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Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy of Childhood: Correlation of MR Findings and Clinical Outcome

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Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy of Childhood:
Correlation of MR Findings and Clinical Outcome
A.M. Wong
E.M. Simon
R.A. Zimmerman
H.-S. Wang
C.-H. Toh
S.-H. Ng
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The clinical outcome of acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood
(ANEC), an encephalopathy characterized by symmetrical involvement of the thalami, has historically
been poor, but recent studies have reported better outcomes. By devising a MR imaging scoring
system, we determined the relationship between characteristic MR findings and clinical outcome of
patients with ANEC.
METHODS: MR studies of 12 patients with ANEC were retrospectively reviewed. A MR imaging score
was calculated for each patient according to the presence of hemorrhage, cavitation, and location of
lesions. Clinical outcome of the patients was assessed, yielding outcome categories based on health
state utility value. Spearman rank test was used to correlate the MR imaging score with clinical
outcome of the patients.
RESULTS: Statistically significant correlation (r 0.76, P .001) was found between the MR score and
the outcome category. The thalami were involved in all 12 patients, brain stem in 10, cerebral white
matter in 8, and cerebellar white matter in 4. Hemorrhage was present in 5 patients and cavitation in
4. Clinical outcome category was 1 in 2 patients, 2 in 8 patients, and 3 in 2 patients. No patients were
in category 4.
CONCLUSION: There is a significant and positive correlation between the clinical outcome and the MR
imaging score in patients with ANEC. The relation between clinical outcome and each individual MR
feature remains to be determined. Patients with ANEC may have a better clinical outcome than has
been previously reported.
cute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood (ANEC)
affects infants and children and is characterized by multi-
ple, symmetrical lesions in the thalami, putamina, cerebral
and cerebellar white matter, and brain stem tegmentum.
More than 110 cases, predominantly found in Japan, Taiwan,
and Korea, have been reported in the literature.
cases have been reported worldwide.
The etiology and
pathogenesis of this disease remain unknown. Although influ-
enza A virus, mycoplasma, herpes simplex virus, and human
herpes virus-6 have been reported as common causative
it is now believed that this disease is most likely im-
mune-mediated or metabolic.
It has been reported that cy-
tokines, such as tumor necrosis factor receptor-1, interleu-
kin-1, and interleukin-6, could mediate the disease.
clinical course of ANEC is fulminant, with a rapid onset of
convulsions, impaired consciousness, vomiting, and variable
degrees of hepatic dysfunction. Affected patients have high
mortality and severe neurologic sequelae. From a pathologic
perspective, the lesions show edema, petechial hemorrhage,
and necrosis.
Absence of inflammatory cells in affected
brain parenchyma is characteristic, which differentiates this
disease fromthe more common entities of acute disseminated
encephalomyelitis and acute hemorrhagic encephalitis.
Neuroimaging features of ANECare characterized by mul-
tiple, symmetrical lesions showing T2 prolongation in the
thalami, frequently with accompanying lesions in the brain
stemtegmentum, periventricular white matter, putamina, and
The purpose of this study is to determine
the relationship between MR imaging findings and clinical
outcome of patients with ANEC.
Patients. MR studies of 12 patients with ANEC, evaluated be-
tween 1996 and 2004, were retrospectively reviewed. The subjects
consisted of 8 boys and 4 girls whose ages ranged from7 months to 12
years (mean age, 3.87 years). Clinical features of the patients are sum-
marized in Table 1. Diagnosis was based on the criteria of ANEC
described by Mizuguchi et al
, acute encephalopathy with rapid con-
scious deterioration, absence of serum hyperammonemia, CSF pleo-
cytosis, increase in CSF proteins, neuroimaging studies showing sym-
metrical, multifocal lesions involving the thalami, and the clinical
absence of other diseases resembling ANEC.
MR Examination. An initial and a follow-up MR study were per-
formed on each of the patients. The mean interval between the onset
of disease and the initial MR study was 5.2 days, and that between the
onset of disease and the follow-up MR study was 62 days (Table 2).
Although various MR pulse sequences with different orientations
were obtained, axial T1-weighted spin-echo images, axial and coronal
T2-weighted images, and axial and coronal postcontrast T1-weighted
images were available for all patients. Axial or coronal fluid-attenu-
ated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images were available for 7 patients.
