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Monster Compendium

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Monster Book

0e Reloaded
By Matt Finch
Cover Art: Pete Mullen
Cover Design: Russell Cone
Editing: Matt Hoover
Developmental Editing: Rob Ragas Ragnora!!
"ayout: #im $ramer
%nterior %llustrations: #e&& Preston Pete Mullen Michael 'horten Matt Finch Chad (horson
Dave )grubman) Be*io Free*erclo+n
Contributing Authors: Andre+ (rent ,-the .enomous Pao/0 (rent Foster 'alvatore Macri
,-'!athros/0 'cott 1ylie Roberts ,-Myrystyr/0 'ean 'tone ,-'tonegiant/0 'ean 1ills
,-2eordie Racer/0 DuBeers Matt Hoover ,-Random/0 Mi!e Davison Russell Cone ,-2rim/0
Mudguard 3ld Cra+ler Michael 'horten ,-Chgo+i*/0 Mar! Ahmed 'cott Casper
,-'cotten!ainen/0 (he "i*ard o& 3* #ames Mali*se+s!i darthmi!e #4D4 #arvis #ohn (urcotte
2uy Fullerton Michael Cot5 (homas Clar! Finch and Matt Finch ,-Mythmere/04
BFRP2 +ebsite: basic&antasy4org
(AB"E 3F C36(E6('
Monsters by Challenge "evel
Creating Monsters
2enerating Encounters
This book is a resource for the Swords & Wizardry or 0e referee. It contains a huge number of monsters that never
officia!!y" a##eared for 0e $but that wi!! be fami!iar to most of us from the 1e books%. These monsters are statted for 0e& so
some of them are s!ight!y weaker than their 1e counter#arts. It a!so contains a vast number of com#!ete!y new monsters&
and re#rints the Swords & Wizardry monster entries. In other words& this book is an encyc!o#edia of every monster I cou!d
#ossib!y !ay my hands on& formatted for the first time for 0e.
The new monsters are the resu!t of a tremendous 'oining(together of resources by the internet community) not 'ust those
who #!ay Swords & Wizardry or 0e& but *abyrinth *ord #!ayers& +o!dvay ,asic #!ayers& ,asic -antasy .o!e#!aying /ame
#!ayers& and 0S.I1 $1e% #!ayers. We ho#e that this com#endium& which you he!#ed to create& wi!! come back to you now
as a great gaming resource. 1om#atibi!ity information $for those who don2t 'ust convert on the f!y% for use with *abyrinth
*ord& ,-.3/& and 0S.I1 is inc!uded 'ust be!ow& in .eading the 4ntries."
These monsters are a!! described in the fair!y s#ecifics(free sty!e of 0e and Swords & Wizardry. If the descri#tion doesn2t
te!! you e5act!y how to hand!e something or what dice to ro!!& that2s de!iberate. 6one of the monsters have a !isted
a!ignment either& because it2s u# to you as the referee to decide how these monsters shou!d fit into your cam#aign.
0bvious!y& most of them are 1haotic $or 4vi!&" de#ending on which system you #!ay%& and the descri#tive te5t is usua!!y
c!ear when this isn2t the case.
Reading the Entries and Conversion 6otes
The numerica! information for each monster is shown as a stat b!ock" after the descri#tion of the monster& in the fo!!owing
format) HD< AC< At!< Move< 'ave< C"=8P< 'pecial. 7!though the abbreviations wi!! be second nature to most readers&
they are described here a!ong with any re8uired com#atibi!ity notes.
HD ,H%( D%CE0: The monster2s hit dice. -or use with Swords & Wizardry White,o5& this is a d9: for a!! other games& this
is a d;. If the entry reads something !ike <=2&" this means you2d ro!! <d; and add 2 to determine the monster2s hit #oints.
AC ,ARM3R C"A''0: 4ach monster has two entries for armor c!ass& one of which is in brackets. The first entry is for
games using a descending" armor c!ass where !ower is better $0S.I1& *abyrinth *ord& and Swords & Wizardry games
where the referee has chosen that o#tion%. The bracketed number is for games using an ascending" armor c!ass system
where higher is better $,-.3/ and Swords & Wizardry games where the referee chooses to use ascending 71%.
106>4.SI06 60T4) if you are #!aying ,-.3/& add 1 to the ascending 71 shown.
At! ,A((AC$0: This entry describes the number& ty#e& and damage of a monster2s #hysica! attacks.
Move: This entry gives the monster2s Swords & Wizardry movement rate.
106>4.SI06 60T4) -or 0S.I1 $1e%& mu!ti#!y this number by 10& and that2s the 0S.I1 movement in feet. -or
,-.3/& mu!ti#!y this number by three to get a workab!e" movement rate in ,-.3/2s feet(#er(round system. -or more
#recision& common movement rate conversions are) ?@10ft& 9@20ft& A@?0ft& 12@<0ft.
'ave: This is the monster2s target number to make a saving throw of any kind.
106>4.SI06 60T4) **& 0S.I1& and ,-.3/ a!! use more than one category of saving throw. 4ither use the number
as(is& based on the #remise that it2s c!ose enough for government work $which it #robab!y is%& or use the a##ro#riate
monster saving throw $for a monster with this many hit dice% from the ru!ebooks of the game you #!ay. If the game ca!!s for
some monsters to save as a fighter&" c!eric&" or magic user&" #ick whichever category seems to fit the monster best.
C"=8P ,Challenge "evel=8P0: This is the difficu!ty !eve! for ki!!ing the monster& and the number of e5#erience #oints
gained for ki!!ing the monster.
106>4.SI06 60T4) 1ha!!enge *eve!" is uni8ue to the Swords & Wizardry system& and it doesn2t e8uate to monster
!eve!" as used in 0S.I1& **& and ,-.3/. Ignore the cha!!enge !eve! number if #!aying one of these other games. The
e5#erience #oint award for ki!!ing the monster is the same no matter which game you #!ay.
'pecial: 7 !ist of the monster2s s#ecia! #owers& which are described in detai! in the te5t.
AARD.AR$ 2%A6(
/iant aardvarks resemb!e their sma!!er cousins& with a !ong& #ig(!ike snout& rabbit(!ike ears& and a kangaroo(!ike tai!.
Instead of digging for termites !ike the norma! aardvark& giant aardvarks& which can measure as !arge as twenty feet in
!ength& tend to dig into cottages and subterranean burrows for !arge #rey such as humans& gob!ins& and ankhegs. The giant
aardvark2s tongue is ten feet !ong& and is used to suck #rey into the aardvark2s mouth. 7 successfu! hit with the tongue
forces the target to make a saving throw or be yanked into the aardvark2s mouth and swa!!owed. The monster can be
attacked from within $at an 71 of AB10C% but on!y with a short wea#on such as a dagger. 7nyone inside the aardvark2s
stomach takes 1d9 #oints of damage #er round as he is digested. /iant aardvarks don2t eat more than a cou#!e of #eo#!e
before they !ose interest.
2iant Aardvar!: HD >< AC ?@ABC< At! A tongue ,s+allo+s0 D cla+s ,AdE0< 'ave F< Move F< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial:
'+allo+ +hole4
The abo!eth is a revo!ting fish(!ike am#hibian& #rimari!y subterranean& rough!y the size of a ki!!er wha!e. It vague!y
resemb!es a catfish& but has four !ong tentac!es and four orifices a!ong its be!!y. The tentac!es can be used to drag its bu!k
across dry !and. These horrid abominations are e5treme!y inte!!igent) an abo!eth can cast charm monster three times #er
day& and create a #hantasma! force three times #er day. In the water& an abo!eth surrounds itse!f with a c!oud of mucus that
re8uires anyone inha!ing it to make a saving throw or become unab!e to breathe air for ? hours. -ina!!y& the s!ime on an
abo!eth2s tentac!es causes disease if a saving throw fai!s. Those aff!icted suffer a change to their skin& which must be
immersed in water every hour& or the victim suffers 1d9 #oints of damage.
Aboleth: HD >< AC I@AFC< At! B tentacles ,AdF J slime0< 'ave F< Move > ,s+im AD0< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Charm
monster ,I=day0 Phantasmal &orce ,I=day0 Mucus cloud in +ater ,save or cannot breathe air &or I hours0 special
disease upon success&ul hit ,save or must be immersed in +ater every hour04
A%R 27'(
These minor e!ementa!s from the #!ane of 7ir resemb!e !itt!e whir!winds. 7!though no more than a few feet in height and
width& these tiny tornadoes can easi!y send the bu!kiest adventurer f!ying.
The victim of a successfu! hit by an air gust has a 2 in 9 chance of being knocked down $/+s may wish to modify the ro!!
to take into account e5ce#tiona! strength%.
The vio!ent air gusts that make u# this e!ementa!Ds form $and give it its name% make missi!eEranged attacks difficu!t and
afford the e!ementa! a bonus of 2 to 71. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Air 2ust: HD I< AC B@A?C< At! 1ind Blast ,AdFJA K Range up to A?&t40< 'ave AB< Move AD ,AE &ly0< C"=8P B=ADH<
'pecial: KD @JDC to AC vs4 missile attac!s4
7!!i#s are shadowy& incor#orea! undead that mutter and s#eak with the voice of madness from beyond the grave. The voice
acts as a Suggestion s#e!! u#on anyone hearing the 8uiet mutterings) the suggestions of an a!!i# are usua!!y sense!ess but
sinister. The a!!i#2s touch does not dea! damage& but causes the victim to !ose 1d< #oints of wisdom. If a victim2s wisdom
fa!!s to 0& it dies and wi!! become an a!!i# within 2d9 days. 7!!i#s can on!y be hit with magica! or si!ver wea#ons.
Allip: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A stri!e ,no damage AdB points o& +isdom lost0< Move ,&ly F0< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH<
'pecial: drains +isdom hypnosis4
AMPH3R36' 3F 93(HR%
7m#horons of Fothri are mechanisms created by the 7rtificers of that #!ane $see& 7rtificers of Fothri"% using their strange
magic(science. 7m#horons on the materia! #!ane are #hysica! #ro'ections of a mode! that remains on Fothri G the
7rtificer2s mind& #ossib!y using a !ens a##aratus of some kind& #ro'ects the device into the materia! #!ane& where it has a
#hysica! rea!ity. However& the #ro'ection can fai!& and the 7rtificer2s contro! of more than one 7m#horon at a time de#ends
on his connection to a sing!e& contro!!ing 7m#horon. If the 7rtificer attem#ts to switch his menta! connection from one
7m#horon to another& the #rocess takes 1d9 rounds to com#!ete. In any given round& any 7m#horon has a 1 in 9 chance to
f!icker&" due to a momentary interru#tion of the connection across time and s#ace. Whi!e f!ickering& the 7m#horon cannot
be attacked& and cannot inf!ict damage. However& it regains 1 hit #oint when it remateria!izes. 7 f!ickering 7m#horon is
visib!e as a faint& static(shrouded sha#e. In the fo!!owing round& the 7m#horon rea##ears $un!ess it fai!s a second ro!! of the
d9%. The contro!!ing 7m#horon has on!y a 1 in 20 chance of f!ickering& but if it does so& a!! of the 7m#horons under its
contro! wi!! f!icker. 7ny 7m#horon can be used as the contro!!er& but a sing!e contro!!er cannot contro! more than si5 other
7m#horons& and an 7rtificer can on!y #ro'ect his mind to one contro!!er at a time. Thus& un!ess the 7rtificer has #ro'ected
some a##aratus $the #ossibi!ities are many& and !eft to the referee2s creativity% to a!!ow remote contro!!ers or auto(contro!s&
the ma5imum number of 7m#horons encountered at time is seven $si5 contro!!ed and one contro!!er%. When the 7rtificer2s
nefarious schemes on the materia! #!ane are com#!ete& he wi!! !ike!y not bother to disintegrate his 7m#horons& so their
materia! substance wi!! remain on the materia! #!ane& o#erating random!y& remaining com#!ete!y inert& or #roceeding
inde#endent!y with their rudimentary inte!!igence. 7!! 7m#horons have a meta!!ic& 'ointed she!!: their insides are fi!!ed
with wires and a ge!(!ike f!esh which a!!ows the menta! connection with the distant rea!ity of Fothri& and a!so gives the
creature its basic inte!!igence. There are three varieties of 7m#horon& a!though the referee cou!d design others with !itt!e
effort. $1ontributed by +att -inch: first a##eared in Inocks#e!! +agazine J1%.
1or!er Amphoron
Worker 7m#horons are 'ust sma!!er than a human& and move with crab(!ike !egs $a!though they can !evitate for u# to ?
rounds once #er day& if need be%. 7s with other 7m#horons& they have a 1 in 9 chance of f!ickering un!ess used as a
contro!!er by the 7rtificer. In addition to the chance of f!ickering& a worker 7m#horon may random!y be!ch out arcs of
e!ectricity& inf!icting 1h# damage to anyone within 10ft $in addition to its other actions%.
1or!er Amphoron: HD D< AC D@AGC< At! D pincerKarms ,AdF0< 'ave AF< Move >< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: magic
resistance D?L immune to piercing +eapons chance o& &lic!ering chance o& electrical belch4
1arrior Amphoron
Warrior 7m#horons are usua!!y used to #rotect Worker 7m#horons& or in situations where the 7rtificer2s schemes invo!ve
vio!ence. They have a f!amethrower which is in constant o#eration& a!!owing the 7m#horon to shoot a !ine of f!ame at a
sing!e target u# to 100ft away in addition to its other attacks. The f!ame inf!icts 1d9 damage $saving throw for ha!f
1arrior Amphoron: HD ?< AC D@AGC< At! D pincer arms ,AdFJD0< 'ave AD< Move >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: magic
resistance D?L immune to piercing +eapons chance o& &lic!ering &lamethro+er4
#uggernaut Amphoron
The Kuggernaut 7m#horon is a harvesterE#rocessor the size of a semi(attached trai!er truck& with a moving crane mounted
on its back and two huge circu!ar saws mounted on its articu!ated arms. If the Kuggernaut2s crane hits an o##onent& the
victim is !ifted u# into the air over the Kuggernaut2s #rocessing hatch& and dro##ed automatica!!y in the fo!!owing round. If
the crane hits& a saving throw is #ermitted to esca#e the its gras# un!ess the target is wearing meta! armor& in which case no
saving throw is a!!owed $the crane contains a backu# magnet%. 7nyone dro##ed into the #rocessing hatch is #rocessed
within 1d< rounds into a sma!! brick.
#uggernaut Amphoron: HD AH< AC D@AGC< At! D +hirling blades ,DdFJD0 or crane< 'ave ?< Move >< C"=8P AI=DIHH<
'pecial: magic resistance D?L crane chance o& &lic!ering4
A6%MA(ED 3B#EC('
Carpet Animated
This descri#tion is on!y one #ossib!e inter#retation of an animated car#et& of course. This version of an animated car#et
attacks for no damage& but if the target is hit and fai!s a saving throw& the car#et ho!ds him& strugg!ing& unti! he succeeds at a
saving throw.
Animated Carpet: HD A< AC >@AHC< At! A ,no damage0< Move F< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 2rab4
Chair Animated
This version of an animated chair bum#s against its o##onents& with a successfu! hit causing the target to fa!! to the ground
and take 1h# damage.
Animated Chair: HD A< AC E@AAC< At! A bump ,save or &all0< Move AD< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: $noc!s over4
7nkhegs are huge insects& 10 to 20ft !ong& resemb!ing grassho##ers with vicious mandib!es. They burrow through the
ground& often in farm!ands as we!! as in caverns. 0nce #er day& an ankheg can s8uirt digestive acids for Ld9 #oints of
damage $save for ha!f%& but this is a defense not used in norma! hunting.
An!heg ,IHD0: HD I< AC D@AGC underside B@A?C< At! A bite ,IdF0< Move AD ,burro+ F0< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH8P<
'pecial: 'pits acid ?dF ,A=day save &or hal&0
An!heg ,BHD0: HD B< AC D@AGC underside B@A?C< At! A bite ,IdF0< Move AD ,burro+ F0< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH8P<
'pecial: 'pits acid ?dF ,A=day save &or hal&0
An!heg ,?HD0: HD ?< AC D@AGC underside B@A?C< At! A bite ,IdF0< Move AD ,burro+ F0< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH8P<
'pecial: 'pits acid ?dF ,A=day save &or hal&0
An!heg ,FHD0: HD F< AC D@AGC underside B@A?C< At! A bite ,IdF0< Move AD ,burro+ F0< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH8P<
'pecial: 'pits acid ?dF ,A=day save &or hal&0
An!heg ,GHD0: HD: G< AC: D@AGC underside B@A?C< At!: A bite ,IdF0< Move: AD ,burro+ F0< 'ave: >< C"=8P:
E=EHH8P< 'pecial: 'pits acid ?dF ,A=day save &or hal&0
An!heg ,EHD0: HD: E< AC: D@AGC underside B@A?C< At!: A bite ,IdF0< Move: AD ,burro+ F0< 'ave: E< C"=8P:
>=AAHH8P< 'pecial: 'pits acid ?dF ,A=day save &or hal&04
A6( 2%A6(
/iant ants !ive in vast subterranean hives tunne!ed through soi! and even stone. 7 hive can ho!d as many as 100 ants& in a
worker(to(warrior ratio of L)1. The #oison of a warrior ant does 2d9 #oints of damage if a saving throw is fai!ed& 1d< #oints
of damage if the saving throw succeeds.
2iant 1or!er Ant: HD D< AC I@AFC< At! Bite ,AdF0< Move AE< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
2iant 1arrior Ant: HD I< AC I@AFC< At! Bite ,AdFJ poison0< Move AE< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Poison DdF
,save &or AdB only04
2iant Mueen Ant: HD AH< AC I@AFC< At! Bite ,AdF0< Move I< 'ave I< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 6one4
APE F"9%62
-!ying a#es are somewhat !arger and more muscu!ar than gori!!as. +ost have bat wings& but some have feathered bird(
wings. If a f!ying a#e hits with both arms& it can either rend its foe for an additiona! 1d9 #oints of damage or gain a good
enough ho!d to carry the foe into the air $to dro# !ater& or de!iver the victim to an evi! over!ord& as a##!icab!e%. 7s with
gori!!as& most f!ying a#es are of far !ess than human inte!!igence& but more inte!!igent $and often chaotic% ones are not
Flying Ape: HD ?< AC F@AIC< At! D hands ,AdB0 A bite ,AdF0< Move > ,&ly AE0< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Rend
or carry airborne4
APE 23R%""A
If a gori!!a hits with both arms& it wi!! crush and rend the victim for an additiona! 1d9 #oints of damage. Some gori!!as&
es#ecia!!y those !iving near #!aces of eerie magic& might become carnivorous and seek out human #rey with abnorma!
cunning and rudimentary inte!!igence.
2orilla: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! D hands ,AdI0 A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Hug and rend4
AM7E37' 3RB
78ueous orbs are bubb!e creatures that !evitate above the surface of the water& !eaving a !ong& tube(!ike feeding tai!
dang!ing into the water be!ow. *i8uid and nutrients are #u!!ed u# through the tai! to the bubb!e(!ike body& which thrives on
rotting carrion in the surrounding water. 7n a8ueous orb g!ows with green !uminescence when attacking) those who fai! a
saving throw wi!! wa!k toward the orb& enter the water& and most !ike!y drown. The feeding(tai! can a!so be used as a
wea#on& #iercing foes for 1d< hit #oints of damage and inf!icting 1d< #oints of damage automatica!!y thereafter& as it sucks
b!ood from the victim. 7n a8ueous orb is immune to a!! but #iercing wea#ons: the feeding(tai! is immune to a!! but s!ashing
wea#ons. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
ANueous 3rb: HD I< AC B@A?C< At! A &eedingKtail ,AdB0< 'ave A?< Move I< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood
luminescence immune to +eapon types4
7n aranea is an inte!!igent& sha#echanging s#ider with sorcerous #owers. In its natura! form& an aranea resemb!es a big
s#ider& with a hum#backed body a !itt!e bigger than a human torso. It has fanged mandib!es !ike a norma! s#ider. Two sma!!
arms& each about 2 feet !ong& !ie be!ow the mandib!es. 4ach arm has a hand with four many('ointed fingers and a doub!e(
'ointed thumb. 7n aranea weighs about 1L0 #ounds. 7 hum# on its back houses its brain.
7ranea can cast webs at a sing!e o##onent at a range u# to <0ft $saving throw%. The victim is entang!ed& but can break free
within 1d9 rounds. These horrid creatures are s#e!!casters& ab!e to cast one second !eve! and two first !eve! magic(user
s#e!!s. Msua!!y& an aranea is #re#ared with 2 charm #erson s#e!!s and a mirror image s#e!!: or& a!ternative!y& with 1 charm
#erson& 1 s!ee# s#e!!& and invisibi!ity.
Aranea: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdF J poison0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 1ebs 'pells4
7rcani5es $a!so known as S#e!!(Stea!ers%& resemb!e ta!!& gaunt humans with b!uish skin and #ointed ears. They are
e5tra#!anar creatures that foray into the morta! rea!ms in their obsessive search for magic. They #rize magica! items above
a!! e!se& but s#e!!books and arcane !ore $as we!! as s#e!!casters themse!ves% are a!so sought to take back to their home #!ane.
There are three ty#es of 7rcani5) 7rcani5 +inor $?HN%& 7rcani5 +a'or $9HN% and 7rcani5 /reater $12HN%. If an arcani5 is
encountered bearing a wea#on& it is a near certainty that the wea#on is magica! in nature $the referee shou!d base the
wea#on in accordance with the ty#e of arcani5%.
7n arcani5 that can successfu!!y touch a s#e!!(caster may stea! s#e!! !eve!s u# to its own number of hit dice. 45am#!e) 7n
7rcani5 +inor $?HN% may stea! a third !eve! s#e!! from a magic(user& or three 1st !eve! s#e!!s& or a 2nd and a 1st !eve! s#e!!.
The s#e!!(caster is a!!owed a saving throw to negate this effect. If the attack is successfu! $and the save fai!s% the sto!en
s#e!!s !eave the magic(userDs memory $unti! he can re(memorize them again%& and the arcani5 may use them as if he had
memorized them. The number of times #er day that an 7rcani5 may use this abi!ity de#ends on the ty#e of 7rcani5: +inor
1Eday& +a'or ?Eday& /reater 9Eday.
7rcani5es #ossess the fo!!owing s#e!!(!ike 7bi!ities) Netect +agic ?Eday& .ead +agic ?Eday& Nis#e! +agic 2Eday&
Nimension Noor 1Eday. 7n arcani5 may te!e#ort to or from its home #!ane once $?HN%& twice $9HN%& or ? times $12HN% #er
week. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Arcani; ,Minor0: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon or special ability or spell< 'ave AB< Move AD< C"=8P ?=DBH<
'pecial: 'pells 'pellK'tealing (eleport4
Arcani; ,MaOor0: HD F< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon or special ability or spell< 'ave AA< Move AD< C"=8P E=EHH<
'pecial: 'pells 'pellK'tealing (eleport4
Arcani; ,2reater0: HD AD< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon or special ability or spell< 'ave I< Move AD< C"=8P AB=DFHH<
'pecial: 'pells 'pellK'tealing (eleport4
7rcher(trees are a s#ecies of wa!king #ine tree. Some of the tree2s need!es are e5treme!y !ong& a!though this is not easy to
notice from afar. The tree2s animated branches can throw 1d< of these !onger need!es #er round to a range of 100ft. The
need!es contain a sedative #oison that #ara!yzes victims for ?d9 turns $saving throw negates%.
ArcherK(ree: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! AdB needles ,AdF0< Move A< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Paralysis4
AR(%F%CER 3F 93(HR%
The artificers of Fothri are ta!! and ske!eta!& a construction of dark(hued meta!!oid bones acting as the framework for
artificia! tubes and organs. They wear hoods and !ong& b!ack robes G #erha#s a necessity of the dead wor!d they inhabit in a
distant and eroding rea!ity. Their #a!aces are of baro8ue green g!ass and a!ien meta!s& twisting in unnatura! sha#es& domes&
and bubb!es. The artificers are mutua!!y hosti!e& each coveting the others2 resources and know!edge. It is remote!y #ossib!e
that #!ayer characters might be kidna##ed to serve an artificer by attacking the citade! of one of the others in the barren&
su##urating waste!ands of Fothri itse!f. 7n artificer em#!oys the Science of Fothri& which is a mi5 of #sychic #owers&
magic& and techno!ogy im#ossib!e to achieve outside the #hysica! rea!ities of Fothri itse!f. .ather than manifesting in
s#e!!s& the Science of Fothri a!!ows the 7rtificer to use certain #owers& some menta!& some magica!& as fo!!ows)
3sychic #owers) at wi!!& $in con'unction with a #hysica! attack if desired%& the artificer can use te!ekinesis to !ift u# to ?00
#ounds of weight& create or maintain a doub!e vision" effect simi!ar to a singe mirror image #er the s#e!!& increase magic
resistance to ;0O& maintain a menta! connection with an am#horon in another #!ane& or work to estab!ish a connection with
an am#horon in another #!ane $the menta! connection with am#horons is described be!ow%.
+agica! #owers) in con'unction with a #sychic #ower $but not with #hysica! attacks%& the 7rtificer may create one of the
fo!!owing effects using the Science of Fothri) $1% once #er day& the 7rtificer can cast charm #erson in a cone sha#e 90ft !ong
and reaching 90ft wide at e5treme range& $2% three times #er day& the 7rtificer can cast a s#e!! to cause meta! #oisoning in
the target2s b!oodstream $a saving throw a##!ies%& rendering the victim he!#!ess with #ain and causing death within 2d9
rounds un!ess the #oison is counteracted. $1ontributed by +att -inch: first a##eared in Inocks#e!! +agazine J1%.
Arti&icer o& 9othri: HD AH< AC D@AGC< At! cla+ ,AdAHJA0< 'ave ?< Move A?< C"=8P AB=DFHH< 'pecial: Magic
Resistance ?HL ,EHL0 psychic po+ers magic po+ers4
A''A''%6 .%6E
The assassin vine is a semi(mobi!e #!ant that co!!ects its own gris!y ferti!izer by grabbing and crushing anima!s and
de#ositing the carcasses near its roots. 7 mature #!ant consists of a main vine& about 20 feet !ong. Sma!!er vines u# to L feet
!ong branch off from the main vine about every 9 inches.
7n assassin vine can move about& a!beit very s!ow!y& but usua!!y stays #ut un!ess it needs to seek #rey in a new vicinity.
7n assassin vine growing underground usua!!y generates enough offa! to su##ort a thriving co!ony of mushrooms and other
fungi& which s#ring u# around the #!ant and he!# concea! it.
7n assassin vine can animate #!ants in the near vicinity $about ?0ft%& and these #!ants wi!! immobi!ize anyone fai!ing a
saving throw.
Assassin .ine: HD G< AC ?@ABC< At! A vine ,AdFJA0< Move A< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: animate plants4
The offs#ring of a demon and a giant& an athatch is a monster about 1<ft ta!!& weighing about 2 tons& with 1d? eyes& 1d?
arms& and 1d? !egs. 7n odd(numbered eye is !ocated in its forehead& an odd(numbered arm is !ocated in the midd!e of its
chest& and an odd(numbered !eg is !ocated behind its haunch. It is ambide5trous $if it has two or more arms% and can wie!d a
wea#on in any or a!! of its hands. They use massive wea#ons& usua!!y great c!ubs $2d9 damage%. 7n athatch cannot
norma!!y bite o##onents man(sized or sma!!er in me!ee& but may $if victory seems !ike!y% toy with its victims by gras#ing
and !ifting an o##onent with a free hand $a to(hit ro!! is sti!! re8uired% and then biting on the fo!!owing round. The
#oisonous s#it of the athatch re8uires a saving throw at (2 or the victim becomes he!#!ess!y nauseated for 1d? turns: the
athatch a!so can s#it this #oison u# to 10ft.
,ecause of their demonic heritage& athatch have 90ft darkvision and the fo!!owing s#e!!(!ike abi!ities they can use once #er
hour) darkness $Lft radius%& !evitate& and #hantasma! force. 0nce #er day an athatch can #o!ymor#h se!f into the form of
another giant. They subtract 1 #oint of damage #er die from co!d& fire& gas& and !ightning attacks against them. $1ontributed
by Scott 1as#er%.
Athatch: HD AA< AC I @AFC< At! A or D +eapons ,IdF or DdF=DdF0=A bite ,AdFJA0< Move A?< C"=8P A?=BIHH< 'pecial:
Poison ,nausea0 spit dar!ness levitate phantasmal &orce reduced damage &rom cold &ire gas electricity
polymorph into other giant type4
7zers are dwarf!ike beings native to the 4!ementa! 3!ane of -ire. They wear ki!ts of brass& bronze& or co##er& and bear
broad(headed s#ears or we!!(crafted hammers in combat. Their attacks dea! =1 damage due to their intense heat. They are
immune to fire damage. Stats are for the norma! azer: sergeants and !eaders can be much !arger and wi!! have more hit dice.
A*er: HD D< AC D,AG0< At! A +eapon ,AdFJA0< 'ave AF< Move AD< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: JA heat damage immune to
,aboons are vicious #ack hunters& usua!!y !ed by a stronger(than(norma! a!#ha ma!e. They might be susce#tib!e to the
inf!uence of ancient and evi! #owers.
Baboon: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
Baboon alpha male: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
BAB336 2%A6(
/iant baboons stand ;ft ta!! on two !egs& about twice the size of a norma! baboon. 7s with norma! baboons& they are
susce#tib!e to the inf!uence of ancient and evi! #owers.
2iant Baboon: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
2iant Baboon alpha male: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdEJA0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
BAD2ER 2%A6(
These subterranean #redators are the size of a fu!!(grown human& and 8uite aggressive when defending their territory.
2iant Badger: HD I< AC B@A?C< At! D Cla+s ,AdI0 bite ,AdF0< Move F< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
BA2 3F (EE(H
7 bag of teeth is a dece#tive(!ooking !itt!e critter. 7t first g!ance& the creature !ooks !ike a #ouch of coins. Its insides& seen
when one o#ens the Q#ouchQ& resemb!e coins of go!d. 7s one inserts his hand within the creature to retrieve the go!d within&
the critter2s razor(shar# teeth s#ring o#en around the #ouches o#ening& and c!am# down on the victimDs wrist. The bite
causes 1d9 #oints of damage& with 1 h# being !ost for every subse8uent round due to continuous b!eeding unti! the creature
is ki!!ed. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Bag o& (eeth: HD A< AC >@AHC< At! Bite ,AdFJA=round0< 'ave AG< Move H< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
,anshees are horrid fey $or undead% creatures that !ive in swam#s and other deso!ate #!aces. Their shriek $once #er day%
necessitates a saving throw versus death or the hearer wi!! die in 2d9 rounds. They can trave! over water and other terrain
as if it were !and& but crossing running water causes them to !ose their magic resistance for ?d9 hours. They !ook !ike gaunt
humans $ma!e or fema!e% with !ong& stringy hair and g!owing ye!!ow eyes. They often wear hooded c!oaks. 7t the referee2s
discretion& such creatures might be undead rather than faerie(fo!k& and are considered Ty#e A undead for turning #ur#oses.
Banshee: HD G< AC H@A>C< At! A cla+ ,AdE0< Move ,&ly AD0< 'ave >< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Magic or silver to hit<
magic resistance B>L< shrie! o& death< %mmune to enchantments
,arracudas are fast& shark(!ike fish. They are sma!!er than most sharks& but hunt in grou#s.
Barracuda: HD A< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move ,s+im DB0< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
,asi!isks are great !izards whose gaze turns to stone anyone meeting its eye $one way of reso!ving this) fighting without
!ooking incurs a G< #ena!ty to hit%. If the basi!isk2s own gaze is ref!ected back at it& it has a 10O chance to force the basi!isk
into a saving throw against being turned to stone itse!f.
Basilis!: HD F< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Petri&ying ga*e4
BA'%"%'$ DE'ER(
Nesert basi!isks a##ear to be fat cobra snakes& about 20ft !ong and 2ft in diameter& with four skinny !egs that he!# #ro#e! it
a!ong the ground& and horns a!! around the to# of its head. These basi!isks are e5treme!y #oisonousRso much so that even
their gaze inf!icts 1d9 #oints of damage un!ess those meeting its eye make a successfu! saving throw. 7nyone avoiding the
basi!iskDs gaze attacks with a (< #ena!ty to hit and damage. In addition& a desert basi!isk can s#it its #oison u# to 20ft as a
missi!e attack for 1d12 #oints of #oison damage. The desert basi!iskDs bite inf!icts 1d< #oints of #hysica! damage and the
#oison inf!icts an additiona! 1d12 #oints. 7 saving throw negates the basi!iskDs #oison& but anyone who #ur#ose!y comes
into #hysica! contact with a basi!isk2s hide automatica!!y takes 1d9 #oints of #oison damage. 7ny wea#on that strikes a
desert basi!isk becomes envenomed and does and additiona! 1d12 #oints of #oison damage to the ne5t target it hits.
Nesert basi!isks are so!itary monsters& indigenous to desert regions& but are sometimes trans#orted e!sewhere by wizards
!ooking for e5otic guardians. $1ontributed by Scottenkainen%.
Desert Basilis!s: HD BJB< AC I @AFC< At! A bite or A spit ,AdBJAdAD or AdAD0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH<
'pecial: Poisonous ga*e ,nonKlethal0 spit poison ,nonKlethal0 poisonous bite ,nonKlethal04
BA( M36'(ER
These creatures attack with c!aws as we!! as a bite. They are twice the size of a man& with a tremendous wings#an. -earfu!
#easants might even mistake them for sma!! dragons when they f!y by night.
Bat Monster: HD E< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,DdE0 D cla+s ,AdF0< Move B ,&ly AE0< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: 6one4
BA( 2%A6(
/iant bats are massive& man(sized cousins of the bat: they do not suck b!ood& but their bite is nonethe!ess dead!y. 0ne in
ten carries disease.
2iant Bat: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdAH0< Move B ,&ly AE0< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: AHL chance o&
If a b!ack bear hits with both c!aws& it hugs for an additiona! 1d; hit #oints of damage.
Blac! Bear: HD BJA< AC G@ADC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Hug4
BEAR 2R%::"9
>ery !arge brown bears& grizz!ies hug for an additiona! 2d9 #oints of damage $if hitting with both c!aw attacks% and can
automatica!!y maintain the ho!d& crushing the victim and continuing attem#ts to bite as we!!.
2ri**ly Bear: HD F< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,AdAH0< Move >< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Hug4
3rehistoric bears and #o!ar bears are even !arger than a grizz!y bear. When hitting with both c!aws& they hug for ?d9 #oints
of damage.
Cave Bear=Polar Bear: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdFJA0 A bite ,AdAHJA0< Move AD< 'ave >< C"=8P G=FHH<
'pecial: Hug4
7 gargantuan beet!e with a cara#ace of mirror(!ike si!ver. 7rcane ,eet!es are idea!!y suited as mounts for warring against
magic(users and other arcane s#e!!casters due to their innate abi!ities.
7ny s#e!! cast u#on an 7rcane ,eet!e& be it from s#e!!s cast or magic items& is immediate!y cast back at the wizard.
$1ontributed by Skathros%.
Arcane Beetle: HD ?< AC I@AFC< At! pincers ,DdF0< 'ave AD< Move AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Arcane Re&lection4
BEE("E 2%A6( F%RE
7 giant fire beet!e2s oi!y !ight(g!ands g!ow reddish!y& and continue to give off !ight for 1d9 days after they are removed
$shedding !ight in a 10ft radius%.
2iant Fire Beetle: HD AJI< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdBJD0< Move AD< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: "ight glands4
BEE("E 2%A6( ,Basic Form0
These stats are for a generic giant beet!e about five feet !ong. *arger or sma!!er beet!es might have different statistics or
have unusua! abi!ities.
2iant Beetle ,?&t0: HD I< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,IdF0< Move >< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
BEE("E 2%A6( H7H7
This !arge winged beet!e has a brown and ye!!ow(stri#ed cara#ace& horny b!ack antennae and #owerfu! 'aws. ItDs barbed !egs
hook re!ent!ess!y into the victimDs hair& fur or c!othing. It is attracted to !ight sources. The #a!e ye!!ow HuHu grubs are
e5treme!y nutritious and taste !ike #eanut butter. $1ontributed by +udguard%.
2iant HuHu Beetle: HD AJI<AC B@A?C< At! Bite ,DdF0< Move > ,AE &ly0< 'ave AG< C"=8P: D=IH< 'pecial: 2rip Flight4
The behir is a serpentine monster that can slither like a snake or use its dozen legs to move with considerable speed. A
behir is about 40 feet long and weighs about 4,000 pounds. Most are a deep blue color. ,ehirs attack by biting& and wi!!
swa!!ow #rey who!e on a natura! ro!! of 20. They a!so !ash their bodies around #rey $to hit%& and on the first round
fo!!owing this attack they can bring 9 c!aws into #!ay $9 attacks& 1d9 hit #oints #er attack%.
,ehirs a!so have a breath wea#on G they can s#it a bo!t of !ightning once #er 10 rounds& inf!icting 2< #oints of damage $2
#er hit die& for sma!!er or !arger behirs%. 7 successfu! saving throw indicates ha!f damage.
Behir: HD AD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move A?< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Constrict and cla+ lightning
B%RHAA$AME6 ,1ild BirdKmen0
,irhaakmen are bird(men& entire!y feathered& with beaks and c!awed hands at their wing('oints. They !ive in triba! aeries
and are genera!!y not civi!ized. They carry 'ave!ins& and some of the more civi!ized aeries arm their warriors with s#ears
and shie!ds. These more advanced bird(men may wear scra#s of armor& increasing their 71 to <B1LC.
Birhaa!aman: HD AJI< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdD0 and bea! ,AdI0 or by +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave AG<
C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Fly4
B"AC$ H76(ER ,DAR$"%62'0
,!ack Hunters& or dark!ings& as they are sometimes ca!!ed& are <ft ta!!& canniba!istic humanoids. They are 'et b!ack& hair!ess&
and #ossess a wiry frame. 7ttacking a ,!ack Hunter in dim !ight incurs a (? #ena!ty to hit. Noing so in tota! darkness sees
the #ena!ty increase to (L. Nark!ings& for their #art& see #erfect!y in darkness.
Nark!ings may use the Narkness 1Lft .adius s#e!! twice #er day. $1ontributed by Scottenkainen%.
Blac! Hunter: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A !ni&e or dagger ,AdB0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Dar!ness A?&t
B"AC$ P7DD%62
,!ack #uddings are amor#hous g!obs with an acidic surface. They are subterranean #redators and scavengers. 7ny wea#on
or armor contacting a b!ack #udding wi!! be eaten away by the acid as fo!!ows) wea#on $1 hit by the wea#on%& chainmai! or
!esser armor $1 hit by #udding%& #!ate mai! $2 hits by #udding%. If a wea#on or armor is magica!& it can take an additiona! hit
#er =1 before being disso!ved.
Blac! Puddings: HD AH< AC F@AIC< At! A attac! ,IdE0< Move F< 'ave ?< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Acidic sur&ace
immune to cold divides +hen hit +ith lightning4
B"%6$ D32
,!ink dogs are #ack hunters& inte!!igent and usua!!y friend!y to those who are not of evi! intent. They can te!e#ort short
distances $without error% and attack in the same turn G in most cases $PLO% a b!ink dog wi!! be ab!e to te!e#ort behind an
o##onent and attack from the rear $with a##ro#riate bonuses%.
Blin! Dog: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: (eleport4
B3AR 1%"D
,oars continue to attack for two rounds after they are actua!!y ki!!ed before they dro# dead. These stats might a!so be used
for your b!ue tusken(hogs of the Fmar 3!ains&" or whatever is a##ro#riate for your cam#aign.
1ild Boar: HD IJI< AC G@ADC< At! A gore ,IdB0< Move A?< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: continue attac!s D rounds
a&ter death4
B36E M376D
When a nugget of #ure chaos ends u# in the materia! #!ane& the resu!t can be a bone mound& a 'e!!y(!ike creature that e5udes
a sticky fi!m from its #ores. 7t first g!ance& a bone mound a##ears to be a massive hea# of bones and broken ske!eta!
remains& for it #icks u# osseous materia! that sticks to the s!ime(beastDs b!ob(!ike form& giving it the a##earance of a #i!e of
bones. This bone(co!!ecting s!ime #ossesses a secondary abi!ity that makes it a tru!y dangerous foe. In addition to the
adhesive fi!m it e5udes& the #iece of #ure chaos at the bone moundDs core gives it an innate abi!ity to animate& #artia!!y& the
bones that stick to it. The effects of this s#e!!(!ike abi!ity e5tend u# to 2ft away from the creatureDs body. The bone mound
can animate 1d9 of the bony remains that have adhered to it each round. 4ach of these animated body #arts may attack
once& inf!icting 1d< damage. 7 c!eric may turn these new!y !iving bits of ske!eta! remains as if they were Ty#e 1 undead.
The bone mound may shift its animate dead #ower from one set of bones to another at any time. The chaos nugget inside
the mound& which !ooks !ike a bit of charcoa!& is 8uite dangerous ( it disso!ves instant!y into anyone who touches it& and the
victim must make a saving throw at (2 or the nugget wi!! re(form inside his body and he wi!! become a bone mound himse!f
in 1d9 days. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Bone Mound: HD AH< AC I@AFC< At! AdF cla+=!ic!=bite ,AdB each0< Move F< 'ave ?< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial:
Animate Dead Multiple Attac!s4
B3R'%6 ,Ape Centaur0
7 borsin is a creature with the head& arms& and u##er body of an a#e 'oined to the body and !egs of a 8uadru#ed. The !ower
ha!f may be that of a boar& e8uine& or hound: these may be a race of batt!e(beasts magica!!y crossbred in anti8uity. 7 borsin
has a savage cunning& and is ca#ab!e of #rob!em(so!ving and setting crude tra#s. They do not use wea#ons or too!s& or carry
treasure& a!though #ack !eaders wi!! dra#e themse!ves in the skins and furs of creatures they have ki!!ed G inc!uding humans
and adventurers.
,orsin form #acks !ed by the strongest member. They attack with two c!aws and a bite& and use #ack tactics to drive
o##onents and #rey into tra#s& ki!! zones& or natura! hazards such as c!iffs and ravines. If both its c!aws hit the same
o##onent& a borsin can hug and rend for an additiona! 2d9 #oints of damage. ,orsin #acks stake out their territory by
making sma!! cairns to##ed with the sku!!s of their ki!!s& and #atro! their borders regu!ar!y. ,orsin are omnivorous and
hardy& ca#ab!e of surviving on #!ant matter& yet en'oying a fresh ki!!. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Borsin: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 and A bite ,AdI0< Move A?< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Hug and rend4
These !arge& hairy& gob!in(!ike humanoids are stea!thier than their size wou!d suggest& a!most a!ways getting the chance to
sur#rise even a!ert o##onents with a ro!! of 1(? on a d9 $L0O%. ,ugbears stand from P(;ft in height.
Bugbear: HD IJA< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,DdB0 or +eapon ,AdEJA0< Move >< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=ADH< 'pecial: 'urprise
opponents ?HL chance4
,u!ettes& often ca!!ed !andsharks&" resemb!e huge armadi!!os with wide& tooth(fi!!ed mouths. They burrow beneath the
ground& and surge u#ward to attack #rey. ,u!ettes can grow to be ten to fifteen feet !ong. Horses are a favorite food of
Bulette: HD >< AC PA@DHC< At! D cla+s ,DdF0 A bite ,IdAD0< Move A? ,Burro+ I0< 'ave F< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial:
1ame!s can carry 900 #ounds of weight. They often have bad dis#ositions& and they s#it.
Camel: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdD0< Move DH< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
CARR%36 F"9
7 carrion f!y is L feet !ong and resemb!es a !arge& white grub with wings and no !egs. Its head has !arge b!ack eyes and a
sma!! mouth ringed with four !ong tentac!es. It attacks with its tentac!es& attem#ting to #ara!yze its #rey. 0nce its victim is
#ara!yzed& it wi!! !and and begin vomiting digestive acids to me!t the victim into a suitab!e mea! of goo. It can a!so s#it
these digestive acids at its target from a distance. $1ontributed by the *izard of 0z%.
Carrion Fly: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! B tentacles ,paraly*e0 or A spit ,DdB0< Move I ,&ly AE0< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH<
'pecial: Paraly*e acid
-era! undead cats !ook !ike they were created by zombie(raising magic& but they are actua!!y things 8uite un!ike norma!
animated undead such as ske!etons or zombies. These undead cats are #ossessed of an anima! cunning akin to that of
ghou!s $a!though with !ess inte!!igence%& and they are not s!ow moving as zombies are. *ike ghou!s& they tend to form into
#acks. If a #erson is scratched more than three times by undead fera! cats $not necessari!y the same one%& he must make a
saving throw or be #ara!yzed for 1d9 turns. 7fter the first set of three scratches& every subse8uent scratch re8uires a saving
Feral 7ndead Cat: HD AdBhp< AC E@AAC< At! D cla+s ,Ahp0< Move AD< 'ave AE< C"=8P B=AH< 'pecial Paraly*ing
scratch ,a&ter &irst I hits04
These medieva! monsters resemb!e giant warthogs& but they are so hideous that their a##earance can cause death $saving
throw%. If the first g!ance doesn2t ki!!& each round of viewing the beast can sti!! stun the viewer into immobi!ity for 1d?
Catoblepas: HD F< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: "ethal appearance4
1att!e inc!ude o5en and cows. ,u!!s inf!ict 1d; #oints of damage instead of 1d9.
Co+=3;: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A gore ,AdF0< Move AE< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
1ave ee!s burrow through stone with shar# teeth& but otherwise !ook !ike !arge ee!s. They usua!!y attack by reaching from
their burrows in cave wa!!s to bite. In genera!& these creatures congregate in grou#s.
Cave eel: HD D< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move A< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: stri!e &rom cave +alls4
Ha!f man& ha!f horse& centaurs are fierce warriors and we!!(known creatures of mytho!ogy. The referee may choose any
version" of the centaur from myth or fo!k!ore for his cam#aign) some are evi!& some a!oof& and some are soothsayers.
Centaur: HD B< AC ?@ABC or B@A?C +ith shield< At! D !ic!s ,AdF0 and +eapon< Move AE< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH<
'pecial: 6one4
7 centi#ede swarm is a grou# of about L(10 norma! $but big% centi#edes. The swarm2s attack $one attack for the grou#& as a
1HN monster% inf!icts on!y 1h# of damage& but the #oison in'ected by the centi#edes is enough to cause #ara!ysis for 1d?=1
rounds $saving throw%. The centi#edes can be ki!!ed andEor shaken off in 1d9 rounds without ro!!ing to hit $they are
virtua!!y im#ossib!e to ki!! with wea#ons%. 7nyone he!#ing to ki!! them subtracts a round from the time re8uired. -ire wi!!
dis#e! or ki!! a swarm $but wou!d damage the #erson being attacked& as we!!%.
Centipede '+arm: HD n=a< AC n=a< At! A ,Ahp J nonKlethal poison0< Move B< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: nonK
lethal poison4
CE6(%PEDE 2%A6(
'mall ,"ethal0: /iant !etha! centi#edes of the sma!! size inf!ict a !etha! bite with a =< saving throw& but inf!ict no damage if
the saving throw is successfu!.
2iant Centipede ,small lethal0: HD AdDhp< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,H J poison0< Move AI< 'ave AE< C"=8P D=IH<
'pecial: poison bite ,JB save or die04
'mall ,6onK"ethal0: The non(!etha! variety has !arger #incers but its #oison is not !etha! $though it is dead!y%. -ai!ing a
saving throw $at =<% against the #oison of the non(!etha! variety causes 1d< rounds of cri##!ing #ain $the victim is he!#!ess&
as if as!ee#%. 7dditiona!!y& the !imb $ro!! 1d<% is tem#orari!y cri##!ed $treat as a disease% for 2d< days. 7 cri##!ed !eg
reduces movement by L0O: a cri##!ed shie!d arm cannot use wea#on or shie!d: a cri##!ed sword arm can on!y attack at G<.
7 second bite on a !eg reduces movement to one 8uarter norma!& and a third bite to the !egs reduces movement to 1ft #er
minute $#rone& dragging onese!f by the arms%.
2iant Centipede ,small nonKlethal0: HD AdDhp< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,H J poison0< Move AI< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?<
'pecial: nonKlethal poison bite ,JB save04
ManKsi*ed: The man(sized giant centi#ede is a dead!y #redator with armored segments& a dead!y bite& and a !etha! $though
re!ative!y weak% #oison.
ManKsi*ed 2iant Centipede ,G&t0: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdE J poison0< Move A?< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH<
'pecial: poison bite ,JF save or die04
"arge: 7 twenty(foot !ong horror of chitin& mu!ti#!e !egs& and c!ashing #incers dri##ing with venom.
"arge 2iant Centipede ,DH&t0: HD B< AC H@A>C< At! A bite ,IdE0< Move AE< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: poison
bite ,JB save or die04
CHA"$E%36 ,Men o& Bron*e0
The #roud +en of ,ronze are !egendary for their martia! #rowess and ferocity. They a##ear as norma! men $a!beit
unusua!!y handsome and we!! #ro#ortioned norma! men% with a dee# reddish(brown skin tone and are ty#ica!!y armed and
dressed in anti8ue fashion. The cha!keions are the !ast remnants of a former age& and those few who remain make their
!iving as mercenaries& for they crave batt!e above a!! things. Their f!esh is not !itera!!y bronze& but it is e5ce#tiona!!y tough&
giving them a natura! armor c!ass of LB1<C. In batt!e& they usua!!y wear !eather armor and shie!ds $which im#roves their 71
to 2B1PC%& carry s#ears and 'ave!ins& and do not ty#ica!!y ride horses. In me!ee cha!keions function as berserkers& gaining 2
attacks #er round and never needing to check mora!e. ,ecause of their fear!essness and strict disci#!ine they are high!y
sought after as mercenaries& but it is a!so we!! known that the men of bronze #!ace !oya!ty to their brethren and se!f
#reservation above their em#!oyersD interests and wi!! not obey orders which they #erceive as foo!ish or suicida!. -or every
9 men of bronze encountered there wi!! ty#ica!!y be a sergeant with 9 hit dice& for every 12 a !ieutenant with P or ; hit dice&
and grou#s of ?0 or more are ty#ica!!y !ed by a ca#tain with 10(12 hit dice. $1ontributed by Trent -oster%.
Man o& Bron*e ,hoplite0: HD ?< AC D@AGC< At! D by +eapon ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 6one4
Man o& Bron*e ,sergeant0: HD F< AC D@AGC< At! D by +eapon ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Man o& Bron*e ,lieutenant0: HD G< AC D@AGC< At! D by +eapon ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave >< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Man o& Bron*e ,captain0: HD AA< AC D@AGC< At! D by +eapon ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave B< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: 6one4
CHA3' $6%2H(
The 1haos Inight a##ears to be a faint!y g!owing& ghost!y suit of animated armour. It seems insubstantia!& but has a definite
#hysica! #resence. There are no features to be discerned within its he!m& save for a dim b!ue g!ow. Intense co!d radiates
from the 1haos Inight: any fire within 20ft wi!! be dam#ened or doused& and !i8uids wi!! coo! and turn to ice.
The mere touch of a 1haos Inight is freezing co!d& chi!!ing those it touches to the bone. It wie!ds a sword in me!ee&
drawing u#on otherwor!d!y might to inf!ict e5tra damage.
,y concentrating for one round& a 1haos Inight may #ass through so!id ob'ects such as a wa!!& !eaving an icy out!ine where
it has done so $?Eday%. It can cast Wa!! of Ice $?Eday%& cause shafts of ice to eru#t from the ground $?Eday%& and o#en a #orta!
simi!ar to a Nimension Noor s#e!! $?Eday%. The #orta! remains o#en for u# to 10 rounds& and anyone !ooking at it wi!! see a
ka!eidosco#ic #assage of 'agged energy bo!ts and whir!ing& ever(changing e!ementa! matter. 7ny being other than the 1haos
Inight that #asses through the #orta! suffers 10 #oints of damage #er round. The 1haos Inight may #ass back and forth
between the two end(#oints of the #orta! at wi!!. It may a!so use Te!ekinesis once #er day& and invoke a random s#e!! effect
twice #er day. The 1haos Inight is immune to mind(affecting magic& as we!! as attacks from non(magica! wea#ons.
6orma! wea#ons with a ,!ess s#e!! cast u#on them can hit and damage a chaos knight. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie
.oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Chaos $night: HD AH< AC H@A>C< At! A touch ,AdF0 or s+ord ,AdEJE0< Move AD ,B &ly0< 'ave ?< C"=8P AB=DFHH<
'pecial: 'pecial dimension door +all o& ice spi!es o& ice pass through +alls tele!inesis random spell e&&ect
immune to nonKmagical +eapons4
The chimera has three heads: one is the head of a goat& one the head of a !ion& and one the head of a dragon. /reat wings
rise from its !ion(!ike body. The dragon head can breathe fire $? times #er day% with a range of L0ft& causing ?d; damage to
anyone caught within the fiery b!ast $saving throw for ha!f damage%.
Chimera: HD >< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 D goat horns ,AdB0 A lion bite ,DdB0 dragon bite ,IdB0< Move > ,Fly
AE0< 'ave F< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Breathes &ire &lies4
1!awed fiends are Lft ta!!& #a!e green humanoids. Their !egs are short stum#s and their hair!ess facia! features carry a
distinctive frog(!ike cast $!arge& bu!bous eyes& wide mouth%. This creature is so named because of its absurd!y !ong arms
which end in !ong& vicious!y shar# c!aws. The arms themse!ves e5tend to Lft& with the c!aws reaching 2 to ? feet. With such
a !ong range& the c!awed fiend isnDt !imited to attacking foes direct!y in front of it& but may a!so attack those u# to ;ft away.
7!though c!awed fiends can inf!ict devastating damage on their foes by way of their vicious c!aws& they are s!ow critters&
and are #ena!ized with a (1 to initiative ro!!s. Without the digits re8uired for fine mani#u!ation& c!awed fiends are unab!e to
em#!oy wea#ons of any kind. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Cla+ed Fiend: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! D cla+s ,AdE=AdE0< Move I< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
The am#hibious 1!iessid are sma!!& she!!ed humanoids with #incers in #!ace of hands& three thick toes on each !eg in a F(
sha#e& and a mass of writhing tentac!es in #!ace of a head. They stand no ta!!er than a manDs knee. 1!iessids !ive in s!uggish
rivers& sha!!ow streams& stagnant #onds& and sewer systems& and can move as fast in& or under& the water as on !and. Some
cities have im#orted and domesticated these creatures for use in sewer maintenance& but with mi5ed resu!ts& for c!iessids are
vicious!y hosti!e to any who invade their territory. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Cliessid: HD AdBhp< AC F@AIC< At! D pincers ,Ahp0< Move > ,> s+im0< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=?< 'pecial: 6one4
This mo!!usk resemb!es a growth of rock or cora! covered with severa! !arge $but sti!! norma!(!ooking% c!ams. When a
swimmer nears it& however& the c!am#er !ashes out with !ong& f!e5ib!e arms of musc!e for which the Qc!amsQ are the ti#s.
