Cocomo (Constructive Cost Model) : Software Projects A B C D
Cocomo (Constructive Cost Model) : Software Projects A B C D
Cocomo (Constructive Cost Model) : Software Projects A B C D
Personal required=effort/time
The above formula is used for the cost estimation of for the basic COCOMO model,
and also is used in the subsequent models. The constant values a,b,c and d for the Basic
Model for the different categories of system:
Software Projects a b c d
All large companies utilize software in significant amounts. Some companies exceed
1,000,000 function points in the total volume of their corporate software portfolios.
Much of this software is now more than 10 years old, and some applications are more
than 25 years old. Maintenance of aging software tends to become more difficult year by
year since updates gradually destroy the original structure of the applications.
Starting at the end of the twentieth century a series of enormous maintenance problems
began to occur. The first of these problems consisted of the software updates necessary to
support the unified European currency or Euro. The second problem consisted of the
software updates to repair or and minimize the impact of the Year 2000 software bug in
existing portfolios. Two similar problems that will occur later in the century will be the
need to add digits to U.S. telephone numbers and to add digits to social security numbers.
The resources devoted to the Euro and Y2K problems caused delays in many other
projects. Mass-update and other maintenance projects will potentially absorb almost 70%
of the world’s software professionals during much of the 21st century. Mass update
software projects can top five trillion dollars in overall costs before the middle of the
twenty first century. It is obvious that better maintenance tools and technologies are an
urgent global priority.
As the twenty-first century advances more than 50% of the global software population is
engaged in modifying existing applications rather than writing new applications. This
fact by itself should not be a surprise, because whenever an industry has more than 50
years of product experience the personnel who repair existing products tend to outnumber
the personnel who build new products. For example there are more automobile
mechanics in the United States who repair automobiles than there are personnel employed
in building new automobiles.
At the end of the twentieth century software maintenance grew rapidly during 1997-2000
under the impact of two “mass updates” that between them are required modifications to
about 85% of the world’s supply of existing software applications.
The first of these mass updates was the set of changes needed to support the new unified
European currency or Euro that rolled out in January of 1999. About 10% of the total
volume of world software needed to be updated in support of the Euro. However in the
European Monetary Union, at least 50% of the information systems required modification
in support of the Euro.
The second mass-update to software applications was the “Y2K” or year 2000 problem.
This widely discussed problem was caused by the use of only two digits for storing
calendar dates. Thus the year 1998 would have been stored as 98. When the century
ended, the use of 00 for the year 2000 would violate normal sorting rules and hence cause
many software applications to fail or to produce incorrect results unless updated.
The year 2000 problem affected as many as 75% of the installed software applications
operating throughout the world. Unlike the Euro, the year 2000 problem also affected
some embedded computers inside physical devices such as medical instruments,
telephone switching systems, oil wells, and electric generating plants.
Although these two problems were taken care of, the work required for handling them
triggered delays in other kinds of software projects and hence made software backlogs
larger than normal.
Under the double impact of the Euro conversion work and year 2000 repair work it is
appeared that more than 65% of the world’s professional software engineering population
was engaged in various maintenance and enhancement activities during 1999 and 2000.
Although the Euro and the Y2K problem are behind us, they are not the only mass-update
problems that we will face. For example it may be necessary to add one or more digits to
U.S. telephone numbers by about the year 2015. The UNIX calendar expires in the year
2038 and could troublesome like the year 2000 problem. Even larger, it may be necessary
to add at least one digit to U.S. social security numbers by about the year 2050.
Although software enhancements and software maintenance in the sense of defect repairs
are usually funded in different ways and have quite different sets of activity patterns
associated with them, many companies lump these disparate software activities together
for budgets and cost estimates.
The author does not recommend the practice of aggregating defect repairs and
enhancements, but this practice is very common. Consider some of the basic differences
between enhancements or adding new features to applications and maintenance or defect
repairs as shown in table 1:
Enhancements Maintenance
(New features) (Defect repairs)
This method is crude, but can convey useful information. Organizations which are
proactive in using geriatric tools and services can spend less than 30% of their annual
software budgets on various forms of maintenance, while organizations that have not
used any of the geriatric tools and services can top 60% of their annual budgets on
various forms of maintenance.
Although the use of the word “maintenance” as a blanket term for more than 20 kinds of
update activity is not very precise, it is useful for overall studies of national software
populations. Table 2 shows the estimated U.S. software population for the United States
between 1950 and 2025 divided into “development” and “maintenance” segments.
In this table the term “development” implies creating brand new applications or adding
major new features to existing applications. The term “maintenance” implies fixing bugs
or errors, mass updates such as the Euro and Year 2000, statutory or mandatory changes
such as rate changes, and minor augmentation such as adding features that require less
than a week of effort.
Notice that under the double impact of the Euro and the Year 2000 so many development
projects were delayed or cancelled so that the population of software developers in the
United States actually shrank below the peak year of 1995. The burst of mass update
maintenance work is one of the main reasons why there is such a large shortage of
software personnel.
As can be seen from table 2, the work of fixing errors and dealing with mass updates to
aging legacy applications has become the dominant form of software engineering. This
tendency will continue indefinitely so long as maintenance work remains labor-intensive.
Before proceeding, let us consider 21 discrete topics that are often coupled together under
the generic term “maintenance” in day to day discussions, but which are actually quite
different in many important respects:
Table 3: Major Kinds of Work Performed Under the Generic Term “Maintenance”
Although the 21 maintenance topics are different in many respects, they all have one
common feature that makes a group discussion possible: They all involve modifying an
existing application rather than starting from scratch with a new application.
Although the 21 forms of modifying existing applications have different reasons for being
carried out, it often happens that several of them take place concurrently. For example,
enhancements and defect repairs are very common in the same release of an evolving
application. There are also common sequences or patterns to these modification
activities. For example, reverse engineering often precedes reengineering and the two
occur so often together as to almost comprise a linked set. For releases of large
applications and major systems, the author has observed from six to 10 forms of
maintenance all leading up to the same release!
Nominal Default Values for Maintenance and Enhancement Activities
The nominal default values for exploring these 21 kinds of maintenance are shown in
table 4. However, each of the 21 has a very wide range of variability and reacts to a
number of different technical factors, and also to the experience levels of the maintenance
personnel. Let us consider some generic default estimating values for these various
maintenance tasks using two useful metrics: “assignment scopes” and “production rates.”
