Course Description: In this course we will study matter and the changes it can undergo, which is chemistry! We will use different investigative techniques to study the properties of matter and how it can change. We will also explore some micro chemistry and elemental interactions. Labs: This is a very lab intensive course. To effectively study chemistry we will recreate many of the interactions that we study. Labs are a major portion of the grade and must be submitted in a particular format, which we will review in class. Examples will be available on the class page on my website. Grading Criteria: Grading will be based on the following types of assessments. % of Grade Assessment Type and Description 40% Tests/Projects 10% Quizzes 40% Labs 10% Homework, In-Class Activities
Homework: Homework will be posted on RenWeb and on the classroom white board, in addition to being announced in class daily. Homework will be checked and graded for both completion and accuracy.
Bonus Assignments: A weekly bonus assignment will be posted to the class website. This may be completed to replace one low homework grade a week. There will be no penalty if the assignment is not completed.
Cheating and/or Plagiarism: Cheating and Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Per school policy, the first incidence of cheating will result in an automatic grade of zero on the assignment/project/test. In addition, any communication (either verbal or non-verbal) during an individual assessment constitutes cheating and will result in an immediate zero. Any further incidences of cheating will result in immediate suspension from school.
Make-Up Work/Late Work: Make-Up Work: Per school policy, students who are absent will have one school day for every day out of school to make up work. Late Work: Per school policy, work turned in one day late will receive a maximum grade of an 80%. Work turned in two days late or more will receive a maximum grade of a 50%. Students have three (3) school days from the due date of an assignment to turn it in for credit. After three days it will become a permanent zero.
Extra Credit Policy: Per school policy, extra credit assignments may be offered at the teachers discretion.
Class Participation: Class participation is defined as the active engagement of the student at all times throughout the lesson. Active engagement involves paying attention to teacher directed instruction, sharing thoughtful ideas, listening respectfully to classmates as they share ideas, working constructively within the classroom, as well as other means. Students are expected to be present and active within all classroom activities every day. Classroom Rules & Expectations: 1. Students will come to class prepared with all materials and in dress code. 2. Homework will be turned in upon entering. 3. Be respectful to the teacher and one another. 4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
Anticipated Course Sequencing: Please note: These are subject to change as necessary at the teachers discretion.
First Track Introduction to Chemistry Matter Scientific Measurement Atomic Structure Electrons Second Track Periodic Table Bonding Chemical Names and Formulas Chemical Quantities Third Track Chemical Reactions Stoichiometry States of Matter and Gasses Water and Solutions Thermo Chemistry and reaction rates Fourth Quarter Acids, Bases, and Salts Oxidation-Redox Reactions The Chemistry of life Nuclear Chemistry