysisBuckingham Theorem and its application for developing semi empirical non- dimensional correlations for convective heat transfer Significance of non-dimensional numbers Concepts of Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations. UNIT V Forced convection: External Flows: Concepts of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer and use of empirical correlations for convective heat transfer for flow over-Flat plates, Cylinders and spheres.. Internal Flows: Division of internal flow through Concepts of Hydrodynamic and Thermal Entry Lengths Use of empirical relations for convective heat transfer in Horizontal Pipe Flow, annular flow. Free Convection: Development of Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer along a vertical plate Use of empirical relations for convective heat transfer on plates and cylinders in horizontal and vertical orientation.
UNIT VI Heat Transfer with Phase Change: Boiling: Pool boiling Regimes, determination of heat transfer coefficient in Nucleate boiling, Critical Heat flux and Film boiling. Condensation: Film wise and drop wise condensation Nusselts Theory of Condensation on a vertical plate - Film condensation on vertical and horizontal cylinders using empirical correlations. UNIT VII Heat Exchangers: Classification of heat exchangers overall heat transfer Coefficient and fouling factor Concepts of LMTD and NTU methods - Problems using LMTD and NTU methods. UNIT VIII Radiation Heat Transfer Emission characteristics and laws of black-body radiation Irradiation total and monochromatic quantities laws of Planck, Wien, Kirchoff, Lambert, Stefan and Boltzmann heat exchange between two black bodies concepts of shape factor Emissivity heat exchange between gray bodies radiation shields electrical analogy for radiation networks. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Fundamentals of Engg. Heat and Mass Transfer, R.C. Sachdeva, 3/e, New Age International 2. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, M.Thirumaleswar, Pearson Edu. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Heat Transfer, P.K.Nag, 2/e, TMH, 2010 2. Heat Transfer, Holman.J.P, 9/e, TMH, 2010 3. Heat and Mass Transfer, R.K.Rajput, S.Chand & Company Ltd. 4. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Kondandaraman, C.P., 3/e, New Age Publ. 5. Fundamentals of Heat Transfer, Incropera, 5/e, Wiley India. 6. Heat Transfer, Ghoshdastidar, Oxford Univ. Press, 2004 7. Thermal Engineering Data Book, B.S.Reddy and K.H.Reddy Rev/e, I.K. International Question Paper Pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits. Codes/Tables : Thermal Engineering Data Book to be supplied in Exams.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. III-I Sem (M.E) T 0 (9A03506) HEAT TRANSFER LAB 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Thermal conductivity of insulating powder material through Concentric Sphere apparatus. Thermal conductivity of insulating material through lagged pipe apparatus Overall heat transfer co-efficient through Composite Slab Apparatus Thermal Conductivity of metal (conductor). Heat transfer in pin-fin Experiment on Transient Heat Conduction Heat transfer coefficient in forced convection. Heat transfer coefficient in natural convection Experiment on Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger. Emissivity of a gray body through Emissivity apparatus. Experiment on Stefan Boltzman Apparatus. Heat transfer in drop and film wise condensation. Experiment on Critical Heat flux apparatus. Study of heat pipe and its demonstration. Study of Two Phase flow. P 3 C 2
(9A03507) THERMAL ENGINEERING LAB 1. 2. 3. 4. Valve / Port Timing Diagrams of an I.C. Engines Performance Test on a 4 -Stroke Diesel Engines Performance Test on 2-Stroke Petrol engine Evaluation of Engine friction by conducting Morse test on 4-Stroke Multi cylinder Engine 5. Retardation and motoring test on 4- stroke engine 6. Heat Balance of an I.C. Engine. 7. Air/Fuel Ratio and Volumetric Efficiency of an I.C. Engines. 8. Performance Test on Variable Compression Ratio Engines, economical speed test. 9. Performance Test on Reciprocating Air Compressor Unit 10. Study of Boilers 11. Dismantling / Assembly of Engines to identify the parts and their position in an engine.
(9A03601) INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT I Concepts of Management and Organization Functions of Management Evolution of Management Thought : Taylors Scientific Management, Fayols Principles of Management, Douglas Mc-Gregors Theory X and Theory Y, Mayos Hawthorne Experiments, Hertzbergs Two Factor Theory of Motivation, Maslows Hierarchy of Human Needs Systems Approach to Management. UNIT II Designing Organizational Structures : Basic concepts related to Organization Departmentation and Decentralisation, Types of mechanistic and organic structures of organization (Line organization, Line and staff organization, functional organization, Committee organization, matrix organization, Virtual Organization, Cellular Organization, team structure, boundary less organization, inverted pyramid structure, lean and flat organization structure) and their merits, demerits and suitability. UNIT III Plant location, definition, factors affecting the plant location, comparison of rural and urban sites-methods for selection of plant- Matrix approach. Plant Layout definition, objectives, types of production, types of plant layout various data analyzing formstravel chart. UNIT IV Work study - Definition, objectives, Method study - definition, objectives, steps involvedvarious types of associated charts-difference between micro-motion and memo-motion studies. Work measurement- definition, time study, steps involved-equipment, different methods of performance rating- allowances, standard time calculation. Work Sampling definition, steps involved, standard time calculations, differences with time studyApplications. UNIT V Materials Management-Objectives, Inventory functions, types, associated costs, inventory classification techniques. Stores Management and Stores Records. Purchase management, duties of purchase manager, associated forms.
UNIT VI PERT & CPM : Project management, network modeling-probabilistic model, various types of activity times estimation-programme evaluation review techniques- Critical Path-probability of completing the project, deterministic model, critical path method critical path calculation-crashing of simple of networks. UNIT VII INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROL- types of inspections Difference between inspection & quality control. Statistical Quality Control-techniques-variables and attributes-assignable and non assignable causes- variable control charts, and R charts, attributes control charts, p charts and c charts. Acceptance sampling plan- single sampling and double sampling plans-OC curves. Introduction to TQM- Quality Circles, ISO 9000 series procedures. UNIT VIII HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT- Functions of HRM, Job Evaluation, different types of evaluation methods. Job description, Merit Rating.- difference with job evaluation, different methods of merit ratings, wage incentives, different types of wage incentive schemes. Marketing, marketing vs selling, marketing mix, product life cycle. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Manufacturing Organization and Management, Amrine, 2/e, Pearson, 2004. 2. Industrial Engineering and Management, O.P. Khanna, Dhanpat Rai. REFERENCES: 1. Management, Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert, 6/e, Pearson Edu., 2005. 2. Production and Operations Management, Panneer Selvam, PHI, 2004. 3. Reliability Engineering & Quality Engineering, Dr.C. Nadhamuni Reddy and Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Galgotia Publ. Pvt.. Ltd. 4. Motion and Time Studies, Ralph M Barnes, John Wiley and Sons, 2004. 5. Operations Management, Chase, Jacobs, Aquilano, 10/e, TMH, 2003. 6. PERT/CPM, L.S. Srinath, East-West Press, 2000. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits .
(9A03602) CAD / CAM UNIT I Computers in Industrial Manufacturing, Product cycle, CAD / CAM Hardware, Basic structure, CPU, Memory types, input devices, display devices, hard copy devices, storage devices. UNIT II Computer Graphics & Drafting: Raster scan graphics coordinate system, database structure for graphics modeling, transformation of geometry, 3D transformations, Geometric commands , layers, display control commands, editing, dimensioning. UNIT III Geometric modeling: Requirements, geometric models, geometric construction models, curve representation methods, surface representation methods, modeling facilities desired. UNIT IV Numerical control: NC, NC modes, NC elements, NC machine tools, structure of CNC machine tools, features of Machining center, turning center, CNC Part Programming : fundamentals, manual part programming methods, Computer Aided Part Programming. UNIT V Group Tech: Part family, coding and classification, production flow analysis, advantages and limitations, Computer Aided Processes Planning, Retrieval type and Generative type. UNIT VI Types of manufacturing systems: FMS, Material handling systems, computer control systems, JIT, Human labor in manufacturing systems. UNIT VII Computer integrated production planning: Capacity planning, shop floor control, MRP-I, MRP-II, CIMS benefits.
