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Abstract. Objective: To investigate the effect of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) on hu-
man umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) contraction and relaxation function. We also investigated
some effects of pregnancy serum, which was voluntarily provided by women who were 9 months pregnant,
on PAPP-A function and endothelial cell function. Methods: HUVECs were cultured in vitro with PAPP-
A at 0, 50, 100, and 200 ng/mL for 0, 12, 24, 48 hours. HUVECs were also pretreated for 12 hours with
pregnancy serum before in vitro culture in the presence or absence of PAPP-A (50 ng/mL). Nitric oxide
(NO) levels in cell supernatants were assessed using spectrophotometry. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) levels were
determined using immunohistochemistry assays and quantified by mean optical density (MOD). Results:
The NO levels of HUVECs in the PAPP-A groups were significantly lower compared to the control group
(P<0.05), whereas ET-1 levels in PAPP-A HUVECs were significantly higher compared to the control
group (P<0.05.) Additionally, these effects were dose-dependent. The NO levels of HUVECs in the PAPP-
A groups with pregnancy serum were higher compared to the control group (P<0.05). ET-1 levels in PAPP-
A HUVECs with pregnancy serum were lower than in the control group (P<0.05). Conclusions: PAPP-A
may affect HUVEC contraction and relaxation by reducing NO secretion and increasing ET-1 levels. In
addition, pregnancy serum may affect PAPP-A function on vascular endothelial cells.
Key words: pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), nitric oxide, vascular endothelial cell, endo-
thelin-1, pregnancy serum
Group 0h 12 h 24 h 48 h
Control(µmol/L) 61.31±2.78 60.55±1.78 61.56±1.45 58.20±3.03
50 ng/mL PAPP-A(µmol/L) 62.50±1.73 43.31±2.54*∆ 53.84±4.44*∆ 49.28±2.58*∆
100 ng/mL PAPP-A(µmol/L) 61.79±3.65 37.09±2.27*∆! 42.11±3.08*∆! 40.11±1.96*∆!
200 ng/mL PAPP-A(µmol/L) 61.05±4.83 30.69±1.35* # 34.12±4.23*∆#
∆ 33.50±5.99*∆#
In contrast to the same time of the control group, *P<0.05; In contrast to the same group at 0 h, ∆P<0.05; In contrast
to the 50 ng/mL PAPP-A group, !P<0.05; In contrast to the 100 ng/mL PAPP-A group, #P<0.05.
Table 2. The effect of PAPP-A on ET-1 in vascular endothelial cells (MOD) ( χ± SD, n=5).
Group 0h 12 h 24 h 48 h
Control 0.094±0.005 0.092±0.004 0.090±0.002 0.087±0.004
50 ng/mL PAPP-A 0.095±0.007 0.284±0.020*∆ 0.211±0.013*∆ 0.207±0.012*∆
100 ng/mL PAPP-A 0.091±0.005 0.399±0.009*∆! 0.482±0.010*∆! 0.414±0.025*∆!
200 ng/mL PAPP-A 0.093±0.003 0.658±0.020*∆# 0.622±0.018*∆# 0.644±0.032*∆#
In contrast to the same time of the control group, *P<0.05; In contrast to the same group of the 0 h, ∆P<0.05; In
contrast to the 50 ng/mL PAPP-A group, !P<0.05; In contrast to the same time of the 100 ng/mL PAPP-A group,
Table 3. The effect of PAPP-A on NO and ET-1 levels in vascular endothelial cells ( χ± SD, n =5).
