PLC Memory
PLC Memory
PLC Memory
Advanced ladder logic functions such as timers and counters allow controllers to perform calculations, make decisions and do other complex tasks. They are more complex than basic input contacts and output coils and they rely upon data stored in the memory of the PLC. The memory of the PLC is organized to hold different types of programs and data. This chapter will discuss these memory types. Functions that use them will be discussed in following chapters.
ASIDE: In older Allen Bradley PLCs the memory was often organized as files. There are two fundamental types of memory used in Allen-Bradley PLCs - Program and Data memory. Memory is organized into blocks of up to 1000 elements in an array called a file. The Program file holds programs, such as ladder logic. There are eight Data files defined by default, but additional data files can be added if they are needed.
Data Files Outputs Inputs Status Bits Timers Counters Control Integer Float
This is where the variable data is stored that the PLC programs operate on. This is quite complicated, so a detailed explanation follows.
The PLC has a list of Main Tasks that contain the main program(s) run each scan of the PLC. Additional programs can be created that are called as subroutines. Valid program types include Ladder Logic, Structured Text, Sequential Function Charts, and Function Block Diagrams.
Program files can also be created for Power-Up Handling and Controller Faults. The powerup programs are used to initialize the controller on the first scan. In previous chapters this was done in the main program using the S:FS bit. Fault programs are used to respond to specific failures or issues that may lead to failure of the control system. Normally these programs are used to recover from minor failures, or shut down a system safely.
Description Holds TRUE or FALSE values General purpose memory for complex instructions Counter memory 32 bit 2s compliment integer -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 16 bit 2s compliment integer -32,768 to 32,767 Used for communication with remote devices Used for PID control functions 32 bit floating point value +/-1.1754944e-38 to +/-3.4028237e38 8 bit 2s compliment integer -128 to 127 An ASCII string Timer memory
Figure 191
For older Allen Bradley PLCs data files are used for storing different information types, as shown below. These locations are numbered from 0 to 999. The letter in front of the number indicates the data type. For example, F8: is read as floating point numbers in data file 8. Numbers are not given for O: and I:, but they are implied to be O0: and I1:. The number that follows the : is the location number. Each file may contain from 0 to 999 locations that may store values. For the input I: and output O: files the locations are converted to physical locations on the PLC using rack and slot numbers. The addresses that can be used will depend upon the hardware configuration. The status S2: file is more complex and is discussed later. The other memory locations are simply slots to store data in. For example, F8:35 would indicate the 36th value in the 8th data file which is floating point numbers.
Rack I/O slot number in rack Interface to outside world O:000 I:nnn S2:nnn B3:nnn T4:nnn C5:nnn R6:nnn N7:nnn F8:nnn outputs inputs processor status bits in words timers counters control words integer numbers floating point numbers
Other files 9-999 can be created and used. The user defined data files can have different data types.
Data values do not always need to be stored in memory, they can be define literally. Figure 192 shows an example of two different data values. The first is an integer, the second is a real number. Hexadecimal numbers can be indicated by following the number with H, a leading zero is also needed when the first digit is A, B, C, D, E or F. A binary number is indicated by adding a B to the end of the number.
8 - an integer 8.5 - a floating point number 08FH - a hexadecimal value 8F 01101101B - a binary number 01101101
Figure 192
Data types can be created in variable size 1D, 2D, or 3D arrays. Sometimes we will want to refer to an array of values, as shown in Figure 193. This data type is indicated by beginning the number with a pound or hash sign #. The first example describes an array of floating point numbers staring in file 8 at location 5. The second example is for an array of integers in file 7 starting at location 0. The length of the array is determined elsewhere.
test[1, 4] - returns the value in the 2nd row and 5th column of array test
Figure 193
Expressions allow addresses and functions to be typed in and interpreted when the program is run. The example in Figure 194 will get a floating point number from test, perform a sine transformation, and then add 1.3. The text string is not interpreted until the PLC is running, and if there is an error, it may not occur until the program is running - so use this function cautiously.
expression - a text string that describes a complex operation. sin(test) + 1.3 - a simple calculation Figure 194 Expressions
These data types and addressing modes will be discussed more as applicable functions are presented later in this chapter and book. Figure 195 shows a simple example ladder logic with functions. The basic operation is such that while input A is true the functions will be performed. The first statement will move (MOV) the literal value of 130 into integer memory X. The next move function will copy the value from X to Y. The third statement will add integers value in X and Y and store the results in Z.
