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Class Xii - CH-7 Alternating Current (Competency - Based Test Items) Marks Wise

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1. Why AC is preferred over DC for house hold supply?
a) AC is easier to generate and in long range supply energy loss is low
b) AC can be stored easily
c) DC possesses lower energy loss
d) DC is used for household uses
2. What is a transformer?

3. Two identical circular loops A and B of metal wires are lying on a table without touching each
other. Loop A carries a current which increases with time. In response the loop B
a. Remains stationary
b. is repelled by loop A
c. is attracted by loop A
d. Rotates about its center of mass fixed.

4. Instead of current why voltage is mentioned on high towers of long distance electric supply?
Justify your answer.
5. How much electric current will a new electric bulb consume on which
19w 220v is mentioned?
a) 86A
b) 86mA
c) 0.00086A
d) None of this

6. If fans and lights of train runs only on AC? Explain what is the voltage of train light and fans?
7. Why transformers are installed in our locality during electric supply?
a) To provide more current
b) To reduce current supply
c) To stabilize street lights
d) To step down the voltage
8. Why birds don't feel electric shock while sitting on high voltage wires?
a) Birds have insulating legs
b) Birds sit on both the wires at same time
c) Birds usually stand on single live wire
d) Birds have high current absorbing capacity
9. Why high voltage wires are kept at higher distance from ground level?
a) Easier to repair
b) Closed loops will be formed with foreign particles and damage will be minimum.
c) To be visible from long distances
d) Closed loops won’t be formed with foreign particles and damage will be minimum.
10. A person felt an electric shock when he touched an electrical appliance even though it was switched
off. What could be the reason?
a) Excess current was flowing in the circuit
b) Switch is connected to live wire
c) Switch was connected to the neutral wire
d) Fuse had blown off
11. Alternating current cannot be measured by D.C. ammeter, because
(a) A. C. is virtual
(b) A. C. changes its direction
(c) A. C. cannot pass through D.C. ammeter
(d) average value of A. C for complete cycle is zero

12. A.C. power is transmitted from a power house at a high voltage as

(a) the rate of transmission is faster at high voltages
(b) it is more economical due to less power loss
(c) power cannot be transmitted at low voltages
(d) a precaution against theft of transmission lines
13. The frequency of A.C. mains in India is
(a) 30 c/s
(b) 50 c/s
(c) 60 c/s
(d) 120 c/s
14. A capacitor acts as an infinite resistance for
(a) DC
(b) AC

(c) DC as well as AC
(d) neither AC nor DC

15. A bulb connected in series with a solenoid is lit by an AC source. If a soft iron core is introduced in
the solenoid then,
(a) the bulb will glow brighter
(b) the bulb will glow dimmer
(c) there will be no effect on the light produced by the bulb
(d) bulb may glow more brighter or dimmer

16. Can a transformer step up or step-down D.C. voltage? Give reason.

17. What is wattless current?

18. What is Phase difference between voltage and current in a capacitor in an ac circuit?

19. In a series LCR circuit, VL = VC ≠ VR. What is the value of power factor?
20. Can a step up transformer work as step down transformer?
21. What is relation between Root mean square value of current and peak value of current in A.C Circuit.
22. When an ac source is connected across an ideal inductor, show on a graph the nature of variation of
the voltage and the current over one complete cycle.
23. A heating element is marked 220 V, 660 W. What is the value of the current drawn by the element
when connected to a 220 V dc source?
24. Plot a graph showing variation of capacitive reactance with the change in the frequency of the AC
25. A Solenoid with an iron core and a bulbare connected to a DC Source, how brightness of the bulb
change if iron core is removed from the solenoid.
26. The instantaneous current flowing from an a.c source is l = 6 sin 314 t. What is the rms value of
27. Define the term' wattless current'
What is Power factor of the AC circuit at maximum current ?
29. Define ‘quality factor’ of resonance in series LCR circuit. What is its SI unit?
30. A capacitor of capacity C has reactance X. If capacitance and frequency become double then, What
will be the change in reactance?
31. The value of alternating emf E in the given circuit will be

a)100 V. b)20 V. c)220 V d)140 V

32. The power factor of LCR circuit at resonance is
A)0.707 B)1 C)Zero D)0.5
33. In an L-C-R series circuit, at resonance
A)the current and voltage are in phase
B)the impedance is maximum
C)the current is minimum
D)the quality factor is Independent of R
34. The average power dissipation in a pure capacitance in ac circuit is
A)1/2CV2 B)CV2. C)1/4CV2. D) zero
35. What is the frequency of the AC Mains in India?
a)60 Hz b)50 Hz c)40 Hz d)30 Hz
36. In parallel resonant circuit:
A)Impedance is very high
B)The current is very high
C)Voltage is very high
D)None of these
37. A 50 μF capacitor is connected to a 100 V, 50 Hz AC supply. Determine the rms value of the current
in the circuit.
A)2 A B)1.57 A C)3.24 A D)2.5 A
38. A 50 mH inductor is connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz AC supply. Determine the rms value of the current
in the circuit.
A)12.74 A B)13.57 A C)11.5 A D)9.53 A
39. Which of the following describes the power factor?
A)Impure resistor B)Resistor C)Pure resistor D)None of the above
40. When is the current in a circuit wattless?
A)When the inductance of the circuit is zero.
B)When the resistance of the circuit is zero.
C)When the current is alternating.
D)When both resistance and inductance are zero
41. The reading of an ammeter in an alternating current is 2A. The peak value of current in the circuit is
(a) 2 A (b) 4 A (c) 2√2 A (d) √2 A
42. A pure inductor of 25 mH is connected to a source of 220V. Find the inductive reactance if the
frequency of the source is 50Hz
(a) 785 Ω (b) 6.5 Ω (c) 7.85 Ω (d) 8.75 Ω
43. In a transformer, number of turns in the primary are 140 and that in the secondary are 280. If current
in primary is 4A, then that in the secondary is
(a) 4 A (b) 2 A (c) 6 A (d) 10 A
44. Current I across the capacitor in a purely capacitive AC circuit is
(a) Im sin(ωt + π/4)
(b) Im sin(ωt + π/2)
(c) Im cos(ωt + π/4)
(d) Im cos(ωt + π/2)
45. The core of a transformer is laminated, so as to
(a) make it light weight
(b) make it robust and strong
(c) increase the secondary voltage
(d) reduce energy loss due to eddy current
46. In a series resonant LCR circuit, if L is increased by 25% and C is decreased by 20%, then the
resonant frequency will :-
(a) Increase by 10%
(b) Decrease by 10%
(c) Remain unchanged
(d) Increase by 2.5%
47. Assertion: If Xc > XL, Φ is positive and the circuit is predominantly capacitive. The current in the
circuit leads the source voltage.