MR Imaging Evaluation. Two neuroradiologists (A.M.W. and
C.-H.T.) who were blinded to the results of outcome assessment in-
dependently reviewed all MR images. Each study was evaluated at
least twice during separate sessions. In cases where there were differ-
ent interpretations, the scans were re-evaluated, and a consensus was
reached. An MR imaging scoring system was created subjectively to
facilitate our appraisal of the imaging abnormalities. A MR imaging
score (04) was calculated for each patient, based on both the initial
and follow-up scans, according to a point system derived from the
Received November 10, 2005; accepted after revision January 5, 2006.
From the Department of Diagnostic Radiology (A.M.W., C.-H.T., S.-H.N.), Chang Gung
Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University, Kwei-Shan, Tao Yuan, Taiwan, Republic of
China; Department of Radiology (E.M.S., R.A.Z.), The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, Pa; and Division of Pediatric Neurology (H.-S.W.), Chang Gung Childrens
Hospital and Chang Gung University, Kwei-Shan, Tao Yuan, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Address correspondence to H.-S. Wang, MD, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Chang Gung
Childrens Hospital, 5 Fu-Hsing St, Kwei-Shan, Tao Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.; e-mail:
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 27:191923 Oct 2006 www.ajnr.org 1919
presence of hemorrhage, cavitation, and location of lesions, including
the brain stem (Fig 1) and the white matter (cerebral, cerebellar, or
both) (Figs 1 and 2). One point was awarded for eachof these features.
Because the thalami were, by definition, involved in all patients, their
involvement was not scored interms of locationof lesions. Each study
was evaluated at least twice in separate reading sessions. The presence
of hemorrhage was defined as acute/subacute hematoma visualized
on the initial study (Fig 2) and/or subacute/chronic hematoma on the
follow-up study. Lesions with cavitation were defined as those having
a sharply marginated border, with homogeneous and marked hy-
pointensity on T1-weighted images and CSF-like intensity on T2-
weighted images (Figs 2 and 3).
Outcome Assessment. An experienced pediatric neurologist
(H.-S.W.) who was blinded to the MR findings assessed the outcome
of the patients based on data from medical records and telephone
interviews. Duration of clinical follow-up was at least 18 months for
each of the patients. The Health Utilities Index Mark 1 (HUI:1) pro-
posed by Torrance et al,
a 4-attribute health state classification sys-
tem designed to uniquely categorize the health status of patients, was
used for the assessment. The outcome of each patient was assessed
according to 4 functions: (1) physical function (mobility and physical
activity), (2) role function (self-care and role activity), (3) social and
emotional function, and (4) health problems (general health and dis-
ease status). Each function was assigned a numerical value, from
which an overall health state utility value (HSUV) was calculated.
Four outcome categories were defined based on HSUV: good (G
1.00 to 0.70), moderate (M0.69 to 0.30), poor (P 0.29 to 0.00),
and worse than death (W0.00).
For the purpose of this study,
each of these 4 categories was assigned a numerical value: good, 1;
moderate, 2; poor, 3; and worse than death, 4.
Data Analysis. The MR imaging score and the clinical outcome
category of the patients were both analyzed as ordinal data. Spearman
Table 1: Clinical features of 12 patients with acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood
Patient No./
Age/Sex Clinical Features Positive Viral Study Outcome
HUI:1 Outcome
1/1 y 4 mo/M Fever, conscious disturbance, seizure Influenza B Spasticity with decerebrate posture 3
2/3 y 3 mo/M Fever, conscious disturbance, seizure Mycoplasma Spasticity 2
3/12 y/F Fever, conscious disturbance,
decerebrate posture, spasticity,
urine and stool incontinence
Influenza B, mycoplasma (possible) Spasticity, urine and stool
4/7 mo/M Conscious disturbance N/A Fully recovered 1
5/10 y/M Fever, conscious disturbance, seizure Influenza A Bilateral hand tremor; left-sided
6/1 y/M Fever, lower extremity rigidity N/A Fully recovered 1
7/3 y 5 mo/M Fever, conscious disturbance,
decerebrate posture
Influenza B Spasticity, speech disorder 2
8/2 mo/M Fever, conscious disturbance,
seizure, motor weakness with
cogwheel rigidity
HHV-6 Speech disorder; full motor
9/6 y/F Fever, skin rash, conscious
disturbance, seizure, lower
extremity paralysis, speech
Adenovirus Neurogenic bladder, lower
extremity weakness
10/2 y/M Fever, coma, seizure N/A Lower extremity weakness with
11/2 y 6 mo/F Fever, conscious disturbance,
seizure, lower extremity paralysis
Negative Lower extremity weakness 2
12/2 y 4 mo/F Fever, conscious disturbance 1 mo,
vomiting, seizure
Enterovirus Conscious disturbance, diplegia,
Note:NUI:1 indicates Health Utilities Index Mark 1; HHV-6, human herpes virus 6; N/A, not available.
