Introduction To The Opencv Library
Introduction To The Opencv Library
Introduction To The Opencv Library
a bitmap file header - which contains a signature field, the file size and the offset to
the pixel array;
DIB header - which stores various information such as image dimensions, bits per
color table (or look-up table) - for images with a color palette;
the pixel array - contains the actual image information stored in a linearized manner
and padded.
The following image illustrates the bitmap format for a 24bit color image. The image
height and width are denoted dwHeight and dwWidth respectively.
Your task is to create new functions and call them from the main function. You should
group your work according to laboratory sessions and give suggestive names to functions. All
code examples assume that you have included the cv namespace (using namespace cv),
otherwise prepend cv:: to all OpenCV classes and methods. A guideline for introducing
new functions is given in the following code snippet (gray text indicates what you need to
void negative_image(){
//implement function
int main(){
int op;
printf(" 7 - L1 Negative Image \n");
printf(" 0 - Exit\n\n");
printf("Option: ");
switch (op)
case 7:
while (op!=0);
return 0;
You should save your work from each session. The project can be cleaned with the
clean.bat executable which deletes all build outputs and reduces the project size considerably.
Alternatively, to save space, just backup the main cpp file since the project solutions should
not change.
Image Processing - Laboratory 1: Introduction to the OpenCV library 3
The simplest and cleanest way to create a Mat object called img is to use the 3
parameter constructor:
The last parameter encodes the type of data that is stored in the matrix. An example
type would be CV_8UC1, which it represents: 8 bit, unsigned char, single channel. In general
the first number after CV_ represents the number of bits required; the letter indicates the data
type; and Cx shows the number of channels.
Example 2 - create a color image of dimension with 720 rows and 1280 columns:
Mat img(720,1280,CV_8UC3);
Example 3 - create a 2x2 real matrix with values [1 2; 3 4], and print it:
float vals[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
Mat M(2,2,CV_32FC1,vals); //4 parameter constructor
std::cout << M << std::endl;
Notice, you can use the standard output stream with a Mat object.
For a detailed description of the Mat class, see the official documentation at:
4 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Computer Science Department
To open an image and to store it as a Mat object use the imread function:
The first parameter contains the relative or absolute path to the image file; the second
flag parameter can be:
CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED (-1) - load the image in the same format as it
was saved;
CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE (0) - load the image as a grayscale image;
loading converts it to 8UC1 (1 channel unsigned char) image and performs grayscale
conversion if required;
CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR (1) - load the image and convert it to a 8UC3 (3
channel unsigned char) image; it copies the grayscale channel to all color channels if
Example 1 - open an image in the current folder in the format it was saved:
Mat img = imread("cameraman.bmp", -1);
j, x, width, cols
To access the data from a grayscale image at row i and column j use the at method:
unsigned char pixel =<unsigned char>(i,j);
Image Processing - Laboratory 1: Introduction to the OpenCV library 5
Notice that you need to provide the data type which is stored in the matrix (unsigned
For faster access, we can use the data pointer and the step field directly:
unsigned char pixel =[i*img.step[0] + j];
All data is stored in a linearized manner, row after row and from left to right, starting
from the data pointer. Padding may be introduced so avoid accessing via i*img.cols+j
because it might give wrong results for padded images.
You can also use a pointer to the data from the i-th row:
unsigned char pixel = img.ptr(i)[j];
To access the 3 component color at row i and column j from a color image, use the
proper type:
Vec3b pixel =< Vec3b>(i,j);
unsigned char B = pixel[0];
unsigned char G = pixel[1];
unsigned char R = pixel[2];
The code can be simplified by using the Mat_<T> templated subclass of the Mat
class, which enables omitting the type for access operations. At the creation of a Mat_<T>
object you must provide the underlying type that is stored in the matrix.
Here we have also used the type definition uchar which stands for unsigned
char. Accessing a value from a certain position permits both reading and writing operations.
To view a loaded image use the imshow function followed by a waitKey call:
imshow("image", img);
This shows the image in a new window titled image and waits for the user to input a
key indefinitely. The waitKey function has only one parameter: how long it waits for a user
input (measured in milliseconds). Zero means to wait forever.
Always follow each imshow operation with a waitKey command. Image windows
can be moved and resized, which is desirable if you want to illustrate input and output side by
side in the same configuration many times.
6 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Computer Science Department
imwrite("fname", img);
The file name contains the path, the name and the extension, which determines the
format of the image. You can save in multiple formats such as: bmp, jpg, png.
void negative_image(){
Mat img = imread("Images/cameraman.bmp",
for(int i=0; i<img.rows; i++){
for(int j=0; j<img.cols; j++){<uchar>(i,j) = 255 -<uchar>(i,j);
imshow("negative image",img);
The image file must reside in the Images folder next to the project solution file.
1.11. References