Security Device Manager: Cisco
Security Device Manager: Cisco
Security Device Manager: Cisco
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Data Sheet
Security Device Manager
The Cisco
Security Device Manager (SDM) is an intuitive, Web-based device
management tool embedded within Cisco IOS
access routers. Cisco SDM simplies
router and security conguration through intelligent wizards, enabling customers
to quickly and easily deploy, congure, and monitor a Cisco access router without
requiring knowledge of the Cisco IOS Software command-line interface (CLI).
Flexibility and Ease of Use
Cisco SDM allows users to easily congure Cisco IOS Software security features on Cisco
access routers on a device-by-device basis, while enabling proactive management through
performance monitoring. Whether deploying a new router or installing Cisco SDM on an
existing router, users can now remotely congure and monitor Cisco 830, 1700, 2600xm,
3600, and 3700 series routers without using the Cisco IOS Software command-line interface
The Cisco IOS Software CLI is an effective means of router conguration but requires a high
level of prociency and expertise. The Cisco SDM GUI aids nonexpert users of Cisco IOS
Software in their day-to-day operations, providing easy-to-use intelligent wizards, automated
router security management, and comprehensive online help and tutorials (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Cisco SDM Graphical User Interface
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Cisco SDM wizards guide users step-by-step through router conguration and security conguration workow by
systematically conguring LAN and WAN interfaces, rewalls, and VPNs. Cisco SDM wizards can intelligently detect
incorrect congurations and propose xes, such as allowing Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) trafc through
a rewall if the WAN interface is DHCP addressed. Online help embedded within Cisco SDM contains appropriate
background information, in addition to step-by-step procedures to help users enter correct data in Cisco SDM
application windows. Networking and security terms and denitions that users might encounter are included in an
online glossary.
For network professionals familiar with Cisco IOS Software and its security features, Cisco SDM offers an advanced
mode to quickly congure and ne-tune router security features, allowing network professionals to review the
commands generated by Cisco SDM before delivering the conguration changes to the router. Advanced users can
also quickly ne-tune congurations using features such as the access control list (ACL) editor.
Cisco SDM enables all types of users to congure and monitor routers from remote locations using Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) connections (Figure 2). This technology enables a secure connection, over the Internet, between the users
browser and the router. When deployed at a branch ofce, a Cisco SDM-enabled router can be congured and
monitored from corporate headquarters, reducing the need for IT support at the branch.
Figure 2
Connecting to a Cisco SDM-Enabled Router Using SSL for Secure Remote Connectivity
Security Conguration
When deploying a new router, Cisco SDM can be used to quickly congure Cisco IOS Firewall using best practices
recommended by the International Computer Security Association (ICSA) and the Cisco Technical Assistance Center
(TAC). Cisco SDM users can congure the strongest VPN defaults, and automatically performs security audits (Figure
3). In addition, Cisco SDM users can perform one-step router lockdown for rewalls and one-step VPN for quick
deployment of secure site-to-site connections.
Remote User Configuring
Router Using SDM
Cisco Router
with SDM
SSL Connection SSL Connection
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Figure 3
Router Security Audit
When installed on an existing router, Cisco SDM allows users to perform one-step security audits to evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses of their router congurations against common security vulnerabilities. Using the advanced
mode, administrators can ne-tune their existing security congurations to better suit their business needs. Cisco SDM
can also be used for ongoing monitoring, fault management, and troubleshooting.
Router Conguration
In addition to security conguration, Cisco SDM enables users to quickly and easily perform basic router
conguration, such as LAN and WAN interface conguration. Using the LAN conguration wizard, users can assign
IP addresses and subnet masks to Ethernet interfaces, and can enable or disable DHCP server.
Using the WAN conguration wizard, T1/E1, Ethernet, and xDSL interfaces can be assigned static or dynamic IP
address as well as subnet masks. Additionally, for serial connections, Frame Relay, Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), and
High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) encapsulation can be implemented. Using Cisco SDM, authentication can be
congured for PPP connections, and for Frame Relay connections, Local Management Interface (LMI) and data-link
connection identier (DLCI) parameters can be entered. Cisco SDM also allows conguration of common routing
protocols like OSPF, RIP, and EIGRP.
In monitor mode, Cisco SDM provides an overview of router status and performance metrics such as the Cisco IOS
Software release, interface status (up or down), and CPU and memory usage. Monitor mode also allows users to view
the number of network access attempts that were denied by Cisco IOS Firewall, and provides easy access to the rewall
log. Additionally, VPN status, such as the number of active IP Security (IPSec) tunnels, can be monitored. Interfaces,
rewall, VPN, and logging status and performance may also be monitored independently, and with greater detail.
