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Chapter 21 Vocab

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Daniela Contreras 10 February 2014 Miss Menden US History Honors/ Period 3 1$ Chapter 21 A eri!

a and "orld "ar ## Cost%plus& !ontra!ts that the 'o(ern ent si'ned in order to 'et )ar aterials$ *his )as di++erent than the ethod used be+ore to 'et ilitary e,uip ent )here the 'o(ern ent )ould as!o panies to bid +or the !ontra!t$ .e!ause this )as too slo) the 'o(ern ent !reated !ost%plus !ontra!ts )here they a'reed to pay a !o pany )hate(er it !ost to a-e a produ!t plus a 'uaranteed per!enta'e o+ the !osts as pro+it$ *he ore a !o pany produ!ed and the ,ui!-er it produ!ed produ!ts the ore oney the !o pany )ould a-e$ Althou'h this syste !ost the 'o(ern ent ore it did produ!e ore )ar produ!ts ,ui!-er$ *his syste s !on(in!ed any !o panies to !han'e their produ!tion to )ar aterials$ *he 'o(ern ent tried to en!oura'e this by 'i(in' the /e!onstru!tion Finan!e Corporation 0/FC1 the po)er to 'i(e loans to +a!tories interested in !on(ertin' to the produ!tion o+ )ar produ!ts$ "ar Produ!tion .oard 0"P.1& Created by President /oose(elt it )as his atte pt to i pro(e the syste o+ )hat produ!tion o+ produ!ts had the hi'hest priorities$ At the ti e 'o(ern ent a'en!ies !onstantly ar'ued about the supplies !ontra!ts and orders that )ere ost i portant so the "P. )as !reated so they !ould set )ith priorities and produ!tion 'oals and to !ontrol the distribution o+ ra) aterials and supplies$ *his a'en!y ho)e(er !lashed (ery ,ui!-ly )ith the ilitary )ho didn2t a'ree )ith the priorities they thou'ht !a e +irst$ *he ilitary !ontinued to si'n !ontra!ts )ithout tellin' the "P.$ 3++i!e o+ "ar Mobili4ation 03"M1& *his a'en!y )as !reated a+ter the "ar Produ!tion .oard to settle any disputed bet)een the ilitary and the "P.$ #t )as ainly ade be!ause the ilitary didn2t a'ree )ith the priorities o+ the "P. disen+ran!hised& to depri(e the ri'ht to (ote$ Durin' the )ar any A+ri!an A eri!ans )ere bein' disen+ran!hised$ *his )as the reason so e A+ri!an A eri!ans did not )ant to +i'ht the )ar$ *hey thou'ht5 6"hat ore !ould Hitler do to us than that7 6Double 97 !a pai'n& Made by the ne)spaper Pittsburgh Courier this !a pai'n en!oura'ed A+ri!an A eri!ans to +i'ht in the )ar so that they !ould a!hie(e a double (i!tory$ 3ne5 to o(er!o e Hitler2s ra!is and t)o5 to o(er!o e the ra!is at ho e$ *his !a pai'n )as introdu!ed a+ter 1:41 )hen the ;ational Urban <ea'ue as-ed its e bers to en!oura'e A+ri!an A eri!ans to =oin the )ar e++ort and to a-e plans +or buildin' a better so!iety in the United States$ *o'ether patriotis and protest )ere !o bined$ *us-e'ee Air en& *hese )ere the A+ri!an A eri!ans trained +or the ::th Pursuit S,uadron$ *his )as the +irst A+ri!an A eri!an air +or!e unit !reated in 1:41$ *hey )ere !alled the *us-e'ee Air en be!ause they )ere trained in *us-e'ee5 Alaba a$ *he bri'adier 'eneral )as Colonel .en=a in 3$ Da(is Sr$ )ho )as the the hi'hest ran-in' A+ri!an A eri!an o++i!er$ #n April 1:43 ?eneral Da(is ur'ed the ilitary to put A+ri!an A eri!ans into !o bat as soon as