The term “assignment scope” refers to the amount of software one programmer can keep
operational in the normal course of a year, assuming routine defect repairs and minor
updates. Assignment scopes are usually expressed in terms of function points and the
observed range is from less than 300 function points to more than 5,000 function points.
The term “production rate” refers to the number of units that can be handled in a standard
time period such as a work month, work week, day, or hour. Production rates are usually
expressed in terms of either “function points per staff month” or the similar and
reciprocal metric, “work hours per function point.”
We will also include “Lines of code per staff month” with the caveat that the results are
merely based on an expansion of 100 statements per function point, which is only a
generic value and should not be used for serious estimating purposes.
Table 4: Default Values for Maintenance Assignment Scopes and Production Rates
Euro-currency conversion 1,500 15 8.80 1,500
Error-prone module removal 300 12 11.00 1,200
Average 2,080 255 5.51 25,450
Each of these forms of modification or support activity have wide variations, but these
nominal default values at least show the ranges of possible outcomes for all of the major
activities associated with support of existing applications.
Table 5 shows some of the factors and ranges that are associated with assignment scopes,
or the amount of software that one programmer can keep running in the course of a
typical year.
In table 5 the term “experienced staff” means that the maintenance team has worked on
the applications being modified for at least six months and are quite familiar with the
available tools and methods.
The term “good structure” means that the application adheres to the basic tenets of
structured programming; has clear and adequate comments; and has cyclomatic
complexity levels that are below a value of 10.
The term “full maintenance tools” implies the availability of most of these common
forms of maintenance tools: 1) Defect tracking and routing tools; 2) Change control
tools; 3) Complexity analysis tools; 4) Code restructuring tools; 5) Reverse engineering
tools; 6) Reengineering tools; 7) Maintenance “workbench” tools; 8) Test coverage
The term “high level language” implies a fairly modern programming language that
requires less than 50 statements to encode 1 function point. Examples of such languages
include most object-oriented languages such as Smalltalk, Eiffel, and Objective C.
By contrast “low level languages” implies language requiring more than 100 statements
to encode 1 function point. Obviously assembly language would be in this class since it
usually takes more than 200 to 300 assembly statements per function point. Other
languages that top 100 statements per function point include many mainstream languages
such as C, Fortran, and COBOL.
In between the high-level and low-level ranges are a variety of mid-level languages that
require roughly 70 statements per function point, such as Ada83, PL/I, and Pascal.
If the company has used complexity analysis tools, code restructuring tools, and has a
staff of highly trained maintenance specialists then the maintenance assignment scope
might top 3,000 function points. This implies that only 33 maintenance experts are
needed, as opposed to 200 generalists. Table 5 illustrates how maintenance assignment
scopes vary in response to four different factors, when each factor switches from “worst
case” to “best case.” Table 5 assumes Version 4.1 of the International Function Point
Users Group (IFPUG) counting practices manual.
Experienced staff 700 1,100 1,600
Good structure
Low-level language
No maintenance tools
None of the values in table 5 are sufficiently rigorous by themselves for formal cost
estimates, but are sufficient to illustrate some of the typical trends in various kinds of
maintenance work. Obviously adjustments for team experience, complexity of the
application, programming languages, and many other local factors are needed as well.
There are several difficulties in exploring software maintenance costs with accuracy. One
of these difficulties is the fact that maintenance tasks are often assigned to development
personnel who interleave both development and maintenance as the need arises. This
practice makes it difficult to distinguish maintenance costs from development costs
because the programmers are often rather careless in recording how time is spent.
Another and very signficant problem is that fact that a great deal of software maintenance
consists of making very small changes to software applications. Quite a few bug repairs
may involve fixing only a single line of code. Adding minor new features such as
perhaps a new line-item on a screen may require less than 50 source code statements.
These small changes are below the effective lower limit for counting function point
metrics. The function point metric includes weighting factors for complexity, and even if
the complexity adjustments are set to the lowest possible point on the scale, it is still
difficult to count function points below a level of perhaps 15 function points.
Quite a few maintenance tasks involve changes that are either a fraction of a function
point, or may at most be less than 10 function points or about 1000 COBOL source code
statements. Although normal counting of function points is not feasible for small
updates, it is possible to use the “backfiring” method or converting counts of logical
source code statements in to equivalent function points. For example, suppose an update
requires adding 100 COBOL statements to an existing application. Since it usually takes
about 105 COBOL statements in the procedure and data divisions to encode 1 function
point, it can be stated that this small maintenance project is “about 1 function point in
If the project takes one work day consisting of six hours, then at least the results can be
expressed using common metrics. In this case, the results would be roughly “6 staff
hours per function point.” If the reciprocal metric “function points per staff month” is
used, and there are 20 working days in the month, then the results would be “20 function
points per staff month.”
Because maintenance of aging legacy software is very labor intensive it is quite important
to explore the best and most cost effective methods available for dealing with the millions
of applications that currently exist. The sets of best and worst practices are not
symmetrical. For example the practice that has the most positive impact on maintenance
productivity is the use of trained maintenance experts. However the factor that has the
greatest negative impact is the presence of “error –prone modules” in the application that
is being maintained.
Table 6 illustrates a number of factors which have been found to exert a beneficial
positive impact on the work of updating aging applications and shows the percentage of
improvement compared to average results:
Sum 503%
At the top of the list of maintenance “best practices” is the utilization of full-time, trained
maintenance specialists rather than turning over maintenance tasks to untrained
generalists. The positive impact from utilizing maintenance specialists is one of the
reasons why maintenance outsourcing has been growing so rapidly. The maintenance
productivity rates of some of the better maintenance outsource companies is roughly
twice that of their clients prior to the completion of the outsource agreement. Thus even
if the outsource vendor costs are somewhat higher, there can still be useful economic
Let us now consider some of the factors which exert a negative impact on the work of
updating or modifying existing software applications. Note that the top-ranked factor
which reduces maintenance productivity, the presence of error-prone modules, is very
asymmetrical. The absence of error-prone modules does not speed up maintenance work,
but their presence definitely slows down maintenance work.
