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Extension of COCOMO II Schedule Estimation

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Extension of COCOMO II Schedule Estimation

1998 University of Southern California Page 1 of 4 Version 1.0

The Center for Software Engineering at the University of Southern California is conducting research to update the software
development cost estimation model called COCOMO. The project name is COCOMO II and is led by Dr. Barry W. Boehm.
A fundamental requirement for such research is real-world software development project data. This data will be used to test
hypotheses and verify the model's postulations. In return the model will be open and made available to the public. The
contribution of your data will ensure the final model is useful.
The data that is contributed is important to us. We will safeguard your contribution so as not to compromise company
proprietary information. Some Affiliates have an active collection program, and make the data from past projects available
under strict non-disclosure terms for the COCOMO II data collection efforts.
This questionnaire addresses only a project level of data granularity. The project level of granularity is data that is applicable
for the whole project. This includes things like application type and development activity being reported.
This questionnaire has two sections. The first section includes general and project-level COCOMO II related questions. The
second section is for an extension of COCOMO II, COPSEMO (COCOMO Phase Schedule and Effort Model). If you have
not submitted regular COCOMO-II data on this project yet, a copy of the form is available from the Points of Contact
identified below.
The data collection activity for the COCOMO II research effort started in November 1994. The first calibration was published
in 1997 based on 83 datapoints collected. It became popular as COCOMO II.1997 and produced estimates within 30% of the
actuals 52% of the time for effort. The second calibration was published in 1998 based on 161 datapoints. It is known as
COCOMO II.1998 and produces estimates within 30% of the actuals 71% of the time for effort. The aim of the COCOMO II
research team is to continually update the existing COCOMO II database and to publish annual calibrations of the COCOMO
II model. Hence by submitting your data to us, you play a significant role in the model calibration.
COCOMO II Points of Contact
Eor questions on the COCOMO II Model and its extensions, data definitions, or project data collection and management,
A Winsor Brown (Research Scientist) Voice: (213) 740-6599, Eax: (213) 740-4927
Cyrus Eakharzadeh (Research Assistant) Voice: (213) 740-5703, Eax: (213) 740-4927
Barry Boehm (Project Leader) Voice: (213) 740-8163, Eax: (213) 740-4927
Internet Electronic-Mail cocomo-infosunset.usc.edu
COCOMO II Data Submission Address:
COPSEMO Data Submission
Center for Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Henri Salvatori Room 328
University of Southern California
941 W. 37th Place
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781
1. Project Level Information

Constructive Cost Modeling (COCOMO) is defined in Software Engineering Economics by Barry W. Boehm, Prentice Hall,
Extension of COCOMO II Schedule Estimation
1998 University of Southern California Page 2 of 4 Version 1.0
As described in the Introduction section of this questionnaire, project level information is applicable for the whole project.
This includes things like application type and development activity being reported. As this is a questionnaire, fill in the
appropriate information in the spaces provided.
1.A. General Information
1.A.1. Affiliate Identification Number Each separate software project contributing data will have a separate file
identification number of the form XXX. XXX will be one of a random set of three-digit organization identification numbers,
provided by USC Center for Software Engineering to the Affiliate.

1.A.2. Project Identification Number The project identification is a three digit number assigned by the organization. Only
the Affiliate knows the correspondence between YYY and the actual project. The same project identification must be used
with each data submission.

1.A.3. Date prepared This is the date the data elements were collected for submission.

1.B. Schedule Year of development. Eor reporting of historical data, please provide the year in which the software
development was completed. Eor periodic reporting put the year of this submission or leave blank.

1.C.1. Schedule Months. Eor reporting of historical data, provide the number of calendar months from the time the
development began through the time it completed, i.e. from Life-Cycle Objectives through Initial Operation Capability. Eor
periodic reporting, provide the number of months in this development activity.
Circle the life-cycle phases that the schedule covers:
Life Cycle
Life Cycle
Inception Elaboration Construction
Initial Operational
See the Appendix A for definitions of the LCO, LCA, and IOC milestones. The COCOMO II model covers the effort required
from the completion of the LCO to IOC. If you are using a waterfall model, the corresponding milestones are the Software
Requirements Review, Preliminary Design Review, and Software Acceptance Test.
Schedule in months:
Extension of COCOMO II Schedule Estimation
1998 University of Southern California Page 3 of 4 Version 1.0
2. COCOMO Phase Schedule and Effort MODEL (COPSEMO)
COPSEMO is based on the lifecycle anchoring concepts discussed by Boehm

. The anchor points are defined as Life Cycle

Objectives (LCO), Life Cycle Architecture (LCA), and Initial Operational Capability (IOC). An enhanced version of an
illustration from Rational Corporation

showing the phases around the anchor points is shown below.

Supporting Activities
Requirements Capture
Analysis & Design
Process Activities
Activities &
Elaboration Construction Transition Inception
The correspondence between COPSEMO's Phases, COCOMOII`s submodels and the life cycle anchor points is shown in the
following table along with an indication of the relative amounts of the different activities.
Submodel Usage
Early Design
Post-Architecture Maintenance
\ Phase
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
Requirements Capture Some usually Most, peaks here Minor None
Analysis & Design A little Majority, mostly
constant effort
Some Some, for repair
during ODT&E
Implementation Practically
Some, usually for
risk reduction
Bulk; mostly constant effort Some, for repair
during ODT&E
Test None Some, for prototypes Most for unit, integration and
qualification test.
Some, for repaired
COCOMOII's effort and schedule estimates are focused on Elaboration and Construction (the phases between LCO and IOC.
Inception corresponds to the COCOMO's "Requirements" activity in a waterfall process model. COCOMO`s effort for the
'Requirements activity is an additional, fixed percentage of the effort calculated by COCOMO for the development activities.
The table also indicates the areas in which the COCOMO II Early Design and Post-Architecture submodels are normally used.

Barry W. Boehm, 'Anchoring the Software Process, IEEE Software, 13, 4, July 1996, pp. 73-82

Rational Corp., "Rational Objectory Process 4.1 Your UML Process", available at
Extension of COCOMO II Schedule Estimation
1998 University of Southern California Page 4 of 4 Version 1.0
2.A.1. Percentage Effort per Phase. Allocate the effort (person months) used in each of the phases as a percentage of the
total effort during Elaboration and Construction. The sum of the percentages of Elaboration and Construction should be
100%. The effort during Inception (as a percentage of total Elaboration and Construction) is added to get the Total IE&C
which should be greater than 100%.
Phase Inception Elaboration Construction Total E & C Total I E & C
%Effort 100
2.A.2. Percentage Schedule per Phase. Allocate the schedule (calendar months) for each of the phases as a percentage of the
total schedule during Elaboration and Construction. The sum of Elaboration and Construction should be 100%. The schedule
during Inception (as a percentage of total Elaboration and Construction) is added to get the Total IE&C which should be
greater than 100%.
Phase Inception Elaboration Construction Total E & C Total I E & C
%Schedule 100
2.A.3. Person-Power per Phase. Indicate the average number of people actually working during this period of each of the
phases. If the loading was not approximately constant during the period except for typical, limited ramp-ups, please indicate
the degree of variation by providing the Persons-Max and Persons-Min, and the number of months with that number of people
(max and min, respectively). NOTE: summing persons across phases is illogical and incorrect.
Phase Inception Elaboration Construction Total E & C Total I E & C
Persons-Ave. X X
Heads Mon. Heads Mon. Heads Mon. X X
Persons-Max X X
Persons-Min X X

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