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CIM Lecture Notes 4

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IE 447 CIM Lecture Notes Chapter 4: CAD/CAM Systems - 38


4.1 CAD/CAM Overview

In the past fifteen years the interactive computer graphics and CAD/CAM technology
have been impacting the drafting, design, and manufacturing tools significantly. The purpose
of this chapter is to present CAD/CAM principles and tools in generic and basic terms. These
principles are supplemented with engineering and design applications as well as problems.
The chapter is also concerned with developing basic abilities to utilise the existing
CAD/CAM systems in engineering practice.

Figure 4.1: The structure of CAD/CAM

Conceptual design
Mathematical analysis
Geometric data
Process design
Process planning (CNC
Tool selection
Facilities management
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4.1.1 CAD/CAM contents and tools

In engineering practice, CAD/CAM has been utilised in different ways by different people.
Some of the applications of this technology are:

production of drawings and design documents;
visualisation tool for generating shaded images and animated displays;
engineering analysis of the geometric models (finite element analysis, kinematic
analysis, etc.);
process planning and generation of NC part programmes.

The CAD process is a subset of the design process. Similarly, the CAM process is a
subset of the manufacturing process. The implementation of the CAD process on current
systems takes the generic flow presented in Fig. 4.2. Once a conceptual design materialises in
the designers mind, the definition of a geometric model starts via the user interface provided
by the relevant CAD system. The choice of a geometric model to CAD is analogous to the
choice of mathematical model to engineering analysis. For example, FEA might require a
different model than kinematic analysis.

A valid geometrical model is created by the CAD system through its definition translator
which converts the designer input into the proper database format. In order to apply
engineering analysis to the geometric model, interface algorithms are provided by the system
to extract the required data from the model database to perform the analysis.

In the case of FEA, these algorithms form the FEM package of the system. Design testing and
evaluation may require changing the geometric model before finalising it. When the final
design is achieved the drafting and detailing of the models starts, followed by documentation
and production of final drawings.

The core of the CAD tools are geometric modelling and graphics applications. Aids such as
colour, grids, geometric modifiers, and group facilitate structuring geometric models.
Manipulations include transformation of the model in space so it can be viewed properly.
Visualisation is achieved via shaded images and animation procedures which help design
conceptualisation, communication, and interference detections in some cases. Tools for design
modelling and simulation are well diversified and are closely related to the available analysis
packages. Some FEM packages provide some form of shape and structural optimisation.
Adding tolerances, performing tolerance analysis, generating a bill of materials, and
investigating the effect of manufacturing on the design by utilising NC packages are also
valuable tools that are available to designers.

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Figure 4.2: Implementation of typical CAD process in a CAD/CAM system

The implementation of the CAM process on CAD/CAM systems is shown in Fig. 4.3. The
geometric model developed during the CAD process forms the basis of the CAM activities.
Various CAM activities may require various CAD information. Interface algorithms are
usually utilised to extract such information from CAD databases. In case of process planning,
features that are utilised in manufacturing (e.g., holes, slots, etc.) must be recognised to enable
efficient planning of manufacturing. NC programmes, along with ordering tools and fixtures,
result from process planning. Once parts are produced, CAD software can be used to inspect
them. This is achieved by superposing an image of the real part with a master image stored in
its model database. After passing inspection, CAM software can be utilised to instruct robot
systems to assemble the parts to produce the final product.

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Figure 4.3: Implementation of a typical CAM process on a CAD/CAM system

4.2 Definition of CAD/CAM tools

Employing their constituents, CAD tools can be defined as the intersection of three sets:
geometric modelling, computer graphics, and the design tools (Fig. 4.4). As can be perceived
from this figure, the abstracted concepts of geometric modelling and computer graphics must
be applied innovatively to serve the design process. Based on implementation in a design
environment, CAD tools can be defined as the design tools (analysis codes, heuristic
procedures, design practices, etc.) being augmented by computer hardware and software
throughout its various phases to achieve the design goal efficiently and competitively. The
level of augmentation determines the design capabilities of the various CAD/CAM systems
and the effectiveness of the CAD tools they provide. Designer will always require tools that
provide them with fast and reliable solutions to design situations that involve iterations and
testing of more than one alternative. CAD tools can vary from geometric tools, such as
manipulations of graphics entities and interference checking, on one extreme, to customised
applications programmes, such as developing analysis and optimisation routines, on the other
extreme. In between these two extremes, typical tools currently available include tolerance
analysis, mass property calculations, and finite element modelling and analysis.

IE 447 CIM Lecture Notes Chapter 4: CAD/CAM Systems - 42
Similar to the definition of CAD tools, CAM tools can be defined as the intersection of three
sets: CAD tools, networking concepts, and the manufacturing tools (Fig. 4.4). This definition
enforces the link between CAD and CAM as well as database centralisation. There are two
main factors that determine the success of this implementation.

The link between CAD and CAM must be a two-way route. CAD databases must reflect
manufacturing requirements such as tolerances and features. Designers must think in term
of CAM requirements when finalising their designs. On the other hand, CAD databases
and their limitations must be conveyed to manufacturing engineers who plan to utilise
them in process planning and other manufacturing functions. It should be pointed out that
not all manufacturing processes are, or need to be, computer driven.

Figure 4.4: Main constituents of CAD tools

The hardware and software networking of the various CAM elements to automate the
manufacturing process. The factory of the future and its levels of automation are directly
related to the soundness of the networking concepts. Timely synchronisation among
robots, vision systems, manufacturing cells, material handling systems, and other shop-
floor tasks is one of the most challenging networking problems that face the
implementation of CAM.

4.3 CAD/CAM hardware

The majority of todays CAD/CAM systems utilises open hardware architecture and standard
operating systems. Open hardware architecture implies that CAD/CAM vendors no longer
design and manufacture their own hardware platforms. Instead the CAD/CAM industry relies
upon the giant general-purpose computer companies and smaller firms that specialise in
engineering workstations. Thus users can network the CAD/CAM systems to other computer
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systems as well as hardwire them to various manufacturing cells and facilities. They can also
run third party software to augment the analysis capabilities typically provided by CAD/CAM
vendors. With the advancements in the computer technology, current CAD/CAM systems are
based on the workstation concept. Such a concept provides both single-user and timesharing

CAD/CAM systems based on the workstation concept represent a distinct philosophy or trend
in hardware technology which is based on a distributed (stand-alone) but networked (linked)
environment. Workstations can be linked together as well as to mainframes dedicated to
numerical computations. Other processors may exist in the network to control other types of
hardware such as file and print servers. These distributed systems are able to perform major
graphics functions locally at the workstations, and operations that require more power are
send to the mainframe. The communication between devices in this distributed design and
manufacturing environment becomes an important part of the system configuration and design.
The dynamics and rapid changes in the hardware technology have created an absorption
problem at the users part. There are always various types and configurations of CAD/CAM
systems to choose from. To choose and implement a system requires the development of a set
of guidelines that must address both hardware and software requirements. A key factor in a
system evaluation is the capabilities and integration of its software which influence the
productivity rate directly.

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