September Newsletter
September Newsletter
September Newsletter
Monthly Newsletter
Dear Families,
Welcome to Kindergarten! We are looking forward to an
exciting year! The entire month of September will be an
adjustment period for all of us, as we become familiar with the
many rules and routines in our classrooms and throughout the
school. We will spend the first four weeks learning how to
learn, building confidence and fostering independence. An
orderly environment and well-established expectations will
enable your child to be open to optimal learning. We will be
assessing your child in order to provide your child with
instruction that will meet his/her individual learning needs. We
are looking forward to working together with you to provide a
successful and enjoyable year for your child. Our program is
driven by our the children's interests, which is driven by
provocation through teachers and parents. Our schedule
includes: Gathering time, Exploration Centers, Lunch, Read
alouds, Physical education, Library, Math and many more
exciting areas to learn.
S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 4
Communi cati on Bags:
Please make sure that your child
brings the communication bag back
and forth daily. Currently, we are
using zip lock bags, which have
been provided for you. We highly
recommend purchasing from the
Dollar store a "Bankers Bag" from
Dollarama. These are canvas bags
with a zipper on the top. They will
last the whole year if you choose to
purchase one.
I ndoor Shoes:
We will be spending a lot of time
outdoors playing and exploring. We
do you require each child to have a
pair of indoor shoes to change into
through out the day. Please make
sure that your child can
independently put their shoes on
and off. We will be around to assist
however, the less time we spend
fussing with shoes the more learning
time we have :)
Important Dates:
Name Bags:
For the first part of school we will be exploring our
names. In a ziplock bag please place the letters of
your childs name. We recommend using magnetic
letters, durable foam letters, or wooden letters, for
some examples. Place the letters in a ziplock bag and
send them in. We will be performing a number of
activities with these. Jk students will just need letters
for their first name, Sk will need both first and last
Ear buds:
For hygienic reasons we do require a pair of earbuds
for each student. These will be used on the iPads in
the classroom, listening center and
computers. Instead of sharing the headphones/ear
buds, I highly recommend having a pair of their own,
labeled with their name, in a
Wednesday, September 17
Meet the teacher night
Friday, September 19
PA Day
Wednesday, September 24
- Parent
Council 7pm
Monday, September 29
- Terry Fox Run
Happy Birthday To You!
It has been a tradition of many classes to
celebrate a childs birthday with cakes,
cupcakes or candy. In our classroom we
are establishing new traditions for
celebrating birthdays.
To add a special meaning to your childs
birthday (and eliminate endless amounts
of sugar) here is an idea to consider. Let
your child treat our class to a Birthday
Book for our library center. The book
should be one that your child would like
to share with the class. Your child brings
the boo on his or her birthday, wrapped in
birthday paper. Then he or she unwraps
the gift in front of everyone.
The book then becomes a permanent part
of the classroom. Your childs picture can
be placed on the book plate in the front of
the book with a special note from
their family.
Since families are so important please
send in a family picture !
Our Classroom Inquiry
(interest) is INSECTS!!!
Any items that may
enhance our learning please
send in !