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Lesson Activities ICT Resources
1 Introduce problem via Glogster
Learners watch a video recorded by the principle that reinforces and encourages their involvement in the creation of the campaigns.
Teacher assigns students to groups (3 to 4 learners per group). Within groups students us Bubbl Us to brainstorm what they know about the topic and what they want to know.
Teacher assists students create a Wiki Page (explicit instruction). Rules and expectations are outlined to promote safe, legal ethical online practices.
Interactive Whiteboard- play the video through media player
Bubbl Us
2 Students review the problem using Glogster and video file.
In their assigned groups, students discuss the problem and possible solutions. Students use their created Wiki Page to share ideas and concepts.
Teacher scaffolds how to use talking animals on Fodey (explicit instruction). Within each group, students separate into pairs. Using talking animals on Fodey, learners select one possible solution on their wiki page and discuss it with their peer via the talking animal.
Teacher explicitly instructs students how to create and design a Voki avatar for their next lesson.
Interactive Whiteboard- play the video through media player
Talking animal- Fodey
3 Students review the problem and possible solutions.
Each group orally presents their possible solutions to the class and teacher. Students pose questions using Prezi to discover more information about the topic.
Learners video conference with their local RSPCA through Skype. The RSPCA answers the questions students created using Prezi.
Students generate their final solution that will solve the problem. Once all group members agree with the final solution, students will create a Voki to present to the class. Prezi
4 As a class students discuss the features of a campaign. Teacher allows students to communicate their understanding first, then adds details to extend student knowledge. Students record features on a piece of butchers paper for future reference.
Example of a campaign is shown to students. Teacher provides students with a YouTube video and past work samples.
As a class, with the assistance of the teacher, students create a song highlighting the features of a campaign (students use rhyme and lyrics of their choosing).
Song Generator
5 Students work independently in their groups to draft their campaign. ICT resources used throughout the term are used by students to create their campaign.
Learners continuously update their Wiki Page to inform their group what they have completed and what they must have to do. Wikispaces
6 Students select an ICT resource of their choice to construct a checklist of the features of a campaign. This checklist is created as a class (majority is student centred). Students use this checklist to evaluate their draft campaign to ensure they are using the correct features.
ICT resource used previously in this unit of work. In their assigned groups, students review their draft campaigns and complete their finalised design. Students should still continuously update their Wiki Page to inform their group what they have completed and what they must have to do.
7 Learners are provided with 10-15 minutes rehearsal time.
Members from the local RSPCA and the school community (parents/guardians, principal) arrive to listen to the campaigns.
Each student group presents their campaign.
Use Bubbl Us to brainstorm key concepts, interesting points and fun facts. Print an A3 copy of the mind map to display in the classroom, along with each groups campaign poster.