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Turn 7 Guide: Boss Moves

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Turn 7 Guide

Boss Moves:
Generic cleaves - Frontal cone AoE with no indicator called Tail Whip. Circle AoE with
indicator called Circle Blades. 1~! da"a#e.
Fire$alls - %o na"e that &'ve noticed. Fire$alls co"e out periodicall(. Be)ore *+, the('re
usuall( a)ter shrie! #oes o)). A)ter *+,- the('re usuall( $e)ore shrie!. Boss shoots )ire$alls to
separate tar#ets that do AoE da"a#e. Will prioriti.e ran#ed /01 )irst- and is $ased upon
distance )ro" 2elusine.
Cursed 3oice - Tar#ets 1 tan!- 1 healer- and 1 /01. All #et a voice that )ree.es an(thin# in )ront
o) (ou in a cone. 4se this to )ree.e 5enaud's and not (our )riends. &) an( sna!e t(pe dudes #et
hit with voice the( #et a per"anent da"a#e increase which "a!es the )i#ht "uch harder to
Cursed 1hrie! - Tar#ets 1 non-tan!. Cursed part( "e"$er shrie!s out and petri)ies an(thin#
%6T $ein# $loc! $( line-o)-si#ht 78o19 )ro" a petri)ied 5enaud. Will also #ive $oss a da"a#e
$u)) stac! i) $oss isn't 8o1'd.
0etri)action - This is cast $( the :rd add and a)ter the add is dead- it is cast $( the $oss. Free.es
an(one loo!in# at the caster. 2edusa stu)).
3eno"ous Tail - ;urts a lot and does poison stu)). /idn't see this enou#h to !now "uch e<cept
cleanse it A1A0.
5enaud - Bi# slow #ole". 5e#ular a##ro until so"eone hits hi"- then he will $e stuc! on that
tar#et )or li)e. 0etri)( these 5enauds with cursed voice 7Generall( ;ealers9 and 8o1 7line o)
si#ht9 shrie!s with hi" later in the )i#ht. Each petri)( lasts :+ seconds and he has a =+ second
slow de$u)) when spawnin#. ;E &1 A 2A/ 26'F6 when his slow de$u)) is #one so "a!e sure
(ou !ill hi" when (ou #et a new 5enaud to )ree.e.
2elee 1na!es 71st set9 - Frontal cleave 7no indicator9- AoE cleave 7with indicator9- and hu#e
da"a#e. 1pawn 1 at a ti"e ever( :+ seconds upon 0hase startin#. /01 should $e #ood
enou#h to ensure that aren't up si"ultaneousl(.
5an#ed 1na!es 7nd set9 - 1in#le tar#et da"a#e and an indicator where AoE da"a#e will co"e
down. >ust have to heal throu#h these and !ill A1A0. All ? spawn si"ultaneousl(.
Caster 1na!e 7:rd and last sna!e add9 - Bi# da"a#e on 6T and casts 0etri)action. 8oo! awa(
when 0etri)action co"es. 2ain $oss will cast petri)action when this sna!e is downed. Can 8B
this thin# or 8B $oss- doesn't reall( "atter that "uch. 2a!e sure part( is positioned so (ou can
use Cursed 3oice on the 5enaud without hittin# the Caster sna!e or "ain $oss.
PHASE 1: 0hase 1 consists o) 2elusine and 5enauds that spawn. Either a B5/ or 12% is #enerall(
used )or !itin# 5enauds throu#hout the entire )i#ht. Because o) this- their /01 "a( $e lower- so that's
understanda$le 712% however can use /oTs and retain a #enerall( hi#her /01 "ost o) the ti"e9. The
Boss "oves used on this phase is Cursed 3oice- Circle o) Blades- Fire$alls- and Frontal AoE's used at
all ti"es. /01 nor"all( until @+,- to clear to the ne<t phase. As a note- /01 #enerall( hold cooldowns
here to not over-/01 2elusine so we still have a 3oice to petri)( the 5enauds. Clearin# this phase
resets 2elusine's rotation- and thus can s!ip a voice and lead to a raid wipe when 5enauds #et loose.
PHASE 2: 0hase starts with a ti"er o) : adds spawnin# at #iven positions on the "ap. 0ositions
#iven towards the end o) 0hase description. This phase #ives 2elusine the Cursed 1hrie! a$ilit(-
which reAuires a "e"$er whoever is shrie!ed- to have 1+ seconds to run $ehind a petri)ied 5enaud and
')ire' a raid-wide voice. The petri)ied 5enaud will act as a shield- $ut onl( i) outside o) the 5enaud's
hit$o<. 1hrie! #enerall( co"es on ever( other voice )ro" 2elusine. As )or the adds- these need to $e
/01'd i""ediatel(. Cooldowns are #enerall( used here to ensure the('re dead as soon as possi$le.
6))tan! 7or )or 1-tan!9 needs to #ra$ these adds as soon as the( spawn so the( don't co"e a)ter the
healers. Adds use Circle o) Blades. Beware when dod#in# Circle o) Blades- that (ou can $e hit with