MOV source 130 destination X MOV source X destination Y ADD sourceA X sourceB Y destination Z
Figure 195
Words timer.PRE - the preset value for timer T4:0 timer.ACC - the accumulated value for timer T4:0 counter.PRE - the preset value for counter C5:0 counter.ACC - the accumulated value for counter C5:0 Bits timer.EN - indicates when the input to timer T4:0 is true timer.TT - indicates when the timer T4:0 is counting timer.DN - indicates when timer T4:0 has reached the maximum counter.CU - indicates when the count up instruction is true for C5:0 counter.CD - indicates when the count down instruction is true for C5:0 counter.DN - indicates when the counter C5:0 has reached the preset counter.OV - indicates when the counter C5:0 passes the maximum value (2,147,483,647) counter.UN - indicates when the counter C5:0 passes the minimum value (-2,147,483,648)
Figure 196
Consider the simple ladder logic example in Figure 197. It shows the use of a timer timing TT bit to seal on the timer when a door input has gone true. While the timer is counting, the bit will stay true and keep the timer counting. When it reaches the 10 second delay the TT bit will turn off. The next line of ladder logic will turn on a light while the timer is counting for the first 10 seconds.
Figure 197
Immediately accessible status values S:FS - First Scan Flag S:N - The last calculation resulted in a negative value S:Z - The last calculation resulted in a zero S:V - The last calculation resulted in an overflow S:C - The last calculation resulted in a carry S:MINOR - A minor (non-critical/recoverable) error has occurred
Examples of SOME values available using the GSV and SSV functions CONTROLLERDEVICE - information about the PLC PROGRAM - information about the program running LastScanTime MaxScanTime TASK EnableTimeout LastScanTime MaxScanTime Priority StartTime Watchdog WALLCLOCKTIME - the current time DateTime DINT[0] - year DINT[1] - month 1=january DINT[2] - day 1 to 31 DINT[3] - hour 0 to 24 DINT[4] - minute 0 to 59 DINT[5] - second 0 to 59 DINT[6] - microseconds 0 to 999,999
Figure 198
An example of getting and setting system status values is shown in Figure 199. The first line of ladder logic will get the current time from the class WALLCLOCKTIME. In this case the class does not have an instance so it is blank. The attribute being recalled is the DateTime that will be written to the DINT array time[0..6]. For example time[3] should give the current hour. In the second line the Watchdog time for the MainProgram is set to 200 ms. If the program MainProgram takes longer than 200ms to execute a fault will be generated.
GSV Class Name: WALLCLOCKTIME Instance Name: Attribute Name: DateTime Dest: time[0]
SSV Class Name: TASK Instance Name: MainProgram Attribute Name: Watchdog Source: 200
Figure 199
As always, additional classes and attributes for the status values can be found in the manuals for the processors and instructions being used.
A selected list of status bits is shown below for Allen-Bradley Micrologic and PLC5 PLCs. More complete lists are available in the manuals. For example the first four bits S2:0/x indicate the results of calculations, including carry, overflow, zero and negative/sign. The S2:1/15 will be true once when the PLC is turned on - this is the first scan bit. The time for the last scan will be stored in S2:8. The date and clock can be stored and read from locations S2:18 to S2:23. S2:0/0 carry in math operation S2:0/1 overflow in math operation S2:0/2 zero in math operation S2:0/3 sign in math operation S2:1/15 first scan of program file S2:8 the scan time (ms) S2:18 year S2:19 month S2:20 day S2:21 hour S2:22 minute S2:23 second S2:28 watchdog setpoint S2:29 fault routine file number S2:30 STI (selectable timed interrupt) setpoint S2:31 STI file number S2:46-S2:54,S2:55-S2:56 PII (Programmable Input Interrupt) settings S2:55 STI last scan time (ms) S2:77 communication scan time (ms)
EN - enable bit EU - enable unload DN - done bit EM - empty bit ER - error bit UL - unload bit IN - inhibit bit FD - found bit LEN - length word POS - position word
Figure 200
Program are given unique names and can be for power-up, regular scans, and faults. Tags and aliases are used for naming variables and I/O. Files are like arrays and are indicated with []. Expressions allow equations to be typed in. Literal values for binary and hexadecimal values are followed by B and H.