These a##endages encirc!e and crush #rey& with the c!am(!ike ti# serving as a vicious!y biting mouth. 7 cora! c!am#er
norma!!y has four a##endages& and these grow to a !ength of 20ft. The c!am#erDs body is #rotected by its hard& cora!(!ike
she!!. If one of the a##endages scores a hit& the victim must make a saving throw or be he!d he!#!ess by the tentac!e(!ike
gras#. The c!am(mouth at the end of the tentac!e can attack whi!e a victim is he!d& but cannot genera!!y reach a victim other
than the one he!d in the musc!e(tentac!e. $1ontributed by +att -inch%
Coral Clamper: HD F< AC D@AGC< At! B muscleKtentacles ,AdF J grab0< Move A< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 2rab
These stunted& gnar!ed trees !ook !ike worn down& time ravaged tree trunks ranging in height from < to ; feet ta!!& with a
cor#se(!ike sha#e& arms stretched forth& budding from the trunk. 4very cor#se tree has a tree ghost $see be!ow% that is #art of
it. 1or#se trees are created when a vam#ire or wraith ki!!s a dryad: the dryadDs tree becomes the cor#se tree and the dryad
herse!f becomes a tree ghost. 7t the base of the tree is an o#ening !eading to a strange chamber beneath& where the cor#se
tree2s victims are s!ow!y digested. The Qrising cor#seQ #art of the tree animates to kee# anyone but the tree ghost and her
victims from entering the treeDs chamber. 7 cor#se tree can on!y harmed by magic and si!ver wea#ons. +agic fire wi!! affect
the tree but ice& e!ectricity& and acid wi!! have no effect& nor wi!! norma! fire. The tree ghost instant!y knows of any harm
coming to the cor#se tree& and she can te!e#ort to the tree to defend it against harm. If either the cor#se tree or the tree ghost
dies& the other wi!! die as we!!. $1ontributed by Sean Stonegiant" Stone%.
(ree Corpse HD?JD< AC B@A?C< At! D &ists ,AdE0< Move H< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: i& both &ists hit the victim
is )bear) hugged &or an additional DdF damage4
Inte!!igent ser#ents with feathered wings& couat!s can be fifteen feet !ong or more. They can #o!ymor#h themse!ves&
constrict victims for 1d9 hit #oints& and cast s#e!!s $? !eve! 1& 2 !eve! 2& 1 !eve! ?%. /enera!!y tro#ica!& some may be
servitors of the gods.
Couatl: HD E< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,DdF J poison0 A tail ,AdF constrict0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH<
'pecial: Fly poison spells polymorph4
7 cockatrice resemb!es a bat(winged rooster with a !ong& ser#entine tai!. Its bite turns enemies to stone un!ess a successfu!
saving throw is made.
Coc!atrice: HD ?< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdI J petri&action0< Move F ,Fly AE0< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: bite
turns to stone4
CRAB 2%A6(
*arger s#ecimens of giant crabs might move more s!ow!y G these stats are for a crab about Lft in diameter.
2iant Crab: HD I< AC I@AFC< At! D pincers ,AdFJD0< Move >< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
1rab men are bi#eda! creatures with a crab(!ike e5oske!eton and a #incer at the end of each arm. They are triba! creatures&
found !iving near water $inc!uding subterranean !akes and rivers%.
Crab men: HD D< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdB0< 'ave AB< Move > ,s+im >0< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
1rabni#edes are horrib!e sea creatures resemb!ing man(sized centi#edes with < #incers. They hunt on sea f!oors and !ake
bottoms& and can craw! out from the water for hours& if the hunting seems better on !and. The crabni#ede2s bite is mi!d!y
#oisonous& causing #ara!ysis for 1d9 turns $saving throw a##!ies%.
Crabnipede: HD B< AC B@A?C< At! B cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdF J paralysis0< Move F ,'+im AD0< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH<
'pecial: Paralysis poison ,AdF turns04
CR3C3D%"E 63RMA"
Some norma! crocodi!es are man(eaters: a!! are dangerous and can concea! themse!ves we!!.
6ormal Crocodile: HD I< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move > ,'+im AD0< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
CR3C3D%"E 2%A6(
The sma!!est of giant crocodi!es are about 20ft !ong $norma! crocodi!es can grow to be as !ong as 1Lft%.
2iant Crocodile: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,IdF0 A tail ,AdF0< Move > ,'+im AD0< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial:
1rumb!ers are mountain and cavern(dwe!!ing Qrock men&Q who serve as guardians for im#ortant things. They are immune to
fire& e!ectricity and magica! Qb!astingQ attacks. 1utting wea#ons inf!ict ha!f damage $and there is a 2 in 9 chance of non(
magica! wea#ons breaking against them%. Hammers and maces do norma! damage. They usua!!y attack in grou#s& rising u#
out of the rubb!e surrounding bou!der(!aden areas. They cannot #ursue& being rooted to the earth. $1ontributed by 0!d
Crumbler: HD A< AC B@A?C< At! A thro+n roc! ,AdB0 or &ist ,AdB0< Move H< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial:
CR9'(A" 2R31(H
7 strange fungus grown from minera! de#osits& the 1rysta! /rowth a##ears to be a !arge& mu!ti(faceted& crysta!!ine !um#. It
may be mistaken for a massive #iece of 8uartz& as it is usua!!y the size of a human head. 1rysta! growth feeds u#on
minera!s found in the b!oodstream of humans& warm(b!ooded humanoids& and other inte!!igent mamma!s. Nes#ite !acking
any discernib!e sense organs& the crysta! growth can somehow sense !ife within A0ft& and anyone touching the crysta!
growth wi!! suffer an immediate attack. The crysta! growth moves by ro!!ing on its facets& and can bounce off wa!!s& rock
faces& and other hard ob'ects to !ea# a few feet into the air. When it comes into contact with bare f!esh& it drains b!ood at the
rate of 1d; hit #oints #er round. Nue to its #art!y minera! structure& it is heavy and can knock creatures off their feet by
ro!!ing and !ea#ing at them. Some crysta! growths !earn the tactic of dro##ing from above onto the head and shou!ders of
targets. 7s the target may be knocked sense!ess by this tactic& the crysta! growth is usua!!y ab!e to get in a few rounds of
b!ood drain before being interru#ted by other crysta! growths seeking a free mea!. 7 batt!e over food between crysta!
growths is a strange sight& with combatants ro!!ing and battering against each other.
.e#ti!ian and avian creatures !ack the minera!s the crysta! growths feed u#on& and crysta! growths ignore them. 1anny
re#ti!ians& such as subterranean !izards and cave(dwe!!ing !izard men& have !earned to crack o#en a crysta! growth and !ick
out its sa!ty& mi!k(!ike 'uices. The 'uice of one crysta! growth is sufficient nourishment for one man(sized creature for ha!f a
day& or a fu!! day if it contains b!ood. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Crystal 2ro+th: HD ?< AC B@A?C< At! A blood drain ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Blood drain4
The crysta!ines resemb!e humanoids whose entire bodies are com#osed of crysta!. When a crysta!!ine dies $reaches 0 h#%&
its body shatters in an e5#!osion of crysta! shards. 7!! within 10ft fai!ing their save suffer 2d9 #oints of damage $a
successfu! save ha!ves the damage%.
1rysta!ines have !earned to use their faceted crysta!(!ike bodies in con'unction with !ight to tem#orari!y b!ind their foes. 0n
a fai!ed save the victim is considered b!inded and suffers a (< #ena!ty to hit for the ne5t 1d< rounds. This abi!ity counts as
an action as the crysta!ine must #osition it body to ca#ture the !ight and direct it effective!y against a foe. $1ontributed by
Crystaline: HD I< AC I@AFC< At! 1eapon ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Blinding Re&racted "ight4
The Narake! is a gigantic horse(headed ee!& forty feet !ong and high!y aggressive. It can attack with a nasty fanged bite and
tai! s!a#& and three times #er day may e5ha!e a 20(foot radius c!oud of #oison from its nostri!s $Ld9 #oints of damage in
addition to norma! attacks& saving throw for ha!f damage%. The Narake! can s!ither about on !and at its norma! movement
rate& and en'oys #reying u#on farmers and !ivestock. It is immune to #oison. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts&
Dara!el: HD AH< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,IdF0 A tail ,DdF0< Move AD ,AD s+im0< 'ave ?< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Poison
breath ,I=day04
Narkmant!es are f!ying& octo#us(!ike creatures with skin te5tured and co!ored to resemb!e !imestone. They ambush #rey by
sticking to cavern cei!ings& and dro##ing to the attack $they are c!umsy f!iers%. If a darkmant!e hits& it attem#ts to suffocate
its #rey by fo!ding its tentac!es $and the webbing between the tentac!es% around the victim2s head. If a darkmant!e misses
its attack& it wi!! f!a# heavi!y into the air to make another attem#t. When a darkmant!e hits& the victim makes a saving
throw to avoid having his head enfo!ded in the darkmant!e2s octo#oid c!utches. If the saving throw succeeds& no damage is
inf!icted. If the saving throw fai!s& the darkmant!e has attached and inf!icts 1d< #oints of damage& continuing to constrict
for an automatic 1d< #oints each round thereafter. Narkmant!es have the abi!ity to create darkness in a radius of 1Lft.
Dar!mantle: HD AJD< AC B@A?C< At! A grab ,AdB0< Move I ,Fly I0< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 'u&&ocation
DEA'%C ,%ce Creeper0
The Neasic& or Ice 1ree#er& is a creature of !iving ice& resemb!ing a !ong& branching& crysta!(!ike structure. The deasic
attacks by stea!th& cree#ing u# to !iving creatures in their s!ee#& smothering their air #assages and draining their !ife heat.
7nyone s!ain in this manner becomes frozen so!id& as the warmth of !ife is sucked out of them. If discovered before it can
com#!ete its attack& the deasic wi!! defend itse!f with dagger(!ike shafts of ice. It is immune to fire and co!d based attacks&
and can cause a burst of icy shards to eru#t from its body& three times #er day& causing 9d9 damage to a!! within 20ft. Neasic
a##arent!y have a rudimentary inte!!igence and society& as they have occasiona!!y been observed gathering in !arge numbers
to form gigantic snowf!ake(sha#ed structures under the aurora of #o!ar skies in winter. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts&
Deasic ,%ce Creeper0: HD >< AC I @AFC< At! A smother ,DdF0 or I ice daggers ,AdB0< Move F< 'ave F< C"=8P AH=ABHH<
'pecial: 'mothers e;plosion o& shards immunities4
Nemons are creatures of the !ower #!anes of e5istence& but they are occasiona!!y encountered in #!aces where they have
been ens!aved to serve as guardians by #owerfu! magic(users or evi! #riests. The more inte!!igent varieties might a!so be
interru#ted whi!e carrying out #!ots of their own. Swords & Wizardry makes no game distinction between demons and
devi!s& for the convenience of those using on!y a two(a!ignment system: a!! are sim#!y creatures of the !ower #!anes& for the
/+ to use as desired in accordance with his own cam#aign.
7chaierai resemb!e he!!ish birds standing fifteen feet ta!! on four sti!t(!ike !egs with crue! ta!ons. Three times #er day an
achaierai can breathe a b!ack c!oud of gas& inf!icting 1d9 #oints of damage and re8uiring a saving throw to #revent being
affected as if by a 1onfusion s#e!!. 7s demons& they are immune to fire.
Achaierai Demon: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Magic
resistance ,D?L0 breath o& con&usion immune to &ire4
DEM36 BAA"R3CH ,'i;thKcategory Demon0
The ,aa!roch2s name means& rough!y& the ,u!! of ,aa!) the ,aa!(aurochs $the aurochs was a bu!! that stood twe!ve feet ta!!
at the shou!der& and ,aa! is an ancient and evi! #agan deity%. These #owerfu! demons somewhat resemb!e vast minotaurs
with great& s#reading bat(wings: they burn with the fires of he!! and are wreathed in f!ame. S#e!!s from casters be!ow 9
!eve! do not affect them& and against higher(!eve! s#e!! casters they are yet PLO immune to a!! s#e!!s. In combat& a baa!roch
uses whi# and sword: the whi# can be used to reach great distances G on a successfu! hit the victim is #u!!ed c!ose to the
baa!roch and burned by the fires of the demon2s body $?d9 hit #oints%. ,aa!rochs are sometimes referred to in ancient te5ts
as ,a!or or ,aa!or& which may be the name of a sing!e demon rather than a term for a!! of them. 7 baa!roch cou!d be forced
or tricked into the service of a #owerfu! wizard& but the risk wou!d be immense.
Baalroch Demon: HD >< AC D@AGC< At! A s+ord ,AdADJD0 and A +hip ,entangles0< Move F ,A? &ly0< 'ave F< C"=8P
AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Magic Resistance ,G?L0 surrounded by &lame ,IdF0 magic +eapon reNuired to hit una&&ected by
spells &rom casters lo+er than F
These creatures are fat& with !ong& s#ind!y arms and !egs. They have rudimentary human heads& with s!obbering 'aws and
fo!ds of fat. Wretch demons have some weak demonic #owers. 7!though they are not #articu!ar!y inte!!igent& they can
cause a stinking c!oud once #er day& can te!e#ort once #er day& can cause darkness $10ft diameter% once #er day& and can
summon 1d< giant rats once #er day.
Dretch Demon: HD B< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Magical
DEM36 ER%69E'
The erinyes& the furies" of 7ncient /reek mytho!ogy& are fema!e demons who #ursue those gui!ty of crimes against the
order of the gods. Their a##earance is so terrib!e as to cause fear $saving throw%. They are im#ossib!e to hide from& being
ab!e to see invisib!e things and !ocate ob'ects at wi!!. The furies carry a whi#& which& if it hits& entang!es the victim $saving
throw% unti! the fury re!eases it. The furies are immune to fire and co!d& and have a magic resistance of 2LO. The b!ade of
a fury2s sword causes #ara!ysis $saving throw%.
Erinyes Demon: HD F< AC D@AGC< At! A bron*e s+ord ,AdF J paralysis0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave AA< C"=8P >=AAHH<
'pecial: Magic resistance ,D?L0 &ear immune to &ire and cold entangle4
DEM36 2"ABRE:7 ,(hirdKCategory Demon0
The third(category demons& /!abrezu& are massive and horrib!e& standing ten feet high or more. They have goat horns and
humanoid sha#e& with no wings. -our arms s#rout from the torso) two huge arms with great crab(#incers& and two much
shorter arms with c!aws. /!abrezu can cause darkness in a 10ft radius& are immune to fire& can cause -ear at wi!!& can
!evitate at wi!!& can #o!ymor#h themse!ves& and are 90O resistant to magic.
(hirdKCategory Demon: HD AH< AC PI@DDC< At! D pincers ,DdF0 D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite AdBJA< Move >< 'ave ?< C"=8P
AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Magic resistance ,FHL0 demonic magical po+ers4
DEM36 2R%M"E$
/rim!eks are !arge wo!f(!ike demons covered in dark& ratty fur. Their most striking features are over(sized canines that
#revent their mouths from c!osing and their !ack of eyes. The absence of eyes does not negative!y affect them. They are
often used in the service of #owerfu! demons and sorcerers as guards& trackers& or assassins.
7 /rim!ek may Q!atch onQ to a victim after a successfu! attack& causing 1d9 #oints of damage every round unti! the victim is
freed from the bite. Their bites can a!so cause a !ycanthro#ic(!ike disease if the victim is not cured before the ne5t new
moon& at which #oint the infected #erson wi!! become a hybrid simi!ar to a werewo!f. 7t this #oint even more #owerfu!
hea!ing magics are needed to reverse the effects before the fo!!owing new moon or the #erson wi!! fu!!y transform into a
/rim!ek and be !ost forever. $1ontributed by the *izard of 0z%.
2rimle!: HD ?JI< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move DB< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Disease continuous damage4
DEM36 HE:R37 ,'econdKCategory Demon0
Toad(!ike demons with bat wings& the Hezrou have magic resistance of L0O. 7t wi!!& they can cause fear $#er the s#e!!%&
detect invisibi!ity $#er the s#e!!%& and cause darkness 1Lft radius. They are immune to fire.
'econdKCategory Demon: HD >< AC H@A>C< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,DdE0< Move > ,Fly AB0< 'ave F< C"=8P AA=AGHH<
'pecial: Magic resistance ?HL demonic magical po+ers4
*emures are vague!y humanoid& but their f!esh is mud(!ike& shifting and soft u#on their horrib!e bodies. They are !ower
forms of demons& the f!esh!y manifestations of damned sou!s. These demons can on!y be #ermanent!y destroyed by
s#rink!ing their disgusting bodies with ho!y water.
"emure Demon: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A cla+ ,AdI0< Move I< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Regenerate
The #athetic& damned sou!s of .oman mytho!ogy& manes are no !arger than humans& with gray skin and em#ty eyes. 6on(
magica! wea#ons inf!ict on!y ha!f norma! damage on them.
Manes Demon: HD A< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdD0 A bite ,AdB0< Move ?< 'ave AE< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Hal& damage
&rom nonKmagic +eapons4
DEM36 MAR%"%(H ,Fi&thKCategory Demon0
+ari!iths have the si5(armed torso of a crue!(eyed& beautifu! woman& but the !ower body of a huge constrictor snake. They
can wie!d wea#ons in a!! si5 arms at once& and the tai!& if it hits& constricts for automatic damage after the initia! hit.
+ari!iths are among the most feared of demons $as much& even& as the mighty ,aa!rogs%. They can& at wi!!& cast 1harm
3erson& *evitate& and 3o!ymor#h Se!f& and are ;0O resistant to magic. -ire does not affect them.
Fi&thKcategory Demon: HD E< AC PI@DDC< At! F +eapons ,AdE0 tail ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial:
Magic resistance ,EHL0 JA or better magic +eapon reNuired to hit demonic magical po+ers4
DEM36 6A"FE'H6EE ,FourthKCategory Demon0
6a!feshnee demons have the body of an enormous gori!!a& the head of a boar& and c!oven hooves. These massive& brutish
demons are actua!!y 8uite inte!!igent& des#ite their a##earance& an incongruity that has deceived and doomed many who
wou!d attem#t to contro! or ens!ave them. The very size of a na!feshnee #revents them from being #articu!ar!y agi!e f!yers&
though they do have wings. 6a!feshnee are incredib!y #owerfu! $=2 to hit%& and have various demonic #owers in addition to
being immune to fire) they cause fear as #er the s#e!! $at wi!!%& #o!ymor#h se!f $at wi!!% and dis#e! magic $at wi!!%. They can
create a symbo! of discord once #er day.
FourthKcategory Demon: HD AA< AC PA@DHC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdFJD0< Move > ,Fly AB0< 'ave B< C"=8P
AI=DIHH< 'pecial: JA or better magic +eapon needed to hit magic resistance ,F?L0 JD on toKhit rolls immune to &ire
magical abilities4
DEM36 M7A'%(
Suasits are demon fami!iars& much !ike im#s but without wings and with a !ess human(!ike sha#e. 7 8uasit can #o!ymor#h
into two other forms $common!y a giant centi#ede and a bat%. These demons are 2LO resistant to magic& regenerate at 1h#
#er round& can become invisib!e at wi!!& and once #er day can cast a -ear s#e!!. Their c!aws are !aden with #oison that
reduces an o##onent2s de5terity by 1 #oint $saving throw a##!ies& !asts for 2d9 rounds%.
Muasit: HD I< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdD J nonKlethal poison0 A bite ,AdI0< Move AB< 'ave AB< C"=8P G=FHH<
'pecial: Magic resistance ,D?L0 nonKlethal poison regenerate ,Ahp=round0 magical abilities4
DEM36 .R3C$ ,FirstKCategory Demon0
These demons are vu!ture(headed& with feathered but humanoid bodies& and huge dark(feathered wings. 7!! can create
darkness in a radius of Lft and are immune to fire. They use their wings to a!!ow both their arms and !egs to be brought into
combat& a!ong with their beaked bite. >rock demons are 8uite stu#id& though !ike most demons they consider themse!ves to
be tremendous!y inte!!igent.
.roc! Demon: HD E< AC A@AEC< At! A bea! ,AdF0 D &orecla+s ,AdB0 D rear cla+s ,AdF0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave E<
C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: Magic resistance ,?HL0 dar!ness immune to &ire4
DEM36 PR%6CE 3RC7'
0rcus is a !ord of the dead in .oman mytho!ogy. 7s a demon(#rince& 0rcus contro!s the dead $s#ecifica!!y& the undead%&
and can a!so ca!! u#on his !esser demon(minions as we!!. His staff causes death at its touch& and he uses magic(user s#e!!s
at the fo!!owing !eve!s. *eve! 1) 9: !eve! 2) L: !eve! ?) <: !eve! <) ?: !eve! L) 2: !eve! 9) 1. He has a magic resistance of PLO&
and is com#!ete!y immune to fire and charm s#e!!s. 7t wi!! he can animate dead& create darkness $1Lft radius%& cause fear&
dis#e! magic& make a Suggestion #er the s#e!!& #o!ymor#h himse!f& or use 4S3. Such #owers can be used at the same time
as norma! attacks. His sku!!(ti##ed staff might have inde#endent #owers of its own& even #ossib!y being an entity in its
own right& mere!y coo#erating with the demon #rince and using him for its own #ur#oses.
3rcus: HD IH ,AD?hp0< AC PF@D?C< At! A sta&& ,death P no save0 tail ,DdE0 A cla+ ,DdE0< Move > ,Fly DH0< 'ave I<
C"=8P I?=FEHH< 'pecial: Magic resistance ,G?L0 JI magic +eapon reNuired to hit immune to &ire and charm death
sta&& spells magical abilities control undead summon demon minions4
DER2E67E ,1all 1ench0
When dungeons and dark tem#!es have bas(re!iefs of ha!f(naked women carved into their wa!!s& adventurers shou!d be
aware that some of these #rovocative decorations may be Nergenue& a race of inte!!igent& mischievous earth e!ementa!s.
They hide in wa!!s& using their innate abi!ity to #hase through earth and stone& and attack by reaching out to grab at unwary
#assersby $high chance to sur#rise%. Their b!ows cause 1d9 damage& and they may drag their victims into the wa!! $to
swift!y suffocate and die% if the attack ro!! succeeds by < or more #oints. 4arth(based magic may cause 1d; damage #er
s#e!! !eve! to a dergenue& or s!ay her outright& de#ending u#on the s#e!!. 7 dergenue takes norma! damage from fire& co!d&
and wea#ons& but is otherwise immune to a!most a!! other attack forms. If she ste#s out of a wa!!& a dergenue must remain in
contact with earth or stone or !ose 1 H3 #er turn& and they cannot cross a barrier of fire or water. $1ontributed by Scott
Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Dergenue: HD D< AC B@A?C< At! A stri!e ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Drag into stone immunities4
The Nertesha are a race of a8uatic humanoids dwe!!ing in rivers and !akes. They a##ear ta!!& thin& and human(!ike& but with
!ong tentac!es in #!ace of !egs. Some are a mott!ed greenish(b!ue in co!our& and others are reddish(brown: a few have been
re#orted ye!!owish(white. Nertesha are ab!e to trave! above water G on !and and through the air G by magica! watery
s#heres& oi!y and roi!ing in a##earance. The dertesha are s!ight!y trans!ucent& and their bones are sometimes visib!e.
Nertesha disdain #hysica! conf!ict& being haughty and convinced of their mora! and inte!!ectua! su#eriority over the !and(
dwe!!ing races. They can cause !arge tentac!es to eru#t from any surface within 90ft& one #er round& which restrain any
target they strike $saving throw if hit negates%. They may a!so cast +agic +issi!e at wi!!. If #ressed into c!ose combat& their
touch acts as a #ara!ytic #oison that can have ha!!ucinatory after(effects. They may a!so sim#!y drag air(breathing
o##onents under the water and ho!d them there to drown.
Nertesha have a so#histicated cu!ture unseen by !and(dwe!!ing races& and they communicate fre8uent!y with creatures of
e!ementa! air and water. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Dertesha: HD F< AC F@AIC< At! A ,H0< Move AD ,s+im or &ly AD0< 'ave AA< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: create tentacles
magic missile paralysis touch4
Nheziks !ook rather !ike dwarves with green skin and ye!!ow eyes. However& they are fera!& naked savages who #aint swir!s
on their bodies with the b!ood of their foes. Their !ong white hair& eyebrows and moustaches are #rehensi!e& enab!ing the
Nhezik to entang!e an o##onent in c!ose combat $saving throw to avoid%& then bite the beard(entwined o##onents with their
#rominent canine fangs. 7fter a fresh ki!! there is a 1 in 9 chance their b!ood!ust may cause them to attack each other.
Nheziks are com#!ete!y resistant to arcane magic directed at them& due to strange g!y#hs branded on their shou!ders. They
are of !ow inte!!igence& are inferti!e& have a #ack menta!ity& and wi!! vicious!y attack Nwarves $=1 to hit%. $1ontributed by
Sean Wi!!s%.
Dhe*i!: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Entangle %mmune to Arcane
Ninosaurs are #articu!ar!y usefu! in time(trave!ing adventures& for va!!eys that time forgot& or for the mounts of sword &
sorcery barbarians.
D%63'A7R A6$9"3'A7R7'
7n anky!osaurus !ooks !ike a turt!e with s#ikes around the edge of its she!! and e!e#hant(!ike !egs. It has a tai! with a
c!ubbed end. They are herbivores& and trave! in sma!! grou#s.
An!ylosaurus: HD E< AC H@A>C< At! A clubbed tail ,IdF0< Move >< 'ave E< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 6one4
D%63'A7R BR36(3'A7R7'
,rontosaurus $7#atosaurus% is a massive& !ong(necked herbivore. They are encountered in grou#s or even herds. 7
brontosaurus stands 20ft ta!! at the shou!der& and weighs from ?L to <L tons.
Brontosaurus: HD D?< AC F@AIC< At! A stomp ,BdAH0< Move >< 'ave I< C"=8P D?=?>HH< 'pecial: 6one4
D%63'A7R E"A'M3'A7R7'
-ish(!ike& 1Lft !ong carnivores& the e!asmosaurus has a !ong neck !ike a sea ser#ent& but has a thick& saurian body with fins.
This is a good sea monster for use in cam#aigns where the dark horrors of the far(forgotten #ast might sti!! survive.
Elasmosaurus: HD A?< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,BdF0< Move A ,'+im AE0< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: ANuatic4
D%63'A7R '(E23'A7R7'
These dinosaurs have !arge back(#!ates standing out from the s#ine& and a s#iked tai!. They are herbivores& and trave! in
sma!! grou#s.
'tegosaurus: HD A?< AC D@AGC< At! A bite ,AdE0 A spi!ed tail ,BdF0< Move >< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: 6one4
D%63'A7R (R%CERA(3P'
7 tricerato#s has three horns #rotruding from its face& and a #rotective #!ate rising !ike an armored fri!! behind its head.
They are e5treme!y hard to damage with fronta! assau!ts. The bony #!ate behind the head wou!d a!so #rovide e5ce!!ent
#rotection for a rider.
(riceratops: HD A?< AC H@A>C &ront ?@ABC bac!< At! A gore ,BdE0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: 6one4
D%63'A7R (9RA663'A7R7'
Tyrannosaurus is a dead!y carnivorous dinosaur& wa!king on two !egs and attacking with a massive!y #owerfu! bite. When
it bites #rey& it grabs the victim in its 'aws& shaking and chewing for automatic damage in subse8uent rounds. It can inf!ict
such damage even against o##onents as !arge as a brontosaurus. 0n!y creatures with she!!s& bone fri!!s& or s#ines can avoid
the horrendous tearing damage a tyrannosaur can inf!ict $e.g.& tricerato#s& stegosaurus& anky!osaurus%.
(yrannosaurus Re;: HD AE< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,BdE0< Move AE< 'ave I< C"=8P A>=DBHH< 'pecial: Che+s and tears4
D32 27ARD or 1AR
These are !arge& trained dogs. 6orma! dogs wou!d have hit dice 1 or !ower& and inf!ict no more than 1d? #oints of damage.
2uard Dog: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AB< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
N'inn are one of the genies of fo!k!ore& creatures of the air $and #ossib!y of the e!ementa! #!anes%. They can carry P00
#ounds of weight& and have a number of magica! #owers. 7 d'inni can create food and water of high 8ua!ity& as we!! as
wooden and c!oth ob'ects. They can a!so create ob'ects of meta! $inc!uding coins%& but a!! such magica!!y created meta!s
disa##ear in time. N'inn can ca!! u# i!!usions& and a!though these are 8uite e5ce!!ent they disa##ear when touched. N'inni
can turn themse!ves into gaseous form $cannot attack or be attacked& can enter any area that is not airtight%& and can become
invisib!e at wi!!. -ina!!y& a d'inni can turn itse!f into a whir!wind much !ike an air e!ementa!& swee#ing away any creature
with one or fewer hit dice $the diameter of the whir!wind is 10ft. +ore #owerfu! ty#es of d'inn might be ca#ab!e of
granting !imited wishes or even true wishes.
DOinni: HD GJI< AC B@A?C< At! A &ist or +eapon ,AdAHJA0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave >< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: Magical
po+ers +hirl+ind4
No!#hins are un!ike!y to be o##onents in most adventures& but they might be enchanted guardians& or dark" do!#hins of
evi! tem#erament.
Dolphin: HD D< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
7 do##e!ganger can change its form to resemb!e the #hysica! a##earance $inc!uding c!othing and gear% of any #erson.
These creatures are immune to s!ee# and charm& and are considered magic resistant for #ur#oses such as breaking through
wizard !ocks and simi!ar s#e!!s. They have a very good saving throw $L% against magic of a!! kinds.
Doppelganger: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A cla+ ,AdAD0< Move >< 'ave AI ,? vs magic0< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Mimics
shape immune to sleep and charm4
Nrago!ems are go!ems fashioned in the sha#e of dragons. These #owerfu! constructs are usua!!y used to guard va!uab!e
artifacts or vast treasures. 7 drago!em is uninte!!igent and is unaffected by charm s#e!!s& ho!d& s!ee# or other mind a!tering
s#e!!s& as we!! a gases& co!d& and fire. Nrago!ems are a!so immune to a!! s#e!!s of u# to !eve! <& and to norma! and si!ver
wea#ons. Nrago!ems are ab!e to see the invisib!e and ? times #er day they may breath a #oisonous c!oud $20 T 20 T 20ft%.
The victim of the #oisonous c!oud must make a successfu! saving throw or die. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Dragolem: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdAH0 or breath< Move AD ,&ly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH<
'pecial: Breath %mmunities4
The size of a dragon is rough!y Lft of body !ength #er age category& u# to the adu!t size of 20ft. Nragons have doub!e
norma! treasure $i.e.& with a go!d #iece va!ue of four times the dragonDs T3 va!ue%.
No not ro!! hit #oints for dragons as norma!. Instead& determine the age category of the dragon& and that wi!! te!! you both
the dragon2s hit #oints #er die and how many #oints of damage #er hit die the dragon2s breath inf!icts)
$1% >ery young dragon) 1 hit #oint #er hit die& 1 hit #oint #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on.
$2% Foung) 2 hit #oints #er hit die& 2 hit #oints #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on.
$?% Immature) ? hit #oints #er hit die& ? hit #oints #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on.
$<% 7du!t) < hit #oints #er hit die& < hit #oints #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on.
$L% 0!d) L hit #oints #er hit die& L hit #oints #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on.
$9% >ery 0!d $100 years o!d%) 9 hit #oints #er hit die& 9 hit #oints #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on.
$P% 7ged $100(<00 years o!d%) P hit #oints #er die& P hit #oints #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on
$;% 7ncient $<00= years o!d%) ; hit #oints #er die& ; hit #oints #er die inf!icted by breath wea#on
6ote that dragons& whi!e they are dangerous o##onents& are not by any means invincib!e. In a medieva!(ty#e fantasy wor!d&
dragons are a common #rob!em rather than a god!ike creature of !egend G so the statistics for dragons ref!ect a dead!y but
not mythica! foe. The /+ is& of course& free to create stats for a more mythica!" conce#tion of dragons. Since dice aren2t
ro!!ed for dragon hit #oints& it is #ossib!e for a tru!y mythica! dragon to have more numbers" #er die than it2s actua!!y
#ossib!e to ro!! on a hit die.
,reath Wea#ons) 7!! dragons have a breath wea#on of some kind& which can be used three times in a day. The /+ chooses
when a dragon wi!! use the breath wea#on& or may ro!! a 90O chance in any given round. Namage inf!icted by a dragon2s
breath wea#on is indicated under the age category. ,reath wea#ons come in three different ty#es) a c!oud(sha#e for
gaseous e5ha!ations& a cone sha#e for fiery(ty#e breath& and a !ine for s#itting dragons. The dimensions of a dragon2s
breath differ according to the dragon2s ty#e.
If a dragon is beaten down by subdua! damage $see ru!es for combat%& the dragon wi!! surrender and serve its masters& even
to the #oint of a!!owing itse!f to be so!d. However& subdued dragons are on!y !oya! whi!e they are im#ressed by and
frightened of their masters G signs of weakness may cause the dragon to esca#e or even attack its master.
Standard(co!ored dragons genera!!y have a cha!!enge !eve! of its $hit #ointsE<% =2.
DRA236 B"AC$
,!ack dragons s#it a dead!y& corrosive acid rather than breathing fire. The acid covers everything in a !ine Lft wide and 90ft
!ong. ,!ack dragons have a <LO chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king b!ack dragons have a LO chance of being ab!e to cast
1d< first !eve! magic(user s#e!!s. ,!ack dragons range in size from 9 to ; hit dice.
Adult Blac! Dragon ,FHD0: HD F ,DBhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,IdF0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave AA< C"=8P
E=EHH< 'pecial: 'pits acid4
Adult Blac! Dragon ,GHD0: HD G ,DEhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,IdF0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave >< C"=8P
>=AAHH< 'pecial: 'pits acid4
Adult Blac! Dragon ,EHD0: HD E ,IDhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,IdF0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P
AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 'pits acid4
DRA236 B"7E
,!ue dragons s#it a b!ast of e!ectric !ightning in a !ine Lft wide and 100ft !ong& affecting everything in its #ath. 7 saving
throw indicates ha!f damage. ,!ue dragons have a 9LO chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king b!ue dragons have a 1LO
chance of being ab!e to cast 1d< first !eve! magic(user s#e!!s and 1d? second !eve! magic(user s#e!!s. ,!ue dragons range in
size from ; to 10 hit dice.
Adult Blue Dragon ,EHD0: HD E ,IDhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P
AH=ABHH< 'pecial: spits lightning4
Adult Blue Dragon ,>HD0: HD > ,IFhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave F< C"=8P
AA=AGHH< 'pecial: spits lightning4
Adult Blue Dragon ,AHHD0: HD AH ,BHhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave ?<
C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: spits lightning4
DRA236 BRA''
,rass dragons are greedy& but not as inimica! to humankind as most of their kin. 7 brass dragon can breath a cone(sha#ed
b!ast of s!ee# gas $P0ft !ong& to a width of 20ft at the end%& or a c!oud of fear gas L0ft in diameter $20ft from the ground to
the to# of the c!oud%. 7 saving throw is re8uired for anyone caught in a brass dragon2s breath wea#on& regard!ess of !eve!.
S!ee# !asts unti! the victim is #hysica!!y awakened: fear causes the victim to f!ee for ?d9 rounds. ,rass dragons have a L0O
chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king brass dragons have a LO chance of being ab!e to cast 1d< first !eve! magic(user s#e!!s.
,rass dragons range in size from 9 to ; hit dice.
Adult Brass Dragon ,FHD0: HD F ,DBhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,IdF0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave AA<
C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Fear or sleep breath4
Adult Brass Dragon ,GHD0: HD G ,DEhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,IdF0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave >< C"=8P
>=AAHH< 'pecial: Fear or sleep breath4
Adult Brass Dragon ,EHD0: HD E ,IDhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,IdF0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P
AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Fear or sleep breath4
DRA236 BR36:E
,ronze dragons are genera!!y 8uite friend!y to humankind. They can s#it !ightning in a !ine 100ft !ong $Lft wide% or e5ha!e
a c!oud of misdirection gas in a ?0ft diameter $20ft from ground to to# of c!oud%. The misdirection gas forces anyone
fai!ing a saving throw to retreat away from the dragon for 9 fu!! combat rounds. The !ightning bo!t causes fu!! damage $age
category times dragon2s hit dice% on a fai!ed saving throw& ha!f damage with a successfu! saving throw. ,ronze dragons
have a P0O chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king bronze dragons have a 1LO chance of being ab!e to cast 1d< first !eve!
magic(user s#e!!s and 1d? second !eve! magic(user s#e!!s. These dragons range in size from ; to 10 hit dice.
Adult Bron*e Dragon ,EHD0: HD E ,IDhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave E<
C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: spits lightning or misdirection gas4
Adult Bron*e Dragon ,>HD0: HD > ,IFhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave F<
C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: spits lightning or misdirection gas4
Adult Bron*e Dragon ,AHHD0: HD AH ,BHhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave ?<
C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: spits lightning or misdirection gas4
1o##er dragons are genera!!y hosti!e to evi!Echaos& a!though they are not necessari!y friend!y to humans& either. They are
greedy and covet wea!th. 7 co##er dragon can choose to s#it a !ine of acid Lft wide and 90ft !ong $saving throw for ha!f
damage%& or to e5ha!e a c!oud of gas ?0ft in diameter $20ft from to# to bottom% that acts as a s!ow s#e!! for a duration of 9
combat rounds $saving throw negates%. 1o##er dragons have a 90O chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king co##er dragons
have a 10O chance of being ab!e to cast 1d< first !eve! magic(user s#e!!s and 1d2 second !eve! magic(user s#e!!s. These
dragons range in size from P to A hit dice.
Adult Copper Dragon ,GHD0: HD G ,DEhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave ><
C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: 'pit acid or breathe slo+ing gas4
Adult Copper Dragon ,EHD0: HD E ,IDhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave E<
C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 'pit acid or breathe slo+ing gas4
Adult Copper Dragon ,>HD0: HD > ,IFhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave F<
C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: 'pit acid or breathe slo+ing gas4
DRA236 23"D
2old dragons are of *awfu! a!ignment& can a!ways s#eak& and cast s#e!!s as if they were a +agic(user of e8ua! !eve! to their
age category $so that very o!d 2old Nragons are 9th !eve! +agic(users%. They can choose to either breathe fire in a cone
A0ft !ong and rough!y ?0ft wide at the base& or breathe ch!orine gas in a c!oud L0ft !ong& <0ft wide& and ?0ft high. These
dragons range in size from 10 to 12 hit dice.
Adult 2old Dragon ,AHHD0: HD AH ,BHhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave ?<
C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: &ire or chlorine breath magicKuser spells4
Adult 2old Dragon ,AAHD0: HD AA ,BBhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave B<
C"=8P AB=DFHH< 'pecial: &ire or chlorine breath magicKuser spells4
Adult 2old Dragon ,ADHD0: HD AD ,BEhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,IdE0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave I<
C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: &ire or chlorine breath magicKuser spells4
DRA236 2REE6
/reen dragons breathe a c!oud of #oisonous gas& L0ft in diameter. 7 successfu! saving throw indicates ha!f damage. /reen
dragons have a LLO chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king green dragons have a 10O chance of being ab!e to cast 1d< first
!eve! magic(user s#e!!s and 1d2 second !eve! magic(user s#e!!s. /reen dragons range in size from P to A hit dice.
Adult 2reen Dragon ,GHD0: HD G ,DEhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave ><
C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: Breathes poison gas4
Adult 2reen Dragon ,EHD0: HD E ,IDhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave E<
C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Breathes poison gas4
Adult 2reen Dragon ,>HD0: HD > ,IFhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave F<
C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Breathes poison gas4
.ed dragons are the fire(breathing wyrms of !egend. They breathe fire in a cone(sha#e A0 feet !ong and rough!y ?0ft wide
at the base. .ed dragons have a PLO chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king red dragons have a 20O chance of being ab!e to
cast 1d< first !eve! magic(user s#e!!s& 1d? second !eve! magic(user s#e!!s& and 1d2 third !eve! magic(user s#e!!s. .ed
dragons range in size from A to 11 hit dice.
Adult Red Dragon ,>HD0: HD > ,IFhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 A bite ,IdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave F< C"=8P
AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Breathes &ire4
Adult Red Dragon ,AHHD0: HD AH ,BHhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 A bite ,IdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave ?<
C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Breathes &ire4
Adult Red Dragon ,AAHD0: HD AA ,BBhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 A bite ,IdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave B<
C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Breathes &ire4
DRA236 '%".ER
Si!ver dragons are active servants of !awEgood: a!though they do not necessari!y #ursue this goa! by assisting humankind&
most wou!d #rotect human sett!ements and civi!ized regions in the face of serious threats. They have the abi!ity to
#o!ymor#h themse!ves into human and anima! forms. Si!ver dragons can either breath a cone of co!d $P0ft !ong& to a width
of ?0ft% or e5ha!e a c!oud of #ara!ytic gas L0ft in diameter and 20ft from ground to to# $duration ?d9 turns& saving throw
negates%. Si!ver dragons have an ;0O chance of being ab!e to ta!k: ta!king si!ver dragons have a 20O chance of being ab!e
to cast 1d< first !eve! magic(user s#e!!s& 1d? second !eve! magic(user s#e!!s& and 1d2 third !eve! magic(user s#e!!s. These
dragons range in size from A to 11 hit dice.
Adult 'ilver Dragon ,>HD0: HD > ,IFhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 A bite ,IdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave F<
C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Breathes &rost or paraly*ing gas polymorph4
Adult 'ilver Dragon ,AHHD0: HD AH ,BHhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 A bite ,IdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave ?<
C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Breathes &rost or paraly*ing gas polymorph4
Adult 'ilver Dragon ,AAHD0: HD AA ,BBhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 A bite ,IdAH0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave B<
C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Breathes &rost or paraly*ing gas polymorph4
DRA236 1H%(E
White dragons are usua!!y found in co!d regions& where they can camouf!age themse!ves in ice and snow& !ying in wait for
#rey. They breathe a cone of intense!y co!d air and frost& with a !ength of P0ft and a base of ?0ft. White dragons are not
ab!e to ta!k or cast s#e!!s. White dragons range in size from L to P hit dice.
Adult 1hite Dragon ,?HD0: HD ? ,DHhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,DdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave AD<
C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Breathes &rost4
Adult 1hite Dragon ,FHD0: HD F ,DBhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,DdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave AA<
C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Breathes &rost4
Adult 1hite Dragon ,GHD0: HD G ,DEhp0< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,DdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave >< C"=8P
>=AAHH< 'pecial: Breathes &rost4
DRA236 (7R("E
The dragon turt!e is not fast moving& es#ecia!!y on !and. However& it can breathe a c!oud of sca!ding water and steam&
inf!icting damage e8ua! to its own fu!! hit #oints $save for ha!f damage%.
Dragon (urtle: HD AD< AC H@A>C< At! D cla+s ,DdF0 A bite ,BdF0< Move I ,'+im AD0< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH<
'pecial: Breath +eapon ,steam04
These creatures resemb!e a cross between a !ion and a dragon& for they have a sca!ed dragon2s body $sma!!er than a
dragon2s& though% with a great mane of f!owing hair. The head is !eonine in sha#e& but has re#ti!ian sca!es. They do not
norma!!y have a breath wea#on& but dragonnes have a tremendous roar. 7nyone hearing the roar must save or be weakened
$(1 to a!! attacks% for 1 turn.
Dragonne: HD >< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdFJA0< Move AE ,Fly >0< 'ave F< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
DRA72 ,1ol&KBear Fol!0
The Nraug are a race of ;ft ta!!& bear(!ike humanoids with wo!f(!ike heads and tai!s. They are brave warriors and strong
drinkers& and their shie!d(!ined !onghouses resound to boasting and merriment. The wo!f(bear fo!k" fight with s#ear& a5e&
dagger& or broad sword& and gain =2 to hit and damage due to their great strength. 7ny treasure wi!! be in the form of hack(
si!ver 'ewe!ry& wea#ons and shie!ds of fine craftsmanshi# and e58uisite decoration& and kegs of mead. Suggestions they
were created by the same eccentric wizard res#onsib!e for the 0w! ,ear wi!! be met with how!s of !aughter& and an
overf!owing tankard of mead. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Draug: HD IJI< AC G@ADC or +ith shield F@AIC< At! A +eapon ,AdEJD0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: JD
to hit4
Nriders are s#ider(centaurs) the body is that of a massive s#ider& but the torso is that of a de!icate human(!ike #erson.
Nriders have the fo!!owing natura! abi!ities& usab!e once #er day) dancing !ights& darkness 1Lft radius& detect magic& and
!evitate. In addition& driders are s#e!!casters. +a!e driders are magic(users $<E?E2E1%& and fema!es are c!erics $2E2E2E1E1%.
Drider: HD G< AC I@AFC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AE< 'ave >< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: 'pells magical abilities4
Nruids are #riests of nature(oriented re!igions. They wi!! go to great !engths to #rotect the f!ora and fauna under their care.
Nruids are a combination of magic(users and c!erics. They are !imited to wie!ding and wearing non(meta!!ic wea#ons
$staves& c!ubs& and such% and armor $!eather%. There is a P0O chance that they wi!! be accom#anied by 1d<=1 fighting(men
of !eve!s 2 to L& a!ong with 2d20 norma! men.
Nruids may take the sha#e of a mamma!& re#ti!e& or bird. The druid may sha#e change u# to ? times #er day& but is !imited
to one ty#e $bird& re#ti!e& mamma!% #er day. The size of the anima!s the druid sha#e changes into ranges from as sma!! as a
raven to as !arge as a sma!! bear.
Nruids cast s#e!!s as magic(users of Lth to Pth !eve! and c!erics of Pth to Ath !eve!. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Druid ,BHD0: HD B< AC >@AHC< At! A ,AdF or +eapon or spell0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: 'hape
Change spellKcasting ,M7 ? C" G04
Druid ,EHD0: HD E< AC >@AHC< At! A ,AdF or +eapon or spell0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 'hape
Change spellKcasting ,M7 F C" E04
Druid ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC >@AHC< At! A ,AdF or +eapon or spell0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P AB=DFHH< 'pecial: 'hape
Change spellKcasting ,M7 G C" >04
Nryads are beautifu! fema!e tree s#irits& and do not venture far from their home trees. They can cast $as a native magica!
#ower% a strong charm that o#erates as a charm #erson s#e!! with a G2 saving throw. Those who are charmed se!dom return&
or might be ke#t for a hundred years and a day within the dryad2s tree.
Dryad: HD D< AC >@AHC< At! A +ooden dagger ,AdB0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Charm person ,KD
Statistics above are for the common dwarf with no #articu!ar unusua! characteristics. 7 dwarf(at(arms wou!d usua!!y have a
fu!! ; hit #oints& ref!ecting ski!! and genera! toughness. Stronger dwarves $sergeants(at(arms& for e5am#!e% might have more
hit dice or unusua! bonuses to hit& even magica! abi!ities if dwarves are magica! in your fantasy universe $6orse myths are a
good e5am#!e of this%. No not bother to treat more #owerfu! 631 dwarves as fighting(men or character ty#es: 'ust assign
the right number of hit dice and abi!ities $if any% and kee# moving a!ong with the fantasy.
D+ar&: HD A< AC B@A?C< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move F< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: Detect attributes o& stone+or!4
Nwe!vers were once a race of dwarves that fo!!owed their greed to the e!ementa! #!ane of earth to mine it for its riches.
Throughout the mi!!ennia they s!ow!y began to change into the very substances they sought. Whi!e sti!! resemb!ing dwarves
in form& they are made of stone& ores and gems. Nwe!vers are ma!evo!ent and greedy and wi!! defend their c!aims against a!!
comers. They now e5ist on!y to mine wor!ds of their minera! resources& which they use to create more of their race. /rou#s
of Nwe!vers are ab!e to summon 4arth 4!ementa!s& which wi!! serve them faithfu!!y. 7t !east eight Nwe!vers are needed to
summon an ; hit dice 4arth 4!ementa!& twe!ve for one of 12 hit dice and si5teen to summon one of 19 hit dice. It is a!so
!ike!y Nwe!vers are ab!e to em#!oy other earthen magics. $1ontributed by The *izard of 0z%.
D+elver: HD B JD < AC I@AFC< At! A +eapon or stri!e ,AdE0< Move F < 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 2roup magic.
EA2"E 2%A6(
/iant eag!es are 'ust !arge enough to carry a human rider. Some varieties of the breed may be inte!!igent& and tru!y unusua!
s#ecimens might even be ca#ab!e of casting s#e!!s or using other magica! #owers. ,ecause giant eag!es can be tamed as
mounts& their eggs and f!edg!ings are worth considerab!e amounts of go!d $L00=g#%.
2iant Eagle: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! D talons ,AdB0 A bite ,AdE0< Move I ,Fly DB0< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
EE" 2%A6(
These statistics are for giant ee!s about ten feet in !ength. *arger ee!s wou!d have corres#onding!y greater hit dice. The
e!ectric shock generated by a giant e!ectric ee! wou!d cause ?d9 #oints of damage in the surrounding water& with no saving
throw. See a!so& *am#reys&" which are a!so ee!s.
2iant Electric Eel: HD D< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,AdI0< Move H ,'+im >0< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Electric
2iant Moray Eel: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move H ,'+im >0< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
4freet are a ty#e of genie associated with fire $un!ike the d'inn& who have #owers over the air%. 4freet can carry u# to a
thousand #ounds of weight& and under the right circumstances they can be forced to serve as s!aves $unti! they figure out
how to free themse!ves without e5act!y disobeying a command%. 7n efreeti can cast Wa!! of -ire $#er the s#e!!%. They
a##ear as giant humans with crue! features& their red skin f!ickering with f!ames.
E&reeti: HD AH< AC D@AGC< At! A &ist or s+ord ,AdEJ?0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave ?< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: 1all o& &ire4
4!ementa!s are !iving manifestations of the basic forms of matter) earth& air& fire& and water. They are usua!!y summoned
from their native #!anes of e5istence to do the bidding of a #owerfu! wizard. These beings can a!so be chained" within
ob'ects or structures to give the ob'ects magica! #ro#erties. 4!ementa!s are bare!y inte!!igent at a!!& but they are as #owerfu!
as the forces of nature that they actua!!y are.
7ir e!ementa!s can turn into a whir!wind of air with a diameter of ?0ft& hur!ing any creature of 1 HN or !ess for great
distances $and a!most certain!y ki!!ing them%. 4!ementa! whir!winds are a##ro5imate!y 100ft high.
Air Elemental ,EHD0: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,DdE0< Move ,Fly IF0< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial:
Air Elemental ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,DdE0< Move ,Fly IF0< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial:
Air Elemental ,AFHD0: HD AF< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,IdE0< Move ,Fly IF0< 'ave I< C"=8P AG=IBHH< 'pecial:
4arth e!ementa!s are hu!king man(sha#es of rock and earth. They batter o##onents with their great fists& a!though damage
is reduced by 1d9 if the o##onent is not standing u#on earth or rock. 4arth e!ementa!s can tear a#art stone structures& being
ab!e to ri# down even a cast!e wa!! in a matter of 1d<=< rounds $minutes%.
Earth Elemental ,EHD0: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,IdF0< Move F< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: (ear do+n
Earth Elemental ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,IdF0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: (ear do+n
Earth Elemental ,AFHD0: HD AF< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,BdF0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AG=IBHH< 'pecial: (ear do+n
-ire e!ementa!s are form!ess masses of f!ame& #erha#s with a vague!y human sha#e. Their attacks cause f!ammab!e
materia!s $inc!uding wood% to ignite if the materia! fai!s a saving throw $determined by the /+%.
Fire Elemental ,EHD0: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: %gnite
Fire Elemental ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: %gnite
Fire Elemental ,AFHD0: HD AF< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,IdF0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P AG=IBHH< 'pecial: %gnite
Water e!ementa!s cannot move more than 90ft from a !arge body of water& and their damage is reduced by 1d9 if the
o##onent is not standing in water $or swimming& etc%. These #owerfu! beings can overturn sma!! boats& and can overturn a
shi# if given 1d<=< rounds to work at it. 0n water& they can attack shi#s& battering them to #ieces within 1 hour if not
#revented or distracted.
1ater Elemental ,EHD0: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,IdF0< Move F ,'+im AE0< 'ave E< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial:
overturn boats4
1ater Elemental ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,IdF0< Move F ,'+im AE0< 'ave I< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial:
overturn boats4
1ater Elemental ,AFHD0: HD AF< AC D@AGC< At! A stri!e ,BdF0< Move F ,'+im AE0< 'ave I< C"=8P AF=IAHH< 'pecial:
overturn boats4
Trained e!e#hants can carry a howdah u#on their backs& with u# to si5 #eo#!e within. In batt!e& wounded e!e#hants may
become maddened and go on a ram#age& ignoring a!! training.
Elephant: HD AH< AC F@AIC< At! A trun! ,AdAH0 D gore ,AdAH0 D trample ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave ?< C"=8P AA=AGHH<
'pecial: 6one4
4!ves are genera!!y inhabitants of the dee# woods or wi!d #!aces. It can be very dangerous to intrude into their domains.
The statistics be!ow are for a standard" e!f& a!though many e!ves wi!! have magica! abi!ities or more hit dice than 1=1.
El&: HD AJA< AC ?@ABC< At! A s+ord ,AdE0 or D arro+s ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
7n etherea! shade resemb!es a mass of b!ack& wis#y smoke& which bi!!ows and contracts as it f!oats about. 4therea! Shades
are undead and are thus affected by a c!ericDs Turn Mndead abi!ity $treat as a Ty#e A undead%. 7t night& or in darkness& it
becomes near!y invisib!e. The referee may re8uire a check or saving throw to s#ot an etherea! shade in such conditions.
,att!ing an etherea! shade in dim!y i!!uminated environments incurs a (< #ena!ty to hit. The etherea! shade inf!icts damage
by use of its icy touch. 4therea! Shades are immune to damage from non(magica! wea#ons.
,y wra##ing itse!f around a victim2s head& the etherea! shade may momentari!y distract and befudd!e its foe. The effects are
simi!ar to a 1onfusion s#e!! and !ast as !ong as the etherea! shade remains wra##ed around the victimDs head. 7ny damage
inf!icted u#on the creature whi!e it is wra##ed around a foe wi!! resu!t in the etherea! shade taking ha!f the damage& and its
engu!fed victim taking the other ha!f. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Ethereal 'hade: HD E< AC A@AEC< At! %cy touch ,DdF0 or special ability< Move >< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
Hard to see immune to nonKmagic +eapons be&uddlement4
4tterca#s are a strange race of s#ind!y& !ong(armed bi#eds about seven feet ta!!. They have s#ider(!ike s#innerets& and are
often found in the com#any of giant s#iders. 4tterca#s are f!esh(eating #redators who use their s#innerets to create tra#s of
various kinds such as web(fi!!ed #its or deadfa!! tra#s with si!ken ro#es.
Ettercap: HD ?< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdE J poison0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Poison
bite traps4
4ttins are two(headed giants& twe!ve to fifteen feet ta!!. They are difficu!t to catch by sur#rise& and make e5ce!!ent
Ettin: HD AH< AC I@AFC< At! D clubs ,IdF0< Move AD< 'ave ?< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 6one4
E83'$E"E(36 2%A6( ,A6(0
/iant ant e5oske!etons can be animated into undead creatures by unusua! and rare necromantic magic. They are not
#oisonous. These dry husks are turned as ske!etons.
2iant Ant E;os!eleton: HD A< AC I@AFC< At! Bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: %mmune to sleep
hold and charm spells hal& damage &rom piercing and slashing +eapons4
E83'$E"E(36 2%A6( ,BEE("E0
/iant beet!e e5oske!etons are animated by necromantic magic 8uite different from that used in the 7nimate Nead s#e!!.
,!aded and #iercing wea#ons cannot damage these dry& massive husks. They can be turned as ghasts& but are usua!!y
#rotected from turning by #otent g!y#hs carved into their chitin e5teriors. The insides of a giant beet!e e5oske!eton are
8uite ho!!ow& and more than one necromancer has car#eted and cushioned the interior of a giant beet!e e5oske!eton for use
as a s!ow(moving vehic!e.
2iant Beetle E;os!eleton: HD ?< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move F< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: %mmune to
turning una&&ected by sleep hold and charm immune to nonKblunt +eapons4
E83'$E"E(36 2%A6( ,CRAB0
/iant crab e5oske!etons are animated by s#ecific necromantic s#e!!s& cast u#on the very !argest giant crab e5oske!etons
$10ft in diameter%. ,!aded and #iercing wea#ons cannot damage these animated em#ty she!!s. They can be turned as
mummies& but are usua!!y #rotected from turning by #otent g!y#hs carved into the she!!& as are most giant e5oske!etons.