Error-prone modules were discovered by IBM in the 1960’s when IBM’s quality
measurements began to track errors or bugs down to the levels of specific modules. For
example it was discovered that IBM’s IMS data base product contained 425 modules, but
more than 300 of these were zero-defect modules that never received any bug reports.
About 60% of all reported errors were found in only 31 modules, and these were very
buggy indeed.
When this form of analysis was applied to other products and used by other companies, it
was found to be a very common phenomenon. In general more than 80% of the bugs in
software applications are found in less than 20% of the modules. Once these modules are
identified then they can be inspected, analyzed, and restructured to reduce their error
content down to safe levels.
Table 7 summarizes the major factors that degrade software maintenance performance.
Not only are error-prone modules troublesome, but many other factors can degrade
performance too. For example, very complex “spaghetti code” is quite difficult to
maintain safely. It is also troublesome to have maintenance tasks assigned to generalists
rather than to trained maintenance specialists.
Table 7: Impact of Key Adjustment Factors on Maintenance
(Sorted in order of maximum negative impact)
Sum -500%
Given the enormous amount of effort that is now being applied to software maintenance,
and which will be applied in the future, it is obvious that every corporation should
attempt to adopt maintenance “best practices” and avoid maintenance “worst practices” as
rapidly as possible.
The word “entropy” means the tendency of systems to detstabilize and become more
chaotic over time. Entropy is a term from physics and is not a software-related word.
However entropy is true of all complex systems, including software.: All known
compound objects decay and become more complex with the passage of time unless
effort is exerted to keep them repaired and updated. Software is no exception. The
accumulation of small updates over time tends to gradually degrade the initial structure of
applications and makes changes grow more difficult over time.
For software applications entropy has long been a fact of life. If applications are
developed with marginal initial quality control they will probably be poorly structured
and contain error-prone modules. This means that every year, the accumulation of defect
repairs and maintenance updates will degrade the original structure and make each change
slightly more difficult. Over time, the application will destabilize and “bad fixes” will
increase in number and severity. Unless the application is restructured or fully
refurbished, eventually it will become so complex that maintenance can only be
performed by a few experts who are more or less locked into the application.
By contrast, leading applications that are well structured initially can delay the onset of
entropy. Indeed, well-structured applications can achieve declining maintenance costs
over time. This is because updates do not degrade the original structure, as happens in
the case of “spaghetti bowl” applications where the structure is almost unintelligible
when maintenance begins.
The total cost of ownership of a software application is the sum of four major expense
elements: 1) the initial cost of building an application; 2) the cost of enhancing the
application with new features over its lifetime; 3) the cost of repairing defects and bugs
over the application’s lifetime; 4 The cost of customer support for fielding and
responding to queries and customer-reported defects.
Table 8 illustrates the total cost of ownership of three similar software applications under
three alternate scenarios. Assume the applications are nominally 1000 function points in
size. (To simplify the table, only a 5-year ownership period is illustrated.)
The “lagging” scenario in the left column of table 8 assumes inadequate quality control,
poor code structure, up to a dozen severe error-prone modules, and significant “bad fix”
injection rates of around 20%. Under the lagging scenario maintenance costs will
become more expensive every year due to entropy and the fact that the application never
The “average” scenario assumes marginal quality control, reasonable initial code
structure, one or two error-prone modules, and an average bad-fix injection rate of around
7%. Here too entropy will occur. But the rate at which the application’s structure
degrades is fairly slow. Thus maintenance costs increase over a five-year period, but not
at a very significant annual rate.
The “leading” scenario assumes excellent quality control, very good code structure at the
initial release, zero error-prone modules, and a very low bad-fix injection rate of 1% or
less. Under the leading scenario, maintenance costs can actually decline over the five-
year ownership period. Incidentally, such well-structured applications of this type are
most likely to be found for systems software and defense applications produced by
companies at or higher the Level 3 on the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) capability
maturity model (CMM) scale.
Table 8: Five-Year Cost of Software Application Ownership
(Costs are in Dollars per Function Point)
Under the lagging scenario, the five-year maintenance costs for the application (which
include defect repairs, support, and enhancements) are greater than the original
development costs. Indeed, the economic value of lagging applications is questionable
after about three to five years. The degradation of initial structure and the increasing
difficulty of making updates without “bad fixes” tends toward negative returns on
investment (ROI) within a few years.
For applications in COBOL there are code restructuring tools and maintenance
workbenches available that can extend the useful economic lives of aging legacy
applications. But for many languages such as assembly language, Algol, Bliss, CHILL,
CORAL, and PL/I there are few maintenance tools and no commercial restructuring tools.
Thus for poorly structured applications in many languages, the ROI may be marginal or
negative within less than a 10 year period. Of course if the applications are vital or
mission critical (such as air traffic control or the IRS income tax applications) there may
be no choice but to keep the applications operational regardless of cost or difficulty.
Under the average scenario, the five-year maintenance costs for the application are
slightly below the original development costs. Most average applications have a mildly
positive ROI for up to 10 years after initial deployment.
Under the leading scenario with well-structured initial applications, the five-year
maintenance costs are only about half as expensive as the original development costs.
Yet the same volume of enhancements is assumed in all three cases. For leading
applications, the ROI can stay positive for 10 to 20 years after initial deployment. This is
due to the low entropy and the reduced bad-fix injection rate of the leading scenario. In
other words, if you build applications properly at the start, you can get many years of
useful service. If you build them poorly at the start, you can expect high initial
maintenance costs that will grow higher as time passes. You can also expect a rapid
decline in return on investment (ROI).
The same kind of phenomena can be observed outside of software. If you buy an
automobile that has a high frequency of repair as shown in Consumer Reports and you
skimp on lubrication and routine maintenance, you will fairly soon face some major
repair problems – probably before 50,000 miles.
In every industry maintenance tends to require more personnel than those building new
products. For the software industry the number of personnel required to perform
maintenance is unusually large and may soon top 75% of all technical software workers.
The main reasons for the high maintenance efforts in the software industry are the
intrinsic difficulties of working with aging software, and the growing impact of “mass
updates” that began with the roll-out of the Euro and the arrival of the year 2000 problem.
However similar mass-updates will occur in the future as we run out of telephone
numbers and social security numbers.
Given the enormous efforts and costs devoted to software maintenance, every company
should evaluate and consider best practices for maintenance, and should avoid worst
practices if at all possible.