UNIT VIII Computer Aided Quality Control: Terminology in quality control, the computer in QC, contact inspection methods, non-contact inspection methods-optical non-contact inspection methods-non-optical computer aided testing, integration of CAQC with CAD/CAM. TEXT BOOKS: 1. CAD/CAM, A Zimmers & P.Groover, PE, PHI 2. CAD/CAM-Principles and applications, P.N. Rao, TMH REFERENCES: 1. Automation, Production systems & Computer integrated Manufacturing, Groover, P.E 2. CAD/CAM/CIM, Radhakrishnan and Subramaniah, New Age 3. Principles of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing , Farid Amirouche, Pearson 4. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, R. Sivasubramaniam, TMH 5. Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Lalit Narayan , PHI. 6. Computer Aided Manufacturing, T.C. Chang, Pearson 7. A text book of CAD/CAM, CSP Rao, Hitech Publ. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits
(9A03603) METROLOGY UNIT I SYSTEMS OF LIMITS AND FITS: Introduction, Definitions, fits and their types unilateral and bilateral tolerance system, hole and shaft basis systems interchangeability and selective assembly. Indian standard Institution system International Standard system for plain and screwed work. UNIT II LINEAR MEASUREMENT: Length standard, line, end & wavelength standards, slip gauges calibration of the slip gauges, Dial indicator, micrometers. MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES AND TAPERS: Different methods Bevel protractor angle gauges spirit levels sine bar Sine plate, rollers and spheres used to determine the tapers. LIMIT GAUGES: Plug, Ring, Snap, Gap, Taper, Profile and Position gauges. Taylors principle. Design of Go and No Go gauges. UNIT III OPTICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS: Tool makers microscope collimators, optical projector optical flats and their uses, interferometer. FLATNESS MEASUREMENT: Measurement of flatness of surfaces straight edges surface plates optical flat and auto collimator. UNIT IV SURFACE ROUGHNESS MEASUREMENT: Differences between surface roughness and surface waviness- Numerical assessment of surface finish CLA, R.M.S Values Ra , Rz values, Methods of measurement of surface finish-profilograph, Talysurf, BIS symbols for indication of surface finish. MEASUREMENT THROUGH COMPARATORS: Comparators Mechanical, Optical, Electrical, Electronic, Pneumatic comparators and their uses. UNIT-V SCREW THREAD MEASUREMENT: Elements of measurement errors in screw threads measurement of effective diameter, angle of thread and thread pitch- profile thread gauges.
UNIT -VI MACHINE TOOL ALIGNMENT TESTS: Requirements of Machine Tool Alignment Tests, Alignment tests on lathe, milling, drilling machine tools. Preparation of acceptance charts. UNIT- VII GEAR MEASUREMENT: Gear measuring instruments, Gear tooth profile measurement. Measurement of diameter, pitch, pressure angle and tooth thickness. Coordinate Measuring Machines: Types of CMM and Applications of CMM. UNIT VIII SURFACE ENGINEERING: Surface treatment processes and their character tics and applications. (a) Overlay coatings (b) Diffusion coatings (c) Thermal or mechanical modification of Surfaces TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Metrology , Mahajan, Dhanpat Rai 2. Engineering Metrology, R.K. Jain, Khanna Publ. REFERENCES: 1. BIS standards on Limits & Fits, Surface Finish, Machine Tool Alignment etc. 2. Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology , Connie Dotson ,4e, Thomson 3. Handbook of Tribology: Materials, Coatings, and Surface Treatments, Bharat Bhushan and B.K.Gupta. 4. Surface Engineering with Lasers, Dehosson J.T. 5. Surface Engineering for corrosion and wear resistance, JR Davis, Woodhead Publ. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03604) REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING UNIT I Introduction to Refrigeration: Necessity and applications Unit of refrigeration and C.O.P. Different refrigeration methods - Air Refrigeration: Ideal and Actual cycles, Open and Dense air systems - problems Refrigeration needs of Air crafts. UNIT II Vapour compression refrigeration Basic cycle - working principle and essential components of the plant COP Representation of cycle on T-S and P-h charts Expander vs. Throttling, effect of sub cooling and super heating cycle analysis Actual cycle- Influence of various parameters on system performance Construction and Use of P-h charts numerical Problems. UNIT III Refrigerants Desirable properties classification of refrigerants used Nomenclature- secondary refrigerants- lubricants Ozone Depletion Global Warmingnewer refrigerants. UNIT IV Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System description and working of NH3 water system and Li Br water ( Two shell & Four shell) System -Calculation of max COP. Principle of operation of three Fluid absorption system. UNIT V Steam Jet Refrigeration System: Working Principle and Basic Componentsestimation of motive steam required. Principle and operation of: (i) Thermo-electric refrigerator (ii) Vortex tube or Hilsch tube. UNIT VI Introduction to Air Conditioning: Psychrometric Properties & Processes Characterization of Sensible and latent heat loads Need for Ventilation, Consideration of Infiltrated air Heat Load concepts: RSHF, GSHF- Problems. UNIT VII Air Conditioning equipment - humidifiers dehumidifiers air filters, fans and blowers.
Heat Pump Heat sources different heat pump circuits. UNIT VIII Requirements of human comfort and concept of Effective Temperature- Comfort chart Comfort Air Conditioning- Summer, Winter & year round air conditioning- simple problems. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, CP Arora, 3/e, TMH, 2008 2. A Course in Refrigeration and Air conditioning, SC Arora & Domkundwar, Dhanpatrai REFERENCES: 1. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Manohar Prasad, 2/e, New Age. 2. Principles of Refrigeration, Dossat, 4/e, Pearson Edu. 3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, P.L.Ballaney, Khanna Publ. 4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, R.C.Arora, PHI, 2010 5. Basic Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Ananthanarayanan, TMH Question Paper Pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits. Tables/Codes: Thermal Engineering Data Book containing Refrigerant and Psychrometric property Tables and charts
(9A03605) DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS II UNIT I BEARINGS: Types of Journal bearings Lubrication Bearing Modulusbearing materials journal bearing design Ball and roller bearings Static loading of ball & roller bearings, bearing life Failure of bearings. UNIT II ENGINE PARTS: Pistons, Forces acting on piston Construction Design and proportions of piston. Cylinder, Cylinder liners, UNIT III CONNECTING ROD: Thrust in connecting rod stress due to whipping action on Connecting rod ends Cranks and Crank shafts, strength and proportions of Over hung cranks UNIT IV DESIGN OF CURVED BEAMS: Introduction, stresses in curved beams, Expression for radius of neutral axis for rectangular, circular, trapezoidal and T-Section. Design of crane hooks, C clamps. UNIT V POWER TRANSMISSIONS SYSTEMS: Design of Flat belt drives, V-belt drives & rope drives. Selection of wire ropes, design procedure for chain drives. UNIT VI SPUR & HELICAL GEARS: Spur gears- Helical gears Load concentration factor Dynamic load factor. Surface compressive strength Bending strength Design analysis of spur gears Estimation of centre distance, module and face width, check for plastic deformation. Check for dynamic and wear considerations. UNIT VII MECHANICAL SPRINGS: Stress and deflections of helical Springs-Springs for fatigue loading Natural frequency of helical springs-Energy storage capacity- Helical Torsion springs- Leaf springs-Coaxial springs
UNIT VIII DESIGN OF POWER SCREWS: Design of screw, Square ACME, Buttress screwsEfficiency of the screw. Design of nut, compound screw, differential screw, ball screwpossible failures. TEXT BOOK: 1. Machine Design , V.B.Bhandari, TMH 2. Machine Design, R.S. Khurmi & J.S.Gupta, S.Chand Publ. REFERENCES: 1. Mech. Engg. Design, JE Shingley 2. Design of Machine Elements-II, T. Krishna Rao, I.K. International 3. Machine Design, T.V. Sundaramoorthy & N.Shanmugam 4. Machine Design, Kanniah, Scitech Publishers 5. Data Books : (i) P.S.G. College of Technology (ii) Balaveer Swamy and Mahadevan Question Paper Pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits. Tables/Codes: Design data books to be supplied in exam
(9A03606) AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING UNIT I Introduction : Components of a four wheeler automobile chassis and body power unit power transmission rear wheel drive, front wheel drive, 4 wheel drive types of automobile engines, engine construction, turbo charging and super charging oil filters, oil pumps crank case ventilation. UNIT II Fuel System: S.I. Engine: Fuel supply systems, Mechanical and electrical fuel pump filters carburettor types air filters Gasoline injection. C.I. Engines: Requirements of diesel injection systems, types of injection systems, fuel pump, nozzle spray formation, injection timing, testing of fuel pumps. UNIT III Cooling System: Cooling Requirements, Air Cooling, Liquid Cooling, Thermo, water and Forced Circulation System Radiators Types Cooling Fan - water pump, thermostat, evaporative cooling pressure sealed cooling antifreeze solutions. Ignition System: Function of an ignition system, battery ignition system, constructional features of storage battery, auto transformer, contact breaker points, condenser and spark plug Magneto coil ignition system, electronic ignition system using contact breaker, electronic ignition using contact triggers spark advance and retard mechanism. Unit IV Emissions from Automobiles Pollution standards National and international Pollution Control Techniques Multipoint fuel injection for SI Engines- Common rail diesel injection Emissions from alternative energy sources hydrogen, Biomass, alcohols, LPG, CNG - their merits and demerits. UNIT V Electrical System : Charging circuit, generator, current voltage regulator starting system, Bendix drive, mechanism of Solenoid switch, Lighting systems, Horn, wiper, Fuel gauge oil pressure gauge, Engine temperature indicator.