In contrast to the same time of the control group, *P<0.05; In contrast to the same group of the PAPP-A only,
Materials and Methods Company. The YJ-875 medical purification table was
from Jiangyin health beauty. The ELX80ONB Kejunior
Experimental cells. Experimental human umbilical enzyme mark instrument is from Bio-TEK Instrument
vein endothelial cells were provided by the Cell Center Company. The XDS-1 B inverted microscope was pur-
at the Xiangya Medical College of Central South chased from Chongqing Photoelectric Science
University. Instrument Limited Company; The 722 grating spec-
trophotometer was from the Shanghai Precision
Reagents and apparatuses. Pregnancy-related serum Scientific Instruments Limited Company.
protein-A was purchased from R&D Systems (molecu-
lar mass, 120 ~ 160 kD). The DAB chromogenic re- Culturing Endothelial Cells. Using human umbilical
agent kit was provided by Sangon Biotech Co., Ltd vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and microscopy, we
(Shanghai, China). observed that the cells were arranged tightly like cobble-
stones, without overlap. Cells were grown in DMEM
The ET-1 immunohistochemical kit was purchased (high glucose) containing fetal calf serum (10%) and
from The United States R&D Biotechnology Company, streptomycin and cultured at 37°C with 5% CO2 and
and the immunohistochemical double reagent box was saturated humidity. After 2-3 days, when the cells con-
provided by the Beijing Fir Jinqiao Biotechnology fluent the bottom of the bottle, cells were passaged us-
Company. The raw materials of fluvastatin were pro- ing 0.25% trypsin digestion.
vided by Novartis. Nitric oxide kits were purchased
from Nanjing Building Research Institute of Biological Observation of Cell morphology. We used an inverted
Engineering. The HF151UV CO2 incubator was pur- microscope to observe the growth and proliferation of
chased from Shanghai’s Scientific Instrument Limited cells directly.
Influence of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A on endothelial cells 401
Determination of NO concen-
tration in the supernatant.
We determined NO levels us-
Figure 1. The effect of different PAPP-A concentrations on ET-1 levels in vascular ing nitrate reductase assays.
endothelial cells after 12 h (×200) A: The control group; B: 50 ng/mL PAPP-A; C: NO concentrations in islets
100 ng/mL PAPP-A; D: 200 ng/mL PAPP-A.
were estimated using the Griess
reagent (0.1% naphthyl ethyl-
enediamine dihydrochoride
1% sulfanilamide).
Conditioned media (100 mL)
from treated and untreated is-
let groups was incubated with
an equal volume of freshly pre-
pared Griess reagent in the
dark for 30 min. Optical den-
sity was measured at 550 nm
using a spectrophotometer.
Values are expressed as micro-
moles per 150 islets. NaNO2
was used as the standard.
Measurement of ET-1 expression in endothelial cells The effect of PAPP-A on HUVEC ET-1 levels. The
(gray value). We used an image software analysis system effect of different concentrations of PAPP-A on
to detect the expression of ET-1 in endothelial cells’ gray ET-1 levels in HUVECs after 12, 24, and 48 h was
value with the formula: average optical density (MOD) = clear. We observed yellow pellets in the cell with
LG (positive products / background gray value).
higher concentrations of PAPP-A. However, in the
Increasing MOD values indicated increased ET-1 expres-
sion in endothelial cells. control group, we did not observe any yellow pellets
in the cells (Figures 1, 2, and 3).
Obtaining pregnancy serum. This trial was reviewed
and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Third The ET-1 MOD [9] from each group is shown in
Xiangya Hospital of Central South University on May Table 2. In the control group, there were no obvi-
17, 2012. We obtained permission from six pregnant ous changes in ET-1 at any time point (P>0.05).
women to take blood samples. Peripheral venous blood When HUVECs were cultured with PAPP-A at dif-
(4 mL) was collected into EDTA-containing tubes and ferent concentrations, we observed increased MOD
processed within 2 h after venipuncture. To ensure cell- after 12, 24, and 48 h (P<0.05). In the 50 ng/ml
free plasma collection, all EDTA-blood samples were
PAPP-A group, the highest MOD was at 12 h. In
centrifuged in two steps (3,000 rpm for 10 min, followed
by 12,000 rpm for 10 min). Cell-free plasma was stored the 100 ng/ml group, the highest MOD was at 24
at -20°C until extraction. The concentration of pregnan- h. In the 200 ng/ml PAPP-A group, the highest
cy serum was 1% during culture with HUVECs. MOD was at 12 h.
