The letter is regarding errors in two electricity bills numbered 939857181674 and 939852721398. In bill 939852721398, the meter readings from April 24th and May 31st are incorrectly listed as the same, and 180 KWH that was already paid for have been charged again. Additionally, an advance payment made has not been updated. The customer requests the errors be rectified in the next bill and any duplicate charges be adjusted.
The letter is regarding errors in two electricity bills numbered 939857181674 and 939852721398. In bill 939852721398, the meter readings from April 24th and May 31st are incorrectly listed as the same, and 180 KWH that was already paid for have been charged again. Additionally, an advance payment made has not been updated. The customer requests the errors be rectified in the next bill and any duplicate charges be adjusted.
The letter is regarding errors in two electricity bills numbered 939857181674 and 939852721398. In bill 939852721398, the meter readings from April 24th and May 31st are incorrectly listed as the same, and 180 KWH that was already paid for have been charged again. Additionally, an advance payment made has not been updated. The customer requests the errors be rectified in the next bill and any duplicate charges be adjusted.
The letter is regarding errors in two electricity bills numbered 939857181674 and 939852721398. In bill 939852721398, the meter readings from April 24th and May 31st are incorrectly listed as the same, and 180 KWH that was already paid for have been charged again. Additionally, an advance payment made has not been updated. The customer requests the errors be rectified in the next bill and any duplicate charges be adjusted.
Sub: Electricity Bill no. 939857181674 and 939852721398 With this letter I would like to draw your kind attention towards the error in the bill no. 939852721398 and 939857181674. In bill no. 939852721398 the meter reading as on 24 th April 2014 as well as on 31 st May 2014 has been mentioned as 43676. I have paid Rs. 1610 through your portal on 1 st June 2014 as per demand of Rs. 1095. In bill no. 939852721398 the above billed units have not been updated and I have been charged again for the 180 KWH that I have already paid. Moreover the advance amount paid by me has also not been updated in this bill. I request you kindly get the same rectified in my next bill, and adjust the charges that I have been made to pay twice due to the errors. Hoping for an early response from you.
Yours Faithfully
Manju Dwivedi SF-131Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad 9818600228 \\Encl: Copy of Bill nos. 939857181674 and 939852721398