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Image Processing in Matlab

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Image Processing

in Matlab
Image Processing
 Image Processing generally involves extraction
of useful information from an image.
 This useful information may be the dimensions
of an engineering component, size of diagnosed
tumor, or even a 3D view of an unborn baby.
 In Pakistan the main areas of application of
Image Processing are Bio-Medical, Engineering,
Quality Control, etc.
 Matlab is an abbreviation of Matrix Laboratory.
 It is a popular Mathematical Programming Environment used
extensively in Education as well as in Industry.
 The trick behind Matlab is that everything is represented in the
form of arrays or matrices.
 Mathematical Operations starting from simple algebra to complex
calculus may be conveniently carried out using this environment.
 The main use of Matlab in Software Development is Algorithm
Design and Development.
 Code developed in Matlab can be converted into C, C++ or
Visual C++.
 Additionally Matlab may be called as ActiveX Object from still
higher level languages like Visual Basic, etc.
Matlab Basics
 Matrix Declaration:
 Simple Declaration
 Null Matrix
 Matrix with Ones
 Identity Matrix
 Random Matrix
 Vector Matrix
 Scalar Matrix
 Matrix Arithmetic:
 Addition
 Subtraction
 Multiplication
 Division
Matlab Basics (Continued)
 Matrix Manipulation:
 Addressing of individual element
 Complete Row Addressing
 Complete Column Addressing
 Trnaspose
 Fliplr and Flipud
 Saving and Loading Data
 Concept of Function and m-Files
 Concept of Path
Matlab Basics
 Useful Commands:
 Whos
 Help
 Clear
 Path
 Cd
 Dir
 lookfor
Image Processing in Matlab
 Images can be conveniently represented as matrices in Matlab.
 One can open an image as a matrix using imread command.
 The matrix may simply be m x n form or it may be 3 dimensional
array or it may be an indexed matrix, depending upon image type.
 The image processing may be done simply by matrix calculation or
matrix manipulation.
 Image may be displayed with imshow command.
 Changes image may then be saved with imwrite command.
Image Types in Matlab
 Outside Matlab images may be of three types i.e. black
& white, grey scale and colored.
 In Matlab, however, there are four types of images.
 Black & White images are called binary images,
containing 1 for white and 0 for black.
 Grey scale images are called intensity images,
containing numbers in the range of 0 to 255 or 0 to 1.
 Colored images may be represented as RGB Image or
Indexed Image.
Image Types in Matlab(Continued)
 In RGB Images there exist three indexed images.
 First image contains all the red portion of the image, second
green and third contains the blue portion.
 So for a 640 x 480 sized image the matrix will be 640 x 480 x 3.
 An alternate method of colored image representation is Indexed
 It actually exist of two matrices namely image matrix and map
 Each color in the image is given an index number and in image
matrix each color is represented as an index number.
 Map matrix contains the database of which index number
belongs to which color.
Image Type Conversion
 RGB Image to Intensity Image (rgb2gray)
 RGB Image to Indexed Image (rgb2ind)
 RGB Image to Binary Image (im2bw)
 Indexed Image to RGB Image (ind2rgb)
 Indexed Image to Intensity Image (ind2gray)
 Indexed Image to Binary Image (im2bw)
 Intensity Image to Indexed Image (gray2ind)
 Intensity Image to Binary Image (im2bw)
 Intensity Image to RGB Image (gray2ind, ind2rgb)
Image Histogram
 There are a number of ways to get statistical information about
data in the image.
 Image histogram is on such way.
 An image histogram is a chart that shows the distribution of
intensities in an image.
 Each color level is represented as a point on x-axis and on y-
axis is the number instances a color level repeats in the image.
 Histogram may be view with imhist command.
 Sometimes all the important information in an image lies only in
a small region of colors, hence it usually is difficult to extract
information out of that image.
 To balance the brightness level, we carryout an image
processing operation termed histogram equalization.
Image Segmentation
 In image processing useful pixels in the image are separated from
the rest by a process called image segmentation.
 Brightness Threshold and Edge detection are the two most common
image segregation techniques.
 In brightness threshold, all the pixels brighter than a specified
brightness level are taken as 1 and rest are left 0.
 In this way we get a binary image with useful image as 1 and
unwanted as 0.
 In edge detection special algorithms are used to detect edges of
objects in the image.
Edge Detection
 Edge detection extract edges of objects from an image.
 There are a number of algorithms for this, but these may
be classified as derivative based or gradient based.
 In derivative based edge detection the algorithm takes
first or second derivative on each pixel in the image.
 In case of first derivative at the edge of the image there
is a rapid change of intensity.
 While in case of second derivative there is a zero pixel
value, termed zero crossing.
 In gradient based edge detection a gradient of
consecutive pixels is taken in x and y direction.
Edge Detection (Continued)
Edge Detection (Continued)
 Taking derivative on each and every pixel of the
image consumes a lot of computer resources
and hence is not practical.
 So usually an operation called kernel operation
is carried out.
 A kernel is a small matrix sliding over the image
matrix containing coefficients which are
multiplied to corresponding image matrix
elements and their sum is put at the target pixel.
Sobel Edge Detection
 In sobel following formulas are applied on each pixel(i,j) in the image and
two matrices Sx and Sy are obtained:
Sx = (a2 + ca3 +a4) - (a0 + ca7 + a6)
Sy = (a0 + ca1 + a2) – (a6 + ca5 + a4)
 Alternatively this can be done by applying following two kernels:

 The resultant matrix is then obtained by taking the square root of the sum
of the squares of Sx and Sy, as follows:
M(i,j) = ( Sx2 + Sy2 )1/2
Prewitt Edge Detection
 In Prewitt everything is same but C=1:
Sx = (a2 + ca3 +a4) - (a0 + ca7 + a6)
Sy = (a0 + ca1 + a2) – (a6 + ca5 + a4)
 Alternatively this can be done by applying following two kernels:

 The resultant matrix is then obtained by taking the square root of

the sum of the squares of Sx and Sy, as follows:
M(i,j) = ( Sx2 + Sy2 )1/2
Morphological Operations
 These are image processing operations done on
binary images based on certain morphologies or
 The value of each pixel in the output is based on
the corresponding input pixel and its neighbors.
 By choosing appropriately shaped neighbors
one can construct an operation that is sensitive
to a certain shape in the input image.
Simple Morphological Operations
 Bridge – bridges unconnected pixels.
 Clean – removes isolated pixels.
 Fill – fills isolated interior pixels.
 Majority – sets a pixel 1 if five or more pixels in 3x3
neighborhood are 1’s.
 Remove – removes interior pixels by setting pixels to
zero if its 4 neighbors are 1, thus leaving only boundary
pixels on.
 Shrink – shrinks object to a point.
 Diagonal Fill – fills diagonal elements to eliminate 8
connectivity with background.
Morphological Operation
 It creates skeleton of an object, by removing pixels on
the boundaries but does not allow objects to break
 It is an extremely important operation in image
processing as it removes complexities from an image
without loosing details.
Erosion & Dilation
 These are the most fundamental of binary morphological
 In dilation if any pixel in the input pixel’s neighborhood is
on, the output pixel is on otherwise off.
 In actual dilation grows the area of the object. Small
holes in the object are removed.
 In erosion if every pixel in the input pixel’s neighborhood
is on the output pixel is on otherwise off
 This in actual works as shrinking the object’s area, thus
small isolated regions disappear.

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