The insides are ho!!ow& and u# to four #eo#!e can trave! inside.
2iant Crab E;os!eleton: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! D pincers ,DdF0< Move F< 'ave AD< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: %mmune to
turning una&&ected by sleep hold and charm immune to nonKblunt +eapons4
E8P"3D%62 B36E'
6ear!y identica! to ske!etons in a##earance& 45#!oding ,ones differ in co!oring from their more mundane counter#arts.
45#!oding ,ones are a bright #u!sating red& their co!oring becoming brighter and #u!sating faster as they near death and the
inevitab!e e5#!osion which gives them their name.
When these crimson ske!etons reach 0 h# their bodies e5#!ode sending a shower of 'agged bones& which hit a!! within 20ft.
7!! within this radius suffer 1d9 #oints of damage from the e5#!osive shower of bony shra#ne!. 7 successfu! Saving Throw
ha!ves this damage. 45#!oding bones are treated as Ty#e 2 undead for turning #ur#oses. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
E;ploding Bones: HD D< AC E@AAC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: E;plode +hen
7n eye!ess fi!cher is the undead body of a crimina! maimed or tortured to death in bruta! #unishment for its crimes: usua!!y
these crimina!s were gui!ty of #articu!ar!y heinous crimes during !ife. These creatures are animated by an e5treme!y
#owerfu! undead force& which causes fear and horror in any on!ooker) at the sight of an eye!ess fi!cher& anyone fai!ing a
saving throw wi!! either f!ee in terror for 1d12 rounds or be #ara!yzed unti! the undead is out of sight $e8ua! chance%. The
eye!ess fi!cher shares the same resistances and weaknesses of other #owerfu! undead: it is immune to co!d(based and mind(
affecting s#e!!s& magica! wea#ons are re8uired to hit it& it can be turned by a c!eric $as a wraith%& and suffers harm from ho!y
water $2d;%. 7s there is #recious !itt!e f!esh !eft on its bones& the eye!ess fi!cher suffers ha!f damage from edged and #ointed
wea#ons. It may be distracted by the sight of symbo!s of !aw and 'ustice& such as the insignia of the city watch or the ho!y
symbo! of a deity of !aw& and wi!! break off attacking to focus its rage on this image. 7n eye!ess fi!cher retains any crimina!
know!edge and thieving ski!!s it had in !ife& and wi!! use these to its advantage. In combat& if both of its c!aw attacks hit& it
!atches on with inhuman strength& strang!ing for automatic damage $2d9 tota!% #er round thereafter: its dead!y gri# can on!y
be broken by distracting symbo!s as above& the death of its victim& or a sincere a#o!ogy from anyone invo!ved in its own
ca#ture& tria!& and #unishment. If the eye!ess fi!cher manages to ki!! an officer of the !aw& whether guard or magistrate or
scribe of the court& the unfortunate victim rises from the dead the ne5t day as a doub!e(strength zombie under its contro!.
The eye!ess fi!cher attacks and stea!s& de!iberate!y causing as much chaos and fear as it can. If a !aw officer renounces his
#rofession in the creature2s #resence it wi!! sink to the ground& destroyed& with a mocking !augh. $1ontributed by Scott
Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Eyeless Filcher: HD >< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave F< C"=8P AD=AGHH< 'pecial: %mmune to nonK
magic +eapons strangle hal& damage &rom nonKblunt +eapons4
,FalKyoth the )Hungering .ines)0
The Hungering >ines !ives in darkness& with a ravenous hunger that can on!y be satiated by b!ood and f!esh. This creature
resemb!es a writhing mass of vines coming together at a trunk& su##orted by < huge roots. +any eye(sta!ks 'ut from the
trunk& #eering about for food: -a!(yoth is a!most never sur#rised. The vines #u!! fresh carrion under its roots& where there is
a huge mouth that consumes the #!antDs victims. -a!(yoth can move sur#rising!y fast in a shamb!ing gait& once it #u!!s its
roots from the ground or rock into which it has sett!ed. It takes 1 round for its vines to #ush it from the earth and a!!ow it to
move. -a!(yoth attacks any and a!! creatures that stray within reach of its vines $10ft% for 1d; damage& or wi!! twist its vines
into a sort of Qtai!&Q which can batter a sing!e target for a co!ossa! <d10 #oints of damage. 7ny target hit by the Qtai!Q wi!! be
knocked down and backward 1d<510ft.
If a wea#on successfu!!y hits -a!(yoth& the creatureDs corrosive sa# s#atters the wea#on and destroys it. +agica! wea#ons
are #ermitted a saving throw. -a!(yoth can a!so generate a s#here of darkness within ?0D that !asts 1d< rounds& every 10
minutes. -a!(yoth is #artia!!y immune to !ightning attacks& taking ha!f norma! damage from such attacks. 7 saving throw is
re8uired each combat round to resist the horror of the hunger radiating from -a!(yoth. If a character fai!s his save& he is
#ara!yzed by horror and unab!e to act that round. It may be that more than one of these creatures e5ist& but on!y one is
known. $1ontributed by 1hgowiz%.
FalshantogKyoth K (he Hungering .ines: HD E AC >@AHC At! all +ithin AH&t ,AdE0 or A )tail) ,BdAH0< Move AI ,H
+hen planted0< 'ave E C"=8P AD=DHHH 'pecial: Destroys +eapons success&ully hitting it generates dar!ness
partially immune to lightning causes &ear4
-e!ikaur were magica!!y bred from tigers in ancient times& as a batt!e(beast of the feuding nob!e houses. Some esca#ed into
the wi!d and f!ourished. The fe!ikaur !ooks !ike a massive tiger& but with over!a##ing horn #!ates instead of fur. They have
!arge bat(!ike wings s#routing from the shou!ders& and a s#iky tai!. These creatures are inte!!igent enough to #re#are
ambushes and use their surroundings to tactica! advantage: in the wi!d& they !ea# from cover to cover whi!e attacking. In a
g!adiatoria! arena& they are ab!e to take advantage of #it tra#s& s#ikes& barriers& or other such tactica! obstac!es.
7 fe!ikaurDs tai! s#ikes dea! !itt!e damage& but secrete a #ara!ysing to5in. They can a!so #ick u# a human or sma!!er foe&
carry it into the air for a few rounds& and dro# it from a height of 20 to 90 feet. *ast!y& the fe!ikaur can s#it a g!ob of
corrosive acid to a distance of 20 feet& for 1d9 to ?d9 damage $in any given day& the avai!ab!e stomach acid #ermits a tota!
of A dice of #otentia! damage%. This acid wi!! eat through and ruin c!othing& non(magica! armor& back#ack stra#s& etc& in 1
round. The means by which the ancients contro!!ed and tamed these beasts is unknown ( they cannot be trained.
$1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Feli!aur: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 and A bite ,DdF0< Move A? ,Fly AE0< 'ave AA< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial:
'pit acid drop opponents surprise4
FEREC ,Fo;taur0
0range(furred and bushy(tai!ed with !arge ears and mu!ti#!e !imbs& the -erec is a mutated fo5. It has a !ong body& with four
#airs of !egs& and a centaur(!ike humanoid torso with two #airs of arms. Nes#ite its creative inte!!igence and e5#ansive
vocabu!ary& the ferec is e5citab!e& su#erstitious& and easi!y distracted. It e5ce!s in various forms of craftsmanshi#& and
en'oys #uzz!ing out the workings of tra#s& #uzz!e bo5es& unusua! wea#ons& or other such contra#tions. The heightened
senses of a ferec& inc!uding su#erior night vision and heightened hearing& ensure it wi!! never be sur#rised. They are
sensitive to sun!ight& and #refer a nocturna! !ifesty!e. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Ferec: HD FJI< AC G@ADC< At! D +eapons ,AdF0 and A bite ,AdB0< Move AE< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH8P< 'pecial: Cannot
be surprised4
F"9%62 #E""9F%'H 2%A6(
7s its name suggests& the /iant -!ying Ke!!yfish is a marine !ife form that has ada#ted to e5istence in the skies. It is a hazard
to sky(trave!ers and f!ying creatures& as it is a!most trans!ucent and is a!so known to hide in c!ouds. The giant f!ying
'e!!yfish is #artia!!y gaseous in nature& and f!ies by means of 'etting air. The giant f!ying 'e!!yfish attacks by trai!ing its
tentac!es onto the decks of shi#s& into the s#ace occu#ied by f!ying o##onents& or through sett!ements when it hunts across
the ground. It can make u# to 2 attacks #er 10ft cubic s#ace occu#ied by o##onents& to a ma5imum of ; attacks. 4ach
tentac!e causes 2d9 damage& and may cause #ara!ysis !asting 1d< days $saving throw negates%. It has a!so evo!ved a
distinctive defence against magic. 7ny s#e!! or simi!ar attack against it bui!ds u# a charge in the creature& if it makes its
saving throw. This charge is e8ua! to 1 #oint #er s#e!! !eve!& to a ma5imum e8ua! to the 'e!!yfishDs hit dice. In any round& in
addition to making tentac!e attacks& the giant f!ying 'e!!yfish can discharge from 1 to < energy charges with the fo!!owing
effects) $1% 7!! s#e!!(casting beings within L0ft suffer intense menta! distress for 1d? rounds #er charge& making it
im#ossib!e to cast s#e!!s during this time. $2% 7!! creatures and vesse!s f!ying via magic within ?0ft have their movement
rate ha!ved for a #eriod of 2 rounds #er charge. $?% 7!! creatures within 10ft of the giant f!ying 'e!!yfish suffer (1 to a!! die
ro!!s #er charge e5#ended for 1d2 turns. If severe!y threatened& the giant f!ying 'e!!yfish may e5#end a b!ast of ; charges&
with effects as if < charges had been e5#ended& but doub!ing the effective ranges of the b!astDs effects. This massive
e5#enditure of #ower a!so a!!ows the 'e!!yfish to 8uadru#!e its f!ying movement rate for < rounds in order to esca#e. +ost
s#ecimens are 20(<0ft in diameter& with <0(;0ft !ong tentac!es. *arger versions& of 2< or even ?2 HN& may a!so e5ist&
#articu!ar!y in the etherea! rea!ities or in the voids between the moons. 1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts $Q+yrystyrQ%.
2iant Flying #elly&ish: HD AF< AC E@AAC< At! up to E tentacles ,DdFJparalysis0< Move H ,&ly >0< 'ave I< C"=8P
A>=BAHH< 'pecial: Discharge spell energy paralysis4
F"9%62 'M7%RRE" CAR6%.3R37'
These s8uirre!s& !arger than norma! f!ying s8uirre!s& are carnivorous. They may attack humans if #rovoked& enchanted& or in
sufficient numbers to fee! confident of success.
Carnivorous 2iant 'Nuirrel: HD AdBhp< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdD0< Move F ,2lide AD0< 'ave AE< C"=8P B=AH<
'pecial: 2lide silently4
-ormians are high!y inte!!igent ant(#eo#!e& wa!king on their four hind !egs but using their s#ecia!ized fore(c!aws to ho!d
ob'ects. Their ant(!ike heads have dead!y mandib!es& which they use in combat. -ormians have a caste society& !ike ants.
The workers are sma!! $about PL #ounds% and fair!y stu#id. Warriors are as !arge as a human being& and no more inte!!igent
than the workers. 7 nob!e c!ass& the taskmasters& ru!es formian society and are norma!!y on!y found in the cities of this
strange and a!ien race. These formians are as !arge as a horse& and e5treme!y inte!!igent.
-ormian cities are sma!!& containing no more than L00 workers& L0 warriors& and 10 taskmasters& #!us a roya! retinue. The
roya! retinue inc!udes a 8ueen& ma!es e8ua! to ha!f the number of taskmasters& and an additiona! 1d9 taskmasters& ?d9
warriors& and 9d9 workers. -ormians a!so kee# humans and members of other races as s!aves or trade(goods.
Formian 1or!er: HD A< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move A?< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
Formian 1arrior: HD I< AC D@AGC< At! A bite ,AdF0 D mandibles ,AdB0 A sting ,A J nonKlethal poison0< Move AD<
'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 6onKlethal poison sting ,DdB damage save &or hal&04
Formian (as!master: HD G< AC A@AEC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0 A sting ,AdD J nonKlethal poison0< Move AD< 'ave ><
C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 6onKlethal poison ,BdB damage save &or hal&04
Formian Male: HD E< AC A@AEC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0 A sting ,AdD J nonKlethal poison0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P
>=AAHH< 'pecial: 6onKlethal poison ,BdB damage save &or hal&04
Formian Mueen: 6oncombatant HD AH AC I@AFC4
F38 M36$
The -o5 +onk is a short fo5(!ike humanoid& garbed in a shabby& 8ui!ted robe and bearing on!y a begging bow! and wa!king
stick. -o5 monks have taken vows of #overty and transience: they re!y u#on charity for food and somewhere to s!ee#& never
staying in one area for more than a few days. They may defend themse!ves with a bite $1d< damage%& or in unarmed
combat. 7 fo5 monkDs strike causes the target2s nervous system to s#asm& causing him to dro# any items he!d and move at
ha!f norma! s#eed for 1d< rounds $saving throw negates%. -o5 monks may a!so forego a!! attacks to #erform dodging !ea#s&
causing enemies to attack at (? to hit. *ast!y& a fo5 monk can cast 3rotection from 4vi! and 3urify -ood and Nrink once #er
day. Nes#ite their vows& these #ious beggars are considered troub!emakers by most civi!ized fo!k. $1ontributed by Scott
Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Fo; Mon!: HD DJI< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdB0 or A stri!e ,AdI J spasms0< Move A?< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
'pells mon!ish stri!e4
FR32 2%A6(
/iant frogs range in size from two or three feet !ong $a sma!!" giant frog%& u# to massive s#ecimens of eight feet !ong $a
!arge" giant frog%. In between are the medium" giant frogs& five to si5 feet !ong. *arge giant frogs can swa!!ow
o##onents who!e on a natura! attack ro!! of 20. 7!! giant frogs can make a 100ft !ea# that reaches a height of 20ft. Sma!!
giant frogs increase this !ength to 1L0ft. If an o##onent is swa!!owed who!e& he dies in three rounds. To esca#e& the victim
cannot attack norma!!y& and must have a b!aded wea#on to even attem#t cutting his way out of the frog. 7n attack ro!! of 1;
or better& inc!uding any modifiers& indicates that the victim cuts his way out of the frog& s!aying the beast in the #rocess.
7ttacks on the giant frog have a chance to damage a swa!!owed creature. /iant frogs can use their tongues to grab #rey and
hau! them to the frog2s mouth: anyone grabbed in this way takes no damage unti! the frog begins bites it in the fo!!owing
round& hitting automatica!!y and inf!icting ma5imum damage on that one attack.
2iant Frog ,small0: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdI0< Move I ,or A?H&t leap0< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: "eap4
2iant Frog ,medium0: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move I ,or AHH&t leap0< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: "eap4
2iant Frog ,large0: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move I ,or AHH&t leap0< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: "eap
s+allo+ +hole4
FR32 2%A6( $%""ER
7bout three feet !ong& giant ki!!er frogs are the #roduct of mad breeding e5#eriments. They have c!aws and teeth& and
attack re!ent!ess!y.
2iant $iller Frog: HD AJB< AC G@ADC< At! D cla+s ,AdD0 A bite ,AdBJA0< Move I ,or A?H&t leap0< 'ave AG< C"=8P
D=IH< 'pecial: "eap4
In ages #ast& some mad e5#erimenter created a go!em from frog(f!esh) the ancestor of a!! frog!ums. Some frog genes&
however& can switch genders and even #roduce herma#hrodites. The ancestor of frog!ums was !ike!y the first $and #robab!y
the on!y% se!f(breeding go!em. -rog!ums are huge bi#eds virtua!!y identica! to their shared ancestor) eight feet ta!! with
s!imy green skin& webbed feet& and great frog(!ike eyes. Their !egs resemb!e those of frogs& but are much shorter and a!!ow
the frog!um to stand u#right. These creatures are sou!!ess& having been bred from an unnatura! and artificia! origin. They
have no detectab!e thoughts. In genera!& they serve any chaotic master& es#ecia!!y one who resemb!es a frog or a #owerfu!
wizard. They are se!dom found acting on their own vo!ition& for it is in their nature to fo!!ow a #owerfu! master. 7 frog!umDs
s!imy skin makes it resistant to fire $ha!f damage%. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
Froglum: HD E< AC ?@ABC< At! D &ists ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: hal& damage &rom any &ire4
The -unga! 1ree#er is a #atch of fungus growing u#on a bou!der or wa!!& which often a##ears weathered and strange!y
corroded. The name comes from its abi!ity to cree# a!ong the wa!!& moving about to fo!!ow !iving creatures. -unga! cree#ers
draw sustenance from minera!s found in rock and stone& but su##!ement their diets with fresh b!ood. The funga! cree#er can
sense the warmth of !ife within 90ft& and reacts by moving c!oser. It attacks by sinking tiny root(!ike a##endages into
e5#osed f!esh& !atching on to cause continuous damage if the attack ro!! is a 1A or 20. It may be distracted by fresh meat&
whether in the form of rations no more than 1 day o!d or the body of an unconscious combatant. They are scavengers& and
wi!! move to feed off carrion as soon as it is detected. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Fungal Creeper: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A ,AdF0< Move I< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Attaches on A> or DH4
F762% .%3"E(
>io!et fungi are !arge mushrooms with tentac!e(!ike growths at the base. The tentac!es are not !ong& averaging about 2(?ft.
7 hit from a tentac!e causes f!esh to rot $saving throw a##!ies% un!ess a cure disease s#e!! is cast u#on the aff!icted area.
.iolet Fungus: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! B tendrils ,rot0< Move A< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: (endrils cause rot4
F7R%37' F376(A%6
7 furious fountain resemb!es a !arge anthro#omor#hic stone fountain& usua!!y s#raying a 'et of water from its mouth. These
creatures are simi!ar to go!ems& but the animating s#irit within is an im#risoned water e!ementa!.
When standing sti!!& a furious fountain is indistinguishab!e from any ordinary fountain. 7 furious fountain may attack with
its stony fist& or with a 'et of water. The animate fountain can s#ew out a vio!ent stream of water at a range of 200ft& three
times #er day. The target suffers ?d10 #oints of damage& and is #ushed back the fu!! remaining distance of the 'etDs range $a
successfu! save ha!ves both the damage and the distance #ushed back%. 7 second saving throw a!!ows the victim to remain
standing and avoid dro##ing any items he!d in hand. *ike go!ems& furious fountains are unaffected by non(magica!
wea#ons. These magica! creatures can on!y be affected by s#e!!s that s#ecifica!!y target water or stone& with a##ro#riate
resu!ts to be determined by the referee. 7s a guide!ine& the fountain wi!! !ose& at most& <d10 hit #oints from such s#e!!s: 3art
Water wou!d be an e5am#!e of a s#e!! that might inf!ict such damage. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Furious Fountain: HD FHhp ,A?HD0< AC ?@ABC< At! A ,&ist IdE or +ater Oet0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AE=IEHH<
'pecial: %mmune to nonKmagical +eapons immune to most magic +ater Oet4
/argoy!es are winged beings resemb!ing the carven monstrosities that bedeck the wa!!s of cathedra!s and many
subterranean dungeons. They are vicious #redators.
2argoyle: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdB0 A horn ,AdF0< Move > ,Fly A?0< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH<
'pecial: Fly4
2AR239"E MA2232
+aggogs are bat(winged gargoy!es. They can uti!ize magic as a Lth !eve! magic(user $<E2E1%. Ty#ica!!y they are found dee#
in the bowe!s of the earth. +aggogs are re!ated to demons& but arenDt guardians of the underwor!d. Their terrib!e c!aws can
inf!ict damage& a!ong with a barbed tai!& which is used as a stinger. $1ontributed by 0!d 1raw!er%.
Maggog: HD ?JA< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 and A sting ,AdE0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial:
'pell use4
2E"A(%637' C7BE
/e!atinous cubes are semi(trans#arent cubes that s!osh through subterranean #assages& engu!fing debris and carrion to
digest. Their entire substance is acidic) if the cube hits successfu!!y& the victim must make a saving throw or become
#ara!yzed $9 turns% for the cube to devour. +ost ge!atinous cubes contain various meta!!ic treasures or gems that they have
engu!fed but not yet digested.
2elatinous Cube: HD B< AC E@AAC< At! A ,DdB0< Move F< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Paralysis immune to
lightning and cold4
/hasts are high!y inte!!igent ghou!s. Their charne! stench is so #owerfu! that anyone nearby $about 10ft% must make a
saving throw or suffer a G2 #ena!ty on attack ro!!s. 7s with ghou!s& a hit from a ghast causes #ara!ysis if the victim fai!s a
saving throw.
2hast: HD B< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdF0< Move AB< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'tench paraly*ing
/hou!s are #ack(hunting undead& cor#se eaters. They are immune& !ike most undead& to charms and s!ee# s#e!!s. The most
dangerous feature of these horrid& cunning creatures is their #ara!yzing touch) any hit from a ghou! re8uires a saving throw
or the victim becomes #ara!yzed for ?d9 turns.
2houl: HD D< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdB0< Move >< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: %mmunities
paraly*ing touch4
2H37" A3K693B3 ,B"7E 1%FE0
This fema!e ghou!(creature can be found !urking in the ruins of o!d cast!es. They resemb!e o!d& court!y !adies with b!ue
skin& b!ackened teeth& and no eyebrows. 7s with ghou!s and ghasts& a hit from the 7o(nyobo causes #ara!ysis if the victim
fai!s a saving throw. The 7o(nyobo is ca#ab!e of f!ight and #refers to ambush victims from above ( often hiding in the
rafters of ha!f(ruined bui!dings to swoo# down u#on the unsus#ecting. In the outdoors& an 7o(nyobo wi!! often chase down
any esca#ed #rey in a re!ent!ess& airborne hunt. 7o(nyobo are turned as ghasts.
AoKnyobo: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdF0< Move AB ,&ly >0< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial:
Paraly*ing touch4
/iants are a sta#!e of fantasy gaming& huge and dangerous creatures that often have a taste for human f!esh. +ost are not
#articu!ar!y inte!!igent.
2%A6( C"37D
1!oud giants are cunning beasts& often !iving in c!oud(cast!es in the sky $hence their name%. They throw rocks for 9d9 hit
#oints of damage. 1!oud giants are famous for their abi!ity to sme!! out food& enemies& and 4ng!ishmen.
Cloud 2iant: HD ADJI< AC D@AGC< At! A +eapon ,FdF0< Move A?< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Hurl boulders4
2%A6( F%RE
-ire giants are usua!!y found near vo!canic mountains& in great cast!es of basa!t or even iron. They throw bou!ders for Ld9
hit #oints of damage.
Fire 2iant: HD AAJI< AC I@AFC< At! A +eapon ,?dF0< Move AD< 'ave B< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Hurl boulders
immune to &ire4
2%A6( FR3'(
-rost giants dwe!! in co!d regions& where they bui!d $or con8uer% cast!es in remote #!aces of ice and snow. They throw
bou!ders or great chunks of ice for <d9 #oints of damage.
Frost 2iant: HD AHJI< AC B@A?C< At! A +eapon ,BdF0< Move AD< 'ave ?< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Hurl boulders
immune to cold4
2%A6( H%""
Hi!! giants are the !east of the giant races: most are brutish cave(dwe!!ers who dress in #e!ts and uncured hides. They throw
rocks for 2d; #oints of damage.
Hill 2iant: HD EJD< AC B@A?C< At! A +eapon ,DdE0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: (hro+ boulders4
2%A6( '(36E
Stone giants dwe!! in caves& iso!ated in the mountain fastnesses. They throw rocks for ?d9 #oints of damage& and can be
8uite crafty in setting u# ambushes in their native mountains. Trave!ers who wander into the territory of stone giants
se!dom return.
'tone 2iant: HD >JI< AC H@A>C< At! A club ,IdF0< Move AD< 'ave F< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: (hro+ boulders4
2%A6( '(3RM
Storm giants are the !argest of giants& the most inte!!igent& the most magica!& and the most !ike!y to ta!k with humans rather
than sim#!y devour them. Storm giants can !ive in underwater sea(cast!es as we!! as on the heights of mountains. They
throw bou!ders for Pd9 #oints of damage& and have the #ower to contro! weather $as #er the s#e!!%.
'torm 2iant: HD A?J?< AC A@AEC< At! A +eapon ,FdF0< Move A?< 'ave I< C"=8P AF=IDHH< 'pecial: (hro+ boulders
control +eather4
2%BBER%62 M37(HER
/ibbering mothers are amor#hous b!obs of f!esh with mu!ti#!e eyes and mouths a##earing and disa##earing from the
8uivering mass of the body as it moves a!ong. The mouths gibber and babb!e meaning!ess& s#eech(!ike noises: the monster
is #er#etua!!y accom#anied by this disturbing and inhuman sound e5ce#t when it is waiting to ambush #rey& in which case
the eyes and mouths are a!! ke#t c!osed& and the monster a##ears to be nothing more than an oozy #i!e of earth. When the
mouther s#ots #rey& it begins gibbering !oud!y& causing anyone within 90ft to make a saving throw or become confused $#er
the s#e!!%. 4ach round s#ent !istening to the mouther re8uires another saving throw. In any given round& the mouther wi!!
have si5 mouths avai!ab!e either to s#it or to bite. The creature2s s#itt!e f!ashes bright!y u#on im#act with most surfaces&
causing anyone nearby to make a saving throw or be b!inded for one round. The mouther2s bites are not #articu!ar!y dead!y
in and of themse!ves& but once a mouth hits it fastens on and continues to do automatic damage thereafter. 7!so& if a
character has ? or more mouths fastened to him& there is a risk of s!i##ing and being covered by the mouther $which a!!ows
the mouther to attack with 12 additiona! mouths on its underside%. The chance of s!i##ing is LO& and if more than ? mouths
are attached the chance increases by LO #er additiona! mouth. The ground around a gibbering mouther& in a radius of Lft&
wi!! be soft and mud(!ike& for the mouther changes the consistency of the ground beneath itse!f.
2ibbering Mouther: HD BJB< AC A@AEC< At! F mouths ,Ahp0< Move I< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: 2ibbering
spit pull prey underneath4
/i!!monkeys are nasty& monkey(!ike creatures that !ive in the sea. They have hair!ess& #inkish(brown skin and short
tentac!e(!ike growths on the to# of the head. They attack in #acks& sometimes swarming over a shi#2s rai!.
2illmon!ey: HD AdFhp< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdB0 D cla+s ,Ahp0< Move F ,'+im AD0< 'ave AE< C"=8P B=AH< 'pecial:
2"A'' B7((ERF"9
/!ass ,utterf!ies are tiny& wizard(made entities& made of co!ored g!ass and resemb!ing butterf!ies the size of a bird or cat.
They were once made as decoration for the nob!e houses of anti8uity& and are usua!!y found in !arge numbers f!itting
aim!ess!y about. /!ass ,utterf!ies wi!! usua!!y ignore any creature that comes near them& and sim#!y f!y a few feet away if
attacked. They are constant!y in motion& creating a #!easant #!ay of !ight and co!or if there is a !ight source #resent& and on!y
touch the ground when destroyed. ,eing mind!ess& they are unaffected by s#e!!s such as s!ee#& charm& and ho!d. They are
otherwise e5treme!y susce#tib!e to damage& and can be easi!y destroyed. However& the magic that animates a /!ass
,utterf!y is too #owerfu! to be contained in such a frai! and sim#!e vesse!. When s!ain& there is a burst of energy in a 2ft
radius. This does not cause damage& but has a cumu!ative chance of causing a random s#e!! effect& e8ua! to LO #er /!ass
,utterf!y destroyed in the #ast turn. Whenever the #ercentage reaches 100O& it resets to 0O. If caught in an area effect& 1
/!ass ,utterf!y is destroyed #er dice of damage& and one damage die is ro!!ed to determine how many additiona! /!ass
,utterf!ies are destroyed. 7ny *ight s#e!! cast u#on a /!ass ,utterf!y is increased by L0O in both duration and area of
2lass Butter&ly: HD AdBhp< AC >@AHC< At! none< Move AD ,Fly DH0< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=?< 'pecial: chance o& random
spell discharge upon death
The /!ittersku!! is a go!d(#!ated sku!!& with !arge red gems set into the eye sockets. It f!ies by magica! !evitation& and is
surrounded by a reddish ha!o. This ha!o is of magica! f!ame& and causes a roaring sound when the creature is f!ying about. It
a!so sheds !ight in a 1Lft radius& and at a distance may be mistaken for torch!ight. The sku!! is that of a wizard& usua!!y but
not a!ways human. 7 g!ittersku!! has the s#e!!casting abi!ity of a !eve! ; magic(user& and does not re8uire a s#e!!book to
regain its dai!y s#e!!s. ,eing a former wizard& the g!ittersku!! #refers to attack by casting s#e!!s& but it may a!so f!y at
o##onents& ramming into them for 1d9 damage. Its fiery ha!o does not cause e5tra damage& but may ignite f!ammab!e
ob'ects. /!ittersku!!s can on!y be harmed by magica! wea#ons. They can catch a +agic +issi!e s#e!! within their eyes& and
hur! it back at the caster the fo!!owing round $instead of attacking% or use the s#e!! energy to hea! themse!ves $s#e!! damage
adding to H3%. /!ittersku!!s are a!so immune to #oison and gas attacks& and take on!y ha!f damage from fire(based attacks.
The g!ittersku!! is ca#ab!e of s#eech& and retains much of the inte!!igence of its former !ife. Whi!e it may #ar!ey with strong
#arties& the mind tra##ed inside a g!ittersku!! has been war#ed by the mi!!ennia& and most utter !itt!e more than mocking
!aughter and scornfu! commentary. The gems and go!d #!ating of a g!ittersku!! may be worth anywhere from 200 to 1&200
/3& in addition to other treasure. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
2litters!ull: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! A ram ,AdF0< Move H ,Fly AE0< 'ave E< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: 'pells ,as level E
magicKuser0 immune to nonKmagical +eapons immune to poison and gases hal& damage &rom &ire4
2"7RM ,:en Frog0
Inte!!igent frog(!ike humanoids& /!urm can usua!!y be found sitting in meditation or study amid scenes of natura! beauty.
They wear sim#!e !oinc!oths and wi!! have a bamboo staff within arm2s reach. Their dwe!!ings are of woven reeds& and
contain on!y a few sim#!e items. If there are severa! g!urm in the area& there wi!! be a #!ace of harmony" near a stream or
river. This wi!! be a c!eared e5#anse of sand& dotted with bou!ders to sit u#on: the g!urm come here to discuss #hi!oso#hy
and #ractice their martia! arts.
The s#iritua! studies of the g!urm have given them mystica! #owers& and they #ractice martia! arts& accounting for their
armor c!ass. /!urm are #acifists& and if threatened wi!! attem#t to drive off foes with an intimidating dis#!ay of martia! arts.
7!! on!ookers within ?0ft must make a saving throw or back away for 1 round. If forced into combat& a g!urmDs unarmed
strikes cause 1d< damage: o##onents of e8ua! or sma!!er size can on!y act after the g!urm in the fo!!owing round if the
g!urm inf!icts ma5imum damage. 7rmed with a bamboo staff& a g!urm can focus its s#iritua! energy for a =2 bonus to
damage: in addition& if the attack ro!! is < or more higher than re8uired to hit& the g!urm may disarm a foe& tri# them u#& or
#erform a simi!ar manuever. In an o#en area& the g!urm may a!so use its staff to make a #o!e(vau!t kick against an o##onent
u# to 10ft away& #ossib!y knocking them down. *ast!y& the g!urm has the abi!ities of a !eve! ? c!eric.
7ny treasure #ossessed by the g!urm wi!! genera!!y be in the form of scro!!s discoursing on obscure #hi!oso#hica! to#ics&
and fine!y crafted writing materia!s. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%. 1om#are simi!ar monster) Todawan
2lurm ,:en &rog0: HD IJD< AC B @A?C< At! A unarmed stri!e ,AdB0 or A bamboo sta&& ,AdFJD0< Move AD< 'ave AB<
C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Martial arts spells as level I cleric ,D level A spells04
/no!!s are ta!! humanoids with hyena(!ike heads. They may be found both aboveground and in subterranean caverns. They
form into !oose!y organized c!ans& often ranging far from home to stea! and ki!! with ra#acious ferocity.
2noll: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,DdB0 or +eapon ,AdAH0< Move >< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
23A( 2%A6(
/iant goats inc!ude giant mountain goats. These creatures are as !arge as a #ony& and can be ridden.
2iant 2oat: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A gore ,DdF0< Move AE< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: JB damage on charge4
/ob!ins are sma!! creatures $<ft ta!! or so% that inhabit dark woods& underground caverns& and $#ossib!y% the otherwor!d!y
rea!ms of the fey. They attack at G1 in the fu!! sun!ight.
2oblin: HD AdFhp< AC F@AIC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AE< C"=8P B=AH< 'pecial: KA to hit in sunlight4
23B"%6 BE"FR9
,e!fry gob!ins a##ear to be re!ated to the other gob!inoid s#ecies& but they have wing membranes which run from their arms
down their sides& 8uite simi!ar to f!ying s8uirre!s. These membranes grant the be!fry gob!in the abi!ity to g!ide& and in no
way inhibit the abi!ity of their hands to mani#u!ate ob'ects. Hanging u#side down on the cei!ing in dark corners& be!fry
gob!ins are a!! but invisib!e& waiting for their #rey to #ass by and then attacking with a dead!y swoo#ing attack& a 'ave!in in
each hand& doing doub!e damage on a successfu! hit with the swoo#ing attack. If the swoo# attack succeeds on a Qto hitQ
ro!! of 1; or better& the be!fry gob!in does additiona! damage as it #asses by& raking with its foot c!aws for an additiona! 1d9
damage. 7 be!fry gob!in has 2 attacks #er round& with any combination of its hand he!d wea#on& c!aws& or bite. The bite of
a be!fry gob!in is dangerous in much the same way as a rat bite& with a LO chance #er bite the victim wi!! contract a
disease. Niseased victims wi!! sicken and die within 1d9 days& un!ess the victim ro!!s a saving throw.
-or every 20 be!fry gob!ins encountered there wi!! be a !eader with the ma5imum of A hit #oints and who attacks as a 2 HN
creature. If a nest of <0 or more individua!s is found& there wi!! be a chieftain with 2=2 HN who attacks as a ? HN monster.
The chieftain wi!! have an honor guard of < #articu!ar!y fearsome warriors whose stats are e8ua! to that of the !eader ty#e.
There is a!so at !east a 1LO chance that in any be!fry gob!in encounter there wi!! be a vam#iric variant #resent. The chance
to encounter these s#ecia! vam#iric be!fry gob!ins increases to ?0O for standard !airs and 90O for nests of <0 or more.
$1ontributed by Nu,eers and the *izard of 0z%.
Bel&ry 2oblin: HD A< AC F@AIC< At! D attac!s &rom cla+s ,AdF0 +eapons ,AdF0 and=or A bite ,AdB0< Move F ,Fly AD0<
'ave AG< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: glide s+ooping attac! chance o& disease4
23B"%6 BE"FR9 .AMP%R%C
These creatures are #hysica!!y weaker and !ighter in co!oration than the standard be!fry gob!in& having on!y 1(1 HN& but
they are ab!e to gain strength from drinking the b!ood of their victims. 0n a successfu! bite attack& the vam#iric be!fry
gob!in sucks b!ood from its victim for 1d< #oints of damage& wra##ing its arms and !egs around the victim and ho!ding
them fast. 4ach subse8uent round& the victim must break the gri# or the vam#iric be!fry gob!in automatica!!y drains an
additiona! 1d< hit #oints of b!ood drain: the chance to break the gri# is ?0O. >am#iric be!fry gob!ins gain tem#orary bonus
hit #oints from b!ood they drink& gaining 1 h# for every 1 hit #oint drained from a victim& u# to doub!e its norma! number of
hit #oints. 0nce the vam#iric be!fry gob!in e5ceeds its norma! hit #oints& it gains =1 to hit and damage. $1ontributed by
Nu,eers and the *izard of 0z%.
.ampiric Bel&ry 2oblin: HD AKA< AC F@AIC< At! D attac!s &rom cla+s ,AdF0 +eapons ,AdF0 and=or A bite ,AdB0<
Move F ,Fly AD0< 'ave AE< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: glide s+ooping attac! chance o& disease blood drain4
23B"%6 36%KA$A
,Asian Red 2oblin0
The 0ni(aka $red gob!ins% are short& sca!y humanoids with sma!! horns on their s!ight!y #ointed heads. They have coarse
b!ack hair& and coa! b!ack eyes. These evi! beings are known to raid vi!!ages to stea! s!aves and catt!e. They are ty#ica!!y
armed with c!ubs and short s#ears they use for throwing. These gob!ins are said to have been born of fire in the #its of the
earth: and as such they are a!most im#ervious to fire damage& suffering on!y ha!f norma! damage from any fire(based attack.
6ote that these gob!ins are from 7sian mytho!ogy& and might not be re!ated to norma! gob!ins in anything but name.
$1ontributed by +ikeN%.
3niKa!a ,Red 2oblin0: HD A< AC F@AIC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: Fire resistant4
23B"%6 36%K$A2E
,Asian 'hado+ 2oblin0
The 0ni(kage $shadow gob!ins% are short& b!ack(skinned humanoids with !arge& #a!e eyes& dwe!!ers of dark caves and dee#
bamboo thickets. 7!! oni(kage detest bright !ights& and they suffer (1 #ena!ties to combat in day!ight. They have keen night
vision& and their somewhat su#ernatura! nature makes them com#!ete!y invisib!e in darkness $visib!e on!y by use of s#e!!s%.
6ote that these gob!ins are from 7sian mytho!ogy& and might not be re!ated to norma! gob!ins in anything but name.
$1ontributed by +ikeN%.
3niK!age: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AE< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: KA penalty in daylight
%nvisible in dar!ness4
23B"%6 36%K9AMA
,Asian Mountain 2oblin0
The oni(yama are hair!ess& grey(skinned humanoids with short tusks #rotruding from their mouths. They are sma!!er than
ogres& but much !arger and bu!kier than men (( though their distinctive!y hunched #osture makes them a##ear somewhat
sma!!er than they rea!!y are. These big gob!ins dwe!! in remote mountain caves and forgotten ruins& often #reying u#on
merchants and trave!ers #assing through their territories. In genera!& they arm themse!ves with such wea#ons as they can
take from their victims& for they are not industrious. They wear an assortment of armor& usua!!y misused but sti!! functiona!.
The oni(yama bu!!y& and often ens!ave& !esser gob!ins. Nes#ite their size& the oni(yama are e5treme!y stea!thy on their great&
f!at feet& and gain sur#rise on a ro!! of 1(? on a d9. 6ote that these gob!ins are from 7sian mytho!ogy& and might not be
re!ated to norma! gob!ins in anything but name. $1ontributed by +ikeN%.
3niKyama: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: ?HL chance to gain
surprise attac!s4
,Chaos 2oblin0
.edca#s $or chaos gob!ins% are gob!ins driven mad by the insidious effects of raw 1haos& reducing them to a bestia! state.
Mtter!y devoid of em#athy with any !iving creature& inc!uding ordinary gob!ins& redca#s de!ight in inf!icting #ain. Indeed&
redca#s derive a strange form of sustenance from doing so. 7ny successfu! attack a redca# achieves hea!s it for an amount
e8ua! to the amount of damage it dea!s to its target. Worse yet& a redca# can doub!e its tota! hit #oints in this manner. Thus&
a undamaged redca# with L hit #oints who manages to dea! ? #oints of damage on its attack wi!! now have ; hit #oints and&
assuming it continues to remain undamaged& can be Qhea!edQ for another 2 hit #oints before reaching its ma5imum #otentia!
hit #oints. Though thorough!y insane& redca#s work we!! with others of their kind& forming #redatory #acks that attack any
creature they can find. .edca#s often take gruesome souvenirs of their victims& such as fingers& ears& and eyeba!!s& which
they use to adorn themse!ves. +any a!so use the b!ood of their #rey to dye their tattered c!othing& inc!uding their hats& the
#ractice of which gave these fou! aberrations their common name. $1ontributed by Kames +a!izsewski%.
Redcap: HD AdFhp< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: .icious healing KA to hit in
/o!ems are man(sha#ed creatures bui!t to serve their masters& usua!!y #owerfu! wizards or high #riests. They are often used
as guardians. /o!ems cannot be hit with non(magica! wea#ons& and are immune to the sorts of s#e!!s used to create them
$iron go!ems being immune to fire& for instance%. Fou can find the detai!s in the s#ecific monster descri#tions.
23"EM C"A9
The origina!" go!em of fo!k!ore& c!ay go!ems may be created by c!erics or #owerfu! #riests. They are massive c!ay statues
of human beings& imbued with a rudimentary inte!!igence and the abi!ity to move and fo!!ow their masters2 commands. -or
each round of combat& a c!ay go!em has a 1O chance $cumu!ative% to go berserk& !eaving its master2s contro! and attacking
enemies and a!!ies a!ike. 1!ay go!ems are not damaged by s!ashing or #iercing wea#ons. They are immune to a!! s#e!!s
other than those affecting earth& and these have very diminished effects G with one e5ce#tion. 7n earth8uake s#e!! may be
used to utter!y destroy a c!ay go!em.
Clay 2olem: HD AD ,?Hhp0< AC G@ADC< At! A &ist ,IdAH0< Move E< 'ave ?< C"=8P< AB=DGHH< 'pecial: %mmune to
slashing and piercing +eapons %mmune to most spells4
23"EM F"E'H
-!esh go!ems are man(!ike creations stitched together from human !imbs and other #arts& !ike a -rankenstein monster.
Namage inf!icted by !ightning hea!s the go!em $#er the movie%& and it is s!owed by fire and co!d s#e!!s. 6o other ty#e of
s#e!! than !ightning& fire& or co!d affects a f!esh go!em. 0n!y =1 or better magic wea#ons can harm a f!esh go!em.
Flesh 2olem: HD AH ,B?hp0< AC >@AHC< At! D &ists ,DdE0< Move E< 'ave ?< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Healed by
lightning hit only by magic +eapons slo+ed by &ire and cold immune to most spells4
23"EM %R36
Iron go!ems are huge moving statues of iron. They can breathe a 10ft radius c!oud of #oison gas as we!! as attacking with
great #ower. Wea#ons of =2 or !ess do not affect them. These hu!king statues are s!owed by !ightning s#e!!s& but fire(based
s#e!!s actua!!y restore hit #oints to them. 6o other ty#e of s#e!! affects them.
%ron 2olem: HD DH ,EHhp0< AC I@AFC< At! A +eapon or &ist ,BdAH0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AE=IEHH< 'pecial: Poison
gas immune to all +eapons JD or less slo+ed by lightning healed by &ire immune to most magic4
23"EM '(36E
Stone go!ems are massive stone statues animated by very #owerfu! magics $much more than 'ust animate ob'ect& in other
words%. They are s!owed by fire s#e!!s& and damagedEhea!ed by rock to mud s#e!!s and the reverse. S#e!!s that affect rock
$and fire s#e!!s% are the on!y magic that affects them. They can on!y be hit by =2 or better wea#ons.
'tone 2olem: HD A? ,FHhp0< AC ?@ABC< At! A &ist ,IdE0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AF=IDHH< 'pecial: JA or better magic
+eapon to hit immune to most magic4
23"EM 1A8
Wa5 /o!ems are among the sim#!est ty#e of go!em to create. Their bodies are carved out of ta!!ow or wa5 and imbued with
the same basic !eve! of inte!!igence as the more #owerfu! 1!ay /o!em. Mn!ike their stronger kin& Wa5 /o!ems have no
chance of going berserk& nor are they automatica!!y immune to s#e!!s. They do #ossess magic resistance of 2LO and cannot
be hit by non(magic wea#ons. ,ecause of the #!iab!e nature of their bodies& Wa5 /o!ems easi!y absorb the force de!ivered
by b!unt wea#ons and on!y take ha!f damage from those sources. S!ashing and #iercing wea#ons inf!ict norma! damage to
Wa5 /o!ems. -ire and heat that damage the go!em wi!! inf!ict twice norma! damage. $1ontributed by 7ndrew Trent%.
1a; 2olem: HD B ,DH HP0< AC ?@ABC< At! D &ists ,AdEJI0< Move F< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Resistant to blunt
+eapons Magic resistance ,D?L04
/orgons are bu!!(!ike creatures with dragon(!ike sca!es. Their breath turns #eo#!e to stone $90ft range& saving throw
2orgon: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! A gore ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Breath turns to stone4
/ravebirds are high!y inte!!igent undead birds $usua!!y ravens or crows% that have been brought back to !ife through fou!
magic. 7ny creature wounded by a /ravebird must make a successfu! saving throw or contract /rave -ever& a disease
simi!ar to +ummy .ot& which #revents magica! hea!ing and causes wounds to hea! at one(tenth of the norma! rate. 7 cure
disease s#e!! wi!! remove the fever. /ravebirds can S#eak with the Nead $as #er the s#e!!% three times dai!y. $1ontributed by
7ndrew Trent%.
2ravebird: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdB0 or D cla+s ,AdI0< Move B ,Fly AF0< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=ADH< 'pecial:
Disease upon success&ul hit ,save applies0 'pea! +ith the Dead4
2REA( "A6(ER6 13RM
/reat *antern Worms are huge megadri!es that grow 100ft or more in !ength& e5ceeding ten feet in width. They are
subterranean& chewing tunne!s in rock before swe!!ing to fit the tunne!. 7!most their entire !ength is taken u# by the em#ty
stomach& with their organs on the e5terior& covered by a tough membrane of earthen hue. 7t the rear of the wormDs !ong gut
is a #hoto#hore& a !ight(emitting organ used as a !ure for #rey. 0nce the #rey has trave!!ed ha!fway down the stomach& the
wormDs mouth wi!! c!ose and acid wi!! be s#rayed from various #oints a!ong the gut wa!!& re8uiring a saving throw each
round to dodge. Shou!d the entra##ed #rey try to cut their way out& any wea#on that succeeds in hitting the stomach wa!!
has a chance of disso!ving. The chance for a non(magic wea#on to disso!ve is 1 in ;& and for a magic wea#on the chance is
1 in 12. 4ach time a wea#on avoids being disso!ved& =1 is added to the chance of disso!ving u#on the ne5t hit. -or
e5am#!e& if a magic wea#on hits and is not disso!ved& the chance of disso!ving on the second hit is 2 in 12 rather than 1 in
12. If a victim manages to stay a!ive !ong enough to return to the mouth& he can attem#t to force it o#en $1 in 9 chance to
succeed& =1 #er he!#er%. >ictims are digested within hours. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s%.
2reat "antern 1orm: HD IH< AC G@ADC< At! Acid spray ,IdB0 Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P IH=EBHH < 'pecial: acid spray
s+allo+ +hole4
2REE6 '"%ME
/reen s!ime isn2t technica!!y a monster& 'ust an e5treme!y dangerous hazard in underground tombs and other such #!aces.
7ny meta! or organic substance it touches begins to turn to green s!ime $saving throw%. It can be ki!!ed with fire or e5treme
co!d& and the transformation #rocess can be arrested by the use of a cure disease s#e!!.
2RE9 33:E
/rey ooze is a!most identica! to wet rock& but is a s!imy& form!ess substance that devours #rey and carrion with its acidic
secretions& !ashing forward to strike enemies. /rey ooze is immune to s#e!!s& heat& and co!d damage. +eta! $but not stone
or wood% must make a saving throw against acid $12 or better on d20% when e5#osed to grey ooze $even if the contact is as
brief as the strike of a sword% or be rotted through. When the grey ooze hits a character in meta! armor& the armor must a!so
make a saving throw. 0n!y cutting and #iercing damages a grey ooze G it is im#ervious to b!unt or crushing attacks.
2rey 3o*e: HD I< AC E@AAC< At! A stri!e ,DdF0< Move A< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Acid immune to spells
heat cold and blunt +eapons4
/ricks resemb!e massive& human(sized worms with < tentac!es surrounding a beaked mouth. They rear u# to attack&
focusing on one o##onent at a time. They do not immediate!y try to feed on dying #rey& but if given the chance they wi!!
drag unconscious or dead bodies into their !airs to feed. ,!unt wea#ons do not harm them& due to their thick hides and
resi!ient f!esh.
2ric!: HD D< AC B@A?C< At! B tentacles ,AdI0 A bea! ,AdD0< Move F< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: %mmune to
blunt +eapons4
/riffons have the body of a !ion& with the wings& head& and fore(ta!ons of an eag!e. These creatures can be tamed and
ridden as mounts. They usua!!y nest in high mountain aeries& where they !ay their eggs and hunt their #rey. ,ecause the
f!edg!ings can be tamed& young griffons and griffon eggs command a very high #rice in the market#!aces of the great cities&
or to barons and wizards.
2ri&&on: HD G< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,DdE0< Move AD ,Fly DG0< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Flight4
2R7E ,A0
7 grue is a nasty& !arge thing with dark grey or green skin& rather !ike a ha!f(fi!!ed water ba!!oon ten feet !ong& with a huge
mouth. Inside its !eathery skin& the grue is most!y ge!atinous. /rues cannot coe5ist with !ight: if they are e5#osed to a !ight
source& they instant!y recede with the darkness. In the dark& however& they are dangerous. If a grue hits with a natura! ro!! of
20 on its attack die& it swa!!ows the victim who!e: which wi!! satisfy the grue& and it wi!! !eave if it is #ermitted to do so $the
swa!!owed victim wi!! suffocate in 2d< rounds and then be digested%. They are non(inte!!igent& and are immune to b!unt and
#iercing wea#ons $e&g.& c!ubs& maces& arrows& s#ears%. Swords& a5es& and other cutting wea#ons inf!ict norma! damage.
/rues can magica!!y e5tinguish one norma! !ight source #er round at a distance of 100ft. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
2rue: HD >< AC D@AGC< At! bite ,DdF0< Move >< 'ave F< C"=8P AH=AAHH< 'pecial: immune to blunt and piercing
+eapons e;tinguish normal lights s+allo+ +hole4
2R7E ,D0
-ound in the darkest recesses of dungeons or in the dee#est corners of attics& grues are the essence of 1haos and Narkness
given form by evi! and a ravenous a##etite for !iving sou!s. /rues have no s#ecific sha#e or form& save for the ravening&
s!avering 'aws that c!ose around the unsus#ecting& or those who wou!d venture into the darkness without a torch or match in
their inventory. /rues are chaotic s#irits that e5ist in a 10ft 5 10ft area of #ure darkness. 7ny !ight source brought into that
same area forces the grue to f!ee to the nearest dark area. 7ny creature within the area of darkness is sub'ect to attack by the
grueDs 'aws. -or a!! intents and #ur#oses& grues are invisib!e to anyone within the area of darkness& but outside of the area& a
grue !ooks !ike Q!iving darkness.Q /rues are on!y affected by magica! wea#ons or wea#ons that emit !ight of some kind&
inc!uding a torch $which wou!d act !ike a c!ub%. They are resistant to a!! s#e!! attacks& save those that have some sort of !ight
com#onent $a !ight s#e!!& #rismatic s#ray or even fireba!!%. /rues can magica!!y e5tinguish one norma! !ight source #er
round at a distance of 100ft. 7 grueDs attack wi!! re#!enish its hit #oints with any hit #oints QeatenQ from its victims. 7 grue
cannot re#!enish beyond its starting hit #oints. 7nyone ki!!ed by a grue wi!! vanish& inc!uding a!! of his e8ui#ment. In 1d<
days& he wi!! become a grue. $1ontributed by 1hgowiz%
2rue: HD F< AC D@AGC< At! bite ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: immune to all but light=magic
+eapons and spells +ith light component=e&&ect can e;tinguish lights +=in AHH&t restores o+n HP +ith damage
caused to victims4
/um#s are !arge and b!ubbery humanoids with an over!y broad 'agged toothed grin and a #air of sma!!& dee#(set eyes in an
otherwise feature!ess face. /um#s are motivated by hunger and the dee# down 'oy they fee! when murdering a he!#!ess foe.
7nyone meeting the gaze of a gum# must save vs. #ara!ysis at =2 or be he!d in #!ace for 2(L rounds $fighting without
!ooking incurs a (< #ena!ty to(hit%. It is safe to view a gum#Ds ref!ection in a mirror or other ref!ective surface. The gum# is
ab!e to s8uint in an odd manner which kee#s it from ho!ding an a!!y. $1ontributed by KN Karvis%.
2ump: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdFJD0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 2a*e attac! paraly*es ,JD
Mist of faerie vengeance
7n eerie green mist see#s through the trees at twi!ight& stea!ing u# to the houses of those who have fai!ed to !eave an
offering to the faerie fo!k of the woods. It is the gwurrum& monstrous servant of the faerie court& come to #ay a visit.
The gwurrum is com#osed of e8ua! #arts choking mist and thirst for b!ood. It can force its way through the tiniest cracks in
any barrier& craw! u#hi!!& and #our down chimneys and throats !ike co!d water. The misty body is rough!y 10ft in diameter&
and its trai!ing tendri!s can reach u# to 10ft from its form. 7ny and a!! targets within range wi!! be attacked& though if free to
choose& the faerie monster wi!! focus u#on chi!dren and sma!! anima!s) those whose !oss wi!! cause the greatest sorrow and
misery in the #unished community. Nim(witted and ma!icious& it can be distracted by offerings of whiskey& recitations of
#oetry e5to!!ing the virtues of the faerie(fo!k& and the singing of an unbroken voice. Iron ob'ects cause an additiona! 1d9
#oints of damage to the gwurrum $the mere touch of iron causes 1d9 #oints%& but these items wi!! turn to dust within 1 round
after contact with the gwurrum. The faerie monster is otherwise immune to fire& e!ectrica!& #oison& or mind(affecting
attacks. 7ny creature with magica! singing abi!ities& such as a har#y or bard& can kee# a gwurrum at bay for 1 round #er hit
dice or !eve!. 7 gwurrum is affected by 3rotection from 4vi!& and cannot attack anyone who is thorough!y drunk.
In the morning& when a gwurrum de#arts& dead !eaves wi!! be found scattered around the dwe!!ing of anyone it attacked.
1hi!dren who survive the attack of a gwurrum may& u#on growing u#& #ass free!y into the faerie rea!ms. $1ontributed by
Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
2+urrum: HD >< AC G@ADC< At! A per target in AH&t reach ,AdE=round0< Move F< 'ave F< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
HA2 A66%'
7nnis are giantesses& horrid !ooking fema!es as !arge as ogres. They !ust for human f!esh to eat& and often #o!ymor#h
themse!ves into human form to hunt $an o!d !ady being a common sha#e%& or to !ure their #rey from #!aces of safety. Strong
as a bear& the annis can attack in simi!ar fashion: if she hits with both c!aws& the victim is he!d and the annis inf!icts
automatic damage with a!! three attacks thereafter. The victim isn2t he!#!ess& but cannot break free un!ess he is as strong as
a giant. 7nnis are somewhat magica!: they can summon mists to hide themse!ves and their rank !airs: some are a!so witches
with the abi!ity to cast s#e!!s $such being !eft to the /+2s determination& if witch(hags are to be encountered%.
Annis: HD E< AC A@AEC< At! D cla+s ,DdE0 A bite ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Hug and rend
polymorph call mists4
HA2 M376(A%6 ,9AMAK7BA0
The mountain hags $QFama(ubaQ in 7sian(ty#e settings% are so!itary& horrid !ooking b!ue(skinned fema!es as !arge as ogres.
They !ive in mountainous regions and near #asses where they can hunt for food. +ountain hags feast on a!! manner of f!esh:
but they #refer humans& attacking with their !ong c!aws and wicked mouths that stretch from ear to ear. $1ontributed by
+ike Navison%.
