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Cb-Past Form 1

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To Teachers For Part I, use a rating scale with 1 as lowest and 4 as the highest Rate yourself along the indicators under each performance standard. Encircle the appropriate rating that applies to you in every item. For clearer understanding, refer to the expanded ru rics for the holistic description!interpretation of the rating values. 4 Highly Proficient (HP) "eacher performance consistently exceeds expectations. #isplays at all time, a consistently high level of performance related s$ills, a ilities, attri utes, initiatives and productivity. %ll assignments!responsi le are completed eyond the level of expectation. &elf' direction of the teacher is evident. 3 Proficient (P) "eacher performance often exceeds expectations. #isplays a high level of competency related s$ills, a ilities, initiatives and productivity, exceeding re(uirements in many of the areas. 2 Basic (B) "eacher performance meets asic expectations ased on standards. #isplays level of wor$ and performance outputs as re(uired outcomes or expectations of the )o . asic

Position Title Division First Semester Second Semester

1 Below Basic (BB) "eacher performance on the )o and outputs fre(uently fail elow standard. *or$ outputs consistently low, regularly fails to meet re(uired outcomes needing repletion of duty or y completion of others. "he teacher may need immediate instructional support. PART II "he P+,& F%-".R shall e used for &ummative %ppraisal at the end of the school year. It is a list of performance eyond the call of duty which are not inducted in the indicators of Part I. Every Plus Factor item has a value of ./4 and a teacher may earn a maximum of 4 point during the summative appraisal period. -hec$ the item eing claimed. #uly certified evidences of the plus factor claimed should e found in your "eacher0s Portfolio.



Rating Legend: BB Below Basic; A. DIVERSITY OF LEARNERS


P-Pro icient;

!P-!ighl" Pro icient

#$$raisal Rating BB B P !P
% % % % % % % * * * * * * * + + + + + + + , , , , , , ,

Within the appraisal period, I

%& Set o'(ectives that are within the e)$eriences and ca$a'ilities o learners *& -tili.ed varied designs/ techni01es and activities s1ited to the di erent 2inds o learners& +& Paced lessons a$$ro$riate to the needs and di ic1lties o learners ,& Provided a$$ro$riate intervention activities or learners at ris2s& 3& Recogni.ed m1lti-c1lt1ral 'ac2gro1nd o learners when $roviding learning o$$ort1nities& 4& #do$ted strategies to address needs o di erentl"-a'le learners& 5& Showed airness and consideration to all learners/ regardless o socio-economic 'ac2gro1nds&

B. CURRICULUM CONTENT AND PEDAGOGY Within the appraisal period, I

%& Delivered acc1rate and 1$dated content 2nowledge 1sing a$$ro$riate methodologies/ a$$roaches/ and strategies *& -sed integration o lang1age/ literac"/ n1merac" s2ills and val1e in teaching +& 6)$lained learning goals/ instr1ctional $roced1res/ and content clearl" and acc1ratel" to st1dents ,& Lin2ed the c1rrent content with $ast and 1t1re lessons& 3& #ligned the lesson o'(ectives/ teaching methods/ learning activities and instr1ctional materials or reso1rces a$$ro$riate to the learners& 4& 7reated sit1ations that enco1rage learners to 1se higher order thin2ing s2ills thro1gh the 1se o the local lang1age among others i needed& 5& engaged and s1stained learner8s interest in the s1'(ect '" ma2ing content meaning 1l and relevant to them& 9& :ntegrated scholarl" wor2s and ideas to enrich the lesson ;& 6sta'lished ro1tines and $roced1res to ma)imi.e instr1ctional time& %<& Selected $re$ared and 1tili.ed availa'le technolog" and other instr1ctional materials a$$ro$riate to the learners and the learning o'(ectives %%& Provided a$$ro$riate learning tas2s/ $ort olio and $ro(ects that s1$$ort develo$ment o good st1d" ha'its& %*& 1sed :n ormation and 7omm1nication Technolog" =:7T> reso1rces or $lanning and designing teaching learning activities&

