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CS3570 Introduction To Multimedia: Homework #1

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CS3570 Introduction to Multimedia

Homework #1
Due: 11:59pm, March 27, 2014
1. Photo enhancement: implement the following steps to correct the image ChangKungLake. (You
cannot use Matlab built-in functions like rgb2ntsc, ntsc2rgb)
(a) Convert the RGB color space to YIQ, and show the image histogram of Y channel.
(b) Apply gamma transform to Y channel with a
suitable gamma value.
(c) Convert the transformed image from YIQ color
space back to RGB to show the result with the
best gamma value. Also show the histogram of Y
channel for the transformed image.
(d) Compare the image and histogram before and
after your enhancement. Discuss what you

2. Image filter and convolution masks
Create 3 kinds of convolution masks of size 3x3 and perform convolution with these masks on the
following gray-scale images and show the results after applying the following three image filters.
Discuss what you observe. (Implement 2D convolution by yourself. You should not use the matlab
built-in functions, such as conv2, imfilter, filter2 etc.)
(a) Gaussian blur mask(also repeat with 5x5 kernel, compare their result) thinker_gray_noised.jpg
(b) Edge detection mask (both x and y directions are needed) bellTower_gray.jpg
(c) Unsharp masking garden_gray.jpg

3x3 Gaussian kernel 5x5 Gaussian kernel

3. Write the image interpolation function to upsample image panda_gray to 4 times the original width
and height. Implement the following two different interpolation methods and show the 4X (both x and
y directions) upsampled image. (You should not use Matlab
built-in functions imresize)
(a) Nearest-neighbor (NN) interpolation
(b) Bilinear interpolation
(c) Compare results from (a)&(b). Discuss what you

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