Mountain Hag= 9amaKuba: HD G< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial:
The sea hag is a giantess much !ike the annis& but !iving in the seas& or in fetid& sa!t(water marshes. These hags are so
hideous that the sight of their faces causes weakness from fright and horror: if the victim fai!s a saving throw& his strength
abi!ity score is reduced by one(ha!f for 1d9 fu!! turns. The hag can a!so cast an evi! eye u#on those she chooses to s!ay: but
on!y three times #er day. The range of this dead!y gaze is ?0ft& and the hag2s eye need not be met in order for death to occur
$saving throw%. *ike the annis& sea hags feast with gusto u#on human f!esh.
'ea Hag: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move F ,'+im AE0< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Death ga*e +ea!ness
Har#ies have the u##er body of a human fema!e and the !ower body and wings of a vu!ture. Their song is a charm that
draws its victims to the har#y $saving throw a##!ies%& and the har#y2s touch casts the e8uiva!ent of a charm #erson s#e!!
$again& saving throw a##!ies%.
Harpy: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! D talons ,AdI0 and +eapon ,AdF0< Move F ,Fly AE0< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial:
Flight sirenKsong4
Hawktoads are !evitating am#hibians with the body of a very !arge toad but with !ong& c!awed front !egs and no back !egs
at a!!. The hind end of a hawktoad is a foot(!ong tai!& !ike that of a tad#o!e: the fu!! !ength of a hawktoad is three feet. These
bizarre creatures move by !ashing through the air with their tad#o!e(!ike tai!s& and attack by swoo#ing in at o##onents&
scratching with their tiny c!aws and !ashing out with their !ong tongues. 7 hawktoadDs tongue does no damage& but if the
attack succeeds the tongue has whi##ed around the characterDs neck. If this ha##ens& the hawktoad !ands at the back of the
victimDs neck: it ho!ds tight with its tiny c!aws and begins to strang!e the o##onent& using its muscu!ar tongue as a garrotte.
When a hawktoad is attached in this way& the strang!ing character wi!! find it difficu!t to reach around and attack& of course.
4ach round thereafter& the character must successfu!!y ro!! a d20 under his constitution score or fa!! unconscious: each
round a cumu!ative =1 is added to the d20 ro!!& making it harder and harder to avoid #assing out. 0nce the character #asses
out& the toad strang!es him to death in three rounds. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
Ha+!toad: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! D cla+s ,AdD0 tongue ,strangles0< Move I ,Fly AD0< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
'trangling tongue4
7 head(stea!er is the head!ess& undead body of someone who has been deca#itated& usua!!y by e5ecution or dungeon tra#.
The body is animated with a vengefu! s#irit& and seeks to re(enter society by removing someone e!se2s head and #!acing it
ato# its own neck. 7!though the head(stea!erDs body remains in a re!ative!y #reserved state& its sto!en heads continue to
decay& and the head(stea!er seeks to re#!ace them on a regu!ar basis. 7!though the head(stea!er can animate its substitute
heads& the unnatura! grafting of dead f!esh to undead f!esh is high!y im#erfect. The head does not attach by magic& so a the
head(stea!er is re8uired to use a measure such as ro#e or nai!s to affi5 the new head. +oreover& the head stea!er can on!y
im#recise!y animate a sto!en head& and whi!e it can cause s#eech to issue forth& the s!urring and twitching wi!! tend to raise
sus#icion. 7s with a!! undead creatures& the head stea!er is immune to mind(affecting s#e!!s and vu!nerab!e to ho!y water.
The head stea!er can be immediate!y destroyed by attaching the head it former!y #ossessed in !ife& if the head sti!! e5ists.
7ny attack against the head stea!er may dis!odge the sto!en head on a natura! ro!! of 1A or 20& causing the head(stea!er to
attack at (1 unti! it can reattach the head or a re#!acement. If de#rived of a head& it may try to ri# one from the torso of an
attacker. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
HeadKstealer: HD IJB< AC E@AAC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0 or stri!e ,AdB0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
HEAD"E'' H376D
7 head!ess hound a##ears to be a !arge b!ack dog& but with an eerie green g!ow where the head shou!d be. The creature2s
f!anks may be !ined with scars or torn o#en& e5#osing faint!y g!owing bones and the absence of innards. The head!ess hound
attacks with a ghost!y bite that #asses straight through c!othing and armor to the f!esh. The defenderDs armor c!ass is
modified on!y by any Ne5terity bonus. ,itten f!esh hea!s at ha!f norma! rate un!ess magic is used. If five or more head!ess
hounds are #resent& their how!ing re8uires a saving throw to avoid f!eeing in fear $on!y re8uired once%. The head!ess hound
takes ha!f damage from norma! wea#ons. Nes#ite their s#ectra! nature& head!ess hounds are not undead. However& they are
immune to s!ee#& charm& and ho!d s#e!!s. They are more #ro#er!y faerie(kin& and according to fo!k!ore wi!! cease their
haunting and 'oin the wi!d hunt if it #asses nearby. 7nyone s!ain by a head!ess hound has a chance of returning from the
grave as a shadow(!ike s#irit& to be #ursued night!y by the head!ess hound #ack. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts&
Headless Hound: HD F< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move AE ,Fly F0< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Bite passes
through armor ,only de; bonus modi&ies AC0 hal& normal healing rate &rom +ounds pac!Kho+l causes &ear4
HE"" H376D
He!! hounds are fire(breathing dogs of the underwor!ds or !ower #!anes. In addition to biting& they can breathe fire each
round& inf!icting 2h# damage #er hit die $10ft range& saving throw for ha!f damage%.
Hell Hound ,BHD0: HD B< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Breathe &ire ,Ehp04
Hell Hound ,?HD0: HD ?< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Breathe &ire ,AHhp04
Hell Hound ,FHD0: HD F< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Breathe &ire ,ADhp04
Hell Hound ,GHD0: HD G< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Breathe &ire ,ABhp04
.aised by ancient methods !ong forgotten or su##ressed& hierog!y#hicrocs resemb!e zombie crocodi!es& but they are actua!!y
more akin to mummies than to zombies& at !east in terms of the #reservation #rocess. Their eyes g!ow with a ye!!ow !ight&
and they have rudimentary inte!!igence ( often they are defenders of tombs where mummies are found. These creatures are
high!y immune to being turned& and attack with a bite that can swa!!ow who!e on a natura! 20. It takes three rounds to
com#!ete!y swa!!ow a victim& but the victim wi!! turn into a zombie within 1d<=1 rounds after being swa!!owed. Then the
hierog!y#hicroc wi!! disgorge it. The bite inf!icts 2d9 damage. The dead skin of these creatures is often #ainted with
hierog!y#hs. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
Hieroglyphicroc: HD G< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move >< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: s+allo+ +hole on natural
DH trans&orm stomach contents into *ombie4
The hi##ocam#us is a mythica! sea(horse& with the body& head& and fore!egs of a horse& but with the rear #art of the body
ta#ering to a fish2s tai!. They are at !east as inte!!igent as a norma! !and(horse. Some !eaders might be e5treme!y inte!!igent
Hippocampus: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite AdB0< Move ,'+im DB0< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
The hi##ogriff is simi!ar to a griffon& having the head& forec!aws& and wings of an eag!e& but instead of the body of a !ion& it
has the body of a horse. The #oem Orlando urioso $written in 1L19% suggests that the hi##ogriff is the offs#ring of a
griffon and a horse G but they are a##arent!y an inde#endent breed& for fo!k!oric tradition ho!ds that griffons fre8uent!y
attack hi##ogriffs. Hi##ogriffs are not as hard to train as griffons G again& from Orlando urioso) Nrawn by enchantment
from his distant !air& The wizard thought but how to tame the foa!: 7nd& in a month& instructed him to bear Sadd!e and bit&
and ga!!o# to the goa!: 7nd e5ecute on earth or in mid air& 7!! shifts of manege& course and caraco!eU"
Hippogri&&: HD I< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,AdAH0< Move AE ,Fly DB0< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial:
Hi##o#otami are very aggressive and territoria!. 7 herd may be !ed by a !arge bu!! with ;HN& a saving throw of ;& and
damage of ?d9.
Hippopotamus: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move F ,'+im AD0< 'ave >< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hobgob!ins are sim#!y !arge gob!ins& #ossib!y a se#arate breed !iving a#art from their sma!!er cousins& or #erha#s not& as the
/+ decides. 7s a matter of the cam#aign2s f!avoring& the /+ might choose to make hobgob!ins the fey" gob!ins of Irish
!egend& whi!e regu!ar gob!ins are the more To!kien(sty!e underground(dwe!!ers.
Hobgoblin: HD AJA< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
7 homuncu!us is a !iving& man(!ike creature created by a #owerfu! magic(user as a servant. The #recise abi!ities of a
homuncu!us de#end u#on the s#e!!s and #rocedures used in its creation $the detai!s of creating a homuncu!us are !eft to the
game master%& a!though virtua!!y a!! are created with wings of some kind. The most common homuncu!us has a s!ee#(
inducing bite $saving throw%& but others might be created with a #oison bite $1*<E120T3%& or might have unusua! #owers of
#erce#tion instead $such as the abi!ity to detect magic& evi!& s#e!!s& etc%.
Homunculus: HD D< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdI J sleep0< Move F ,Fly DH0< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 'leepK
inducing bite4
Riding Horse: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdD0< Move AE< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one
1ar Horse: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdD0 D hooves ,AdI0< Move AE< 'ave A?< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
H376D 3F CHR363'
Hounds of 1hronos& a!so known as Tem#ora! Nogs& are canine creatures from the 3!ane of Time $or a time(re!ated other
dimension%. They #osses the innate abi!ity to mani#u!ate time in a !imited manner. Tem#ora! Nogs hunt in #acks that
usua!!y consist of 2 to ; hounds. 7 Hound of 1hronos wi!! a!ways know where& tem#ora!!y& the other members of his #ack
are. Hounds of 1hronos #ossess the abi!ity to move forward in time. Twice #er day& a Hound of 1hronos may 'um#"
forward in time. This a!!ows the hound to disa##ear from the #resent and rea##ear 1d< rounds !ater. The Hounds use this
abi!ity in con'unction with sur#rise to get the dro# on their #rey. When they re(materia!ise 1 to < rounds into the future&
their #rey has a chance of being sur#rised $90O%.
0nce #er day& a Hound of 1hronos may shift backward in time to when it was hea!thier& returning Qimmediate!yQ with fu!!
hit #oints. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Hounds o& Chronos: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! D cla+s ,AdB=AdB0 Bite ,AdF0< Move AE< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial:
(emporal Oump (emporal heal4
Humans are such a versati!e race that any number of monsters" and 631s can be made from them. ,erserker warriors&
tribesmen& cavemen& #rincesses& evi! high #riests& ca#tains of the guard& foot(so!diers& and tavern(kee#ers are a!! different
human monsters." Non2t try to bui!d your non(#!ayer characters according to the ru!es for #!ayer characters. Kust make u#
their stats and abi!ities as you see fit.
H7MA6 BA6D%(
,andits are roving grou#s of thieves& sometimes organized into sma!! armies !ed by more #owerfu! bandit chiefs and
ca#tains with higher hit dice.
Bandit: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
,erserkers are norma! humans& but they fight with astounding ferocity. 7 bonus of =2 is added to their attack ro!!s. They
do not wear armor heavier than !eather armor.
Berser!er: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: JD to hit in berser! state4
Human sergeants are norma!!y found in command of 1d9=L human so!diers. These are the !eaders of city guard units and
other sma!! mi!itary grou#s in cast!es and armies.
Human 'ergeant: HD I< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave A?< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
Human so!diers serve as city guardsmen& mercenaries& and men(at(arms. They are genera!!y armed with !eather armor and
a mace& sword& or s#ear $don2t bother using damage from the s#ecific wea#on G 'ust use a d;%. -or every five guardsmen
there is usua!!y a sergeant.
Human 'oldier: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydrae are great !izard(!ike or snake(!ike creatures with mu!ti#!e heads. 4ach head has one hit die of its own& and when the
head is ki!!ed& that head dies. The body has as many hit dice as the tota! of the heads& so it is a matter of good strategy for
adventurers to focus either on ki!!ing heads $when a!! the heads are dead the body dies% or ki!!ing the creature by attacking
the body $in which case the heads die& too%. Hydrae that breath fire or regenerate their heads are a!so known to e5ist.
Hydra ,? headed0: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! ? heads ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydra ,F headed0: HD F< AC ?@ABC< At! F heads ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydra ,G headed0: HD G< AC ?@ABC< At! G heads ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave >< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydra ,E headed0: HD E< AC ?@ABC< At! E heads ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydra ,> headed0: HD >< AC ?@ABC< At! > heads ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave F< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydra ,AH headed0: HD AH< AC ?@ABC< At! AH heads ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave ?< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydra ,AA headed0: HD AA< AC ?@ABC< At! AA heads ,AdAH0< Move >< 'ave B< C"=8P AB=DFHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hydra ,AD headed0: HD AD< AC ?@ABC< At! AD heads ,AdAH0< Move >< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: 6one4
Hyenas are #ack(hunters and scavengers& known for the eerie !aughing sound they make. They are not norma!!y much of a
threat& a!though they may attack weak(!ooking foes if they have sufficient numbers.
Hyena: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdI0< Move AF< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
H9E6A 2%A6(
/iant hyenas stand ;ft ta!! at the shou!der& and are more aggressive than their norma! cousins. They might serve as mounts
for tribes of gno!!s in #rehistoric or sword & sorcery cam#aigns.
2iant Hyena: HD ?< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move AE< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 6one4
Igniguanas are !arge !izards about si5 feet !ong& with reddish hide and g!owing eyes. They may be of some sort of e!ementa!
origin& cou#!ing attributes of fire and earth& for they craw! direct!y through so!id rock without digging& !eaving no tunne!
behind to mark their #assage. They breathe sma!! but intense b!asts of fire& in a cone e5tending 20ft to a width of 20ft.
7nyone within the cone takes 2d9 hit #oints of damage $save for ha!f%. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
%gniguana: HD B< AC B @A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move F< 'ave AB< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Breathes &ire4
Im#s are demonic creatures sent or summoned into the materia! #!ane. They are about a foot ta!!& and have sma!! but
functiona! wings. 7n im# can #o!ymor#h itse!f into one or two anima! forms) a crow& goat& rat& or dog being common.
Im#s regenerate 1 hit #oint #er round& and can be hit on!y by si!ver or magica! wea#ons $or by anima!s with L= hit dice%. In
some cases& they may be forced to serve as a fami!iar to a #owerfu! and evi! magic user.
%mp: HD D< AC D@AGC< At! A sting ,AdB J poison0< Move F ,Fly AF0< 'ave AF< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Poison tail
polymorph regenerate immune to &ire4
Inaed are invisib!e& intangib!e s#irits that inhabit books& scro!!s and any other ob'ect u#on which words are written. They
#ossess no abi!ity to attack direct!y: however& they can cast each of the fo!!owing s#e!!s twice dai!y) S!ee#& 3hantasma!
-orce& and Suggestion. Inaed inhabiting a book or other ob'ect are entire!y im#ervious to #hysica! attacks& for an attack
directed at the Inaed on!y damages the Qhome.Q If its host book is com#!ete!y destroyed& the Inaed wi!! f!ee in search of a
new book to haunt ( inc!uding s#e!! books. Though they are not undead& Inaed may be cast out of the books they haunt with
a successfu! turning attem#t. Treat Inaed as though they were /hou!s for this #ur#ose. ,ooks that have been freed of any
Inaed& and books that have been b!essed by a 1!eric of Ath !eve! or higher& are immune to infestation. QTurnedQ or otherwise
unbound Inaed immediate!y seek out the nearest book to inhabit. 4ntering a book takes 2d< turns& and it is during this time
that Inaed are most vu!nerab!e. The creatures are visib!e during this time (( a##earing as ghost!y a##aritions of ado!escent
human fema!es (( and can be #hysica!!y damaged& a!though on!y by magica! wea#ons. $1ontributed by 7ndrew Trent%.
%naed: HD I< AC H@DHC< At! none< Move H ,Fly AE0< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: %nvisible 'pells %mmune to all
+eapons or to normal +eapons ,depending on state0
%66ER CH%"D
7 #arasitic organism that !ies dormant inside a human host& an inner chi!d can dimensiona!!y shift itse!f outside of the hostDs
body and return once #er day. Whi!e outside it can !evitate& but remains connected by a 9ft !ong #sychic cord and cannot
move further from the host than this. It resemb!es a sma!!er version of the host creature& but with a !arge head& fera!
features& and an a!most vestigia! body. The host creature is usua!!y aware that it has an inner chi!d& but $for obvious reasons%
usua!!y kee#s it a dark secret.
7n inner chi!d has strong #sionic abi!ities. It can read minds at wi!! $#er the 4S3 s#e!!%& QcastQ charm #erson twice #er day&
cause a #sychic b!ast at wi!! $2d9 #oints of damage to a!! within a cone 90ft !ong and 90ft wide at the end& saving throw for
ha!f damage%& and create a wa!! of menta! force once #er day $?ft thick& L0ft !ong and L0ft ta!!%. If the host creature is ki!!ed&
the inner chi!d dies within 1d9 turns. $1ontributed by 1had Thorson%.
%nner child: HD I< AC I@AFC< At! psychic blast ,DdF0< Move E< 'ave AB< C"=8P: ?=DBH< 'pecial: E'P and psychic
blast at +ill charm person ,D=day0 and +all o& mental &orce ,A=day04
%6.%'%B"E '(A"$ER
Invisib!e sta!kers are genera!!y on!y found as a resu!t of the s#e!! Invisib!e Sta!ker." They are invisib!e f!ying beings
created to fo!!ow a sing!e command made by the caster.
%nvisible 'tal!er: HD E< AC I@AFC< At! A -bite/ ,BdB0< Move H ,Fly AD0< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: %nvisible
The I0M6ifier is a sma!!& intricate tang!e of wires and fi!aments with infinitesima! motes of !ight dancing un#redictab!y
within: they are no more than one inch in diameter. Their sma!! size& cou#!ed with the fact that they move very 8uick!y&
makes them difficu!t to hit with wea#ons. 7n I0M6ifier #ro'ects a beam of b!uish !ight: if any #erson is caught within the
!ight& the shadow #ro'ected by the beam is a so!id& materia! sha#e that manifests within one round. 0nce a #erson is caught
within the !ight beam $re8uiring a successfu! to(hit ro!! by the I0M6ifier%& the I0M6ifier can ho!d the #erson in the beam
without further effort un!ess a wa!! or other very significant obstac!e com#!ete!y obstructs the beam. The #ro'ected
QshadowQ of the target is sha#ed e5act!y !ike the #erson being #ro'ected ( it is constructed of wires that !ook !ike b!ood
vesse!s running through and around whirring c!ockwork interna! organs& and with a face(mask of bronze that resemb!es the
face of the target in #erfect detai!. The shadow wears armor and carries e8ui#ment identica! to the targetDs& but these do not
du#!icate any magica! effects of the origina!s. The shadow has the same number of hit #oints as the !iving creature from
which it is #ro'ected& and regenerates ?h# #er round unti! it is ki!!ed. It wi!! attack its origina! re!ent!ess!y unti! it is ki!!ed&
whereu#on it sim#!y disa##ears. If the victim is ki!!ed by its #ro'ection& the #ro'ection wi!! instant!y fa!! u#on the cor#se&
enve!o#e it in its wires and fi!aments& and com#ress itse!f and the cor#se into an I0M6 stone. The I0M6 stone wi!! res#ond
to the first #erson who #icks it u#& orbiting around that #ersonDs head& and granting a bonus to an attribute score for as !ong
as it continues to circ!e. The attribute affected de#ends u#on the #erson who is com#acted into the stone: if that #erson was
a c!eric& the I0M6 stone adds =1 to wisdom: if the victim was a magic(user& the stone adds =1 to inte!!igence: otherwise&
the stone adds =1 to strength. These I0M6 stones are not #ermanent& !asting on!y 1d<=1 days: some other& !ost& #rocedure
seems to be needed to make the stones !ast !onger than this. The I0M6ifier can on!y maintain two #ro'ections at any given
time& and cannot make a second #ro'ection of the same #erson more than once #er day. 6ote) attem#ts to use I0M6ifiers for
#ersona! gain& es#ecia!!y by nefarious means& are 8uite dangerous ( whatever #rogramming drives the I0M6ifier seems
driven to cause ironic and dangerous conse8uences to those who try to mani#u!ate them. The cha!!enge !eve! of an
I0M6ifier varies with its targets& and thus canDt be ca!cu!ated ahead of time. The T3 va!ue of an I0M6ifier shou!d be
a##ro5imate!y the same as a monster with the same hit dice as the #arty has !eve!s. $+att -inch%.
%376i&ier: HD I< AC H@A>C< At! none K by proOection only< Move H ,Fly D?0< 'ave ?< C"=8P varies< 'pecial:
%mproved saving thro+ immune to electricity proOection beam4
7t first g!ance& this critter a##ears as a bright!y decorated bo5 with a rotating hand!e at its side. With sur#rising 8uickness& a
'ester(!ike creature $mounted on a s#ring& of courseV% s#rings from the bo5 attacking and maiming. If concea!ed within its
Qbo5Q& a Kack(in(the(,o5 has a L0O chance of sur#rising its foes. This chance increases to P0O if the Kack(in(the(,o5 is
re!eased from the bo5 via the rotating hand!e. When enc!osed within its bo5& the Kack(in(the(,o5 71 becomes ?B19C.
7 Kack(in(the(,o5 may on!y move by ho##ing& carrying its cubic abode with him. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
#ac!KinKtheKBo;: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! Dagger or other small bladed +eapon ,AdB0< Move F< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH<
'pecial: 'urprise4
Sma!!& dog(!ike scavengers& 'acka!s #resent no significant threat to a we!!(armed #arty of humans.
#ac!al: HD AdBhp< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdD0< Move AB< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
#AC$A" 3F DAR$6E''
These creatures resemb!e 'acka!s with b!ack fur& !imned with a b!ack fire that sheds no !ight and burns b!ack when the 'acka!
emerges from the darkness. They haunt !ong(abandoned tombs& #ossib!y being shack!ed to them as guardians by ancient
magics ( the re!ation of the 'acka!s to their tomb(!airs is not known. They seem to be undead& in that they can be turned $as
mummies%& but do not a##ear to rot& nor do they seem to be incor#orea! in any way. The b!ack fire around the 'acka! acts
a!most !ike an inde#endent creature: when the 'acka! is in combat& the b!ack fire streams forth and can enve!o# one
o##onent $within L0ft of the 'acka!%& causing 1 hit #oint of damage #er round. The 'acka! can move the b!ack fire where it
wishes. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
#ac!al o& Dar!ness: HD B< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AB< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Blac! &ire4
7 'acka!were is an evi! s#irit with the body of a 'acka!& but it can a!so assume a human form. Kacka!weres can cause s!ee#
by !ooking dee#!y into a human2s eyes for a few moments $saving throw%. Kacka!weres can on!y be damaged with si!ver or
magica! wea#ons.
#ac!al+ere: HD B< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,DdB0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'leep ga*e hit by silver or
magic +eapons only4
Kann are genies not tied to any #articu!ar e!ement& un!ike the efreet and the d'inn. *ike other genies& they have magica!
#owers) en!arge or shrink themse!ves& invisibi!ity $LEday%& and dimension door $1Eday%. Kann can trave! into the e!ementa!
#!anes& even bringing others with them& but they cannot remain more than an hour and a day in another #!ane of e5istence&
or they wi!! #erish.
#anni: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! A +eapon ,AdEJB0< Move AD ,Fly DB0< 'ave AA< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: 2enie po+ers4
#E""9F%'H H9P63(%C
The co!ors of a hy#notic 'e!!yfish are so soothing that anyone viewing this undersea #redator must make a saving throw or
fa!! into a dream!ike trance for 1d9 turns. The 'e!!yfish is very !arge& about the size of a man.
Hypnotic #elly&ish: HD I< AC E@AAC< At! A sting ,AdE0< Move H ,'+im I0< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Hypnotic
$EEPER 3F (HE 1E""
Iee#ers 0f The We!! are semi(inte!!igent water s#irits that enter the materia! wor!d at the behest of a #owerfu! c!eric. These
s#irits wi!!ing!y enter into a contract with the s#iritua! !eader who brought them forth& agreeing to be bound to a #articu!ar
we!! or s#ring and defend it from a!! creatures not #art of the !oca! vi!!age or tem#!e. In return for its service& the Iee#er of
the We!! is freed from the s!ave(!ike e5istence it wou!d norma!!y have on its home #!ace or in the s#irit wor!d. 7 vi!!ageDs
Iee#er of the We!! is often worshi##ed as a minor deity. 7 Iee#er of the We!! a##ears as a !arge& snake(!ike co!umn of
water rising out of the o#ening of the we!! that it defends. They cannot !eave the we!!& though they can manifest themse!ves
from any o#ening tied to the !oca! water system& instant!y a##earing at the desired !ocation. Iee#ers of the We!! are immune
to fire and #ossess magic resistance of PLO. S#e!!s that s#ecifica!!y affect water $such as 3art Water% can be used to damage
or affect a Iee#er of the We!! with resu!ts that may vary from the s#e!!Ds norma! o#eration. $1ontributed by 7ndrew Trent%.
$eeper 3& (he 1ell: HD >< AC D@AGC< At! A )&ist) ,DdE0< Move H ,see te;t &or special0< 'ave F< C"=8P AA=AGHH<
'pecial: Fire immunity Magic resistance ,G?L0 1ater teleport4
The Ihe#h are 'acka!(headed humanoids with a s!eek b!ack covering of body fur. ,e!ow the neck& the form of a Ihe#h2s
body is very much !ike that of a muscu!ar and we!!(#ro#ortioned human being& a!though they are !arger $averaging P feet
ta!!%. The Ihe#h are an ancient s#ecies& o!der than mankind& and they revere evi! gods forgotten or never known by most
!iving races. Their su#ernatura! !ink to #!anes of e5istence beyond materia! rea!ity is very strong& and Ihe#h !eaders are
said to be ab!e to shift between #!anes of e5istence with ease.
Warrior khe#h have ;HN but no magica! abi!ities. They usua!!y fight with scimitars& attacking twice #er round& but may
$20O% be armed with bows or $20O% with #o!earms. Ihe#h #riests cast s#e!!s as a c!eric of Ath !eve!& and in addition can
$as an innate abi!ity% cast Symbo! of 3ain and 3!ane Shift once #er day. Ihe#h +agi cast s#e!!s as a magic user of 10th
!eve!& and in addition can $as an innate abi!ity% cast Symbo! of -ear and 3!ane Shift once #er day. Ihe#h e!ders have the
s#e!! casting abi!ities of an 11th !eve! c!eric and magic user& and in addition can $as an innate abi!ity% cast Symbo! of Neath
and 3!ane Shift once #er day.
$heph 1arrior: HD E< AC I@AFC< At! D scimitars ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: JD to hit4
$heph Priest: HD >< AC ?@ABC< At! A scimitar ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave F< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: 'pells as level >
cleric symbol o& pain plane shi&t4
$heph Mage: HD AH< AC F@AIC< At! A scimitar ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave ?< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: 'pells as level AH
magicKuser symbol o& &ear plane shi&t4
$heph Elder: HD AA< AC B@A?C< At! A scimitar ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave B< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: 'pells as level AA
magicKuser and level AA cleric symbol o& death plane shi&t4
Ii(rin are wind s#irits& !ooking much !ike a unicorn& but with dragon(!ike features such as go!den(sca!ed skin& and having a
huge& f!owing mane. +ost are benevo!ent in nature& but they se!dom interfere in the doings of humankind. 7 ki(rin can
cast s#e!!s as an 1;th !eve! c!eric and as an 1;th !eve! magic user.
1!eric s#e!!s) PEPEPEPEPE<E1
+agic(user s#e!!s) 9E9E9E9E9ELE2E2E1
7 common se!ection of s#e!!s for a ki(rin might be as fo!!ows)
Cleric: "evel A: 1ure *ight Wounds $52%& Netect 4vi!& Netect +agic& *ight& 3rotection -rom 4vi!& 3urify -ood and Nrink&
"evel D: ,!ess& -ind Tra#s& Ho!d 3erson $52%& Si!ence& 1Lft .adius& Snake 1harm& S#eak with 7nima!s& "evel I: 1ontinua!
*ight& 1ure Nisease& *ocate 0b'ect& 3rayer& .emove 1urse $52%& S#eak with the Nead& "evel B: 1reate Water& 1ure Serious
Wounds $52%& 6eutra!ize 3oison& 3rotection -rom 4vi! 10 ft. .adius& S#eak With 3!ants& Sticks to Snakes& "evel ?:
1ommune& 1reate -ood& Nis#e! 4vi!& -inger of Neath& Insect 3!ague& Suest& .aise Nead& "evel F: 7nimate 0b'ect& ,!ade
,arrier& S#eak with +onsters& Word of .eca!!& "evel G: 1ontro! Weather.
MagicKuser: "evel A: 1harm 3erson& Netect +agic& 3rotection -rom 4vi!& .ead *anguages& .ead +agic& S!ee#& "evel D:
4S3& Invisibi!ity& *ocate 0b'ect& +irror Image& 3hantasma! -orce& Web& "evel I: Nis#e! +agic $52%& -ireba!!& Haste&
3rotection -rom 6orma! +issi!es& S!ow& "evel B: 1onfusion $52%& -ear& 3!ant /rowth& 3o!ymor#h 0ther& 3o!ymor#h Se!f&
"evel ?: 1on'ure 4!ementa!& 1ontact 0ther 3!ane& Te!ekinesis $52%& Te!e#ort& Wa!! of Stone& "evel F: Neath S#e!!&
Nisintegrate& -!esh to Stone& *egend *ore& Stone to -!esh& "evel G: Ne!ayed ,!ast -ireba!!& *imited Wish& "evel E: +onster
Summoning >I& 3ower Word ,!ind& "evel >: Time Sto#.
$iKrin: HD AD< AC P?@DBC< At! A horn ,IdF0 D hoo&s ,AdE0< Move AE ,Fly DB0< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial:
'pells magical po+ers magic resistance ,>HL04
Iobo!ds are subterranean& vague!y gob!in(!ike humanoids. They have a G1 #ena!ty when fighting above ground. +any use
s!ings or short bows& and they fight with short swords or s#iked c!ubs in me!ee combat.
$obold: HD AdBhp< AC F@AIC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move F< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
IoDhaai are !arge& 9(!egged !izards covered in sca!es that coruscate with varying hues of b!ue. They are norma!!y found in
tro#ica! c!imates where they are used as riding anima!s and beasts of burden by the !oca! #o#u!ace. IoDhaai #ossess !ong&
#owerfu! tongues& used to make a whi#(!ike attack. In addition to suffering damage& the victim of this attack may have his
arms #inioned if the tongue wra#s around him $saving throw at (2 #ena!ty%. The bite of a IoDhaai is mi!d!y #oisonous&
inf!icting 1d? #oints of damage $saving throw at =2 negates%& and the #oison has a very strange #ro#erty with re#eated
e5#osures. The skin of any #erson who has sustained ? or more IoDhaai bites within a week takes on a discernib!e b!uish
cast& which #ersists for ?d; weeks. 7fter si5 successfu! saving throws made against IoDhaai #oison& the body deve!o#s a
#ermanent immunity to the damaging effects of the #oison& and begins to treat the #oison as a mi!d am#hetamine& #roviding
a =1 to attack ro!!s and saving throws for 1d<=2 hours after being bitten $the downside to this& of course& is the damage
taken from the bite itse!f%. $1ontributed by 7ndrew Trent%.
$oQhaai: HD I< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdF J poison0 or A tongue ,AdB J pinion0 < Move F< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH<
'pecial: Poison pinion +ith tongue4
$3% F3"$
The Ioi -o!k are bright!y co!ored humanoid go!dfish& #eacefu! and am#hibious #easants of 4astern !ands& and genera!!y
#!easant to be around& if somewhat du!! com#any. They are sim#!e(minded and easi!y !ed& often #rey to bu!!ies !ike the
Furm# $see& QFurm#Q% or haughty !oca! nobi!ity. Some monks wi!! occasiona!!y attem#t to teach the Ioi -o!k martia! arts&
and insti!! the drive to stand u# for themse!ves& on!y to give u# in frustration at these creaturesD b!ank(faced #!acidity.
$1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
$oi Fol!: HD DJA< AC G@ADC< At! A slap ,AdI0< Move > ,'+im AD0< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
$3M3D3 DRA236
Iomodo dragons are very !arge !izards with a #oisonous bite $saving throw%. Neath from the #oison takes #!ace in 1d<
me!ee rounds after the bite.
$omodo Dragon: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdF J poison0< Move F< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Poison bite4
2iant $omodo Dragon: HD ?< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,DdF J poison0< Move >< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Poison
Iraken are gigantic s8uid(!ike monsters of ma!ign& genius(!eve! inte!!igence& residing in the b!ack de#ths of the oceans.
When kraken strike with their tentac!es& they may wra# their #rey and constrict them each round for an automatic 2d9
damage& a!so making the victim defense!ess against the krakenDs bite. Shi#s may be constricted in the same way& ty#ica!!y
re8uiring 1; tentac!e(rounds to crush the vesse! sufficient!y to #u!! be!ow to the krakenDs e5#ansive undersea !air. Tentac!es
may be targeted individua!!y and severed. They each have 71 9B1?C and 19 hit #oints& which are not considered #art of the
krakenDs hit #oint tota!. Iraken retreat by 'etting backwards& at which #oint they may re!ease a #oisonous ;0ft 5 ;0ft 5 120ft
ink c!oud. -or a tota! of four rounds& anyone within the c!oud wi!! suffer 1d< #oints of damage. It is rumored that kraken
#ossess unnatura! #owers to contro! weather and to create fa!se !ights in order to ambush or mis!ead sai!ors. $1ontributed by
$ra!en: HD DH< AC H@A>C< At! F tentacles ,DdF0 bite ,IdF0< Move ,'+im I0 ,#et DA0< 'ave I< C"=8P DB=?FHH<
'pecial: %n! cloud constriction control +eather create lights4
7 kurok(s#irit is a non(human s#irit that manifests as a ghost!y crocodi!e& !imned with a trans#arent gray fire. Iuroks can
on!y be damaged by si!ver or magic wea#ons $or by s#e!!s%. 7nyone within me!ee attack range of the creature must make a
saving throw or be #ara!yzed by the ghost(f!ames around the s#iritDs crocodi!e body. When the kurok bites an o##onent& the
bite causes the tem#orary !oss of 1d< constitution #oints $recovered within 1d? days%: if a victimDs constitution dro#s to 0 as
the resu!t of a kurokDs bite& he dies and the s#irit takes his sou! to eat.
$uro!K'pirit: HD I< AC B@A?C< At! Bite ,AdB points o& constitution0< Move >< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Drains
This weird but benevo!ent race e5ists outside of the norma! conce#t of time. They may come from the distant future& but
cou!d 'ust as easi!y hai! from the distant #ast or from an a!ternate rea!ity a!together. When encountered& they are genera!!y
working to defy the #!ans of their arch(enemies& the Tsa!akians $another trans(dimensiona! race of beings%& and to organize
resistance against them. The Izaddich $singu!ar and #!ura!% a!ways a##ear as man(sized figures& com#!ete!y covered by
cow!ed c!oaks. Their own s#eech sounds not un!ike wind chimes. When dea!ing with sentient creatures& they use their
native te!e#athy. Their true form defies immediate descri#tion: unc!oaked& they a##ear as an ama!gamation of shifting&
soft!y g!owing s#heres in a rough a##ro5imation of a bi#eda! form. The Izaddich can s!i# in and out of the time(stream at
wi!!& and as a resu!t they are e5ceeding!y difficu!t to harm. They can antici#ate the future actions of their o##onents&
resu!ting in their a!most unhittab!e armor c!ass. +oreover& they make saving throws as an ;HN creature and take ha!f or no
damage from damage(causing s#e!!s that a!!ow saving throws& and are a!!owed a saving throw against s#e!!s that norma!!y
do not a!!ow one ( whether these s#e!!s cause damage or not. They are immune to a!! #erson(affecting s#e!!s $ho!d #erson&
charm #erson& etc.% and cannot be affected by s#e!!s that affect time& such as s!ow or time sto#. Indeed& Izaddich can ignore
the effects of these s#e!!s and even interru#t and share any beneficia! effects of such magics. Izaddich are !oathe to engage
in combat& but if forced& they have the innate s#e!!(!ike abi!ity to haste themse!ves at wi!!. If faced with certain ca#ture or
death& a Izaddich can& at wi!!& sim#!y s!i# into the far future or #ast to avoid the situation. Izaddich have considerab!e
menta! #owers. They can menta!!y a!ter the density of their bodies from a weight of 0 to L00 #ounds at wi!!& hea! a!! damage
they have suffered five times #er day& !evitate at wi!!& communicate te!e#athica!!y within 100ft with any creature& and read
#sychic im#ressions !eft u#on ob'ects. The Izaddich do not #erceive time the way others do: they can #erceive the out!ines
of the future $A0O chance to make the most favorab!e choice between two actions%. Izaddich can never be taken by
sur#rise. Twice #er day& a Izaddich have the abi!ity to create a time sto# $as #er the s#e!!& with a duration of 2 combat
rounds%. 7 Izaddich can share the time sto# with another creature with which it is in #hysica! contact. 7!most nothing is
known of the Izaddich cu!ture: they vie against the machinations of the Tsa!akians on a sca!e that morta! creatures cannot
com#rehend& in a vast war that s#ans time and dimensions. $1ontributed by Kohn Turcotte%.
$:ADD%CH: HD AJA< AC KE@DGC< At! D +eapons ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Haste improved
saving thro+s immune to personKa&&ecting spells immune to time spells escape into &uture mental po+ers cannot
be surprised time stop ,D=day04
*amias are horrid& centaur(!ike creatures& a!ways fema!e. ,e!ow the fema!e human torso is the body of a beast& usua!!y with
a !ion2s fore!egs and the hind8uarters of a horse G but the beast(!ike #art can vary. 7 !amia can cast charm #erson& charm
monster& and suggestion once #er day& these #owers often being used to !ure #rey into the disma! and abandoned #!aces
where the !amia !airs. In addition& the !amia2s touch drains a #oint of wisdom #ermanent!y from the victim. 7ny victim
whose wisdom fa!!s to ? or !ower becomes the !amia2s s!ave $one or more such s!aves might be used to guard the !air or
even #artici#ate in !uring victims to the #!ace%.
"amia: HD >< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0< Move DB< 'ave F< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: 'pells touch drains +isdom4
"AMPRE9 2%A6(
/iant !am#reys are s!ow(moving ee!s with a toothy& s#hincter(!ike mouth. 0nce the monster scores a hit& it fastens to the
victim and drains b!ood automatica!!y each round thereafter unti! the victim is dead. 6orma! !am#reys aren2t rea!!y
dangerous enough to merit a se#arate entry.
2iant "amprey: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move ,'+im >0< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood4
"AMPRE9 "%2H(6%62
*ightning !am#reys are f!oating creatures about three feet !ong that feed u#on #owerfu! e!ectrica! currents and !ightning.
Schoo!s of them drift a!ong in the wake of storm c!ouds. They are not norma!!y encountered away from e!ectrica! storms
$some may sniff their way down from higher a!titudes if !ightning is actua!!y striking the ground%. However& they might be
found in unusua! magica! environments where e!ectrica! discharges or !ightning is #!entifu!. Their bite inf!icts one #oint of
damage from the shar# teeth& but a!so de!ivers an e!ectrica! shock of 1d9h#. Their bodies are e5treme!y good e!ectrica!
"ightning "amprey: HD A< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,Ahp J AdF shoc!0< Move ,Fly F0< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial:
Electrical bite4
"EAP%62 MA1
7 *ea#ing +aw is a weird form of #arasite that has e5tra(dimensiona! #ro#erties. It is never encountered a!one& as it
re8uires a host of some form. 7 sma!! creature can su##ort on!y one *ea#ing +aw& but a medium(sized creature $such as a
human% can su##ort u# to four& and a !arge creature can su##ort nine or more. The *ea#ing +aw !ooks !ike a sma!!& fanged
mouth& rather wo!f(!ike& s#routing from a host creature2s body. The body is a fist(sized !um#& hidden within the host2s body&
and the host must usua!!y be s!ain in order to get to it. The *ea#ing +aw is ab!e to te!e#ort itse!f direct!y onto any f!esh
within ?0ft& and if it scores three successfu! hits it has burrowed into the victimDs f!esh. It cannot attack anyone who is
em#!oying a #rotection from evi! s#e!!. Mse of a dimension door within 10ft of a !ea#ing maw ki!!s one !ea#ing maw #er ?
!eve!s of the caster. Te!e#ort wi!! drive them out from the host. If a !ea#ing maw remains in a host for a week& the host
begins to e5#erience surrea! and vivid dreams and ha!!ucinations that cause a #ermanent !oss of 1 Wisdom #oint #er !ea#ing
maw #er month. When the victim reaches wisdom of 0& he becomes com#!ete!y contro!!ed by the #arasites& a #u##et for
breeding and transmission. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
"eaping Ma+: HD A< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move H ,(eleport IH&t0< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: (eleport
occupy host attac! against unarmored AC4
"EECH 2%A6(
/iant !eeches are about one and a ha!f feet !ong #er hit die. 7fter they score a hit& they drain b!ood automatica!!y at one hit
#oint #er hit die of the creature. These are nasty creatures to find inhabiting the murky& muddy waters of a dungeon or
2iant "eech ,AHD0: HD A< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move I< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood
2iant "eech ,DHD0: HD D< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move I< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood
2iant "eech ,IHD0: HD I< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move I< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood
2iant "eech ,BHD0: HD B< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move I< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood
2iant "eech ,?HD0: HD ?< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move I< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood
2iant "eech ,FHD0: HD F< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move I< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 'uc!s blood
*eo#ards are sma!!& roaring great cats& standing about 2ft ta!! at the shou!der. They are not 8uite as fast as the other great
cats& but they are stea!thy hunters.
"eopard: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdF0< Move AF< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
The *e#hane is a semi(a8uatic re!ative of the 4!e#hant& ada#ted for dwe!!ing in rivers and !akes. The main body& resemb!ing
a bou!der& is a shrive!!ed and shrunken mass& a!though it is sti!! a!most the size of a norma! e!e#hantDs. The head is bare!y
recognizab!e as an e!e#hant2s& as the ears are atro#hied !um#s: the trunk is much !onger than that of a norma! e!e#hant. The
!e#hane attacks by grabbing and constricting with its !ong& muscu!ar trunk from underwater. 0nce it has struck& it can a##!y
continuous damage #er round and can drag victims underwater. If the !e#hane manages to drag its #rey a!! the way to its
mouth& it can a!so bite for 1d9 damage. In genera!& any creature attacking it whi!e it is in the water wi!! suffer a (2 #ena!ty to
hit and damage $e5ce#t with s#ears or other good underwater wea#ons%. ,reaking free from the !e#hane2s trunk can be
managed on a ro!! of 1(2 on a d9.
The !e#hane is an accom#!ished swimmer& but !azy. It #refers to wa!k a!ong a river bottom& #oking the ti# of its trunk above
the water to breathe. *ike its !and(bound kin& it has ivory tusks that wi!! fetch a fine reward) 100(<00g# #er tusk. Mn!ike its
!and(bound kin& the !e#hane is omnivorous: it can survive on roots and !eaves& but it #refers fresh meat. $1ontributed by
Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
"ephane: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! A trun! ,DdBJconstriction0 A bite ,AdF0< Move F< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial:
Constriction pull beneath +ater4
*e#rechauns are fey creatures& usua!!y #ortrayed as irrationa! and #ossib!y 8uite ma!evo!ent $a!though they have the
common fey characteristic of being bound by bargains they make%. They are somewhat magic resistant $10O%& and are
e5treme!y e!usive. They can become invisib!e and dimension door at wi!!. They can a!so cast #hantasma! force once #er
"eprechaun: HD A< AC E@AAC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move AE< 'ave A?< C"=8P ?=BHH< 'pecial: Magic resistance
,AHL0 magic abilities4
The !eucrota has a badger2s head and a !ion2s body& but with c!oven hooves instead of c!aws. Its toothy mouth stretches
from ear to ear $and de!ivers a dead!y bite%. The origina! descri#tion of a !eucrota comes from 3!iny the 4!der& writing in
the first century.
"eucrota: HD F< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,IdF0< Move AE< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: 6one4
*iches are the undead remnants of wizards& either made undead by their own de!iberate acts during !ife& or as the resu!t of
other magica! forces $#ossib!y inc!uding their own magics gone awry%. 7 !ich has the same s#e!!(casting #owers as the
origina! magic(user $the same !eve! as the !ich2s hit dice%. 7 !ich2s touch causes #ara!ysis with no saving throw& and the very
sight of one of these dread creatures causes #ara!ysis in any being of <HN or be!ow. *iches are high!y ma!ign and
"ich ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC H@A>C< At! A hand ,AdAH J automatic paralysis0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial:
Appearance causes paralytic &ear touch causes automatic paralysis spells4
"ich ,AIHD0: HD AI< AC H@A>C< At! A hand ,AdAH J automatic paralysis0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AF=IDHH< 'pecial:
Appearance causes paralytic &ear touch causes automatic paralysis spells4
"ich ,ABHD0: HD AB< AC H@A>C< At! A hand ,AdAH J automatic paralysis0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AG=I?HH< 'pecial:
Appearance causes paralytic &ear touch causes automatic paralysis spells4
"ich ,A?HD0: HD A?< AC H@A>C< At! A hand ,AdAH J automatic paralysis0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AE=IEHH< 'pecial:
Appearance causes paralytic &ear touch causes automatic paralysis spells4
"ich ,AFHD0: HD AF< AC H@A>C< At! A hand ,AdAH J automatic paralysis0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P A>=BAHH< 'pecial:
Appearance causes paralytic &ear touch causes automatic paralysis spells4
"ich ,AGHD0: HD AG< AC H@A>C< At! A hand ,AdAH J automatic paralysis0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P DH=BBHH< 'pecial:
Appearance causes paralytic &ear touch causes automatic paralysis spells4
"ich ,AEHD0: HD AE< AC H@A>C< At! A hand ,AdAH J automatic paralysis0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P DA=BGHH< 'pecial:
Appearance causes paralytic &ear touch causes automatic paralysis spells4
*innorms !ook !ike massive ser#ents with draconic heads. *innorms never s#eak& nor do they have s#e!!(casting abi!ity.
*innorms attack with their bite which dea!s grievous damage and in'ects a dead!y #oison into their o##onents $save or die%.
7 !innorm may a!so constrict an o##onent for ?d< #oints of damage #er round. If a !innorm attacks with its bite and < or
more than the number needed in ro!!ed on its attack dice& the victim is swa!!owed who!e. Swa!!owed victims suffer 2d< hit
#oints of damage #er round and may on!y strike back at the !innorm with short wea#ons. The inside of a !innorm is
considered armor c!ass ;B11C.
*innorms share the size categories and age categories of dragons. They are deaf& detecting heat and vibration& and are
therefore unaffected by si!ence and invisibi!ity. Thrice #er day& !innorms may breath a c!oud of #oisonous gas ?0ft !ong&
20ft wide& and 10ft high& that dea!s damage e8ua! to the !innormDs fu!! hit #oints $save for ha!f damage%. *innorms may not
be subdued and are immune to #oison. They are e5ce!!ent swimmers and sometimes !air in or near !arge bodies of water.
$1ontributed by Kohn Turcotte& W 2009%.
Adult "innorm ,GHD0: HD G< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,IdF J poison0 and A constrict ,IdB0< Move AD ,'+im AD0< 'ave ><
C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Poison constrict s+allo+ +hole immune to poison silence and invisibility breath +eapon4
7 !ioness has an 71 of PB12C& but is otherwise simi!ar to the ma!e !ion.
"ion: HD ?JD< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 6one4
*ithonnites are huge mo!!usk(!ike creatures& about one ton in weight& !iving in subterranean and surface environments. The
front of a !ithonnite2s body is encased in a #owerfu! she!!& even to the rock(!ike eye!ids. When the rest of the !ithonnite2s
body is concea!ed in a grotto or under water& the she!! a##ears !ike a bou!der or other natura! rock. It is not #ossib!e for the
!ithonnite to draw its soft body entire!y into the she!!. In combat& the !ithonnite reaches around its she!! with two s!ug(!ike
tentac!es to attack. The creature2s fronta! #ortion& #rotected by the she!!& can be attacked by any sort of wea#on: behind the
she!!& the soft body is 71 9B1?C& but cannot be affected by b!unt wea#ons due to its bone!ess consistency. $1ontributed by
+att -inch%.
"ithonnite: HD E< AC D@AGC ,&rontal shell0 F@AIC ,body0< At! D tentacles ,DdF0< Move >< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH<
'pecial: Body immune to blunt +eapons4
"%:ARD 'AM7RA%
*izard samurai come from some unknown race of bi#eda! !izards& #ossib!y from the s#irit wor!d& #ossib!y from another
dimension& #ossib!y from far !ands. They are on!y encountered in e!aborate armor& bearing shar# swords and sometimes
with !ongbows. *izard samurai fo!!ow a strict code of combat& but consider humans of non(fighting socia! c!ass to be
anima!s virtua!!y beneath their notice. When venturing into human !ands& they are norma!!y formed into we!!(organized
mi!itary units& sometimes with members of some other race serving as au5i!iary troo#s. These mi!itary units genera!!y
consist of at !east 20 of the !izard samurai& and are a!ways !ed by a ca#tain with 9 hit dice. *izard samurai make a!! saving
throws at =1 $ref!ected in the statistics be!ow%. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
"i*ard 'amurai: HD I< AC I@AFC< At! A s+ord ,AdE0 or D arro+s ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
%mproved saving thro+4
"i*ard 'amurai Captain: HD F< AC D@AGC< At! A s+ord ,AdE0 or D arro+s ,AdF0< 'ave AH< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial:
%mproved saving thro+4
"%:ARD 2%A6( ,RE27"AR0
/iant !izards $as described here% are about <ft ta!! at the shou!der $not 8uite !arge enough to ride%. *arger s#ecimens cou!d
certain!y be found G #erha#s they continue to grow throughout their !ong !ives& !eading to giant !izards of c!ose to saurian
2iant "i*ard: HD I< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
"%:ARD "%2H(6%62
*ightning !izards stand Lft in height and may reach a !ength of 1<ft. Their sca!es are a shimmering b!ue and s#arks of
!ightning constant!y crack!e around their maw. *ightning !izards have sometimes been used as mounts for #owerfu! orcish
chiefs or triba! !ords.
7 !ightning !izard may s#ew a crack!ing stream of !ightning to assau!t its foes twice #er day. 7 successfu! save ha!ves the
damage. *ightning !izards are immune to e!ectrica! based attacks or s#e!!s.
7 rare breed of f!ying !ightning !izards are known to e5ist. They are identica! to their earthbound kin with the addition of
massive wings which give them a f!ying movement of 1; $which ad'usts the 1*ET3 to ;E;00%. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
"ightning "i*ard: HD ?< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdE0 or "ighting Blast ,BdF0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P
G=FHH< 'pecial: "ightning blast4
*izardmen are re#ti!ian humanoids& usua!!y !iving in triba! vi!!ages in the de#ths of fetid swam#s. Some can ho!d their
breath for !ong durations $an hour or more%& whi!e others can actua!!y breathe underwater.
"i*ardman: HD DJA< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdF0< Move F ,'+im AD0< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial:
Breathe under+ater4
"7R$ER CE%"%62
*urkers resemb!e f!oating manta rays& with a rough& stone(!ike undersurface. They !evitate to cei!ing(to#s and wait for #rey
to wa!k underneath& whereu#on they dro# and enfo!d the victim in their thick wings" $to(hit ro!!%. 7nyone tra##ed inside a
!urker2s c!utches takes 1d9 #oints of damage #er round from crushing& and wi!! suffocate within 1d<=1 rounds un!ess the
!urker is ki!!ed. There is norma!!y on!y a 10O chance to detect a !urker2s #resence visua!!y before it attacks& and it has a
9LO chance to gain initiative automatica!!y $un!ess a sur#rise ro!!" system is being used& in which case the !urker has a <
in 9 chance to gain sur#rise%.
Ceiling "ur!er: HD AH< AC F@AIC< At! A crush ,AdF0< Move A ,Fly G0< 'ave ?< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 'mother4
*ycanthro#es are were(creatures& #articu!ar!y those in whom the disease #ermits assum#tion of a hybrid form of the human
and anima!. They can be hit by norma! wea#ons& but si!ver wea#ons might inf!ict additiona! damage. If any character is
brought be!ow L0O hit #oints by a !ycanthro#e& the character wi!! become a !ycanthro#e himse!f.
Werebears can take the form of a bear or a human.
1erebear: HD GJI< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,DdB0< Move >< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: "ycanthropy4
Wereboars can take the form of a boar& a human& or a boar(!ike bi#ed.
1ereboar: HD ?JD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: "ycanthropy4
Wererats can contro! rats& and are e5treme!y stea!thy $sur#rising o##onents on 1(< on a d9%.
1ererat: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdI0 A +eapon ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: "ycanthropy
control rats surprise4
Weretigers can assume the form of a tiger& a human& or a bi#eda!& tiger(!ike hybrid of the two forms.
1eretiger: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdAH0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: "ycanthropy4
Werewease!s tend to be aggressive& crue! and vicious. In their !ycanthro#e form& they are s!eek and 8uick& biting for 2d< hit
#oints of damage in addition to any wea#ons they may wie!d. They continue to drain b!ood after a successfu! bite& inf!icting
an additiona! 2d< #oints of damage #er me!ee round unti! s!ain or unti! they re!ease their #rey. 7s with other were(creatures&
the bite a!so has a chance to inf!ict !ycanthro#y. These !ithe creatures are fast& gaining a =1 bonus on initiative ro!!s.
Werewease!s are often found with 1d< giant wease!s& which obey their commands. In human form& werewease!s tend to be
thin and wiry& dark of as#ect with shar# features. $1ontributed by Kohn Turcotte%.
1ereK+easel: HD IJD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdF0 and +eapon ,AdE0< Move A?< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Drain
blood lycanthropy JA initiative hit only by magical or silver +eapons4
"9CA6(HR3PE 1ERE13"F
Werewo!ves can assume the form of a wo!f& a human& or a wo!fman hybrid of the two forms.
1ere+ol&: HD BJB< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: "ycanthropy4
"968 2%A6(
If a giant !yn5 hits with both of its front c!aws& it can make 2 more attacks with its rear c!aws.
2iant "yn;: HD D< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdD0 A bite ,AdB0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Rear cla+s4
MACA1 2%A6(
/iant macaws are not #redators& but they are high!y territoria! and very dangerous& being as !arge as a ta!! man. They have
bri!!iant green& b!ue& or red #!umage& and are genera!!y found in tro#ica! regions. The giant macaw attacks with a wicked!y
#owerfu! beak. They are ordinari!y found in mated #airs& and their feathers can usua!!y be so!d for a tidy sum.
2iant Maca+: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! A bea! ,AdAH0< Move F ,Fly DH0< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 6one4
+a!carnae are fema!e creatures with a four(armed human torso and the !ower body of a great& writhing ser#ent& fifteen feet
!ong. These horrib!e creatures are one of the many #ossib!e teratomor#hs that may resu!t from human congress with
demons& most common!y an incubus. In some cases they may a!so be hatched from c!utches of eggs !aid by +ari!ith
demons fo!!owing events too hideous to contem#!ate. When they are born into any but the most de#raved human societies
they are usua!!y ki!!ed at birth& so they are se!dom found u#on the materia! #!anes. +a!carnae genera!!y arm themse!ves
with a shie!d and three wea#ons& and can a!so attack with their !ashing tai!s for 1d; #oints of damage. Nes#ite the horrib!e
sha#e of these creatures& they are obscene!y beautifu!: creatures of fewer than < hit dice cannot attack them& and o##onents
with < or more hit dice must make a saving throw to succeed with any attem#ted #hysica! attack. They are immune to
norma! wea#ons $other than si!ver ones% and have magic resistance of 2LO. The human #arentage of the ma!carnae #revents
them from being turned by a c!eric. Some ma!carnae may have c!erica! s#e!! casting abi!ity. $1ontributed by +att -inch&
first a##eared in -oot#rints magazine%.