possible so the s,uadron )as sent to the Mediterranean$ Da(is2 son !o anded the s,uadron ans helped )in the battle o+ An4io in #taly$ 3(eta Culp Hobby& an o++i!ial )ith the "ar Depart ent that ser(ed as the +irst dire!tor o+ the "o en2s Ar y AuAiliary Corps 0"AAC1 )hi!h )as +irst to allo) )o en in the ilitary$ Many )o en be!a e upset that the "AAC )as an auAiliary !orps instead o+ part o+ the re'ular ar y$ A+ter the "AC )as !reated Dire!tor Hobby )as assi'ned the ran- o+ !olonel$ "o en2s Ar y Corps 0"AC1& this repla!ed the "AAC a year a+ter it )as !reated$ #t )as !reated to be part o+ the ar y instead o+ bein' =ust an auAiliary !orps$ Chester ;i it4% the !o ander o+ the United States2 ;a(y in the Pa!i+i!5 Durin' the )ar he planned operations a'ainst the Capanese ;a(y$ He -ne) that e(en thou'h the Capanese had


3$ 4$ 8$



B$ :$

badly da a'ed the A eri!an +leet at Pearl Harbor5 air!ra+t !arriers )hi!h )ere on a ission at sea )ere sa+e so he de!ided he )anted to use the !arriers in the Pa!i+i!$ A !ouple o+ days a+ter Pearl Harbor he !ould do little to stop Capan2s ad(an!e into Southeast Asia$ 10$ Dou'las Ma! Arthur& Co ander o+ the Filipino +or!es$ A+ter Pearl Harbor the Capanese landed their troops in the Philippines$ .e!ause the A eri!an and Filipino +or!es )ere outnu bered ?eneral Dou'las Ma!Arthur retreated to the .ataan Peninsula Usin' the peninsulaDs ru''ed terrain the troops held out +or o(er 3 onths but !onditions 'ot so bad that the soldiers had to eat their o)n horses and diseases li-e alaria spread li-e !ra4y$ *hen /oose(elt reali4ed that Ma!Arthur2s !apture )ould de orali4e the A eri!an people so he ordered the to e(a!uate to Australia$ 11$ .ataan Death Mar!h& A+ter the soldiers at the .ataan Peninsula surrendered they )ere +or!ed to )al- to the Capanese prison !a ps$ .e!ause the )ere already tired +ro bein' stranded on the peninsula +or three onths al ost ten thousand troops died on the ar!h there$ >> )o en nurses )ere al ost !aptured and ta-en to the Uni(ersity o+ Santo *o as in Manila$ 12$ Corre'idor& A+ter the soldiers on the .ataan Peninsula surrendered there )ere still so e soldiers that re ained on the island o+ Corre'idor in Manila .ay$ *his s all +or!e surrendered on May 1:42$ *he Philippines had no) +allen to the Capanese$ 13$ Ca es Doolittle& <ieutenant Colonel put in !o and by President /oose(elt yo bo b *o-yo$ /oose(elt )anted to do this to boost A eri!an orale$ *he lon' ran'e .%28s )ere put on planes but the US planes !ould only land in China$ At the end o+ ar!h a !rane loaded 1> .%28s onto the air!ra+t !arrier Hornet )hi!h headed )est a!ross the Pa!i+i!$ 3n April 1B5 the US bo bed Capan +or the +irst ti e$ Doolittle2s raid later !on(in!ed the Capanese to !han'e their strate'y +or )ar be!ause the bo bs !ould ha(e -illed the e peror )hi!h )as li-e a 'od$ 14$ Periphery& re+errin' to the ed'es$ "hen /oose(elt )anted the US to brin' troops to Europe5 Pri e Minister Chur!hill didn2t thin- )e )ere ready so he thou'ht it )ould be best +or us to +i'ht on the periphery o+ the ?er an e pire$ /oose(elt a'reed up until Culy 1:42 )hen )e in(aded