Reason: If Xc< XL, Φ is negative and the circuit is predominantly inductive, the current in the circuit
lags the source voltage.

48. Assertion: An inductor and a capacitor are called low pass filter and high pass filter respectively

Reason: Reactance of an inductor is low for low frequency signals and that of a capacitor is high for
high frequency signals.
49. Assertion: The ammeters and voltmeters used for measuring alternating current and voltage have non
– uniform divisions on their scales.

Reason: The instruments used for measuring alternating current and voltage are based on heating
effect of current
50. In an LCR series circuit, the capacitor is changed from C to 4C. To keep the resonant frequency
same, the inductance must be changed by?
(a) 2L (b) L/2 (c) 4L (d) L/4

A light bulb is rated at 100W for a 220V ac supply. The resistance of bulb is
a) 384 ohm b) 484 ohm c) 648 ohm d) 284 ohm

A 0.2 kΩ resistor and 15µF capacitor are connected in series to a 220 V, 50 Hz ac source. The
impedance of the circuit is
a)291.5Ω b) 29.15Ω c) 267Ω d) 260Ω

The principle on which transformer works

a)mutual induction b) electromagnetic induction
c)self induction d)Lenz’s law
54. What is electrical resonance?
a) When the natural frequency of electrical circuit becomes equal to the frequency of applied
emf, resonance takes place.
b) When the natural frequency of electrical circuit becomes greater or equal to the frequency of
applied emf, resonance takes place.
c) When the natural frequency of electrical circuit becomes smaller orequal to the frequency of
applied emf, resonance takes place.
d)When the natural frequency of electrical circuit becomes not equal to the frequency of applied
emf, resonance takes place
55. What is the impedance of LCR circuit in series at the electric resonance?
a) Z>R b)Z<R c) Z= R d) Z = 0Ω

56. What is the phase difference between current and voltage in LCR at the resonant frequency?
a) 900b) 1800 c) 600 d) 0 degree

57. What is the phase relation between current and voltage in a.c.circuit containing an inductor only.
a)π b) 2 c) 3π d) 2π

58. . What is the phase relation between current and voltage in a.c.circuit containing a capacitor only.
a) a)π b) 2π c) 3π d) 2

59. An inductor of 30mHis connected to a 220V, 100Hz ac source. The inductive reactance is
a)18.85ohm b)23.64ohm c)234.6ohm d)12.26ohm

The core of a transformer is laminated to reduce

a)copper loss b) flux leakage
c)hysteresis loss d) eddy current loss

1. If electric current and communication signals can be transmitted with same wire? Justify your

What is stabilizer? Why these are used?

3. What is a dynamo, what does it does and where they are used?

4. In a series LR circuit, XL = R and the power factor of the circuit is P1. When a capacitor with
capacitance C such that XC = XL is put in series, the power factor becomes P2. Find out P1 /P2.
5. Why is the use of AC voltage preferred over DC voltage? Give reasons.
6. A step up transformer converts a low input voltage into a high output voltage. Does it violate law of
conservation of energy? Explain.
7. A variable frequency AC source is connected to a capacitor. Will the displacement current change if
the frequency of the AC source is decreased?
8. The circuit arrangement as shown in the diagram shows that when an a.c. passes through the coil A,
the current starts flowing in the coil B .(i) State the underlying principle involved.
(ii) Mention the factors on which the current produced in the coil B depends.

9. An alternating voltage given by V = 140 sin 314 t is connected across a pure resistor of 50 Ω. Find
(i) the frequency of the source.
(ii) the rms current through the resistor.
10. Magnet is moved in the direction indicated by an arrow between two coils AB and CD as shown in
the figure. Suggest the direction of current in each coil.

11. The peak voltage of an ac supply is 300V. What is the rms voltage?
12. The rms value of current in an ac circuit is 10A. What is the peak current?
13. An inductor and a resistor connected in parallel to a battery through a switch. The resistance is same
as that of coil that makes . Two identical bulbs are put in each arm of the circuit.
(i) Which of the bulbs lights up earlier when S is closed ?
(ii) Will the two bulbs be equally bright after some time ?
14. A reactive element in an ac circuit causes the current flowing
i) to lead in phase by π/2
ii) lag in phase by π/2 w.r .t applied voltage. Identify the element in each case.
15. Calculate the Quality factor of a series LCR circuit with L = 2 H, C = 2 and R = 10 . Mention the
significance of Q factor in the LCR circuit.

1. Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions that follow:
When Ram and Arun were travelling in a car with their dad towards a power plant for picnic. They
noticed a wire was burning near the road. They got confused how the wire caught fire. Then they
reached at the power plant and started exploring it. Various questions raised in their mind which they
asked their dad. Help their dad by answering their questions.

I) How the wire near the road caught fire?

a) Excess current flow increases heat
b) Without any reason
c) Low current supply decreases resistance
d) Doesn’t depend upon the nature of wire
II) What is the most important component in every power station?
a) Generator
b) High voltage transmission grid
c) Distribution system
d) All of the above
III) What is the principle of a generator?
IV) Name 3 types of power generating systems?