Table 2: Neuroimaging findings in the initial MR and the follow-up MR study in 12 patients with acute necrotizing encepalopathy of
Duration from Onset
to Initial and to
Follow-up MR
Studies (d)
Location of Involvement
Hemorrhage (1) Cavitation (1)
MR Score
Brain Stem (1)
White Matter (1)
(Cerebral, cerebellar) A B
1 0; 43 , 4 3
2 0; 103 , 1 0
3 10; 47 , 3 2
4 3; 83 , 2 1
5 2; 182 , 2 2
6 9; 76 , 1 0
7 0; 19 , 3 2
8 7; 15 , 3 2
9 18; 134 , 1 1
10 0; 16 , 2 1
11 3; 16 , 2 2
12 10; 29 , 4 3
1920 Wong AJNR 27 Oct 2006 www.ajnr.org
rank test was used for statistical analysis. Two calculations concerning
the location of involvement were performed: one counted both the
brain stem and white matter (calculation A) and the other counted
only the brain stem (calculation B). AP value less than 0.01 (1-tailed)
was considered statistically significant.
Clinical outcome category was 1 in 2 patients, 2 in 8 patients,
and 3 in 2 patients (Table 1). No patients were in category 4.
Regarding the evaluation of the images, disagreement oc-
curred in 1 of the 48 findings (2.1%).
Concerning the location of lesions, the thalami were in-
volved in all 12 patients (100%), brain stem in 10 (83%), ce-
rebral white matter in 8 (67%), and cerebellar white matter in
4 (33%). Hemorrhage was present in 5 patients (42%) and
cavitation in 4 (33%) (Table 2). Contrast enhancement was
found in 8 patients (66%).
As the MR score increased, the outcome of the patients
worsened. The patients having the highest MR scores were in
the poor outcome category, whereas the patients with lower
MR score (1 or 2) had better outcomes.
Calculation A. Of the 4 patients with an MR score of 2, 3
were in clinical outcome category 2 and 1 was in category 1.
The 3 patients with MR scores of 3 were in category 2. Of the 3
patients with an MR score of 1, the clinical outcome category
was 2 in 2 patients and 1 in 1 patient. The 2 patients with an
MR score of 4 were in clinical category 3.
CalculationB. The 5 patients withanMRscore of 2 were in
outcome category 2. Of the 3 patients with an MR score of 1,
the clinical category was 2 in 2 patients and 1 in 1 patient. The
2 patients with an MR score of 3 were all in outcome category
3. Of the 2 patients with an MRscore of 0, the clinical category
was 2 in 1 patient and 1 in the other patient.
Association between the MR score and the clinical out-
come category was more significant in the calculation when
counting only the brain stem as the location of involvement
(calculation B) than that including all locations (calculation
A), yielding r values of 0.76 (P .001) and 0.67 (P .001),
In this study, we found a significant correlation between the
MR imaging score and the clinical outcome in patients with
ANEC. Our MR imaging score included the main features of
ANEC, which have been reported as thalamic lesions that may
bleed and/or cavitate.
Hemorrhage and cavitation are de-
structive processes, causing mass effect on the brain and tissue
loss, respectively. A recent study reported that hemorrhage
and tissue loss were associated with a poor prognosis in
In our study, the distribution of lesions as well as the
prevalence of hemorrhagic lesions and cavitation vary among
patients. It has also beenreportedthat patients withbrainstem
involvement tend to recover well.
We thus developed a MR
scoring system to include the main imaging features as well as
the distribution of lesions and to correlate the results with
clinical outcome. Nevertheless, it was not clear how to weigh
the various features. Because we had no knowledge of the rel-
ative clinical significance of each feature, we finally opted to
give a score of 1 to each feature. This method yielded a good
correlation and was easy to compute.
Better clinical correlation was obtained in the calculation
whencounting only the brainstemas locationof involvement.