Arnold, Robert S.; Software Reengineering; IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos,
CA; 1993; ISBN 0-8186-3272-0; 600 pages.
Arthur, Lowell Jay; Software Evolution - The Software Maintenance Challenge; John
Wiley & Sons, New York; 1988; ISBN 0-471-62871-9; 254 pages.
Boehm, Barry Dr.; Software Engineering Economics; Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
NJ; 1981; 900 pages.
Brown, Norm (Editor); The Program Manager’s Guide to Software Acquisition Best
Practices; Version 1.0; July 1995; U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, DC;
142 pages.
Department of the Air Force; Guidelines for Successful Acquisition and Management of
Software Intensive Systems; Volumes 1 and 2; Software Technology Support Center,
Hill Air Force Base, UT; 1994.
Grady, Robert B.; Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process
Improvement; Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ; ISBN 0-13-720384-5; 1992; 270
Grady, Robert B. & Caswell, Deborah L.; Software Metrics: Establishing a Company-
Wide Program; Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ; ISBN 0-13-821844-7; 1987;
288 pages.
Jones, Capers; Applied Software Measurement; McGraw Hill, 2nd edition 1996; ISBN 0-
07-032826-9; 618 pages.
Jones, Capers; Software Productivity and Quality Today -- The Worldwide Perspective;
Information Systems Management Group, 1993; ISBN -156909-001-7; 200 pages.
Jones, Capers; Assessment and Control of Software Risks; Prentice Hall, 1994; ISBN 0-
13-741406-4; 711 pages.
Jones, Capers; Patterns of Software System Failure and Success; International Thomson
Computer Press, Boston, MA; December 1995; 250 pages; ISBN 1-850-32804-8;
292 pages.
Jones, Capers; The Year 2000 Software Problem - Quantifying the Costs and Assessing
the Consequences; Addison Wesley, Reading, MA; 1998; ISBN 0-201-30964-5; 303
Jones, Capers; Software Quality – Analysis and Guidelines for Success; International
Thomson Computer Press, Boston, MA; ISBN 1-85032-876-6; 1997; 492 pages.
Jones, Capers; Software Assessments, Benchmarks, and Best Practices; Addison Wesley
Longman, Boston, MA; ISBN 0-201-48542-7; 2000; 657 pages.
Jones, Capers: “Sizing Up Software;” Scientific American Magazine, Volume 279, No. 6,
December 1998; pages 104-111.
Kan, Stephen H.; Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering; Addison Wesley,
Reading, MA; ISBN 0-201-63339-6; 1995; 344 pages.
Howard, Alan (Ed.); Software Maintenance Tools; Applied Computer Research (ACR;
Phoenix, AZ; 1997; 30 pages.
Marciniak, John J. (Editor); Encyclopedia of Software Engineering; John Wiley & Sons,
New York; 1994; ISBN 0-471-54002; in two volumes.
Mertes, Karen R.; Calibration of the CHECKPOINT Model to the Space and Missile
Systems Center (SMC) Software Database (SWDB); Thesis AFIT/GCA/LAS/96S-
11, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio;
September 1996; 119 pages.
Muller, Monika & Abram, Alain (editors); Metrics in Software Evolution; R. Oldenbourg
Vertag GmbH, Munich; ISBN 3-486-23589-3; 1995.
Parikh, Girish; Handbook of Software Maintenance; John Wiley & Sons, New York;
1986; ISBN 0-471-82813-0; 421 pages.
Pigoski, Thomas M.; Practical Software Maintenance - Best Practices for Managing Your
Software Investment; IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA; 1997; ISBN
0-471-17001-1; 400 pages.
Putnam, Lawrence H.; Measures for Excellence -- Reliable Software On Time, Within
Budget; Yourdon Press - Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ; ISBN 0-13-567694-0;
1992; 336 pages.
Putnam, Lawrence H and Myers, Ware.; Industrial Strength Software - Effective
Management Using Measurement; IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA; ISBN 0-8186-
7532-2; 1997; 320 pages.
Rubin, Howard; Software Benchmark Studies For 1997; Howard Rubin Associates,
Pound Ridge, NY; 1997.
Stukes, Sherry, Deshoretz, Jason, Apgar, Henry and Macias, Ilona; Air Force Cost
Analysis Agency Software Estimating Model Analysis ; TR-9545/008-2; Contract
F04701-95-D-0003, Task 008; Management Consulting & Research, Inc.; Thousand
Oaks, CA 91362; September 30 1996.
Symons, Charles R.; Software Sizing and Estimating – Mk II FPA (Function Point
Analysis); John Wiley & Sons, Chichester; ISBN 0 471-92985-9; 1991; 200 pages.
Takang, Armstrong and Grubh, Penny; Software Maintenance Concepts and Practice;
International Thomson Computer Press, Boston, MA; 1997; ISBN 1-85032-192-2;
256 pages.
- -
The dictionary defines "economics" as "a social science
concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the produc-
tion, distribution, and consumption of goods and services."
Here is another defmition of economics which I think is more
helpful in explaining how economics relates to software engi-
Economics is the study of how people make decisions
.in resource-limited situations.
This definition of economics fits the major branches of
classical economics very well.
Macroeconomics is the study of how people make decisions
in resource-limited situations on a national or global scale. It
deals with the effects of decisions that national leaders make
on such issues as tax rates, interest rates, foreign and trade
Microeconomics is the study of how people make decisions
in resource-limited situations on a more personal scale. It deals
with the decisions that individuals and organizations make on
such issues as how much insurance to buy, which word proc-
essor to buy, or what prices to charge for their products or
Economics and Software Engineering Management
If we look at the discipline of software engineering, we see
that the microeconomics branch of economics deals more with
the types of decisions we need to make as software engineers
or managers.
Clearly, we deal with limited resources. There is never
enough time or money to cover all the good features we would
like to put into our software products. And even in these days
of cheap hardware and virtual memory, our more significant
software products must always operate within a world of lim-
ited computer power and main memory. If you have been in
the software engineering field for any length of time, I am sure
you can think of a number of decision situations in which you
had to determine some key software product feature as a func-
tion of some limiting critical resource.
Throughout the software life cycle,' there are many de-
cision situations involving limited resources in which software
engineering economics techniques provide useful assistance. To
provide a feel for the nature of these economic decision issues,
an example is given below for each of the major phases in the
software life cycle.