2. I) What is a choke coil?

a) high inductance and negligible resistance
b) increases current
c) high resistance and low inductance
d) none of this
II) Explain how energy is lost in choke coils?
a) No energy lost in choke coil
b) Energy is lost only in form of heat
c) eddy current in soft iron core
d) none of this

III) Does choke coil functions with DC voltage? Justify your answer.

3. Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions that follow:
Electric Toaster: Small Industries Service Institute Takyelpat Industrial Estate, Imphal has designed
an Electric toaster which is operated at 220 volts A.C., single phase and available in four different
rated capacity such as 600 W, 750 W, 1000 W and 1250 W.
The heating element is made of Nichrome 80/20 (80% nickel, 20% chromium), since Nichrome does
not get oxidise readily at high temperature and have higher resistivity, so it produces more heat. The
element is wound separately on Mica sheets and fitted with body of toaster with the help of ceramic
I) Heating element of the toaster is made of:
a) Copper
b) Nichrome
c) Chromium
d) Nickel
II) Which one will consume more electricity?
a) 600W
b) 750W
c) 1000W
d) 1200W
III) Insulating materials used in the device are
a) Mica
b) Ceramic
c) Mica, ceramic, Nichrome
d) Mica, ceramic
4. The figure shows a series LCR circuit with L = 5.0 H, C = 80 µF, R = 40 ꭥ connected to a variable
frequency 240V source. Calculate.
(i) The angular frequency of the source which drives the circuit at resonance.
(ii) The current at the resonating frequency.
(iii) The rms potential drop across the capacitor at resonance.
5. (a) Plot a graph showing variation of current with the frequency of the applied voltage.
(b) Explain briefly how the phenomenon of resonance in the circuit can be used in the tuning
mechanism of a radio or a TV set.
6. (a)State the underlying principle of a transformer.
(b)How is the large scale transmission of electric energy over long distances done with the use of
7. Derive an expression for the impedance of an a.c. circuit consisting of an inductor and a resistor.
An inductor 20 mH, a capacitor 50 μF and a resistor 40 Ω are connected in series across a source of
emf V=10sin340t. Thencalculate the power loss in A.C. circuit .

9. Fig. show three alternating circuits with equal currents. If frequency of alt. e.m.f be increased, what
will be the effect on currents in the three cases? Explain.

10. Give below are the two circuit A and B .Calculate the ratio of power factors of the circuit A to that of

11. A variable frequency 230V alternating voltage source is connected across a series combination of
L=5H, C=80μF and R=40Ω. Calculate Angular frequency of the source which drives the circuit in
12. A horizontal straight wire 10m long is extending along east and west and is falling with a speed of
5.0m/s at right angles to the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field of strength
What is the instantaneous value of the emf induced in the wire?
What is the direction of the emf?
Which end of the wire is at the higher potential?
13. Distinguish between resistance, reactance and impedance of an ac circuit
14. A sinusoidal emf is applied to a circuit containing an inductor only. Show that the current lags behind
the voltage by π/2
15. Describe briefly any two energy losses, giving the reason of their occurrence in actual transformer.
How are these reduced?
1. Read the following text and answer the following questions on the basis of the same :
At substations, transformers lower the voltage of incoming power to make it acceptable for high-
volume delivery to nearby end-users. Electricity is sent at extremely high voltage because it limits
so-called line losses. Very good conductors of electricity also offer some resistance and this
resistance becomes considerable over long distances causing considerable loss.

At generating station, normally voltage is stepped up to around thousands of volts. Power losses
increase with the square of current. Therefore, keeping voltage high current becomes low and the loss
is minimized. Another option of minimizing loss is the use of wires of super-conducting material.
Super-conducting materials are capable of conducting without resistance, they must be kept
extremely cold, nearly absolute zero, and this requirement makes standard super-conducting
materials impractical to use. However, recent advances in super-conducting materials have decreased
cooling requirement. In Germany recently 1 km super-conducting cables have been installed
connecting the generating station and the destination. It has eliminated the line loss and the cable is
capable of sending five times more electricity than conventional cable.

I) Which of the following statement is true for long distance transmission of electricity?
a) Step-down transformer is used at generating station and step-up transformer is used at
destination substation
b) Step-down transformers are used at generating station and destination substation
c) Step-up transformers are used at generating station and destination substation
d) None of the above
II) Super conducting transmission line has the following advantages:
a) Resistance being zero, there is no loss.
b) There is no requirement of costly step-up and step-down transformers.
c) Cable is capable of sending more electricity
d) All of the above.
III) Why does stepping up voltages reduce power loss?
a) Since resistance of conductor decreases with increase of voltage
b) Since current decreases with increase of voltage
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above
IV) Oil transfer heat from transformer winding by the process of
a) Convection
b) Conduction
c) Radiation
d) All of the above

Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions that follow:

Resonant Series LCR Circuit. When the frequency of ac supply is such that the inductive reactance
and capacitive reactance become equal, the impedance of the series LCR circuit is equal to the ohmic
resistance in the circuit. Such a series LCR circuit is known as resonant series LCR circuit and the
frequency of the ac supply is known as resonant frequency. Resonance phenomenon is exhibited by a
circuit only if both L and C are present in the circuit. We cannot have resonance in a RL or RC
circuit. A series LCR circuit with L = 0.12 H, C = 480 nF, R = 23 Ω is Connect to a 230 V variable
frequency supply.