Malcarna: HD ?< AC I@AFC< At! A tail ,AdE0 and up to I +eapons ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial:
Magic resistance D?L hit only by magic or silver +eapons4
+a!formians are the resu!t of magica! breeding e5#eriments. They are ug!y human(!ike creatures& often of missha#en
#ro#ortions& crossbred by insane wizards from humans& gob!inoids& anima!s& and even beings summoned from other wor!ds.
6o two ma!formians !ook a!ike: one might be covered in warts and tufts of fur& a second might have use!ess atro#hied
wings growing from its back& a third might have eyes and hands of mismatched sizes& and so on. Their various deformities
tend to hinder their movement. 7ny wea#ons and #ossessions wi!! be makeshift in nature& such as c!ubs& staves& crude!y
stitched c!oaks& etc. /angs of ma!formians make hideouts in wi!derness ruins or subterranean !airs: they do not interact with
civi!ization e5ce#t as occasiona! #redators and raiders. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Mal&ormian: HD AJD< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
+ammoths are huge& shaggy #recursors to e!e#hants& !arger and more fera!& with great& curving tusks. They might be
trained as mounts by snow(barbarians.
Mammoth: HD AD< AC ?@ABC< At! A trun! ,AdAH0 D gore ,AdAHJB0 D trample ,DdFJB0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P
AI=DIHH< 'pecial: 6one4
7 horrid monster with bat wings& the face of a fera! human& the body of a !ion& and a tai! ti##ed with 2< iron s#ikes. The
manticore can hur! u# to 9 of the iron s#ikes from its tai! #er round& at a ma5imum range of 1;0ft.
Manticore: HD FJB< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdE0 F tail spi!es ,AdF0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave AA< C"=8P
E=EHH< 'pecial: Flies tail spi!es4
MA6(%' 2%A6( PRA9%62
The giant #raying mantis is ten feet !ong& with a bark(!ike e5oske!eton which makes it b!end we!! into forest terrain $desert
varieties have chitin with a sand(!ike te5ture%. The huge insect attacks with b!inding s#eed& usua!!y by sur#rise& reaching
forth with its 'ointed& serrated front !imbs to grab #rey. If the mantis hits& and the victim fai!s a saving throw& the forearms
not on!y do damage but #u!! the victim c!ose to the mantis2 mouth. The victim is he!d thereafter $not he!#!ess& but unab!e to
#u!! away% with the mantis doing automatic damage with the serrated forearms and a!so attacking with its bite for an
additiona! 1d12 #oints of damage if the bite hits.
2iant Praying Mantis: HD E< AC I@AFC< At! A grab ,AdAD0< Move >< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: 2rab and bite4
MARR3'%A6 '(A(7E
+arrosian Statues are animated statues of human warriors created from a rare& magica! marb!e(!ike stone fre8uent!y used by
a !ost civi!ization. +arrosian Statues move with a si!ent& f!uid grace that be!ies their inorganic nature. 1reatures damaged by
a +arrosian Statue must make a saving throw or suffer from a dee#& sou!(chi!!ing co!d that radiates outward from the
wound. -ai!ure resu!ts in a (2 to a!! subse8uent saving throws and combat ro!!s. This #ena!ty dissi#ates over the course of
the fo!!owing 2< hours.
+arrosian Statues are #artia!!y immune to damage from s!ashing and #iercing wea#ons& taking on!y ha!f damage from these
sources. $1ontributed by 7ndrew Trent%.
Marrosian 'tatue: HD I< AC A@AEC< At! A stone +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'oul Chill
'lashing=Piercing Resistance4
The +aun(/e are trans#arent(skinned humanoids. They !ive a!one among humans in remote sett!ements& usua!!y wearing
!ac8uered wooden masks and an enve!o#ing outer garment that c!oaks the entire body. 7!! +aun(/e are fema!e and wi!!
eventua!!y mate with a human ma!e to #roduce a so!e +aun(/e chi!d. They are ab!e to commune with the s#irits of their
ancestors who offer guidance& #raise and censure to their descendant. With the abi!ity to draw u#on the know!edge and
e5#erience of their forebears& the +aun(/e are revered as sages and storyte!!ers. Those who interact with them at !ength
come away fee!ing somewhat en!ightened $=1 wisdom for 2d< days%. The +aun(/e know the True 6ames of a!! men $treat
as a /eas S#e!!%& using this know!edge to command humans to #!ay a #art in their schemes to increase and #er#etuate their
b!ood!ine2s inf!uence& status and #ower. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s%.
MaunK2e: HD A< AC >@AHC< At! dagger ,AdB0< Move AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 2eas4
+echanisms are& effective!y& magica!!y(constructed robots. They are not mere!y animated& for they have a mechanica!
com#onent to their o#erations& but these mechanica! com#onents re8uire magic in order to function.
,ronze cobras are simi!ar to iron cobras& bui!t in ancient days by #owerfu! s#e!! casters as mechanica! servants using
#owerfu! magic. These 'ointed snakes are the size of a norma! cobra& and fo!!ow commands given to them or #rogrammed
into them by their creators. ,ronze cobras are not as !etha! as iron cobras& being made of softer meta! and having a five(
dose su##!y of #ara!ysis #oison $?d9 turns% rather than a three(dose su##!y of !etha! #oison. They are& however& faster than
the simi!ar mechanism created from iron.
Bron*e Cobra Mechanism: HD D< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,AdD J poison0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6onK
lethal paralysis poison4
MECHA6%'M C"3C$13R$ CA.A"%ER
7 c!ockwork cava!ier is a meta!!ic humanoid $usua!!y #!ated with tarnished bronze%& e!aborate!y forged to resemb!e a
handsome moustached gent!emen& with a winding mechanism $a key% in its back between the shou!der b!ades& and armed
with a sword e5tending from its right forearm. 0nce it has been wound u#& the cava!ier wi!! wait in #!ace unti! it can
#erceive a ma!e humanoid armed with a sword& whom it wi!! cha!!enge to fight a due! to the death. If the o##onent dec!ines&
the cava!ier wi!! accuse him with cowardice& and attack the fo!!owing round. Nuring combat the 1ava!ier wi!! mock its
o##onent with a se!ection of insu!ts and taunts. 7ny other combatants striking the 1ava!ier wi!! a!so become targets. 7
1ava!ier never f!ees from a fight.
The cava!ier grows s!ower as it winds down. 4ach successive round it is in combat it gains a (1 to hit and to its movement
rate. 4ventua!!y it comes to a com#!ete ha!t $once movement rate reaches 0& in 12 rounds% and is thereafter tota!!y unab!e to
move or fight $a!though the insu!ts continue for a further 1d< rounds%. 1!ockwork cava!iers are immune to S!ee#& 1harm
and Ho!d& and to a!! non(magica! #iercing wea#ons. 7ny two(handed sword or a5e that hits has a 1 in 9 chance of
beheading the 1ava!ier ( which causes it to ha!t and then e5#!ode within the ne5t round $burst radius 20ft& 1d9 damage ( a
successfu! saving throw means that a #erson caught in the b!ast on!y takes ha!f damage%. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s%.
Cloc!+or! Cavalier: HD ?< AC I@AFC< At!: A s+ord ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'lo+s do+n
immune to sleep charm hold and nonKmagical piercing +eapons e;plodes i& beheaded4
MECHA6%'M 2%A6( R3B3(
Throughout time& every evi! genius yearns dee# in his heart to create a giant robot armed with a heat ray and machine guns
( even $or #erha#s es#ecia!!y% in wor!ds where the height of techno!ogy is re#resented by hammer(#ounded iron&
waterwhee!s& and crossbows. With the aid of magic& madness& and #erseverance& however& some such evi! geniuses succeed
in the task against a!! odds. 7nd then& there might be beings who !ive in the deserts of +ars& and beyond the dark void of
the night sky. 0ne never knows. /iant robots are 1?(1L ft. ta!!. They tend to be s!eek in design and most high!y advanced.
These heavy combat robots have machine guns for hands $each making four attacks #er turn%& a chest(mounted mortar
$damages a!! in a Lft radius of the target%& and can fire a cone of heat from its head that is A0ft !ong and ?0ft wide at its end&
that inf!icts hit #oints e8ua! to the robotDs initia! hit #oints $save for ha!f damage%. $1ontributed by Scottenkainen%.
2iant Robot: HD A?< AC D@AGC< At! E machine gun shots ,DdF0 mortar ,BdF0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P A>=BAHH<
'pecial: Heat ray4
Iron cobras are a ty#e of e!dritch mechanism& created by the great wizards of yore using formu!ae from their !egendary
s#e!!books and tomes of know!edge. They are 'ointed constructions of iron& the size of a norma! cobra& that s!ither and
attack as commanded $#erha#s eons in the #ast% by their makers. The iron cobra contains a reservoir with three doses of
!etha! venom. *arger s#ecimens might have been bui!t& with an addition venom dose #er additiona! hit die.
%ron Cobra Mechanism: HD I< AC A@AEC< At! A bite ,AdB J poison0< Move >< 'ave AA< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Poison4
+edusae are horrid creatures with a fema!e face but hair of writhing snakes: they have no !egs& but the body of a ser#ent.
The gaze of a medusa turns anyone !ooking u#on it into stone. In addition to the medusa2s re!ative!y weak me!ee(wea#on
attack& the snake(hair makes one attack #er round& causing no damage but de!ivering a !etha! #oison with a successfu! hit
$saving throw a##!ies%.
Medusa: HD F< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdB0< Move >< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 2a*e turns to stone poison4
The +e!gara $singu!ar and #!ura!% are a humanoid race from an a!ternate wor!d. They a##ear to be ta!!& s!ender& b!ue(
skinned women& dressed in si!very(grey robes and sanda!s& with !ong #a!e hair& and s!itted eyes. They have si5 digits #er
e5tremity& #!us an e5tra thumb on the !eft hand& and !ive for 200 to ?L0 years. 7!! members of the +e!gara race are mystica!
and intros#ective by nature& given to meditating u#on #hi!oso#hy& cosmo!ogy& and emotiona! awareness. They consider
most other races to be #sycho!ogica!!y im#aired& and wi!! communicate with them as condescending #arents or teachers to
s!ow or stunted chi!dren. The +e!gara arm themse!ves with staffs and wands of a strange& durab!e crysta! found on their
wor!d. The staff dea!s 2d< damage. The wand& when used as a striking wea#on& dea!s 1d< damage in addition to 1d< rounds
of a S!owing effect or a Stunning effect $saving throw negates%. The +e!gara can a!so channe! menta! energy through these
crysta! wea#ons $? times #er day%& causing any one of the fo!!owing more #owerfu! effects with a successfu! attack) $1%
3ara!ysis for 1 turn& $2% S!ee# for 1 hour& or $?% 1harm for 1 fu!! day. 4ach member of the race has s#e!! abi!ity e8ua! to a
c!eric of !eve! 2& and some have s#e!! casting abi!ity of u# to !eve! L. They do not& however& have the abi!ity to turn undead.
In addition to c!erica! s#e!! casting& a!! me!gara can cast the magic(user s#e!!s s!ee#& shie!d& b!ur& and 4S3& a!though these
s#e!!s take u# a c!erica! s#e!! Qs!otQ. 0nce #er day& they can increase their own s#eed& a!!owing a bonus of 2 to armor c!ass
$71 LB1<C%. In any grou# of me!gara& one wi!! #ossess a crysta! #endant or si!very rod of unusua! design. These items have
no combat function& being ceremonia! devices on the +e!garan homewor!d. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts&
Melgara: HD IJD< AC G@ADC or ?@ABC< At! A sta&& ,DdB0 or +and ,AdB J stun or slo+0< 'ave AB< Move AD< C"=8P
?=DBH< 'pecial: 'pells ,A level A0 mentally augmented attac! ,hold sleep or charm0 increase speed4
ME"H7$%'$A(A ,'apK'natcher0
The hunters of the northernmost forests share that terrain with many strange and dangerous beasts. 0ne such #redator is the
me!hukiskata& or Qsa# snatcher.Q
So stea!thy is the me!hukiskata that it is rare for one to be s#otted on the move. Those who have seen them re#ort that its
body is three feet !ong& sha#ed !ike a wease! or badger& but can wa!k !ike a bear. It is covered with shaggy& grey(brown fur
a!! over& down to the ti# of its two(foot !ong tai!. Its mouth is e!ongated and odd!y ee!(!ike& whi!e its feet are wicked!y
ta!oned. The most unusua! features of the beast& though& are its fingers (( for instead of fore#aws& the me!hukiskata has
fingered hands. 0dder sti!!& the fingers are !ong and stiff& and grow out !ike ant!ers. The !ongest of these ant!er(!ike fingers
yet seen on a me!hukiskata were five feet !ong.
The sa# on the hands ho!ds fast anyone touched and a!so is a weakening contact #oison $save vs. #oison or !ose 1d9 #oints
of strength #er round& causing !oss of consciousness at 2 strength or !ower%. 7nyone so he!d can be automatica!!y bitten
each round and wi!! be he!d unti! the me!hukiskata is ki!!ed& the adhesive is burned away& or is washed off with vinegar or
a!coho!. 7!! !ost #oints of strength wi!! be regained in 1d9 hours.
Tracking the me!hukiskata is difficu!t& for when it does trave! it often wa!ks backwards& dragging its huge fingers behind it
as if to swee# away its trai!. 3erha#s because of this so many fo!kta!es describe the me!hukiskata as a c!ever anima!. +ore
!ike!y& such behavior is instinctive. In no other regard does it a##ear to be smarter than a dog. $1ontributed by
Melhu!is!ata: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A antlerKhand ,H0 bite ,AdFKA0< Move >< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial:
'trengthKdraining poison holds &ast4
+ermen have the torso of a man and the !ower body of a fish.
Merman: HD AJI< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move A ,'+im AE0< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: Breathe +ater4
+imics are form!ess creatures that imitate surrounding features they have seen. In subterranean settings& they might be
disguised as an archway& treasure chest& door& etc. When touched& they g!ue themse!ves to the victim with a strong
adhesive& whi!e striking with a sudden!y(formed tentac!e.
Mimic: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! A smash ,DdF0< Move D< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Mimicry glue4
+ind eaters are a dee#(dwe!!ing& chthonic race of ancient and very evi! beings. They have a tentac!ed& ce#ha!o#odic head
u#on a ta!! but human(!ike body coated in #rotective s!ime. This race considers a!! other inte!!igent races as nothing more
than a source of s!aves and of the mind eaters2 food source G brains. +ind eaters attack with their four face(tentac!es. If
even one of these hits& it worms its way toward the victim2s brain& yanking it forth from the sku!! in 1d< rounds. In
addition& the mind eater uses a #owerfu! menta! b!ast& a 90ft cone Lft wide at the #oint of emanation and 20ft wide at the
end. This #ower can be used once #er day $see effects be!ow%. +ind eaters have magic resistance of A0O& and their menta!
#owers a!!ow them to evoke the effects of the fo!!owing s#e!!s) *evitate& 1harm +onster& 4S3& and 7stra! S#e!!.
4ffect of +enta! ,!ast)
1(2 creatures in area) 6atura! 1 on saving throw @ death& -ai!ed save @ stunned ?d9 turns& Successfu! save @ #anic for 1d10
?(< creatures in area) 6atura! 1 on saving throw @ stunned ?d9 turns& -ai!ed save @ #anic for ?d9 turns& Successfu! save @
confused for 1d10 rounds.
L= creatures in area) 6atura! 1 on saving throw @ #anicked for ?d9 turns& -ai!ed save @ confused for 1d9 turns& Successfu!
save @ confused for 1d9 rounds.
Mind Eater: HD E< AC ?@ABC< At! B tentacles ,Dhp0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Magic resistance
,>HL0 mental blast mental po+ers eat brains4
The minotaur is a man(eating #redator& with the head of a bu!! and the body of a massive human& covered in shaggy hair.
+ost are not #articu!ar!y inte!!igent.
Minotaur: HD FJB< AC F@AIC< At! Head butt ,DdB0 A bite ,AdI0 and A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P
F=BHH< 'pecial: 6ever get lost in labyrinths4
+irror fiends inhabit mirrors. They a##ear as emotion!ess humans staring out of the ref!ective surface to the wor!d beyond.
If a mirror fiend !ocks his gaze with someone !ooking into the mirror& the victim must make a successfu! saving throw or
have his sou! sucked into the mirror& whi!e his body remains motion!ess!y staring at himse!f in the mirror. Whi!e within the
mirror& the victimDs actions are contro!!ed by his immobi!ized se!f as the mirror fiend attacks the victimDs mirror(se!f. The
victimDs mirror(se!f suffers (< to his first attack due to being unfami!iar with the mirror(image environment& but the #ena!ty
is reduced by 1 in each subse8uent round. Shou!d the immobi!ized victimDs gaze be moved away from his mirror(se!f& he
wi!! no !onger be ab!e to contro! his movements within the mirror& and the mirror(se!f wi!! become a motion!ess target for
the mirror fiend. S!aying the mirror fiend wi!! restore the victimDs sou! to his body& but shattering the mirror wi!! forever tra#
the sou! within the mirror. +irror fiends are immune to attacks from norma! wea#ons& and are L0O resistant to magic.
Wea#ons used from outside wi!! !ike!y shatter the mirror& and s#e!!s used from the outside wi!! ref!ect back u#on the caster
rather than enter the mirror(rea!m. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Mirror Fiend: HD E< AC I@AFC< At! A mirror +eapon ,IdB0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AD=ABHH< 'pecial: 7na&&ected
by normal +eapons ?HL magic resistance4
!annibal Mole"men #Asian$
+ogura(Kin are a race of subterranean humanoids descended from a grou# of vi!!agers who resorted to canniba!ism during a
#articu!ary fierce winter and were cursed by the /ods. They are s8uat beings& between < and L feet ta!! with #a!e skin& sma!!
beady red eyes& no body hair& and nai!s overgrown to c!aws. +ogura(Kin are a!ways hungry and need to consume human
f!esh every so often to remain a!ive. *ike their anima! namesake $the mo!e% they are #roficient tunne!ers and their #refered
method of attacking their victims is to tunne! under them and emerge from the ground in a swarm attack to sur#rise them.
+ogura(Kin can see #erfect!y we!! even in tota! darkness: however their over(sensitive eyes are easi!y b!inded by bright
!ights. $1ontributed by edsan%.
MoguraKOin: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0< Move >< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Blinded by bright light
M3"D BR316
Within Lft of a #atch of brown mo!d& the mo!d drains body heat from !iving creatures $other than creatures which use
magica! co!d or have co!d breath wea#ons& such as a white dragon%. Namage from the heat drain is 2d; hit #oints #er round
with no saving throw. If fire comes in contact with the mo!d& the mo!d grows to cover an area twice its origina! size& boi!ing
forth into new areas and beginning to suck heat from them in the fo!!owing round. /rowths of brown mo!d can on!y be
ki!!ed by the use of magica! co!d.
Bro+n Mold: HD n=a< AC n=a< At! none< Move H< 'ave n=a< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Drains heat4
M3"D 9E""31
Fe!!ow mo!d is a subterranean fungus: it neither moves nor attacks. However& if it is #oked or struck& it may $L0O chance%
re!ease a c!oud of #oisonous s#ores& rough!y 10ft in diameter. -ai!ing a saving throw against the s#ores means that the
character dies a rather horrib!e death. Touching ye!!ow mo!d causes 1d9 #oints of acid damage. These growths can be
destroyed with fire& but are effective!y immune to wea#ons.
9ello+ Mold: HD n=a< AC n=a< At! AdF damage J spore cloud< Move H< 'ave n=a< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Poisonous
spore cloud !illed by &ire4
M36'(R37' M37(H
7 bu!bous body twe!ve feet in diameter& resting ato# tiny !egs& a monstrous mouth is a!most entire!y a huge& ga#ing maw
e8ui##ed with rows u#on rows of shar#& #ointed teeth. 7to# the strange creatureDs body& two short eye(sta!ks a!!ow it to see
its #rey& even in tota! darkness. 4ach of these eye(sta!ks can discharge a s!ee# ray& causing #otentia! #rey to fa!! into a dee#
s!umber: this re8uires a successfu! attack ro!! by the monstrous mouth& but no saving throw is #ermitted. The s!umber is
identica! to that caused by a magic(userDs s!ee# s#e!!& but affects creatures with any number of hit dice. 4ach eye(sta!k can
use a s!ee# ray on!y once #er day.
7nother& even stranger& abi!ity is the monstrous mouthDs ca#acity to inha!e with such force that a s#ecific target u# to ?0ft
away may be sucked into the creatureDs toothy maw. 7 successfu! attack ro!! by the monstrous mouth& fo!!owed by a fai!ed
saving throw on the #art of the victim& wi!! resu!t in the victim being QsuckedQ into the creatureDs mouth. 0nce the victim is
sucked in& the monstrous mouth constricts its interior to #in the victim& suffocating him in 1d<=2 rounds. 7 successfu!
saving throw is re8uired to esca#e. 4ach round s#ent tra##ed within a monstrous mouth wi!! inf!ict damage e8ua! to 1d9&
=1h# if the victim is wearing !eather armor& =2 if the victim is wearing meta! armor other than #!ate mai!& and =? if the
victim is wearing #!ate mai!. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Monstrous Mouth: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! Bite ,BdF0 or special< Move F< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 'lumber rays
-eathery and bright!y f!uttering& the mothdog is& as its name suggests& a magica! crossbreed of moth and dog. The head has
com#ound eyes and fee!ers: otherwise the creature !ooks !ike a greenish(feathered dog. +othdogs can be tamed& due to their
canine inte!!igence. However& these creatures are insects that !ay eggs and undergo a !arva! stage. 7 mothdog can emit a
#iercing high(#itched sound& #rimari!y as a warning signa!: if maintained for more than one round& it may cause
disorientation and tem#orary deafness to a!! within a radius of Lft #er mothdog in the grou#. Some forest fo!k& #articu!ar!y
nocturna! humanoids& use mothdogs as guard dogs. The combination of canine scent and bat(!ike echo!ocation makes the
mothdog a su#erb tracker: some wi!derness vi!!ages have been known to em#!oy them as tracking beasts. $1ontributed by
Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Mothdog: HD DJD< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AE< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: MothKscream4
*itt!e is known about these eerie and ma!evo!ent beings. Their a##earance in a civi!ized area is cause for fear and a!arm& for
they ki!! humans& sometimes sta!king a #articu!ar individua!& sometimes haunting a s#ecific !ocation such as a crossroads in
search of victims. +othmeres are humanoid in sha#e& but with great& membranous wings& dark b!ue(grey skin& and eyes that
g!ow with a faint reddish hue. They have no arms. 7 mothmere is genera!!y seven feet or so in height& but can be as !arge as
ten feet ta!!. +othmeres are most common!y found in the etherea! #!ane& which may be their natura! habitat. They can move
into the etherea! #!ane once #er round& becoming immune to any materia! damage and to a!! s#e!!s other than those with a
menta! effect. +othmeres fre8uent!y use this abi!ity to enter c!osed rooms and dismember the inhabitants. 7 mothmere2s
faint!y g!owing eyes cause fear within ?0ft& causing any creature of fewer than <HN to make a saving throw or f!ee for
?d12 rounds. +othmeres can carry ?00 !bs. weight whi!e f!ying& and often #ick their victims u# to dro# from great heights.
They a!so have the abi!ity to contro! fire at wi!!& as #er the #yrotechnics s#e!!. It is unknown why these creatures attack
$never eating their #rey% or why they seem to haunt areas for #eriods of time and then sudden!y !eave. Some c!aim to have
been haunted by these creatures for weeks before being found dead or sim#!y never seen again. +othmeres ty#ica!!y make
tem#orary !airs in o!d ruined bui!dings& hidden caves or mines& or in trees& using them as #!aces to rest during the day and to
store tro#hies from their ki!!s. $1ontributed by +. 7hmed%.
Mothmere: HD E< AC I@AFC< At! D &ootKtalons ,AdF0< Move F ,Fly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: (elepathy
mimicry pyrotechnics ethereal travel JA or better +eapon reNuired to hit magic resistance IHL4
+ummies cannot be hit by norma! wea#ons& and even magica! wea#ons inf!ict on!y ha!f damage against them. Their touch
a!so inf!icts a rotting disease& which #revents magica! hea!ing and causes wounds to hea! at one(tenth of the norma! rate. 7
cure disease s#e!! can increase hea!ing rate to ha!f norma!& but a remove curse s#e!! is re8uired to com#!ete!y !ift the
mummy2s curse. +ummified kings& #haraohs& #riests& or sorcerers might be considerab!y more #owerfu! than the mummy
described here.
Mummy: HD FJB< AC I@AFC< At! A &ist ,AdAD0< Move F< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Rot hit only by magic
Standing <ft in height& mushroom(men resemb!e humanoid mushrooms endowed with both arms and !egs. +ushroom(men
are usua!!y found in natura! caves& caverns& and underground #assages.
+ushroom(men are initia!!y created by magic. 0nce given !ife through magic they re#roduce by way of s#ores. When a
mushroom(man dies $0 hit #oints or !ess% it re!eases 1d9 s#ores which ra#id!y $within 1d< rounds% grow into mushroom(
men of 1 HN !ower than the #arent $1 HN mushroom(men do not #roduce s#ores u#on death%. The s#ores have 2 hit #oints
$before becoming fu!!y formed mushroom(men%. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
MushroomKMen: HD I D or A< AC ?@ABC< At! Fist ,AdF0 or +eapon< Move AD< 'ave AB AF or AG< C"=8P ? I or
A=DBH FH or A?< 'pecial: 'pores4
6aga" is the Sanskrit word for dragon or snake. In mytho!ogy& the naga are benevo!ent and very #owerfu!& e8uiva!ent to
7sian dragons. The nagas #ortrayed here are more ser#entine and !ess #owerfu!: a!! have the body of a snake& a!though the
head is not necessari!y that of a ser#ent. 7!! kinds of interesting abi!ities cou!d be added to customized" nagas& from
breathing fire to moving in and out of strange #!anes of e5istence.
6A2A 27ARD%A6
The !argest and nob!est of the naga& guardian nagas are from 20 to 2Lft in !ength. They do not necessari!y have a human!ike
head& but some characteristic $a f!owing mane of hair& for instance% wi!! immediate!y set their a##earance a#art from norma!
ser#ents. They can bite or s#it with !etha! #oison& and if they hit with their coi!s they automatica!!y cause 1d; #oints of
constriction damage #er round thereafter. /uardian nagas cast c!erica! s#e!!s $2E2E1E1%. 7 sam#!e se!ection of s#e!!s for a
guardian naga might inc!ude) !eve! 1) 1ure *ight Wounds 52: !eve! 2) Ho!d 3erson& Si!ence 1Lft radius: !eve! ?) 1ure
Nisease: !eve! <) 1ure Serious Wounds.
2uardian 6aga: HD AA< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,AdF J poison0 A constrict ,AdE0 A spit ,poison0< Move AE< 'ave B<
C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Poison constriction spells4
6A2A HA67K
Hanu(nagas are a #redominant!y tro#ica! and subtro#ica! form of naga& !ess magica! than the human(headed variety. .ather
than a human(headed giant snake& hanu(nagas have a fera! monkey head u#on a great ser#entine body. These nagas !air in
'ung!es and rainforests& haunting forgotten tem#!es and ancient ruins& where many are worshi##ed by tribes of wi!d
monkeys andEor a#es. The most inte!!igent of hanu(nagas may have fo!!owings of tribesmen or cavemen. The sty!ized&
writhing dance of a hanu(naga a!!ows it to e5ert a mystic contro! over a#es and monkeys within a radius of ?00ft. These
contro!!ed creatures wi!! act at the naga2s menta! command. It is not necessary for the a#es to actua!!y see the naga2s dance
to fa!! under its contro!: indeed& when a hanu(naga begins its dance& simian creatures within one mi!e $to a ma5imum of 20
a#es% wi!! immediate!y begin moving at to# s#eed to the dancing naga2s #resence. The naga may dance and attack at the
same time. The bite of a hanu(naga is #oisonous& and if the naga hits with its constricting attack it wi!! inf!ict automatic
damage of 1d9 #er round unti! ki!!ed. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
HanuK6aga ,?HD0: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdE J poison0 and A constrict ,AdF0< Move AD ,%n treetops >0< 'ave
AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Mon!eyKsummoning dance poison bite control simians4
HanuK6aga ,FHD0: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdE J poison0 and A constrict ,AdF0< Move AD ,%n treetops >0< 'ave
AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Mon!eyKsummoning dance poison bite control simians4
6A2A 'P%R%(
S#irit nagas are ma!icious& evi! creatures. Their gaze has the effect of a charm #erson s#e!!& their bite is #oison& and they
cast both magic user s#e!!s $<E2E1% and c!eric s#e!!s $2E1%. 7 sam#!e s#e!! se!ection for a s#irit naga might be) +agic(user
s#e!!s !eve! 1) 1harm 3erson 52& +agic +issi!e& S!ee#: !eve! 2) +irror Image& Web: !eve! ?) 3rotection from 6orma!
+issi!es. 1!eric s#e!!s !eve! 1) 1ure *ight Wounds 52: !eve! 2) Si!ence 1Lft .adius. Such nagas are from 10 to 20ft in
!ength& and have a human head.
'pirit 6aga: HD >< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdI J poison0< Move AD< 'ave F< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Poison charm
ga*e spells4
6A2A 1A(ER
Water nagas might be of any a!ignment. They do not ordinari!y have human heads& but !ike the guardian nagas they wi!!
have some #hysica! attributes se#arating them c!ear!y from norma! ser#ents. In the case of water nagas& this might be the
co!or of the sca!es or the #resence of f!owing beard(!ike fins& #erha#s. Water nagas are from 10 to 1Lft !ong. Water nagas
cast magic(user s#e!!s $<E2E1%. 7 sam#!e s#e!! se!ection for a water naga might be) !eve! 1) 1harm 3erson 52& +agic
+issi!e& S!ee#: !eve! 2) +irror Image& Web: !eve! ?) 3rotection from 6orma! +issi!es.
1ater 6aga: HD G< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdB J poison0< Move AD ,'+im DH0< 'ave >< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
Poison spells4
6EM3RPH%C (1%6
7 6emor#his is a non(cor#orea! entity that absorbs stray memories and thoughts: they are sometimes attracted toward the
sudden reassemb!ance of memories that takes #!ace when a #erson is raised from the dead. 0nce a 6emor#his forms a
#sychic !ink to its victim $saving throw negates%& it drains an e5#erience !eve! #er day& using absorbed memories and
fee!ings to become a ghost!y du#!icate of its victim& a so(ca!!ed 6emor#hic Twin. Nuring the days when the victim is being
drained of !ife energy& he fre8uent!y becomes !ost in wistfu! reveries of #ast times& a!ternating with vivid nightmares.
0nce the victim descends to 1st *eve!& the Twin becomes cor#orea!& usua!!y resemb!ing a more youthfu! version of the
victim. The 6emor#hic Twin wi!! track the #erson down the ne5t day and attem#t to s!ay him& having the same stats& ski!!s
and s#e!!s #ossessed by the weakened twin. Whichever combatant is victorious QinheritsQ the drained e5#erience !eve!s& in a
rush of sensations that has a 1 in < chance of sending the victor into a coma !asting 1d9 hours. If defeated& a 6emor#hic
Twin disa##ears& !eaving no trace of its short e5istence. If the 6emor#hic Twin wins& it wi!! be drawn to the #!aces and
#eo#!e it Qremembers.Q 3eo#!e interacting with the 6emor#hic Twin wi!! find it QwrongQ in many ways& for it is sti!!
menta!!y inhuman& whatever its guise. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s& aka Q/eordie .acerQ%.
6eomorphic (+in: stats depend on circumstances4
6%2H( HA2
6ight hags come from beyond the materia! #!ane) #erha#s from the rea!ms of dream& #erha#s from the demonic #its of the
underwor!ds. These creatures #rey u#on the sou!s of those who are evi!Echaotic) they can cause enchanted s!ee# once
against such individua!s $saving throw& affects u# to 12
!eve!%& or visit the victim2s dreams night!y $no saving throw% to
!eech away a #oint of constitution #er night unti! the attribute reaches 0 and the hag can stea! away the sou!. In combat&
night hags can magica!!y weaken an o##onent to ha!f norma! strength $saving throw% three times #er day: additiona!!y& they
can use a s#e!! that automatica!!y inf!icts 2d; #oints of damage against a sing!e o##onent. ,oth of these abi!ities have a
range of 100ft. 7 hag can a!so a!so become etherea! and incor#orea! at wi!!& summon a demon a!!y once #er day $with on!y
a L0O chance of success%& and cannot be hit by wea#ons with a magica! bonus of =2 or !ess. They are high!y resistant to
magic& as we!!.
6ight Hag: HD E< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move AH< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Magic resistance ,F?L0 JD
or better magic +eapon to hit magical abilities4
6ightmares are the steeds of night hags and other demons: b!ack horses with f!aming hoofs and mane. Their breath is a
c!oud of brimstone smoke& which causes any nearby o##onent to attack at G2 $saving throw%. These horrib!e creatures can
become incor#orea! and trave! between the #!anes of e5istence bearing their evi!Echaotic riders.
6ightmare: HD G< AC PB@DIC< At! A bite ,AdE0 D hoo&s ,DdF0< Move AE ,Fly I?0< 'ave >< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
Breathe smo!e become incorporeal4
6i5ies are weak water fey creatures. 0ne in ten of them has the #ower to cast a #owerfu! charm #erson $(2 on saving
throw% that causes the victim to wa!k into the water and 'oin the ni5ies as their s!ave $1 year%. 1asting dis#e! magic against
the curse has on!y a PLO chance of success& and once the victim is actua!!y in the water the chance dro#s to 2LO. 6i5ies
are ordinari!y friend!y& but they are ca#ricious.
6i;ie: HD AdBhp< AC G@ADC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move F ,'+im AD0< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: Charm4
6ykou! are undead hi!! giant shamans& driven to continue #!aguing the wor!d by dark #owers from beyond this wor!d. In
addition to being ab!e to cast s#e!!s as a Lth !eve! 1!eric& 6ykou! #ossess a disorienting gaze attack $as the s#e!! 1onfusion%
that they may use twice #er day. 0ne in three 6ykou! commands an army of 1(12 /iant .ats. $1ontributed by 7ndrew
Trent& Qthe >enomous 3aoQ%.
6y!oul: HD >< AC B@A?C< At! A 1eapon ,DdAD0< Move >< 'ave F< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: 'pells 7ndead
%mmunities Con&usion4
6ym#hs inhabit the wi!d and untramme!ed #!aces of the earth& s#ots of beauty and ca!m. 7nyone seeing a nym#h naked
must make a saving throw or die $or sometimes be transformed into an anima!%. 4ven !ooking u#on a nym#h causes
#ermanent b!indness $saving throw%. 6ym#hs are not #owerfu! in and of themse!ves& but harming a nym#h a!most a!ways
brings down vengeance of some sort from the gods.
6ymph: HD I< AC >@AHC< At! none< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'ight causes blindness or death4
3B"%.%36 1RA%(H
7n ob!ivion wraith a##ears very much !ike a wraith& and shares the same immunity to non(magic wea#ons and co!d& but it
is not actua!!y undead& being a creature of the void rather than undeath. 7n ob!ivion wraithDs touch shreds the raw e5istence
of the creature hit& dea!ing ?d9 #oints of damage and a!so #ermanent!y draining one #oint from the targetDs highest attribute
for every natura! L or 9 ro!!ed on the damage dice. -or e5am#!e& a damage ro!! of 9& ?& and L on ?d9 dea!s 1< damage and
drains 2 #oints from the targetDs highest attribute. In addition& if a creature brings any non!iving ob'ect $such as a swung
wea#on% into contact with an ob!ivion wraith& the ob'ect is irrevocab!y disintegrated $magica! ob'ects receive a saving
throw%. 0dd!y& ob!ivion wraiths are unab!e to active!y disintegrate ob'ects by touching them. $1ontributed by /uy
3blivion 1raith: HD AD< AC A@AEC< At! A touch ,IdF J attribute drain0< Move A? ,Fly IH0< 'ave I< C"=8P AB=DFHH<
'pecial: Drain attributes immune to nonKmagical +eapons disintegrates obOects4
3CHRE #E""9
0chre 'e!!ies are amor#hous oozes that damage o##onents with their acidic surface. They disso!ve any adventurers they
ki!!& making a raise dead s#e!! im#ossib!e.
3chre #elly: HD F< AC E@AAC< At! A acidKladen stri!e ,IdB0< Move I< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: "ightning
divides creature4
3C(3P7' 2%A6(
7fter a giant octo#us hits with a tentac!e& it does 1d9 #oints of damage #er round& automatica!!y& instead of the initia! 1d?.
7!so& there is a 2LO chance that the tentac!e hit" #inions one of the victim2s !imbs $ro!! random!y for !eftEright arms and
!egs to see which is immobi!ized%.
2iant 3ctopus: HD G< AC G@ADC< At! E tentacles ,AdI0< Move D ,'+im AH0< 'ave >< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
constriction and pinioning4
These s#herica! monstrosities are essentia!!y gigantic eyeba!!s that drift through s#ace in some of the more bizarre
dimensions of e5istence. They are used as f!oating mounts by beings wi!d and weird. They may transmit their su#erhuman
visua! information to riders if desired& as we!! as make terrifying gaze attacks once #er combat round. The concentrated
gaze of an ocu!aktis actua!!y transmits a #owerfu! beam that can cause magnificent e5#!osions& incinerate so!id stone& or
me!t men to #udd!es of steaming 'e!!y. The heat beam has a range of 100ft and the first time it is used it inf!icts 9d9 #oints
of damage $saving throw for ha!f damage% to its target. Thereafter& un!ess the ocu!aktis has an hour or more to Qrecharge&Q
the beam on!y inf!icts ?d9 #oints of damage $save for ha!f%. The ocu!aktis must make a successfu! to(hit ro!! with the heat
beam. $1ontributed by .andom%.
3cula!tis: HD G< AC ?@ABC< At! 2a*e ,FdF or IdF0< Move ,Fly A?0< 'ave AA< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Heat ray ,save
&or hal& damage04
0gres are norma!!y 8uite stu#id& but more inte!!igent versions might be encountered here and there. +any fo!k!oric ogres
are #ortrayed as sha#e(shifters& and some have inherent magica! #owers G the ogre mage is one e5am#!e of this sort of ogre.
In genera!& even ogres with magica! #owers aren2t very smart $un!ike the high!y inte!!igent ogre mage%.
3gre: HD BJA< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdAHJA0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
32RE '1AMP
Swam# 0gres are !arger& semi(a8uatic cousins of standard ogres. They range in co!or from mo!dy green to burnt ye!!owish(
brown& and they have huge heads that #rotrude forward from their enormous& hunched shou!ders. Their great arms are ab!e
to rotate around com#!ete!y& a!!owing them to easi!y reach anywhere on their backs and shou!ders. Swam# 0gres are often
covered in moss& swam# grass& and mud& which faci!itates their favorite mode of attack) Sur#rise. Swam# 0gres sit or !ie
down in the muck $de#ending on de#th% so that 'ust their great shou!der hum# #rotrudes above the mire: when sti!!& they
need to breathe on!y once each hour. Whi!e in this #osition& a Swam# 0gre waits unti! someone or something sets foot u#on
its shou!ders& whereu#on its arms move with !ightning s#eed to grab its victim and #u!! it down into the mire to be eaten. If
the Swam# 0gre hits with both hands& it drags the o##onent com#!ete!y be!ow the mire to drown in <(9 rounds. If the
Swam# 0gre hits with on!y one hand& it drags the o##onent under on the fo!!owing round& un!ess ; #oints of damage is
dea!t to its hand or it is otherwise forced it to !oosen its gri#. 0nce its o##onent is underneath the mire& the Swam# 0gre
uses its conventiona! c!aw and bite attacks on the unfortunate victim. If a Swam# 0gre scores a natura! 20 with its bite
attack against a man(size or sma!!er o##onent& it swa!!ows that o##onent who!e. 7 swa!!owed o##onent suffers 1d; damage
each round from stomach acid& canDt attack with anything !arger than a dagger& and u!timate!y suffocates in 2d< rounds.
$1ontributed by Sean Stone%.
'+amp 3gre: AC B,A?0< HD FJA< At! D grabs ,submerge opponent0 or D cla+s ,AdF each0 and bite ,DdF0< Move F
,'+im AD0< 'ave AA< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: 'urprise opponents on a AK? +hen hiding in s+amp and s+allo+ +hole
+ith bite on a natural DH4
32RE (7'$E6
Tusken ogres are a race of ogres mid(way between the norma!& fera! ogre and the magica!!y #otent ogre mage. These ogres
have a on!y a #a!e b!uish tint to their skin& and #owerfu! tusks #rotruding from their mouths. They are somewhat more
inte!!igent than norma! ogres& and are often found in the service of an ogre mage. Tusken ogres that are not minions of an
ogre mage& encountered in the wi!d& often inhabit crude but human(!ike residences. They dress in si!k garments taken from
victims or merchants& and usua!!y fight with #o!earms or outsized swords. They are inveterate s!avers& and their !airs wi!!
often contain human #risoners& es#ecia!!y women. 7 tusken ogre has one magica! abi!ity& which is to create a sing!e mirror
image of itse!f at the beginning of a batt!e. 7s with the s#e!! mirror image& the i!!usory doub!e wi!! disa##ear when it is hit.
-ema!e tusken ogres are encountered on!y rare!y. 7sian and 4uro#ean varieties of the tusken ogre are actua!!y 8uite simi!ar&
a!though the 4uro#ean ty#e wou!d !ike!y not be dressed in si!k but in whatever finery might be avai!ab!e. $1ontributed by
+att -inch%.
(us!en 3gre: HD ?< AC B@A?C< At! A +eapon ,AdAHJA0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'ingle mirror
The ogre mage is an ogre with magic #owers& based on Ka#anese !egend. 7n ogre mage can f!y& turn invisib!e $#er the
s#e!!%& create a 10ft radius circ!e of magica! darkness& change into human form& cast s!ee# and charm #erson once #er day&
and cast a cone of frost with a range of 90ft to a base of ?0ft& causing ;d9 damage to any caught within $saving throw
a##!ies%. Western fo!k!ore a!so contains many e5am#!es of sha#e(shifting& magica! ogres $the most famous e5am#!e being
the one in 3uss(in(,oots%& so there might be many different inter#retations of magica! ogres whether or not they are ca!!ed
ogre mage."
3gre Mage: HD ?JB< AC B@A?C< At! A +eapon ,AdAD0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Magic use4
0ktomon a##ear rather !ike man(sized octo#ui& but they are actua!!y c!ever too! and wea#on(using Qhumanoids.Q They
genera!!y !ive underwater& either fresh or sa!t& but are fu!!y am#hibious and can breathe on !and as we!! as underwater.
0ktomon wa!k on < of their eight !egs and use the other < as arms. In combat& 0ktomon use various combinations of four
wea#ons and shie!ds. They do not ty#ica!!y use #u!!ed bows& but may occasiona!!y make use of crossbows. Nue to their
wide(set eyes and mu!ti#!e arms& it is virtua!!y im#ossib!e to f!ank an 0ktomon or successfu!!y attack one Qfrom behind.Q
0ktomon are attracted to shiny ob'ects and often carry a number of items of 'ewe!ry with them as #rized #ossessions.
0ktomon are renowned for their mechanica! abi!ities& and an 0ktomon !air is ty#ica!!y a very dangerous!y tra##ed !ocation.
Ta!es of magic(using 0ktomon are often to!d& but have yet to be verified. Ne#ending on the source& it is a!so re#orted that
0ktomon are either outright hosti!e towards or firm!y a!!ied with Sea Hags. It is #ossib!e& of course& that different grou#s of
0ktomon may have different a!!egiances. $1ontributed by 7ndrew Trent%.
3!tomon: HD I< AC +ithout shields F@AIC< At! 7p to B +eapons ,damage by +eapon type0< Move AD ,'+im AE0<
'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
7n Qo!d craw!erQ is a withered human hand severed at the wrist& b!ack and mummified in a##earance. +any think they may
originate from the !eftovers of a !ich. 0!d craw!ers attack by sneaking u# on a character and grabbing his or her foot: or they
dro# from a higher #!ace onto the head& face or shou!der of the #oor adventurer. The gri# of an o!d craw!er can on!y be
broken with a ro!! of 1 on a d< $1(2 if the character has magica! or s#ecia! strength%. 7ny area s8ueezed by an o!d craw!er is
sub'ect to gangrenous rotting& and continues to incur damage unti! the gri# is broken. 0nce !atched on& the o!d craw!er
remains so unti! destroyed or #ried !ose. Some o!d craw!ers have magica! rings that can sti!! cast attacks. Whi!e fire wou!d
be the most obvious harm to the hand& it #oses 8uite a threat if attached to a victim. ,ashing attacks are the most effective.
The o!d craw!er can Qf!eeQ with a scramb!ing move when needed at doub!e itDs norma! craw!ing rate. 6ote that 0!d craw!ers
are e5treme!y resistant to many attacks due to magica!!y im#roved saving throws !eft over from their strange origins
$inc!uded in stats%. $1ontributed by 0!d 1raw!er%.
3ld Cra+ler: HD D< AC B@A?C< At! A rotting grip ,AdE0< Move F ,'cramble AD0< 'ave AA< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
Possible spell casting good saving thro+s continuous damage4
0mgoths were once ho!y men who& through betraya! of their faith& now suffer from a curse that has given them a rotting&
ghou!ish a##earance. They !ook so much !ike a ghou! that they are often mistaken as one. Their bodies are in a!ways in a
continuous state of decay and they must regu!ar!y feed on the !iving to re#!enish their !ost f!esh or the curse with consume
them. 0mgoths e5ude an aura of corru#tion that causes hea!ing magics em#!oyed in their #resence to damage the intended
reci#ient instead of hea!ing: be they from s#e!!s& #otions or magica! items. Though they may be found in the com#any of
undead& they are not themse!ves undead and cannot be turned. $1ontributed by The *izard of 0z%.
3mgoth: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Corruption4
0#hidians are an ancient race of snake(beings& with sca!y human arms and a somewhat human(!ooking head. They are
denizens of hot c!imates& deserts and 'ung!es both& often found in forgotten cities or tem#!es from the days when their race
he!d greater sway in the wor!d. 7nyone bitten by an o#hidian and fai!ing a saving throw wi!!& within 1d< weeks& #roduce
o#hidian chi!dren and die in the #rocess. It is in this manner that o#hidians re#roduce: they are otherwise ase5ua!. The
dead!y #regnancy" can be ended by a cure disease s#e!! or simi!ar magics. *esser& or steri!e&" o#hidians $a non(breeding
caste% are sometimes found G these have no effective bite.
3phidian: HDI< AC B@A?C or I@AFC +ith shield< At!A t+oKhanded +eapon ,AdEJA0 or +eapon +ith shield ,AdE0 and
bite ,H0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Reproductive bite4
'terile ,"esser0 3phidian: HDI< AC B@A?C or I@AFC +ith shield< At!A t+oKhanded +eapon ,AdEJA0 or +eapon +ith
shield ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
0rcs are stu#id& brutish humanoids that gather in tribes of hundreds. +ost are subterranean dwe!!ers& and fight with a
#ena!ty of G1 in sun!ight. 0ccasiona!!y& war(bands or even entire tribes of orcs issue forth from their caverns to raid and
#i!!age by night. 0rcish !eaders are great brutes with additiona! hit dice& and magic(using shamans may a!so be found in the
!arger tribes. 0rcish tribes hate each other& and wi!! fight savage!y un!ess restrained by a #owerfu! and feared commander&
such as an evi! high #riest or a sorcerer.
3rc: HD A< AC F@AIC< At! A by +eapon usually spear ,AdF0 or scimitar ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial:
3R%2AM% 1ARR%3R
The origami warrior is a creation made of intricate!y fo!ded #a#er& in the sha#e of a fu!! sized human warrior. They move
with !ightning s#eed $accounting for the armor c!ass%& and b!unt wea#ons inf!ict on!y ha!f damage against them. 3iercing
wea#ons #ass through the #a#er construction without causing any damage at a!!& but cutting wea#ons inf!ict =1 damage and
fire inf!icts doub!e damage. 0rigami warriors wie!d norma! s#ears. They are genera!!y found in the service of #owerfu!
sorcerers& and have magic resistance of 10O. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
3rigami 1arrior: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! A spear ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Magic resistance
AHL hal& damage &rom blunt +eapons immune to piercing +eapons JA damage &rom cutting +eapons double
damage &rom &ire4
3'(R%CH 2%A6(
/iant ostriches are !arge enough to be ridden as mounts& and might be for sa!e in e5otic !ands or !arge cities.
2iant 3strich: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move AE< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
0tyughs !ive underground& hiding in #i!es of refuse& for they are scavengers. These bizarre creatures are s!ight!y !arger than
a human& a mass of f!esh mounted on three s8uat& e!e#hant(!ike !egs. The otyugh has a sensory(organ sta!k& and two rough&
bone(ridged tentac!es used for attacking enemies. 7nyone bitten by an otyugh2s mouth has a A0O chance of contracting a
fata! disease $death in ?d9 days un!ess cured%. 7!though they are re!ative!y stu#id& otyughs use rudimentary te!e#athy to
communicate with each other $and other te!e#athic beings& if they are encountered%.
3tyugh: HD G< AC I@AFC< At! D tentacles ,AdE0 bite ,AdBJA0< Move F< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Disease4
0w!bears have the body of a bear& but the beak of an ow! $with some feathers on the head and #!aces on the body as we!!%.
0n an attack ro!! of 1;= $natura! ro!!%& the ow!bear grabs its victim and hugs it for an additiona! 2d; #oints of damage.
3+lbear: HD ?JA< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: hug &or
additional DdE i& toKhit roll is AEJ4
31" 2%A6(
/iant ow!s are wise& but very #redatory G many of them consider humans to be acce#tab!e #rey. Their eggs are very
va!uab!e on the o#en market& for if trained from birth& a giant ow! can be used as a steed. In bright sun!ight& giant ow!s fight
with a #ena!ty of G2 to their die ro!!s.
2iant 3+l: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 A bite ,AdFJA0< Move I ,Fly DH0< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Flies
silently KD to all die rolls in bright light4
3egasi are winged horses. Some might have bat wings& some might be evi!: such choices are !eft to the /ame +aster.
Pegasus: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! D hooves ,AdE0< Move DB ,Fly BE0< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Flying4
3erytons have the body of a giant eag!e& the head of a stag $but with shar# teeth%& and cast the shadow of a man. They eat
the hearts of their victims& and !air in high mountain aeries. 3erytons are magica! creatures $of medieva! fo!k!ore%& and
conse8uent!y a magica! wea#on is re8uired to hit them.
Peryton: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! A antlers ,DdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: %mmune to nonK
magic +eapons4
3iercers resemb!e sta!actites& and dro# from cavern cei!ings to #ierce their victims. 7fter fa!!ing $and feeding%& they craw!
s!ow!y back to the cei!ing in order to attack again. 6ote that the damge inf!icted by a #iercer is 1d9 #er hit die of the
Piercer ,AHD0: HD A< AC I@AFC< At! A drop and pierce ,AdF0< Move A< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
Piercer ,DHD0: HD D< AC I@AFC< At! A drop and pierce ,DdF0< Move A< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
Piercer ,IHD0: HD I< AC I@AFC< At! A drop and pierce ,IdF0< Move A< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
Piercer ,BHD0: HD B< AC I@AFC< At! A drop and pierce ,BdF0< Move A< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
3i5ies are nasty& treacherous creatures of the fey& resemb!ing tiny& winged #eo#!e. They attack with a =< bonus to hit with
arrows. 7 #i5ie s#eeds each arrow on its way with a charm& which reduces rate of fire to one arrow #er round& but enchants
the arrow in one of three ways. 7 #i5ie arrow& at the #i5ie2s choice& $1% is enchanted with a =1 to hit and damage& for 1d<=1
#oints: $2% causes s!ee# for ?d9 turns $saving throw%: $?% causes tota! amnesia $saving throw%. 3i5ies are magic resistant
$2LO%& can #o!ymor#h themse!ves as many times #er day as they desire& can become invisib!e at wi!!& can cast dancing
!ights at wi!!& can dis#e! magic once #er day& and can cause #ermanent 1onfusion once #er day with a successfu! hit $saving
Pi;ie: HD A< AC ?@ABC< At! A dagger ,AdB0 or arro+< Move F ,Fly A?0< 'ave AG< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Arro+s magic
resistance ,D?L0 spellKli!e abilities4
P3R(A" CAME" ,'age Beast0
The 3orta! 1ame! is an inte!!igent and magica! creature. It resemb!es a norma! came!& e5ce#t that it has three hum#s and two
heads. Though not as i!!(tem#ered as actua! came!s& it does have a high o#inion of itse!f G which it wi!! !oud!y voice& being
ca#ab!e of s#eech. Whi!e a #orta! came! can be used as a #ack or riding anima!& it wi!! demand a higher !eve! of care and
#ay than any #ros#ective hire!ings might seek. 7s with its norma! kin& a #orta! came! is herbivorous and ca#ab!e of storing
water for e5tended #eriods. They can carry ?L0 #ounds without discomfort.
The !eft head of a #orta! came! can cast 3rotection from 4vi! and +irror Image each twice #er day. The right head of a
#orta! came! can cast Nis#e! +agic& Haste and S!ow each once #er day. Three #orta! came!s acting together can cast
Nimension Noor& a!though they may bicker and argue about which one wi!! get to use it. The necks of a #orta! came! are
snake(!ike in their f!e5ibi!ity& a!!owing it to turn one head back to face a rider G #erha#s to ni# him on the knee.
3orta! came!s co!!ect stories and !egends of the !ands and dimensions through which they trave!& and often become sages on
obscure to#ics. Their !i#s are a!most as de5trous as human fingers& a!!owing them to mani#u!ate sim#!e ob'ects. They may
be convinced to 'oin an adventuring #arty or merchant caravan if someone offers to act as guide and inter#reter.
$1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
Portal Camel: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! D bites ,Ahp0 and A !ic! ,AdB0< Move A?< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Magical
abilities cooperative dimension door4
3seudo(dragons are tiny re!atives of dragons or wyverns& !ess than 2ft !ong. *ike wyverns& they have a tai! stinger) the
#oison is not !etha! in PLO of cases& but it induces cata!e#sy for 1d< days $saving throw%. When they desire& #seudo(
dragons can become a!most invisib!e $;0O chance not to be seen%. They are somewhat resistant to magic $2LO%& and this
resistance e5tends to any human touching the creature $if the #seudo(dragon desires%.
PseudoKdragon: HD D< AC D@AGC< At! A bite ,AdI0 A tail sting ,AdI J poison0< Move F ,Fly D?0< 'ave AF< C"=8P ?=DBH<
'pecial: F ,&ly D?04
3ur#!e worms are massive anne!ids that grow <0ft and more in !ength& and sometimes e5ceed ten feet in width. They are
subterranean& chewing tunne!s in rock $or through sand& in deserts& where they are a tan co!or%. These beasts swa!!ow their
#rey who!e on a ro!! < higher than the needed number& or if the worm ro!!s doub!e the number re8uired to hit. They can
swa!!ow anything the size of a horse or sma!!er. In addition to the worm2s dreaded bite& it has a #oison stinger on its tai!&
the !ength of a sword and 'ust as dead!y even from the #iercing wound it inf!icts. The #oison in'ected by the stinger is !etha!
if the victim fai!s a saving throw. What #rey the #ur#!e worms once hunted $or #erha#s sti!! do& in dee# #!aces% with such
natura! wea#ons must have been terrifying indeed. 78uatic versions of the #ur#!e worm might a!so e5istU
Purple 1orm: HD A?< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,DdAD0 A sting ,AdE J poison0< Move >< 'ave I< C"=8P AG=I?HH< 'pecial:
Poison sting s+allo+ +hole4
.agged 1raw are wing!ess& inte!!igent bird(#eo#!e with beaks and c!awed hands& who shroud themse!ves in tattered cow!ed
robes. They tend to be nomadic& often trave!!ing in sma!! grou#s $1d9=9% in covered wagons. .agged 1raw are fond of
carousing and many $1in 10% have a!coho! #rob!ems& 8uick!y becoming morose and vio!ent. These creatures are inherent!y
magica! and have the #ower to detect and dis#e! magic. The regurgitated food of a .agged 1raw often #ossesses hea!ing
#ro#erties when a##!ied as a #aste over o#en wounds $< in 9 chance of hea!ing 1d< H3 over a day%. .agged 1raw have
gained notoriety as s!avers& gamb!ers& thieves and wastre!s. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s%.
