Riog004002 - 0086
Riog004002 - 0086
Riog004002 - 0086
n the developed world, blood is most frequently used in surgical procedures or
to treat advanced medical diseases such as chemotherapy-related anemia.
However, in the developing world, where blood and transfusion services are
often lacking, obstetric complications are the leading indication for transfusion
(Figure 1). Blood transfusion is recognized as one of the eight essential compo-
nents of comprehensive emergency obstetric care (cEmOC), which has been shown
to reduce rates of maternal mortality.1,2 Efforts to reduce the number of maternal
deaths from hemorrhage should address both the availability of blood and
transfusion services as well as other means to prevent and treat hemorrhage that
do not rely solely on allogenic blood transfusions.
Challenges Lack of blood directly affects maternal member who needs or will soon need
According to the World Health Orga- mortality, and as Figure 2 demonstrates, blood. Because blood defines family
nization (WHO), the four cornerstones it is not surprising that developing bonds, these populations may be less
of a safe and effective blood donor countries such as those in sub-Saharan likely to donate blood for the benefit of
service are a national system, volun- Africa, with the lowest donation rates a stranger.8 Other beliefs, such as fears
teer donations, blood testing, and ( 5/1000 versus 30/1000 in many of losing strength, not having enough
ⱖ 30
0 1500 3000 6000 km
Data not available
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply Data Source: World Health Organization
the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization Map Production: Blood Transfusion
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities, or Safety (BTS) World Health Organization
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps
represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
Figure 2. Blood donations per 1000 population (2007). Reproduced with permission from World Health Organization.
blood, or depletion of life force reduce women would refuse a blood transfu- carded when found to be viral screen
voluntary donation in surveyed sion. Blood transfusion should be dis- positive.13 In postpartum hemorrhage,
African and Chinese groups.9,10 Suspi- cussed with pregnant women as early rapid screens are useful if willing
cion that blood is being sold as a com- as possible so that misconceptions donors are available when pre-
modity for the benefit of Westerners or can be addressed or alternate treat- screened blood is not. In fact, the use
for use in witchcraft also limits accep- ment options considered should the of warm whole blood in place of
tance of blood donation in certain need for blood arise.11,12 blood components (like packed red
communities.8 blood cells or plasma) is often essen-
A review of maternal deaths in the Solutions tial. Recent data from combat trauma
United Kingdom in 2002 determined Although efforts are ongoing to in- warrant more research into the ad-
that women who refused blood trans- crease blood donations and improve vantages of warm whole blood over
fusions had higher death rates than blood supply through national bank- stored blood components.14
those who accepted blood products. ing systems in developing countries, Other alternatives to allogenic
In a subsequent survey, religious be- other improvements to maternal blood transfusion proposed to cir-
liefs (primarily those of Jehovah’s health need to be explored. For exam- cumvent the difficult issues of dona-
Witnesses) and fear of disease trans- ple, where HIV or the hepatitis C virus tion, testing, safety, storage, and
mission were the two primary reasons (HCV) is endemic, predonation rapid cost include preoperative autologous
for refusal. Another survey of Jordan- testing has been proposed to decrease blood donation, perioperative hemo-
ian women cited fear of complica- the overall cost of blood banking by dilution, and intraoperative autologous
tions as the most frequent reason reducing the amount of blood dis- transfusion.
Preoperative Autologous Blood Dona- Autologous Transfusion After clots and debris are filtered out,
tion and Perioperative Hemodilution Intraoperative autologous blood the blood is then aspirated with a
Preoperative autologous blood dona- transfusion has a long history in the sterile syringe and injected into trans-
tion has been proposed to reduce the treatment of hemorrhage from rup- fusion bags preprepared with citrate-
need for allogenic blood in pregnan- tured ectopic pregnancies, and is fre- phosphate-dextrose-adenine (CPDA)
cies at high risk for hemorrhage be-
cause it greatly reduces the infectious Intraoperative autologous blood transfusion has a long history in the treat-
and immunologic risks of blood
ment of hemorrhage from ruptured ectopic pregnancies, and is frequently
transfusion. Although predonation
has been shown to be safe and effec- and safely used in areas with minimal resources.