Relative to this finding, 2 possibilities arose: (1) the effect of
white matter involvement and cavitation overlap because
some white matter lesions cavitate
and (2) involvement of
cerebral white matter has less clinical impact than involve-
ment of the brain stem. The distribution of extrathalamic le-
sions in our patients was more or less concordant with the few
large series in the literature,
with brain stem involvement
in more than 85% of cases. However, the prevalence of hem-
orrhage and cavitation has not been well described in most
reported cases. Kimet al
reported a 57%hemorrhage rate and
a 36% incidence of localized tissue loss in their series of 14
patients, findings comparable with our series.
The management of our patients was symptomatic and
supportive; the combination of corticosteroids, anticonvul-
sants, and mannitol was the most frequently used regimen.
Antiviral drugs, primarily acyclovir, were also administered to
most of the patients on initial presentation, when viral en-
cephalitis was suspected. However, the use of antiviral drugs
was discontinued once the viral studies revealed no evidence
of herpes simplex viral infection. We believe that such nonspe-
cific use of antiviral drugs did not significantly affect the clin-
ical outcome of patients.
The outcome of ANEC has been reported to be generally
poor; approximately 65% of the affected patients died or were
left with severe neurologic sequelae.
Others have reported
patients with good outcomes, suggesting a mild form of
In a series of 14 patients reported by Kim et al,
there was no mortality, and approximately 60%of the patients
were left with mild or no sequelae. Most of our patients fell
into the moderate category (n 8), with fewer patients in the
good (n 2) and poor (n 2) categories, and with no mor-
tality. We have encountered fatal cases but they did not have
imaging studies that we couldevaluate.
Moreover, since 1996,
ANEChas beenincreasingly recognized and thus detected ear-
lier and more effectively managed. Therefore, we agree with
Kim et al
that the prognosis of ANEC has improved recently.
Before reaching the diagnosis of ANEC, a wide range of
disorders affecting the cerebral deep gray matter should be
considered. Symmetrical brain lesions are less frequently seen
in hemolytic uremic syndrome, toxic encephalopathy, hemor-
rhagic shock, and encephalopathy syndrome.
In addition, the
Fig 1. A 1.3-year-old boy (patient 1) left with spasticity and decerebrate posture. A, coronal
T2-weighted imaging (4000 ms/90 ms, repetition time [TR]/echo time [TE]) shows symmet-
rical hyperintensity in the thalami (arrows), the centrum semiovale (arrowheads), and the
brain stem, including the midbrain (double arrowheads) and the pons (double arrows). Note
swelling of the thalami.
B, Postcontrast coronal T1-weighted imaging (630 ms/20 ms, TR/TE) shows irregular
ringlike enhancement in the thalami (arrows).
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 27:191923 Oct 2006 www.ajnr.org 1921
clinical and laboratory findings in ANEC are different from
the features in these diseases. Inborn errors of metabolismcan
be excluded based on biochemical studies. Hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy may involve the deep gray nuclei bilaterally,
but it is usually accompanied by a circulatory or hypoxic epi-
sode andanappropriate clinical course. Viral encephalitis may
be difficult to exclude clinically. Certain encephalitides may
also involve the deep gray matter symmetrically (eg, Japanese
encephalitis). However, the thalamic involvement in Japanese
encephalitis is not necessarily symmetrical, and involvement
of the brain stem is uncommon.
Moreover, the absence of
inflammatory cells in affected brain parenchyma on neuropa-
thology in ANEC is not compatible with inflammatory disor-
ders such as acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. Acute dis-
seminatedencephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a severe, postinfectious,
inflammatory demyelinating disease. It is characterized on histo-
logic examination by a diffuse perivenous lymphocytic inflam-
mation with confluent demyelination.
Gray matter can be in-
volved, but toa lesser extent thanwhite matter. The asymmetrical
involvement and the response to steroid therapy in patients with
ADEM may be helpful for differentiation. In a recent report
comparing diffusion-weighted images of patients with ADEM
and ANEC,
decreased apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
values were detected in ANEC but not in ADEM. Reye syn-
drome, although sharing many clinical similarities with
ANEC, is more frequently associated with hyperammonemia,
hypoglycemia, lactic academia, and mitochondrial deforma-
Diarrhea, convulsion, and increased CSF protein are
more common in ANEC than in Reye syndrome.
The essen-
tial neuroradiologic finding in Reye syndrome is diffuse cere-
bral edema, though involvement of the thalami has been
Clinical symptoms and signs are nonspecific in ANEC;
40%of the patients have convulsions, 28%have impairedcon-
sciousness, and 20% have vomiting.