Moro!!o and Al'eria )hi!h )ere Fren!h territories indire!tly under ?er an !ontrol$ 18$ Con(oy Syste & a syste set up by the US ;a(y a+ter the loss o+ so any ships by the ?er an sub arines on the East Coast$ ?er any sun- around 3>0 ships in!ludin' any oil tan-ers$ So any o+ the )ere sun- that 'asoline and oil +uel had to be rationed$ Under this syste !ar'o ships tra(eled in 'roups es!orted by na(y )arships$ *his dra ati!ally i pro(ed the situation be!ause it )as no) hard +or a sub arine to torpedo a !ar'o ship and 'et a)ay )ith it$ 1>$ A$ Philip /andolph& the head o+ the .rotherhood o+ Sleepin' Car Porters a a=or union +or A+ri!an A eri!an railroad )or-ers$ .e!ause not a lot o+ +a!tories )ere hirin' A+ri!an A eri!ans he in+or ed the president that he )as roundin' up en to ar!h to "ashin'ton so they !ould se!ure =obs into the ilitary and na(al +or!es$ /oose(elt responded by issuin' the EAe!uti(e 3rder BB02 that said e ployers !ould not dis!ri inate )hen hirin'$ He also !reated the Fair E ploy ent Pra!ti!es Co ission that helped en+or!e this order$ *his )as the +irst +ederal a'en!y that helped +i'ht dis!ri ination sin!e the /e!onstru!tion Era$ 1@$ .ra!ero Pro'ra & a pro'ra +or laborers )ho )ere MeAi!an to !o e to the South)est to help har(est +ruit and (e'etables and to aintain and build railroads$ *his pro'ra !ontinued until 1:>4 and ade i'rant +ar )or-ers a (ery i portant part o+ the South)est2s a'ri!ultural syste $ 1B$ Sunbelt& "ith ore and ore =obs bein' !reated A eri!ans all around the nation be'an to o(e in sear!h o+ =ob$ "hile ost people )ent Mid)est5 ;ortheast or ;orth)est ho)e(er the 'ro)th o+ southern Cali+ornia and the eApansion o+ !ities in the Deep South !reated a ne) industrial re'ion !alled the Sunbelt$ For the +irst ti e sin!e the #ndustrial /e(olution the South and "est led the )ay in anu+a!turin' and urbani4ation$ 1:$ 6?reat Mi'ration7& a o(e ent o+ A+ri!an A eri!ans +ro the south to the north +or =obs and

to es!ape dis!ri ination$ Durin' the ?reat Depression this i'ration slo)ed but )hen +a!tory =obs opened up +or A+ri!an A eri!ans the ?reat Mi'ration be'an a'ain$ *he !ro)dedness in the ;orth and "est ho)e(er !aused a lot o+ suspi!ion and intoleran!e that o+ten led to (iolen!e$ 20$ Foot suit& a style o+ !lothin' that )as lin-ed to ra!is a'ainst MeAi!an A eri!ans and the +ear o+ =u(enile !ri e$ A 4oot suit )as typi!ally (ery ba''y5 pleated pants and an o(erstu++ed5 -nee% len'th =a!-et )ith )hite lapels$ So e a!!essories )ould in!lude a )ide%bri ed hat and a lon' -ey%!hain$ *heir hair )as usually lon' and in a du!- tail$ *his an'ered any A eri!ans and )ere !onsidered unpatrioti!$ #n Cali+ornia any MeAi!an A eri!an teena'ers )ore the 4oot suit$ #n Cune 1:43 se(eral sailors heard that the 4oot )earers had atta!-ed other sailors so they stor ed into their nei'hborhoods in <A to !ut their hair and tear o++ their 4oot suits$ *he poli!e didn2t inter+ere and instead <A banned 4oot suits$ 21$ 69i!tory Suit7& in order to sa(e +abri! +or the )ar en typi!ally )ore (i!tory suits )hi!h )ere suits )ith no (est5 no !u++s5 a short =a!