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jDIP A Java framework for digital image processing

M. Thaler, c Zurcher Hochschule Winterthur, 22. Dezember 2007


jDIPis a simple framework written in Java to read, display and process digital images. In addition, it provides access to a frame grabber for reading images from a webCam based on JMF1 . Within the framework, images are represented as two-dimensional pixel arrays. The main purpose of the framework is to enable users to implement their own image processing algorithms without having to care about reading and displaying images. In contrast to MATLAB, there is no library available with a comprehensive set of image processing functions. The framework only supports basic image processing functionality, mainly to convert between different image types: RGB, GRAY and BINARY.


With jDIPthere is one important class: Img. Img handles everything concerning the image. Its main data structure is the two-dimensional pixel array pix[][], with the parameters width and hight describing the geometry of the image. A third parameter, colorMap, represents the color type of the image. colorMap is used by the display()-function to correctly display the image.


Pixel arrays

Image data is represented as a two-dimensional pixel array named pix[][], with width and height being the number of pixels in the x- respectively y-direction:

0, 0 height

j y i pix[i][j].c0 pix[i][j].c1 pix[i][j].c2

width x
A pixel itself consists of three data values or so called channels named c0, c1 and c2. The channels represent the components red, green and blue for color images, channel c0 represents gray-levels for gray-scale images or black&white information for binary images. jDIPassumes data for each channel to be in the range 0 x 255. Be aware, the data type of the channels is short which is a 16-Bit signed value2 . jDIPassumes that the user takes care to keep pixel data within the
1 2

Java Media Framework, Sun Java doesnt support unsigned data types

correct data range. The following table shows how the three image types and the corresponding pixel data are handled by jDIP: channel RGB red green blue 0 x 255 GRAY gray (intensity) ... ... 0 x 255 BINARY binary (black & white) ... ... x = 0, x 0

c0 c1 c2
data range

To use logical operators with binary images, the data values of channel c0 should be set to 0x0000 for black and to 0xFFFF for white3 . Both colors are dened as constants: Img.bB for black and Img.bW for white. The display function selects the image type to be displayed according to the parameter colorMap. In the case of gray-scale and binary images, the c1- and c2-components are set accordingly (the image is actually displayed as a color image). For binary images jDIPinterprets c0 = 0 as black and c0 0 as white.



When creating an Img-object, an image is either read from le or grabbed from a camera. In this case the size and color map of the image is automatically retrieved and set up accordingly. Alternatively the user can create an image and provide the size and color map by himself. The size of an image can be changed at any time (a new pixel array is allocated).

The class Img

The class Img handles everything concerning images. Access to pixel data is provided by the public array pix[][] (pix[][].c0, pix[][].c1, pix[][].c2) and the two public parameters width and height.



Three constructors are available to create an Img-object:

Creates a new Img-object without allocating a pixel array.

Img(int width, int height, int colorMap) Creates a new Img-object and allocates a pixel array of size width height. Pixels are set to black. Sets color map to colorMap. Supported color maps are Img.RGB, Img.GRAY and Img.BINARY. Img(ImgGrabber fG) Creates a new Img-object and connects it to the frame grabber fG. A frame is read to determine the parameters width and height. See section The class ImgGrabber for instantiating a
frame grabber.

With this denition, the negation of white is black and vice versa


Image I/O

Images can be read from and written to les. Reading overwrites the current image and sets the parameters width, height and colorMap according to the values obtained from the new image.

void read()
Displays an interactive dialog to read the input image le. The le type must be jpeg.

void read(String fileName)

Reads the input image le named fileName. The le type must be jpeg.

void write(String fileName, String type) Writes image data to le with name fileName, the parameter type must be set to jpeg. Existing les are overwritten.

void grabFrame()
Grabs one frame from the camera. A frame grabber must be associated with the current image.


Image display

Window positions in Java are dened by the pair of parameters {h,v} relative to the upper left corner (position {0,0}): h corresponds to the horizontal displacement, whereas v corresponds to the vertical displacement.

void display()
Displays the image in a new window, unless the image is set to single window display (see below). In this case subsequent calls to display() show the image in the same window.

void closeWindow()
Closes the display window.

void setWindowPosition(int h, int v) Set the position of the window to h, v. void setSingleWindowDisplay() Subsequent calls to display() will display the image in the same window. setSingleWindowDisplay(int h, int v) Subsequent calls to display() will display the image in the same window, the window is placed at position h,v.


