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This Test Contains A Total of 15 Objective Type Questions. Each Question Carries 1 Mark. There Is NO NEGATIVE Marking

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Vidyamandir Classes

VMC/AC Circuits 69 HWT-7/Physics

DATE : TIME : 40 Minutes MARKS : [ ___ /15] TEST CODE : AC CR [1]
This test contains a total of 15 Objective Type Questions. Each question carries 1 mark. There is NO NEGATIVE marking.
Choose the correct alternative. Only one choice is correct.
1. In an AC circuit, V and I are given by V = 150sin(150t) volt and 2 150
I sin t amp.
| |
= +
\ .
The power dissipated in the circuit is :
(A) zero (B) 5625 W (C) 150 W (D) 106 W
2. If E = 100 sin (100t) volt and 100 100
I sin t mA
| |
= +
\ .
are the instantaneous values of voltage and current, then the rms values of
voltage and current are respectively.
(A) 70.7V, 70.7 mA (B) 70.7 V, 70.7 A (C) 141.4 V, 141.4 mA (D) 141.4 V, 141. 4 A
3. If E
is the peak emf, I
is the peak current and is the phase difference between them, then the average power dissipation in the
circuit is :
0 0
E I (B)
0 0
0 0
E I sin (D)
0 0
E I cos
4. The peak value of an alternating current is 5 A and its frequency is 60 Hz. Find its rms value and time taken to reach the peak value
of current starting from zero.
(A) 3.536 A ; 4.167 ms (B) 3.536 A; 15 ms (C) 6.07 A; 10 ms (D) 2.536 A ; 41.167 ms
5. An alternating voltage (in volt) given by , ) 200 2 100 V sin t = is connected to 1 F capacitor through an AC ammeter.
The reading of the ammeter will be :
(A) 10 mA (B) 20 mA (C) 40 mA (D) 80 mA
6. Average power in the L-C-R circuit depends upon :
(A) current (B) phase difference only
(C) emf (D) current, emf and phase difference
7. What is the average value of the AC voltage over complete cycle?
(A) Zero (B)
V (C)

8. A telephone wire of length 200 km has capacitance of 0.014 F per km. If it carries an AC frequency 5 kHz, what should be the
value of an inductor required to be connected in series so that the impedance of the circuit is minimum?
(A) 0.35 mH (B) 3.5 mH (C) 2.5 mH (D) zero
9. The initial phase angle for 10 8 i sin t cos t = + is :

| |
\ .

| |
\ .

| |
\ .
(D) 90
10. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(A) In L-C-R series AC circuit, as the frequency of the source increases, the impedance of the circuit first decrease and then
the increases.
(B) If the net reactance of an L < C < R series AC circuit is same as its resistance, then the current lags behind the voltage by
45 .
(C) At resonance, the impedance of an AC circuit becomes purely resistive.
(D) Below resonance, voltage leads the current while above it, current leads the voltage.
Vidyamandir Classes
VMC/AC Circuits 70 HWT-7/Physics
11. A resistor and capacitor are connected in series with an AC source. If the potential drop across the capacitor is 5 V and that across
resistor is 12 V, then applied voltage is :
(A) 13 V (B) 17 V (C) 5 V (D) 12 V
12. A coil has self inductance L =0.04 H and resistance 12 R = , connected to 220 V, 50 Hz supply, what will be the current flow in
the coil?
(A) 11.7 A (B) 12.7 A (C) 10.7 A (D) 14.7 A
13. The instantaneous voltage through a device of impedance 20 is 80 100 e sin t = . The effective value of the current is :
(A) 3 A (B) 2.828A (C) 1.732 A (D) 4 A
14. A square coil of side 25 cm having 1000 turns is rotated with a uniform speed in a magnetic field about an axis perpendicular to
the direction of the field. At an instant t, the emf induced in the coil is 200 100 e sin t = . The magnetic induction :
(A) 0.50 T (B) 0.02 T (C)
10 T

