Reflectionsheet Afa
Reflectionsheet Afa
Reflectionsheet Afa
Name of Activity: AFA Leaders Conference November 2013 Leadership Skills and Attributes Goal For This Activity: The concept of managing personal change stress management and preparing for emplo!ment" # also had the chance to listen to $or%shops on r&ral polic! financial management and international agric<&re" Briefly summarize the activity: # attended the 2013 Ag F&t&re of America Conference in 'ansas Cit! and had the chance to sit in on vario&s spea%ers $or%shops and disc&ssions that provided insight into leadership in the agric<&re ind&str! and ho$ to be s&ccessf&l" hat ne! kno!led"e or ideas did you learn by bein" involved in this activity# (! three big ta%ea$a!s incl&ded the personal financial management information $or%ing $ith other generations and net$or%ing 2"0 session" The personal financial management session helped me start thin%ing abo&t partic&lar things # $ant to have read! and be prepared for $hen # am completel! financiall! independent and in the $or%ing $orld" The generational co$or%er session informed me of the best practices to &se $hen $or%ing $ith an!one from a bab! boomer to a millennial" Finall! the session # most en)o!ed $as the net$or%ing 2"0 session foc&sing on b&ilding relationships vers&s traditional net$or%ing" hat kno!led"e or ideas about your leadership skills and attributes did you learn from this activity# # thin% # learned ho$ # sho&ld be m&ch more intentional abo&t maintaining connections $ith someone and p&rs&ing it be!ond an ac*&aintance" +efore the conference # thin% # often $o&ld p&rs&e %no$ing someone b&t not attempting to follo$ &p or ma%e the relationship $orth m&ch more" No$ # see ho$ # co&ld ma!be get a referral or possibl! a mentor thro&gh a
connection as long as # act on it and maintain an a&thentic motivation to b&ild that relationship" &o! did the activity impact the community# 'Ans!er if applicable( Not applicable &o! did your involvement in the activity impact you 'on a personal level(# # am going to be m&ch more intentional in m! relationship b&ilding" # also am going to ma%e a more concentrated effort to go be!ond )&st a .Lin%ed#n/ connection b&t rather send a personal email than% !o& or possibl! a *&ic% note in the mail" #t0s the little things that maintain relationships and # %no$ others val&e that and see the fact someone $ent above and be!ond" hy does this learnin" matter) or !hy is it important# # personall! believe the t$o most important things in life are e1periences and relationships" 2elationships can ma%e or brea% !o& in both the professional and personal $orld" # thin% the fact that these are combined $hen !o& go above and be!ond $ith people !o& meet sa!s a lot abo&t the potential !o& have as a person" %n !hat !ays !ill you use !hat you have learned from this activity# Li%e # said above #0m going to ma%e a more concentrated effort to sho$ people ho$ # gen&inel! $ant to ma%e a relationship not )&st b&siness3 minded" #0m going to reflect more on the val&e these relationships can bring to me be!ond m! professional life and tr! to better &nderstand ho$ # can aid others in there endeavors as $ell" This $ill help me gro$ personall! and ma%e s&re # invest m! time $ell to help b&ild those relationships"