-et5 and narro) lapels$ *his style o+ !lothin' )as seen as patrioti!$ 22$ 3++i!e o+ Pri!e Ad inistration 03PA1& /oose(elt )as s!ared that be!ause pri!es and )a'es )ere risin' ,ui!-ly in+lation )ould o!!ur so to stabili4e )a'es and pri!es he set up the 3PA and the 3++i!e o+ E!ono i! Stabili4ation 03ES1$ *he 3ES re'ulated +ar produ!ts )hile the 3PA re'ulated the pri!es and )a'es o+ e(erythin' else$ .oth o+ these helped redu!e in+lation$ *he 3PA also helped rationin' produ!ts +or )ar$ 23$ /ationin'& to li it the pur!hase o+ so ethin'$ Durin' the intent to obili4e +or )ar the 3PA helped in rationin' 'oods su!h as eat5 su'ar5 'as5 and rubber that i'ht be used to send o(erseas +or the )ar$ Dri(in' speeds )ere also restri!ted in order to sa(e 'as and rubber$ /ation !oupons )ere a(ailable +or +a ilies on!e a onth$ *he di++erent !olored !oupons !ontrolled )hat you !ould buy and ho) u!h$ #t )as li-e a !oupon point syste $ 24$ 9i!tory ?ardens& to produ!e ore +ood +or the )ar A eri!ans planted (i!tory 'ardens =ust about any)here li-e ba!-yards5 s!hool 'rounds5 and !ity lots$ #n order to en!oura'e the the 'o(ern ent displayed the in +il reels5 pa phlets5 and o++i!ial state ents$ 28$ Casablan!a Con+eren!e& A+ter /oose(elt sa) that lar'e%s!ale in(asion +ro sea )as possible he )anted to eet )ith Chur!hill to see )hat their neAt o(e should be$ *hey et at Casablan!a Moro!!o )here they both a'reed to step up the bo bin' o+ ?er any$ *heir 'oal be!a e to destru!t the ?er an ilitary industrial and e!ono i! syste and to under ine the orale o+ the ?er an people$ *hey both also a'reed to atta!- the AAis on the island o+ Si!ily$ Chur!hill belie(ed that the #talians )ould surrender i+ the Allies in(aded their ho eland$ 2>$ D%Day& *he na e 'i(en to the date +or the in(asion on Fran!e$ #t )as the +ull%s!ale blo) to ?er any by the Allies$ *here )ere any +a!tors to )hen the in(asion !ould ta-e pla!e su!h as lo) tide5 'ood )eather and !orre!t day li'ht/ oonli'ht to bene+it the so )hene(er the in(asion )ould ta-e pla!e Eisenho)er re+erred to this date by D%Day$ .e!ause the )eather )as bad on Cune 8th Eisenho)er 'a(e the o-ay +or the in(asion on Cune >th$ 2@$ 3 ar .radley& Co ander o+ the A eri!an +or!es landin' in 3 aha and Utah durin' D%day in(asion$ "hile the atta!- on Utah bea!h )ent (ery )ell 3 aha )ent terrible$ .radley be'an to a-e plans to e(a!uate$ Slo)ly but surely ho)e(er the A eri!an +or!es be'an -no!-in' out the ?er an +or!es$ ;early 25800 A eri!ans )ere either -illed or )ounded but by the early a+ternoon .radley re!ei(ed a essa'e tellin' hi that the troops on 3 aha had also ad(an!ed inland$ .y the end o+ the day nearly 385000 A eri!an troops had landed at 3 aha and another 235000 had landed in Utah$ *his in(asion )as )as the lar'est a phibious operation in history and )as a su!!ess$ 2B$ A phtra!& a boat )ith tan- tra!-s also !alled an a phibious tra!tor that helped the en in the battle at *ara)a$ #nstead o+ ha(in' to )ade in the shallo) )ater )hile bein' shot at by the Capanese so e en 'ot on the a phtra! and ade to the island$ *hese had been in(ented in the