Feasibiliw Phase: How much should we invest in in-
formation system analyses (user questionnaires and in-
1 Economic principles underlie the overall structure of the software
Iife cycle, and its primary refinements of prototyping, incremental de-
velopment, and advancemanship. The primary economic driver of the
life-cycle structure is the significantly increasing cost of making a soft-
ware change or fmhg a software problem, as a function o f the phase
in which the change or fur is made. See [ 11, ch. 41.
terviews, current-system analysis, workload characteri-
zations, simulations, scenarios, prototypes) in order
that we converge on an appropriate definition and con-
cept of operation for the system we plan t o imple-
Plans and Requirements Phase: How rigorously should
we specify requirements? How much should we invest
iri requirements validation activities (automated com-
pleteness, consistency, and traceability checks, analytic
models, simulations, prototypes) before proceeding to
design and develop a software system?
Product Design Phase: Should we organize the software
to make it possible to use a complex piece of existing
software which generally but not completely meets our
Programming Phase: Given a choice between three data
storage and retrieval schemes which are primarily exe-
cution time-efficient, storage-efficient, and easy-to-
modify, respectively; which of these should we choose
to implement?
Integration and Test Phase: How much testing and for-
mal verification should we perform on a product be-
fore releasing it to users?
Maintenance Phase: Given an extensive list of suggested
product improvements, which ones should we imple-
ment first?
Phaseout: Given an aging, hard-to-modify software
product, should we replace it with a new product, re-
structure it, or leave it alone?
-RF w
r I~ - C R I ~ RION,
n c c l s l O N MAKING
Throughput am
lm -
( transutions
1 '"r-
1m -
u) -
20 40 W m 100 1ZO 140 100 1m 200 210 240 i80 2BO 300
Assessment d
Calibrated to prrf not
NO bener ~h.n
Biases.- i recall
Product Deuiled
CarcDt of Requirements d-i? *ipn. Accepted
m i m ~pcifiutions rpecifiut~onr ~ ~ a i t ~ u t ~ o r a softmre
0 A A A A
Feas~blhtv Plans and Product Dcta~led Develoommt and test
requt~rnents d-19" -89"
Phases md m i l a t o n s
Sample range
excludes upper and lower
20 percentiles
~ i g 4.
. TRW Wolverton model: Cost per object instruction versus rela-
tive degree of difficulty.
Ss = number of delivered source instructions
K = life-cycle effort in man-years
td = development time in years
Ck = a "technology constant."
Values of Ck typically range between 6 10 and 57 3 14. The
current version of SLIM allows one to calibrate Ck to past
projects or to past projects'or to estimate it as a function of a
project's use of modern programming practices, hardware con-
straints, personnel experience, interactive development, and
other factors. The required development effort, DE, is esti-
mated as roughly 40 percent of the life-cycle effort for large
-- ., .
. ll-
..- -- .
~ c ~ M Xo ~ , . t.0 1.047 0.91 1.0 t.06-I 1 1.0 1.2
ID c IMMI~. x = 0.35 -
0.31 0.38 0.360 0.333
systems. For smaller systems, the percentage varies as a func-
tion of system size.
The SLIM model includes a number of useful extensions to
estimate such quantities as manpower distribution, cash flow,
major-milestone schedules, reliability levels, computer time,
and documentation costs.
The most controversial aspect of the SLIM model is its
tradeoff relationship between development effort K and be-
tween development time t d . For a software product of a given
size, the SLIM software equation above gives
For example, this relationship says that one can cut the
cost of a software project in half, simply by increasing its de-
velopment time by 19 percent (e.g., from 10 months to 12
months). Fig. 5 shows how the SLIM tradeoff relationship com-
pares with those of other models; see [ l l , ch. 271 for further
discussion of this issue.
On balance, the SLIM approach has provided a number
of useful insights into software cost estimation, such as the
Rayleigh-curve distribution for one-shot software efforts, the
explicit treatment of estimation risk and uncertainty, and the
cube-root relationship defining the minimum development time
achievable for a project requiring a given amount of effort.
0.0 -
\ \.
a7 -
Fig. 5. Comparative effort-schedule tradeoff relationships.
MM = 2.060 ( K D S I ) ~ - O ~ ~f i ) , (nj= 1
for KDSI < l o .
The effort multipliers fi are shown in Table 111. This model has
a much more appropriate functional form than the SDC
model, but it has some problems with stability, as it exhibits a
discontinuity at KDSI = 10, and produces widely varying esti-
mates via the f factors (answering "yes" to "first software de-
veloped on CPU" adds 92 percent to the estimated cost).
The R CA PRICE S Model [22]
PRICE S is a commercially available (from RCA, Inc.)
macro cost-estimation model developed primarily for embed-
MM = 2.060 P"
Factor '1 Yes No
6nb9mml 6 0.83 1.00
~ u i p c a r p r r C r . t ~ i . a l t y 6 1.a 1.00
D.nbpm(.t-.k &a 1 s 1.00
6s 125 1.00
Dmbemc.tmonamon* fu 115 1.00
0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
of mailable speed and memory
Oganizational understanding of
product objectives Thorough General
in worktng with related
som~aresystems Extensive Moderate
Need for software conformance
with preestablished require-
ments Basic
Need tor software conformance
rrim external ~nterfacespecifics-
Wns Basic Full
Concunent development of associ-
ated new hardware and opera-
tional procedures Extensive
Needtor innovative data processing
architectures. algorithms Minimal Sari Cons~derable
Premium on early completion Low Medrun High
Roducl sae range <SO KDSI QM) KDSl All wzes
-@es Batch data Moa wansaction Large. complex
reduct~on pmcesvng SYS- transaction
Scientific tenu processing
models Ne- OS. DBMS systems
Busmess Amhbous tnven- Amb~t~ous,very
models tuy. wuctlon large OS
Famil~ar mud Avtoncs
OS, compler Smote command- Amb~tlouscom-
S~mpleinven- mud mand-control
tory. produc-
tton control
Ralucl Atmbutes
RELY Requred r d t w u e rekabilily
DATA Data base sue
CPLX Producl complexity
Computer Attribrtes
TIME Exeartcon twne ~ l r n i n t
STOR Mam storage constraint
VlRT Vwtual maclune vdelYtp
TURN Complier lwnaround tlme
Personnel Allribules
ACAP Analyst capalnlity 1.46 1.19 1.00 .86 .71
AEXP Applicel~onsexpcwience 1.29 1.13 1.00 9 1 .82
PCAP Pro~amrnercapebtllty 142 1.17 1.00 .86 .70
VEXP V~flual machlne experiencrr 1.21 1-10 1.00 .90
LEXP Programm~nglanguage e x p e r m 1.14 1.07 1.00 .95
Prop3 Atlnbules
MOOP Use of modern programrmng practices 124 1.10 1.00 .91 .82
TOOL Use of software tools 1.24 1.10 1.00 9 1 .83
SCED Required development scbdule 1.n 1.00 $1.00 1.04 1.10
F a a gwm soflwwa product, hs ~ n md )rr mlh. oFplu d nd .O))r~e(0s.
