OA SBA Jacquline
OA SBA Jacquline
OA SBA Jacquline
0 3 4 5
1 wis" to e0press m# sincere gratitude and regards to all t"ose w"o took time out o+ t"eir bus# sc"edule to assist me patientl# in completing m# *c"ool .ased Assessment2 Firstl# 1 must sa# t"anks to t"e Almig"t# 3od +or granting me t"e "ealt" and strengt" to complete t"e re/uirements o+ t"is project2 *pecial t"anks to !r2 4inston 4ellington5 t"e owner o+ Travellers .eac" ,esort5 +or assisting me in carr#ing out m# project and also to "is sincere and trustwort"# sta++ +or giving me necessar# in+ormation2 Finall#5 1 must not +orget m# !s2 62 Forbes5 m# subject teac"er and m# +amil# +or guiding me along t"e wa#2 *pecial t"anks to #ou all2
12 To understand t"e purpose o+ t"e Accounts o++ice2 )2 To ac/uire a wider knowledge o+ t"e operations o+ t"e Accounts o++ice2
12 To maintain t"e compan#7s accounting records +or statutor#5 regulator# and management purposes2 )2 ,esponsible +or t"e da#%to%da# +inancial transactions o+ t"e compan#2
;ear !r 4ellington< !# name is 9a/ueline ;ale#2 1 am a Fi+t" +orm student at t"e 6ittle 6ondon 8ig" sc"ool2 At present 1 am completing a course in O++ice Administration w"ere 1 am re/uired to carr# out a *c"ool .ased Assessment w"ic" will go towards m# +inal C=C grade2 1 would like to ask #our permission to conduct m# investigation in #our business place2 T"e topic 1 "ave c"osen is >T"e 1mpact o+ t"e Accounts O++ice on t"e operations o+ t"e .usiness2 1 c"ose #our business place because t"e +ast and e++icient customer service and also #our "ospitalit#2 1n conducting t"is investigation 1 will need to interview a member o+ t"e management team5 "and out copies o+ a /uestionnaire to sta++ in t"e Accounts ;epartment and carr# out observation2 1 would also like to sit wit" a clerk as "e?s"e sort +inancial records2 1 ma# be contacted at 1@$- A 44 %)$& 2 Bours respect+ull#5 CCCCCCCCCCC 9a/ueline ;ale#2
T"e researc"er used t"e +ollowing instruments to gat"er data +or t"e stud#2
O/.e%3a$!&" Observation allowed t"e researc"er to get a more detailed anal#sis o+ t"e 1mpact o+ t"e Accounts O++ice on t"e .usiness2 T"is aided t"e researc"er on making notes t"at would contribute to t"e project2 T"e observation was conducted during working "ours2
4ue.$!&""a!%e *even @-A 'uestionnaires were distributed to t"e emplo#ees o+ t"e Accounts department2 T"e# were given +ive @5A da#s to complete t"e /uestions2 Dmplo#ees were o++ered assistance5 b# t"e researc"er5 in order to e0pound on an# /uestion t"e# encountered problems?di++icult# wit"2 T"e /uestionnaires were used as t"e# allowed t"e researc"er to collect a large volume o+ data in a s"ort period o+ time2
I"$e%"e$ To source additional in+ormation +or t"is project t"e internet was used2 4ebsites suc" as 3oogle5 Ask2com were accessed5 w"ic" gave t"e researc"er t"e in+ormation re/uired to complete t"is project2 T"e internet was c"osen because it contains a lot o+ "elp+ul in+ormation2
12 ;id #ou receive special training to carr# out t"is jobE )2 ;o #ou use an# +orm o+ tec"nolog# to "elp #ou to per+orm #our jobE
32 ;o #ou believe t"at t"e s#stem?s used b# t"e business place to carr# out its +unctions increase productivit#E 42 ;o #ou +eel t"at t"e wa# in w"ic" #ou per+orm #our tasks make #ou an e++icient workerE 52 Are t"e procedures used b# t"e business place cost e++ectiveE
1nstruction< please answer t"e +ollowing /uestions b# placing a tick @A in t"e bo0 or b# writing brie+ notes on t"e lines provided2 3ender Age !ale 1$%)5 #rs Female ) %35 #rs 3 %45 #rs
12 4"at position do #ou "old in t"is compan#E CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC )2 ;id #ou receive an# special training +or t"e jobE Bes :o
