Electronic Nav Aids
Electronic Nav Aids
Electronic Nav Aids
Technical Bulletin
NUMBER 23 2007
Traditional backup
The trust placed on electronic aids to navigation is not only during ocean passages but also in confined waters passages and under pilotage. When navigating in confined waters it is important to check the position of the vessel by visual means whenever possible. Electronic navigational aids are not foolproof and traditional navigational techniques should, whenever possible be practiced. It must also be remembered that the master remains in command of the vessel when under pilotage (except in the Panama Canal) and is therefore totally responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel even in these waters. Failure to navigate safely can result in severe consequences for the master. There is no substitute for good passage planning and execution, nor is there any excuse for poor record keeping during the passage from berth to berth.
The global positioning system has been an important and usually reliable addition to ships navigational equipment, however a passenger vessel ran aground in US waters because of a faulty GPS.
Similarly, ARPA is a tool, but can give false information if it is not set up and used correctly. Small targets may not be visible to radar and therefore a very good visual lookout is still required on all Bridges at sea today. Total reliance on ARPA must be avoided. Plotting facilities for vessels without ARPA should be in the form of plotting sheets. Frequently a radar fitted with a reflection plotter is the only means available. This is insufficient, watch keeping officers should be encouraged to plot and plan manoeuvres during clear weather thereby building up the necessary experience. It is too late to discover during reduced visibility that the officer of the watch does not have the required skills. The single most useful tool for collision avoidance is the compass bearing of the target. If a ship is on a steady, or nearly steady bearing then risk of collision should be deemed to exist. There are still far too many radar assisted collisions at sea.
For further information please contact: Loss Prevention Department, Thomas Miller P&I Ltd Tel: +44 20 7204 2307. Fax +44 20 7283 6517 Email: lossprevention.ukclub@thomasmiller.com