Ragged Cra+: HD I< AC >@AHC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 and bea! ,AdI0 or sleeping darts ,AdD roll 'aving (hro+ or sleep
&or AdF rounds0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Detect Magic Dispel Magic ,as Bth "evel Magic 7ser04
.akshasas are evi! s#irits from Indian mytho!ogy. Their true form is that of a demon with the head of a tiger or other
#redatory anima!& but by magica! i!!usion they a!ways a##ear to others in a friend!y or non(threatening form. .akshasas
can on!y be affected by the most #owerfu! of s#e!!s $!eve! ; or A%& and they can on!y be hit with magica! wea#ons.
1rossbow bo!ts that have been b!essed by a c!eric are the bane of the rakshasa G such bo!ts are treated as =? wea#ons
against them. .akshasas are minor s#e!! casters& ab!e to cast magic user s#e!!s $?E2E1% and c!eric s#e!!s $1 !eve! 1 s#e!!%.
$The rakshasa e#isode of Io!chak the 6ight Sta!ker" is obvious!y the source of this inter#retation of the rakshasa%.
Ty#ica! s#e!!s for a rakshasa)
+agic user !eve! 1) +agic +issi!e 5?: !eve! 2) +irror Image& Web: !eve! ?) -!y
1!eric !eve! 1) 1ure *ight Wounds
Ra!shasa: HD G< AC PB@DIC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdF0< Move A?< 'ave >< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: %llusory
appearance special magic resistance spells
RAM 2%A6( $see /07T& /I76T%
.anine are degenerate& subterranean creatures who serve the fou! frog(demon Tsathoggua. *ike their master& the .anine are
of broad!y batrachian a##earance but #ossess sma!! bat(!ike ears in addition to vicious fangs and& in many cases& sma!!
horns. They are drawn to underground !ocations suffused with 1haotic energies& so many a!so #ossess chaotic traits of both
the ma'or and minor varieties.
.anine shy away from sun!ight and suffer a (1 #ena!ty to their attack ro!!s and saving throws when they o#erate
aboveground. If given sufficient room in combat& these creatures can ho# at enemies& which gives them a =1 bonus to attack
and damage ro!!s. When fighting at c!ose 8uarters& they try to bite o##onents in order to in'ect them with a #ara!yzing
#oison. -ai!ure to save against it resu!ts in #ara!ysis for ?N9 turns. .anine in grou#s !arger than si5 ty#ica!!y inc!ude a
!eader& who can cast c!erica! s#e!!s as if it were a c!eric of the same !eve! as his hit dice.
3recise!y how the .anine re#roduce is a mystery& as they a##ear to be com#!ete!y ase5ua!. /iven that these beings #refer to
take o##onents #risoner rather than s!ay them outright& some sages have #ostu!ated that the .anine somehow QconvertQ
their #rey into new frog(men to swe!! their ranks. If true& these creatures #ose an even more terrib!e threat to civi!ization
than is common!y su##osed. $1ontributed by Kames +a!iszewski%.
Ranine: HD D< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 and A bite ,AdB0 or A +eapon ,AdE0< Move > ,'+im AD0< 'ave AF< C"=8P
B=ADH< 'pecial: Breathe 1ater Hop Paraly*ing Bite
Standing no ta!!er than <ft ta!!& rat!ings& as their name im#!ies& resemb!e humanoid rodents. 7!though not much of a threat
individua!!y& rat!ings tend to attack in #acks $of <d9%. .at!ings dea!ing damage via a bite may infect their victims with the
same disease that mundane rats do. The chances of #assing on the disease are identica! to that of their giant(rat kin.
$1ontributed by Skathros%.
Ratling: HD A< AC >@AHC< At! A bite ,AdFJpoison0 or +eapon< 'ave AG< Move AD< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Diseased bite4
RA( 2%A6(
/iant rats are often found in dungeons& and are about the size of a cat& or #erha#s a !yn5. +onstrous!y huge rats are vicious
#redators the size of a wo!f. The bite of some $1 in 20% giant rats G of both sizes G causes disease. 7 saving throw is
a!!owed $versus #oison%. The effects of the disease are decided by the /+.
2iant Rat: HD AdBhp< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdI0< Move AD< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=?< 'pecial: ?L are diseased4
Monstrously Huge 2iant Rat: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=ADH<
'pecial: ?L are diseased4
RA( ,2%A6( DE'36263" RA(0
The Nesongno! rat in its !arger form& about the size of a cat& is feared by both farmer& woodsman and adventurer. It has a
rather !arge nose and an e5treme!y nasty tem#er and bite. When attacking& the Nesongno! rat uses its venom to sicken its
#rey and then tears at it with its #owerfu! c!aws to a!!ow the rat to feed. It has been said to give off #ig(!ike noises and to
have a #articu!ar stench when in !arge numbers. These rats are usua!!y found !urking near farms and sett!ements where food
is easy to forage. It is known for constructing com#!e5 tunne! systems !arge enough for a sma!! humanEdemi(human
$ha!f!ing sized or sma!!er% to enter. $1ontributed by 1hgowiz%.
2iant Desongnol Rat: HD AdBhp< AC G @ADC At! A bite ,AdD0 and D cla+s ,AdI0< Move AD< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?<
'pecial: 6onKlethal poison JD to save e&&ects are up to the re&eree4
RA( 1%:ARDQ' "AB
WizardDs !ab rats are giant rats that have been sub'ected to any number of strange scientific or magica! e5#eriments& and
have ac8uired one of a variety of #ermanent conditions. To determine the condition of a given !ab rat& ro!! once on the
magica! #otion tab!e& with the !ab rat gaining the indicated effect as a #ermanent abi!ity. Ignore #oison #otions $these rats
wou!d have died in the !aboratory% and note that a hea!ing #otion indicates a number of hit #oints regenerated #er turn. 7
character bitten by a !ab rat has a LO chance to gain the !ab ratDs condition for 1d9=1 turns. 7ny #articu!ar !ab rat has a 20O
chance of #ossessing human(!ike inte!!igence. $1ontributed by .andom%.
1i*ardRs "ab Rats: HD A< AC G @ADC< At! Bite ,AdB0< Move: AD< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Magical e&&ects4
RA.E6 2%A6(
Inte!!igent and ma!ign& giant ravens are a!most as !arge as a man. They are idea! servants and scouts for #owerfu! evi!
sorcerers and other such over!ords.
2iant Raven: HD I< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move D ,Fly DH0< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=DBH< 'pecial: 6one4
RA9 2%A6( MA6(A
/iant manta rays are !arge enough to swa!!ow most o##onents who!e $anything sma!!er than a giant%& which they wi!! do if
they e5ceed their needed to(hit number by ? or more. 7nyone swa!!owed wi!! die in 9 rounds un!ess the manta is s!ain $the
victim can fight from the inside%. 7 hit by the tai! s#ine stuns the victim for 1d; rounds $saving throw%. Some c!aim that
there is a high!y inte!!igent and evi! variety of giant manta rays in the dee#er seas.
2iant Manta Ray: HD E< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,DdF0 tail sting ,DdAH0< Move ,'+im AE0< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH<
'pecial: '+allo+ +hole tail stuns4
RA9 '(%62
Sting rays are very difficu!t to see on the ocean f!oor. They have a #oison sting which they use to defend themse!ves when
danger comes near. Sting ray #oison causes #ara!ysis $?d9 turns% and a!so inf!icts ?d9 #oints of damage. 7 successfu!
saving throw avoids a!! effects from the #oison.
'ting Ray: HD AdFhp< AC G@ADC< At! A sting ,AdI J poison0< Move ,'+im AH0< 'ave AG< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: nonK
lethal poison4
RA:3R 1%62
.azor Wings get their name from their razor shar# wings& which they use to bring down #otentia! #rey. .azor Wings
resemb!e !arge crows with shinning stee!(!ike feathers ti##ing their wings. They attack in grou#s& swarming over #rey from
above. .azor Wings wi!! swoo# down from above with such swiftness that anyone acting after the .azor Wings initiative is
unab!e to engage it in hand(to(hand combat. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
Ra*or 1ings: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A bea! ,AdB0 cla+ ,AdB0 or ra*or +ing ,AdF0< Move > ,Fly AD0< 'ave AG< C"=8P
D=IH< 'pecial: '+oop attac!4
.ecursers are inte!!igent entities from the 3!ane of 4ntro#y. They are never encountered random!y& but are drawn to the
materia! wor!d by those who try to a!ter s#ace or time through the use of magic. .ecursers a##ear as shimmering s#heres of
b!ack e!ectrity& which seem to absorb !ight rather than emit it. When a recurser a##ears& it wi!! begin moving towards the
one res#onsib!e for its a##earance immediate!y& and cannot be diverted. .ecursers attack their victims by absorbing them
with an entro#ic touch& which #asses through armor or any magica! #rotection as if the target was com#!ete!y un#rotected
$71 AB10C%. .ecursers can on!y be hit by magica! wea#ons with a bonus of =1 or better. These creatures ( or manifestations
( are essentia!!y mind!ess& and e5ist #ure!y to destroy anyone or anything that attem#ts to a!ter the course of fate. They do
not bargain& nor wi!! they surrender. The sight of a recurser is terrifying& and anyone who observes one must make a saving
throw or be #ara!yzed by fear for 1d? rounds. .ecursers do not need food or s!ee#& and wi!! track the ob'ect of their
attention tire!ess!y unti! they are successfu! or defeated. There can never be more than one recurser on the +ateria! 3!ane at
any time. $1ontributed by .usse!! 1one& Q/rimQ%.
Recurser: HD ?JAH< AC A@AEC< At! Entropic (ouch IdF< Move ,"evitate AH0< 'ave E< C"=8P G=D?H< 'pecial: Entropic
touch causes &ear immune to nonKmagical +eapons4
.eef wa!kers are a c!uster of anemones with a rudimentary inte!!igence& sha#ed into a !arge bi#eda! QbodyQ covered a!! over
in the stinging tentac!es characteristic of anemones. They wa!k s!ow!y through cora! reefs& sto##ing often to f!atten out into
a !ess threatening sha#e and wait for schoo!s of fish to a##roach. Their random meanderings sometimes take them onto
!and& where they can survive for u# to two hours or so& and they continue hunting a!ong the coast!ine before returning to
their reefs. If a reef wa!ker shou!d stumb!e u#on a coasta! vi!!age& it may return severa! times to find more #rey& for a vi!!age
fu!! of humans is an e5ce!!ent hunting ground. If a reef wa!ker hits an o##onent& its stinging tentac!es in'ect a #ara!ytic
#oison $(? save%. $1ontributed by Thomas 1!ark -inch%.
Ree& 1al!er: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! A arm ,AdFJparalysis0< Move >< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: paraly*e prey4
.emorhaz !ive in arctic regions& burrowing tunne!s into the snow and ice. They resemb!e massive centi#edes $?0ft !ong%&
with fan(!ike rudimentary wings. They generate intense interna! heat. .emorhaz with 10 or more hit dice can swa!!ow
man(sized #rey who!e $natura! 20 re8uired%& and the monster2s interna! tem#erature instant!y ki!!s anyone swa!!owed. The
to# of a remorhaz g!ows red with heat& and wi!! me!t non(magica! wea#ons $a!so dea!ing tremendous damage to anyone
touching it.
Remorha* ,EHD0: HD E< AC H@A>C head=underside D @AGC< At! A bite ,?dF0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH<
'pecial: s+allo+ +hole on natural DH melt +eapons4
Remorha* ,>HD0: HD >< AC H@A>C head=underside D @AGC< At! A bite ,?dF0< Move AD< 'ave F< C"=8P AA=AGHH<
'pecial: s+allo+ +hole on natural DH melt +eapons4
Remorha* ,AHHD0: HD AH< AC H@A>C head=underside D @AGC< At! A bite ,?dF0< Move AD< 'ave ?< C"=8P AD=DHHH<
'pecial: s+allo+ +hole on natural DH melt +eapons4
Remorha* ,AAHD0: HD AA< AC H@A>C head=underside D @AGC< At! A bite ,?dF0< Move AD< 'ave B< C"=8P AI=DIHH<
'pecial: s+allo+ +hole on natural DH melt +eapons4
Remorha* ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC H@A>C head=underside D @AGC< At! A bite ,?dF0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P AB=DFHH<
'pecial: s+allo+ +hole on natural DH melt +eapons4
Remorha* ,AIHD0: HD AI< AC H@A>C head=underside D @AGC< At! A bite ,?dF0< Move AD< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH<
'pecial: s+allo+ +hole on natural DH melt +eapons4
.etrievers are massive $20ft ta!!% s#ider(mechanisms bui!t of meta!. Some c!aim that these inferna! devices are actua!!y
bui!t in the he!!s and underwor!ds& which is not certain& but the ma!ign inte!!igence bui!t into them is un8uestionab!y evi!
and destructive. 4very third round& the retriever can shoot a magica! ray from its eyes& having one of four effects) fire& co!d&
or e!ectricity $<d9 hit #oints& save for ha!f%& or f!esh(to(stone $save a##!ies%. 6o to(hit ro!! is re8uired for the rays& but the
#articu!ar effect each time is random. If one of the retriever2s c!aws hits on a natura! ro!! of 20& it ho!ds the victim and
crushes for automatic damage in future rounds.
Retriever: HD AH< AC PA@DHC< At! B cla+s ,AdE0 eyeKray< Move >< 'ave ?< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Eye rays
crushing damage on natural DH4
.hinoceros are aggressive and stu#id. They inf!ict doub!e damage when charging.
Rhinoceros: HD E< AC F@AIC< At! A horn ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Double damage on charge4
RH%63CER3' 133"9
Woo!y rhinoceros are 3!eistocene beasts& common during the ice ages. They have e5treme!y !ong horns and a shaggy coat
of hair.
1ooly Rhinoceros: HD AH< AC ?@ABC< At! A horn ,DdF0< Move AD< 'ave ?< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Double damage
on charge4
R3C$ 1EA'E" 2%A6(
.ock Wease!s are /iant Wease!s that have come into contact with #otent transmutative magic& becoming attuned to the
e!ementa! earths. This magica! attunement manifests itse!f in the form of a breath attack: rock wease!s can s#it forth a 10ft
!ong cone of rock shards and #ebb!es& inf!icting ; hit #oints of damage to a!! within this area $save negates%. .ock Wease!s
emit !ow& grumb!ing voca!izations reminiscent of stone grinding against stone& and their eyes are b!ack as coa!. Their earthy
nature makes them s!ower than norma! /iant Wease!s& but sturdier o##onents in c!ose combat. $1ontributed by 7ndrew
Roc! 1easel: HD B< AC D@AGC< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 'tone Breath
.ocs are the mytho!ogica! great birds of !egend& !arge enough to #rey u#on e!e#hants. They can be trained as f!edg!ings to
serve as steeds& so roc eggs or f!edg!ings wou!d be a #rize indeed& worth great sums of go!d. .ocs might grow as !arge as
1;HN& with commensurate!y increased statistics.
Roc: HD AD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,IdAD0 D cla+s ,IdF0< Move I ,Fly IH0< 'ave I< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: 6one4
.o#ers are sha#e!ess but e5treme!y tough(skinned organisms& with about the body mass of a hi!! giant. They !ook very
much !ike stone& and can sha#e themse!ves to resemb!e a natura! #i!!ar& sta!agmite& !um#& or any other sim#!e rock
formation. To attack& the ro#er hur!s out !ong tendri!s with a range of L0ft $one #er round%: the ro#er can use as many as si5
of these tentac!es at a time. If the tentac!e hits& it grabs the victim and draws him 10ft #er round toward the ro#er2s huge&
tooth(fi!!ed mouth. The victim must make a saving throw or !ose ha!f his strength #oints due to the secretions on the
tentac!e $?d9 turns%. 7 human has a 1 in 9 chance #er round to break the ro#er2s ho!d if his strength has been ha!ved& 2 in 9
if his strength remains norma!. .o#ers are immune to e!ectricity and take on!y ha!f damage from co!d& but they are
susce#tib!e to fire& taking =1 damage #er hit die inf!icted by fires $e.g.& a 9 hit die fireba!! inf!icts =9 damage%.
Roper ,AHHD0: HD AH< AC H@A>C< At! A tentacle ,+ea!ness0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move I< 'ave ?< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial:
tentacles grab and cause +ea!ness4
Roper ,AAHD0: HD AA< AC H@A>C< At! A tentacle ,+ea!ness0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move I< 'ave B< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial:
tentacles grab and cause +ea!ness4
Roper ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC H@A>C< At! A tentacle ,+ea!ness0 A bite ,DdAH0< Move I< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial:
tentacles grab and cause +ea!ness4
R3( 2R7B
.ot grubs are sometimes found& as one might e5#ect from the name& anywhere f!esh is !eft to rot. They are horrid things
about an inch !ong& but they are 8uite dangerous G any f!esh touching them is at great risk& for they bite in and burrow
dee#!y $ro!!ing to hit%. -or a #eriod of 1d? turns& rot grubs can be ki!!ed by burning $1d9 #oints of damage wi!! be inf!icted
#er rot grub%. 1asting 1ure Nisease wi!! ki!! a!! the rot grubs in a #erson2s body. 7fter the 1d? turns e!a#se& however& the
grub has burrowed too dee#!y to be affected by s#e!!s or fire& and the victim wi!! die within one more turn.
Rot 2rub: HD Ahp< AC >@AHC< At! A burro+< Move A< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: Burro+s to heart4
Strange ursine humanoids from the #!ane of darkness& .othran often inhabit ruins and dungeons where they seek out
magica! treasures& which draw them as honey draws earth!y bears. .othran show a strong animosity towards arcane
s#e!!casters. So consumed are they by this vicious hosti!ity that they wi!! seek out magic(users in combat whenever
#ossib!e& even to the e5tent of !eaving themse!ves vu!nerab!e to other attackers. .othran are e5traordinari!y resistant to
magic. $1ontributed by 7ndrew Trent& the >enomous 3ao"%.
Rothran: HD ?< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 A bite ,AdAH0< Move >< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: %mmune to
magic +eapons Magic resistance ,>HL0
.ottentai!s are carnivorous& man(sized humanoids with rabbit(!ike heads $f!o##y ears etc%. The rest of their race& which
!ives on a distant #!anet& moon& or #!ane of e5istence& e5i!ed huge numbers of their kind who carry a horrib!e disease
endemic to the s#ecies (( these are the rottentai!s. Scabby& sme!!y and forever droo!ing& the outcasts have survived the
#!ague that caused their e5i!e& but they #ass on a weaker strain of it to anyone with whom they come into c!ose #ro5imity
$20ft%. 7nyone coming this c!ose to a rottentai! must make a saving throw) if the saving throw fai!s& the victimDs rate of
hea!ing is reduced to ha!f norma! for the ne5t 2d9 days& and he suffers from fre8uent vomiting unti! the disease has run its
course. +ost rottentai! tribes !ive be!ow ground& and a!! have e5ce!!ent !ow(!ight vision. The bruta!& war!ike cu!ture of this
s#ecies !eads many of the rottentai! warrens near human civi!ization to work as mercenaries or scouts when they are hired&
and as bandits when they arenDt. .ottentai!s& #erha#s because of their otherwor!d!y origins& are somewhat resistant to magic
directed at them& but they are unab!e to cast s#e!!s themse!ves. These scabbed and obvious!y diseased creatures are far
stronger and more vicious than they might a##ear at first sight& and they are e5treme!y ski!!ed in combat& being
e5ce#tiona!!y ade#t at sizing u# an o##onentDs ski!!s and fighting sty!e. They tend to fight defensive!y& without attacking& at
the outset of most combats& which causes enemies to attack at a (2 #ena!ty to hit: each combat round s#ent eva!uating an
o##onent in this way gives the rottentai! a cumu!ative bonus of =1 to hit when he eventua!!y decides to strike. $The bonus is
on!y for the one attack& and cannot be made at more than =?%. .umour has it that rottentai!s often subdue bad!y
outnumbered o##onents& in order to feast u#on their sti!!(!iving f!esh back in the rottentai!sD underground warrens. They a!so
have a strong breeding urge& and those who have estab!ished a warren are very territoria!. .ottentai!s who fight for a !iving
tend to favour #atchwork !eather armour and many wie!d twin short swords& a!though swordstaves $a two(handed wea#on
that a!!ows them to reach into the second rank of an enemy formation% are a!so #o#u!ar. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s%.
Rottentail: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! D short s+ords ,AdF0 or s+ordstave ,AdEJA0< Move AB< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH<
'pecial: Disease delayed stri!e IHL magical resistance4
R7'A"$A ,1ater 1itch0
.usa!ka are undead maiden(witches that haunt the co!d rivers and !akes in which they drowned. In a##earance& rusa!ka first
a##ear to be come!y maidens& c!ad on!y in fog. M#on c!ose ins#ection& however& they are cadaverous with disheve!ed hair
and eyes that shine with evi! green fire. 7nyone who gazes into the rusa!ka2s eyes must save versus s#e!!s or fa!! under the
affect of a charm #erson s#e!!. The rusa!ka then !eads her charmed individua!s under the co!d water to drown. Nrowning
victims wi!! awaken from the charm& but take 2d; damage first $for the #ur#ose of the .usa!ka& drowning inf!icts 2d; #oints
of damage #er round%. The touch of a rusa!ka #ara!yzes for 1G< turns $saving throw negates%. 3ara!yzed victims are carried
down to the monster2s underwater !air to drown. When a drowning victim attem#ts to esca#e from the rusa!kaDs c!utches&
there is a base L0O chance that the victim may reach the surface $and air% each round& reduced by LO for each #oint of
strength be!ow 19& and increased by LO for each #oint of strength over 19. 3ara!yzed victims obvious!y have no ho#e of
esca#e on their own and wi!! soon drown. +agic wea#ons are needed to strike a rusa!ka& and they are immune to mind(
affecting s#e!!s as we!! as other attacks and magic that do not affect undead. 0nce #er day& a rusa!ka may create a wa!! of
fog. .usa!kas are turned as wraiths. -ema!es s!ain by a rusa!ka wi!! themse!ves rise as rusa!kas the ne5t night& and wi!!
serve the rusa!ka who s!ew them unti! that rusa!ka is herse!f destroyed. .usa!kas are re#u!sed by ho!y symbo!s and by the
herb absinth. $1ontributed by Kohn 7. Turcotte W 2009%.
Rusal!a: HD BJI< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,special0< Move > ,'+im AE0< 'ave AI< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Charm
paraly*e dro+n victims immune to nonKmagic +eapons immune to mindKa&&ecting spells normal undead
immunities create +all o& &og4
R7'( M36'(ER
These bizarre creatures are about man(size& and !ook vague!y !ike an armadi!!o: they have armored hide& two antennae& and
a !ong tai! with a f!anged growth at the end. .ust monsters do not attack #eo#!e G they turn meta! into rust and eat the rust G
but they 'ust can2t resist trying to eat de!icious foods !ike swords and #!ate mai!& even if they are being attacked. 7 hit from
a rust monster2s antennae causes meta! to rust into #ieces& and the same is true for meta! ob'ects striking the rust monster2s
body. +agica! meta! has a 10O cumu!ative chance to avoid rusting #er =1 bonus of the armor or wea#on.
Rust Monster: HD ?< AC D@AGC< At! D antennae ,H0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Cause rust4
Sahuagin are fish(men with shark(!ike teeth. They !ive in sa!t water& sometimes at considerab!e de#ths& and raid the surface
wor!d for #!under and s#ort. These beings are thorough!y chaoticEevi!. Their society is high!y organized& and their !airs are
often guarded by sharks. Some sahuagin may have entang!ing nets used to ensnare o##onents.
'ahuagin: HD DJA< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AD ,'+im AE0< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
Sa!amanders are inte!!igent creatures of the e!ementa! #!anes of fire. They have the u##er body of a human and the !ower
body of a snake& and give off tremendous& intense heat. The very touch of a sa!amander dea!s 1d9 hit #oints of fire damage&
and they wra# their tai!s around foes to cause an additiona! 2d; #oints of crushing damage #er round $as the victim a!so
writhes in the dead!y heat of the ser#entine coi!s%. The sa!amander2s human torso is 71 L B1<C& and the armored ser#ent(tai!
is 71 ? B19C. Sa!amanders cannot be ens!aved in the same manner d'inn and efreet might be.
'alamander: HD G< AC ? @ABC ,torso0< I@AFC ,serpent body0< At! (ouch and constrict ,DdE J AdF heat0 A +eapon
,AdF0< Move >< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Heat constrict4
'A6D 'CREAMER ,Ferret 'na!e0
The Sand Screamer is a re#ti!ian ferret(!ike creature the size of a #ony& with a !ong s!ender body and sandy sca!es. They can
burrow about under the surface of !oose sand& !eaving a trai! !ike a desert mo!e& as fast as they dart about when in the o#en.
Sand screamers feed u#on tiny creatures hiding from the hot sun& whether in the sand or u# a #a!m tree& and gain their name
from the e5cited hissing noise they make when bursting from the sands. Sand screamers can be trained as mounts for sma!!
desert(dwe!!ing humanoids& but they have un#redictab!e tem#ers and se!ective !oya!ty. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts&
'and 'creamer: HD DJD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move A? ,Burro+ A?0< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 'and
Satyrs are the !egendary goat(men of the wi!derness& with the !egs of a goat& the torso of a man& and horns s#routing from
the forehead. +ost carry #i#es that can be used to cause charm #erson& s!ee#& or fear $in each case& a saving throw a##!ies
to a!! hearing the #i#es%. In wood!ands or forest& satyrs are a!most invisib!e un!ess they wish to be seen $A0O chance to
avoid notice%. Satyrs are we!! known for their !echerousness& and $to #ut it de!icate!y% they take great interest in human
fema!es. This race is favored of the god 3an $and #erha#s a!so by the #owerfu! Nionysus%& which may be the reason why
they are resistant to magic $L0O%.
'atyr: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move AE< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Magic resistance ,?HL0
pipes concealment4
'C3RP%36 2%A6(
/iant scor#ions are the size of a human being& and are very aggressive.
2iant 'corpion: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! D pincers ,AdAH0 sting ,AdB J poison0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH<
'pecial: "ethal poison sting4
Sea cats are a8uatic versions of the great cats $!ions& !eo#ards& tigers& etc% of the !and. Instead of hind !egs& they have the
tai! of a fish. Their sca!es are tough& and give these creatures a good armor c!ass.
'ea Cat: HD ?< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdE0< Move A ,AE '+im0< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: 6one4
'EA H3R'E 2%A6(
/iant sea horses can be tamed and ridden as mounts underwater.
2iant 'ea Horse ,IHD0: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
2iant 'ea Horse ,BHD0: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
'EA "%36
Sea !ions resemb!e huge sea!s& but are fierce #redators with a dangerous bite. 6orma!!y& they feed on #enguins and fish.
/iant versions might be twice the size of a norma! sea !ion.
'ea "ion: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move A ,'+im DB0< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 6one4
The size and nature of sea ser#ents is a matter for the /+ to determine. The sea ser#ent de#icted here wou!d be about
midd!e size& about si5ty feet in !ength& with sma!!er ones being ha!f that size $with ad'usted statistics& of course%& and !arge
ones being about L0O !arger than the one described here. 7 sea ser#ent wou!d undoubted!y be ca#ab!e of swa!!owing a
human who!e& #robab!y on a natura! attack ro!! of no more than 1<. 7 character swa!!owed who!e wou!d be digested within&
#erha#s& three hours.
'ea 'erpent: HD IH< ACD@AGC< At! A bite ,BdAH0< Move H ,'+im AE0< 'ave I< C"=8P IH=EBHH< 'pecial: '+allo+
'HAD31 MA'(%FF
Shadow mastiffs are !arge dogs $#erha#s originating from another #!ane of e5istence% with g!ossy b!ack coats and #owerfu!
'aws. They are hunters of the night& a!most invisib!e in shadowy #!aces $<0O !ike!y to disa##ear from sight after attacking%.
In bright !ight& however& their movement rate is reduced to A and they immediate!y !ose 1d9 hit #oints. The baying of
shadow mastiffs causes #anic in anyone fai!ing a saving throw& causing anyone affected to dro# everything and run for ?d9
'hado+ Masti&&: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0< Move AE< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Baying concealment
in shado+4
Shadows may or may not be undead creatures) they are immune to s!ee# and charm& but the /+ may decide whether they
are undead creatures sub'ect to turning or whether they are some horrib!e other" thing& a manifestation #erha#s& or a
creature from another dimension $or ga#s in the dimensions%. Shadows are dark and resemb!e shadows& though they may
be darker. They are not cor#orea!& and can on!y be harmed with magica! wea#ons or by s#e!!s. Their chi!! touch drains one
#oint of strength with a successfu! hit& and if a victim is brought to a Strength of 0& he becomes a shadow. Strength #oints
return after A0 minutes $A turns%.
'hado+: HD IJI< AC G@ADC< At! A touch ,AdB J strength drain0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Drain A
point str +ith hit hit only by magic +eapons4
'HAMB"%62 M376D
Shamb!ing mounds are moving #!ants& huge masses of s!imy vegetation that shamb!e through swam#s and marshes !ooking
for #rey. They have a rough!y bi#eda! sha#e& with two !egs" and two arms."
Shamb!ing mounds are immune to fire because of their s!imy& wet bodies. They take on!y ha!f damage from co!d& and ha!f
damage from wea#ons of any kind. 4!ectricity causes a shamb!ing mound to gain one hit die. If a shamb!ing mound hits
with both arms& the victim is enfo!ded into the s!imy body and wi!! suffocate in 2d< me!ee rounds un!ess freed.
'hambling Mound ,GHD0: HD G< AC A@AEC< At! D &ists ,DdE0< Move F< 'ave >< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Damage
immunities en&old and su&&ocate victims4
'hambling Mound ,EHD0: HD E< AC A@AEC< At! D &ists ,DdE0< Move F< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Damage
immunities en&old and su&&ocate victims4
'hambling Mound ,>HD0: HD >< AC A@AEC< At! D &ists ,DdE0< Move F< 'ave F< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Damage
immunities en&old and su&&ocate victims4
'hambling Mound ,AHHD0: HD AH< AC A@AEC< At! D &ists ,DdE0< Move F< 'ave ?< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Damage
immunities en&old and su&&ocate victims4
'hambling Mound ,AAHD0: HD AA< AC A@AEC< At! D &ists ,DdE0< Move F< 'ave B< C"=8P AB=DFHH< 'pecial: Damage
immunities en&old and su&&ocate victims4
'hambling Mound ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC A@AEC< At! D &ists ,DdE0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: Damage
immunities en&old and su&&ocate victims4
When there is b!ood in the water $say& 9h# worth%& more sharks wi!! come to investigate $about 1d9 sharks of any size%. 7!!
sharks wi!! be attacking mad!y& and each time a shark attacks there is actua!!y a 1 in 9 chance that it wi!! target another
shark instead of a human. Sma!!er sharks wou!d have 1HN #er foot of !ength.
'mall 'har! ,IHD0: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdBJA0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Feeding
'mall 'har! ,BHD0: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdBJA0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Feeding
Medium 'har! ,?HD0: HD ?< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdFJD0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial:
Feeding &ren*y4
Medium 'har! ,FHD0: HD F< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdFJD0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial:
Feeding &ren*y4
"arge 'har! ,GHD0: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdEJB0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave >< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Feeding
"arge 'har! ,EHD0: HD E< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdEJB0< Move H ,'+im DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Feeding
2iant 'har!: HD AI< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdAHJE0< Move H ,'+im AE0< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: Feeding
'H3C$ER "%:ARD
Shocker !izards are !arge !izards about two feet !ong and weigh about 2L #ounds. They de!iver an e!ectrica! shock by touch&
and anyone hit by the shock must make a saving throw or be stunned for 1d? rounds. If anyone is hit by two or more
shocks in a sing!e round $the !izards hunt in grou#s%& the second shock may cause death as we!! the chance of stunning.
'hoc!er "i*ard: HD AdFhp< AC F @AIC< At! A bite ,AdI0< Move F< 'ave AE< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Electric shoc!4
Shrangaathi are ma!evo!ent river s#irits that s#end most of their time in the form of a!most trans#arent river(fish. In this
form& they #ose no threat. However& when a schoo! of shrangaathi encounters a vi!!age that does not have some sort of
shrine or s#irit to #rotect it& they wi!! wait unti! nightfa!!& change form& and attack the un#rotected sett!ement. When
attacking on !and& the shrangaathi become sma!! humanoids with white& o#a!escent skin& need!e(!ike teeth& and s#ind!y
!imbs. They swarm ashore !ike a schoo! of #redatory fish& often sto##ing to feed on #rey that have fa!!en in batt!e against
them ( a sing!e shrangaathi can devour a human to the bones in < rounds and then !ook for more to eat. 7 sing!e shrangaathi
is not a formidab!e o##onent& but any o##onent bitten by a shrangaathi has a LO chance $1 in 20% to !ose 1d< additiona! hit
#oints from !oss of b!ood $at a rate of 1h# #er round%. Shrangaathi are affected by turning& a!though they are not undead) if
successfu!!y turned $as ghou!s%& u# to 1d10 of them must make a saving throw or f!ee back to the river& never to return to
that sett!ement for 1d9=10 days.
'hrangaathi: HD AdF< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,DdF0< Move >< 'ave AE< C"=8P B=AH< 'pecial: ?L chance to cause
bleeding damage limited vulnerability to turning4
Shriekers are huge mushrooms with a tough& fibrous body. They do not #hysica!!y attack& but if !ight shines on them
$within about ?0ft% or if anything moves near them $within about 10ft%& they emit a high(#itched shrieking noise. This noise
causes 1h# damage #er round $saving throw a##!ies% to anyone nearby $within about ?0ft%. The true danger of shriekers is
that they tend to summon wandering monsters. If they are attacked with missi!e wea#ons& they wi!! attem#t to shuff!e away&
a!though they do not move very fast.
'hrie!er: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! 6one< Move A< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 'hrie!4
'%"E6( $6%2H(
The si!ent knight is an undead creature resemb!ing a heavi!y armored zombie armed with knight!y wea#ons. These rather
#owerfu! creatures are 8uite inte!!igent in a ma!ign& inhuman way. Their #resence is in some way commanding to !esser
forms of undead such as ske!etons and zombies& and when encountered in tombs or other houses of the dead they are often
accom#anied by batta!ions of these creatures that have abandoned their origina! commands to mind!ess!y fo!!ow the si!ent
knight. The most distinguishing feature of the si!ent knight& though& is that they radiate utter si!ence in a huge area& a radius
of a##ro5imate!y 200ft. The si!ence is b!ocked by stone& but cree#s down o#en corridors& often #roviding warning of the
si!ent knightDs a##roach with his horde of undead minions. Within the area of the knightDs si!ence& it is im#ossib!e to turn
undead or to cast most s#e!!s due to the absence of sound.
'ilent $night: HD G< AC D@AGC< At! A +eapon ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 'ilence4
The Skarusoi are a race of insectoid bi#eds from another wor!d or dimension. Ta!! and brown& they have shie!d(!ike
cara#aces on their forearms and !ong fee!ers s#routing from their heads. They make a muted chittering noise& but seem to
communicate with each other through a series of gestures and fee!er f!icks. Skarusoi attack by buffeting and s!ashing with
their forearm cara#ace(shie!ds& twice #er round& for 1d; damage each. They may a!so wie!d wea#ons& #referring staves and
#o!e arms& gaining a =2 damage bonus if doing so. 7 Skarusoi can !ea# L0ft and attack in the same round.
The Skarusoi a!so #ossess strange menta! #owers. If it foregoes a me!ee attack& a Skarusoi may cause one of the fo!!owing
effects) $1% 1one of -orce& ?0ft !ong 5 10ft at end& hur!ing o##onents away and #ossib!y knocking them to the ground $ro!!
!ower than strength on a d20%: $2% >orte5 *ea#& whir!ing the Skarusoi u# to 1L0ft away: $?% Waves of Nistress& 1Lft radius&
causing a!! creatures dro# what they are ho!ding and c!utch their heads in agony for 1d< rounds $saving throw negates%: and
$<% ,!ow of +enta! -orce& causing <d9 damage to one target within 20ft $save for ha!f%. The Skarusoi may use the above
menta! #owers a tota! of five times #er day. In addition& three or more Skarusoi concentrating together can summon an
insect swarm $as #er the s#e!!%.
The Skarusoi are be!ieved to be a mercenary race in a dimensiona! war that has !eft count!ess wor!ds in ruin. When
encountered& they are !ike!y to be u#on some mission re!ating to this war& #ursuing tactica! ob'ectives incom#rehensib!e to
humankind. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'!arusoi: HD F< AC I@AFC< At! D armKshields ,AdE0 or A +eapon ,AdEJD0< Move A?< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial:
Mental po+ers ?H&t leap4
'$E"E(A" F7R9
The ske!eta! fury is an undead creature created from the ske!eton of a horse& with c!aws or ta!ons grown from the hooves&
horns or ant!ers grown from the sku!!& the bones of !arge bat(!ike wings grown from the shou!ders& and a red g!ow burning
in the eye sockets. Si!houetted against the moon or i!!uminated by moon!ight& faint wis#y materia! seems to !ine its bones&
creating the i!!usion of ghost!y f!esh. They are not com#!ete!y mind!ess and sometimes dis#!ay e8uine mannerisms& such as
#awing at the ground or tossing their heads& in a twisted mockery of !ife. Ske!eta! furies can be turned by c!erics& as ghou!s.
They are not affected by s!ee# or charm s#e!!s& nor any form of mind reading. 7ny attem#t to read or contact the mind of a
ske!eta! fury that is under the contro! of a magic(user may resu!t in a brief menta! image of the contro!!ing wizard.
$1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'!eletal Fury: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 and A gore ,AdF0< Move AD ,Fly AD0< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
immune to sleep charm mindKreading4
Ske!etons are animated bones of the dead& usua!!y under the contro! of some evi! master.
'!eleton: HD A< AC E@AAC or G@ADC +ith shield< At! A +eapon or stri!e ,AdF0 or ,AdFJA t+oKhanded0< Move AD< 'ave
AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: 6one4
'$E"E(36 F3''%"
-ossi!ized ske!etons are norma!!y found on!y in underground caverns or com#!e5es that have been !eft undisturbed for
mi!!ennia& a!though they might a!so be found in inter(dimensiona! #ockets& or in areas where the fossi!ization has been
de!iberate!y induced. In some !imestone caverns where the minera!ized water is in constant contact with the bones&
ske!etons might a!so fossi!ize re!ative!y 8uick!y G over the course of a hundred years rather than a thousand. 0!der
fossi!ized ske!etons may show #re(human features: fossi!ized 6eandertha! ske!etons are not uncommon. Since fossi!ized
ske!etons are effective!y made of rock rather than bone& they are harder to hit and harder to ki!! than norma! ske!etons.
Fossil '!eleton: HD D< AC F@AIC< At! A +eapon or stri!e ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
The Sku!!mura! a##ears to be a horrifying sku!!(!ike design carved into a wa!!. It is in fact a bizarre amoeboid creature&
suffused with dark mystica! #ower. It may see# s!ow!y a!ong wa!!s& cei!ings& and other surfaces& #ositioning itse!f for attack&
which can cause adventurers to think they have made a mistake in ma##ing. If anyone touches the sku!!mura!& the creature
gains a free attack& at =< to hit. The sku!!mura! attacks by fastening tiny #roto#!asmic hooks and suckers into f!esh to drink
the victimDs b!ood and other 'uices. 0nce attached& it drains 1d9 hit #oints #er round and does not sto# unti! ki!!ed or driven
off with f!ame& a!coho!& or me!ted butter. If b!ood is #oured out near a sku!!mura!& it wi!! occu#y itse!f with the b!ood rather
than attacking humans. 7 sated sku!!mura! changes to a reddish co!our and b!oats s!ight!y& see#ing back to its origina!
#osition. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'!ullmural: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A stri!e ,AdF0< Move I< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Drains &luids4
'$76$ 2%A6(
/iant skunks s#ray a horrib!e(sme!!ing musk at anyone attacking them& and it is so much more #owerfu! than the musk of
norma!(sized skunks as to actua!!y be corrosive. The c!oud of s#ray fi!!s a cone 20ft wide at the #oint& 90ft !ong& and 90ft
wide at the end. 7ny c!oth or un#rotected #a#er in this area disso!ves. *eather items have a 20O chance of disso!ving.
*iving creatures are overcome by nausea for 1d9 turns $saving throw%& and may a!so be b!inded for ?d9 turns $a second
saving throw%. The stench remains forever unti! 1d9 days of washing are com#!eted $washing with tomato 'uice succeeds
on the first or second try& though%.
2iant '!un!: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: 'prays mus!4
'$9 13RM
Sky worms& or Qworms of the sky&Q are s#iny worms ten feet !ong& with bat wings s#routing from behind a monstrous head.
They are genera!!y dark #ur#!e(grey in co!our& with red eyes: some have segmented bodies& whi!e others are more rubbery.
The sky wormDs head is a nightmare catfish(!ike thing& with !ong fee!ers and a ga#ing maw. 6ative to distant& c!oud(
wra##ed mountain #eaks& sky worms can be ca#tured and trained to serve as aeria! mounts.
7 worm of the sky may bite for 1d9 damage& and !ash with its tai! for 1d< damage. The tai! !ash is ca#ab!e of dismounting
an enemy rider. Trained worms of the sky can ro!! in mid(f!ight to tai!(!ash a mounted o##onent or b!ock their riders from
arrows. They are a!so trained to dive after and catch a fa!!ing rider. Trained sky worms deve!o# an em#athic bond with their
riders& gaining a vicious =2 bonus on attack and damage ro!!s if the bonded rider is s!ain or inca#acitated. In the wi!d& they
dance" in thunderstorms. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'!y 1orm: HD IJA< AC F @AIC< At! A bite ,AdF0 and A tail lash ,AdB0< Move F ,Fly AE0< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH<
'pecial: Fly protect rider4
S!itherats are a bizarre variant of the giant rat& sometimes found in #!aces with heavy crysta!!ine minera! de#osits. These
rodents have a !ong $<ft% snake!ike body covered in fur& with four a!most vestigia! !egs on each side. The !ong body ta#ers
into a rat!ike tai! at the end& adding another foot to the creature2s overa!! !ength. The head& a!though !arge& is c!ear!y that of
a giant rat: but the !ong front teeth g!itter& for they are made of thin& shar# diamond. ,ecause the teeth are so hard and
shar#& s!itherats attack with a =1 bonus to hit& and inf!ict 1d9=1 damage. These strange creatures use their teeth to dig
through earth and so!id rock when they encounter such obstac!es& but they #ass through crysta! as if it were not even
#resent& !eaving no trace of their #assage. The diamond teeth from a sing!e s!itherat are worth 2L0g#.
'litherats: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0< Move AD ,Burro+ > through crystal DB0< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH<
'pecial: 'lide through crystal JA to hit4
'"%(HER%62 (RAC$ER
3erha#s the most dangerous of wandering monsters. S!ithering trackers are a form of trans#arent s!ug& #ossib!y re!ated to
ge!atinous cubes. They are difficu!t to see $10O chance for a #erson to s#ot it& and he may !ose sight of it again in the ne5t
round%. Mn!ess they are starving& they do not attack moving #rey $LO chance to be starving%. Instead& they fo!!ow the
#otentia! #rey unti! it s!ee#s or cam#s. They can ooze under doors and through fair!y sma!! cracks& so even a barricaded
room with a c!osed door is #robab!y not safe. When it attacks& the victim must make a saving throw or be #ara!yzed by the
s!itherer2s secretions. 7 #ara!yzed victim wi!! be sucked dry of a!! body f!uids in L turns $L0 minutes%& !osing 20O of hit
#oints each 10 minutes.
'lithering (rac!er: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! 6one< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: (ransparent paralysis4
'"33R2 ,Midden Monster0
S!oorgs are a form of animate fi!th. *um#y brown and oozing constant!y& with distended vague!y human(!ike features at one
end& they seem to arise s#ontaneous!y from #oor!y maintained sewers and midden(hea#s. +issi!es are ineffective against
them& adding mass to the body instead of damaging it& and any hand(he!d wea#on striking it may be added to the body if the
wie!der fai!s a saving throw. The s!oorg gains one hit #oint for each item accidenta!!y added to it& often making a !ow
rumb!ing sound !ike a mockery of !aughter when it does so. The s!oorg f!ows through semi(#ermeab!e barriers such as
gratings& chairs& and hasty barricades& and might #ause to s#end a round adding the obstac!e to its mass. 7nyone within 202
must make a saving throw or suffer (2 to a!! dice ro!!s from nausea. 7nyone coming into contact with it G whether attacking
or attacked G must make a saving throw to avoid contracting a non(fata! but debi!itating disease. S!oorg take 1d9 #oints of
damage #er !eve! of the caster of a 3urify -ood and Nrink& 1ure Nisease& 6eutra!ise 3oison& or *ocate 0b'ect s#e!!. 7!!
#hysica! attacks against a s!oorg cause minimum damage. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'loorg: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A touch ,AdE0< Move F< 'ave AB< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Minimum damage &rom
+eapons immune to missiles heals by enveloping obOects cause nausea cause disease4
'"72 2%A6(
These tremendous!y !arge masses of s!imy& rubbery f!esh are com#!ete!y immune to b!unt wea#ons. In addition to their
#owerfu! bite& giant s!ugs can s#it their acidic sa!iva $one target at a time%. The base range for s#itting is 90ft& and within
this range the s!ug2s s#itt!e wi!! be L0O !ike!y to hit $no to(hit ro!! re8uired%. -or every additiona! 10ft of range& the chance
to hit decreases by 10O. 0n its first s#itting attack& the s!ug on!y has a 10O chance to hit within 90ft& and no chance of
hitting beyond that range. Some giant s!ugs might have more or !ess viru!ent acidity $thus changing the damage inf!icted%.
2iant 'lug: HD AD< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,AdAD0 or acid sNuirt< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: 'pit acid
6orma! snakes are not #articu!ar!y dangerous& with these e5ce#tions. >i#ers are high!y #oisonous& and about a foot or two
in !ength. Their #oison is !etha!& but the saving throw is at a bonus of =2. 1obras are about four to si5 feet !ong& and their
#oison is !etha! with a norma! saving throw. 1onstrictors are not #oisonous& but if they hit& they do automatic damage from
constriction thereafter. 7nacondas and giant #ythons are considered giant" constrictor snakes
.iper: HD AdFhp< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,Ahp J poison0< Move AE< 'ave AE< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: "ethal poison ,JD
Cobra: HD A< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,Ahp J poison0< Move AF< 'ave AG< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: "ethal poison4
Constrictor: HD D< AC F@AIC< At! A constriction ,AdI0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Constriction4
'6A$E #A.E"%6
These snakes can be found anywhere that they may obtain a #osition where they can fa!! u#on their intended victims. They
strike as if they were 'ave!ins thrown by a <HN creature& and the #oints of their heads are very shar#. These snakes are very
fond of wine and wi!! go out of their way to obtain some& thus wine merchants are often the targets of their attacks. 0ne of
their most distinguishing features is their three(#ronged tongue. $1ontributed by Sean QStonegiantQ Stone%.
#avelin 'na!e: HD A< AC G@ADC< At! A impale ,AdF0< Move F< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Attac! as BHD creature4
'6A$E 2%A6(
This entry covers four kinds of giant snakes) giant vi#ersEcobras& giant constrictor snakes& the am#hisbaena $which has a
head at each end& and the giant s#itting snake $simi!ar to the s#itting cobra%. /iant vi#ers and cobras are about ten feet !ong&
giant constrictors are twenty to thirty feet !ong& am#hisbaena $two headed snakes% are about seven feet !ong& and giant
s#itting snakes are about ten feet !ong $these are identica! to regu!ar giant #oisonous snakes& with the e5ce#tion of the
#oison s#it%. The constrictors do automatic constriction damage after hitting& and may a!so manage to #inion an arm or !eg
$1 in 9 chance%. The s#itting snakes have a range of <0ft& aiming at one target with the #oison. There are a8uatic versions
of each of these $e5ce#t the s#itting snake%: a8uatic varieties swim at 1.L times the s#eed noted for !and movement.
2iant .iper ,or Cobra0: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdI J poison0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: "ethal
2iant Constrictor: HD F< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdI0 A constrict ,DdB0< Move AH< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial:
Amphisbaena: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! D bite ,AdI J poison0< Move AH< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: "ethal Poison
2iant 'pitting 'na!e: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdI J poison0 or spit poison< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P F=BHH<
'pecial: 'pit or bite +ith lethal poison4
7 Sorcerer 05 may at first g!ance be mistaken for a +inotaur. It is a member of a race of humanoid o5en& gifted with
magica! abi!ities& c!ad in an embroidered si!ken robe& ta!!er than humans& and bearing !ong curving horns ca##ed with
tasse!s. The c!othing and 'ewe!!ery of a sorcerer o5 is worth 200(L00 /3& and each has a 2LO chance of #ossessing a minor
magica! item usab!e by magic(users.
The great size and strength of a sorcerer o5 grants it a =2 damage bonus when wie!ding wea#ons $usua!!y an ornate staff%.
7!! sorcerer o5en have the s#e!! abi!ities of a magic(user of !eve! L $more #owerfu! ones e5ist as we!!%& and #refer s#e!!s
with an e!ementa! theme $meta!& f!ame& wind& water& and wood%. Twice #er day they may catch a wea#on aimed at them and
cause it to rot or rust away within seconds. 4ach morning they consu!t their horosco#es for favourab!e signs& and so once
#er day may add a =2 bonus to any one dice ro!!. However& if they neg!ect to observe their chosen taboo $not drinking
a!coho!ic beverages& for e5am#!e& or making an offering of incense to nature s#irits% they suffer a (2 #ena!ty to a!! dice ro!!s
re!ating to their s#e!!s on that day. *ast!y& anyone who s#eaks with a sorcerer o5 for more than 1 turn wi!! act as if under a
1harm 3erson s#e!!& a!though the good(natured sorcerer o5 wi!! be !oath to e5#!oit this effect of their e!o8uence and
trustworthiness un!ess in dire circumstances.
Having the strength and stamina of an o5& a sorcerer o5 is wi!!ing to undertake hard work if he shou!d fa!! u#on hard times&
and one of them can easi!y #erform the work of three manua! !aborers. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'orcerer 3;: HD BJD< AC G@ADC< At! A &ist ,AdF0 or +eapon ,AdEJD0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 'pells
as magicKuser level ? catch and destroy +eapon ,D=day0 horoscope bonus ,JD on one roll0 charm4
Sorcery *eeches resemb!e& we!!U!eeches. These tiny critters are often used by Wizards and +ages to subt!y de#!ete an
arcane foe2s magica! arsena!. If a Sorcery *eech attaches itse!f to someone& it wi!! s!ow!y si#hon off the s#e!!s #ressed into
the magic(userDs mind. -or each round a sorcery !eech remains attached to a magic(user& it may de#!ete 1 !eve! worth of
memorized s#e!! $a sorcery !eech attached for ? rounds may si#hon a ?rd !eve! s#e!!%. The damage inf!icted by the !eechDs
si#honing is so neg!igib!e that the wizard is usua!!y unaware that something is amiss unti! he attem#ts to cast a si#honed
s#e!!. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
'orcery "eeches: HD A hp< AC >@AHC< At! negligible ,H0< Move A< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: Arcane 'iphon
These s#irit(creatures inhabit ghost!y #!anes of e5istence& but often hunt in the materia! #!anes ( often making their !airs in
dark or deso!ate #!aces. They resemb!e s#iders& but their eight eyes are human rather than insectoid. They are insubstantia!&
and can on!y be hit by magica! or si!ver wea#ons: they are affected norma!!y by s#e!!s. The sou!s#inner s#ins an incor#orea!
web& and can shoot these out as a cone L0ft in !ength and to a width at the end of the cone of L0ft. 7nyone entering these
webs $which are visib!e but ghost!y% must make a saving throw or become enervated& o#erating as if at one !eve! of
e5#eriance !ower than norma!. 1!erica! s#e!!s cannot be cast through the webs& a!though magic(user s#e!!s o#erate norma!!y
for a webbed character. The webs adhere to anyone entering the webs& but their effects wear off after 1d9 hours. If a
sou!s#inner bites a victim& the victim must make a saving throw or be affected in the same way as if caught in the webs $and
the tem#orary !oss of !eve!s is cumu!ative if a victim is both webbed and bitten%. 7nyone ki!!ed by a sou!s#inner& if raised
from the dead& wi!! have a chaotic a!ignment un!ess or unti! some additiona! magica! remedy is #rovided& such as remove
'oulspinner: HD B< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdF J temporary loss o& level0< Move AD< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial:
Enervating +ebs incorporeal only hit by magic or silver +eapons enervating bite4
The s#ectra! scavenger is an undead creature a##ears as a dark& bi!!owing& wraith(!ike creature& with a sku!! for a head and
bony c!aws for hands. It can attack with its bony c!aws& but wi!! genera!!y attack with any magica! wea#ons it has& or with
its s#e!!(!ike #owers noted be!ow. These creatures can use any magica! sword to hur! a *ightning ,o!t of Ld9 strength& u# to
thrice #er day. 7 s#ectra! scavenger can a!so cause bony hands to eru#t from the ground& $twice #er day% com#!ete!y
restraining 1d? targets $range <0ft& saving throw negates%. ,eing of a wraith!ike nature& these monsters cannot be damaged
by wea#ons of a non(magica! nature. They regenerate at the rate of 2 hit #oints #er round& e5ce#t from damage caused by
ho!y water& fire& acid& or s#e!!s. If one s!ays an o##onent with a magica! sword& it additiona!!y regenerates 1d; h# in that
round. 7 s#ectra! scavenger wi!! #ossess 1d? magic items: the first wi!! be a sword. +agica! armour wi!! not be #ossessed&
and nor wi!! #otions. 7ny scro!!s or wands wi!! be used free!y& and rings are es#ecia!!y #rized. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie
.oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'pectral 'cavenger: HD E< AC D@AEC< At! A magic s+ord ,AdE J bonus0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial:
undead immunities regeneration lightning bolt s!eletal hands magical +eapon to hit4
S#ecters are wraith(!ike undead creatures without cor#orea! bodies. When a s#ecter hits an o##onent& either with hand or
wea#on& the touch drains two !eve!s from the victim. 0n!y magica! wea#ons can damage a s#ecter. In some cases& these
terrifying creatures may be mounted u#on !iving beasts& if the beasts have been trained to to!erate #ro5imity to the undead.
7ny being ki!!ed $or drained be!ow !eve! 0% by a s#ecter becomes a s#ecter himse!f& a #itifu! thra!! to its creator.
'pectre: HD G< AC D@AGC< At! A spectral +eapon or touch ,AdE J level drain0< Move A? ,Fly IH0< 'ave >< C"=8P
>=AAHH< 'pecial: Drain D levels +ith hit immune to nonKmagical +eapons4
3arasitic s#ectres are !ike norma! s#ectres& in that they are undead creatures !acking cor#orea! bodies. Tortured by their
insubstantia! e5istence& they hunger to obtain cor#orea! bodies by #ossessing humanoid creatures. 3ossessed creatures are
under the tota! contro! of the s#ectre& a!though they are somehow unab!e to cause direct harm to themse!ves. The victim of a
#arasitic s#rectre may $at the #!ayerDs o#tion% make a new saving throw each round to e5#e! the s#ectre: success dea!s 1d;
hit #oints of damage both to the victim and to the s#ectre& and e5#e!s the s#ectre. If a #ossessed creature is s!ain& the cor#se
wi!! instant!y transform into an undead creature& having abi!ities identica! to those of a wight. If such a QwightQ is destroyed&
the s#ectre is e5#e!!ed& taking 2d; hit #oints of damage in the #rocess. 6on(magica! wea#ons cannot harm a #arasitic
s#ectre. 6ote that #arasitic s#ectres can #ossess cor#ses as we!! as !iving beings& and transform them immediate!y into
wight(form& but they cannot #ossess cor#ses that have been dead more than a few minutes. $1ontributed by .andom%.