DBMS. etc ) 11 calls on IO .ccompksh as hrhr
S h q t m i m code
rnth a few non-
rla8I.d sp*o#r-
atom DOs.
SbUghfforWVd No cogmame
nesting of SP op. needed of par-
uators. MosUy ticular pro-
vmpk cessor or 110 chuu-
tamka. I10
dona at GET/
PUT Iwd. No
W R k inRlt uld
w Simgle
S g s c l . 1 ' ~
urtnuuanes ac-
mated by data
sueam con-
tents. Comolex
aata resw. y-
mg at mmru
R o u a m for mtw- A p o m l m d w -
ruot dpgnoJs. ~ t w
file sauctwmg
semcmg. mask-
tng. Communc rwnne. Fib
ca m line lnnldlng. com-
handing mand praeu-
E f f o r t adjustment factor ( p r o d u c t o f e f f o r t m u l t i p l i e r s ) 1. 35
- . -
7) Software Data Collection: A fundamental limitation t o
rlgnificant progress in software cost estimation is the lack of
unambiguous, widely-used standard definitions for software
data. For example, if an organization reports its "software
development man-months," do these include the effort de-
voted to requirements analysis, to training, t o secretaries, t o
quality assurance, to technical writers, t o uncompensated
overtime? Depending on one's interpretations, one can easily
cause variations of over 20 percent (and often over a factort
of 2) in the meaning of reported "software development man-
months" between organizations (and similarly for "delivered
instructions," "complexity," "storage constraint," etc.) Given
such uncertainties in the ground data, it is not surprising that
software cost estimation models cannot do much better than
"within 20 percent of the actuals, 70 percent of the time."
Some progress towards clear software data definitions has
been made. The LBM FSD database used in [53] was carefully
collected using thorough data definitions, but the detailed
data and definitions are not generally available. The NASA-
Goddard Software Engineering Laboratory database [5] , [6],
[40] and the COCOMO database [ l l ] provide both clear
data definitions and an associated project database which are
available for general use (and reasonably compatible). The re-
cent Mitre SARE report [59] provides a good set of data defi-
But there is still no commitment across organizations to
establish and use a set of clear and uniform software data defi-
nitions. Until this happens, our progress in developing more
precise software cost estimation methods will be severely lim-
This final section summarizes the benefits t o software engi-
neering and software management provided by a software engi-
needng economics perspective in general and by software cost
estimation technology in particular. It concludes with son I c,
observations on the major challenges awaiting the field.
Benefits of a Software Engineering Economics Perspective
The major benefit of an economic perspective on softwan,
engineering is that it provides a balanced view of candidate
software engineering solutions, and an evaluation framework
which takes account not only of the programming aspects of
a situation, but also of the human problems of providing the
best possible information processing service within a resource-
limited environment. Thus, for example, the software engi-
neering economics approach does not say, "we should use
these structured structures because they are mathematically
elegant" or "because they run like the wind" or "because
they are part of the structured revolution." Instead, it says
"we should use these structured structures because they pro-
vide people with more benefits in relation to their costs
than do other approaches." And besides the framework, of
course, it also provides the techniques which help us to arrive
a t this conclusion.
How much should we invest in tools and training?
Further, a well-defined software cost estimation model can
kelp avoid the frequent misinterpretations, underestimates,
sverexpectations, and outright buy-ins which still plague the
software field. In a good cost-estimation model, there is no
way of reducing the estimated software cost without changing
some objectively verifiable property of the software project.
This does not make it impossible to create an unachievable
buy-in, but it significantly raises the threshold of credibility.
A related benefit of software cost estimation technology
is that it provides a powerful set of insights on how a software
organization can improve its productivity. Many of a software
cost model's cost-driver attributes are management control-
lable~:use of software tools and modem programming prac-
tices, personnel capability and experience, available computer
speed, memory, and turnaround time, software reuse. The cost
model helps us determine how t o adjust these management
controllables to increase productivity, and further provides an
estimate of how much of a productivity increase we are likely
to achieve with a given level of investment. For more informa-
tion on this topic, see [ l l, ch. 333 , [12] and the recent plan
for the U.S. Department of Defense Software Initiative [20].
Finally, software cost estimation technology provides an
absolutely essential foundation for software project planning
and control. Unless a software project has clear definitions of
its key milestones and realistic estimates of the time and
money it will take to achieve them, there is no way that a
project manager can tell whether his project is under control
or not. A good set of cost and schedule estimates can provide
realistic data for the PERT charts, work breakdown structures,
manpower schedules, earned value increments, etc., necessary
to establish management visibility and control.
Note that this opportunity t o improve management visibil-
ity and control requires a complementary management com-
mitment to define and control the reporting of data on software
progress and expenditures. The resulting data are therefore
worth collecting simply for their management value in compar-
ing plans versus achievements, but they can serve another valu-
able function as well: they provide a continuing stream of cali-
bration data for evolving a more accurate and refined software
cost estimation models.
Software Engineering Economics Challenges
The opportunity t o improve software project management
decision making through improved software cost estimation,
planning, data collection, and control brings us back full-circle
to the original objectives of software engineering economics:
to provide a better quantitative understanding of how software
people make decisions in resource-limited situations.
The more clearly we as software engineers can understand
the quantitative and economic aspects of our decision situa-
tions, the more quickly we can progress from a pure seat-of-
the-pants approach on software decisions to a more rational
approach which puts all of the human and economic decision
variables into clear perspective. Once these decision situations
are more clearly illuminated, we can then study them in more
detail to address the deeper challenge: achieving a quantitative
understanding of how people work together in the software
engineering process.