32 1+ #es5 to /uestion no) w"ere did #ou obtain #our trainingE An institution On t"e job Ot"er5 state CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 42 ;o #ou use an# mac"ine?e/uipment to "elp #ou to carr# out #our job +unctionsE Bes :o
52 1+ #es to /uestion no 4 tick t"e mac"ines?e/uipment #ou use2 P"otocopier Facsimile Telep"one Computer Printer Ot"er?s state CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
2 Are #ou able to carr# out assigned tasks on timeE Bes :o -2 ;oes t"e Accounts O++ice improve or "inder production in t"e organiFationE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC $2 4"at is t"e main dut#?responsibilit# o+ t"e clerk in t"e accounts o++iceE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
A+$!3!$!e. A topic was c"osen b# t"e researc"er and two o+ its +unctions were listed2
T"e researc"er wrote a permission letter to t"e !anager o+ Traveller7s .eac" ,esort2 T"e researc"er made corrections to t"e permission letter5 t#ped and printed it2 T"e researc"er wrote t"e !et"odolog# in +ull details2 T"e researc"er gat"ered t"e +ive /uestions re/uired and /uestions +or t"e data gat"ering instrument2 T"e researc"er went to t"e business place to "and out t"e /uestionnaire to members o+ t"e Accounts ;epartment2 T"e researc"er wrote a report about t"e project2 T"e researc"er collected business documents +rom Traveller7s .eac" ,esort to include into t"e project2 T"e researc"er went back +or a +inal observation and anal#sis2
C&--e"$. T"e researc"er gave t"e topic to t"e subject teac"er +or corrections2 C"oosing was /uite di++icult and con+using as t"ere were so man# topics to c"oose +rom2 T"e researc"er "anded t"e letter to t"e subject teac"er +or corrections to be done2 T"e letter was "anded to t"e !anager o+ t"e business2 T"e researc"er gave t"e subject teac"er +or corrections2 T"e researc"er made up /uestionnaire /uestions +rom t"e +ive /uestions and s"owed t"em to t"e subject teac"er w"o made corrections to t"em2 A +ew persons did not take an#5 t"e# ignored it2
Ja"ua%# 17 0('0.
T"e problems +aced in t"e project were "ig"lig"ted2 T"e researc"er properl# signed eac" business +orm to be included in t"e project2 9ottings were made in a little notebook2
Ma%+, )7 0('0
T"e researc"er t#ped and printed t"e +inal dra+t o+ t"e *2.2A
T"e +inal dra+t o+ t"e project was "anded to t"e subject teac"er5 w"o marked and graded it2
La: ;&3e%"!"; $,e +&-5a"# One government regulation t"at t"e compan# observes is t"e >8ealt" and *a+et#G act2 T"is act was given to t"e compan# on !arc" 3 )((1 and "as been ad"ered to ever since2 Hea $, a"< .a=e$# P%a+$!+e :o smoking is allowed in t"e organiFation2 S$a== %u e ;!3e" $& $,e %e.ea%+,e% 4"en visiting t"e compan# t"e researc"er s"ould carr# t"e sc"ool identi+ication card2
T"e organisation researc"ed was Travellers .eac" ,esort w"ic" is a partners"ip business2 T"e business was commenced on 9une 135 )(((2 T"e organisation is located in :egril on t"e beac" road in 4estmoreland2 As in all large "otel industries5 t"is organisation "as an Accounts O++ice in order to maintain t"e compan#7s dail# +inancial records2 T"e Accounts O++ice is an open%plan one5 w"ic" is most convenient as t"ere are /uite a +ew clerks on sta++2 T"e researc"er was intrigued b# curiosit# to +ind out >T"e 1mpact o+ t"e Accounts O++ice on t"e operations o+ t"e .usinessG2 T"ere were several investigative measures done b# t"e researc"er as t"is in+ormation would "elp in becoming a success+ul Accountant in t"e near +uture2 T"e main +unction o+ t"e Accounts O++ice is to c"annel t"e +inances o+ t"e compan# in a direction t"at will increase pro+itabilit# and raise t"e standard o+ service provided2 1n t"e Accounts O++ice #ou "ave t"e Accounts clerk w"o is responsible +or pa#roll records including t"e calculation o+ wages and salaries and deductions suc" as :ational 1nsurance *ervice @:1*A and Pa# as #ou earn @PABDA +or eac" emplo#ee so