Parasitic 'pectre: HD G AC D At! A stri!e ,AdE J possession0 Move A? ,Fly IH0 'ave > C"=8P: >=AAHH 'pecial:
Possession ,saving thro+ negates04
'PH%68 A6DR3'PH%68
The nob!e andros#hin5 has the bearded head of a man& the body of a !ion& and the wings of an eag!e. The roar of an
andros#hin5 $?Eday% is mythic) the first roar causes -ear within <00ft $saving throw%& the second roar causes #ara!ysis
$saving throw% for 1d< rounds within ?00ft& and the third roar causes the !oss of 2d9 #oints of strength $saving throw%&
within 200ft&with strength #oints recovered at a rate of 1 #er round. 1reatures within 20ft of the third roar must a!so make a
saving throw or be stunned for 2d9 rounds.
7ndros#hin5es are s#e!! casters& casting c!erica! s#e!!s $2E2E1E1%. 7 common s#e!! !ist is) !eve! 1) cure !ight wounds 52:
!eve! 2) ho!d #erson: !eve! ?) remove curse $or& cure disease%.
Androsphin;: HD AD< AC H@A>C< At! D cla+s ,DdF0< Move AE ,Fly DB0< 'ave I< C"=8P A?=D>HH< 'pecial: 'pells Roar4
'PH%68 CR%3'PH%68
The crios#hin5 has the head of a ram& the body of a !ion& and the wings of an eag!e. This variety of s#hin5 is neutra! with
regard to human affairs& and they have a tendency to create im#rom#tu to!!(roads.
Criosphin;: HD AH< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0 head butt ,DdF0< Move AE ,Fly DB0< 'ave ?< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
'PH%68 2963'PH%68
7 gynos#hin5 has the head and u##er torso of a woman& the body of a !ion& and the wings of an eag!e. The fema!e human
arms become !ion !egs by the #oint of the forearm. /ynos#hin5es are #robab!y smarter than other varieties of s#hin5
$en'oying ridd!es%& but they are 8uite wi!!ing to consider humans as #rey. The gynos#hin5 can cast dis#e! magic $at ;
!eve!% three times #er day. They a!so have considerab!e #owers of divination& being ab!e to answer most 8uestions #osed to
them G but for a hefty #rice.
2ynosphin;: HD E< AC A@AEC< At! D cla+s ,AdE0< Move AE ,Fly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: Divination
'PH%68 H%ERAC3'PH%68
The hieracos#hin5 has the head and fore!egs of a hawk& with the hind8uarters of a !ion. This variety of s#hin5 is decided!y
ma!evo!ent& evi!& andEor chaotic in tem#erament.
Hieracosphin;: HD >< AC I@AFC< At! D cla+s ,AdFJA0 A bite ,AdAH0< Move > ,Fly IH0< 'ave G< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial:
'P%DER 2%A6(
/iant s#iders are aggressive hunters. 0n!y the 9ft diameter giant s#iders are web bui!ders. /iant s#ider webs re8uire a
saving throw to avoid becoming stuck. Those making a saving throw can fight in& and move at a rate of Lft #er round
through& the webs. +edium(Sized giant s#iders sur#rise on a ro!! of 1(L& being ab!e to hide we!! in shadows.
3hase s#iders can shift out of #hase with their surroundings $can be attacked on!y be etherea! creatures%& coming back into
#hase to attack.
2iant 'pider ,A&t diameter0: HD AJA< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,Ahp J poison0< Move >< 'ave AG< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
lethal poison ,JD saving thro+0
2iant 'pider ,B&t diameter0: HD DJD< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdF J poison0< Move AE< 'ave AF< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial:
lethal poison ? in F chance to surprise prey4
2iant 'pider ,F&t diameter0: HD BJD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdFJD J poison0< Move B< 'ave AI< C"=8P G=FHH<
'pecial: lethal poison +ebs4
2iant Phase 'pider: HD DJD< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdF J poison0< Move AE< 'ave AF< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: lethal
poison ,JA save or die0 dimension phasing4
'P%DER 2%A6( %6.%'%B"E
/iant invisib!e s#iders are simi!ar in most res#ects to the !argest ty#e of giant s#ider& but they are invisib!e and so are their
webs. Their #oison is s!ower(acting) if the victim fai!s a saving throw& the #oison #ara!yzes for ?d9 rounds before the victim
dies& and a!so turns the victim invisib!e. If the s#ider successfu!!y #ara!yzes its #rey& it wi!! try to hau! it u# into its cei!ing
!air& waiting for any other dangerous adventurers to give u# the search and !eave.
2iant 'pider %nvisible ,F&t diameter0: HD BJD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdFJD J poison0< Move B< 'ave AI< C"=8P
E=EHH< 'pecial: slo+Kacting lethal poison +ebs invisibility4
'P%DER 2%A6( F"A2'(36E
This race of s#iders has com#!ete!y ada#ted to !iving in dungeon and dungeon(!ike enviroments. Its centra! body a##ears to
be nothing more than a f!agstone with 9 chitinous !egs s#routing from the edges of either side. It has a mouth with fangs&
two eyesta!ks& and two front !egs ending with hook(!ike a##endages. 7!! of its !egs can be retracted into the stone(!ike
e5oske!eton. The hooked front !egs are used to #ry f!agstones !oose& a!!owing the s#ider to hide as #art of a stone f!oor& but
they are a!so used for attack and defense. The f!agstone s#iderDs bite is #oisonous $save at =< or die%. When waiting for #rey&
the s#ider is undistinguishab!e from other f!agstones A0O of the time $with any ad'ustments the referee deems a##ro#riate%.
If #otentia! victims fai! to notice them& they wi!! attack with sur#rise L0O off the time $1(? on d9%. Some adventurers have
re#orted entire ha!!ways f!oored with these vermin. $1ontributed by Sean Stone%.
Flagstone 'pider: AC I,AF0< HD AdBhps< At! D cla+s ,AdD0 and A bite ,Hhp J poison0< Move A?< 'ave AE< C"=8P
A=A?< 'pecial: poisonous bite ,JB save or die0 surprise on AKI on dF4
S#iderweed is an ambu!atory #!ant that has ada#ted to mimic the a##earance of giant s#iders as a means of defense. 7
sing!e s#iderweed is usua!!y about the size of a dog& a!though they can grow much !arger in the wi!d. In conditions of #oor
!ight& such as in a dungeon or a dense forest& one wi!! a##ear to be a giant s#ider. If it is attacked& s#iderweed res#onds by
!ashing out with two of its thorny a##endages. These cause 1d< damage& and secrete a sticky& #oisonous sa#. This sa# wi!!
stick to f!esh and c!othing& un!ess thorough!y washed off. It inf!icts no damage& but causes a very #ainfu! rash for <d< hours
that causes a #ena!ty of (2 to a!! die ro!!s $saving throw negates%. /ob!ins are immune to s#iderweed rash.
'pider+eed: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! D thorn slashes ,AdB J sap0< Move F< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 'ap4
'P%6E RA(
S#ine rats are as !ong as a human2s arm& red(eyed& and covered in s#iny over!a##ing sca!es: they a##ear to be the #roduct of
some sort of crossbreeding between rats and !izards. 7 ridge of s#ines a!ong the back runs from neck to tai!. Nue to the
muck and s!ime of their habitat& the ridge(s#ines of a s#ine rat are !ike!y to be tainted with soi!ed materia!. 7nyone 'abbed
by a s#ine must make a saving throw or contract a disease that !eaves them bed(ridden and fevered for ?d9 days. The bite of
a s#ine rat is not es#ecia!!y dangerous& and on!y !eads to the risk of infection if the wound is not c!eaned.
.are varieties of s#ine rats are ab!e to shake s#ines from their backs !ike tiny darts: and e5treme!y rare !arge s#ecimens may
be ab!e to wa!k in semi(bi#eda! fashion and craft crude too!s and wea#ons.
'pine Rat: HD AdBhp< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdI0 or spine ,AdI J poison0< Move AD< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=?< 'pecial:
Diseased spines4
'P%RE M36$E9
The S#ire +onkey is a two(headed& si5(armed monkey that !ives on roofs $s#ires and minarets are #referred% and high in
the treeto#s. In some tro#ica! countries they are to!erated in cities as messengers of the gods& and roam tem#!es with
im#unity. 0mnivorous and fou!(tem#ered& they race from roofto# to roofto# and stea! food $and occasiona!!y !oose coins or
trinkets% from the streets be!ow. S#ire monkeys attack by c!awing& as we!! as by throwing rocks or other sma!! ob'ects $such
as roof ti!es%& and can divide their attacks between two o##onents. They can c!imb as fast as they can run& and !ea# from
tree to tree or bui!ding to bui!ding. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
'pire Mon!ey: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! I cla+s ,AdI0< Move A?< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
'M7%D 2%A6(
/iant s8uid are one of the more feared sort of sea monster: they can sink sma!! vesse!s and occasiona!!y try to #ick #rey off
the decks even of !arge shi#s. These creatures are often mistaken for a true kraken& but they are not inte!!igent. The s8uid2s
tentac!es constrict for 1d;=1 #oints of damage after the first hit& and they are used to #u!! food to the creature2s dead!y beak&
which it kee#s be!ow the water. When a tentac!e hits& ro!! 1d9) 1@ both arms #inned& 2@ right arm #inned& ?@ !eft arm
#inned& <(9@ arms are not #inned. 7 giant s8uid2s tentac!es can take 10h# of damage before being severed& but attacking
tentac!es does not affect the s8uid2s actua! hit #oint tota! G on!y attacks to the body and head affect the s8uid2s true hit
2iant 'Nuid: HD AD< AC G@ADC head and tentacles< I@AFC body< At! E tentacles ,AdEJA0 A bea! ,?dB0< Move H ,'+im
DH0< 'ave I< C"=8P AB=DFHH< 'pecial: Constrict
'M7%D 2%A6( AER%A"
/iant aeria! s8uids are cousins of the norma! giant s8uid& but their bodies are fi!!ed with !ighter(than(air gases that a!!ow
them to f!oat in the air. In genera!& they are found in mountains& where they #ick mountain goats and gob!ins off the s!o#es
as food. /iant aeria! s8uid can grow u# to 90ft in !ength. The s8uid2s tentac!es constrict for 1d;=1 #oints of damage after
the first hit& and they are used to #u!! food to the shar# beak. When a tentac!e hits& ro!! 1d9) 1@ both arms #inned& 2@ right
arm #inned& ?@ !eft arm #inned& <(9@ arms are not #inned. The tentac!es can take 10h# of damage before being severed& but
attacking tentac!es does not affect the s8uid2s actua! hit #oint tota! G on!y attacks to the body and head affect the s8uid2s true
hit #oints. These creatures are not good mounts& for they have a tendency to reach back and eat their riders.
2iant Aerial 'Nuid: HD AD< AC G@ADC head and tentacles< I@AFC body< At! E tentacles ,AdEJA0 A bea! ,?dB0< Move H
,Fly DH0< 'ave I< C"=8P AB=DFHH< 'pecial: Constrict
'(A2 2%A6(
The 3!eistocene stag stands ;(Aft at the shou!der& and has ant!ers s#reading 10ft across. /iant stags might a!so be magica!
rather than #rehistoric& in which case they might be very inte!!igent or even have additiona! magica! abi!ities.
2iant 'tag: HD B< AC G@ADC< At! D antlers ,DdF0< Move DH< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
The star(mouthed worm is a horrendous creature 20ft in !ength& a massive segmented worm. The front of the wormDs body
trifurcates into three #arts& each with a swa!!owing mouth surrounded by a membranous fan of skin. In combat& the worm
bites with its mouths& the membranes around each mouth f!ai!ing and contracting to grab and #u!! #rey inside. If the worm
hits with a natura! attack ro!! of 1A or 20& man(sized or sma!!er #rey wi!! be swa!!owed who!e. ,eing swa!!owed who!e
inf!icts an automatic 1d; #oints of damage #er round from digestive 'uices: one can& however& attack the worm from within&
using a dagger(sized wea#on against the wormDs interna! armor c!ass of AB10C. Star(mouthed worms cannot swa!!ow more
than two man(sized mea!s& and wi!! genera!!y seek to retreat #eacefu!!y once they have fi!!ed themse!ves. If they
accidenta!!y swa!!ow a third #erson& they wi!! choke and die in 1d< rounds.
'tarKMouthed 1orm: HD AH< AC B@A?C< At! I mouths ,AdAH0< Move >< 'ave ?< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: '+allo+
+hole on A> or DH4
.esemb!ing sma!!& feathered& winged anteaters& stirges have a #roboscis which they 'ab into their #rey to drain b!ood. 7fter
a stirge2s first hit& it drains b!ood automatica!!y at a rate of 1d< #er round.
'tirge: HD AJA< AC G@ADC< At! A proboscis ,AdI0< Move I ,Fly AE0< 'ave AG< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: blood drain ,AdB0
JD to hit bonus4
7 stonef!ower resemb!es a #i!e of rock about five feet in diameter& covered with e58uisite!y rea!ized carved f!owers. In
actua!ity& these beasts are from some other dimension& or #ossib!y the e!ementa! #!ane of earth. The who!e growth&
inc!uding the rock& is a sentient #redator that can mor#h through stone wa!!s& f!owing a!ong 8uite ra#id!y as !ong as it is
touching stone. They cannot cross water or wooden surfaces. The f!owers of the growth are its wea#ons: they can e'ect
rocks at very high s#eeds& causing 1d? #oints of damage. In any combat round& the stonef!ower can e'ect 1d9 such missi!es.
The growth is a!so e5treme!y magnetic: any meta! wea#on touching the stonef!ower wi!! stick to it unti! the creature is
ki!!ed $un!ess the wie!der has a strength of 1L=%.
'tone&lo+er: HD I< AC A@AEC< At! AdF hurled stones ,AdI each0< Move >< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Magnetic
moves through stone4
'7MA(RA6 RA(K2H37"
These horrid undead creatures are not much !arger than a giant rat: they resemb!e tiny humans but with twisted& fera!
features& grey skin& and no hair other than a !ine of rat(fur down their backs. They obvious!y have never been human: they
are carrion eaters of the grave& an undead vermin whose horrid simi!arity to human beings is $one ho#es% a twisted
coincidence. Sumatran rat(ghou!s trave! with #acks of giant rats& raiding graves and tombs for their abominab!e food. Their
bite causes #ara!ysis& much !ike that of a norma! ghou!& but the effect !asts on!y 2d9 combat rounds $a saving throw wi!!
negate the effect& and the saving throw is made at =2%. *ike ghou!s& they are immune to s!ee# s#e!!s.
'umatran ratKghoul: HD AdFhp< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move >< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: Paralytic bite
,JD save04
'9C3RE8 ,ARCHS3P(ER98 P3(E6'0
The Sycore5 is a 8uasi(#rehistoric f!ying& feathered !izard& vast in size& which #refers warmer c!imates and is a voracious
carnivore. Sycore5 are on!y s!ight!y sma!!er than ,!ack Nragons& but they are not re!ated to dragon(kind& having a !ong&
straight beak with shar# teeth& and feathers rather than hard sca!es. They have an ear(#iercing shriek that is ty#ica!!y heard
as they enter a hawk(!ike dive from out of the sun& deafening their #rey and re!ying on the sun!ight to #artia!!y b!ind them as
we!!. The shriek of a Sycore5 functions as a Ho!d 3erson s#e!!. It is rumored that men in far(off !ands may have tamed the
Sycore5& and ride them into batt!e. $1ontributed by darthmike%.
'ycore;: HD ?< AC D@AGC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,DdE0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 'hrie!
(A62"E 1EED='(RA62"E .%6E
Tang!e Weeds and Strang!e >ines are essentia!!y the same creature& the on!y difference being that the Tang!e Weed attacks
its victims from be!ow& whi!e the Strang!e >ine attacks from above. In a##earance& they resemb!e a mass of weeds or vines&
their animate nature on!y becoming a##arent during an attack.
0n a successfu! attack& the animate #!ant has a 2 in 9 chance of entang!ing its foe& immobi!izing its #rey and s!ow!y
strang!ing the !ife out of him. 4ach round& the victim wi!! suffer 1d9 #oints of damage due to the strangu!ation. 7 successfu!
save is re8uired to break free of the immobi!izing& strang!ing gras#. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
(angle 1eed='trangle .ine: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! B vines ,AdF0< 'ave AI< Move H< C"=8P F=BHH4
These curious creatures inhabit co!d a!#ine #eaks. In a##earance& they !ook !ike si!very fat(bodied !izards !acking hind !egs.
They can move sur#rising!y fast& s!ithering on their stomachs& and can !ea# u# to 10ft. They are notorious!y aggressive and
wi!! not hesitate to attack !arger creatures that intrude u#on their territory. When !ea#ing to the attack& they gain a =1 bonus
to hit.
The bite of a tatze!worm is dead!y& and a victim must successfu!!y save versus #oison or die.
These co!d(!oving re#ti!es save at =1 against co!d(based attacked& and such damage against them is reduced by 1 hit #oint
#er die. They save versus fire norma!!y. $1ontributed by Kohn Turcotte%.
(at*el+orm: HD AdFhp< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdIhp J lethal poison0< Move AD< 'ave AE< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
"ethal poison leap ,JA to hit0 partial resistance to cold4
7 tendricu!os is a #!ant creature resemb!ing a hi!!ock or haystack& but it is a voracious #redator that uses tendri!s and a
#owerfu! bite to ki!! and digest #rey. If the tendricu!os hits with both tendri!s& the victim must make a saving throw or be
swa!!owed who!e. 4ach round s#ent within the #!ant2s body automatica!!y inf!icts 1d9 hit #oints of acid damage and
necessitates a saving throw to avoid being #ara!yzed for 1d<=1 rounds.
(endriculos: HD E< AC B@A?C< At! D tendrils ,AdF0 A bite ,DdF0< Move >< 'ave E< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: '+allo+
(HE"%D7 ,Brain Demons0
The The!idu $the term is both singu!ar and #!ura!% are a hatefu! s#ecies of con8uerors from 0utside who use use weird
devices to trave! to other wor!ds in search of s!aves and resources. 3ossessing sca!y& rubbery& vague!y humanoid bodies& the
The!idu have octo#us(!ike heads and faces that are masses of fee!ers. /e!atinous green in co!or& these monstrosities are
worshi##ed as near(gods on count!ess wor!ds (( and feared on count!ess more. 0bsessed with the #urity of their own
s#ecies& the The!idu regu!ar!y engage in internecine wars to e5terminate the QunfitQ in their midst& an activity they en'oy
even more than con8uering and ens!aving other s#ecies. This trait is one of the few things that have saved wor!ds from
The!idu con8uest& as these a!ien beings are re!ent!ess in their cam#aigns of domination.
The!idu are masters of the mind& which has earned them the sobri8uet Qbrain demons&Q even though they are not in fact
demons of any kind and indeed view demons are 'ust another s#ecies to be con8uered. 7!! The!idu are ca#ab!e of using
severa! abi!ities that mimic the effects of arcane s#e!!s) charm monster, charm person, clairaudience, clairvo%ance, &'(,
levitate, and suggestion. In addition& a successfu! me!ee hit on a sing!e target with both c!aws and tentac!es resu!ts in death
in 1d9 rounds& as the The!idu cracks o#en the victimDs sku!! and e5tracts its brain& resu!ting in immediate death.
The e5tracted brain is then added to cerebra! devices known as ,rain 1om#!e5es& of which every The!idu band #ossesses at
!east one. The #recise #ur#ose of the ,rain 1om#!e5es is unknown but some sages surmise that they create andEor #ower
many of the other 8ueer devices the The!idu carry with them as they scour the cosmos for wor!ds to con8uer. Whatever the
truth of the matter& the a##earance of these beings on any wor!d ought to be a cause for a!arm and swift reta!iation& !est they
gain a footho!d from which they can never be dis!odged. $1ontributed by Kames +a!izsewski%.
(helidu: HD BJI< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdF0 and A tentacles ,AdB0< Move AI< 'ave AD< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial:
Mental po+ers brain e;traction4
Thugtoads are bi#eda! toad(men& norma!!y about <ft ta!!& but with some growing as !arge as 9ft. Thugtoads can ho# as far
as ?0ft to attack& adding =1 to hit and inf!icting doub!e damage when they do so. ,ecause their skin co!or changes to match
their surroundings& they have a PLO chance not to be noticed when waiting in ambush.
(hugtoad: HD A< AC F@AIC< At! A +eapon ,AdF0< Move B ,'+im A?0< 'ave AG< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: Camou&lage
1ommon!y known as the *emurian Wo!f" or Q4karu&Q Thy!acines are carnivorous marsu#ia!s with a body somewhat !ike a
wo!fDs& a!though they are not re!ated to wo!ves or dogs. Thy!acines are found in a!! c!imates& but #refer forested hi!!s to o#en
areas. Hunters have ki!!ed Thy!acines that measured seven and a ha!f feet from the ti# of the nose to end of the tai!. The
thy!acineDs most dangerous attribute is a !arge #owerfu! 'aw that can be overe5tended for a dis#ro#ortionate!y !arge bite.
They hunt at night in grou#s simi!ar to wo!f #acks. When agitated a Thy!acine wi!! rear u# on its hind !egs and secrete a
musky odor before !ea#ing on the intended victim. Though they have a #oor sense of sme!! their eyesight is very shar#.
Their keen inte!!ect and #ack hunting instincts see them em#!oyed as guards in certain nob!e or wizards gardens.
$1ontributed by darthmike%.
(hylacine: HD DJA< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
(%C$ 2%A6(
/iant ticks drain b!ood at a rate of < hit #oints #er round after a successfu! hit. Their bite causes disease& which wi!! ki!! the
victim in 2d< days $1ure Nisease s#e!!s wi!! remove the infection%. 7 giant tick can be forced off a victim by fire as we!! as
by ki!!ing the beast.
2iant (ic!: HD I< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move I< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Drain blood4
If a tiger hits the same target with both fore c!aws& it can rake with its rear c!aws as we!!& gaining two more c!aw attacks.
Fes& tigers swim& which can be a nasty sur#rise for f!eeing adventurers.
(iger: HD F< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdBJA0 A bite ,AdE0< Move A? ,'+im F0< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Rear
(%2ER 'ABREK(33(H
Sabre(tooth tigers are !arger than norma! tigers and have huge& curving& front fangs. *ike norma! tigers& if they hit with
both fore c!aws& they can #u!! u# to rake with their rear c!aws $2 additiona! attacks%.
'abreKtooth (iger: HD G< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdBJA0 A bite ,DdF0< Move AD ,'+im F0< 'ave AH< C"=8P E=EHH<
'pecial: Rear cla+s
Titans are incredib!y #owerfu! beings& a!most as #owerfu! as the gods $and #ossib!y they are o!der than the gods
themse!ves%. 7 titan has 2 s#e!!s of each s#e!! !eve! from first !eve! magic user s#e!!s to P
!eve! magic user s#e!!s& and 2
c!erica! s#e!!s of each s#e!! !eve! from first to P
. The /+ might choose to substitute other magica! abi!ities for s#e!!s G
these creatures vary considerab!y in #owers and #ersona!ities from one to the ne5t.
0ne #ossib!e s#e!! !ist for a titan might inc!ude the fo!!owing. Magic 7ser: 1harm 3erson $1%& S!ee# $1%& Invisibi!ity $1%&
+irror Image $1%& -ireba!! $?%& -!y $?%& 3o!ymor#h 0ther $<%& 1onfusion $<%& 1on'ure 4!ementa! $L%& -eeb!emind $L%& 7nti(
magic She!! $9%& Stone to -!esh $9%& *imited Wish $P%& 3ower Word Stun $P%. Clerical: *ight $1%& 3rotection -rom 4vi! $1%&
Ho!d 3erson $2%& S#eak with 7nima!s $2%& 1ure Nisease $?%& Nis#e! +agic $?%& 1ure Serious Wounds $<%& 6eutra!ize 3oison
$<%& -inger of Neath $L%& Suest $L%& ,!ade ,arrier $9%& Word of .eca!! $9%& 4arth8uake 52 $P%& .esurrection $.aise Nead
(itan ,AGHD0 HD AG< AC D@AGC< At! A +eapon ,DdE0< Move DA< 'ave I< C"=8P A>=BAHH< 'pecial: 'pells4
(itan ,AEHD0 HD AE< AC A@AEC< At! A +eapon ,DdE0< Move DA< 'ave I< C"=8P DH=BBHH< 'pecial: 'pells4
(itan ,A>HD0 HD A>< AC H@A>C< At! A +eapon ,DdE0< Move DA< 'ave I< C"=8P DA=BGHH< 'pecial: 'pells4
(itan ,DHHD0 HD DH< AC PA@DHC< At! A +eapon ,DdE0< Move DA< 'ave I< C"=8P DD=?AHH< 'pecial: 'pells4
(itan ,DAHD0 HD DA< AC PD@DAC< At! A +eapon ,DdE0< Move DA< 'ave I< C"=8P DI=?BHH< 'pecial: 'pells4
(itan ,DDHD0 HD DD< AC PI@DDC< At! A +eapon ,DdE0< Move DA< 'ave I< C"=8P DB=?GHH< 'pecial: 'pells4
(3AD 2%A6(
/iant toads are about the size and weight of a human. They are #redators& wi!!ing to attack creatures as !arge as men. /iant
toads can attack at the end of a ho#& which is in addition to the toad2s norma! move.
2iant (oad: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdE0< Move F ,Hop IH&t0< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Hop
(3AD 2%A6( %CE
These bizarre creatures are as inte!!igent as men $#erha#s more so%& and use their !ong& unwebbed fore(toes to carve
structures and tunne!s in the ice. They use too!s& but do not bother with wea#ons& for their toothy mouths are 8uite dead!y.
7n ice toad can radiate intense& damaging co!d $10ft% once every second me!ee round& causing 2d9 #oints of damage. They
can a!so ho# to attack& as giant toads do. In the wi!ds of the arctic regions& in the deserts of snow and ice& there may be
entire cities of these unusua! beings& #erha#s even civi!izations remaining from times before known history.
2iant %ce (oad: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdAHJD0< Move > ,Hop AH&t0< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Radiate
(3AD 2%A6( P3%'3637'
/iant #oisonous toads bite with !etha! #oison& and their skin is a!so #oisonous to the touch. They are about the size of a
!arge dog& and can attack at the end of a ho#& 'ust as non(#oisonous giant toads do. These toads can sometimes be bright!y
co!ored in vibrant reds and greens.
2iant Poisonous (oad: HD D< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdF J poison0< Move F ,Hop IH&t0< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH<
'pecial: Poison s!in and bite
(3DA1A6 MA'(ER
Todawan masters are an enigmatic race of so!itary giant toads that have achieved mystic en!ightenment. They wear robes
and carry a staff. *iving so!itary !ives in the de#ths of dangerous swam#s& todawan masters do not acce#t students but
occasiona!!y answer 8uestions about the future when worthy individua!s seek them out. Mnfortunate!y& some todawan
masters go bad. These subt!e servants of chaos and ruin may assemb!e bands of thugtoads or other minions& and begin to act
as evi! masterminds. Such chaotic todawan masters do not often !eave their swam#s& but their inf!uence can be fe!t far and
wide through the use of assassins& s#ies& and so!diery. 7ny todawan master $!awfu! or chaotic% is a formidab!e foe. In
combat& #rovided they have at !east <0ft for the 'um#& they can !ea# into batt!e and de!iver a tremendous!y #owerfu! kick
with their hind !egs for 2d9 #oints of damage: the victim must make a saving throw or be hur!ed back ten feet to !ie #rone
on the ground& stunned for 1d< rounds. Todawan masters can b!ock missi!e wea#ons with their whir!ing staffs& with a PLO
chance to def!ect incoming missi!es before the to(hit ro!! is even made. Their menta! disci#!ine is such that they take on!y
ha!f damage from fire and co!d. They are immune to a!! forms of menta! contro! and i!!usion. 0nce #er day& a todawan
master can make a #owerfu! menta! attack& suggesting that the victim not fo!!ow some course of action. If the victim fai!s a
saving throw $made at (<%& he wi!! become unab!e to force himse!f to fo!!ow whatever course of action the todawan master
has #rohibited. The skin of a todawan master is coated in an e5treme!y ha!!ucinogenic substance. $1ontributed by +att
(oda+an Master: HD E< AC A@AEC< At! D sta&& ,AdF0 or A !ic! ,DdF J special0< Move AD< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=ABHH<
'pecial: leaping !ic! bloc! missiles ,G?L0 hal& damage &rom &ire and cold immune to mental control and illusion
mental suggestion ,A=day04
7t first g!ance& a Torthri may be mistaken for a we!!(fed !eo#ard or 'aguar. Whi!e they are re!ated to !arge fe!ine #redators&
they are semi(bi#eda! and of near(human inte!!igence. In some !ands they are venerated as nature s#irits and #ass free!y
through humanoid vi!!ages. 7 torthri is ca#ab!e of wa!king on a!! fours& but it can a!so rise u# on its hind !egs& and the
e!ongated fore#aws are ca#ab!e of gras#ing too!s& o#ening containers& etc. When semi(erect& a torthri moves at a reduced
movement rate. To run& it must dro# to a!! fours. 7 torthri can e5ert a magica! 1harm u#on humans and humanoids by
meeting their gaze and concentrating for one round. The saving throw against a torthriDs charm is at a #ena!ty of (2& and
those charmed become the creatureDs wi!!ing s!aves and worshi##ers. Who!e vi!!ages have been known to come under the
sway of a Torthri& constructing shrines in which to offer u# food and treasure. 7!though charmed vi!!agers wi!! te!! outsiders
that their s#irit cat" is !ike an overgrown #et& no domestic cats wi!! be found in the vi!!age& for the Torthri wi!! s!ay or drive
out a!! other fe!ines.
If forced into combat& the Torthri can defend itse!f with c!aws and bite. However& the c!aws are weaker than those of its
fe!ine kin& and its hands are c!umsy: it cannot use missi!e wea#ons or com#!e5 devices& a!though it can hand!e sim#!e
wea#ons such as the s#ear& staff& c!ub& and a5e. It may thus attack with a wea#on and bite& and wi!! do so if its true nature is
discovered. The Torthri is inte!!igent enough to rea!ise the va!ue of magica! wea#ons and shie!ds& but cannot utter command
words or wear armour. 7ny treasure #ossessed by a Torthri wi!! be stored in a vi!!age shrine or hidden cave. There #ersist
ta!es of Torthri s#eaking through their charmed s!aves by te!e#athy& and of who!e vi!!ages starving to feed their greedy
ido!s. $1ontributed by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
(orthri: HD DJI< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdD0 and A bite ,AdF0 or A +eapon ,AdF0 and A bite ,AdF0< Move A? ,F +hen
standing0< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Charm ga*e4
Tra##er(beasts are manta(!ike creatures resemb!ing the stone f!oors of the subterranean areas where they !ive. When #rey
ste#s onto the tra##er2s body& it whi#s u# its wings to enfo!d and smother its victims $to a ma5imum of four%. Neath occurs
in P me!ee rounds. 1o!d does not damage them& and fire inf!icts on!y ha!f damage.
(rapper Beast ,AHHD0: HD AH< AC I@AFC< At! A en&old< Move A< 'ave ?< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: En&old and
su&&ocate prey4
(rapper Beast ,AAHD0: HD AA< AC I@AFC< At! A en&old< Move A< 'ave B< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: En&old and
su&&ocate prey4
(rapper Beast ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC I@AFC< At! A en&old< Move A< 'ave I< C"=8P AI=DIHH< 'pecial: En&old and
su&&ocate prey4
7t first g!ance& a treacherous treasure a##ears to be an envious #i!e of riches. In rea!ity& a treacherous treasure is a !arge&
s!ime(!ike creature that e5udes a sticky fi!m from its #ores. Throughout its !ife s#an& the s!imy critter gathers u# various
coins& gems& and riches found within most dungeons. These ob'ects stick to the s!imeDs adhesive secretion& giving it the
a##earance of a #i!e of treasure. 0nce the s!imy beast is s!ain& it wi!! take 1d< weeks for the adhesive fi!m to !ose its
bonding #ro#erties. 0n!y then may the adventurers c!aim the s!ime(beastDs hoard.
7 treacherous treasure that remains motion!ess may sur#rise its foes $<0O%. $1ontributed by Skathros%.
(reacherous (reasure: HD G< AC I@AFC< At! A slam ,IdF0< Move F< 'ave >< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: surprises &oes
Treants are tree(!ike #rotectors and she#herds" of forest trees. Ne#ending u#on their size& they have different hit dice and
damage: treants of P to ; hit dice inf!ict 2d9 #oints of damage with each strike of their branch(!ike hands& treants of A(10 hit
dice inf!ict ?d9 #oints& and treants of 11(12 hit dice inf!ict <d9 #oints. 7!! treants can wake" trees within 90ft& a!!owing
them to wa!k at a rate of ?& and #ossib!y to attack $no more than two trees at a time can be awake at the behest of a sing!e
(reant ,GHD0: HD G< AC D@AGC< At! D stri!es ,DdF0< Move F< 'ave >< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Control trees4
(reant ,EHD0: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! D stri!es ,DdF0< Move F< 'ave E< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Control trees4
(reant ,>HD0: HD >< AC D@AGC< At! D stri!es ,IdF0< Move F< 'ave F< C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: Control trees4
(reant ,AHHD0: HD AH< AC D@AGC< At! D stri!es ,IdF0< Move F< 'ave ?< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Control trees4
(reant ,AAHD0: HD AA< AC D@AGC< At! D stri!es ,BdF0< Move F< 'ave B< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial: Control trees4
(reant ,ADHD0: HD AD< AC D@AGC< At! D stri!es ,BdF0< Move F< 'ave I< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: Control trees4
(REE 2H3'(
Tree ghosts are the undead form of a Nryad who was ki!!ed by a wraith& vam#ire& or other such undead creature. They are
gaunt and emaciated ghost!y horrors& with fingers ending in thorn(!ike c!aws& reeking of rotting #!ant matter. >ines of thorn
and briar grow from a tree ghostDs body& writhing around her !ike snakes. Tree ghosts are #artia!!y incor#orea!& and are
invisib!e unti! they attack. In c!ose combat& a tree ghost uses her c!aws to tear at victims& but she can a!so hur! a s#ray of
thorns from her ser#entine thorn(vines to attack a sing!e o##onent at a distance of u# to 90ft. ,oth the thorns and the tree
ghostDs c!aws carry a viru!ent sa#: anyone hit by one of the tree ghostDs attacks must make a saving throw or become i!! with
a strange de!irium that drains away his wi!!#ower. The victim !oses 1d< #oints of charisma #er hour& and once his charisma
reaches 0 he becomes a servant of the Tree /hostDs wi!!. He wi!! fo!!ow her back to the 1or#se Tree and begin s#routing
runners and twigs& becoming absorbed into the 1or#se Tree $the victim !oses 1d< constitution #oints #er day& and u#on
reaching a constitution of 0 becomes #art of the tree%. The #rocess is very #ainfu! and fou! to !ook u#on. If the 1or#se Tree
or the Tree /host is ki!!ed& anyone under the tree ghostDs #ower who has not started the absor#tion #rocess wi!! regain !ost
charisma #oints at a rate of 1d< #er hour& and wi!! suffer no other effects. Those that have a!ready started to become
absorbed into a cor#se tree do not fare as we!!) a!! constitution !oss is #ermanent& and cannot be reversed without the use of
#owerfu! magic. In addition to her #oisonous c!aws and thorns& tree ghosts can e5ha!e an Insect 3!ague $#er the s#e!!% once
#er day. They can a!so animate any wooden ob'ects& #!ants& and other vegetation within L0ft: these animated things can
attack and ensnare anyone in the area. Tree /hosts are immune to norma! wea#ons and can on!y be harmed by si!ver and
magica! wea#ons. +agic fire affects them& but ice& e!ectricity& and acid have no effect& nor does norma! fire. If a tree ghost
is ki!!ed& but her cor#se tree is not& the tree ghost wi!! be reborn 2< hours after being ki!!ed. $1ontributed by Sean Stone%.
(ree 2host: HD I< AC F@AIC< At!: Cla+s ,AdI0 or thorns ,H0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P: AH=ABHH< 'pecial: Charisma
drain %nsect Plague animate +ood immune to normal +eapons cold electricity acid and nonKmagical &ire4
Tritons are a!most indistinguishab!e from mermen& but for their nob!er a##earance. They are& however& a much more
magica! race entire!y. They are& for instance& a!most entire!y resistant to magic $A0O%. Their !eaders carry conch horns that
summon giant sea horses and #anic norma! sea anima!s aiding enemies of the tritons. +any triton !eaders a!so have s#e!!
casting #owers.
(riton: HD I< AC ?@ABC< At! A trident ,AdEJA0< Move A ,'+im AE0< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Magic resistance
Trog!odytes are subterranean re#ti!e(#eo#!e. In batt!e& they emit a horrib!e sme!! that weakens most other races. -ai!ing a
saving throw against the sme!! causes the victim to !ose 1 #oint of strength #er round for 1d9 rounds& with the !oss
#ersisting for another 10 rounds thereafter. Trog!odyte skin is s!ight!y chame!eon(!ike& which a!!ows them to mount very
effective ambushes. Trog!odytes des#ise the civi!ized races and seek to annihi!ate them& but different c!ans do not
ordinari!y work we!! together. Trog!odyte bands are often !ed by strong s#ecimens& which can be ? or < hit dice monsters.
(roglodyte: HD D< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 Bite ,AdBJA0 or by +eapon +ith shield ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AF<
C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: 'tench chameleon s!in4
Tro!!s are as ta!! as ogres& and 'ust as strong. Mn!ike ogres& however& they attack with c!aws and teeth instead of wea#ons.
Tro!!s regenerate& which is to say that any damage inf!icted u#on them hea!s within minutes $? hit #oints #er round%. The
on!y way to utter!y ki!! a tro!! is to submerse it in acid or burn it. Tro!!s can even re(grow !o##ed(off heads and !imbs.
(roll: HD FJI< AC B@A?C< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: Regenerate
Tsa!akians e5ist outside of norma! s#ace. It is said that they have no individua! wi!!s of their own& but are instead the fearfu!
servitors of some greater ma!ign #ower. They eterna!!y scheme against& and are in turn defied by& another trans(dimensiona!
race ca!!ed the Izaddich $8.v.%. Tsa!akians a##ear as ta!! men& com#!ete!y enshrouded in cow!ed c!oaks. 7!though ca#ab!e
of s#eaking with any sentient being $an innate form of tongues%& their voices f!oat bizarre!y around them& as though through
a ventri!o8uism s#e!! with a random range and direction. They rare!y a!!ow their true forms to be seen& for they are difficu!t
to com#rehend. When unc!oaked& they have been described as a b!urry whir! of teeth forming a rough a##ro5imation of a
man(!ike form. Tsa!akians can bend and fo!d themse!ves through s#ace& and are therefore e5traordinari!y difficu!t to
successfu!!y strike $thereby accounting for their high armor c!ass%. +oreover& they are fearsome in combat as they have the
s#e!!(!ike abi!ity to b!ink at wi!!. Their mu!ti#!e attacks re#resent their abi!ity to strike from severa! directions at once. 7
Tsa!akian may divide its attacks among o##onents within 202 of itse!f. They may move any distance in any given round&
ignoring #hysica! or magic obstac!es in their #ath. This functions as an innate form of te!e#ort without error. They can even
enter concea!ed or hidden areas& as they do not #erceive s#ace as others do& and can see around" wa!!s& f!oors and cei!ings.
Thus& they can disregard he!d #orta!s& wa!!s of force and the !ike. Secret& concea!ed and hidden doors and tra#s are a!ways
e5#osed to their weird senses& as are hidden #eo#!e. 6ote that they are& however& sub'ect to i!!usions and cannot #erceive
invisib!e& out of #hase& etherea! or astra! ob'ects or creatures: neverthe!ess& they are virtua!!y im#ossib!e to take by sur#rise.
They are immune to #erson" affecting s#e!!s& such as charm #erson. Tsa!akians are a!!owed saving throws against a!! s#e!!s
of any kind& take no damage from damage(causing s#e!!s on a successfu! saving throw& and take on!y ha!f damage if they
save successfu!!y. They cannot be restrained by any im#ediment and act as if wearing rings of free action at a!! times.
Tsa!akians #ossess the menta! #ower to detect good& evi!& and magic at wi!!& to cause fear $saving throw negates%& and can
sense the e5act emotions of any being within 100ft. Tsa!akians are usua!!y found in the act of #!anning or carrying out some
great i!!& for they #er#etua!!y strive to bend a!! other sentient beings to the wi!! of their dread master. They #refer to work
through others& themse!ves remaining out of the fray if #ossib!e& revea!ing their fearsome abi!ities on!y if #ressed. Their
hatred of the Izaddich knows no bounds and they wi!! a!ways attack these creatures on sight.
(sala!ian: HD DJD< AC KB @DIC< At! B +eapon attac!s ,AdB0< Move %n&inite< 'ave AF< C"=8P: G=FHH< 'pecial:
%ncorporeal=teleport movement perceive secret and hidden things immune to spells a&&ecting a )person) saving
thro+ against all magic reduced damage &rom spells immune to restraint detect good magic and evil sense
emotions ,empathy04
(766E" PRA16
Tunne! #rawns are scavengers resemb!ing very !arge !obsters& with a hard& rock!ike she!!. These creatures wander through
subterranean caverns eating bugs and fungi from the wa!!& f!oor& and cei!ing. 7 tunne! #rawn can sca!e wa!!s and move
a!ong cei!ings with no more difficu!ty than wa!king a!ong a f!oor. These dungeon vermin are easi!y antagonized& and wi!!
attack any !iving beings venturing near. 0ne tunne! #rawn can #rovide the e8uiva!ent of a day2s rations. The meat is tough
and very chewy& and kee#s for on!y one day& but is actua!!y 8uite de!icious. Some taverns& usua!!y those !ocated near
dungeon entrances& serve tunne! #rawn as an item on the bi!! of fare& and wi!! #ay u# to ? g#s for a fresh tunne! #rawn. The
weigh about 20 !bs each. $1ontributed by +att -inch%.
(unnel Pra+n: HD A<AC B@A?C< At! D pincers ,AdD0< Move F< 'ave AG< C"=8P: A=A?< 'pecial: Climbing
(7R("E 2%A6( 'EA
/iant sea turt!es do not hunt humans& but they are aggressive in their territory& and are !arge enough to ca#size sma!! shi#s
$1L foot diameter she!!%. 0bvious!y& the size and hit dice of individua! s#ecimens wi!! vary: these stats are for an average
adu!t turt!e.
2iant 'ea (urtle: HD A?< AC I@AFC shell ?@ABC head=&lippers< At! A bite ,BdF0< Move I ,'+im AD0< 'ave I< C"=8P
A?=D>HH< 'pecial: 6one4
(7R("E 2%A6( '6APP%62
/iant sna##ing turt!es are massive& having a she!! with the same diameter in feet as the creature2s hit dice. Their incredib!y
thick she!!s make them a!most invu!nerab!e to attacks that are not targeted at the head or !imbs.
2iant 'napping (urtle ,EHD0: HD E< AC D@AGC shell ?@ABC head=limbs< At! A bite ,BdF0< Move B ,'+im >0< 'ave E<
C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: 6one4
2iant 'napping (urtle ,>HD0: HD >< AC D@AGC shell ?@ABC head=limbs< At! A bite ,BdF0< Move B ,'+im >0< 'ave F<
C"=8P >=AAHH< 'pecial: 6one4
2iant 'napping (urtle ,AHHD0: HD AH< AC D@AGC shell ?@ABC head=limbs< At! A bite ,BdF0< Move B ,'+im >0< 'ave ?<
C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Mnicorns are genera!!y shy and benevo!ent creatures& who wi!! on!y a!!ow a chaste maiden to a##roach them. They can
te!e#ort once #er day to a distance of ?90ft& with a rider. The unicorn2s horn has hea!ing #ro#erties according to !egend $the
detai!s of this& if any& are !eft to the /+%. There is considerab!e room to create variant sorts of unicorns) evi! ones& f!ying
ones& etc.
7nicorn: HD ?< AC D@AGC< At! D hoo&s ,AdE0 A horn ,AdE0< Move DB< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: double damage
&or charge D?L magic resistance teleport
,y day& the urrs!umber is a !urching hea# of !eafy vegetation& rough!y in the sha#e of a head!ess bear& with tang!ed masses
of thorny !imb(vines e5tending from a twisted c!um# of #!iab!e abdomina! roots: when stationary& it is near!y
indistinguishab!e from norma! #!ant !ife. It hunts by ambush& sensing the vibrations of #assersby and !unging forth to
gra##!e with its thorny !imbs. Its thorns secrete a s!ee#(inducing #oison with effects that !ast for 1d9 hours& #ossib!y !ess&
de#ending on size and constitution of the victim. The urrs!umber drags s!ee#ing #rey back to its !air $often within the root
base of an enormous tree%& binds the #rey& and awaits nightfa!!. 7t sunset& the urrs!umber transforms into a 'et(b!ack bear
with red& sight!ess eyes. In this form& it hungri!y devours the ca#tured #rey and then fa!!s as!ee#& transforming back into
#!ant form at sunrise. Whi!e in bear form& the urrs!umberDs gaze causes b!indness for 1d9 rounds $saving throw negates%. If
it is ki!!ed whi!e in #!ant form& the urrs!umber regenerates com#!ete!y from its remains $even burnt ashes% on the ne5t new
moon. Mrrs!umbers ki!!ed in bear form are #ermanent!y dead. $1ontributed by /uy -u!!erton%.
7rrslumber: HD ?< AC B@A?C< At! A grapple in plant &orm ,AdF J sleep poison0 or A cla+ or bite in bear &orm ,DdF0<
Move >< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: 'urprise opponents on a AKB in plant &orm ga*e attac! ,blindness0 in bear
&orm and the bear &orm itsel& is blind4
7R7A$ ,'crap 2nolls0
Mruak& or Qscra# gno!!sQ are a race of hyena(!ike humanoids from an a!ternate rea!ity& simi!ar to gno!!s in a##earance but
much more inte!!igent. They are inte!!igent& civi!ised& and fanatica!!y obsessed with mechanica! devices and inventions. The
cu!ture of their wor!d is e8uiva!ent to the ,ronze 7ge. Scra# gno!!s managed to survive magica! catac!ysms and
inhos#itab!e waste!ands by combining their scavenging and too!(using ski!!s. 7!though their wor!d is now be!ieved
destroyed& they have somehow s#read across the mu!tiverse. Wherever they go& the !andsca#e is !ittered with smashed sand
shi#s& e5#!oded steam engines& and rusting #i!es of scra# !eft behind their evo!ving techno!ogica! ski!!s.
Scra# gno!!s s#end most of their time creating and testing too!s and devices& for they are instinctive!y gifted artificers.
+any scra# gno!!s are ski!!ed in a!chemy& c!ockwork& mining and smithing& and they may #ossess crude e5#!osives $?d9
damage in 102 radius& must be thrown& may have a timing device of u# to ? rounds% or ar8uebus(ty#e Xsmoke(#owder2
wea#ons $1d10 damage& backfire and be unusab!e unti! re#aired on an attack ro!! of 1%. 7ny wea#ons they make wi!! be
fine!y crafted and !oving!y cared for. In a grou# of 9 or more scra# gno!!s& there wi!! be a !eader with magic(user s#e!!s and
the vision to direct the gno!!s in working together towards a ma'or task& as we!! as a #et snake or scor#ion as their mascot.
-or every ma!e active!y inventing& scrounging& or re#airing& there wi!! be a fema!e of c!ose kin seeing to the more mundane
domestic tasks. 7!! scra# gno!!s yearn to regain the e5#ertise of bui!ding ornitho#ters and batt!e(automata. $1ontributed by
Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%.
7rua! ,'crap 2noll0: HD D< AC ?@ABC< At! A +eapon ,AdAH0< Move AD< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: May possess
e;plosives or &irearms4
.AMP%RE (REE ,#7B3$$30
The Kubokko grow on batt!efie!ds or other scenes of b!oody carnage& where so much human b!ood may be shed on the
ground that it is sucked u# in great 8uantities by the roots of nearby trees. These trees grow u# nourished by this b!ood& and
knowing no other sustenance& they begin to thirst for the b!ood of human beings. They wi!! await motion!ess& a##earing as a
norma! tree& unti! some unsus#ecting #erson #assing beneath is snatched u# by it2s branches and murdered& the trees then
feast u#on their victims b!ood. If the Kubokko hits with 2 of its branches against a sing!e victim& that victim becomes
immobi!ized and cannot fight or cast s#e!!s unti! freed by his com#anions. Such a victim becomes 71 AB10C for further
attacks by the Kubokko.
.ampire (ree=#ubo!!o: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! B branches ,AdF0< Move H< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial:
>am#ires are some of the most #owerfu! of undead creatures. They can on!y be hit with magic wea#ons& and when ki!!ed"
in this way they turn into gaseous form $#er the s#e!!%& returning to their coffins. They regenerate at a rate of ? hit #oints
#er round& can turn into gaseous form or into a giant bat at wi!!& and can summon a horde of bats or ?d9 wo!ves out from the
night. *ooking into a vam#ire2s eyes necessitates a saving throw at G2& or the character is charmed $#er a charm #erson
s#e!!%. +ost terrifying!y& a vam#ire2s bite drains two !eve!s from the victim. -ortunate!y& vam#ires have some weaknesses.
They can be ki!!ed $these are the on!y known methods% by immersing them in running water& e5#osing them to sun!ight& or
driving a wooden stake through the heart. They retreat from the sme!! of gar!ic& the sight of a mirror& or the sight of good"
ho!y symbo!s. 7ny human ki!!ed by a vam#ire becomes a vam#ire under the contro! of its creator. This descri#tion wi!! be
recognized easi!y as the Nracu!a" ty#e of vam#ire. +any other #ossibi!ities for vam#ires e5ist in fo!k!ore) 1hinese
vam#ires& for instance& and more b!ood(drinkers more fera! than inte!!igent. 3!us& other cu!tura! tem#!ates with different
attributes cou!d be created G what about an ancient 4gy#tian mummified vam#ire& or an 7ztec vam#ireY
.ampire ,GHD0: HD G< AC D@AGC< At! A bite ,AdAH J level drain0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave >< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial:
'ee description4
.ampire ,EHD0: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! A bite ,AdAH J level drain0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave E< C"=8P AA=AGHH< 'pecial:
'ee description4
.ampire ,>HD0: HD >< AC D@AGC< At! A bite ,AdAH J level drain0< Move AD ,Fly AE0< 'ave F< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial:
'ee description4
>a#or 1ranes make their homes where geysers s#ews and hot s#rings make great boi!ing #oo!s& arranging their rock nests
so that they fi!! with boi!ing water. Strange!y& they do not eat& but draw their sustenance from the steaming waters they
inhabit. They wi!! attem#t to f!y away if they are endangered but they wi!! fight to the death if cornered.
Touching a >a#or 1rane without the #ro#er #recautions can be dead!y& for their bodies are boi!ing hot $1d9=1 h#Ehit die%.
They are a!so ab!e to s#ew c!ouds of steam from their nostri!s as both an offensive and a defensive measure and wi!! use
this abi!ity to f!ee& un!ess guarding a nest. The steam c!oud can be used in one of two ways $? times #er day tota!%) if the
crane is attacking& it b!ows the steam in a cone ?0ft !ong to a width of ?0ft& inf!icting 1d9 = 1E hit die. When used
defensive!y& the crane surrounds itse!f with the c!oud in a radius of 1Lft& which not on!y inf!icts damage but a!so obscures
the bird from sight. In norma! combat& a va#or crane attacks with its beak& which is fi!!ed with need!e(shar# teeth.
$1ontributed by .usse!! 1one%.
"arge Adult .apor Crane: HD ?< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdBJ?0< Move ? ,Fly AD0< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial:
'calding to touch steam cloud ,AdFJA= hit die0 in cone or A?&t radius4
'mall Adult .apor Crane: HD D< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdBJD0< Move ? ,Fly AD0< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial:
'calding to touch steam cloud ,AdFJA= hit die0 in cone or A?&t radius4
Fledgling .apor Crane: HD A< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,AdBJA0< Move ? ,Fly F0< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 'calding
to touch steam cloud ,AdFJA= hit die0 in cone or A?&t radius4
>argoui!!es are demonic creatures& a horrid head& bearded with sma!!& writhing tentac!es& with bat wings #rotruding from the
back. Their bite is dead!y& causing #ermanent hit #oint !oss $saving throw%.
.argouille: HD A< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,AdB0< Move H ,Fly AD0< 'ave AG< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: permanent hit point
>ierds are cree#y& two(headed cousins to ghou!s& standing on!y ?ft ta!!. They are nocturna! a!binos with #ink eyes& ye!!ow
c!aws and dirty fangs. *ike their kin& they are immune to charm and s!ee# s#e!!s. 7 vierd has a #ara!yzing touch on a fai!ed
save $2d9 turns%& and if bitten& the victim must make a saving throw or contract a disease. The diseased s#ot must be
#urified $burning& am#utation& ho!y water& etc.% in order to arrest the s#read of the disease. $1ontributed by 0!dcraw!er%.
.ierd: HD DJB< AC F@AIC< At! D cla+s ,AdI0 D bites ,AdB0< Move >< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Paralysis
disease immunities4
1A"$%62 '"%ME
These vague!y humanoid monsters s!o# their way through underground #assages in search of !iving f!esh to Qeat.Q They
attack by smacking #rey with their !arge oozing fists& attem#ting to cover them and turn them into !iving s!imes as we!! $on
a natura! ro!! of 1L=& the victim must make a saving throw or begin transforming into a wa!king s!ime%. Wa!king s!imes are
harmed on!y by fire or e5treme co!d& but can be harmed by norma! wea#ons. $1ontributed by .andom%.
1al!ing 'lime: HD D< AC >@AAC< At! A ,AdF J turn to slime0< Move F< 'ave AF< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: (rans&orm to
1A6DER%62 H3"E
7 wandering ho!e is a creature that e5ists in a different dimension but e5tends into the norma! wor!d as a !iving em#tiness& a
ho!e in s#ace. In its e5#anded form& it resemb!es a 10ft 5 10ft ho!e running 20ft to L0ft dee# $1d<=1 510%. The creature
#ossesses the ca#acity to constrict its anti(mass to a 1E< inch s8uare. 1ontracting itse!f from a 10ft 5 10ft s8uare to a 1E<in 5
1E<in s8uare takes 1d<=1 rounds. 45#anding its form back to 10ft 5 10ft takes on!y 1 round. The most common tactic used
by wandering ho!es is to constrict themse!ves to their sma!!est size& then& as an adventurer wa!ks above& the wandering ho!e
e5#ands& sending the victim #!ummeting down its de#th. The wandering ho!e then com#resses itse!f anew to crush the
ha#!ess victim. >ictims of this tactic a!ways run the risk of being sur#rised $L0O%.
>ictims who find themse!ves within the de#ths of a wandering ho!e have but 1d<=1 rounds to get themse!ves out before the
contracting critter crushes them) on the !ast round& the constricting wandering ho!e crushes the victim to death.
Wandering ho!es may be damaged& but on!y by s#e!!s or magic wea#ons and items. When it dies& a wandering ho!e returns
to its e5#anded size of 10ft 5 10ft& but as a norma!& non!iving ho!e in the ground.
1andering Hole: HD ?< AC A@AEC< At! A special< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: 'urprise Constrict4
1A'P 2%A6(
/iant was#s are as !arge as humans& and are incredib!y aggressive. Their sting #ara!yzes $saving throw% for 1d<=1 days $at
the end of which time& was# !arvae eat the victim from the inside out%. 1ure disease wi!! ki!! the !arvae. The was# wings
are #a#er(thin& and f!ammab!e.