Given the rather scattered and imprecise data currently
available in the software engineering field, it is remarkable how
much progress has been made on the software cost estimation
problem so far. But, there is not much further we can go until
better data becomes available. The software field cannot hope
to have its Kepler or its Newton until it has had its army of
Tycho Brahes, carefully preparing the well-defined observa-
tional data from which a deeper set of scientific insights may
be derived.
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and Chief Engineer of TRW's Software I formu-
tion Systems Division. He was previous y Head
of the Information Sciences Department at The Rqnd Corporation, and
Director of the 1971 Air Force CCIB-85 study. His responsibilities at
TRW include direction of TRW's internal software R&D program, of
contract software technology projects. of the TRW software development
policy and standards program, of the TRW Software Cost Methodology
Program, ,.andthe TRW Software Productivity Program. His most recent
book is Software Engineering Economics, by Prentice-Hall.
Dr. Boehm is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the
Association for Computing Machinery, and an ~ssociateFellow of the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (iJET), ISSN: 2049-3444, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2012
Software development life cycle or SDLC for short is a methodology for designing, building, and maintaining information and
industrial systems. So far, there exist many SDLC models, one of which is the Waterfall model which comprises five phases to
be completed sequentially in order to develop a software solution. However, SDLC of software systems has always encountered
problems and limitations that resulted in significant budget overruns, late or suspended deliveries, and dissatisfied clients. The
major reason for these deficiencies is that project directors are not wisely assigning the required number of workers and
resources on the various activities of the SDLC. Consequently, some SDLC phases with insufficient resources may be delayed;
while, others with excess resources may be idled, leading to a bottleneck between the arrival and delivery of projects and to a
failure in delivering an operational product on time and within budget. This paper proposes a simulation model for the Waterfall
development process using the Simphony.NET simulation tool whose role is to assist project managers in determining how to
achieve the maximum productivity with the minimum number of expenses, workers, and hours. It helps maximizing the
utilization of development processes by keeping all employees and resources busy all the time to keep pace with the arrival of
projects and to decrease waste and idle time. As future work, other SDLC models such as spiral and incremental are to be
simulated, giving project executives the choice to use a diversity of software development methodologies.
This paper proposes a simulation model to simulate and non-functional requirements refer to the various criteria,
mimic the Waterfall SDLC development process from the constraints, limitations, and requirements imposed on the
analysis to the maintenance phase using the design and operation of the software rather than on
Simphony.NET computer simulation tool. The model particular behaviors. It includes such properties as
simulates the different stakeholders involved in the reliability, scalability, testability, availability,
Waterfall model which are essential throughout the whole maintainability, performance, and quality standards.
development process. They include the software solution to
Design Phase: It is the process of planning and problem
design and develop; the employees such as designers and
solving for a software solution. It implicates software
programmers; the different Waterfall phases; and the
developers and designers to define the plan for a solution
workflow of every Waterfall task. Furthermore, the
which includes algorithm design, software architecture
proposed simulation takes into consideration three different
design, database conceptual schema and logical diagram
types of software solutions based on their complexity and
design, concept design, graphical user interface design, and
scale. The simulation also measures the rate of projects
data structure definition.
arrival, the rate of projects delivery, and the utilization of
various resources during every phase and task. Implementation Phase: It refers to the realization of
business requirements and design specifications into a
The goal of the proposed simulation is to identify the
concrete executable program, database, website, or
optimal number of resources needed to keep the company
software component through programming and
up with the continuous flow of incoming projects using the
deployment. This phase is where the real code is written
minimal amount of workers, time, and budget.
and compiled into an operational application, and where
the database and text files are created. In other words, it is
the process of converting the whole requirements and
The Waterfall SDLC model is a sequential software blueprints into a production environment.
development process in which progress is regarded as
flowing increasingly downwards (similar to a waterfall) Testing Phase: It is also known as verification and
through a list of phases that must be executed in order to validation which is a process for checking that a software
successfully build a computer software. Originally, the solution meets the original requirements and specifications
Waterfall model was proposed by Winston W. Royce in and that it accomplishes its intended purpose. In fact,
1970 to describe a possible software engineering practice verification is the process of evaluating software to
[6]. The Waterfall model defines several consecutive determine whether the products of a given development
phases that must be completed one after the other and phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that
moving to the next phase only when its preceding phase is phase; while, validation is the process of evaluating
completely done. For this reason, the Waterfall model is software during or at the end of the development process to
recursive in that each phase can be endlessly repeated until determine whether it satisfies specified requirements [7].
it is perfected. Fig. 1 depicts the different phases of the Moreover, the testing phase is the outlet to perform
SDLC Waterfall model. debugging in which bugs and system glitches are found,
corrected, and refined accordingly.
Maintenance Phase: It is the process of modifying a
software solution after delivery and deployment to refine
output, correct errors, and improve performance and
quality. Additional maintenance activities can be
performed in this phase including adapting software to its
environment, accommodating new user requirements, and
increasing software reliability [8].
[9] proposed a simulation planning that must be completed
Fig. 1 The Waterfall model prior to starting any development process. Its purpose is to
identify the structure of the project development plan and
Essentially, the Waterfall model comprises five phases: to classify what must be simulated, the degree of
Analysis, design, implementation, testing, and simulation, and how to use the simulation results for future
maintenance. planning. Moreover, the approach takes into consideration
Analysis Phase: Often known as Software Requirements such issues as configuration requirements, design
Specification (SRS) is a complete and comprehensive constraints, development criteria, problem reporting and
description of the behavior of the software to be developed. resolution, and analysis of input and output data sets. [10]
It implicates system and business analysts to define both described three types of simulation methodologies. The
functional and non-functional requirements. Usually, first is called “simulation as software engineering” and
functional requirements are defined by means of use cases revolves around simulating the delivery of a product. This
which describe the users’ interactions with the software. comprises the use of large simulation models to represent a
They include such requirements as purpose, scope, real system at the production environment. The second is
perspective, functions, software attributes, user called “simulation as a process of organizational change”
characteristics, functionalities specifications, interface and revolves around the delivery of a service. This
requirements, and database requirements. In contrast, the comprises the use of temporary small-scale models to
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (iJET), ISSN: 2049-3444, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2012
simulate small-scale tasks and processes. The third is called reason for this is that project managers are not intelligently
“simulation as facilitation” and revolves around assigning the required number of employees and resources
understanding and debating about a problem situation. This on the various activities of the SDLC. For this reason,
comprises using “quick-and-dirty” very small-scale models some SDLC phases may be delayed due to the insufficient
to simulate minute-by-minute processes. [11] proposed the number of workers; while, other dependent phases may
use of simulation as facilitation based on system dynamics. stay idle, doing nothing, but waiting for other phases to get
The model proposes the simulation of three development completed. Consequently, this produces a bottleneck
stages: The conceptualization stage which simulates between the arrival and delivery of projects which leads to
problem situation and system objectives; the development a failure in delivering a functional product on time, within
stage which simulates the coding, verification, validation, budget, and to an agreed level of quality.