#$$raisal Rating
BB % % % % % % % % % % % % B * * * * * * * * * * * * P + + + + + + + + + + + + !P , , , , , , , , , , , ,

C. PLANNING, ASSESSING AND REPORTING Within the appraisal period I

%& 7onstr1cted valid and relia'le ormative and s1mmative tests& *& 1sed a$$ro$riate non-traditional assessment techni01es =$ort olios/ (o1rnals/ r1'rics/ etc&> +& inter$reted and 1sed test res1lts to im$rove teaching and learning& ,& :denti ied teaching-learning di ic1lties and $ossi'le ca1ses& 3& managed learning remediation activities 4& 1sed tools or assessing a1thentic learning 5& Provide timel" and acc1rate eed'ac2 to learners to enco1rage them to monitor and re lect on their own learning growth 9& 2e$t acc1rate records o grades?$er ormance levels o learners ;& cond1cted reg1lar meetings with learners and $arents to re$ort learners8 $rogress&

% % % % % % % % %

#$$raisal Rating B P !P
* * * * * * * * * + + + + + + + + + , , , , , , , , ,



Rating Legend: BB Below Basic;



P-Pro icient;

!P-!ighl" Pro icient

#$$raisal Rating B P * + * + * + * * * + + +

@ithin the a$$raisal $eriod :A

%& $rovided e01al o$$ort1nities or all learners regardless o gender *& maintained a sa e and orderl" classroom ree rom distractions& +& 1sed individ1al and coo$erative learning activities to im$rove ca$a'ilities o learners or higher learning ,& ins$ired learners to val1e and set high $er ormance targets or themselves 3& handled 'ehavio1r $ro'lems 01ic2l" and with d1e res$ect to children8s rights 4& created sit1ation that develo$ a $ositive attit1de among learners towards their s1'(ect and the teacher&

BB % % % % % %

!P , , , , , ,

E. COMMUNITY LINKAGES @ithin the a$$raisal $eriod :A %& involved $arents?comm1nit" in sharing acco1nta'ilit" or learners8 achievement *& 1sed varied and availa'le comm1nit" reso1rces =h1man/ materials> to s1$$ort learning +& 1sed comm1nit" as a la'orator" or learning ,& got involved in ? shared comm1nit" in ormation o school and achievements& 3& led st1dents to a$$l" classroom learning to the comm1nit"
#$$raisal Rating BB B P !P % * + , % * + , % % % * * * + + + , , ,

III. PERSONAL, SOCIAL GRO TH, AND PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Rating Legend: BB Below Basic; B-Basic; P-Pro icient; !P-!ighl" Pro icient
F. SOCIAL REGARD FOR LEARNING @ithin the a$$raisal $eriod :A
%& a'ide '" and im$lemented school $olicies and $roced1res& *& demonstrated $1nct1alit" in accom$lishing tas2s and attendance on all occasions& +& maintained a$$ro$riate a$$earance and decor1m at all times& ,& demonstrated a$$ro$riate 'ehavio1r in dealing with st1dents/ $eers/ and s1$eriors BB % % % % #$$raisal Rating B P * + * + * + * + !P , , , ,


@ithin the a$$raisal $eriod :A
%& maintained stat1re and 'ehavio1r that 1$held the dignit" o teaching *& mani ested $ersonal 01alities li2e enth1siasm/ le)i'ilit"/ caring attit1de collegialit" among others& +& demonstrated m" ed1cational $hiloso$h" o teaching in classroom ,& 1$dated m"sel with recent develo$ments in ed1cation 3& $artici$ated activel" in $ro essional organi.ations& 4& re lected on the 01alit" o m" own teaching 5& im$roved m" teaching $er ormance 'ased on eed'ac2 rom the mentors/ st1dents/ $eers/ s1$eriors and others& 9& 1sed sel -assessment to enhance strengths and correct m" wea2nesses ;& acce$ted acco1nta'ilit" or learners o1tcomes %<& a'ide '" the 7ode o 6thics or Pro essional Teachers

#$$raisal Rating
BB % % % % % % % % % % B * * * * * * * * * * P + + + + + + + + + + !P , , , , , , , , , ,