UNIT VI Transmission System: Clutches- Principle- types: cone clutch, single plate clutch, multi plate clutch, magnetic and centrifugal clutches, fluid fly wheel gear box- types: sliding mesh, constant mesh, synchromesh, epi-cyclic, over drive, torque converter. Propeller shaft Hotch Kiss drive, Torque tube drive, universal joint, differential, rear axles. UNIT VII Steering System: Steering geometry camber, castor, king pin rake, combined angle toe-in, center point steering. Types of steering mechanism Ackerman steering mechanism, Davis steering mechanism, steering gears types, steering linkages. UNIT VIII Suspension System: Objects of suspension systems rigid axle suspension system, torsion bar, shock absorber, Independent suspension system. Braking System: Mechanical brake system, Hydraulic brake system, Pneumatic and vacuum brake systems. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Automotive Mechanics Vol.1&Vol.2, Kirpal Singh. 2. Automobile Engineering, William Crouse REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Automobile Engineering, R.K.Rajput, Lakshmi Publ. 2. Automobile Engineering, K.K. Ramalingam, scitech Publ. 3. Automotive Engines, Newton, Steeds & Garret. 4. Alternate Fuels, Thipse, Jaico Publ. House Question Paper Pattern: 5 question to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03607) METROLOGY AND MACHINE TOOLS LAB Section A: 1. Measurement of lengths, heights, diameters by vernier calipers, micrometers etc. 2. Measurement of bores by internal micrometers and dial bore indicators. 3. Use of gear teeth, vernier calipers and checking the chordal addendum and chordal height of spur gear. 4. Alignment test on the lathe. 5. Alignment test on milling machine. 6. Study of Tool makers microscope and its application 7. Angle and taper measurements by Bevel protractor, Sine bars, etc. 8. Use of spirit level in finding the flatness of surface plate. 9. Thread measurement by Two wire/ Three wire method. 10. Surface roughness measurement by Talysurf instrument. 11. Surface Wear Resistances Test using Electro Spark Coating Device. Section B: 1. Demonstration of construction & operations of general purpose machines: Lathe, Drilling machine, Milling machine, Shaper, Planning machine, Slotting machine, Cylindrical Grinder, Surface grinder and Tool & cutter grinder. 2. Job on Step turning and taper turning on lathe machine 3. Job on Thread cutting and knurling on -lathe machine. 4. Job on Drilling and Tapping 5. Job on Shaping and Planning 6. Job on Slotting 7. Job on Milling Job on Cylindrical Surface Grinding 8. Job on Grinding of Tool angles.
(9AHS601) ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB (Common to ECE, E Con E, ECM, EIE, EEE, ME, AE) Introduction The Advanced English Language Skills Lab introduced at the 3rd year B.Tech level is considered essential for the student for focusing on his/her career. At this stage it is imperative for the student to start preparing for the ever growing competition in the job market. In this scenario, in order to be on par with the best, he/she needs to improve his/her Communication and soft skills This course focuses on the practical aspects of English incorporating all the four (LRSW) skills relevant to the requirements of the prospective employers in view of globalization. The proposed course will enable the students to perform the following: Intensive reading to improve comprehension and communication Attentive listening for better understanding Write project/research/technical reports Write Resume to attract attention Discuss ideas / opinions for better solutions Face interviews confidently Gather information, organize ideas, and present them effectively before an audience To help the students cultivate the habit of reading passages from the computer monitor, thus providing them with the required ability to face computer-based competitive exams such GRE, TOEFL,CAT, GMAT etc. 2. Objectives: Keeping in mind the previous exposure of the student to English, this lab focuses on improving the students proficiency in English at all levels. The lab intends to train students to use language effectively, to participate in group discussions, to help them face interviews, and sharpen public speaking skills and enhance the confidence of the student by exposing him/her to various situations and contexts which he/she would face in his/her career 3. Syllabus The following course content is prescribed for the Advanced Communication Skills Lab:
Reading Comprehension -- Reading for facts, guessing meanings from context, speed reading, scanning, skimming for building vocabulary(synonyms and antonyms, one word substitutes, prefixes and suffixes, idioms and phrases.) Listening Comprehension-- Listening for understanding, so as to respond relevantly and appropriately to people of different backgrounds and dialects in various personal and professional situations. Technical Report WritingTypes of formats and styles, subject matter, organization, clarity, coherence and style, data-collection, tools, analysis Resume WritingStructure, format and style, planning, defining the career objective, projecting ones strengths, and skills, creative self marketing, cover letter Group Discussion-- Communicating views and opinions, discussing, intervening. providing solutions on any given topic across a cross-section of individuals,(keeping an eye on modulation of voice, clarity, body language, relevance, fluency and coherence) in personal and professional lives. Interview SkillsConcept and process, pre-interview planning, mannerisms, body language, organizing, answering strategies, interview through tele and videoconferencing Technical Presentations (Oral) Collection of data, planning, preparation, type, style and format ,use of props, attracting audience, voice modulation, clarity, body language, asking queries. 4. Minimum Requirements The English Language Lab shall have two parts: The Computer aided Language Lab for 60 students with 60 systems, one master console, LAN facility and English language software for self-study by learners. The Communication Skills Lab with movable chairs and audio-visual aids with a P.A System, a TV, A digital stereo-audio and video system, Camcorder etc System Requirement (Hardware Component): Computer network with LAN with a minimum of 60 multimedia systems with the following specifications: P-IV Processor, Speed-2.8 GHz, RAM_512 MB minimum, Hard Disk-80 GB, Headphones
Prescribed Software: GLOBARENA Books Suggested for English Language Lab Library (to be located within the lab in addition to the CDs of the text book which are loaded on the systems): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Technical writing and professional communication, Huckin and Olsen Tata Mc Graw-Hil 2009. Speaking about Science, A Manual for Creating Clear Presentations by Scott Morgan and Barrett Whitener, Cambridge University press, 2006 Books on TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/CAT/ IELTS by Barrons/DELTA/Cambridge University Press. Handbook for Technical Writing by David A McMurrey & Joanne Buckely CENGAGE Learning 2008 Technical Communication by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford University Press 2009. The ACE of Soft Skills by Gopal Ramesh and Mahadevan Ramesh, Pearson Education, 2010 Cambridge English for Job-Hunting by Colm Downes, Cambridge University Press, 2008 Resumes and Interviews by M.Ashraf Rizvi, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, 2008 From Campus To Corporate by KK Ramachandran and KK Karthick, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, 2010 English Language Communication : A Reader cum Lab Manual Dr A Ramakrishna Rao, Dr G Natanam & Prof SA Sankaranarayanan, Anuradha Publications, Chennai 2008. Managing Soft Skills by K R Lakshminarayan and T.Muruguvel, Sci-Tech Publications, 2010 Business Communication by John X Wang, CRC Press, Special Indian Edition,2008
11. 12.
(9A03701) OPERATIONS RESEARCH UNIT I Development Definition Characteristics and Phases Types of models operation Research models applications. ALLOCATION : Linear Programming Problem Formulation Graphical solution Simplex method Artificial variables techniques -Twophase method, Big-M method Duality Principle-Economic interpretation of duality. UNIT II TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM Formulation Optimal solution, unbalanced transportation problem Degeneracy. Assignment problem Formulation Optimal solution - Variants of Assignment Problem-Traveling Salesman problem. SEQUENCING Introduction Flow Shop sequencing n jobs through two machines n jobs through three machines Job shop sequencing two jobs through m machines. UNIT III REPLACEMENT : Introduction Replacement of items that deteriorate with time when money value is not considered and considered Replacement of items that fail completely, group replacement. UNIT IV THEORY OF GAMES : Introduction Minimax (maximin) Criterion and optimal strategy Solution of games with saddle points Rectangular games without saddle points 2 X 2 games dominance principle m X 2 & 2 X n games -graphical method.