(D) 0 01 . T
15. If an alternating voltage is represented as , ) 141 628 E sin t = , then the rms value of the voltage and the frequency are respectively.
(A) 141 V, 628 Hz (B) 100 V, 50 Hz (C) 100 V, 100 Hz (D) 141V, 100 Hz
Vidyamandir Classes
VMC/AC Circuits 71 HWT-7/Physics
DATE : TIME : 40 Minutes MARKS : [ ___ /15] TEST CODE : AC CR [2]
This test contains a total of 15 Objective Type Questions. Each question carries 1 mark. There is NO NEGATIVE marking.
Choose the correct alternative. Only one choice is correct.
1. Alternative current cannot be measured by DC ammeter because :
(A) AC cannot pass through DC ammeter (B) AC changes direction
(C) average value of currnet for complete cycle is zero (D) DC ammeter will get damaged
2. The current i passed in any instrument in an AC circuit is 2 i sin t = A and potential difference applied is given by
5 V cos t V = . Power loss in the instrument is :
(A) 10 W (B) 5 W (C) zero W (D) 20 W
3. An AC voltage source of variable angular frequency and fixed amplitude V
is connected in series with a capacitance C and an
electric bulb of resistance R (inductance zero). When is increased
(A) the bulb glows dimmer (B) the bulb glow brighter
(C) total impedance of the circuit is unchanged (D) no change in brightneh.
4. In a series L - C - R circuit 200 R and the voltage and the frequency of the main supply is 220 V and 50 Hz respectively.
On taking out the capacitance from the circuit the current lags behind the voltage by 30 . On taking out the inductor from the
circuit the current leads the voltage 30 . The power dissipated in the L-C-R circuit is :
(A) 305 W (B) 210 W (C) zero (D) 242 W
5. In a series resonant R - L - C circuit, the voltage across R is 100 V and the value of 1000 R = . The capacitance of the capacitor is
2 10

F; angular frequency of AC is
200rad s

. Then the potential difference across the inductance coil is :

(A) 100 V (B) 40 V (C) 250 V (D) 400 V
6. A capacitor and an inductance coil are connected in separate AC circuits with a bulb glowing in both the circuits. The bulb glows
more brightly when
(A) an iron rod is introduced into the inductance coil
(B) the number of turns in the inductance coil is increased
(C) separation between the plates of the capacitor is increased
(D) a dielectric is introduced into the gap between the plates of the capacitor
7. A 50 V AC is applied across an R-C (series) network. The rms voltage across the resistance is 40 V, then the potential across the
capacitance would be :
(A) 10 V (B) 20 V (C) 30 V (D) 40 V
8. A pure inductive coil of 30 mH is connected to an AC source of 220 V, 50 Hz. The rms current in the coil is
(A) 50.35 A (B) 23.4 A (C) 30.5 A (D) 12.3 A
9. In the circuit shown below what will be the readings of the voltmeter
and ammeter? (Total impedance of circuit 100 Z = )
(A) 200 V, 1 A
(B) 800 V, 2 A
(C) 100 V, 2A
(D) 220V, 2.2 A
Vidyamandir Classes
VMC/AC Circuits 72 HWT-7/Physics
10. In the circuit shown in figure neglecting source resistance,
the voltmeter and ammeter readings will be respectively
(A) 0 V, 3A
(B) 150 V, 3A
(C) 150 V, 6A
(D) 0V, 8A
11. Statement 1 :
In a series R - L - C circuit the voltages across resistor, inductor and capacitor are 8 V, 16V and 10V respectively.
The resultant emf in the circuit is 10V.
Statement 2 :
Resultant emf of the circuit is given by the relation , )
E V V V = +
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True and Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True and Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
12. In an L-C-R series AC circuit the voltage across L, C and R is 10 V each. If the inductor is short circuited, the voltage across the
capacitor would become.
(A) 10V (B)
(C) 20 2V (D)
13. An LC circuit contains a 20 mH inductor and a 50 F capacitor with an initial charge of 10mC. The resistance of the circuit is
negligible. Let the instant the circuit is closed be t = 0. At what time is the energy stored completely magnetic ?
(A) t = 0 (B) t = 1.57 ms (C) t - 3.14 ms (D) t = 6.28 ms
14. Same current is flowing in two alternating circuits. The first circuit contains only inductance and the other contains only a
capacitor. If the frequency of the emf of AC is increased, the effect on the value of the current
(A) increases in the first circuit and decreases in the other
(B) increases in both the circuits
(C) decreases in both the circuits
(D) decreases in the first circuit and increases in the other
15. For a series L-C-R circuit at resonance, the statement which is not rue is :
(A) peak energy stored by a capacitor = peak energy stored by an inductor
(B) average power = apparent power
(C) wattless current is zero
(D) power factor is zero
Vidyamandir Classes
VMC/AC Circuits 73 HWT-7/Physics
DATE : TIME : 40 Minutes MARKS : [ ___ /15] TEST CODE : AC CR [3]
This test contains a total of 15 Objective Type Questions. Each question carries 1 mark. There is NO NEGATIVE marking.
Choose the correct alternative. Only one choice is correct.
1. The resonance frequency of the circuit of an oscillator when
L mH