late 1:30s to res!ue people +ro s)a ps in Florida ho)e(er the na(y de!ided to only buy 200 o+ the $ #+ there )ould ha(e been ore o+ these boats ore en !ould ha(e been sa(ed in *ara)a instead o+ the 15000 that died$ #n the neAt assault G)a=alein Atoll in the Marshall #sland )ent u!h ore s oothly be!ause the na(y de!ided to use ore o+ these a phtru!s sa(in' the li(es o+ any ore soldiers$ 2:$ ?uadal!anal& island in the Solo on #slands east o+ ;e) ?uinea that Ma!Arthur de!ided to in(ade +irst on his south)estern Pa!i+i! !a pai'n$ #t be'an in Au'ust 1:42 and !ontinued until early 1:44 )hen Ma!Arthur2s troops !aptured enou'h islands to surround the ain Capanese base in the re'ion$ #n response the Capanese )ithdre) their ships and air!ra+t +ro the base but le+t behind 1005000 troops behind to hold the island$ 30$ Ga i-a4e& )ord eanin' 6di(ine )inds7 in Capanese$ *his re+ers to the 'reat stor that destroyed the Mon'ol +leet durin' its in(asion o+ Capan in the thirteenth !entury$ Ga i-a4e pilots )ould run their planes into other ships or other thin's and die on purpose in the !rash but it )ould !ause 'reat har to the other +or!es$ *he Capanese +irst used this type o+ atta!- in the .attle o+ <eyte ?ul+$ *his )as the bi''est na(al battle in history -illin' ore than B05000 Capanese$ #n the end the Capanese retreated thin-in' that ore A eri!an ships )ould be !o in'$ 31$ Hed'ero)s& dirt )alls5 se(eral +eet thi!- !o(ered in shrubbery surroundin' ;or andy$ 3ri'inally these )ere used to +en!e in !attle and !rops but later the ?er ans used the to de+end their positions$ *he battle o+ the hed'ero)s ended on Culy 285 1:44 )hen A eri!an bo bers ble) a hole in the ?er an lines and then ,ui!-ly used their tan-s to 'et throu'h the brea-$ 32$ .attle o+ the .ul'e& Hitler2s last atte pt o+ the o++ensi(e$ He )anted to !ut o++ Allied supplies !o in' throu'h the port o+ Ant)erp5 .el'iu $ *he ?er ans atta!-ed on De!e ber 1>5 1:44 on a !old sno)y day$ #t !au'ht the A eri!ans by surprise as the ?er an troops ra!ed )est5 their lines bul'ed out)ard$ A+ter the ?er ans surrounded the A eri!an +or!ed Eisenho)er ordered ?eneral Patton to !o e and res!ue the $ *hree days later in the idst o+ a sno)stor Patton !a e and sla ed into the ?er an +or!es$ *hen the Allied air!ra+t be'an hittin' ?er an +uel deposits$ *he Allied +or!ed ended up de+eatin' the ?er an +or!es$ 33$ 9%E Day& 69i!tory in Europe7 Day$ 3n April 305 1:48 -no)in'ly that the )ar )as !o in' to an end Adol+ Hitler !hose to -ill hi sel+$ He !hose ?rand Ad iral Garl Doenit4 to be his su!!essor$ Ad iral Doenit4 tried to surrender to the .ritish and A eri!ans )hile still !ontinuin' to +i'ht the So(iets$ Eisenho)er ho)e(er insisted on un!onditional surrender$ 3n May @th 1:48 ?er any a!!epted these ter s$ *he neAt be!a e -no)n as 9%E Day/ 34$ Harry S$ *ru an& President /oose(elt died be+ore he 'ot to see the de+eat o+ ?er any$ 3n April 125 1:48 )hile (a!ationin' in "ar Sprin's5 ?eor'ia /oose(elt died +ro a stro-e$ 9i!e President Harry S$ *ru an then be!a e president$ Despite his sad +eelin's to)ards the death o+ President /oose(elt *ru an be'an at on!e to a-e de!isions about the )ar$ 38$ #)o Ci a& .y the ti e the .