The Pl1s Factor shall 'e claimed at the end o the school "ear or the s1mmative a$$raised& :tems claimed in the c1rrent a$$raisal $eriod will not 'e credited in the s1cceeding a$$raisal $eriod& Teachers who are dedicated in their $ro ession $er orm some (o's 'e"ond what are re01ired o them& Bost o these are vol1ntar" in nat1re/ th1s ac2nowledging the added $er ormance/ certain reward in the orm o the Pl1s Factor is $rovided in this a$$raisal s"stem& 6ach item in the list is e01ivalent to &<, and a teacher who accom$lishes a ma)im1m o %< items d1ring the a$$raisal $eriod gets a ma)im1m val1e o ,& The ma)im1m val1e o &, or a raction thereo / shall 'e added to the overall rating o the teacher $er ormance on the 7B-P#ST& 6ach com$onent shall have a ma)im1m n1m'er o items to 'e accom$lished and claimed '" the Teacher to wit i& :nstr1ctional 7om$etence an" o1r =,> items and :::& Personal/ Social Crowth and Pro essional Develo$ment an" ive =3> items& Dnl" teachers who have an overall rating descri$tion o !ighl" Pro icient/ Pro icient/ or Basic shall claim or the Pl1s Factor com$onent in the a$$raisal s"stem& I. PLUS FACTOR FOR INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE %& #cted as a mentor?coach in $ro essional develo$ment to at least * $eers& *& Served as a demonstration teacher at least once in a rating $eriod/ or $eers/ coo$erating teachers reso1rces teachers in the in-service and/ $re-service st1dents on innovative teaching strategies/ classroom management& +& 7ond1cted one =%> action research whose indings and recommendations have 'een ado$ted '" the school =District or division> ,& #cted as coordinator/ chair$erson in activities/ $ro(ects that relate to instr1ctional com$etence 3& :nnovated teaching strategies/ classroom management and assessment to enhance learning& 4& :ncreased the di erence in the achievement rate o division $ost test over the $retest '" *&3E or higher on all classes ta1ght& 5& Baintained .ero dro$ o1t rate o red1ced dro$ o1t late in the class& II. PLUS FACTOR FOR SCHOOL, HOME COMMUNITY LINKAGES %& Drgani.ed and im$lemented at least one =%> home-school-im$lemented-comm1nit" $ro(ect in rating $eriod which res1lted to enhance res1lting o1tcomes *& 6sta'lished a model that e)em$li ies a learning environment cond1cive to teaching and learning =i&e& Science Cardens/ Bathematics la'orator"/ model classroom/ others> +& Bade at least one =%> 'est $ractices on how to involve ma(orit" o the $arents in the ed1cation o their children& ,& 7ond1cted at least one action research and shared res1lts to $eers on $ro'lems related to learning environment/ home/ school/ comm1nit" involvement& 3& 7ond1cted at least two home visitations to enco1rage $arents to s1$$ort their children in their school activities/ to red1ce a'senteeism and tardiness& 4& Dthers not incl1ded '1t related to school/ home/ and comm1nit" involvement& III. PLUS FACTOR FOR PERSONAL, SOCIAL GRO TH, AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHARACTERISTICS %& Received award or recognition as e)em$lar" $ersonal and $ro essional attri'1tes s1ch as honest" and integrit"/ leadershi$/ dedication/ initiative/ co1rtes"/ airness o an o1tstanding teacher rom recogni.ed academic instit1tions and other award giving 'odies& *& #cted as coach or trainer to award winning st1dents or gro1$ o st1dents in academic and in non-academic contests recogni.ed at least at the division level& +& 6arned relevant $ro essional trainings =an aggregate o at least 4< ho1rs> or grad1ated rom a higher relevant degree& ,& Received scholarshi$ awards/ ed1cational e)change/ ed1cational o'servation/ st1d" to1r and the li2e which have com$etitive screening $rocess& =7laim can onl" 'e made a ter the award has 'een en(o"ed> 3& Dther not mentioned '1t related to $ersonal and $ro essional characteristics&