UNIT V WAITING LINES : Introduction Single Channel Poisson arrivals exponential service times with finite queue length and non finite queue length models Multichannel Poisson arrivals exponential service times with finite queue length and queue length and non finite queue length models. UNIT VI INVENTORY : Introduction Single item Deterministic models Purchase inventory models with one price break and multiple price breaks shortages are not allowed Stochastic models demand may be discrete variable or continuous variable
Instantaneous production. Instantaneous demand and continuous demand and no set up cost. UNIT VII DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING : Introduction Bellmans Principle of optimality Applications of dynamic programming- capital budgeting problem shortest path problem linear programming problem. UNIT VIII SIMULATION : Definition Types of simulation models phases of simulation applications of simulation Inventory and Queuing problems Advantages and Disadvantages Simulation Languages. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Introduction to Operations Research, Taha, PHI 2. Introduction to Operations Research, Hiller & Libermann, TMH. REFERENCES: 1. Operations Research, A.M. Natarajan, P.Balasubramani, A. Tamilarasi, Pearson Edu. 2. Operations Research: Methods & Problems, Maurice Saseini, Arhur Yaspan & Lawrence Friedman 3. Operations Research, R.Panneerselvam, PHI Publ. 4. Operations Research, wagner, PHI Publ. 5. Operations Research, J.K. Sharma, Mac Milan. 6. Operations Research, Wayne L. Winston, Thomson Brooks, Cole 7. Operations Research, R. Veerachari and V. Ravi Kumar, I.K. International Question Paper Pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
UNIT I Introduction to Automation: Need , Types, Basic elements of an automated system, levels of automation, hardware components for automation and process control, mechanical feeders, hoppers, orienters, high speed automatic insertion devices. UNIT II Automated flow lines: Part transfer methods and mechanisms, types of Flow lines, flow line with/without buffer storage, qualitative analysis. UNIT III Assembly line balancing: Assembly process and systems assembly line, line balancing methods, ways of improving line balance, flexible assembly lines. UNIT IV Introduction to Industrial Robots: Classification. Robot configurations, Functional line diagram, Degrees of Freedom. Components, common types of arms, joints, grippers. UNIT V Manipulator Kinematics: Homogeneous transformations as applicable to rotation and translation - D-H notation, Forward and inverse kinematics. Manipulator Dynamics: Differential transformation, Jacobians . Lagrange Euler and Newton Euler formations. UNIT VI Trajectory Planning: Trajectory planning and avoidance of obstacles, path planning, Skew motion, joint integrated motion straight line motion . Robot programming-Types features of languages and software packages. UNIT VII Robot actuators and Feed back components: Actuators: Pneumatic, Hydraulic actuators, electric & stepper motors, comparison. Position sensors potentiometers, resolvers, encoders Velocity sensors, Tactile sensors, Proximity sensors.
UNIT VIII Robot Application in Manufacturing: Material Transfer - Material handling, loading and unloading- Processing - spot and continuous arc welding & spray painting Assembly and Inspection. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Automation , Production systems and CIM, M.P.Groover, Pearson Edu. 2. Industrial Robotics, M.P. Groover, TMH. REFERENCES: 1. Robotics, Fu KS, McGraw Hill. 2. An Introduction to Robot Technology, P. Coiffet and M.Chaironze, Kogam Page Ltd. 1983 London. 3. Robotics Engineering, Richard D.Klafter, Prentice Hall 4. Robotics, fundamental Concepts and analysis, Ashitave Ghosal, Oxford Press, 2006 5. Robotics and Control, Mittal RK & Nagrath IJ, TMH. 6. Introduction to Robotics, John J. Craig, Pearson Edu Question Paper Pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03703) FINITE ELEMENT METHODS UNIT-I Introduction to Finite Element Method for solving field problems. Stress and Equilibrium. Strain - Displacement relations. Stress - strain relations. UNIT-II One Dimensional problems: Finite element modeling coordinates and shape functions. Potential Energy approach: Assembly of Global stiffness matrix and load vector. Finite element equations, Treatment of boundary conditions, Quadratic shape functions. Development of Truss Equations: Derivation of stiffness matrix for a beam element in local coordinates, selecting approximation functions for displacement, global stiffness matrix, computation of stress for a bar in x-y Plane, solution of a plane truss, potential energy approach to derive bar element equations, comparison of finite element solution to exact solution for bar, Galerkin's residual method and its use to derive the onedimensional bar element equation, other residual methods and their applications to a one-dimensional bar problem. UNIT - III Development of Beam Equations: Beam stiffness, example of assemblage of beam stiffness matrices, distributed loading, beam element with nodal hinge, potential energy approach to derive beam element equations. Galerkin's methods for deriving beam element equations. UNIT-IV Frames, Plane stress and strain equations: Two-dimensional arbitrarily oriented beam element rigid plane frame examples, grid equations. Basic concepts of plane stress and plane strain, derivation of the constant strain triangular element stiffness matrix and equations, treatment of body and surface forces, explicit expression for the constant strain triangle stiffness matrix, finite element solution of a plane stress problem. UNIT - V Development of a linear strain and axisymmetric elements: Introduction, derivation of the linear strain triangular element stiffness matrix and equations, example LST stiffness determination, comparison of elements, derivation of the stiffness matrix, solution of an axisymmetric pressure vessels Isoparametric formulation: Isoparametric formulation of the bar element stiffness matrix, rectangular plane stress element, Isoparametric formulation of the plane element stiffness matrix, evaluation of the stiffness matrix and stress matrix by Gaussian quadrature.
UNIT -VI Heat and Mass Transfer analysis: Derivation of the basic differential equation, heat transfer with convection, typical units thermal conductivities, K: and heat transfer coefficients, h, one-dimensional finite element formulation using a variational method, two-dimensional finite element formulation, line or point sources, one-dimensional heat transfer with mass transport, finite element formulation of heat transfer with mass transport by Galerkin's method, flow chart and examples of a heat transfer program UNIT - VII Fluid flow and thermal stress analysis: Derivation of the basic differential equations, one-dimensional finite element formulation, two-dimensional finite element formulation, flow chart and examples of a fluid flow program. Formulation of the thermal stress problem and examples. UNIT-VIII Structural Dynamic and Time Dependent Heat Transfer: Dynamics of a spring mass system, direct derivation of the bar element equations, numerical integration in time, natural frequencies of a one-dimensional bar, time dependent one dimensional bar analysis, beam element mass matrices and natural frequencies, truss, plane frame, plane stress/strain, axisymmetric, solid element mass matrices, time-dependent heat transfer. TEXT BOOKS: 1. A first course in Finite Element Method, Daryl L Logan, Cengage Learning 2. Finite Element Methods in Engineering , SS Rao , Pergamon, 3. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering , Chandraputla, A and Belegundu, PHI. REFERENCES: 1. An introduction to Finite Element Method, JN Reddy, TMH 2. Finite Element Method, its basics and fundamentals, O.C. Zienkiewicz, Elsevier 3. The Finite Element Method for Engineers, Kenneth H. Huebner, Donald L. Dewhirst, Douglas E. Smith and Ted G. Byrom, John Wiley & Sons (ASIA) Pte Ltd. 4. Fundamentals of Finite element analysis, David V Hutton, TMH 5. Finite Element Analysis, G.Lakshminarasaiah, B.S.Publ., 2008 Question Paper Pattern: 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. IV-I Sem (M.E) T P C 4 0 4 (9A03704) INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS UNIT-I Definition - Basic principles of measurement - Measurement systems, generalized configuration and functional descriptions of measuring instruments - examples. Dynamic performance characteristics sources of error, Classification and elimination of error. UNIT-II Measurement of Displacement: Theory and construction of various transducers to measure displacement - Piezo electric, Inductive, capacitance, resistance, ionization and Photo electric transducers, Calibration procedures. MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE: Classification - Ranges - Various Principles of measurement - Expansion, Electrical Resistance - Thermistor - Thermocouple Pyrometers - Temperature Indicators. UNIT - III MEASUREMENT OF PRESSURE: Units - classification - different principles usedManometers, Piston, Bourdon pressure gauges, Bellows - Diaphragm gauges. Low pressure measurement - Thermal. conductivity gauges - ionization pressure gauges, Mcleod pressure gauge. UNIT -IV MEASUREMENT OF LEVEL: Direct method - Indirect methods - capacitative, ultrasonic, magnetic, cryogenic fuel level indicators - Bubler level indicators. FLOW MEASUREMENT: Rotameter, magnetic, Ultrasonic, Turbine flow meter, Hot wire anemometer Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA). UNIT - V MEASUREMENT OF SPEED: Mechanical Tachometers - Electrical tachometers Stroboscope, Noncontact type of tachometer . Measurement of Acceleration and Vibration: Different simple instruments - Principles of Seismic instruments - Vibrometer and accelerometer. UNIT - VI STRESS & STRAIN MEASUREMENTS: Various types - electrical strain gauge - gauge factor - method of usage of resistance strain gauge for bending, compressive and tensile strains - usage for measuring torque, Strain gauge Rosettes.