I) Find the value of source for

which current amplitude is maximum.
(a) 222.32 Hz
(b) 550.52 Hz
(c) 663.48 Hz
(d) 770 Hz
II) The value of maximum current
(a) 14.14 A
(b) 22.52 A
(c) 50.25 A
(d) 47.41 A
III) The value of maximum power is
(a) 2200 W
(b) 2299.3 W
(c) 5500 W
(d) 4700 W
IV) What is the Q-factor of the given circuit?
(a) 25 A
(b) 42.21 A
(c) 35.42 A
(d) 21.74 A

3. Resonant Series LCR Circuit:

When the frequency of ac supply is such that the inductive reactance and capacitive reactance become
equal, the impedance of the series LCR circuit is equal to the ohmic resistance in the circuit. Such a
series LCR circuit is known as resonant series LCR circuit and the frequency of the ac supply is known
as resonant frequency. Resonance phenomenon is exhibited by a circuit only if both L and C are present
in the circuit. We cannot have resonance in a RL or RC circuit. A series LCR circuit with L = 0.12H,
C = 480nF, R = 23 Ω is Connect to a 230 V variable frequency supply.
(i) Find the value of source for which current amplitude is maximum.
(a) 222.32 Hz
(b) 550.52 Hz
(c) 663.48 Hz
(d) 770 Hz

(ii) The value of maximum current is

(a) 14.14 A
(b) 22.52 A
(c) 50.25 A
(d) 47.41 A

(iii) What is the Q-factor of the given circuit?

(a) 25
(b) 42.21
(c) 35.42
(d) 21.74

(iv) At resonance which of the following physical quantity is maximum?

(a) Impedance
(b) Current
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

4. Inductive Circuits:
Let a source of alternating e.m.f E = Eosin𝜔t be connected to a circuit containing a pure inductance
L. If I is the value of instantaneous current in the circuit, then I=I0 Sin (ωt – π/2).The inductive
reactance limits the current in a purely inductive circuit and is given by XL= ωL.

(i) A 100 hertz a.c. is flowing in a 14 mH coil. The reactance is

(d) 10Ω
(a) 15Ω (b) 7.5Ω (c) 8.8Ω
(ii) In a pure inductive circuit, resistance to the flow of current is offered by

(a) resistor (b) inductor (c) capacitor (d) resistor and inductor

(iii) How much inductance should be connected to 200 V, 50 Hz a.c. supply so that a maximum

current of 0.9 A flows through it?

(a) 5 H (b) 1 H (c) 10 H (d) 4.5 H

(iv) The maximum value of current when inductance of 2 H is connected to 150volt, 50 Hz supply is

(a) 0.337 A (b) 0.721 A (c) 1.521 A (d) 2.522 A

5. The figure shows a series LCR circuit which is connected to a variable frequency with a 200 V
source with L = 50 mH, C = 80 µF and R = 40 Ω. Determine
(i) The frequency of the source which derives the circuit in resonance.
(ii) the quality factor (Q) of the circuit.
6. In a series LCR circuit connected to an ac source of variable frequency and voltage v = Vm sin ωt,
draw a plot showing the variation of current (I) with angular frequency (ω) for two different values of
resistance R1 and R2 (R1 > R2). Write the condition under which the phenomenon of resonance
occurs. For which value of the resistance out of the two curves, a sharper resonance is produced?
Define Q-factor of the circuit and give its significance.
7. A series LCR circuit with R=20Ω, L=1.5H and C=35μF is connected to a variable frequency 200V ac
supply. When the frequency of the supply equals the natural frequency of the circuit, what is the
average power transferred to the circuit in one complete cycle?
8. Obtain the resonant frequency and Q-factor of a series LCR circuit with L=3.0H ,C=27μF and R=7.4Ω.
It is desired to improve the sharpness of the resonance of the circuit by reducing its ‘full width at half
maximum’ by a factor of 2. Suggest a suitable way.
9. A transformer is essentially an AC device. It cannot work on DC. It changes alternating voltages or
currents. It does not affect the frequency of AC. It is based on the phenomenon of mutual induction.
A transformer essentially consists of two coils of insulated copper wire having different number of
turns and wound on the same soft iron core. (i) The number of turns in the primary and secondary
coils of an ideal transformer are 2000 and 50 respectively. The primary coil is connected to a main
supply of 120 V and secondary coil is connected to a bulb of resistance 0.6Ω.
(i)The voltage across the secondary coil is
(a) 5V (b) 2V (c) 3 V (d) 10 V
(ii) The value of current in the bulb is
(a) 7 A (b) 15 A (c) 3 A (d) 5 A
(iii) The value of current in primary coil is
(a) 0.125 A (b) 2.52 A (c) 1.51 A (d) 3.52 A
(iv) Power in primary coil is
(a) 20W (b) 5W (c) 10W (d) 15W

10. When a pure resistance R, pure inductor L and an ideal capacitor of capacitance C is connected in
series to a source of alternating e.m.f., then current at any instant through the three elements has the
same amplitude and is represented as I = I0sinωt. However, voltage across each element has a
different phase relationship with the current . The effective resistance of RLC circuit is called
impedance (Z) of the circuit and the voltage leads the current by a phase angle Φ

A resistor of 12Ω a capacitor of reactance 14Ω and a pure inductor of inductance 0.1 H are joined in
series and placed across 200 V, 50 Hz AC supply.
(i)The value of inductive reactance is
(a) 15Ω (b) 31.4Ω (c) 20Ω (d) 30Ω
(ii) The value of impedance is
(a) 20Ω (b) 15Ω (c) 30Ω (d) 21.13Ω
( iii) What is the value of current in the circuit?
(a) 5 A (b) 15 A (c) 10 A (d) 9.46 A
iv) What is the value of the phase angle between current and voltage? (a) 53°9′ (b) 63°9′ (c) 55°4′
(d) 50°
1 Read the following text and answer the following questions on the basis of the same :
Turning a radio set: In essence the simplest tuned radio frequency receiver is a simple crystal set.
Desired frequency is tuned by a tuned coil / capacitor combination, and then the signal is presented to
a simple crystal or diode detector where the amplitude modulated signal, is demodulated. This is then
passed straight to the headphones or speaker. In radio set there is an LC oscillator comprising of a
variable capacitor (or sometimes a variable coupling coil), with a knob on the front panel to tune the
Capacitor used in old radio sets is gang capacitor. It consists of two sets of parallel circular plates one
of which can rotate manually by means of a knob. The rotation causes overlapping areas of plates to
change, thus changing its capacitance. Air gap between plates acts as dielectric. The capacitor has to
be tuned in tandem corresponding to the frequency of a station so the LC combination of the radio set
resonates at the frequency of the desired station.
When capacitive reactance (XC) is equal to the inductive reactance (XL), then the resonance occurs and
the resonant frequency is given by 𝜔0 = current amplitude becomes maximum at the resonant
frequency. It is important to note that resonance phenomenon is exhibited by a circuit only if both L
and C cancel each other and current amplitude is 𝑅𝑚 , the total source voltage appearing across R.
This means that we cannot have resonance in a RL or RC circuit.

