Sba Geo Outline PDF
Sba Geo Outline PDF
Sba Geo Outline PDF
Title page
2. Strategy sheet
3. Table of contents
4. Location maps
5. Aim of the study
6. Method of data collection
7. Presentation of data
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography
10. Appendix
CHOOSING A TOPIC /Title of Study This is a essential part of doing the SBA. The topic of the SBA
is the general topic taken from the syllabus. It must be taken from one of the three section of the
syllabus. The TITLE OF STUDY says specifically what you intend to study. Talk to your teacher for
further assistance and to check that the topic is in the syllabus. Three examples of topics are given
1. What factors have contributed to the growth of population in Brown's Town, Jamaica over
the past 20 years?
2. What processes contribute to the weathering of rocks on the facing the Queens Highway, St.
Ann, Jamaica?
3. Does deforestation contribute to soil erosion in a section of Egypt, Browns Town, St. Ann, Jamaica.
Aim of Study
The Title of Study and the Aim of Study go together. This is the question that your study will be
based on. The Aim of the SBA is a statement that says what it is that you will achieve in answering
the topic of the SBA. The Aim of the study should have no less than two descriptive words. You include your title in the Aim in the form of a question. the aim helps to determine how the data will
be collected and how the data will be presented.
The Aim of the study uses descriptive words such as:
identify, compare, classify, contrast, explain, explore, determine, find
out, examine, investigate, observe, describe, illustrate, discuss
Examples of aims:
to identify and discuss the factors which have contributed to the growth of population in Brown's
Town, Jamaica over the past
2. to find out and describe the processes contribute to the weathering of rocks on the facing the
Queens Highway, St. Ann, Jamaica?
3. to investigate whether deforestation has contributed to soil erosion in a sections of Egypt,
Brown's Town and explain how it has affected the area.
Locating of the study area Every geographic study is located somewhere.
This study requires that at least two maps must be
presented. The location of the study must be a
small area, for example a stretch of beach, a section of a town or your school compound. The first
map should show the general location of the study
area, that is, the region in the country where the
study is located. This map should show features
close to the study area. This map be a parish map
showing the general location of the study site. This
is called the location map.
It is very important is stating exactly what you did to collect your data. Your SBA must give a
brief description of how, when, and where data was collected for the study.
In this section at least two methods of data collection must be used.
To get maximum marks the students must give a clear statement of how the data was collected and
an example of the instruments used or the tests or measurement done in the field.
The data collection method maybe classified into
PRIMARY data sources involve personal investigation. It is expected that most of the information
presented in your account must be obtained from primary sources. As you do your research in the
field you observe, you interview, you measure, you sample and you conduct surveys.
2. SECONDARY data consist of data researched from information obtained from text books, government statistics, newspapers and maps.
Remember you must not plagiarise, and you must make reference in your bibliography to any
material that you use.
Here you must include a grief statement describing the specific locations that the observation
measurements were done. You must name the street name, village, parish and country. Include in
this section
what makes the study important. Example, it is the wettest part of the country or the driest
part. Include any
information that would help to explain why this study is being done in this area.
Here you must state the day or days on which you collected the data. You must also state the
time and
weather conditions.
This section forms the major component of the study. The data you present must always be accurate and a true representation of the work you did in the field.
You must use at least three different types of illustration in your presentation. Illustrations must be
accurate, relevant, neat, clearly labelled and titled and well integrated into the account. The illustrations should be relevant to the account. You should make frequent reference to your illustrations and
The account is the written statement of your findings, with the results of your interview, survey or
field measurements and observations. The account is like an essay, with an introduction and paragraphs interlaced with illustration all organised around the aims.
Your presentation and account should be related to your aims(s). So if your aim was to examine and
illustrate, your presentation should describe that role using various illustration. your account should
not be more than 1,500 words long. You should use headings to break your work into sections. It is
best to start each section on a new page.
General hints in data presentation
Each illustration should have
photographs ( no more than three)
After completing your project, you need to write a conclusion. This should be a brief paragraph
summarising the main points that were made and must be related to the aim. You may include a reason for the answer, suggestions for solving the problem, and state the implications if you ignore the
This is a list of sources, recorded in alphabetical order of authors. Include the name of the publisher
and date of publication . Read at least three sources apart from your textbook. If you sue the internet cite the websites you have visited.
The appendix should include samples of any questionnaires, interview schedules or record sheet used.
(Do not put photos here)