These usually appear 12
to 72 hours after an antecedent illness. Coma may ensue by 24
hours. Blood biochemistry studies reveal elevated aspartate
aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and lactate dehy-
drogenase. CSF study has been reported to showan increase in
CSF protein but no cells, in two thirds of the patients.
Motor deficits suchas intentiontremor, ataxia, speechimpair-
ment, choreoathetosis, spasticity, and focal neurologic signs,
including hemiparesis and extraocular motility abnormalities,
often develop in the chronic stage.
The most distinctive neuroimaging finding of ANEC is
symmetrical, multifocal lesions that invariably involve the
Other common locations of involvement are the
brain stem tegmentum, cerebral white matter, internal cap-
sule, putamen, and cerebellum. These lesions show low atten-
uation on CT and T1/T2 prolongation on MR studies. Ring
contrast enhancement typically develops around the hemor-
rhagic areas by the second week of illness. Hemorrhage has
been known to occur predominantly in the central portion of
the involved deep gray matter but not in the cerebral white
In 5 of our patients with hemorrhagic thalamic
lesions, 1 (patient 12) also had a hematoma in the right occip-
ital lobe (Fig 2). No clinical evidence of trauma or coagulopa-
thy was noted in this patient. Lesions in the deep gray matter
are reported to consistently cavitate.
However, in our series
and the series reported by Kim et al
in which the incidence of
cavitation/localized tissue loss was well described, this oc-
curredinless thanhalf of the patients. Inthe 8 patients without
cavitary lesions, the duration between initial and follow-up
examinations was greater than 1 month in 5 patients, long
enough for lesions to cavitate. The discrepancies between our
results and those of earlier studies may be explained by the
increased use of MR imaging, improved clinical management
of recently encountered patients, and different definition of
Fig 2. A 2.3-year-old boy (patient 12) with severe sequelae.
A, Axial T1-weighted imaging (449 ms/12 ms, TR/TE) shows sharply marginated hypointensity in the cerebellum (arrowheads).
B, Axial T1-weighted imaging shows hyperintensity in the thalami (arrows) and the right occipital lobe (double arrows). Sharply marginated hypointense areas are found in the cerebral
white matter (arrowheads) and the internal capsules (small arrowheads). The lentiform nuclei also show mixed intensity (double arrowheads).
C and D, Coronal T2-weighted imaging show mixed intensity in the thalami (arrows), and hyperintensity in the cerebral white matter, internal capsules (small arrowheads), and the
cerebellum (double arrowheads). There are 2 types of white matter lesions: those in the central white matter and internal capsules showing hyperintensity comparable with the CSF
(arrowheads) and those in the subcortical regions being less hyperintense (double arrows).
Fig 3. A 10-year-old boy (patient 5) recov-
ered with hand tremor. Follow-up coronal
T2-weighted imaging shows shrunken bilat-
eral thalami with cavitation (arrows).
1922 Wong AJNR 27 Oct 2006 www.ajnr.org
cavitation by various investigators. Reduced diffusion has
been reported in the affected regions at the acute stage of
By devising and using the MR imaging scoring system, we
provide a simple but effective way for both radiologists and
clinicians to obtain preliminary information about the prog-
nosis of patients with ANEC. Although the management of
patients with ANEC is supportive,
by identifying the pa-
tients with a potentially poor outcome based on pertinent im-
aging features and early use of newer, more aggressive treat-
ment regimens, such as intravenous immune globulin,
clinical course and thus outcome of patients may be altered.
Our study is limitedby the small sample size because ANEC
is rarely encountered. Moreover, the interval between initial
study and follow-up varied, ranging from 8 to 180 days. In
addition, the age range of our patients is wide. Finally, the
clinical outcome and MRimaging score may be oversimplified
in our study. The ideal situation would be comparing each of
the MRfeatures witheachoutcome category, rather thancom-
puting a composite score. However, this would lead to fewer
samples in each item for statistical evaluation, hampered fur-
ther by the rarity of the disorder and our small sample size.
In ANEC, there is a significant and positive correlation be-
tween the clinical outcome and the MR imaging score, which
is a composite of characteristic features including the presence
of hemorrhage, cavitation, and location of lesions. Better cor-
relationwas obtainedwhenonly the brainstemwas countedas
location of involvement. The relation between clinical out-
come and each individual MR feature remains to be deter-
mined. Patients with ANEC may have a better clinical out-
come than has been previously reported.
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