Frazier Resume
Frazier Resume
Frazier Resume
Flint, MI 48532
(810) 931-1853
Sarah Frazier
Educati on
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Maj or: History Mi nor: Geography
Major GPA: 3.7/4.0 Deans List: Five Semesters
Study Abroad: World War II: Memory and Memorials
Certi fi cati on
Secondary Social Studies (6-12), RX (Highly Qualified in History, Political Science, Geography, Civics, Government,
Economics), Adult and Child First Aid/CPR
Teachi ng Experi ence
At -Ri sk Int ervent i oni st
Carman-Ainsworth High School (CAHS) [Flint, Michigan] Jan. 2014- present
! Provided learning support for At-Risk students individually, in small groups and in classroom settings
! Collected data on student involvement in CAHS student intervention program to report for state funding
! Supervised and tutored groups of students in English and Social Studies course work at daily after-school
tutoring program
Ful l -Year Suburban I nt ernshi p
Hayes Middle School [Grand Ledge, Michigan] Aug. 2011-May 2012
! Taught seventh grade World History based upon State of Michigan standards using backwards planning
! Developed and refined personal classroom management policies and strategies centered around Love and Logic,
positive reinforcement, and mutual respect in the classroom
! Accommodated and administered tests verbally for students with special needs
! Administered ACT EXPLORE test to seventh grade students
! Assisted with advising Student Government club
Rural Fi el d Experi ence
St. Johns High School [St. Johns, Michigan] Sept. 2010-Apr. 2011
! Observed and tutored in two United States and World History classrooms
! Developed skills in teaching strategies, lesson planning, and classroom management through creating and
delivering differentiated classroom lessons and individual activities
! Co-conducted research project based upon teacher-student relationships within the classroom
Urban Fi el d Experi ence
Gardner Middle School [Lansing, Michigan] Jan.-May 2010
! Observed sixth grade special education English Language Arts class
! Tutored students in one-on-one and small group settings
! Led classroom activities, administered tests, and engaged students in content to develop reading strategies and
foster comprehension
Urban Fi el d Experi ence
Bingham Elementary [Lansing, Michigan] Jan.-May 2009
! Customized activities for At-Risk elementary students in after-school literacy program focused on improving
vocabulary, reading comprehension and spelling skills
! Facilitated after-school mathematics program for At-Risk students grades 4-6
Teachi ng-Rel ated Experi ence
Professi onal Educat i on Servi ces Group, LLC
Substitute Teacher and Homebound Student Tutor 2011-present
! Enacted teacher lesson plans as a substitute teacher
! Tutored home-bound student in math, science, social studies, English and health course work
1319 Hickory Hollow Dr
Flint, MI 48532
(810) 931-1853
Sarah Frazier
Back 2 Back Mi ni st ri es
Short-term Missions Volunteer 2012
! Served as mentor to high school students grades 9-12
! Cared for orphans ages 4-15 and built fences around orphanages during one-week mission trip to Mazatlan,
Ri vervi ew Church
Lead Teacher and Mentor 2010-2012
! Taught, mentored, and managed kids grades 4-6 on a weekly basis
German Camp for Ki ds
Volunteer 2011
! Facilitated German language-based field day activities
! Supervised lunch period for groups of 10-15 elementary-aged students
Campus Crusade for Chri st
Bible Study Leader 2010
! Organized and taught weekly Bible study lessons to groups of 10-15 college-aged women
! Prepared individual Bible study lessons and mentored two college-aged women on a weekly basis
Mi chi gan St at e Uni versi t y St udent Li t eracy Corps
At-Risk Student Tutor 2008
! Tutored At-Risk elementary students in reading comprehension
! Crafted comprehension strategies tailored to individual student needs including active reading skills, reading
strategies, and improvement in vocabulary
Carman-Ai nswort h Qual i t y Educat i on Commi t t ee
Student Representative 2005-2007
! Attended and reported on bi-weekly meetings focused upon the quality of curriculum within Carman-
Ainsworth Community Schools
! Observed and voted on proposed curriculum improvements
Professi onal Devel opment
Marzano Research Laborat ory 2012
! Attended county-wide workshop focused upon incorporating Marzano teaching strategies in the classroom
Mi chi gan Counci l for t he Soci al St udi es Conference 2012
! Attended workshops specific to increasing student engagement through approaching history from different
perspectives, teaching through mock trials, and using artifacts to teach history lessons
Other Experi ence
Whart on Cent er for Performi ng Art s
Usher 2009-2012
! Assisted patrons by providing directions, ticket-taking and ushering
! Enforced Wharton Center policies
! Attended a wide variety of performances: Broadway musicals, concerts, plays, lectures, ballets, and 4H
Carrie Wheeler Suzanne Bobalik Erik Skogsberg
Internship Mentor Teacher Assistant Principal Internship Field Instructor
Hayes Middle School Carman-Ainsworth High School Michigan State University
[c] (517) 980-9082 (810) 591-3240 [c] (253) 370-5575