I) Name the phenomenon involved in turning a radio set to a particular radio station.
a) Stabilization
b) Ratification
c) Resonance
d) Reactance
II) Resonance may occur in :
a) RL circuit
b) RC circuit
c) LC circuit
d) Resistive circuit
III) Resonance frequency is equal to
b) √𝐶
d) √𝐿
IV) Resonance occurs only when
a) XC=R
b) XL=R
c) XL=XC
d) XC>XL
V) Capacitor used in radio set for tuning is a :
a) Parallel plate capacitor
b) Spherical capacitor
c) Paper capacitor
d) Electrolytic capacitor

2 A device ‘X’ is connected to an ac source V = V0 sin ωt. The variation of voltage, current and power
in one cycle is shown in the following graph:
(a) Identify the device ‘X’.
(b) Which of the curves A, B and C represent the voltage, current and the power consumed in the
circuit? Justify your answer.
(c) How does its impedance vary with frequency of the ac source? Show graphically.
(d) Obtain an expression for the current in the circuit and its phase relation with ac voltage.

3 (a)A voltage V = V0 sin ωt is applied to a series LCR circuit. Derive the expression for the average
power dissipated over a cycle.
(b) A lamp is connected in series with a capacitor. Predict your observations when the system is
connected first across a d.c. and then an a.c. source. What happens in each case if the capacitance of
the capacitor is reduced?
4 An a.c. generator consist of a coil of 50 turns, area 2.5m2 rotating at an angular speed of 60rad/s in
uniform magnetic field of B=0.3T
between two fixed pole pieces. Given R=500Ω.
Find the maximum current drawn from the generator?
What will be the orientation of the coil with respect to B to have max and zero magnetic flux?
Would the generator work if the coils were stationary and instead the pole pieces rotated together with
the same speed?

5 (a) An ac source of voltage V = V0 sin ωt is connected across a series combination of an

inductor, a capacitor and a resistor. Use the phasor diagram to obtain the expression for
(i) impedance of the circuit and
(ii) phase angle between the voltage and the current.

(b) A capacitor of unknown capacitance, a resistor of 100 Ω and an inductor of self-inductance L =

(4/π2 ) henry are in series connected to an ac source of 200 V and 50 Hz. Calculate the value of the
capacitance and the current that flows in the circuit when the current is in phase with the voltage.

1. a) AC is easier to generate and in long range supply energy loos is low

Alternating current is easier to generate and transmitting alternating current leads alternating current
leads to lower energy losses than direct current over distances more than a few metres. Peak current
value of AC is more than DC.
2. Electric transformers are basically machines that transfer electricity from one circuit to another by
changing the levels in voltage but not in frequency. They are designed to use alternating current and
thus the change in supply voltage is influenced by the change in supply current
3. (b) Is repelled by the loop A

[Explanation: if the current in loop A rises with time, the magnetic flux in loop B rises as well. Loop
– B will be repelled by loop –A according to Lenz’s law.]
4. For constant electric power, higher the voltage, lower is the current (as P=IV) through the wire. As
power loss due to Joule's heating is proportional to I2, for a small current, power loss is also small. So,
power is transmitted over long distances at high voltage to minimize power loses due to Joule's heating.
5. b) 86mA

Given P = 19w
V = 220v
We know, Power (P) = VI
So, I = 𝑉
I = 19/220 = 0.086A
So the New bulb will consume 86mA current.
6. Lights and fans of trains are specially designed so that it works at 110V DC which is installed
beneath every coach. It gives better illumination and is being provided in the coaches in place of TL
lamps or self-generating trains. On non AC BG coaches 400 mm sweep carriage fans are used where
system voltage is 110 DC.
7. D) To step down the voltage

When electricity is supplied from substation to locality it is always at high voltage that can
damage our electric equipment if supplied directly to our home. Hence a step down transformer is
used in our locality to lower the voltage to a range of 220-240V which is suitable for home use.
8. C) Birds usually stand on single live wire

Birds usually stand on single live wire and so electric current doesn't flow through the bird. When a
bird stands on a high voltage wire, there is no potential difference between the legs of the bird as it
stands in a single wire and hence no current passes through it.
9. d) Closed loops won’t be formed with foreign particles and damage will be minimum.

As overhead lines are normally not insulated, it's important to make them as high as possible to
ensure no foreign particles (like Tree, Truck, etc.) get too close to them else it will form a closed loop
which may damage both property and life.
10. a) Excess current was flowing in the circuit
[As the live wire is directly connected to the appliance, as soon as the person touches it, the circuit
gets completed through ground and hence he gets a shock.]
11. (d) average value of A. C for complete cycle is zero
12. (b) it is more economical due to less power loss
13. (b) 50 c/s
14. (a) DC
15. (b)The bulb will glow dimmer because when a soft iron core is introduced in the solenoid then, its
inductive reactance (XL = ωL) will increase, as a result of which the current through the bulb
16. No as it works on the principle of Mutual Induction.
17. Current through pure L or Pure C which consumes no power for its maintenance in the circuit is
known as Wattless current.
18. 900
19. One.
20. Yes
21. Ir.m.s= I0 /√2

23. I = P/V =660/220 =3 A


25. No change ,as inductive reactance for dc source is zero.

26. I = I0 sin ωt

I0=6 A, Irms=I0√ 2 =6√ 2 ⋅√ 2 √ 2 =62×1.414=4.242 A

27. A wattless current is that which does not dissipate power although there is a flow of current in the
circuit. Current flowing in a purely inductive or purely capacitive or a LC circuit is a wattless current.
At maximum current means at resonance,
∴ Power factor =cosϕ=Z/R=1