Basic image processing functions

void rgb2gray()
Converts a color image to a gray-scale image, gray levels are stored in color channel r.

gray2bin(int threshold)
Converts a gray-scale image to a binary image based in the parameter threshold to determine white (> threshold) or black ( threshold. Black and white information is stored in color channel c0 and is 0 for black and 1 for white.

rgb2bin(int threshold)
Converts a color image directly to a black and white image based in the parameter threshold.

void copy(Img fromImg)

Makes a copy of image fromImage, including the parameters width, height, colorMap and the frame grabber (if dened). A call to display() will show the copied image in a new window.

void set(int width, int height, int colorMap) Sets the parameters width, height and colorMap according to the given values and allocates an empty image (all color channels set to zero, independent of the color map). int getColorMap()
Returns the color map of the current image. The color maps are numerical constants and are dened as follows: Img.RGB: color image, Img.GRAY: gray-scale image, Img.BINARY: black and white image. In addition the color map parameter may be set to undened Img.UNDEF (color map not yet dened) or Img.ZEROED (all color channels set to 0).

setColorMap(int colorMap)
Sets the color map of the current image to colorMap. colorMap must be a valid color map.



static void sleep(int sleepTime) Img.sleep() lets Img (current Thread) sleep for sleepTime milliseconds. static void waitAndExit() Img.waitAndExit() waits for CR (new line) and then terminates jDIP. static void waitAndContinue() Img.waitAndContinue() waits for CR (new line) and then contionues processing jDIP(e.g. for
user controlled frame grabbing, etc.).

The class ImgGrabber

The class ImgGrabber provides a frame grabber to access frames from a web camera. Only one image grabber can be instantiated.



Two constructors are available to create an ImgGrabber-object:

Creates an ImgGrabber-object and initializes the frame grabber.

ImgGrabber(String preview) Creates an ImgGrabber-object and initializes the frame grabber. If the parameter preview is set to the string preview, a preview window is displayed int the upper left of the screen
showing the camera input.

The class ImgTextDisplay

The class ImgTextDisplay displays a window where a line of text can be displayed.



ImgTextDisplay(int width, int height, int h, int v) A window at location {h,v} with size width and height is created.


Display text

void displayText(String text) Displays the string passed in text within the text window.


The following examples demonstrate the usage of jDIP, they do not (necessarily) implement useful applicactions.


Example 1

Creates an Img-object, asks for the name of an image le and displays the image.

public static void main(String[] args) { Img img = new Img(); img.setSingleWindowDisplay(100,100); while (true) { img.read(); img.display(); } }


Example 2

The le wave.jpg is read into image imgA and an empty image named imgB is created. The display windows are set up and positioned. Image imgA is then copied into imgB and tranformed into a gray-scale image. Every pixel in image imgA is set to {0, 255, 0} (green) if the corresponding pixel in image imgB has a intensity-value greater than 164. Finally both images are displayed.

public static void main(String[] args) { Img imgA = new Img("../i/wave.jpg"); Img imgB = new Img(); imgA.setSingleWindowDisplay(20,200); imgB.setSingleWindowDisplay(512,200); imgB.copy(imgA); imgB.rgb2gray(); for (int i = 0; i < imgB.height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < imgB.width; j++) { if (imgB.pix[i][j].c0 > 164) { imgA.pix[i][j].c0 = 0; imgA.pix[i][j].c1 = (short)255; imgA.pix[i][j].c2 = 0; } } } imgA.display(); imgB.display(); }


Example 3

This example demonstrates how images are grabbed from a camera into an image, transformed into an gray-scale image and then displayed in a separate window. Frames are taken twice a second.

public static void main(String[] args) { ImgTextDisplay iW = new ImgTextDisplay(400, 60, 512, 20); iW.displayText("Testing the frame grabber"); ImgGrabber iG = new ImgGrabber("preview"); Img img = new Img(iG); img.setSingleWindowDisplay(20,200); while (true) { img.rgb2gray(); img.display(); img.grabFrame(); img.sleep(500); } }

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