UNIT - VII MEASUREMENT OF HUMIDITY - Moisture content in the gases, sling psychrometer, Absorption psychrometer, Dew point meter. MEASUREMENT OF FORCE, TORQUE AND POWER- Elastic force meters, load cells, Torsion meters, Dynamometers. UNIT - VIII ELEMENTS OF CONTROL SYSTEMS: Introduction, Importance - Classification - Open and closed systems Servomechanisms-Examples with block diagrams-Temperature, speed & position control systems TEXT BOOKS: 1. Measurement systems: Application and design, Doeblin O. Earnest.. Adaptation by Manik and Dhanesh, TMH 2. Mechanical Measurements, Beckwith, Marangoni, Linehard, PHI, PE REFERENCES: 1. Instrumentation, Measurement & Analysis , B.C.Nakra & K.KChoudhary, TMH 2. Measurement Systems: Applications & design ,D.S Kumar. 3. Instrumentation and Control Systems, S.Bhaskar, Anuradha Agencies. 4. Mechanical and Industrial Measurements , R.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers. 5. Instrumentation & Mechanical Measurements , AK. Tayal ,Galgotia Publ. 6. Principals of Industrial Instrumentation and Control Systems, Chennakesava, R.A., Cengage Learning, 2008 Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03705) ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Elective-I) UNIT 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Definition of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Traits, Entrepreneur vs. Manager, Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur. The Entrepreneurial decision process. Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development, Ethics and Social responsibility of Entrepreneurs. Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in India and abroad. Woman as Entrepreneur. UNIT II : Creating and Starting the Venture, Sources of new Ideas, Methods of generating ideas, creating problem solving, product planning and development process. UNIT III: The Business Plan Nature and scope of Business plan, Writing Business Plan, Evaluating Business plans, Using and implementing business plans. Marketing plan, financial plan and the organizational plan, Launching formalities. UNIT IV: Financing and Managing the new venture, Sources of capital, venture capital , angel investment, Record keeping, recruitment, motivating and leading teams, financial controls. Marketing and sales controls. E-commerce and Entrepreneurship, Internet advertising. UNIT V: New venture Expansion Strategies and Issues, Features and evaluation of joint ventures, acquisitions, merges, franchising. Public issues, rights issues, bonus issues and stock splits. UNIT VI: Choosing location and layout, Issues related to Selection of layout. UNIT VII : Production and Marketing Management Thrust of production management, Selection of production Techniques, plant utilization and maintenance, Designing the work place, Inventory control, material handling and quality control.Marketing functions, market segmentation, market research and channels of distribution, Sales promotion and product pricing. UNIT VIII: Global aspects of Enterprenership.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Entrepreneurship, Robert Hisrich, & Michael Peters, 5/e TMH. 2. Entrepreneurship, Dollinger, Pearson, 4/e, 2004. REFERENCES: 1. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management, Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publ. House, 2004. 2. Harvard Business Review on Entrepreneurship. HBR Paper Back, 1999. 3. Entrepreneurial Management, Robert J.Calvin, TMH, 2004. 4. The Entrepreneurial Connection, Gurmeet Naroola, TMH, 2001. 5. Indian Economy, Dutt & Sundaram S. Chand, 2005. 6. Essential of Entrepreneurship and small business management, Thomas W. Zimmerer & Norman M. Scarborough, 4/e PHI, 2005. 7. Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, Srivastava, Vikas, 2005. 8. Industrial Law, ND Kapoor, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2005 Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03706) COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (ELECTIVE I) UNIT-I Elementary details in numerical Techniques: Number system and errors, Representation of integers, Fractions, Floating point Arithmetic, loss of significance and error propagation, condition and instability, computational methods for error estimation, Convergence of Sequences. UNIT - II Applied Numerical Methods: Solution of a system of simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations, iterative schemes. of Matrix Inversion, Direct Methods for Matrix inversion, Direct Methods for banded matrices. UNIT - III Finite Difference Applications in Heat conduction and Convention - Heat conduction, steady heat conduction in a rectangular geometry, transient heat conduction, finite difference application in convective heat transfer. UNIT - IV Finite Differences, discretization, consistency, stability, and Fundamentals of fluid flow modeling: Introduction, elementary finite difference quotients, implementation aspects of finite-difference equations, consistency, explicit and implicit methods. UNIT - V Introduction to first order wave equation, stability of hyperbolic and elliptic equations, fundamentals of fluid flow modeling. conservative property, the upwind scheme. UNIT - VI Review of Equations Governing Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer: Introduction, conservation of mass, Newton's second law of motion, expanded forms of Navierstokes equations, conservation of energy principle, special forms of the Navier-stokes equations. UNIT - VII Steady flow, dimensionless form of Momentum and Energy equations, Stokes equation, conservative body force fields, stream function - Vorticity formulation.
UNIT -VIII Finite Volume Method: Approximation of surface integrals, volume integrals, interpolation and differentiation practices, Upwind interpolation, Linear interpolation and Quadratic interpolation TEXT BOOK: 1. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow, Suhas V. Patankar, Butter-Worth Publ. 2. Computational fluid dynamics, Basics with applications, John. D. Anderson, Mc Graw Hill. REFERENCES: 1. Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Niyogi, Pearson Publ. 2. Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Tapan K. Sengupta, Universities Press. 3. Computational Fluid Dynamics, Jiyuan and Others, Elsevier, 2008. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. IV-I Sem (M.E) T 4 (9A03707) MECHATRONICS (ELECTIVE I) UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Definition Trends - Control Methods: Stand alone , PC Based ( Real Time Operating Systems, Graphical User Interface , Simulation ) - Applications: SPM, Robot, CNC, FMS, CIM. UNIT II SIGNAL CONDITIONING : Introduction Hardware - Digital I/O , Analog input ADC , resolution , speed channels Filtering Noise using passive components Resistors, capacitors - Amplifying signals using OP amps Software - Digital Signal Processing Low pass , high pass , notch filtering UNIT III PRECISION MECHANICAL SYSTEMS: Pneumatic Actuation Systems Electro-pneumatic Actuation Systems - Hydraulic Actuation Systems - Electro-hydraulic Actuation Systems - Timing Belts Ball Screw and Nut - Linear Motion Guides - Linear Bearings - Harmonic Transmission - Bearings- Motor / Drive Selection. UNIT IVELECTRONIC INTERFACE SUBSYSTEMS : TTL, CMOS interfacing Sensor interfacing Actuator interfacing solenoids , motors Isoation schemes- opto coupling, buffer ICs - Protection schemes circuit breakers , over current sensing , resetable fuses , thermal dissipation - Power Supply - Bipolar transistors/ mosfets UNIT V ELECTROMECHANICAL DRIVES : Relays and Solenoids - Stepper Motors DC brushed motors DC brushless motors - DC servo motors - 4-quadrant servo drives , PWMs - Pulse Width Modulation Variable Frequency Drives, Vector Drives Drive System load calculation. UNIT VIMICROCONTROLLERS OVERVIEW: 8051 Microcontroller , micro processor structure - DigitalInterfacing - Analog Interfacing - Digital to Analog Convertors - Analog to Digital Convertors - Applications. Programming Assembly, C ( LED Blinking , Voltage measurement using ADC). UNIT VII PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS: Basic Structure Programming: Ladder diagram -Timers, Internal Relays and Counters - Shift Registers Master and Jump Controls - Data Handling -Analog input / output - PLC Selection Applications. P 0 C 4
UNIT VIII PROGRAMMABLE MOTION CONTROLLERS: Introduction System Transfer Function - Laplacetransform and its application in analysing differential equation of a control system - Feedback Devices :Position , Velocity Sensors - Optical Incremental encoders - Proximity Sensors : Inductive , Capacitive ,Infrared - Continuous and discrete processes - Control System Performance & tuning - Digital Controllers- P , PI , PID Control - Control modes Position , Velocity and Torque - Velocity Profiles Trapezoidal- S. Curve - Electronic Gearing - Controlled Velocity Profile - Multi axis Interpolation , PTP , Linear ,Circular - Core functionalities Home, Record position , Go to Position - Applications : SPM, Robotics. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Mechatronics Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering , W Bolton, 3/e, Pearson Edu. Press, 2005. 2. Mechatronics, M.D.Singh, J.G.Joshi, PHI. REFERENCES : 1. Mechatronics Source Book , Newton C Braga, Thomson Publ.. 2. Mechatronics , N. Shanmugam , Anuradha Agencies Publi.. 3. Mechatronics System Design , Devdas Shetty, Richard,Thomson. 4. Mechatronics, A. Smaili & F. Mrad, Oxford H.E., 2008. 5. Mechatronics: Integrated Mechanical Electronic Systems, Ramachandran, Wiley India. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. IV-I Sem (M.E) T P C 4 0 4 (9A03708) MODERN MANUFACTURING METHODS (ELECTIVE II) UNIT I INTRODUCTION Need for non-traditional machining methods-Classification of modern machining processes considerations in process selection. Materials. Applications. UNIT II Ultrasonic machining Elements of the process, mechanics of metal removal process parameters,economic considerations, applications and limitations, recent development. UNIT III Abrasive jet machining, Water jet machining and abrasive water jet machine: Basic principles, equipments, process variables, mechanics of metal removal, MRR, application and limitations. UNIT IVELECTRO CHEMICAL PROCESSES: Fundamentals of electro chemical machining, electrochemical grinding, electro chemical honing and deburring process, metal removal rate in ECM, Tools, Surface finish and accuracy economic aspects of ECM Simple problems for estimation of metal removal rate. UNIT V THERMAL METAL REMOVAL PROCESSES: General Principle and applications of Electric Discharge Machining, Electric Discharge Grinding and electric discharge wire cutting processes Power circuits for EDM, Mechanics of metal removal in EDM, Process parameters, selection of tool electrode and dielectric fluids, methods surface finish and machining accuracy, characteristics of spark eroded surface and machine tool selection. Wire EDM, principle, applications. UNIT VIElectron Beam Machining: Generation and control of electron beam for machining, theory of electron beam machining, comparison of thermal and non-thermal processes. Laser Beam Machining: General Principle and application of laser beam machining thermal features, cutting speed and accuracy of cut. UNIT-VII Plasma Machining: Principle, metal removal mechanism, process parameters, accuracy and surface finish , applications . Chemical Machining: Fundamentals of chemical machining- Principle- maskants etchants- advantages and applications.