= and 0 04 C . F = are connected in parallel is:

(A) 250 kHz (B) 25 kHz (C) 2.5 kHz (D) 25 MHz
2. An alternating voltage 200 10 e sin t = is applied to a series combination 30 R = and an inductor of 400 mH. The power factor
of the circuit is :
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.05 (D) 0.6
3. What is the value of inductance L for which the current is a maximum is a series L-C-R circuit with 10 C F = and

= ?
(A) 100 mH (B) 1 mH
(C) Cannot be calculated unless R is known (D) 10 mH
4. In a circuit L, C and R are connected in series with an alternating voltage source of frequency f. The current leads the voltage by
45 . The value C is :
, )
2 2 f fL R +
, )
2 f fL R +
, )
2 2 f fL R
, )
2 f f L R
5. In L-C-R series circuit the resonance condition in terms of capacitive reactance (X
) and inductive reactance (X
) is :
(A) 0
X X + = (B) 0
X = (C) 0
X = (D) 0
X X =
6. In L-C-R circuit is resistance increases, quality factor :
(A) increases finitely (B) decreases finitely (C) remains constant (D) None of the above
7. An electric bulb has a rated power of 50 W at 100 V. If it is used on AC source 220 V, 50 Hz, a choke has to be used in series with
it. The should have an inductance of :
(A) 0.1 mH (B) 1 mH (C) 0.1 H (D) 1.1 H
8. When a DC voltage of 200 V is applied to a coil of self-inductance
2 3

| |
\ .
H, a current of 1 A flows through it. But by replacing
DC source with AC source of 200 V, the current in the coil is reduced to 0.5. A Then the frequency of AC supply is :
(A) 100 Hz (B) 75 Hz (C) 60 Hz (D) 50 Hz
9. In a L:-R circuit, the value of L is
0 4 .

| |
\ .
H and the value of R is 30 . If in the circuit, an alternating emf of 200 V at 50 cycle/s is
connected, the impedance of the circuit and current will be :
(A) 11 4 17 5 . . A , (B) 30 7 , 6 5 . . A (C) 40 4, 5 . A (D) 50, 4A
10. The natural frequency of an L-C circuit is 125000 cycle/s. Then the capacitor C is replaced by another capacitor with a dielectric
medium of dielectric constant K. In this case, the frequency decreases by 25kHz. The value of K is :
(A) 3.0 (B) 2.1 (C) 1.56 (D) 1.7
11. The inductance of the oscillatory circuit of a radio station is 10 mH and its capacitance is 0 25 . F . Taking the effect of resistance
negligible, wavelength of broadcasted waves will be (velocity of light
8 1
3 0 10 31 3 . ms .