tive in managing pregnancies compli-
cated by high-risk conditions such as quently and safely used in areas with anticoagulant solution. All manual
placenta previa or placenta accreta, it minimal resources. In both developed systems rely on some version of re-
does require an established blood and developing countries, autologous trieval, filtering, and reinfusion.18
banking system.15 Furthermore, pre- transfusion is effective and safe and Other methods described in the litera-
donation appears to be well tolerated avoids risks such as ABO incompati- ture use various collecting devices
such as a sterile soup ladle20 or a
small sterile dish to collect the blood,
Although predonation has been shown to be safe and effective in managing
sterile gauze to filter the blood, and
pregnancies complicated by high-risk conditions such as placenta previa or sterile glass bottles with rubber tops
placenta accreta, it does require an established blood banking system. for reinfusion (Figure 4). If CPDA
solution is not readily available, the
by women in the third trimester of bility, infection, and blood storage tubing can be heparinized. Of note,
pregnancy, but those studies were in problems. Whereas developed coun- automated blood salvage devices
women in the developed world, where tries have used blood salvage devices (such as the Cell Saver) do not appear
other problems contributing to base- such as the Cell Saver® (Haemonetics to offer advantages over manual de-
line anemia such as malnutrition, Corp., Braintree, MA) to process and vices, although no comparisons have
malaria, and HIV are not as preva- retransfuse salvaged blood, several been made in randomized trials.
lent.16 Finally, a system of predona- simple manual systems have also Whereas autologous blood transfu-
tion assumes accurate predication of been described.18 sion is well established for ruptured
a particular patient’s risk of hemor- The success and safety of the Tan- ectopic pregnancy, there are few data
rhage, which is rarely the case. guieta funnel was demonstrated in a on the safety and efficacy of auto-
Acute normovolemic hemodilution review of over 200 cases of blood transfusion for postpartum hemor-
is another perioperative strategy to salvage and autotransfusion for the rhage. Exploration of autotransfusion
limit the need for allogenic blood treatment of ruptured ectopic pregnancy as a treatment modality has been
transfusions. A patient exchanges in Benin, West Africa (Figure 3).19 A stymied by the theoretical risks of
some of her own blood for an equal perforated funnel is placed in the amniotic fluid embolus (AFE) and in-
volume of crystalloid, diluting the peritoneal cavity to collect blood. fectious complications. However, one
blood and technically limiting the
amount lost in the surgical field. At Figure 3. Setting up a Tanguieta funnel for blood
the end of the procedure, her own collection in hemoperitoneum. Reproduced with
permission from Priuli G et al.19
blood is retransfused, restoring the
hematocrit. Benefits include preserv-
ing the freshness of the blood, includ-
ing other essential components such
as platelets and clotting factors. Al-
though this approach has been suc-
cessful in cases of malplacentation, it
should be used with caution because
pregnant women are already in phys-
iologic hemodiluted anemia.15,17
Main Points
• In sub-Saharan Africa, it is estimated that 26% of maternal hemorrhagic deaths are a direct consequence of the lack of blood trans-
fusion services, and globally up to 150,000 pregnancy-related deaths could be avoided each year if women had access to safe
• According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the four cornerstones of a safe and effective blood donor service are a national
system, volunteer donations, blood testing, and avoidance of unnecessary transfusions.
• Blood transfusion should be discussed with pregnant women as early as possible so that misconceptions can be addressed or
alternate treatment options considered should the need for blood arise.
• Alternatives to allogenic blood transfusion proposed to circumvent the difficult issues of donation, testing, safety, storage, and
cost include preoperative autologous blood donation, perioperative hemodilution, and intraoperative autologous transfusion.
rapid tests: implementation and efficacy of a an obstetrics and gynaecology department. Br J sub-Sahelian West Africa. Vox Sang. 2009;97:
novel approach to blood safety in resource-poor Obstet Gynaecol. 1993;100:571-574. 317-323.
settings. Transfusion. 2005;45:133-140. 17. Estella NM, Berry DL, Baker DW, et al. Normo- 20. Ansaloni L, Gaines C, Tocalli E. ‘Soup ladle’
14. Spinella PC. Warm fresh whole blood transfusion volemic hemodilution before cesarean hysterectomy autotransfusion. Br J Surg. 1996;83:104.
for severe hemorrhage: U.S. military and poten- for placenta percreta. Obstet Gynecol. 1997;90: 21. Rebarber A, Lonser R, Jackson S, et al. The safety
tial civilian applications. Crit Care Med. 2008; 669-670. of intraoperative autologous blood collection
36:S340-S345. 18. Selo-Ojeme DO, Onwude JL, Onwudiegwu U. Au- and autotransfusion during cesarean section. Am
15. Santoso JT, Lin DW, Miller DS. Transfusion totransfusion for ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Int J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;179:715-720.
medicine in obstetrics and gynecology. Obstet J Gynaecol Obstet. 2003;80:103-110. 22. Geoghegan J, Daniels JP, Moore PA, et al. Cell
Gynecol Surv. 1995;50:470-481. 19. Priuli G, Darate R, Perrin RX, et al. Multicentre salvage at caesarean section: the need for an
16. O’Dwyer G, Mylotte M, Sweeney M, Egan EL. experience with a simple blood salvage technique evidence-based approach. BJOG. 2009;116:
Experience of autologous blood transfusion in in patients with ruptured ectopic pregnancy in 743-747.