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Cost Savings
Cisco SDM is ideal for enterprise branch ofces and small and medium-sized businesses that are sensitive to network
management costs. Cisco SDM allows businesses to implement router security congurations on a device-by-device
basis and in a timely mannerwithout purchasing new network management software. For businesses with larger
networks, Cisco SDM enables easy deployment of individual routersby nonexpert administratorsat branch
ofces. These devices can then be managed from corporate headquarters through central management tools, providing
cost savings in terms of time and IT support expenses at the branch ofce.
Cisco SDM and Other Cisco Management Applications
Cisco offers additional device management and network management applications that can be used in conjunction
with Cisco SDM. CiscoView, a Web-based management application, can be installed on a dedicated CiscoWorks
server to display and monitor the physical view of Cisco devices. Cisco SDM and CiscoView client interfaces can
coexist on the same workstationCisco SDM can be used primarily for router and security feature conguration,
while CiscoView can be used for real-time display of the physical router status and for Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) based device monitoring. Cisco QoS Device Manager (QDM), a Web-based quality of service (QoS)
management application, and Cisco SDM can also coexist on the router, where Cisco QDM is used primarily to
congure QoS-related Cisco IOS Software congurations on the router.
Cisco IP Solution Center (ISC) and CiscoWorks VPN/Security Management Solution (VMS) both offer highly scalable
security management solutions for Cisco IOS routers. Cisco ISC can cost-effectively scale to 10,000 or more devices.
Cisco SDM complements these centralized management solutions by aiding in the deployment of LAN, WAN, and
security features on a router through intelligent wizards that can detect and correct any security conguration
mismatches at the device level.
For Cisco 830 series routers, either the Cisco Router Web Setup (CRWS) tool or Cisco SDM can be used for
conguration. CRWS is ideally suited for deploying multiple Cisco 830 series routers with the same conguration.
Cisco SDM should be used when various site-specic congurations are required.
Table 1 lists the features and benets of Cisco SDM.
Table 1
Features and Benets of Cisco SDM
Feature Benet
Embedded Web-based
management tool
Turns the router into a complete solution with its own management tool
Does not require a separate management station
Allows remote management from any supported desktop or laptop
SSL-based secure remote access
Secure management across the WAN
At-a-glance router status views
Provides a quick inventory of router hardware, software, and security
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Table 2 lists specications of Cisco SDM.
Router security audit
Assesses existing network infrastructure against common security
Provides quick compliance to expert (TAC, ICSA) recommended security
policies for routers
One-step router lockdown
Simplies rewall conguration without requiring expertise on security or
Cisco IOS Software
Wizards to assist users in quick
conguration of Cisco IOS
Software security features like
rewall, VPN, and Network
Address Translation (NAT)
Reduces training needs for network administrators on new Cisco IOS Software
security features
Easily and cost-effectively secures the existing network infrastructure
Startup wizard
Reduces Cisco router deployment time and complexity
Advanced conguration mode
Allows security experts to ne-tune security policies based on site-specic
Preview Cisco IOS Software CLI
Helps build Cisco IOS Software expertise
ACL management (editor)
Advanced users can easily and quickly manage ACLs
Monitoring and logging
Helps troubleshoot security-related issues and manage router performance
before it affects mission-critical applications in the network
Integrated online help and
Reduces the need for IT staff to keep up with security technology updates and
complex security congurations
Table 2
Cisco SDM Specications
Specications Cisco SDM
Supported platforms
Cisco 831, 836, and 837
Cisco 1710, 1721, 1751, and 1760
Cisco 2610XM, 2611XM, 2620XM, 2621XM, 2650XM, 2651XM, and 2691
Cisco 3620, 3640, 3661, and 3662
Cisco 3725 and 3745
Required Cisco IOS Software
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(11)T6 or later (Refer to the SDM FAQ for
additional details)
Memory requirements
Cisco SDM requires at least 2.3 MB of free Flash memory on the router
Operating system requirements
Windows 2000
Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 4)
Windows 98
Windows ME
Windows XP
Table 1
Features and Benets of Cisco SDM (Continued)
Feature Benet
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Browser requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
Netscape Navigator 4.79
Java requirements
The client device must have a browser that supports JDK 1.1.4 as supported in
the Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers
Java plug-in, JRE2 version 1.3.1 or later
Recommended connection
56 Kbps or greater
Basic router conguration
Domain Name System (DNS)
Advanced router conguration
Routing protocols: Static, Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest
Path First (OSPF), and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
Congurable WAN interfaces
Supported WAN encapsulations
Frame Relay
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
RFC 1483 routing
Congurable VPN parameters
Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
Easy VPN Remote
Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel
Supported rewall parameters
Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)
CiscoView compatibility
Can be used with Cisco SDM
Cisco QDM compatibility
Can be used with Cisco SDM
No license fee required
Factory installed on all Cisco 1700 2600xm, 3600, and 3700 VPN bundles
Optional factory installation available on all supported Cisco router models
Posted on Software Center for free download
Table 2
Cisco SDM Specications (Continued)
Specications Cisco SDM
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