Parent Feedback Form
Parent Feedback Form
Parent Feedback Form
Academic Year:
To further improve the quality of engineering education that we impart, please give us your valuable feedback as per the following points:
Sr. No. $ * . 0 2 3 5 tem n%rastr&ct&re Facilities namel# li'rar#( la'orator#( canteen and other cam)&s %acilities Pro+rammes arran+ed '# the de)artment %or achie,in+ ind&str# e-)os&re Enco&ra+ement to st&dents %or )artici)ation in ,ario&s co/c&rric&lar acti,ities 1&alit# o% academic reso&rces namel# teachers( co&rse material etc. St&dent mentorin+ E%%orts ta4en '# de)artment %or o,erall +roomin+ and )ersonalit# de,elo)ment S&++estions i% an# A Excellent B Good C Average D Poor !"rades An# other comments
*ARENT!S NAME) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ST,DENT NAME) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ROLL NO)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SIGN ) CONTACT NO) SIGN &ERIFIED '( CLASS TEACHER)