y -conformist -dumb - Stuck Up All male fraternity w/ sorority equivalent !ambda "#eta Alp#a$ Observation Notes Speak in bot# Spanis# and %n&lis# 'erita&e based or&ani(ation Use of )reek !etters Small fraternity ** members$ +#apter )amma ,ota -ational . /e&ional . Sector . +#apter "raditions0 +allin& 'and Si&n !$ Salutin& step and stroll steppin& Durin& t#e meetin& t#ey speak formally1 out of meetin& informally1 out of class1 casual 2ale only &roup wit# a sorority equivalent +ommunity based or&ani(ation Informational Observations 'eld in +olle&e of 'ealt# and 'uman Services !ead by %dward and 3mar +o-4ice 5residents$ Seven more members present )ave presentation to potential members S#owed 'istory/information of fraternity 6riendly to potential member1 but wanted t#em to 7oin )ave back&round on w#y members 7oined Spoke in %n&lis# and Spanis# 6ormal durin& presentation/informal after presentation Meetin Observations !ead mostly by 5resident /obert 4alderrama 8usiness like 6ormal words 6ollowed /oberts /ules of 3rder "alk about events t#ey plan on #oldin& Speak in bot# Spanis# and %n&lis# +oncentrated on 8lood Drive comin& up Spoke about #ow to &et new members/inform about fraternity Spoke to eac# line brot#er about &rades 5lanned #ow/w#o would &o to t#eir +#apter 2eetin& in /alei&# After meetin& t#ey spoke casually/7okin&ly 4ery close to eac# ot#er
!lood "rive Observations 5lanned and !ead t#e 8lood Drive Spoke to nervous people %ac# member &ave blood Set a quota for #ow many donors %ac# member #ad a 7ob %dward planned and kept track of #ow many donors 3mar lead donors to areas ) )ave snacks /obert lead donors to areas Intervie# $% &o# lon have you been in the Fraternity' /ob 9 yrs %dward ,t will be * yr on -ov: ;
(% )hat are some #ords you use most #ouldn*t normally use' /ob - brot#er line brot#er c#apter %dward - !ambda1 &rip1 para1 !81 and Syands +% )hat do these terms mean' /ob - brot#er is anot#er member in t#e 6raternity1 line brot#er are members you 7oined wit#1 c#apter is t#is Universities 6raternity t#ere are ot#ers at ot#er universities %dward - !ambda<s are ot#er members of t#e 6raternity1 )rip is our #ands#ake1 para means t#e apparel we wear1 Syands stands for Same =ear and Semester but for anot#er c#apter: ,% &o# do you communicate #ith other members' /ob 6acebook1 )roup2e1 %-mail1 and te>t are t#e main ways: %dward - 2ostly we communicate t#rou&# %-mail1 and )roup2e -% )ho helps ne# members' /ob %>ecutive 8oard1 ,nduction 3fficer1 -ew 2ember %ducator #elp new members %dward - %verybody #as a part in #elpin& new members .% &o# do they help ne# members' /ob "#ey #old works#ops on risk mana&ement1 academic e>cellence1 and networkin& %dward - !ike , said1 %verybody finds a way to #elp be it feelin& welcome1 #elpin& t#em learn new stuff1 or 7ust teac#in& t#em t#e ropes /% )hat are the oals of your Fraternity' /ob 8rot#er#ood1 Academic %>cellence1 !atino Unity1 !eaders#ip1 and Service to t#e community are our main &oals: %dward - to strive for Academic %>cellence1 8rot#er#ood1 !eaders#ip1 Service1 and !atino Unity 0% &o# do you achieve these oals' /ob +ommunity service1 mentorin& students1 raisin& funds for p#ilant#rop#y1 and educational pro&rams: %dward 6or academic e>cellence we #ave study #ours1 #old study &roups1 and we c#eck up on eac#
ot#er1 like if we #ave a test or qui( we tell anot#er !ambda and we tell t#em w#en we e>pect it back1 and t#ey c#eck up on you and #elp keep your &rades up1 for brot#er#ood we 7ust #an& out wit# eac# ot#er and #old social events1 Service we do community service1 we #ave a pro&ram were we &o to %lementary sc#ools and mentor t#em t#rou&#out t#e ne>t couple of years1 and !atino Unity we #old cultural events 1% &o# do you feel about stereotypes about Fraternities' /ob , believe t#at people will #ave t#eir views and beliefs1 and t#ey can believe t#em1 but we will strive to break t#em: it is #ard to understand from t#e outside lookin& in1 and #ard to e>plain from t#e inside lookin& out %dward "#e main stereotype wit# !ambda "#eta 5#i is t#at we are associated wit# &an&s because we #ave certain colors and #and &estures and are !atinos: ?e also #ave !atino stereotypes like we are la(y: "#ere is also t#at we promote #a(in& $2% )hat do you do to 3brea45 these stereotypes' / !ead by e>ample1 and preform community service: % associated wit# &an&s$ - we try to keep kids out of &an&s and we try to do as muc# community service as possible: !atino stereotypes$ -we pus# ourselves academically to try and break t#ese stereotypes: 'a(in&$ we are a non #a(in& &roup and are very a&ainst it1 we even #old anti-#a(in& seminars: $$% &o# are ne# members admitted' / ,nterest process1 and educational induction process % - "#ere are ; main steps t#ere@s an informational meetin&1 followed by an interest &roup w#ere we s#ow t#em #ow we are set up and #ow our 6raternity works1 followed by and educational process1 w#ere we teac# secrets1 and our process: $(% 6ny documents7te8ts you re ularly use' / 6raternity +onstitution1 new member education plan1 and /oberts /ules of 3rder % - "#e only one , can t#ink of now is our constitution $+% 6re there any conflicts in the Fraternity' / - ,f any conflicts e>ist wit#in t#e fraternity1 it<s as simple as decidin& w#at pro&ram to do ne>t as many brot#ers #ave ideas and we can only commit to so many pro&rams a year % - =es like any or&ani(ation t#ere<s always an issue w#et#er it be small or bi&1 t#e only issue we #ave is spreadin& out t#e work load equally and people doin& t#e work assi&ned $,% "o some members have difficulty conformin ' / - -one of our members #ave any difficulty conformin&: "#rou&# our educational process we are able to teac# t#e new members t#e ins and outs of our brot#er#ood so t#at t#ere is no difficulty for transition into our &reat or&ani(ation % - no1 not really it is easy to &et alon& and understand w#at most of us want to say and mean $-% )ho has the authority in your Fraternity and #here does it come from' / -o one #as any aut#ority: ?e do everyt#in& based on democratic values as portrayed in our constitution: -o one makes decisions based solely on w#at #e wants to do % - ?ell1 we #ave a c#apter president and two 4p<s one e>ternal and one internal and we elect people to t#ese positions: ?e also #ave a national president and 45<s and we also vote t#em in