CB-PAST MT S!""#$% &' R#()*+, T-"./#(#ssigned Recommended Bean No& o Descri$tion o S1$ervisor" 7riteria @eight in 7BScore =Score F no& o the TB: :tems :tems> #$$roach P#ST I. INSTRUCTIONAL COMPETENCE 012 a& Diversit" o Learners %<E '& 71rric1l1m 7ontent and +<E Pedagog" c& Planning/ #ssessing and *<E Re$orting Sum of Weighted Average of A, B C II. HOME, SCHOOL 3 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 412 d& Learning 6nvironment %<E e& 7omm1nit" Lin2ages %<E Sum of Weighted Average of D E III. PERSONAL GRO TH 3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 412 & Social Regard or Learning %<E g& Personal/ Social Crowth G %<E Pro essional Develo$ment Sum of Weighted Average of F ! F&$"#()5- P-$'&$"#*6- R#()*+ =S1m o the Total @eighted Bean rom # to C onl" or Formative #$$raisal> D-,6$).()5- '&$ O5-$#// P-$'&$"#*6- R#()*+ )* TPI '&$ F&$"#()5- A..$#),#/ P/!, F#6(&$ ('&$ (7- S!""#()5- A..$#),#/) 6ach item gets <&<,& # ma)im1m o <&, will 'e added to the Total @eighted #verage> S!""#()5- P-$'&$"#*6- R#()*+ =S1m o the Total @eighted Bean rom # to C and the Pl1s Factor earned> D-,6$).()&* &' O5-$#// P-$'&$"#*6- R#()*+ 8)(7 6$)()6#/ $-9!)$-"-*( '&$ S!""#()5- A..$#),#/ TEACHER PERFORMANCE INDEX (TPI) +&3%-,&<<-!ighl" Pro icient& Teacher $er ormance consistentl" e)ceeds e)$ectations& Dis$la"s at all time/ a consistentl" high level o $er ormance related s2ills/ a'ilities/ attri'1ted/ initiatives and $rod1ctivit"& #ll assignments?res$onsi'ilities are com$lete 'e"ond the level o e)$ectation& Sel -direction o the teacher is evident& *&3%-+&3<-Pro icient& Teacher $er ormance o ten e)ceeds e)$ectations& Dis$la"s a high level o com$etenc" related s2ills a'ilities/ initiatives and $rod1ctivit"/ e)ceeding re01irements in man" o the areas& %&3%-*&3<-Basic& Teacher $er ormance meets 'asic e)$ectations 'ased on standards& Dis$la"s 'asic level o wor2 and $er ormance o1t$1ts as re01ired o1tcomes or e)$ectations o the (o'&

%&<<-%&3<-Below Basic& Teacher $er ormance on the (o' and o1t$1ts re01entl" all 'elow standard @or2 o1t$1ts consistentl" low/ reg1larl" ails to meet re01ired o1rcomes needing re$etition o d1t" or '" com$letion o others& The teachers ma" need immediate instr1ctional s1$$ort&


D-,6$).()&* &' O5-$#// P-$'&$"#*6- R#()*+ D1tstanding Her" Satis actor" Satis actor" Below Basic

CRITICAL RE:UIREMENTS N&(-: A (-#67-$ 87& ;&-, NOT "--( (7- 6$)()6#/ $-9!)$-"-*( 8)// +-( (7- *-<( /&8-$ /-5-/ &' (7- &5-$#// .-$'&$"#*6- $#()*+. +&3% or higher and no $er ormance inde) or 'elow $ro icient in an" o the standards& *&3% or higher and no $er ormance inde) or 'elow 'asic in an" o the standards& %&3%-*&3< and no $er ormance inde) val1e 'elow 'asic in an" o the standards& %&<< or higher with at least one $er ormance inde) val1es 'elow 'asic in an" o the standards&



: here'" certi " that m" sel -ratings re lect the tr1e and honest eval1ation or m" teaching $er ormance& Rate: Teacher =Name G Signat1re> Date: 7DNF6RR6D @:T!: School !ead =Name G Signat1re> Date: Recommending #$$roval: Name G Signat1re Date #$$roved '": Name G Signat1re Date:


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