29. Quality factor (Q) is defined as, Q = ω0LR

It gives the sharpness of the resonance circuit. It has no SI unit.
30. X/4
31. VR = 80 V VL = 40 V VC = 100 V ∴ V = √[VR2 + (VC – VL)2] -------- for series R – L – C circuit ∴ V
= √[(8)2 + (100 – 40)2] = √[(80)2 + (60)2] = √[(100)2] = 100 V
32. The correct option is B
At resonance, LCR circuit behaves as purely resistive circuit, for purely resistive circuit power factor
= 1.
33. the current and voltage are in phase
The condition for resonance is achieved when wL=1/wC i.e, XL=XC and tan phi=(XL-XC)/R=0
So, we get , phi=0
In this case, the current (i) and voltage (V) are in phase.
34. D)
As we know,
Average power in ac circuit is given by P=Vrms Irms cos phi
For pure capacitive circuit phi=90 ,So P=0
35. b) 50 Hz
36. a) Impedance is very high

Explanation: An inductor and capacitors are connected to one another in a parallel resonant circuit.
Additionally, a generator of alternating current is connected to this concurrent combination of
attributes. High resistance in the parallel resonant circuitry has the impact of causing the circuitry to
deny the wavelength of the incoming ac voltage that is identical to the resonant frequency.

This occurs when the wavelength of the input ac electrical equals the resonant frequency. Due to the
fact that this attribute may be used to both enable and disable the passage of current at a certain
frequency across a circuitry, this circuit is utilized as a rejector loop.

37. B)1.57 A
Capacitance, C = 50 μF = 50 x 10-6 F
rms voltage, Vrms = 100 V
Frequency of alternating supply, f = 50 Hz
Capacitive reactance, XC = 1/2πfC = 1/(2 x 3.14 x 50 x 50 x 10-6) = 63.69 ohm

Now, Irms = Vrms / XC = 100/63.69 = 1.57 A

38. a) 12.74 A
Explanation: Given
Inductance, L = 50 mH = 50 x 10-3 H
rms voltage, Vrms = 200 V
Frequency of alternating supply, f = 50 Hz
Inductive reactance, XL = 2πfL = 2 x 3.14 x 50 x 50 x 10-3 = 15.7 ohm

Now, Irms = Vrms / XL = 200/15.7 = 12.74 A

39. (c) Pure resistor

Explanation: When an alternating current flows through an electrical system, a phase mismatch
between the voltage and stream develops. This phase shift is contingent upon the sort of load linked
to the circuit. This phase difference is reflected by the power factor.

Consequently, the active power is only the cosine of the ratio between volts and flow. If an
alternating circuit consists of a single pure resistor, it is a completely resistive connection. No matter
whether the form of energy (AC or DC) is provided to a completely resistive circuitry, the current
will always move in phase with the input signal since the resistor exhibits the same properties for
both types of supply.
40. (b) When the resistance of the circuit is zero.
Explanation: The current in a circuit is wattless when the resistance of the circuit is zero.
41. C 2√2 A
42. C 7.85 Ω
43. B 2A
44. B Im sin(ωt + π/2)
45. D reduce energy loss due to eddy current
46. C Remain unchanged
47. B Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion
48. C Assertion is true but Reason is false.
49. A Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
50. D Assertion is false but Reason is true
51. b 484ohm

52. a 291.5 Ω
53. a. Mutual induction
54. a. When the natural frequency of electrical circuit becomes equal to the frequency of applied
emf, resonance takes place.
55. c)Z=R
56. d. At resonance frequency, LCR circuit becomes purely resistive. So phase different between current
and voltage is zero
57. b) voltage leads the current by an angle of 2
58. d.voltage lags behind the current by an angle of 2

59. a.18.85ohm
60. d. eddy current loss
1 No both the wires are different. Electric current are transmitted through conducting wires in
which charge carriers can move from one end to another. Whereas communication signals are
transmitted through optical fiber which follows Total Internal Reflection phenomena.
2 It is an electrical device that is used to provide a stable voltage output to a load at its output terminals
irrespective of any variations in the input i.e incoming supply. Both analogue and digital automatic
voltage stabilizers are used in offices or at home.
These are used to prevent damage of electric equipment (like fridge, AC, TV, etc.) due to
sudden variation of variable voltage supply.
3 A dynamo is a type of electrical generator that is used to create a conducting current with the
help of a commutator. A dynamo used the laws of electromagnetism to create a direct
conducting current or electric power from the rotation of the coil. These are used for
generating power at various places where mechanical energy is converted into electrical
4 1 /√2
5 (i) The generation of AC is more economical than DC.
(ii) Alternating voltage can be stepped up or stepped down as per requirement during transmission
from power generating station to the consumer.
(iii) Alternating current in a circuit can be controlled by using wattless devices like the choke coil.
(iv) Alternating voltages can be transmitted from one place to another, with much lower energy loss
in the transmission line.
6 When output voltage increases, the output current automatically decreases to keep the power same.
Thus, there is no violation of conservation of energy in a step up transformer.
7 On decreasing the frequency of AC source, reactance, xc=1/ωC will increase, which will lead to
decrease in conduction current. In this case
Hence, displacement current will decrease.
8 (i) It is based on the principle of “mutual induction”.
(ii) Two factors are:

• distance between the coils.

• orientation of the coils.
• Number of turns in the coil.

10 When a magnet is moved in the given direction, the north pole of the magnet is moved away from the
coil AB. Therefore, from Lenz law, the face of coil AB nearest to the North-pole will act like a south

So, the current in coil AB will flow in a clockwise direction when seen from the B-side of the coil.
Therefore, the direction of current in coil AB is from A to B.