UNIT VIII Magnetic abrasive finishing, Abrasive flow finishing, Electrostream drilling, Shaped tube electrolytic machining. Rapid Prototyping: Classification Stereo lithography, Selective Laser Sintering, applications. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Advanced machining processes, VK Jain, Allied publishers. REFERENCES: 1. Modern Machining Process , Pandey, P.C. and Shah H.S., TMH. 2. New Technology , Bhattacharya A, The Institution of Engineers, India 1984. 3. Manufacturing Technology, Kalpakzian, Pearson. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. IV-I Sem (M.E) T P C 4 0 4 (9A03709) TOOL DESIGN (ELECTIVE-II) UNIT-I Tooling materials and heat treatment: Properties of materials, ferrous, nonferrous, non metallic, tooling materials, heat treating, Limits, tolerances; and FITS, Gauges and gauge design coated tools, ceramic tools. UNIT -II Design of single point cutting tools: Single point, cutting tools-various systems of specifications, geometry and their inter, relation, theories of formation of chip and their effect, design of broach. UNIT - III Design of multipoint cutting tools: Drill geometry, Design of Drills, Rake & Relief angles of twist drill, speed, feed and depth of cut, machining time, forces, Milling cutters, cutting speeds and feed-machining times-design-form cutters, combination tools, reamers etc. UNIT -IV Design of jigs and fixtures: Basic principles of location and clamping, locating, methods and devices, jigs, definitions, types, general consideration in the design of jigs, drills bushing, methods of construction, fixtures-vice fixtures milling, boring, and lathe grinding fixtures. UNIT-V Design of sheet metal blanking and piercing: Fundamentals of die cutting operating, power press types, General press information, Material handling equipment, cutting action in punch and die operation. Die clearance, and types of Die construction. Die design fundamentals-blanking and piercing die construction, pilots, striper and pressure pads presswork material, strip layout, short run tooling for piercing. UNIT-VI Design of sheet metal bending, forming and drawings die: Bending dies, drawing dies, forming dies, drawing operations, variables that effect metal flow during drawing. Determination of blank size, drawing force, single and double action draw dies.
UNIT -VII Tool life and tool wear: theories of tool wear-adhesion, abrasive and diffusion wear mechanisms forms of wear, tool life criteria and Mach inability index, tool wear criterion, measurement of tool wear. UNIT-VIII Using plastics as tooling materials: introduction, plastics commonly used as tooling material application of epoxy plastic tools construction methods of plastic tooling metal forming operations with Urethane dies. Calculating forces for urethane pressure pads, economics of tooling. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Tool Design, Donaldson, Lecain and Goold,TMH. 2. Principles of Metal cutting, A Bhattacharya, New Central Book Agency, Calcutta REFERENCES: 1. Production Engineering Design (Tool Design) , Surendra Kenav and Umesh Chandra, Satyaprakashan, New Delhi 1994.. 2. Design of Cutting Tools. Use of Metal Cutting Theory, Amitabh Battacharya and Inyong Ham, ASTME publication Michigan USA, 1969. 3. Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools, RK Singal and Others, I.K. International, 2008. 4. Metal Cutting Principles, Shaw, Oxford Univ. Press. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
UNIT I Introduction to the Sources of Energy Resources and Development of Power in India. STEAM POWER PLANT : Plant Layout, Working of different Circuits, Fuel and handling equipments, types of coals, coal handling, choice of handling equipment, coal storage, Ash handling systems. UNIT II STEAM POWER PLANT : COMBUSTION PROCESS : Properties of coal overfeed and underfeedfuel beds, traveling grate stokers, spreader stokers, retort stokers, pulverized fuel burning system and its components, combustion needs and draught system, cyclone furnace, design and construction, Dust collectors, cooling towers and heat rejection. Corrosion and feed water treatment. UNIT III INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE PLANT : DIESEL POWER PLANT: Introduction IC Engines, types, construction Plant layout with auxiliaries fuel supply system, air starting equipment, lubricationand cooling system super charging. UNIT IV GAS TURBINE PLANT : Introduction classification - construction Layout with auxiliaries Principles of working of closed and open cycle gas turbines. Combined Cycle Power Plants and comparision. UNIT V HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANT: Water power Hydrological cycle / flow measurement drainagearea characteristics Hydrographs storage and Pondage classification of dams and spill ways. HYDRO PROJECTS AND PLANT: Classification Typical layouts plant auxiliaries plant operation pumped storage plants. UNIT VI POWER FROM NON-CONVENTIONAL SOURCES: Utilization of Solar- CollectorsPrinciple of Working, Wind Energy types HAWT, VAWT -Tidal Energy. DIRECT ENERGY CONVERSION: Solar energy, Fuel cells, Thermo electric and Thermo ionic, MHD generation.
UNIT VII NUCLEAR POWER STATION : Nuclear fuel breeding and fertile materials Nuclear reactor reactor operation. TYPES OF REACTORS: Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, sodiumgraphite reactor, fastBreeder Reactor, Homogeneous Reactor, Gas cooled Reactor, Radiation hazards and shielding radioactive waste disposal. UNIT VIII POWER PLANT ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Capital cost, investment of fixed charges, operating costs, general arrangement of power distribution, Load curves, load duration curve. Definitions of connected load, Maximum demand, demand factor, average load, load factor, diversity factor related exercises. Effluents from power plants and Impact on environment pollutants and pollution standards Methods of Pollution control. TEXT BOOK : 1. A Text Book of Power Plant Engineering , Rajput. R.K., 4/e, Laxmi Publ, 2007. 2. Power Plant Engineering, P.C.Sharma , S.K.Kataria Publ. REFERENCES : 1. Power Plant Engineering, P.K.Nag, 2/e, TMH. 2. Power plant Engineering, Ramalingam, Scietech Publ. 3. A Course in Power Plant Engineering, Arora and S. Domkundwar. 4. Power Plant Engineering, C. Elanchezian and others, I.K. International, 2010. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03711) INSTRUMENTATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS LAB Calibration of Pressure Gauges Calibration of transducer for temperature measurement. Study and calibration of LVDT transducer for displacement measurement. Calibration of strain gauge for temperature measurement. Calibration of thermocouple for temperature measurement. Calibration of capacitive transducer for angular displacement. Study and calibration of photo and magnetic speed pickups for the measurement of speed. 8. Calibration of resistance temperature detector for temperature measurement. 9. Study and calibration of a rotometer for flow measurement. 10. Study and use of a Seismic pickup for the measurement of vibration amplitude of an engine bed at various loads. 11. Study and calibration of Mcleod gauge for low pressure. 12. Study of anemometer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
(9A03712) CAD / CAM LAB Drafting: Development of part drawings for various components in the form of orthographic and isometric. Representation of Dimensioning and tolerances scanning and plotting. Study of script, DXE AND IGES FILES. Part Modeling: Generation of various 3D Models through Protrusion, revolve, shell sweep.Creation of various features. Study of parent child relation. Feature based and Boolean based modeling surface and Assembly Modeling. Study of various standard Translators. Design simple components. a. b. c. d. e. Determination of deflection and stresses in 2D and 3D trusses and beams. Determination of deflections component and principal and Von-mises stresses in plane stress, plane strain and Axisymmetric components. Determination of stresses in 3D and shell structures (at least one example in each case) Estimation of natural frequencies and mode shapes, Harmonic response of 2D beam. Steady state heat transfer Analysis of plane and Axisymmetric components.
4. a. b. c. d. e. f. Development of process sheets for various components based on tooling Machines. Development of manufacturing and tool management systems. Study of various post processors used in NC Machines. Development of NC code for free form and sculptured surfaces using CAM packages. Machining of simple components on NC lathe and Mill by transferring NC Code / from a CAM package. Through RS 232. Quality Control and inspection.
Any Six Software Packages from the following: Use of Auto CAD, Micro Station, CATIA, Pro-E, I-DEAS, ANSYS, NISA, CAEFEM, Gibbs CAM, Master CAM etc,
(9A03801) PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT UNIT I Functions of production planning & controls operations & productivity, productivity measurement, goods and services, Design of goods and services: selection, generating new products, product development, issues in product design. UNIT II Forecasting Importance of forecasting Types of forecasting, their uses General Principles of forecasting Forecasting techniques qualitative methods and quantitive methods accuracy of forecasting methods. UNIT III Factors affecting facilities location, mathematical models for facilities, location, Types of facilities- layout: product layout, process layout, group technology layout, Assembly line balancing, computerised layout: ALDEP, CRAFT, CORELAP. UNIT IV Strategies for aggregates planning, aggregate planning using O.R. Models, Chase planning, Expediting, controlling aspects. UNIT V Inventory management Functions of inventories relevant inventory costs ABC analysis VED analysis EOQ model Inventory control systems PSystems and Q-Systems-(S, s) Policy. UNIT VI Scheduling Policies Techniques, flow shop and job shop Scheduling techniques. UNIT VII MRP, lot sizing techniques in MRP, introduction to ERP, LOB (Line of Balance). UNIT VIII Lean Management, philosophy and creation of lean enterprise, JIT concepts-Kanban System-Elements of total quality management, Six Sigma Quality Control.
