Back To School Newsletter
Back To School Newsletter
Back To School Newsletter
Grammar skills/Fix up
/Review conventions
& grammar
Number sense and
numeration: Place
subtraction! problem
F#$%&' Respect &
Gr) *' +he $hurch
Proclaims the Goo" ,ews
Gr) -' +he $hurch .an"s
#ut +he Goo" ,ews
Gr) *' .abitats an"
Gr) -' .uman #rgan
Visual /rts
0lements o1 "esign/
3ail( Ph(sical
4$ooperative games
,ee" +o 5now6
.omework is always assigne"
on on"a( an" "ue Fri"a()
.omework is not expecte" to
be complete" on weeken"s7
however! rea"ing is alwa(s
encourage"8 .omework will
not begin the 9rst week o1
school) ore in1ormation about
homework will be "iscusse" in
class with (our chil" an" then
share" at Meet the Teacher
night hel" on Se#tember $%
&rom ':(%)*:%%.
+lass ,ebsite -
Student .logs
$heck the class website ever(
"a( 1or important in1ormation!
stu"ent blogs! homework! an"
to see what we:re up to8 0ach
stu"ent will have a blog o1 their
own (coming soon) that will be
connecte" to the class site
where the( will complete
homework or in class work)
.omework will be share" on
the website an" in agen"as on
a nightl( basis) ;1 (ou "o not
have access to a computer at
home! please let me know on
the attache" sheets an" ; will
make arrangements 1or that)
2on3t &orget
to chec! out
our ebsite"
+his can be accesse"
1rom +3 cGee <ebsite
as well) =ust click on m(
name8 ($oming soon)
; will communicate classroom news through htt#:// which is our class <ebsite) ; will post the
monthl( classroom newsletter! which the stu"ents will take part in creating as part o1 their learning) ;1 (ou woul" like to contact me with
>uestions or concerns! please contact me at school via telephone at (?@A) B*CDEE-@! or please write a note in (our son/"aughter: agen"a
an" ; will reach (ou /&/P) 4/G0,3/& are checke" ever( morning8 Please make sure that (our chil" brings it to school) +o keep the agen"a
sa1e an" clean! (ou ma( want to put it in a Fiploc bag or mailbag o1 some sort)
Focus #n &eptember6
Parent Su##ort/5olunteering
; look 1orwar" to working with (ou towar" the goal o1 provi"ing the
best e"ucational experience 1or (our chil") /t home! one goo" wa(
to review the "a(:s lessons is to ask (our chil" to tell (ou about
what he or she "i" in class an" review that) aking sure (our chil"
has complete" nightl( homework is also important) 0ncouraging
nightl( rea"ing is highl( recommen"e" as well) #nce we get settle"
into our routines at school! parent volunteers are alwa(s happil(
welcome") /t Meet 6he 6eacher night! there will be a sign up
sheet where (ou can in1orm me on how an" when (ou:" like to help
<e will have a morning meeting ever( "a( to gather our
thoughts 1or the "a( an" share stories)
<e have classroom Gobs that rotate ever( week8
<e will be using a ticket/rewar" s(stem to praise great
behaviour an" work ethic8 +his will give them class
2ittterDless lunches are alwa(s encourage" to re"uce
<elcome8 ( name is iss azzarello an" ; will
be (our chil":s classroom teacher this (ear8 ; am
so thrille" to be
at +homas 3arc( cGee this (ear8 ; can:t wait to
get to
know (ou all better throughout the course o1 the
(ear) /s (ou ma( know! this is m( 9rst (ear at
this school an" ; 1eel ver( blesse" to be part o1
such a won"er1ul communit( o1 people) 2earn
more about me on the class website8 Please
remember that communication is ke(! so please
"o not
ever hesitate to contact me)
+his (ear! ; will be teaching Gra"e */- 2anguage
/rts! ath an" Religion in the morning7 an"
&cience an" /rts in the a1ternoon to the
exten"e" stu"ents)
Please 7ll out and return the attached
&orms by this 8riday so 9 can learn more
about each student"
6han! you
<elcome to iss
azzarello:s Fours & Fives