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Lecture Introduction to PLC's MME 486 Fall 2006

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Introduction to
Programmable Logic Controllers
Industrial Control Systems
Fall 2006
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The Need for PLCs
Hardwired panels were very time consuming
to wire, debug and change.
GM identified the following requirements for
computer controllers to replace hardwired
Solid-state not mechanical
Easy to modify input and output devices
Easily programmed and maintained by plant
Be able to function in an industrial environment
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The First Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs)
Introduced in the late 1960s
Developed to offer the same functionality as
the existing relay logic systems
Programmable, reusable and reliable
Could withstand a harsh industrial environment
They had no hard drive, they had battery backup
Could start in seconds
Used Ladder Logic for programming
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Programmable Logic Controller
A programmable logic controller (PLC)
is a specialized computer used to
control machines and process.
It uses a programmable memory to
store instructions and specific functions
that include On/Off control, timing,
counting, sequencing, arithmetic, and
data handling
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Advantages of PLC Control
Faster response time
Less and simpler wiring
Solid-state - no moving parts
Modular design - easy to repair and expand
Handles much more complicated systems
Sophisticated instruction sets available
Allows for diagnostics easy to troubleshoot
Less expensive
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Advantages of a PLC Control System
Eliminates much of the hard wiring that was associated
with conventional relay control circuits.
The program takes
the place of much of
the external wiring
that would be required
for control of a process.
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Advantages of a PLC Control System
Increased Reliability:
Once a program has been written and tested it can be downloaded to
other PLCs.
Since all the logic is
contained in the PLCs
memory, there is no
chance of making a
logic wiring error.
Conversely ......
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Advantages of a PLC Control System
More Flexibility:
Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can provide system updates
for a process by simply sending out a new program.
It is easier to create
and change a program
in a PLC than to wire
and rewire a circuit.
End-users can modify
the program in the
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Advantages of a PLC Control System
Lower Costs:
Originally PLCs were designed to replace relay control logic. The cost
savings using PLCs have been so significant that relay control is
becoming obsolete, except for power applications.
Generally, if an application
requires more than about
6 control relays, it will
usually be less expensive
to install a PLC.
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Advantages of a PLC Control System
Communications Capability:
A PLC can communicate with other controllers or computer equipment.
They can be networked to
perform such functions as:
supervisory control, data
gathering, monitoring
devices and process
parameters, and downloading
and uploading of programs.
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Advantages of a PLC Control System
Faster Response Time:
PLCs operate in real-time which means that an event taking place in the
field will result in an operation or output taking place.
Machines that process
thousands of items per
second and objects that
spend only a fraction of
a second in front of a
sensor require the PLCs
quick response capability.
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Advantages of a PLC Control System
Easier To Troubleshoot:
PLCs have resident diagnostic and override functions allowing users to
easily trace and correct software and hardware problems.
The control program
can be watched in
real-time as it
executes to find
and fix problems
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PLC Architecture
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PLC System
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PLC Architecture
An open architecture design allows the system to be
connected easily to devices and programs made by
other manufacturers.
A closed architecture or proprietary system, is one
whose design makes it more difficult to connect devices
and programs made by other manufacturers.
NOTE: When working with PLC systems that are
proprietary in nature you must be sure that any generic
hardware or software you use is compatible with your
particular PLC.
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I/O Configurations
Fixed I/O
Is typical of small PLCs
Comes in one package, with
no separate removable units.
The processor and I/O are
packaged together.
Lower in cost but
lacks flexibility.
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I/O Configurations
Modular I/O
Is divided by compartments
into which separate modules
can be plugged.
This feature greatly increases
your options and the units
flexibility. You can choose
from all the modules available
and mix them in any way you
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I/O Configurations
Modular I/O
When a module slides into the rack,
it makes an electrical connection with a series of
contacts - called the backplane. The backplane
is located at the rear of the rack.
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Power Supply
Supplies DC power to other
modules that plug into the rack.
In large PLC systems, this
power supply does not
normally supply power to the
field devices.
In small and micro PLC systems, the power supply
is also used to power field devices.
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Processor (CPU)
Is the brain of the PLC.
Consists of a microprocessor
for implementing the logic, and
controlling the communications
among the modules.
Designed so the desired circuit can be
entered in relay ladder logic form.
The processor accepts input data from
various sensing devices, executes the
stored user program, and sends
appropriate output commands to
control devices.
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I/O Section
Consists of:
Input modules
Output modules.
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I/O Section
Input Module
Forms the interface
by which input field
devices are connected
to the controller.
The terms field and
real worldare used to
distinguish actual external
devices that exist and must
be physically wired into the system.
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I/O Section
Output Module
Forms the interface
by which output field
devices are connected
to the controller.