= , = )
9 42 10 . m (B)
18 8 10 . m (C)
4 5 10 . m (D) None of these
Vidyamandir Classes
VMC/AC Circuits 74 HWT-7/Physics
12. In an L-C-R circuit, capacitance is changed from C to 2C. For the resonant frequency to remain unchanged, the inductance should
be changed from L to
(A) 4L (B) 2L (C) L/2 (D) L/4
13. In a circuit the current lags behind the voltage by a phase difference of 2 / the circuit will contain which of the following?
(A) Only R (B) Only C (C) R and C (D) Only L
14. A choke is preferred to a resistance for limiting current in AC circuit because
(A) Choke is cheap (B) There is no wastage of power
(C) Choke is compact is size (D) Choke is a good absorber of heat
15. Let C be the capacitance of a capacitor discharging through a resistor R. Suppose t
is the time taken for the energy stored in the
capacitor to reduced to half its initial value at t
is the time taken for the charge to reduced to one-fourth its initial value. Then the
will be :
(A) 1 (B)
(D) 2
Vidyamandir Classes
VMC/AC Circuits 75 HWT-7/Physics
DATE : TIME : 40 Minutes MARKS : [ ___ /15] TEST CODE : AC CR [4]
This test contains a total of 15 Objective Type Questions. Each question carries 1 mark. There is NO NEGATIVE marking.
Choose the correct alternative. Only one choice is correct.
1. The power loss in AC circuit will be minimum when :
(A) Resistance is high, inductance is high (B) Resistance high, inductance is low
(C) Resistance is low, inductance is low (D) None of the above
2. In an AC circuit, the current lags behind the voltage by 3 / . The components of the circuit are :
(A) R and L (B) L and C (C) R and C (D) only R
3. A circuit has a resistance of 12 and an impedance of 15 . The power factor of the circuit will be :
(A) 0.8 (B) 0.4 (C) 1.25 (D) 0.125
4. An L - C - R circuit of 100 R = is connected to an AC source 100 V, 50 Hz. The magnitude of phase difference between current
and voltage is 30 . The power dissipated in the L-C-R circuit is :
(A) 50 W (B) 86.6 W (C) 100 W (D) 200 W
5. The power factor of an AC circuit having resistance R and inductance L (connected in series) and an angular velocity is:
(A) R / L (B)
, )
1 2
2 2 2
R / R L +
(C) L / R (D)
, )
1 2
2 2 2
R / R L
6. In a series L - C- R circuit the frequency of a 10 V AC voltage source is adjusted in such a fashion that the reactance of the inductor
measures 15 and that of the capacitor 11 . If 3 R = , the potential difference across the series combination of L and C will
(A) 8 V (B) 10 V (C) 22 V (D) 52 V
7. A circuit drawn 330 W form a 110 V, 60 Hz AC line. The power factor is 0.6 and the current lags the voltage. The capacitance of a
series capacitor that will result in a power factor of unity is equal to :
(A) 31 F (B) 54 F (C) 151 F (D) 201 F
8. The current which does not contribute to the power consumed in an AC circuit is called
(A) non-ideal current (B) wattless current
(C) convectional current (D) inductance current
9. In AC circuit a resistance of R is connected in series with an inductance L. If the phase difference between the current and
voltage is 45 , the inductive reactance will be :
(A) R/2 (B) R/4 (C) R (D) None of the above
10. In an AC generator, a coil with N turns, all of the same area A and total resistance R, rotates with frequency in a magnetic field
B. The maximum value of emf generated in the coil is:
Vidyamandir Classes
VMC/AC Circuits 76 HWT-7/Physics
11. In AC circuit in which inductance and capacitance are joined in series. Current is found to be maximum when the value of
inductance is 0.5 H and the value of capacitance is 8 F . The angular frequency of applied alternating voltage will be :
(A) 4000 Hz (B) 5000 Hz (C)
2 10 Hz (D) 500 Hz
12. In AC circuit a resistance of R is connected in series with an inductance L. If the phase difference between the current and
voltage is 60 , the inductive reactance will be :
(A) R/2 (B) R/4 (C) 3R (D) None of the above
13. The current which does not contribute to the power consumed in an AC circuit is called
(A) Non-ideal current (B) Wattless current
(C) Convectional current (D) Inductance current
14. The power loss in AC circuit will be minimum when
(A) resistance is high, inductance is high (B) resistance high, inductance is low
(C) resistance is low, inductance is low (D) None of the above
15. When an AC source of emf , )
100 e E sin t = is connected across a circuit, the phase difference between the emf e and the current
i in the circuit is observed to be

, as shown in the diagram. If the circuit consists possibly only of R-C or R-L or L-C in series,
find the relationship between the two elements.
(A) 1 10 R k C F = , =
(B) 1 1 R k C F = , =
(C) 1 10 R k L H = , =
(D) 1 , 1 R k L H = =

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