and calibration processes; and the facilitation stage which
The proposed simulation for the Waterfall model is aimed
simulates group learning around the model, project
at finding the trade-offs of cost, schedule, and functionality
findings, and project recommendations. [12] proposed a
for the benefit of the project outcome. It helps maximizing
guideline to be followed for performing a simulation study
the utilization of development processes by keeping all
for software development life cycles. It is composed of ten
employees and resources busy all the time to keep pace
processes, ten phases, and thirteen reliability evaluation
with the incoming projects and reduce waste and idle time.
stages. Its purpose is to assess the credibility of every stage
As a result, the optimal productivity is reached with the
after simulation and match it with the initial requirements
least possible number of employees and resources,
and specifications. The model provides one of the most
delivering projects within the right schedule, budget, and
documented descriptions for simulating life-cycles in the
conforming to the initial business needs and requirements.
software engineering field [13]. [14] proposed a software
engineering process simulation model called SEPS for the
dynamic simulation of software development life cycles. It
is based on using feedback principles of system dynamics This paper proposes a simulation model to simulate the
to simulate communications and interactions among the different phases of the Waterfall SDLC model including all
different SDLC phases and activities from a dynamic related resources, input, workflow, and output. The
systems perspective. Basically, SEPS is a planning tool simulation process is carried out using a simulation tool
meant to improve the decision-making of managers in called Simphony.NET [20] which provides an adequate
controlling the projects outcome in terms of cost, time, and environment to create, manage, and control the different
functionalities. [15] proposed a discrete open source event simulation entities. The purpose of this simulation is to
simulation model for simulating the programming and the guarantee that the interval-time between each project
testing stages of a software development process using arrival is equal to the interval-time between each project
MathLab. The model investigates the results of adopting production. In other words, if a new project is emerging
different tactics for coding and testing a new software every 10 days, a project must be delivered every other 10
system. It is oriented toward pair programming in which a days, taking into consideration that the optimal number of
programmer writes the code and the simulation acts as an employees should be assigned to every project, that is the
observer which reviews the code and return feedback to the number of idle and busy resources should be kept as
original programmer. In effect, this approach automates the minimum as possible.
testing and the reviewing processes and promotes best Generally speaking, the proposed simulation process
programming practices to deliver the most reliable and consists of the following steps:
accurate code. [16] proposed an intelligent computerized 1. Run the simulation, examine the data produced by
tool for simulating the different phases of a generic SDLC. the simulation,
It is intended to help managers and project directors in 2. Find changes to be made to the model based on the
better planning, managing, and controlling the analysis of data produced by the simulation,
development process of medium-scale software projects. 3. Repeat as much as it takes to reach the optimal
The model is based on system dynamics to simulate the results.
dynamic interaction between the different phases of the
development process taking into consideration the Technically speaking, the simulation process of the
existence of imprecise parameters that are treated as fuzzy- Waterfall model consists of the following steps:
logic variables. 1. Divide the Waterfall model into independent phases,
2. Understand the concept and the requirements that lie
4. PROBLEM DEFINITION & behind every phase,
MOTIVATIONS 3. Define the resources, tasks, entities, and the work
flow of every phase,
In practice, software development projects have regularly 4. Simulate each phase apart and record results,
encountered problems and shortcomings that resulted in 5. Integrate the whole phases together, simulate the
noteworthy delays and cost overruns, as well as occasional system, and record results.
total failures [17]. In effect, the software development life
cycle of software systems has been plagued by budget 5.1. Assumptions and Specifications
overrun, late or postponed deliveries, and disappointed Prior to simulating the Waterfall model, a number of
customers [18]. A deep investigation about this issue was assumptions and specifications must be clearly made.
conducted by the Standish Group [19], it showed that many
projects do not deliver on-time, do not deliver on budget, Basically, projects arrive randomly at a software firm with
and do not deliver as expected or required. The major inter-arrival time from a Triangular distribution with a
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (iJET), ISSN: 2049-3444, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2012
lower limit of 30 days, an upper limit of 40 days, and a The testing phase requires a Uniform distribution with a
mode of 35 days. The probability density function is then lower limit of 5 days and an upper limit of 10 days.
given as:
Total number of projects delivered: 50 numbers of resources are considered to be the necessary
Average ArT Mean: 35.55 number of workers needed to keep the company up with
the continuous flow of incoming projects, in this particular
TABLE II case, dispatching and producing exactly 50 projects on time
and within budget.
Business Analysts 5.2
This paper proposed a simulation model for simulating the
Designers 11.6
Waterfall software development life cycle using the
Programmers 21.02
Simphony.NET simulator tool. It consists of simulating all
Testers 7.4
Maintenance Men 2.09 entities of the Waterfall model including, software
solutions to be developed, operational resources,
employees, tasks, and phases. Its aim was to assist project
managers in determining the optimal number of resources
required to produce a particular project within the allotted
schedule and budget. Experiments showed that the
proposed model proved to be accurate as it accurately
calculated the number of optimal resources required to
accomplish a particular software solution based on their
utilization metric.
As future work, other SDLC models such as spiral and
incremental are to be simulated, allowing project managers
to select among a diversity of software development
methodologies to support their decision-making and
planning needs.
This research was funded by the Lebanese Association for
Fig. 5 Utilization of the programmer resource Computational Sciences (LACSC), Beirut, Lebanon, under
the “Simulation & Testing Research Project – STRP2012”.
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International Journal of Engineering & Technology (iJET), ISSN: 2049-3444, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2012