Influence of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A on endothelial cells 403
Figure 4. The effect of PAPP-A and pregnancy serum plus PAPP-A on ET-1 levels in vascular endothelial cells after 12 h
(×200) A: Control group; B: PAPP-A group C: Pregnancy serum + PAPP-A group.
The effect of PAPP-A on NO levels of HUVECs increasing concentrations of PAPP-A after 12, 24,
that were pre-cultured with pregnancy serum. As and 48 h. These data suggest that decreased NO
shown in Table 3, when HUVECs were cultured secretion levels in endothelial cells exist concomi-
with pregnancy serum, followed by culture with tantly with increased ET-1 levels and are dependent
PAPP-A for 12 h, NO levels were lower than they on PAPP-A concentration. Because the decomposi-
were in the control group (P<0.05). However, NO tion activity of MMP-9 could increase as the con-
levels of this group were higher than in the group centration increases [20,21] and because PAPP-A
cultured with PAPP-A but without pregnancy se- could specifically cleave IGFBP-4 [22-24], PAPP-A
rum (P>0.05). may degrade NO synthase as a protease [25,26]. In
our trial, we performed two experimental data sets
The effect of PAPP-A on ET-1 levels in HUVECs to investigate both the effect of pregnancy serum
that were pre-cultured with pregnancy serum. As alone on the HUVEC cells and the effect of non-
shown in Figure 4, there were fewer yellow pellets pregnant women serum on the HUVEC cells. We
in the group that was cultured with pregnancy se- found that the results were the same as the controls.
rum first, compared to cells cultured with PAPP-A PAPP-A is an important regulatory component of
but without pregnancy serum. the IGF system. Through proteolysis of inhibitory
IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs), PAPP-A acts as a
Discussion positive modulator of local IGF signaling in a vari-
ety of biological systems. Thus, eliminating its ac-
Endothelial cell dysfunction is an important patho- tivity may lead to decreased NO secretion, followed
physiological change in the early arterial atheroscle- by weak inhibition of ET-1 and a corresponding
rotic process [10,11]. There are many ways to avoid increase of ET-1. When the concentration of
atherosclerosis at physiological NO concentrations, PAPP-A increases, more NO synthases are degrad-
including dilation of blood vessels, inhibition of ed, and changes in NO concentration are more
vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) hyperplasia, pronounced.
and actions affecting platelet adhesion [12].
Decreased levels of NO secretion suggests damage Initially, Bonno et al. found that PAPP2A is synthe-
to endothelial cell (EC)-dependent vasodila- sized by placental X cells and syncytiotrophoblasts.
tion[13,14]. Because ET-1 is the strongest active Plasma levels increased with gestational age, reach-
vasoconstrictor constituent, increased ET-1 levels ing a peak of 324±277 ng/mL at full-term preg-
were due to vascular endothelial injury or stimula- nancy and subsequently declining postnatally
tion [15-17]. ET-1 secretion in vascular endothelial [27,28]. Because PAPP-A is a metalloproteinase
cells that were damaged was significantly higher and an antigen, we questioned whether it produced
compared to normal control subjects [18,19]. antibodies in the body. First, we incubated endo-
thelial cells and full-term maternal serum (from
The results of this study show that after 12, 24, and pregnant women with no complications) together
48 h, the supernatant NO concentration decreased and then added PAPP-A. The results show that NO
gradually with increasing concentrations of secretion and endothelin both decreased, compared
PAPP-A. The MOD value, expressed by the ET-1 with the control group. These results suggest that
levels of endothelial cells, increased gradually with maternal serum contains an antibody that can
404 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 44, no. 4, 2014
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