TEXT BOOKS : 1. Modern Production, Operations Management, Baffa & Rakesh Sarin. 2. Operation Management , B. Mahadevan, Pearson Edu. 3. Production & Operations Management: Concepts, Models and Behavior, Adam & Ebert 5/e, PHI REFERENCES : 1. Operations Management, S.N. Chary. 2. Inventory Control Theory and Practice, Martin K. Starr and David W. Miller. 3. Production Control A Quantitative Approach , John E. Biegel. 4. Production & Operations Management, Kanishka Bedi, Oxford Univ Press. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. IV-II Sem (M.E) T 4 (9A03802) ENERGY SYSTEMS UNIT I PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR RADIATION: Role and potential of new and renewable source, the solar energy option, Environmental impact of solar power, physics of the sun, the solar constant, extraterrestrial and terrestrial solar radiation, solar radiation on titled surface, instruments for measuring solar radiation and sun shine, solar radiation data. UNIT-II SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTION: Flat plate and concentrating collectors, classification of concentrating collectors, orientation and thermal analysis, advanced collectors. UNIT-III SOLAR ENERGY STORAGE AND APPLICATIONS : Different methods, Sensible, latent heat and stratified storage, solar ponds. Solar Applications- solar heating/cooling technique, solar distillation and drying, photovoltaic energy conversion. UNIT-IV WIND ENERGY : Sources and potentials, horizontal and vertical axis windmills, performance characteristics, Betz criteria UNIT-V BIO-MASS : Principles of Bio-Conversion, Anaerobic/aerobic digestion, types of Biogas digesters, gas yield, combustion characteristics of bio-gas, utilization for cooking, I.C.Engine operation and economic aspects. UNIT-VI GEOTHERMAL ENERGY : Resources, types of wells, methods of harnessing the energy, potential in India. UNIT-VII OCEAN ENERGY : OTEC, Principles utilization, setting of OTEC plants, thermodynamic cycles. Tidal and wave energy: Potential and conversion techniques, mini-hydel power plants, and their economics. P 0 C 4
UNIT-VIII DIRECT ENERGY CONVERSION: Need for DEC, Carnot cycle, limitations, principles of DEC. Thermo-electric generators, Seebeck, Peltier and Joule Thomson effects, Figure of merit, materials, applications, MHD generators, principles, dissociation and ionization, hall effect, magnetic flux, MHD accelerator, MHD Engine, power generation systems, electron gas dynamic conversion, economic aspects. Fuel cells, principles, faradays laws, thermodynamic aspects, selection of fuels and operating conditions. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Renewable energy resources, Tiwari and Ghosal, Narosa. 2. Non-Conventional Energy Sources , G.D. Rai REFERENCES : 1. Renewable Energy Sources, Twidell & Weir 2. Non-Conventional Sources, Khan, B.H., 2/e, TMH, 2009 3. Solar Power Engineering, B.S.Magal Frank Kreith & J.F.Kreith. 4. Renewable energy sources and emerging Technologies, Solanki, PHI. 5. Non-Conventional Energy, Ashok V Desai, Wiley Eastern 6. Non-Conventional Energy Systems, K Mittal, Wheeler. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03803) TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (Elective III) UNIT I TQM overview , concepts, elements History-Quality management philosophiesJuran, Deming, Crosby , Feigenbaum, Ishikawa Stages of Evolution continuous improvement objectives internal and external customers. UNIT II Quality standards Need of standardization - Institutions bodies of standardization, ISO 9000 series ISO 14000 series other contemporary standards ISO certification process-Third party audit. UNIT III Process management- Quality measurement systems (QMS) developing and implementing QMS nonconformance database- TQM tools & techniques- 7 QC tools7 New QC tools. UNIT - IV Problem Solving techniques - Problem Solving process corrective action order of precedence System failure analysis approach flow chart fault tree analysis failure mode assessment and assignment matrix organizing failure mode analysis pedigree analysis. UNIT V Quality circles organization focus team approach statistical process control process chart Ishikawa diagram preparing and using control charts. UNIT VI Quality Function Development (QFD) elements of QFD benchmarking-TypesAdvantages & limitations of benchmarking Taguchi Analysis loss function - Taguchi design of experiments. Poka-yoke, Kaizen, Deming cycle. UNIT VII Value improvement elements value improvement assault supplier teaming. Business process reengineering & elements of Supply chain management.
UNIT VIII Six sigma approach application of six sigma approach to various industrial situations. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Total Quality Management, Joseph & Susan Berg. 2. Total Quality Management, Besterfield, Pearson Edu. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Quality management, Howard Giltow,TMH 2. Quality management, Evans. 3. Quality management, Bedi 4. Total Quality Management, Senthil Arasu and J. Praveen Paul, Scitech, 2007. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03804) MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS (Elective III) UNIT-I INTRODUCTION: Importance and scope ,definition and terminology, simple harmonic motion, combination of simple harmonic motions, Fourier analysis. UNIT-II SINGLE DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS-I: Undamped free vibration: Classical method, Energy method, phase plane method, equivalent systems, torsional systems. UNIT-III SINGLE DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS-II: Damped free vibration: Viscous damping, under damping, critical damping, coulomb damping, equivalent damping coefficient UNIT-IV SINGLE DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS WITH FORCED VIBRATIONS: Steady state forced vibration, sources of excitation, impressed harmonic force, impressed force due to unbalance, motion excitation, transmissibility and isolation, performance of different type of isolators, power absorbed by viscous damping, General theory of seismic instruments, accelerometer and vibrometer, methods of vibration control, excitation reduction at source, system modification. UNIT-V TWO DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Natural frequencies and modes of vibration by classical method of spring-mass system, forced vibration, dynamic vibration absorber UNIT-VI MULTI DEGREE FREEDOM SYSTEMS: Influence co-efficient method, damped mass and distributed mass systems, stodola method, Holzers method, newtons iteration method, orthogonality of mode shapes.
UNIT-VII VIBRATION IN CINTINUOUS SYSTEMS: Longitudinal vibration of bars, torsional vibrations of circular rods or shafts, lateral vibrations of beams and shafts. UNIT-VIII Whirling of shafts critical speed of shafts, Rayleighs upper bound approximation, Dunkerleys lower bound approximation, critical speed of shafts with damping. TEXT BOOK: 1. Mechanical Vibrations, G.K.Grover 2. Theory and practice of mechanical Vibrations, J.S.Rao and K.Gupta REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Vibration Theory and Applications, W.T.Thomson. 2. Vibration problems in Engineering, Timeshenko and Young. 3. Mechanical Vibrations, S.S. Rao, 4/e, Pearson Edu., 2010. 4. Principles of Vibrations, Tongue, 2/e, Oxford Univ. Press, 2007.
(9A03805) GAS TURBINES AND JET PROPULSION (Elective III) UNIT-I Gas Turbine Operating Cycles: Simple open cycle gas turbine or air standard Brayton cycle, Actual Brayton cycle, the cycle air flow rate, the cycle work ratio, optimum pressure ratio or maximum cycle thermal efficiency, means of improving the efficiency and the specific out put of simple cycle. UNIT-II Gas Turbines; gas turbine applications, gas turbine advantages & disadvantages, energy flow & back work, deviation from ideal cycle, gas turbine with regeneration, thermal efficiency of gas turbine with & without regenerator, gas turbine engines, intercooling & reheating, turbojet engine, turbofan engine, turboprop engine. UNIT-III Jet propulsion: Historical sketch- reaction principle- essential features of propulsion devices- Thermal jet engines, classification of energy flow, thrust, thrust power and propulsion efficiency- need for thermal jet engines and applications. UNIT-IV Turboprop and turbojet thermodynamic cycles, plant layout, essential components, and principles of operation performance evaluation thrust augmentation and Thrust reversal contrasting with piston engine propeller plant. UNIT-V Ram jet- Thermo dynamic cycle, plant lay out, essential components principle of operation performance evaluation comparison among atmospheric thermal jet engines- serqujet and pulse jet, elementary treatment. UNIT-VI Rocket Engines: Need for, applications- basic principle of operation and parameters of performance classification, solid and liquid propellant rocket engines, advantages, domains of application propellants comparison of propulsion systems.