When the magnet is moved, the south pole of the magnet is moved towards the coil CD. Therefore, to
oppose the induced emf, the face of the coil near the South-pole will act as South-pole.
So, the current in the coil CD will flow in anti-clockwise direction when seen from the D-side of the
coil. Therefore, the direction of current in coil CD is D to C.
11 It is given that,

Peak voltage of the ac supply, V0=300V

It is known that,




Therefore, the rms voltage is 212.1V.

12 It is given that,

Rms value of current in an ac circuit, Irms=10A

It is known that,

I0=√2 Irms



Therefore, the peak current is 14.14A.

13 (i) Bulb lights up earlier
Reason : induced emf across opposes growth of current in
ii) yes, after some time both bulbs will be equally bright Reason : after some time current reached
its maximum value in and self-induction plays no role
14 i) Capacitor ii) Inductor.
15 Q =1/R√L/C = 1 /10 √2 / 2X10-6 = 100. It signifies sharpness of resonance.
1. I) a) Excess current flow increases heat
Sudden excess supply of current misbalances in the wire and as a result Joule’s law of
heating increases and wire catches fire
II) d) All of the above
The electric power system consists of three major components: Generator, high voltage
transmission grid and a distribution system.
III) Based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, the electric generators are
prepared. In an electric generator, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.
IV) Hydroelectric power plant, wind power plant, Nuclear power plant, solar power plant,
geothermal power plant, Thermal power plant, Tidal power plant.

2. I) a) high inductance and negligible resistance

Choke coil is a coil of high inductance and negligible resistance. It is used to reduce
current in ac circuit; with negligible energy loss.
II) c) eddy current in soft iron core
The ohmic resistance of choke coil is not exactly zero; therefore, some energy is
dissipated as heat. In addition to its energy is also lost due to eddy currents in soft iron
Choke coil cannot be used to control current in direct current (dc) circuit, because in dc circuit ω = 0,
therefore inductive reactance of coil in dc circuit becomes zero.
3. I) a) Nichrome
[The heating element is made of Nichrome 80/20 (80% nickel, 20% chromium)]
II) d) 1200W
[Electricity consumption is measured by KWH. So, 1200W toaster will consume more
III) d) Mica, ceramic
[ The element is wound separately on Mica sheets and fitted with body of toaster with the help of
ceramic terminals]
4. (i) 50 rad/s (ii) 6 A (iii) 1500 V
5. (a)

(b) A radio or a TV set has a L-C circuit with capacitor of variable capacitance C. The circuit
remains connected with an aerial coil through the phenomenon of mutual inductance. Suppose a
radio or TV station is transmitted a programme at frequency f, then waves produce alternating
voltage of frequency f, in areal, due to which an emf of same frequency is induced in LC circuit,
when capacitor C in circuit is varied then for a particular value of capacitance C, f = 1 /2π√𝐿𝐶 , the
resonance occurs and maximum current flows in the circuit; so, the radio or TV gets tunned.

6. (a) Principle of mutual induction

(b) At the power generating station, the step-up transformers step up the output voltage which
reduces the current through the cables and hence reduce resistive power loss. Then, at the consumer
end, a step-down transformer step down the voltage. Hence, the largescale transmission of electric
energy over long distances done with the use of transformers is taken place.
7. From the phasor diagram, we get R
X C = 1/wc=
1/340×50×10-6 = 58.8 Ω
XL=ωL=340×20×10−3=6.8 Ω

Z=(R2+(XC−XL)2 )1/2

=(4304) )1/2

Power, P=irms2R=(Vrms)/Z)2R
=≈0.51 W

9. (i) ω0 = 1/√LC

= 1/√(50 × 10-3) (80 × 10-6)

= 1/√4000 × 10-9

= 1/√4 × 10-6

= 103/2= 1000/2 = 500 rad S-1

f = ω0/2r = 500/2r = 80 hertz

(ii) Q = ω0L/R = (500 × (50 × 10-3))/40 = 0.625


11. Inductance of the inductor,L=5H

Capacitance of the capacitor, C=80μF=80×10−6F

Resistance of the resistor,R=40Ω

Potential of the variable voltage source,Veff=230V


Angular frequency at resonance, ωr=1/√(LC)=1/√(5×80×10to the power−6)

12. It is given that,

Length of the wire, l=10m

Speed, ν=5.0m/s


Induced emf, E=BHlν



Therefore, the instantaneous value of the emf induced in the wire is 1.5mV.

The direction of the induced emf is from west to east.

The eastern end of the wire is at higher potential

13. Resistance-It is the opposition offered by a pure resistor to the flow of current .SI unit: ohm
Reactance- It is the opposition offered by a pure inductor or a pure capacitor to the flow of current
.SI unit: ohm. XL=WL and Xc = 1/wc
Impedance Z: It is the effective resistance of an ac circuit containing any two or all 3 elements, L, C
and R.
Z=√R2+(XL−XC)2 SI Unit is Ω
14. E =E0Sinwt.
As the alternating current flows through the inductor a back emf - L dI/dt is set up which opposes the
applied emf. Net instantaneous emf = E – L dI/dT =0
E = L dI/d
∴E0Sinwt = L dI/dt ,
dI= ( E0/L) Sinwtdt ,
I = (E0/L) )∫ Sinwtdt
= - (E0/wL) Coswt
I = - I0Coswt
I = I0 Sin(wt- π/2)
15. Energy losses in a transformer :
(i) Copper loss : Energy loss as heat due to resistance of primary and secondary is called copper
loss and can be minimized by using thick copper wires
(ii) Iron loss : Energy loss as heat due to eddy currents in the iron core is called Iron loss and
can be reduced by using a laminated iron core
(iii) Hysteresis loss: Magnetisation of iron core is repeatedly reversed by the alternating
magnetic field and energy is lost in the form of heat in the core. This is called hysteresis loss
and can be minimized by using a core of a material having low hysteresis loop.
(iv) Flux leakage : There is always some flux leakage; i,e, all of the flux due to primary does not
passes through the secondary. It can be minimized by winding primary and secondary coils
one over the other