%2:s rea!hed Capan5 they did not ha(e enou'h +uel le+t to +iA their na(i'ational errors or to ad=ust +or hi'h )inds$ *he pilots needed an island !losed to Capan so the .%2:s !ould re+uel A eri!an ilitary planners de!ided to in(ade #)o Ci a$ #)o Ci a )as per+e!tly lo!ated5 hal+)ay bet)een the Marianas and Capan5 but the 'eo'raphy )as +or idable$ At its southern tip )as a dor ant (ol!ano$ *he terrain )as ru''ed5 )ith ro!-y !li++s5 =a''ed ra!iness5 and do4ens o+ !a(es$ 3>$ ;apal & a -ind o+ =ellied 'asoline$ *o help the .%2:s hit their tar'ets ?eneral Curtis <eMay5 !o ander o+ the .%2:s based in Marianas ordered the A eri!an en'ineers to drop the .%2:s )ith ;apal $ *hese bo bs )ere desi'ned not only to eAplose but to aslo start +ires so that e(en i+ their tar'et )asn2t hit the +ire !ould spread to )here they eant to hit$ 3@$ Manhattan Pro=e!t& *he se!ret A eri!an Pro'ra to build an ato i! bo b$ *his )as headed by

?eneral <eslie /$ ?ro(es$ *he (ery +irst brea- )as in 1:42 )hen S4ilard and Enri!o Fer y built the +irst nu!lear rea!tor at the Uni(ersity o+ Chi!a'o$ *hen <eslie /$ ?ro(es ordered a tea i+ en'ineers and s!ientists to built an ato i! bo b in a se!ret lab in <os Ala os5 ;e) MeAi!o 3B$ 9%C Day& *he day )hen the Capanese surrendered$ *his happened a+ter the ato i! bo b dropped destroyed about >3H o+ the !ity Hiroshi a$ B05000%1205000 died instantly and ore died later +ro radiation si!-ness and burns$ *he Capanese e peror )as so sho!-ed and he +a!ed so u!h destru!tion espe!ially +ro the So(iets =oinin' the )ar that he de!ided to surrender endin' "orld "ar ##$ 3:$ United ;ations 0U;1& a ne) or'ani4ation !reated e(en be+ore the )ar had ended by President /oose(elt$ /oose(elt thou'ht that a ne) international politi!al or'ani4ation !ould pre(ent another )orld )ar so this )as his atte pt at it$ #n 1:445 dele'ates +ro 3: !ountries !a e to tal- about this ne) or'ani4ation$ *he dele'ates a'reed that the U; )ould ha(e a ?eneral Asse bly )here e(ery e ber nation o+ the )orld )ould ha(e =ust one (ote$ #t )ould also ha(e a Se!urity Coun!il o+ 11 e bers )here 8 o+ the per anent e bers )ould be .ritain5 Fran!e5 China5 the So(iet Union5 and the US$ 40$ Charter& another )ord +or a !onstitution$ *he !harter +or the United ;ations )as !reated on April 285 1:48 )here 80 !ountries !a e to San Fran!is!o to o++i!ially or'ani4e it$ Here the ?eneral Asse bly )as 'i(en the po)er to (ote on resolutions to !hoose the non%per anent e bers o+ the Se!urity Coun!il and to (ote on the United ;ation2s bud'et$ *he Se!urity Coun!il had the responsibility to !arry out international pea!e and se!urity$ #t !ould also in(esti'ate any international proble and propose solutions 41$ ;ure ber' *rials& a trial )ere 22 leaders o+ the ;a4is in ?er any )ere prose!uted$ 12 )ere senten!ed to death5 3 )ere a!,uitted and @ )ere 'i(en prison senten!es$ *he trials !ontinued +or lo)er%ran-in' o++i!ials and ilitary o++i!ers until April 1:4:$ .y the end o+ these trials 24 ore ?er an leaders )ere eAe!uted and another 10@ )ere sent to =ail$

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