UNIT-VII Rocket Technology: Flight mechanics, application thrust profiles, accelerationstaging of rockets, need for feed systems, injectors and expansion nozzles rocket transfer and ablative cooling. UNIT-VIII Testing & instrumentation - need for Cryogenics advanced propulsion systems, elementary treatment of Electrical nuclear and plasma Arc Propulsion. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Gas Turbines , V. Ganesan TMH 2. Gas Dynamics & Jet Propulsion, Dr. S.L. Somasundaram. REFERENCES BOOK: 1. Gas turbines , Cohen , Rogers & Sarvana Muttoo , Addision Wiley & longman 2. Thermodynamics of Propulsion, Hill & Paterson. 3. Rocket Propulsion , Sutton. 4. Element of Gas Turbines Propulsion , Jack D Matingly, MGH, Mc Graw Hill 5. Gas Dynamics and Space Propulsion, Ramaswamy, Jaico. Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
(9A03806) GEOMETRIC MODELLING (ELECTIVE-IV) UNIT- I Introduction, Application area of Computer graphics, overview of graphic system, videodisplay devices, raster- scan systems, random scan systems, graphics monitors and work stations and input devices. UNIT- II Output primitives: Points and lines, line drawing algorithms, mid-point circle algorithm, Filled area primitives: scan-line polygon fill algorithm, boundary-fill and flood fill algorithm. UNIT- III 2-D geometrical transformations : Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear transformation matrix representations and homogeneous co-ordinates, composite transformations, transformations between coordinates. UNIT- IV 2-D viewing: The viewing pipe0line,viewing coordinat4 reference frame, window to view port-co-ordinate transformations, viewing function, Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus beck line clipping algorithms, Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm. UNIT- V 3-D object representation: Polygon surfaces, quadric surfaces, spline representation, Hermite curve, Bezier curve and B- spline curve, Bezier and B- spline surfaces, Basic illumination models, shading algorithms. UNIT- VI 3-D geometric transformations: Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear transformation and composite transformations. UNIT- VII Visible surface detection methods: Classification, back-face detection, depth- buffer, scan- line, depth sorting.
UNIT- VIII Computer animation : Design of animation sequence, general computer animation functions, raster animation. Computer animation language, key frame system, motion specification. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Mathematical Elements for computer graphics, David 1 Rodgers, TMH 2. Computer Graphics and Automation, M.C. Trivedi, Jaico Pub./ Pearson Education REFERENCES: 1. CAD/CAM Theory , Ibrahim Zeid, TMH 2. Computer Graphics second edition, Zhigand xiang, Roy Plastock, Schaums outlines, TMH. 3. Computer Graphics, Steven Harrington, TMH 4. Principles of computer Graphics, Shalini Govil, PHI, 2005, Springer. 5. Computer Graphics Principles & Practice, C.Foley, Vndom, Fener, Hughes, 2/e, Peason Publ. 6. Computer Graphics C version , Donald Hearn and M.Pauline Baker, Pearson/PHI Question Paper Pattern: 5 Questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR B.Tech. IV-II Sem (M.E) T P C 4 0 4 (9A03807) COMPOSITE MATERIALS (ELECTIVE IV) UNIT-I Introduction to Composite Materials: Introduction, Classification: Polymer Matrix Composites. Metal Matrix Composites, Ceramic Matrix Composites, CarbonCarbon Composites, Fiber. Reinforced Composites and nature-made composites, and applications UNIT-II Reinforcements: Fibres- Glass, Silica, Kevlar, carbon, boron, silicon carbide, and boron carbide. fibres. Particulate composites, Polymer composites, Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Metal matrix and ceramic composites. UNIT-III Manufacturing methods: Autoclave, tape production, moulding methods, filament winding, man layup, pultrusion, RTM. UNIT-IV Macromechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction ,Definitions: Stress, Strain ,Elastic Moduli, Strain Energy. Hookes Law for Different Types of Materials, Hookes Law for a Two Dimensional Unidirectional Lamina, Plane Stress Assumption, Reduction of Hookes Law in Three Dimensions to Two Dimensions, Relationship of Compliance and Stiffness Matrix to Engineering Elastic Constants of a Lamina. UNIT-V Hookes Law for a Two-Dimensional Angle Lamina, Engineering Constants of an Angle Lamina. Invariant Form of Stiffness and Compliance Matrices for an Angle Lamina Strength Failure. Envelopes, Maximum Strain Failure Theory ,TsaiHill Failure Theory, TsaiWu Failure Theory Comparison of Experimental Results with Failure Theories. Hygrothermal Stresses and Strains in a Lamina: Hygrothermal StressStrain Relationships for a Unidirectional Lamina, Hygrothermal StressStrain Relationships for an Angle Lamina UNIT-VI Micromechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Volume and Mass Fractions, Density, and Void Content, Evaluation of the Four Elastic Moduli, Strength of Materials Approach, Semi Empirical Models ,Elasticity Approach, Elastic Moduli of
Lamina with Transversely Isotropic Fibers, Ultimate Strengths of a Unidirectional Lamina, Coefficients of Thermal Expansion, Coefficients of Moisture Expansion UNIT-VII Macromechanical Analysis of Laminates: Introduction, Laminate Code, Stress Strain Relations for a Laminate, In-Plane and Flexural Modulus of a Laminate , Hygrothermal Effects in a Laminate, Warpage of Laminates UNIT-VIII Failure Analysis and Design of Laminates: Introduction , Special Cases of Laminates, Failure Criterion for a Laminate, Design of a Laminated Composite, Other Mechanical Design Issues
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials- Isaac and M Daniel, Oxford Univ. Press, 1994. 2. Mechanics of Composite Materials, R. M. Jones, Mc Graw Hill Company, New York, 1975. REFERENCES: 1. Analysis and performance of fibre Composites, B. D. Agarwal and L.. J. Broutman Wiley- Interscience, New York, 1980. 2. Mechanics of Composite Materials, (Mechanical Engineering), Autar K. Kaw, 2/e, CRC Pubi. 3. Composite Materials Science and Engineering, Kishan K. Chawla, Springer, 2009 4. Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures, L.R. Calcote, Van Nostrand Rainfold, New York, 1969. 5. Machanics of Composite Materials and Structures, madhujit Mukhpadhyay, New York, 1969. 6. Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials, Ever J. Barbero, CRC Press, 2077 Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits.
UNIT I NATURE AND SCOPE OF ENGINEERING ETHICS Definition, Nature, Scope- Moral Dilemmas- moral Autonomy- Kohlbergs theoryGilligans theory, Profession Persuasive, Definitions, Multiple motives, Models of professional goals. Moral Reasoning and Ethical theories Professional Ideals and Virtues- Theories of Right Action, Self- interest, Customs and Regions- Use of ethical Theories. UNIT II ENGINEERING AS SOCIAL EXPERIMENTATION Engineering as experimentation- Engineers as responsible experimenters, the challenger case, Codes of Ethics, A balanced outlook on law. UNIT III ENGINEERS RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY Concept of safety and risk, assessment of safety and risk- risk benefit analysis and reducing the risk- three- mile island, Chernobyl and safe exists. UNIT IV GLOBAL ISSUES Multinational corporations- Environmental ethics- Computer ethics and Weapons developments UNIT V INTRODUCTION TO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Meaning and Types of Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Law Basics, Agencies responsible for intellectual property registration, International Organizations, Agencies and Treaties, Importance of Intellectual Property Rights. UNIT VI FOUNDATIONS OF TRADEMARKS Meaning of Trademarks ,Purpose and Functions of Trademarks, types of Marks, Acquisition of Trademark rights, Common Law rights, Categories of Marks, Trade names and Business Name, Protectable Matter, Exclusions from Trademark Protection
UNIT VII FOUNDATIONS OF COPYRIGHTS LAW Meaning of Copyrights, Common Law rights and Rights under the 1976 copyright Act, Recent developments of the Copyright Act, The United States Copyright Office
UNIT VIII FOUNDATIONS OF PATENT LAW Introduction, Meaning of Patent Law, Rights under Federal Law, United States patent and Trademark Office, Patentability, Design Patents, Plants patents, Double Patenting. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Ethics in Engineering, Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, TMH, 2009. 2. Intellectual Property Rights, Deborah E. Bouchoux, Cengage,2005. REFERENCES: 1. Human values and Professional Ethics, Jayashree Suresh & B.S. Raghavan, S. Chand, 2009. 2. Engineering Ethics, Govindarajan, Natarajan and Senthilkumar, PHI, 2009. 3. A Text Book on Professional ethics and Human values, Nagarajan, New Age International, 2009. 4. Engineering Ethics, Charles & Fleddermann, Pearson, 2009. 5. Practical Approach to Intellectual Property rights, Rachana Singh Puri and Arvind Viswanathan, I.K. International Publishing House, New Delhi. 2010. 6. Business Ethics and Professional Values, A.B.Rao, Excel, 2009.
Question Paper Pattern : 5 questions to be answered out of 8 questions. Each question should not have more than 3 bits. ****