1. I) d) none of the above
[At power plant/ a step-up transformer increases the voltage of generated power by
thousands of volts, so that it can be sent of long distance through high-voltage
transmission power line. At substations, step-down transformers lower the voltage of
incoming power to make it acceptable for high volume delivery to nearby end- users.]
II) d) All of the above
[Super-conducting materials are capable of conducting without resistance. So, this
eliminates the line loss and the cable is capable of sending more electricity than
conventional cable. Using super-conducting cables, one can get rid of the need of costly
III) b) since current decreases with increase with voltage
[At generating station, normally voltage is stepped up to around thousands of volts. Power
losses increase with the square of current. Therefore, keeping voltage high, current
becomes low and the loss is minimized]
IV) a) convection
[Transformers generate waste heat when they are in operation and oil is the coolant of choice. It
transfers the heat through convection to the transformer housing.]
2. I) c. 663.48 Hz
[ Resonant frequency =(ωR/2π) = 663.48Hz]
II) a. 14.14A
III) b.2299.3W
[P=1/2( I02R = ½(14.14)2x23=2299.3W]
IV) d. 21.74W
1 1 1 0.12
[ Q-factor is given by 𝑅 √𝐿𝐶 = 23 √480∗10−9 =21.74]
3. III) (i) 663.28 Hz (ii) 14.14 A (iii) 21.74 (iv) Current
4. (i) 8.8 ꭥ (ii) inductor (iii) 1 H (iv) 0.337 A
5. (i) ω0 = 1/√LC

= 1/√(50 × 10-3) (80 × 10-6)

= 1/√4000 × 10-9

= 1/√4 × 10-6

= 103/2= 1000/2 = 500 rad S-1

f = ω0/2r = 500/2r = 80 hertz

(ii) Q = ω0L/R = (500 × (50 × 10-3))/40 = 0.625

6. a) Condition for resonance to occur is XL = XC, and Z = R.

(b) Sharper resonance is produced for R2
(c) The Q-factor (quality factor) of series resonant circuit is defined as the ratio of the voltage
developed across the inductance of capacitance at resonance to the impressed voltage, which is the
voltage applied across the R.

Significance : Higher the value of Q, the narrower and sharper is the resonance and therefore circuit
will be more selective.
7. : It is known that,C=35μF=35×10−6F

Resistance, R=20Ω
Inductance, L=1.5H


Voltage, V=200V

It is known that,


At resonance, XL=XC




Average power, P=I2R



Therefore, the average power transferred is 2000W.

8. Inductance, L=3.0H

Capacitance, C=27μF=27×10−6F


It is known that,

At resonance, angular frequency of the source for the given LCR series circuit is ωr=1/√LC


⇒ωr=10to the power3/9=111.11rad/s

Therefore, the resonant frequency is 111.11rad/s.

Q-factor of the series, Q=ωrL/R


Therefore, the Q-factor is 45.0446.

To improve the sharpness of the resonance by reducing ‘full width at half maximum’ by a factor of
2without changing ωr , reduce the resistance to half.

Therefore, required resistance is 3.7Ω.
9. (i)C (ii) D (iii)A (iv) D
10. (i)B (ii) D (iii)D (iv) C
1 I) C) Resonance
[ Phenomena involved in turning radio set to a particular radio station is resonance]
II) C) LC Circuit
[A simple radio receiver simple crystal set with a coil and capacitor combination. Desired
frequency is tuned by tuning the coil-capacitor combination. Tuning means to make
capacitive reactance (XC) equal to the inductive reactance (XL), so that resonance occurs.]
III) c)
[Resonant frequency is given by ω0= ]
IV) c) XL=XC
[At resonance, capacitive reactance (XC)is equal to the inductive reactance (XL). Circuit
is totally resistive and the current amplitude becomes maximum.]
V) a) parallel plate capacitor
[Capacitor used in old radio is a parallel plate capacitor It consists of two sets of parallel circular
2 (a) The device X is a capacitor
(b) Curve A is power; Curve B is voltage and Curve C is current

(d) I = I0 sin (ωt + π/2 ). Current leads the voltage, in phase, by π/2

4 Average power in LCR circuit :

Let the alternating emf applied to an LCR circuit,
V = V0 sin ωt …(i)
If alternating current developed lags behind the applied emf by a phase angle ϕ
then, I = I0 sin(ωt – ϕ ) …(ii)
Total work done over a complete cycle is,

∴ Average power in LCR circuit over complete cycle is,

(b) (i) In this case, the bulb will glow initially for a very shorttime Bulb duration depending upon its
time constant during the charging of capacitor. Once the capacitor is fully charged, it will not allow
current to pass, hence the bulb ceases to glow.

(ii) In this case, when connected to a.c. source, the bulb will glow with the same brightness.
When the capacity of capacitor is reduced, it will have no appreciable effect when connected to d.c.
However, in case when connected to a.c. source, capacitance is reduced, hence

χc capactive reactance will increase and thus the brightness of bulb will reduce.

5 It is given that,

n=50, A=2.5m2,


B=0.3T ,







Therefore, the maximum current drawn from the generator is


When the coil is in the vertical position magnetic flux will be maximum and when the coil is in the
horizontal position magnetic flux will be zero.

The generator will work whenever there is relative motion between the coil and magnet.
(b) I = V/Z =V/R =200/100=2A.
At resonance, XC =XL
1/Cω = Lω.
C= 1/L x1/ω2
C=π2/4 X 1/ (2 Πx50)2
C =25 μF.
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Class 11 Biology Shorts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Macro Economy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12Economic (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Accountancy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 CHEMISTRY (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
NEET Biology in 1 min Click here for Playlist
Class 12 History (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Political Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 : Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
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For teachers, Artham resource materials include lesson plans, instructional guides,
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Both teachers and students can also benefit from Artham educational resources which
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teaching and learning. Artham resource material include textbooks, courses, lesson
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In summary, resource materials are critical components of effective teaching and

learning. They provide a wealth of information and support that can enhance the quality
of education and help students achieve academic success.

Teachers and students can also purchase these resources from the links provided with
every resource.


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