t"e# can be paid5 also t"e accounts clerk is responsible +or t"e preparation o+ c"e/ues5 writing up t"e cas" book5 liaising wit" ot"er departments i2e2 deal wit" /ueries or +acilitate an# in+ormation needed b# ot"er departments2 To "elp t"e accounts clerk to conduct all "is duties certain mac"ineries were used suc" as Computer5 Telep"one5 Dlectronic calculator5 P"oto cop#ing mac"ine and a +ew more2 T"e computer was used to store all sorts o+ data and important in+ormation on t"e e0penditures o+ t"e compan# and +or t"e t#ping o+ pa#roll +or members o+ sta++2 T"e telep"one was used to +inalise business deals t"at incur e0pense to t"e business5 to con+irm t"e prices o+ goods t"at were alread# agreed upon2 T"e telep"one also "elps to carr# across in+ormation urgentl# and accuratel#2 T"e ne0t e/uipment was t"e Dlectronic Calculator w"ic" was used to calculate +inancial statements suc" as sta++ salar# due to t"e income o+ t"e compan#2 T"e researc"er conducted a surve# to +ind out t"e /uestion >;id #ou receive an# special training +or t"is jobEG t"e grap" below re+lects t"e answer to t"e /uestion2
P!e +,a%$ ! u.$%a$!"; > ?D!< #&u %e+e!3e a"# .5e+!a $%a!"!"; =&% $,!. @&/AB
Figure1< Pie c"art1 1n accomplis"ment o+ t"is project t"e researc"er +ound out t"at t"e accounts o++ice "as greatl# impacted on t"e operations o+ Travellers .eac" ,esort to an e0tent t"at wit"out suc" an o++ice5 most organisations like Travellers .eac" ,esort would "ave +inancial problems and also would not "ave lasted as long as it "as been in t"e "otel industr# because t"e +inances o+ t"e compan# would not "ave been c"annelled in a wa# t"at would increase pro+it and raise t"e standard o+ service provided2 Alt"oug" t"e researc"er was success+ul in gat"ering in+ormation to +inis" t"e project5 s"e also encountered a +ew problems2 One major problem +aced b# t"e researc"er was t"at w"en t"e researc"er went to t"e business place a+ter sc"ool at 3o7 clock "e was out conducting business deals wit" ot"er businesses or providing a sc"ool wit" librar# books because t"e compan# "as a ver# large librar# and !r2 4ellington
donates so o+ t"e books to sc"ools and also computers too2 To solve t"is problem t"e researc"er got permission +rom t"e +orm teac"er !rs2 Ta#lor .rown and !r2 Dllis and t"e Principal !s2 *#lvia ,icketts to leave t"e sc"ool compound during lunc" time so t"at t"e researc"er could get to interview !r2 4ellington2
Pu%5&.e ,educing t"e debts t"at t"e bu#er owes to t"e seller2 For e0ample errors in c"arging +or transportation2 Hsed to send to a purc"aser b# t"e supplier to in+orm t"em t"at t"e goods are read# +or deliver#2
Pu%5&.e &= equ!5-e"$ Hsed to t#pe and print in+ormation about customers and emplo#ees2 To contact customer and also to contact ot"er businesses to +inalise deals2 !emor# to provide +or t"e storage o+ data +or +uture re+erence w"en making calculations2
Su!$a/! !$# =&% Ta.C 1t is able to store a large amount o+ data2 T"e use o+ t"e telep"one was /uick and e++icient2 1t produces a "ard cop# or printed proo+ o+ t"e accurac# o+ calculations w"ic" can be used +or c"ecking2
'. F&% 5e%.&" !.$: Da$e O+$&/e% '87 0('(. Ja"ua%# 17 0(''. P a+e I"$e%3!e:e< Travellers .eac" ,esort Travellers .eac" ,esort J&/ $!$ e !anager Accountant
0. Pu/ !+a$!&" !.$: *2 Finisterre5 62 Pa#ne5 92 ,eid2 6ongman O++ice Administration +or C=C2 2. I"$e%"e$ .!$e. !.$: ;u++rin5 D2 @1&& 5 *eptA2 Direct instruction making waves2 ,etrieved !a# 55 )(( 5 +rom "ttp<??www2catal#st%c"icago2org2arc"?(&%& ?(& main2"tm2