)ire$all i) )ar enou#h )ro" 2elusine. ;ealers on this phase need to avoid pullin# a##ro to not $e
tar#eted i""ediatel( )ro" adds. 6nce the adds are downed- 2elusine continues rotation until =+,.
Generall( $est to hold 2elusine until the last 3oiceB1hrie! #oes o)) $e)ore ne<t phase. Add positions
are as )ollows )ro" the view o) loo!in# strai#ht at 2elusine upon enterin# T7: 1 o'cloc!- @ o'cloc!- ?
o'cloc! )or each add in order- respectivel(. The( #enerall( spawn ever( :+ seconds- so /01 "ust down
the" as soon as possi$le.
PHASE 3: 0hase : $e#ins at =+,. This phase pops ? adds at the $e#innin# that are all 8a"ia archers.
The('re placed s(""etricall( around the roo". Alon# with the adds- parts o) the raid will $e $loc!ed
o)) $( a noti)ication on the )loor 7purple #ooe( stu))9. This #ooe( stu)) deals a$out :++ da"a#e per tic-
and upon a certain ti"e 74n!nown ti"e as o) the "o"ent- Cust sta( out9- the area will e<plode- !illin#
an(one who re"ains in the area. Dill all ? archers- and retain /01 on 2elusine until :*,. Generall(
help)ul to hold /01 until a shrie! is released- so a :7, hold is advisa$le. At :*,- the 8a"ia
0rosecutor spawns and needs to $e pic!ed up i""ediatel( as it deals heav( da"a#e. This add does an
a$ilit( called 0etri)action- and "ust $e turned awa( )ro" the 8a"ia 0rosecutor upon use. &) loo!in# at
the add- (ou $eco"e petri)ied Cust li!e cursed voiceBshrie!. Tan!s #enerall( need to consider
cooldowns )or this add as it hits ver( hard. ;ealers need to consider $u))s li!e AdloB11 on the 6T7or 1-
tan!9 to ensure surviva$ilit(. 6nce this add is dead- the )inal phase $e#ins.
PHASE 4: 0hase ? is the $e#innin# o) the )inal phase. This happens once the 8a"ia 0rosecutor 7Caster
8a"ia9 is dead. 4pon death- 2elusine resets her rotation and #ains the 8a"ia 0rosecutor's a$ilit(
0etri)action. Because o) this- it is crucial that ever(one now loo!s awa( )ro" 2elusine when the a$ilit(
is used- alon# with usin# 3oiceB1hrie! "echanics. 2elusine also #ains 3eno"ous Tail- which needs to
$e called out and Esuna'dB8eeched i""ediatel(. 6n this phase- Cust watch )or 0etri)action- deal with
3eno"ous Tail- and /01 2elusine down. This is the $rea!throu#h period o) the )i#ht- and as lon# as
5enauds are dealt with- should $e a strai#ht /01 race towards the !ill. Deep cal" durin# this phase-
and this should $e the end.
An(one with petri)action will die in 1 hit o) an( t(pe o) da"a#e so i) (ou are tr(in# to save a
run- $e sure (ou're not standin# ne<t to a petri)ied part( "e"$erE
5e#ardin# B5/ vs. 12% 5enaud !itin# - 1u""oner's heav( 72ias"a9 stac!s with 5enaud's
initial slow "a!in# it $asicall( a $ind. 1u""oner's !itin# the 5enaud's "a( help the #roup's
/01 )or this reason usin# /oTs.
?-stac! "ethod is a #reat strate#( i) a$le to $e i"ple"ented. As lon# as the 5enauds are
chec!ed to $e petri)ied throu#hout the )i#ht- there are onl( a "a<i"u" o) ? 5enauds that can $e
in the $attle)ield. There)ore once the('re set- as lon# as the('re petri)ied- this part o) the )i#ht is
not to $e concerned with. Deep chec!in# the"- and i) one is a$out to $e unpetri)ied- !ill it o)) to
not wipe the raid. Diter "ust alwa(s $e read( to #ra$ the ne<t 5enaud i) one is !illed.
Deep in "ind that as each phase starts- ever(thin# )ro" the previous phase sta(s in place-
e<cept )or the adds. 6nce the adds are dead- the('re done 7e<cept 5enauds- these spawn
throu#hout the entire raid9.
A)ter all this is understood and with enou#h practice- the run should $e a successE Con#rats on (our
#ear and proceed to T@ 71co$ T:9. This )i#ht is considered a di))icult $ric!wall in the 1C6B turns.
6nce this is $ro!en- it's ti"e to #et those /01 chec!s read(.
C"ed#$ #iven to the A%"#d&ed T'"( ) G'#de )ro" 5eddit )or the in)o and la(out )or this #uide. 0hases
written $( A!ira Di"ura. &) there an( su##estions towards this #uide- please send "essa#e &G.
F'$'"e #*+,e*e($a$#o(s:
Each role's dut(
Diter "ethods

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