PLCs employ an
optical isolator which
uses light to electrical-
ly isolate the internal
components from the
input and output
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Programming Device
PC with appropriate
A personal computer (PC) is the most commonly used
programming device
The software allows users to create, edit, document,
store and troubleshoot programs
The personal computer communicates with the PLC
processor via a serial or parallel data communications link
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Programming Device
Hand-held unit
with display
Hand-held programming devices are sometimes used to
program small PLCs
They are compact, inexpensive, and easy to use, but
are not able to display as much logic on screen as a
computer monitor
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Programming Device
Hand-held units are often used on the factory floor
for troubleshooting, modifying programs, and
transferring programs to multiple machines.
Hand-held unit
with display
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PLC Mixer Process Control Problem
Mixer motor to automatically
stir the liquid in the vat
when the temperature and
pressure reach preset values
Alternate manual
pushbutton control
of the motor to be
The temperature and
pressure sensor switches
close their respective contacts when conditions reach
their preset values
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Process Control Relay Ladder Diagram
Motor starter coil is energized when both the pressure
and temperature switches are closed or when the manual
pushbutton is pressed
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PLC Input Module Connections
The same input field
devices are used
These devices are
wired to the input
module according to
the manufacturers
labeling scheme
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PLC Output Module Connections
Same output field
device is used and
wired to the output
Triac switches motor
ON and OFF in accordance
with the control signal from
the processor
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PLC Ladder Logic Program
The format used is similar to that of the hard-wired
relay circuit
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PLC Ladder Logic Program
The symbols represent instructions
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PLC Ladder Logic Program
The numbers represent addresses
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PLC Ladder Logic Program
I/O address format will differ, depending on the PLC
manufacturer. You give each input and output device
an address. This lets the PLC know where they are
physically connected
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Entering And Running The PLC Program
To enter the program into the PLC, place
the processor in the PROGRAM mode and
enter the instructions one-by-one using
the programming device
To operate the program, the controller
is placed in the RUN mode, or operating
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PLC Operating Cycle
During each operating cycle, the controller examines the
status of input devices, executes the user program, and
changes outputs accordingly
The completion of one cycle
of this sequence is called
a scan. The scan time, the
time required for one full
cycle, provides a measure
of the speed of response
of the PLC
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PLC Operating Cycle
can be considered to represent a coil that,
when energized, will close a set of contacts.
Each can be though of as a set of normally
open contacts
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PLC Operating Cycle
Coil O/1 is energized when contacts I/1 and I/2 are closed
or when contact I/3 is closed. Either of these conditions
provides a continuous path from left to right across the
rung that includes the coil.
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Modifying A PLC Program
Relay ladder diagram for
modified process.
The change requires that the manual pushbutton
control should be permitted to operate at any pressure but
not unless the specified temperature setting has been
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Modifying A PLC Program
Relay ladder diagram for
modified process.
If a relay system were used, it would require some
rewiring of the system, as shown, to achieve the
desired change.
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Modifying A PLC Program
PLC ladder logic diagram for
modified process.
If a PLC is used, no rewiring is necessary!
The inputs and outputs are still the same.
All that is required is to change the PLC program
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- Operates in the industrial
- Is programmed in relay
ladder logic
- Has no keyboard, CD drive,
monitor, or disk drive
- Has communications ports,
and terminals for input and
output devices
PLCs Versus Personal Computers
Same basic
- Capable of executing several
programs simultaneously, in
any order
- Some manufacturers have
software and interface cards
available so that a PC can do
the work of a PLC
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PC Based Control Systems
- Lower initial cost
- Less proprietary hardware
and software required
- Straightforward data exchange
with other systems
- Speedy information processing
- Easy customization
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PLC Size Classification
- Number of inputs and outputs (I/O count)
- Cost
- Physical size
Nano PLC
- Smallest sized PLC
- Handles up to 16 I/O points
Micro PLC
- Handles up to 32 I/O points
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Allen-Bradley PLC-5 Family
- Handles several thousand I/O
Allen-Bradley SLC-500 Family
- Handles up to 960 I/O points
PLC Size Classification
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PLC Instruction Set
The instruction set for a particular PLC type lists the
different types of instructions supported.
An instruction is a command that will cause a PLC
to perform a certain predetermined operation.
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Typical PLC Instructions
XIC (Examine ON) . . . . . . . Examine a bit for an ON condition
XIO (Examine OFF) . . . . . . Examine a bit for an OFF condition
OTE (Output Energize) . . . . Turn ON a bit (non retentive)
OTL (Output Latch) . . . . . . Latch a bit (retentive)
OTU (Output Unlatch) . . . . Unlatch a bit (retentive)
TOF (Timer Off-Delay) . . . . . Turn an output ON or OFF after its
rung has been OFF a preset time
TON (Timer On-Delay) . . . . Turn an output ON or OFF after its
rung has been ON for a preset time
CTD (Count Down) . . . . . . . Use a software counter to count down
from a specified value
CTU (Count Up) . . . . . . . . . Use a software counter to count up
to a specified value

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