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PUBLIC RELATIONS : Multiple Choice Questions

!" #ho is the $%ther o$ PR&
(% Bern%r' B" (( )eor*e B" (cE'+%r' B" (' #illi%, B"
-" #h%t 'oes % custo,er +%nt&
(% )oo' (r%n' n%,e (( .%lue $or ,one/ (c 0i*h
%'1ertisin* (' 0i*h suppl/
2" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* is not % $unction in PR&
(% Pre-rel%tions (( Counselin* (c Lo((/in* (' Buil'in*
(r%n' i,%*e
3" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* is the 4rst st%*e o$ PR process&
(% Str%te*ic Pl%nnin* (( Rese%rch (c Tr%c5in* ('
Pu(lic L%unch
6" #hich (r%n' uses 7%ce(oo5 co1er photo $or so,ethin* ne+&
(% Pi88% 0ut (( 9o,ino:s (c Nesc%$e (' Mc9on%l':s
;" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* uses Co,,unit/ Rel%tions %s % PR
(% Pi88% 0ut (( 9o,ino:s (c Nesc%$e (' Mc9on%l':s
<" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* is %n %'1%nt%*e o$ PR&
(% 9e$en'in* % pro'uct (( M%int%inin* Rel%tions (c
M%n%*in* Pu(lic
=" #hen +%s the .ir*in 7est or*%ni8e'&
(% ->>< (( !??< (c ->>; (' ->!!
?" #here the .ir*in 7est +%s or*%ni8e'&
(% B%lti,ore (( Ne+ @or5 (c Lon'on (' C%peto+n
!>" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* use' cro+'sourcin* %s its PR
(% Pi88% 0ut (( 9o,ino:s (c Nesc%$e (' Mc9on%l':s
!!" #h%t 'oes AM: in MPR st%n' $or&
(% M%n%*in* (( M%r5etin* (c Multin%tion%l ('
!-" #h/ there +%s uncert%int/ in PR str%te*/ e%rlier&
(% L%c5 o$ technolo*/ (( No interest (c Less people ('
!2" #h%t h%s (een ch%n*e' in the ne+ B i,pro1e' PR
(% Inno1%tions (( Co,,unities (c Luc5 (' 7ocus
!3" #h%t is the ne+ n%,e o$ the ne+ B i,pro1e' +%/ o$
(% MPR (( NPR (c LPR ('IPR
!6" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* +ill (e % p%rt o$ Pu(lic L%unch&
(% E,%il 7l%shers (( Sur1e/s (c 9istri(ution (c Press
!;" Blo**in* +ill co,e un'er +hich o$ the $ollo+in*&
(% Co,,unit/ Rel%tions (( E,plo/ee Rel%tions (c Soci%l
Me'i% ('Business E1ents
!<" PR c%n (uil' CCCC in custo,ers re*%r'in* co,p%n/"
(% Con4'ence (( Po+er (c Spe%5in* s5ills ('
Shoppin* h%(its
!=" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* is % 'is%'1%nt%*e o$ PR&
(%0i*hl/ eDpensi1e ((Lo+ result (cLess entert%inin*
('L%r*e ,ess%*es
!?" PR h%s (eco,e % hi*hl/ popul%r B success$ul str%te*/
to'%/" #h/&
(%Mostl/ % hit (()oo' entert%in,ent (cM%n%*e pu(lic
(cBr%n' i,%*e
->" #hich o$ the $ollo+in* is % PR tool&
(% Spe%5in* en*%*e,ents ((Entert%inin*
(cA'1ertise,ents (' 0R

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