2iant 1asp: HD B< AC B@A?C< At! A sting ,AdB J poison0 A bite ,AdE0< Move A ,Fly DH0< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH<
'pecial: Paraly*ing poison larvae4
1EA'E" 2%A6(
These ferocious #redators are often found in dungeon com#!e5es& for they !air in caves. When a giant wease! hits an
o##onent& it c!am#s its 'aws and sucks b!ood& automatica!!y inf!icting 2d9 #oints of damage #er round. /iant wease!s can
be trained as guard anima!s: a!though they cannot be trained to warn of intruders& they are far more dead!y than guard dogs.
Their #e!ts se!! for 1d95100g# each.
2iant 1easel: HD IJI< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,DdF J blood drain0< Move A?< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Drain
1HA"E $%""ER
Ii!!er wha!es might be found as the a!!ies of any inte!!igent underwater s#ecies& chaotic or !awfu!& good or evi!. Some ki!!er
wha!es are as inte!!igent as humans& others are not.
$iller 1hale: HD AD< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,IdAH0< Move ,'+im DB0< 'ave I< C"=8P AD=DHHH< 'pecial: 6one4
S#erm wha!es can swa!!ow sma!! shi#s who!e& and automatica!!y swa!!ow who!e any human(sized #rey they hit with an
attack. ,!ows from their tai!s destroy boats and might a!so destroy shi#s& or damage them terrib!y. Some s#erm wha!es are
inte!!igent $and often ma!evo!ent%.
'perm 1hale: HD IF< AC B@A?C< At! A bite ,BdAH0 A tail ,BdAH0< Move ,'+im AE0< 'ave I< C"=8P IG=GBHH< 'pecial:
'+allo+ +hole4
Wights !ive in tombs& graveyards& and buria! mounds $barrows%. They are undead& and thus not affected by s!ee# or charm
s#e!!s. Wights are immune to a!! non(magica! wea#ons& with the e5ce#tion of si!ver wea#ons. 7ny human ki!!ed or
com#!ete!y drained of !eve!s by a wight becomes a wight.
1ight: HD I< AC ?@ABC< At! A cla+ ,Ahp J level drain0< Move >< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Drain A level +ith
hit hit only by magic or silver +eapons4
Wi!! o2 the wis#s are #hantom(!ike sha#es of eerie !ight& creatures that !ive in dangerous #!aces and try to !ure trave!ers into
8uicksand& off the edges of c!iffs& etc. They usua!!y inhabit swam#s or high moors. They can brighten or dim their own
!uminescence& and change their sha#es as we!!& to a##ear as a grou# of !ights& a wis# of !ight& or in the g!owing wraith!ike
sha#e of a human $often fema!e%. They wi!! genera!!y de#art if the attem#t to !ead victims into danger fai!s& but if they are
attacked they can defend themse!ves with vio!ent shocks of !ightning(!ike #ower. These creatures are inte!!igent& and can be
forced to revea! the !ocation of their treasure hoards.
1illKoKtheK+isp: HD >< AC PE@DGC< At! A shoc! ,DdF0< Move AE< 'ave F< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: 6one4
Wo!ves are #ack hunters& and may be found in !arge numbers. +a!e wo!ves weigh from ;0 to 100 #ounds.
1ol&: HD DJD< AC G@ADC< At! A bite ,AdBJA0< Move AE< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial: 6one4
13"F 1%6(ER
Winter wo!ves are as inte!!igent as humans& and many #acks or their !eaders are not friend!y to humankind. Some& indeed&
are active!y ma!evo!ent and hosti!e& hunting humans as #rey and sta!king arctic vi!!ages for !one victims. Winter wo!ves
can breathe frost at a range of 10ft& b!asting anything in front of them in a wide area for <d9 #oints of damage $save for
ha!f%. This abi!ity can on!y be used once #er turn $10 rounds%. Winter wo!f #e!ts are very va!uab!e $1d<=2 51000g#%.
1inter 1ol&: HD ?< AC ?@ABC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0< Move AE< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Breathe &rost ,A=turn04
13"F 13R2
Worgs are !arge& inte!!igent& and evi! wo!ves. They may have su#ernatura! origins or be the f!esh(form of evi! s#irits.
1org: HD B< AC F@AIC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0< Move AE< 'ave AI< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: 6one4
Wo!verines are vicious and tough& !iving in arctic and tundra $taiga% regions of the wor!d. Its musk is not dangerous& but the
sme!! remains for days& and it s#oi!s food. They attack with a =< to(hit bonus for their ferocity.
1olverine: HD I< AC F@AIC< At! A bite=cla+ ,AdFJI0< Move AD< 'ave AB< C"=8P B=ADH< 'pecial: Mus! JB to hit
13".ER%6E' 2%A6(
/iant wo!verines are !arger than their norma! cousins& and some of them may be #ossessed of a ma!ign inte!!igence. They
attack with a =< to(hit bonus for their ferocity.
2iant 1olverine: HD F< AC ?@ABC< At! D cla+s ,AdB0 A bite ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AA< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Mus!
JB to hit4
Wraiths are #owerfu! wights& immune to a!! non(magica! wea#ons other than si!ver ones $which inf!ict on!y ha!f damage%.
7rrows are #articu!ar!y ineffective against them& for even magica! and si!ver arrows inf!ict on!y one hit #oint of damage #er
hit. Wraiths can be found riding we!!(trained batt!e steeds or more unusua! mounts that wi!! to!erate their #resence.
1raith: HD B< AC I@AFC< At! A touch ,AdFJ level drain0< Move > ,Fly DB0< 'ave AI< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: drain A
level +ith hit4
7 wyvern is the two(!egged form of dragon: but these creatures are sma!!er and !ess inte!!igent than true four(!egged
dragons& not to mention that they do not have a breath wea#on. Wyverns have a #oisonous sting at the end of their tai!s& but
they are not coordinated enough to attack with both bite and sting in a sing!e round. In any given round& the wyvern is 90O
!ike!y to use its tai!& which can !ash out to the creature2s front even farther than its head can reach.
1yvern: HD E< AC I@AFC< At! A bite ,DdE0 or A sting ,AdF0< Move F ,Fly DB0< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: poison
sting &lies4
Torn are bizarre creatures& origina!!y from the e!ementa! #!anes of earth& which eat #recious meta!s and other minera!s.
They have a rock(!ike consistency& granting an e5treme!y good armor c!ass& and a##ear to be made of stone. Torn have a
barre!(sha#ed body& radia!!y symmetrica! with three eyes& three arms& three stubby !egs& and a #owerfu! mouth set in the to#
of the creature2s body. The stone(!ike a##earance grants the 5orn a tremendous!y good chance of sur#rising its enemies.
These creatures are immune to fire and co!d damage& and take on!y ha!f damage from e!ectrica! attacks $no damage when
saving throws are successfu!%. 7 5orn can swim through stone& but re8uires a fu!! me!ee round to enter so!id rock& during
which time it cannot attack. 3hase Noor s#e!!s wi!! utter!y destroy a 5orn that is trave!ing through rock or read'usting its
Torn are #articu!ar!y vu!nerab!e to s#e!!s that affect earth and stone. +ove 4arth s#e!!s may be used to hur! a 5orn
backwards ?0ft and stun them for a fu!! round. Stone to f!esh and rock to mud s#e!!s weaken the 5orn2s e!ementa! structure&
increasing the creature2s 71 to ; unti! the 5orn concentrates for a fu!! round to read'ust its com#osition. 3asswa!! s#e!!s
inf!ict 1d10=10 #oints of damage with no saving throw.
8orn: HD G< AC PD@DAC< At! I cla+s ,AdI0 A bite ,BdF0< Move >< 'ave >< C"=8P E=EHH< 'pecial: %mmune to &ire and
cold hal& damage &rom electricity travel through stone4
6amed after their distinctive ca!!& Faruga are agi!e& hammerheaded !izards& 10ft in height& which wa!k on two !ong bird(!ike
!egs. Faruga graze on #!ants and grasses by day& but become vicious hunters by night. Nuring the day Faruga are skittish
and scare easi!y. They e5crete a fou!(sme!!ing gas if a##roached within L0 ft& then run away: the gas b!inds anyone within
10ft of the Faruga for 1d< rounds $saving throw a##!ies%. 7t night& Faruga become e5treme!y dangerous and aggressive&
chasing their #rey down and kicking them to death before feasting on them. When they make the initia! charge& a yarugaDs
running kick inf!icts doub!e damage on a successfu! hit. 7nyone s#rayed by Faruga(gas during the day becomes the main
target of the savage !izards by night. In the wi!d& Faruga are usua!!y encountered in #airs& day or night& but there may be 2d<
together during mating season. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s%.
9aruga: HD I< AC ? @ABC< At! A !ic! ,AdF0< Move AE< 'ave AB< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Blinding &latulence running
Fetis are the ,igfoot" of the arctic and the high mountains. If a yeti strikes the same o##onent with both fists& it bear(hugs
for an additiona! 2d9 #oints of damage. 7nyone caught in the yeti2s arms !ike this must make a saving throw or be
#ara!yzed with fear for 1d? rounds $during which time the yeti hits automatica!!y%. Fetis are very inte!!igent& and can be
8uite ma!evo!ent. They are immune to magica! co!d.
9eti: HD ?< AC F@AIC< At! D &ists ,AdF0< Move AB< 'ave AD< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: %mmune to cold hug &ear4
922 ,2allo+s (ree0
Fgg $common!y ca!!ed D/a!!ows TreesD% are ancient& tree(!ike #redators that im#a!e both beast and man on the thorn(covered
bark of their snaking branches. 7n Fgg2s branches can whi# out to a distance of ?0ft to seize #rey& who must make a
successfu! saving throw to avoid being caught $the Fgg can use 1d9 of these branches in any given combat round%. 0nce
im#a!ed u#on the massive thorns& the !ife force and nutrients of the victim is drained at the rate of 1 hit #oint #er round&
!eaving the em#ty husks to s!ough off in the fu!!ness of time. 7ny man(sized creature has a 1 in 9 chance #er round of
#u!!ing free of the branch. .eeking of #utrefaction and festooned with cor#ses& Fgg roam the countryside in search of f!esh&
#roducing a c!oud of s#ores $90ft radius% that draws creatures to them. 3rey within the s#orec!oud must make a saving
throw $each round% or be drawn c!oser to the Fgg. 0nce the Fgg attacks& these victims come to their senses& but it may be
too !ate. Fgg have no visua! organs but can detect any creatures within 90ft using sound& scent& and vibration. They are
immune to co!d& but are susce#tib!e to fire $=1 damage #er hit die%. -o!k!ore suggests that the #each(!ike fruit Fgg #roduce
has magica! !ife(enhancing #ro#erties. $1ontributed by Sean Wi!!s%.
9gg: HD E< AC D@AGC< At! %mpale ,dFJA0< Move F< 'ave E< C"=8P AH=ABHH< 'pecial: %mmune to cold spore cloud4
Fienhoo!s are #a!e humanoids with !ong& thin arms and e!ongated& c!awed hands. Their bu!ging& white eyes are we!! ada#ted
to dim !ight& but they are virtua!!y b!ind in sun!ight and never emerge from be!ow ground un!ess forced to do so. They are
dee#(dwe!!ers of the underground& but sma!! grou#s of them are occasiona!!y found in the u##er reaches of the subterranean
wor!d. Fienhoo!s are more inte!!igent than anima!s& but bare!y so ( they can communicate and fo!!ow orders& and in #acks
they can hunt with considerab!e cunning& but their abi!ity to act inde#endent!y of a #ack or a strong !eader is very weak.
Fienhoo! #acks swarm their #rey& the first ranks grabbing& c!utching& and immobi!izing to a!!ow their tota! numbers to
swarm over the foe and bring them down. If a yienhoo! hits& it has grabbed successfu!!y at one of the foeDs arms& rendering
wea#on or shie!d unusab!e as the yienhoo! c!ings on& regard!ess of danger $such attacks are made at (1 to hit%. Whi!e
ho!ding on& the yienhoo! can make more attem#ts to grab the other arm as we!!. Fienhoo! can swarm over the backs of their
fighting brethren to c!imb #ast front ranks and into the rear ranks of their o##onents. If a yienhoo! is not a!ready ho!ding an
enemy& and chooses not to make grabbing attacks& it can attack with its c!aws. These creatures are usua!!y encountered in
!arge numbers& for they do not divide into #acks of fewer than 9.
9ienhool: HD AdF< AC E@AAC< At! A cla+ ,AdB0< Move >< 'ave AE< C"=8P A=A?< 'pecial: grab and pin arms s+arm
over the top o& battle lines4
9%(H H376D 3F
Hounds of Fith are su#ernatura! creatures of the night& resemb!ing !arge dogs $most say%. They are& #erha#s& origina!!y
denizens of another #!ane of e5istence& and they are summoned to the hunt by #owerfu! and ma!ign beings. The baying of
the hounds causes fear within 100ft $#er the s#e!!%. 6orma! wea#ons do not damage the hounds of Fith) si!ver wea#ons
inf!ict on!y 1h# damage #er hit& and magica! wea#ons inf!ict 1h# #er #oint of to(hit bonus. The hounds have 10O resistance
to magic.
Hound o& 9ith: HD I< AC A@AEC< At! A bite ,AdFJA0< Move AE ,Fly D?0< 'ave AB< C"=8P G=FHH< 'pecial: Baying
harmed only by magic=silver +eapons &ly magic resistance AHL4
97RMP ,(oad Robber0
-at and ug!y toad(!ike humanoids& the Furm# are bandits and scroungers. Though of fine materia!& such as si!k& their c!othes
are torn and soi!ed. 7ny armour is mismatched and #oor!y maintained& he!d together by rusty buck!es and doub!e(wra##ed
cords. Furm# have sour e5#ressions and grum#y attitudes& often becoming im#atient and bored whi!e waiting beside a road
or #ath for someone to ambush. Their wea#ons are genera!!y #o!earms !ooted from batt!e sites. If yurm# are ab!e to
coordinate an ambush& they have an increased chance of sur#rising their o##onents $1(? on 1d9%. In vi!!ages that to!erate
their #resence they are usua!!y #art of any organised crime: in areas where they are not to!erated& yurm# !ive by finding"
dro##ed items and digging through the garbage of other races& bemoaning their #oor !uck a!! the whi!e.
-or every L yurm# in a grou# there is a cumu!ative 2 in 9 chance that a wrest!er yurm# wi!! be #resent. These gross!y fat
yurm#s disdain wea#ons and armour& and strike for 1d9 damage in unarmed combat. If the unarmed attack succeeds by four
or more #oints& the wrest!er has a firm ho!d on the foe and can throw him to the ground& disarm him& #revent attacks& or
inf!ict continuous strang!ing damage $1d9 #er round%. Wrest!er yurm#s have an effective Strength score of 1;& and usua!!y
en'oy cha!!enging humans to arm wrest!ing contests. The rest of the yurm# en'oy gamb!ing on these contests. If yurm# are
ab!e to attack by stea!th or sur#rise from behind& they gain =< on the attack and inf!ict doub!e norma! damage. $1ontributed
by Scott Wy!ie .oberts& Q+yrystyrQ%. $1om#are to simi!ar monster) Thugtoad%.
9urmp: HD ?JI< AC B@A?C< At! A polearm ,AdE0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: Bac!stab4
1restler 9urmp: HD ?JI< AC F@AIC< At! A unarmed ,AdF0< Move AD< 'ave AD< C"=8P F=BHH< 'pecial: Bac!stab
unarmed grapple +ith hit BJ over number needed4
Zetans are a grey skinned co!!ective(inte!!igence race origina!!y hai!ing from somewhere beyond the materia! #!ane.
Workers are about four feet ta!!& and !eaders are as ta!! as si5 feet. 7!! zetans have thin arms and !egs& oversized heads and
eyes& and e5treme!y !ong fingers. They are encountered most fre8uent!y on the 4therea! and 7stra! #!anes. Their #ur#ose in
visiting the +ateria! 3!ane is a mystery& a!though they have been known to abduct morta!s or !ivestock& sometimes in broad
day!ight. Zetans have an aura which causes -ear $as #er the s#e!!& saving throw negates%& and they are immune to non(
magica! wea#ons. It is be!ieved that Zetans are not tru!y evi!& but mere!y inscrutab!e and tota!!y a!ien in motivation:
individua!s that have met the Zetans wi!! have wi!d!y different stories to te!! about them. Sma!!er Zetans seem to function
most often as workers: the ta!!er !eader(ty#es are con'ectured to have more inde#endence& but sti!! serve the co!!ective.
Zetans trave! in a thought conveyance which is on!y tem#orari!y #hysica!& g!ows various unearth!y co!ors& and is ab!e to
become invisib!e $by entering the 4therea! 3!ane% at wi!!. -or every fifteen Zetans there wi!! a!ways be at !east one !eader
ty#e. 7 !eader must be #resent for trans#ort of any morta!s or !ivestock. If a Zetan is ki!!ed on the #rime materia! #!ane it is
dis#atched back to the co!!ective un!ess its !eader is ki!!ed as we!!& in which case it is dis#ersed. +ore #ermanent Zetan
fortresses may e5ist under some of the more inaccessib!e desert areas of the wor!d: nomads s#eak of the sound of great
machines beneath the sands.
:etan ,1or!er0: HD A< AC >@AHC< At! A 1eapon ,AdB0< Move F< 'ave AG< C"=8P I=FH 'pecial: JA or better +eapon
to hit Fear aura4
:etan ,"eader0: HD I< AC G@ADC< At! 1eapon ,AdE0< Move >< 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: JA or better +eapon to
hit Fear aura Ethereal (ravel4
Zombies are mind!ess creatures& the wa!king dead. These are mere!y animated cor#ses& not carriers of any sort of undead
contagion as ghou!s are. If their Mndeath is contagious& they shou!d be worth a few more e5#erience #oints than described
here& and if a sing!e hit from a zombie causes contagion or any other sort of disease they shou!d be worth considerab!y
more e5#erience. However& the standard zombie is sim#!y a cor#se animated to do its creator2s bidding.
:ombie: HD D< AC E@AAC or +ith shield G@ADC< At! A +eapon or stri!e ,AdE0< Move F< 'ave AF< C"=8P D=IH< 'pecial:
%mmune to sleep and charm4
:3MB%E BRA%6KEA(%62
,rain(eaters are a rare variety of zombie& a##earing as b!oated& swo!!en(headed wa!king cor#ses. They hunger for the brains
of inte!!igent creatures& es#ecia!!y those with the abi!ity to cast s#e!!s. ,rain(eaters are ca#ab!e of absorbing the energy of
magica! s#e!!s cast near them& negating any effect they might have had. 7 brain(eater may absorb u# to 2d< s#e!! !eve!s& its
head growing ever !arger during the #rocess. When its ca#acity is reached& the brain(eaterDs head vio!ent!y e5#!odes. 7
brain(eater regains the abi!ity to absorb an additiona! s#e!! !eve! with each fresh brain it eats. $1ontributed by .andom%.
BrainKeaters: AC E @AAC HD I Attac!s: A stri!e ,AdE0 Move: F 'ave AB< C"=8P ?=DBH< 'pecial: absorbs spells4
*e#er zombies are c!ear!y undead& aff!icted with a horrific disease resemb!ing a form of !e#rosy& more agi!e than other ty#es
of zombies& and far more dead!y) any who batt!e them must save vs disease at the end of the fight or contract Zombie
*e#rosy $die in ? days and return as a *e#er Zombie%. *e#er zombies may be turned by c!erics as ghou!s& and they are
immune to s!ee# and charm s#e!!s. 7nyone s!ain by a *e#er Zombie reanimates as a !e#er zombie in 1d9 rounds. 1arrying
e8ui#ment& arms or armor of one s!ain by a !e#er zombie or used to destroy a !e#er zombie carries a risk to the bearer& they
must save vs disease at =< each day or contract Zombie *e#rosy. Ho!y water& remove curse and other methods of c!eansing
may render the gear safe again. $1ontributed by KN Karvis%.
"eper :ombie: HD A< AC F@AIC< At! A cla+ or bite ,AdF0< Move >< 'ave AG< C"=8P I=FH< 'pecial: Disease those slain
animate as leper *ombies
These undead creatures are weird!y enchanted with some sort of necromancy. When hit by a me!ee wea#on& they burst
vio!ent!y into f!ame& inf!icting 1d9 #oints of damage to anyone within Lft. 0n!y the bones remain after this conf!agration)
the remaining ske!eton fights as a ske!eton rather than as a zombie $inc!uding the !ower hit #oints%. The f!esh re(grows
ra#id!y& and the creature wi!! fight as a zombie again in 10 combat rounds& inc!uding the restored abi!ity to immo!ate itse!f.
$1ontributed by Scott 1as#er%.
Pyre :ombie: HD D< AC E@AAC or +ith shield G@ADC< At! A +eapon or stri!e ,AdE0< Move F< 'ave AF< C"=8P I=FH<
'pecial: %mmune to sleep and charm immolation4
:3MB%E RA.E6
Zombie .avens are the rotting& undead bodies of ravens.
:ombie Raven: HD AdFhp< AC E@AAC< At! A bite ,AdI0< Move A ,Fly F0< 'ave AE< C"=8P B=AH< 'pecial: %mmune to
sleep and cold4
Monsters by Challenge "evel
1ha!!enge *eve! 7)
/iant .at
/!ass ,utterf!y
S#ine .at
1ha!!enge *eve! ,)
1at& -era! Mndead
-!ying s8uirre!& carnivorous
Zombie .aven
1ha!!enge *eve! 1
7nimated 1ar#et
7nimated 1hair
,ag of Teeth
1enti#ede $Swarm%
-ormian& worker
-rog& giant $sma!!%
/iant 1enti#ede& Sma!! $6on(!etha!%
/iant -ire ,eet!e
/ob!in& 0ni(7ka $7sian red gob!in%
/ob!in& .ed 1a#
Human $,andits%
Human $Sergeant(at(arms%
Human $So!diers%
*ightning !am#rey
+ushroom(man $1HN%
3iercer $1HN%
.at& giant desongno!
.ot /rub
Sorcery !eech
Sumatran rat(ghou!
Tunne! #rawn
1ha!!enge *eve! 2)
7nt& giant worker
1ave ee!
1enti#ede& giant $sma!!& !etha!%
Nemon& manes
Nog& guard or war
/iant frog $medium%
/iant ki!!er frog
/ob!in& 0ni(Iage $7sian Shadow /ob!in%
/ob!in& 0ni(Fama $7sian +ountain /ob!in%
Humans $,erserkers%
Kack in the ,o5
Kave!in snake
Ioi fo!k
*ea#ing maw
*eech& giant $1HN%
*izard men
*yn5& giant
0rigami Warrior
3iercer $2HN%
3orta! 1ame!
.ats& wizard2s !ab
.azor Wing
Sand Screamer
Ske!eton& fossi!ized
Snake& constrictor
Snake& vi#er
S#ire +onkey
Mruak $Scra# /no!!s%
>a#or 1rane $1HN%
1ha!!enge *eve! ?)
,adger& giant
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& very young $age category 1%
,!ack Nragon $PHN%& very young $age category 1%
,!ack Hunter
1!awed -iend
1rab man
1rab& giant
45#!oding ,ones
-o5 +onk
/oat& giant
/reen Nragon $PHN%& very young $age category 1%
*eech& giant $2HN%
*izard Samurai
*izard& giant
+echanism& bronze cobras
+ushroom(man $2HN%
0!d craw!er
0#hidian& steri!e
0striches& giant
3iercer $?HN%
.at& monstrous!y huge
.ay& sting
Sea horse& giant $?HN%
Sea *ions
Shark& sma!! $?HN%
Ske!eta! fury
Snake& cobra
S#ider& giant $1ft diameter%
Tick& giant
Toad& giant
>a#or 1rane $2HN%
White Nragon $LHN%& very young $age category 1%
White Nragon $9HN%& very young $age category 1%
White Nragon $PHN%& very young $age category 1%
Fe!!ow mo!d
Zetan $worker%
Zombie& 3yre
,rass Nragon $9HN%& very young $age category 1%
,rass Nragon $PHN%& very young $age category 1%
1o##er Nragon $PHN%& very young $age category 1%
1ha!!enge *eve! <)
7ir gust
7nkheg $?HN%
7nt& giant warrior
7#e& gori!!a
,eet!e& giant
,!ack bear
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& very young $age category 1%
,!ink dog
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& very young $age category 1%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& very young $age category 1%
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& very young $age category 1%
,oar& wi!d
,rown mo!d
1enti#ede& giant man(sized
Nemon& *emure
4ag!e& giant
4e!& giant e!ectric
4e!& giant moray
-rog& giant $!arge%
-unga! 1ree#er
/!urm $Zen frog%
/reen Nragon $;HN%& very young $age category 1%
/reen Nragon $AHN%& very young $age category 1%
Iomodo Nragon
*eech& giant $?HN%
3iercer $<HN%
3oisonous toad& giant
.agged 1raw
.aven& giant
.ed Nragon $10HN%& very young $age category 1%
.ed Nragon $11HN%& very young $age category 1%
.ed Nragon $AHN%& very young $age category 1%
Sea Horse& giant $<HN%
Sky worm
Stag& giant
Toad& giant #oisonous
>io!et fungi
Wa!king S!ime
White Nragon $LHN%& young $age category 2%
White Nragon $9HN%& young $age category 2%
Si!ver Nragon $10HN%& very young $age category 1%
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& very young $age category 1%
Si!ver Nragon $AHN%& very young $age category 1%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& very young $age category 1%
1o##er Nragon $;HN%& very young $age category 1%
1o##er Nragon $AHN%& very young $age category 1%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& very young $age category 1%
,ronze Nragon $;HN%& very young $age category 1%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& very young $age category 1%
1ha!!enge *eve! L
7nkheg $<HN%
78ueous 0rb
7rcani5 $?HN%
,at& giant
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& young $age category 2%
,!ack Nragon $PHN%& young $age category 2%
1ha!keion $Ho#!ite%
1rysta! /rowth
45oske!eton& giant $beet!e%
-ormian& warrior
/e!atinous cube
/reen Nragon $PHN%& young $age category 2%
/rey ooze
Hag& sea
He!! Hound $<HN%
Hound of 1hronos
Hyena& giant
Inner 1hi!d
Kacka! of Narkness
Ke!!yfish& hy#notic
*am#rey& giant
*eech& giant $<HN%
+acaw& giant
+arrosian Statue
+echanism& 1!ockwork 1ava!ier
+echanism& iron cobra
+ushroom(man $?HN%
0w!& giant
.ock Wease!& /iant
.ust monster
Sea cat
Shadow mastiff
S#ider& giant $<ft diameter%
Wease!& giant
White Nragon $LHN%& immature $age category ?%
White Nragon $LHN%& young $age category 2%
White Nragon $9HN%& young $age category 2%
White Nragon $PHN%& young $age category 2%
Zetan $!eader%
,rass Nragon $9HN%& young $age category 2%
1o##er Nragon $PHN%& young $age category 2%
Zombie& brain eating
1ha!!enge *eve! 9
7nkheg $LHN%
7#e& -!ying
,asi!isk& Nesert
,ear& grizz!y
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& immature $age category ?%
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& young $age category 2%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& young $age category 2%
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& very young $age category 1%
1enti#ede& !arge giant
1ha!keion $sergeant%
1rocodi!e& giant
Nemon& dretch
Nruid $<HN%
-erec $-o5taur%
/ibbering +outher
/reen Nragon $;HN%& young $age category 2%
/reen Nragon $AHN%& young $age category 1%
Hanu(6aga $LHN%
He!! Hound $LHN%
*eeches& giant $LHN%
*izard Samurai $ca#tain%
0chre 'e!!y
.ed Nragon $AHN%& young $age category 1%
Skunk& giant
S!ithering tracker
Snake& giant& vi#er or cobra
S#ider& giant& #hase
Tang!eweed or Strang!evine
Toad& ice& giant
>am#ire Tree $Kubokko%
>a#or 1rane $LHN%
Was#s& giant
White Nragon $9HN%& immature $age category ?%
Wo!f& winter
Furm#& Wrest!er
Zombie& *e#er
,rass Nragon $9HN%& immature $age category ?%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& young $age category 2%
1o##er Nragon $;HN%& young $age category 2%
1o##er Nragon $AHN%& young $age category 1%
,ronze Nragon $;HN%& young $age category 2%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& young $age category 1%
1ha!!enge *eve! P
7nkheg $9HN%
,ear& #rehistoric or #o!ar
,eet!e& /iant 7rcane
,!ack Nragon $PHN%& immature $age category ?%
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& young $age category 2%
1arrion -!y
1ha!keion $!ieutenant%
1or#se Tree
Nemon& /rim!ek
Nemon& 8uasit
/argoy!e& +aggog
/o!em& Wa5
/reen Nragon $PHN%& immature $age category ?%
+ountain Hag $Fama(uba%
Hanu(6aga $9HN%
He!! Hound $9HN%
Hound of Fith
Hydra $L heads%
Iomodo dragon& giant
*eech& giant $9HN%
*ightning *izard
0gre mage
.ed Nragon $10HN%& young $age category 2%
.ed Nragon $11HN%& young $age category 2%
Snake& giant& am#hisbaena
Snake& giant& constrictor
Sorcerer 05
S#ider& giant $9ft diameter%
Treant $PHN%
Wandering Ho!e
White Nragon $LHN%& adu!t $age category <%
White Nragon $PHN%& immature $age category ?%
Wo!verine& giant
Si!ver Nragon $10HN%& young $age category 2%
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& young $age category 2%
,rass Nragon $PHN%& immature $age category ?%
1o##er Nragon $PHN%& immature $age category ?%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& young $age category 2%
1ha!!enge *eve! ;
7nkheg $PHN%
7nt& giant 8ueen
7rcani5 $9HN%
7ssassin vine
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& immature $age category ?%
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& immature $age category ?%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& immature $age category ?%
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& immature $age category ?%
1ora! 1!am#er $a8uatic%
Nemon& 7chaierai
Ninosaur& anky!osaurus
4!ementa!& water $;HN%
-ormian& taskmaster
/izmog of Fothri& !arge
/reen Nragon $;HN%& immature $age category ?%
/reen Nragon $AHN%& immature $age category ?%
Head!ess Hound
He!! Hound $PHN%
Hydra $9 headed%
+onstrous +outh
.ed Nragon $AHN%& immature $age category ?%
.eef Wa!ker
Scor#ion& giant
Si!ent Inight
Sna##ing turt!e& giant $;HN%
Tiger& saber(tooth
Treant $;HN%
White Nragon $LHN%& o!d $age category L%
White Nragon $9HN%& adu!t $age category <%
,rass Nragon $9HN%& immature $age category ?%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& immature $age category ?%
1o##er Nragon $;HN%& immature $age category ?%
1o##er Nragon $AHN%& immature $age category ?%
,ronze Nragon $;HN%& immature $age category ?%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& immature $age category ?%
1ha!!enge *eve! A
7nkheg $;HN%
,at +onster
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& o!d $age category L%
,!ack Nragon $PHN%& adu!t $age category <%
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& immature $age category ?%
Nemon& $first category& >rock%
Nemon& 4rinyes
4!ementa!& air $;HN%
4!ementa!& earth $;HN%
4!ementa!& fire $;HN%
/iant& hi!!
/reen Nragon $PHN%& adu!t $age category <%
Invisib!e Sta!ker
+antis& giant #reying
0gre& Swam#
.ed Nragon $10HN%& immature $age category ?%
Sna##ing turt!e& giant $AHN%
S#hin5& gynos#hin5
S#hin5& hieracos#hin5
Treant $AHN%
White Nragon $LHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
White Nragon $9HN%& o!d $age category L%
White Nragon $PHN%& adu!t $age category <%
,rass Nragon $9HN%& o!d $age category L%
,rass Nragon $PHN%& adu!t $age category <%
1o##er Nragon $PHN%& adu!t $age category <%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& immature $age category ?%
1ha!!enge *eve! 10
Neasic $Ice 1ree#er%
Nruid $;HN%
4therea! Shade
/iant& stone
Hag& annis
Hydra $P headed%
*urker& cei!ing
6aga& water
0cto#us& giant
.ay& giant manta
.emorhaz $;HN%
.hinoceros& woo!y
Shamb!ing +ound $PHN%
Sna##ing turt!e& giant $10HN%
S#hin5& crios#hin5
Treant $10HN%
Tree /host
>am#ire $PHN%
.ed Nragon $11HN%& immature $age category ?%
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& adu!t $age category <%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& adu!t $age category <%
/reen Nragon $;HN%& adu!t $age category <%
,!ack Nragon $PHN%& o!d $age category L%
/reen Nragon $PHN%& o!d $age category L%
White Nragon $LHN%& aged $age category P%
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& immature $age category ?%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& adu!t $age category <%
,rass Nragon $PHN%& o!d $age category L%
1ha!!enge *eve! 11
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
,!ack #udding
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& adu!t $age category <%
1ha!keion $ca#tain%
Nemon $third category& /!abrezu%
/iant& frost
/reen Nragon $AHN%& adu!t $age category <%
Hydra $; headed%
Iee#er of the We!!
6ight hag
.ed Nragon $AHN%& adu!t $age category <%
.emorhaz $AHN%
.o#er $10HN%
Shamb!ing +ound $;HN%
S#ectra! Scavenger
Todawan +aster
Tra##er ,east $10HN%
Treant $11HN%
>am#ire $;HN%
White Nragon $9HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
Si!ver Nragon $AHN%& adu!t $age category <%
,rass Nragon $9HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
1o##er Nragon $AHN%& adu!t $age category <%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& adu!t $age category <%
1ha!!enge *eve! 12
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& aged $age category P%
,!ack Nragon $PHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& o!d $age category L%
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& adu!t $age category <%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& o!d $age category L%
,one +ound
4!ementa!& water $12HN%
4ye!ess -i!cher
/iant& fire
/o!em& f!esh
/reen Nragon $PHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
/reen Nragon $;HN%& o!d $age category L%
Hydra $A headed%
+ind 4ater
+irror -iend
.ed Nragon $10HN%& adu!t $age category <%
.emorhaz $10HN%
.o#er $11HN%
Shamb!ing +ound $AHN%
Star(+outhed Worm
Tra##er ,east $11HN%
Treant $12HN%
>am#ires $AHN%
Wha!e& ki!!er
White Nragon $LHN%& ancient $age category ;%
White Nragon $9HN%& aged $age category P%
White Nragon $PHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
Si!ver Nragon $10HN%& adu!t $age category <%
,rass Nragon $9HN%& aged $age category P%
,rass Nragon $PHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& o!d $age category L%
1o##er Nragon $PHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
1o##er Nragon $;HN%& o!d $age category L%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& adu!t $age category <%
,ronze Nragon $;HN%& o!d $age category L%
1ha!!enge *eve! 1?
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& o!d $age category L%
Nemon $fifth category& +ari!ith%
Nemon $fourth category& 6a!feshnee%
Nemon& ,aa!roch
Nragon turt!e
4!ementa!& air $12HN%
4!ementa!& earth $12HN%
4!ementa!& fire $12HN%
/iant& c!oud
/reen Nragon $AHN%& o!d $age category L%
Hydra $10 headed%
6aga& guardian
6aga& s#irit
.ed Nragon $11HN%& adu!t $age category <%
.ed Nragon $AHN%& o!d $age category L%
.emorhaz $11HN%
.o#er $12HN%
Shamb!ing +ound $10HN%
S!ug& giant
Tra##er ,east $12HN%
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& adu!t $age category <%
Si!ver Nragon $AHN%& o!d $age category L%
1o##er Nragon $AHN%& o!d $age category L%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& o!d $age category L%
1ha!!enge *eve! 1<
7rcani5 $12HN%
,!ack Nragon $9HN%& ancient $age category ;%
,!ack Nragon $PHN%& aged $age category P%
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& o!d $age category L%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
1haos Inight
Nruid $12HN%
/o!em& c!ay
/reen Nragon $PHN%& aged $age category P%
/reen Nragon $;HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
Hydra $11 headed%
0b!ivion Wraith
.ed Nragon $10HN%& o!d $age category L%
.emorhaz $12HN%
Shamb!ing +ound $11HN%
S8uid& giant
White Nragon $9HN%& ancient $age category ;%
White Nragon $PHN%& aged $age category P%
Si!ver Nragon $10HN%& o!d $age category L%
,rass Nragon $9HN%& ancient $age category ;%
,rass Nragon $PHN%& aged $age category P%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
1o##er Nragon $PHN%& aged $age category P%
1o##er Nragon $;HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& o!d $age category L%
,ronze Nragon $;HN%& very o!d $age category 9%
1ha!!enge *eve! 1L
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
Ninosaur& e!asmosaurus
Ninosaur& stegosaurus
Ninosaur& tricerato#s
/reen Nragon $AHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
Hydra $12 headed%
*ich $12HN%
.ed Nragon $11HN%& o!d $age category L%
.ed Nragon $AHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
.emorhaz $1?HN%
Sea turt!e& giant
Shamb!ing +ound $12HN%
S#hin5& andros#hin5
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& o!d $age category L%
Si!ver Nragon $AHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& very o!d $age category 9%
1ha!!enge *eve! 19=
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 19%
,!ack Nragon $;HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 1;%
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 22%
,!ue Nragon $10HN%& very o!d $age category 9% $1* 1P%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 19%
,!ue Nragon $;HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 1;%
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
,!ue Nragon $AHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 20%
Nemon 3rince& 0rcus $1* ?L%
Ninosaur& brontosaurus $1* 2L%
Ninosaur& Tyrannosaurus .e5 $1* 1A%
4!ementa!s& air $19HN% $1* 1P%
4!ementa!s& earth $19HN% $1* 1P%
4!ementa!s& fire $19HN% $1* 1P%
4!ementa!s& water $19HN% $1* 19%
-!ying Ke!!yfish& giant $1* 1A%
-urious -ountain $1* 1;%
/iants& storm $1* 19%
/o!em& iron $1* 1;%
/o!em& stone $1* 19%
/reen Nragon $PHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 19%
/reen Nragon $;HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 19%
/reen Nragon $;HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 1;%
/reen Nragon $AHN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
/reen Nragon $AHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 20%
Iraken $1* 2<%
*ich $1?HN% $1* 19%
*ich $1<HN% $1* 1P%
*ich $1LHN% $1* 1;%
*ich $19HN% $1* 1A%
*ich $1PHN% $1* 20%
*ich $1;HN% $1* 21%
+echanism& /iant .obot $1* 1A%
3ur#!e Worms $1* 1P%
.ed Nragon $10HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
.ed Nragon $10HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 22%
.ed Nragon $10HN%& very o!d $age category 9% $1* 1P%
.ed Nragon $11HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1A%
.ed Nragon $11HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 2<%
.ed Nragon $11HN%& very o!d $age category 9% $1* 1;%
.ed Nragon $AHN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
.ed Nragon $AHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 20%
Sea Ser#ent $1* ?0%
Titan $1PHN% $1* 1A%
Titan $1;HN% $1* 20%
Titan $1AHN% $1* 21%
Titan $20HN% $1* 22%
Titan $21HN% $1* 2?%
Titan $22HN% $1* 2<%
Wha!e& s#erm $1* ?P%
White Nragon $PHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 19%
Si!ver Nragon $10HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
Si!ver Nragon $10HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 22%
Si!ver Nragon $10HN%& very o!d $age category 9% $1* 1P%
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1A%
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 2<%
Si!ver Nragon $11HN%& very o!d $age category 9% $1* 1;%
Si!ver Nragon $AHN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
Si!ver Nragon $AHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 20%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 19%
,rass Nragon $;HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 1;%
1o##er Nragon $PHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 19%
1o##er Nragon $;HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 19%
1o##er Nragon $;HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 1;%
1o##er Nragon $AHN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
1o##er Nragon $AHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 20%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 22%
,ronze Nragon $10HN%& very o!d $age category 9% $1* 1P%
,ronze Nragon $;HN%& aged $age category P% $1* 19%
,ronze Nragon $;HN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 1;%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& aged $age category P% $1* 1P%
,ronze Nragon $AHN%& ancient $age category ;% $1* 20%
/reat *antern Worm $1* ?0%
Creating 6e+ Monsters
+onsters are not #!ayer characters& and their abi!ities are not at a!! determined by the ru!es for #!ayer characters G not even
the stats for races that can have #!ayer characters& such as dwarves. The /ame +aster decides a monster2s abi!ities& and he
doesn2t have to fo!!ow any ru!es about thisV -ee! free to add wings& breath wea#ons& e5tra hit dice& wounded versions& or
whatever suits your adventure and your cam#aign. Togg!e and tweak& imagine and inventV The ru!es aren2t res#onsib!e for
the 8ua!ity of the swords and sorcery in your game& you areV So don2t try to create monsters according to any sort of #ower
formu!a. 1reate monsters based on how they fee! and how they #!ay at the gaming tab!e. 1reate cha!!enges for the #!ayers&
not headaches for yourse!f. Four 'ob is to imagine and create& not to s!ave at ru!ebooks finding out what you2re a!!owed"
to do.
Attac!s and 'aving (hro+s
To determine a monster2s saving throws and to(hit bonuses $if using the ascending 71 system%& use the tab!e be!ow.
Monster Attac! and 'aving (hro+ (able
Monster Hit Dice Base (o Hit Bonus
,Ascending AC system0
'aving (hro+ (arget 6umber
*ess than 1 =0 1;
1 =1 1P
2 =2 19
? =? 1<
< =< 1?
L =L 12
9 =9 11
P =P A
; =; ;
A =A 9
10 =10 L
11 =11 <
12= =12& etc. ? $remains at ?%
To he!# you with determining 1ha!!enge *eve!s and e5#erience #oint va!ues for monsters& the tab!e be!ow may be he!#fu!.
1ha!!enge *eve!" determines the e5#erience #oint va!ue for a monster. To determine a monster2s cha!!enge !eve!& take its
hit dice and then add to that number if the monster has s#ecia! abi!ities that make it harder to ki!!& or more dangerous to the
characters. The first tab!e shows the T3 va!ues for cha!!enge !eve!s. The second tab!e contains guide!ines for how many
additiona! cha!!enge !eve!s to add to a monster2s hit dice& based on s#ecia! abi!ities.
E;perience Point .alue o& Monsters
Challenge "evel ,see belo+0 8P .alue
7 $1d< hit #oints or !ess% L
, $1d9 hit #oints% 10
1 1L
2 ?0
? 90
< 120
L 2<0
9 <00
P 900
; ;00
A 1100
10 1<00
11 1P00
12 2000
1? 2?00
1< 2900
1L 2A00
19= =?00 #er additiona! HN !eve!
Challenge "evel Modi&ications
Challenge "evel Modi&ications
,see special note on 7ndead0
<= attacks #er round $minimum
d9 or saving throw each%
=1 HN va!ue
71 20 or higher =1 HN va!ue
7utomatic damage after hit =1 HN va!ue
,reath wea#on 2L #oints ma5 or
=1 HN va!ue
,reath Wea#on 29 #oints ma5 or
=1 HN va!ue
Nisease =1 HN va!ue
Nrains !eve! with no save =? HN va!ue
Nrains !eve! with save =2 HN va!ue
-!ies& or breathes water =1 HN va!ue
/reater than human inte!!igence =1 HN va!ue
Immune to b!untE#iercing
$inc!uding ha!f damage%
=1 HN va!ue
Immune to energy ty#e $acid&
fire& etc%
=1 HN va!ue
Immune to non(magic wea#ons =1 HN va!ue
+agic resistance L0O or be!ow =1 HN va!ue
+agic resistance higher than
=2 HN va!ue
+assive attack for 20= h#s =1 HN va!ue
3ara!ysis& swa!!ows who!e&
immobi!izes enemies $web& etc%
=1 HN va!ue
3etrifaction& #oison& or death
=2 HN va!ue
.egenerates =1 HN va!ue
Mndead $sub'ect to banishment
but immune to s!ee#& charm&
=0 HN va!ue& net
Mses a s#e!!(!ike #ower !eve! ?
e8uiva!ent or above
=2 HN va!ue
Mses mu!ti#!e s#e!!s !eve! 2 or
=1 HN va!ue
Mses mu!ti#!e s#e!!s !eve! ? or
=2 HN va!ue
Mses mu!ti#!e s#e!!s !eve! L or
=? HN va!ue
3oison =1 HN4 va!ue
+isce!!aneous other =1 HN va!ue
2enerating Encounters
7t each *eve!&" whether it2s how dee# into a dungeon or how far into a forest they2ve gone& the #!ayers ought to know
they2re moving into an area where there2s a somewhat #redictab!e !eve! of risk and reward. The first thing to kee# in mind
is that a monster2s cha!!enge !eve! isn2t the same as the !eve!" on which it2s found) cha!!enge !eve! is rea!!y about
ca!cu!ating e5#erience #oints. The tab!e be!ow gives you an idea of what might be found in a #articu!ar !eve!" of a
dungeon or forest. The tab!e is 60T a ru!e: it2s a guide!ine. Mse your 'udgment.
*eve! 0ne has the !owest !eve! of risk& and the !owest !eve! of treasure. 3!ayers are never guaranteed that every encounter
is beatab!e" at a #articu!ar !eve!& though. Surviva! de#ends on knowing when to run and when to get tricky: assuming that
every encounter is designed to fit" the #arty2s combat ca#abi!ities is a sure way to die.
"evel A "evel D "evel I "evel B "evel ?
1 ?d; 1* 7 creatures 9d; 1* 7 creatures 12d; 1* 7
2d100 1* 7
?d100 1* 7
2 ?d9 1* , creatures 9d9 1* , creatures 12d9 1* ,
1d100 1* ,
2d100 1* ,
? 2d9 1* 1 creatures <d9 1* 1 creatures ;d9 1* 1 creatures 19d9 1* 1 creatures ?2d9 1* 1 creatures
< 1d9 1* 2 creatures 2d9 1* 2 creatures <d9 1* 2 creatures ;d9 1* 2 creatures 19d9 1* 2 creatures
L 1 1* ? creature 1d9 1* ? creatures 2d9 1* ? creatures <d9 1* ? creatures ;d9 1* ? creatures
9 1 1* < creature 1 1* < creature 1d9 1* < creatures 2d9 1* < creatures <d9 1* < creatures
P 1 1* L creature 1 1* L creature 1d9 1* L creatures 2d9 1* L creatures
; .o!! again 1 1* 9 creature 1 1* 9 creature 1 1* 9 creature
A 1 1* P creature 1 1* P creature
10 .o!! again .o!! again
Die Roll "evel F "evel G "evel E "evel > "evel AH
1 19d9 1* ?
19d9 1* <
19d9 1* L
19d9 1* 9
19d9 1* P
2 ;d9 1* < creatures ;d9 1* L creatures ;d9 1* 9 creature ;d9 1* P
;d9 1* ;
? <d9 1* L creatures <d9 1* 9 creature <d9 1* P creature <d9 1* ;
<d9 1* A
< 2d9 1* 9 creature 2d9 1* P creature 2d9 1* ; creature 2d9 1* A
2d9 1* 10
L 1d9 1* P creature 1d9 1* ; creature 1d9 1* A creature 1d9 1* 10
1d9 1* 11
9 1 1* ; creature 1 1* A creature 1 1* 10 creature 1 1* 11 creature 1 1* 12=
Resource (ables
It was a difficu!t decision whether or not to inc!ude any wi!derness encounter tab!es or terrain(ty#e breakdown of monsters
in this book& because this sort of wor!d(s#ecific detai! can fee! restrictive& es#ecia!!y if it2s inc!uded in the monster2s actua!
descri#tion. However& this sort of tab!e is a!so a very usefu! too! for a!!owing the referee to organize his thoughts around a
!arge number of monsters& and if you2re #!aying a sandbo5" ty#e game where the #!ayers may roam their characters a!!
over the #!ace& random tab!es can be a rea! necessity for hand!ing that sort of thing on a moment2s notice.
The first set of tab!es is one #ossib!e arrangement of monsters by the terrain ty#es in which they might be encountered.
4ach terrain ty#e has a basic tab!e& showing a re!ative!y intuitive set of monsters that might !ive in that c!imate. The second
tab!e& !abe!ed Weirder&" contains the book2s more unusua! monsters& or monsters that cou!d be #!aced into the
terrainEc!imate if they were s!ight!y modified. The weirder" tab!e is a good too! for referees who want to avoid too norma!
a fee! in outdoor adventuring.
The second set of tab!es are random encounter tab!es using ?d9 to determine the nature of the encounter. The random
encounter tab!es do not cover a!! the monsters identified as being found in that terrain ty#e: there is #!enty of sco#e for
referees to design their own tab!es using different monsters.
Here goes.
ANuatic Basic (able
7bo!eth $1* 12%
78ueous 0rb $1* L%
,arracuda $1* 1%
1!iessid $1* 7%
1rabmen $1* ?%
1rocodi!e& /iant $1* 9%
1rocodi!e& 6orma! $1* ?%
Narake! $1* 11%
Ninosaur& 4!asmosaurus $1* 1L%
Nragon Turt!e $1* 1?%
No!#hin $1* 2%
4e!& giant e!ectric $1* <%
4e!& giant moray $1* <%
4!ementa!& Water $1* ;& 12& 19%
/hast $1* L%
/hou! $1* ?%
/iant 1rab $1* ?%
/iant& Storm $1* 19%
/i!!monkey $1* ,%
Hag& Sea $1* L%
Hi##ocam#us $1* <%
*am#rey& giant $1* L%
*eech& giant $1* 2(P%
*izardman $1* 2%
+erman $1* 1%
6aga& water $1* 10%
6i5ie $1* 1%
6ym#h $1* L%
0cto#us& /iant $1* 10%
0ktomon $1* <%
.ay& /iant +anta $1* 10%
.ay& Sting $1* ?%
.eef Wa!ker $1* ;%
.usa!ka $1* ;%
Sahuagin $1* 2%
Sea 1ats $1* L%
Sea Horse $1* ?(<%
Sea *ion $1* ?%
Shark& +edium $1* L(9%
Shark& Sma!! $1* ?(<%
Snake& /iant 7m#hisbaena $1* P%
Snake& /iant 1onstrictor $1* P%
Snake& /iant >i#er $1* 9%
Wha!e& Ii!!er $1* 12%
Wha!e& S#erm $1* ?P%
ANuatic 1eirder 'ubtable
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1ora! 1!am#er $1* ;%
1rabni#ede $1* L%
Nertesha $1* A%
45oske!eton& giant $crab% $1* ;%
/argoy!e& a8uatic $1* 9%
/e!atinous 1ube $1* L%
/o!em& Stone $1* 19%
/rick $1* <%
Hydra $1* P(1L%
*e#hane $1* ;%
+imic $1* ;%
Sea Ser#ent $1* ?0%
Shark& /iant $1* 1?%
Shark& *arge $1* P(;%
Shrangaathi $1* ,%
S8uid& /iant $1* 1<%
Titan $1* 1P(22%
Triton $1* <%
Turt!es& /iant Sea $1* 1L%
Turt!es& /iant Sna##ing $1* ;(10%
Arctic Basic (able
7ir /usts $1* <%
,ear& 3o!ar $1* P%
Nragon& White $1* varies%
4ttin $1* 10%
/iant& -rost $1* 11%
/iant& Storm $1* 19%
Human& ,erserkers $1* 2%
*innorm $1* 10%
*ycanthro#e& Werebear $1* ;%
*yn5& /iant $1* 2%
+ammoth $1* 1?%
0w!& /iant $1* L%
.emorhaz $1* 10(1L%
.hinoceros& Woo!y $1* 10%
Stag& /iant $1* <%
Tiger& Sabre(Tooth $1* ;%
Wo!verines $1* <%
Wo!ves $1* 2%
Feti $1* P%
Arctic 1eirder 'ubtable
7!!i# $1* P%
1entaur $1* L%
1ha!keions $1* L(11%
1!awed -iend $1* ?%
Neasic $1* 10%
Nraug $1* ?%
-o5 monk $1* ?%
/hast $1* L%
/hou! $1* ?%
/!urm $1* <%
/no!! $1* 2%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/o!em& f!esh $1* 12%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Hounds of 1hronos $1* L%
*ycanthro#e& werewease! $1* L%
*ycanthro#e& werewo!f $1* L%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+e!hukiskata $1* <%
+inotaur $1* 9%
0b!ivion Wraith $1* 1<%
0gre $1* <%
0w!bear $1* L%
Si!ent Inight $1* ;%
Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
Tatze!worm $1* ?%
Titan $1* 1P(22%
Toad& /iant Ice $1* 9%
>am#ire $1* 10(12%
Wight $1* L%
Wi!!(o(Wis# $1* 10%
Wo!verines& /iant $1* P%
Wo!ves& Winter $1* 9%
Wo!ves& Worg $1* <%
Wraith $1* 9%
Wyvern $1* 10%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
Zombie& .aven $1* ,%
Desert Basic (able
7ir /usts $1* <%
7ndros#hin5 $1* 1L%
7nt& giant $1* 2& <& ;%
,eet!e& /iant $1* <%
1ame! $1* 2%
1enti#ede Swarm $1* 1%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1rios#hin5 $1* 10%
N'inni $1* A%
Nragonne $1* 10%
4ag!e& giant $1* <%
4freeti $1* 12%
4!ementa!& 7ir $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& -ire $1* A& 1?& 1P%
/hou! $1* ?%
/ob!ins& 0ni(7ka $1* 1%
/orgon $1* 10%
/ravebird $1* ?%
/ynos#hin5 $1* A%
Hieracos#hin5 $1* A%
Human& bandits $1* 1%
Human& #atro! $1* 1%
Igniguana $1* 9%
*amia $1* 12%
*izard& giant $1* ?%
0#hidian $1* L or ?%
Sand Screamer $1* 2%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Snake& 1obra $1* ?%
Snake& /iant 7m#hisbaena $1* P%
Snake& /iant S#itting $1* 9%
Snake& /iant >i#er $1* 9%
Snake& >i#er $1* 2%
S#ider& /iant $1 ft. diameter% $1* ?%
S#ider& /iant $< ft. diameter% $1* L%
Wyvern $1* 10%
Desert 1eirder 'ubtable
7!!i# $1* P%
7zer $1* 2%
,asi!isk& Nesert $1* 9%
,eet!e& giant fire $1* 1%
1arrion -!y $1* P%
1entaur $1* L%
1ha!keions $1* L(11%
45oske!eton $giant ant% $1* 2%
45oske!eton $giant beet!e% $1* L%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
/hast $1* L%
/hou!& 7o(nyobo $b!ue wife% $1* 9%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/o!em& 1!ay $1* 1<%
/o!em& Stone $1* 19%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Hounds of 1hronos $1* L%
Human& berserkers $1* 2%
*eucrota $1* 9%
*izard& !ightning $1* P%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+aun(/e $1* ?%
0b!ivion Wraith $1* 1<%
0mgoth $1* L%
0w!& /iant $1* L%
.agged 1raw $1* ?%
Scor#ion& /iant $1* ;%
S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
Stirges $1* 1%
Sycore5 $1* P%
Tiger& Sabre(Tooth $1* ;%
>am#ire $1* 10(12%
>argoui!!e $1* <%
Was#s& /iant $1* 9%
Wight $1* L%
Faruga $1* ?%
Zetan $1* ?& L%
Zombie& 3yre $1* ?%
Dimensions Basic (able
7ir /usts $1* <%
7rcani5 $1* <& ;& 1<%
7thatch $1* 1L%
7zer $1* 2%
1ha!keions $1* L(11%
1haos Inight $1* 1<%
1himera $1* 11%
1!oud /iant $1* 1?%
Nemon& 7chaierai $1* ;%
Nemon& ,aa!roch $1* 1?%
Nemon& Nretch $1* 9%
Nemon& 4rinyes $1* A%
Nemon& /!abrezu $1* 11%
Nemon& /rim!ek $1* P%
Nemon& Hezrou $1* 11%
Nemon& *emures $1* <%
Nemon& +anes $1* 2%
Nemon& +ari!ith $1* 1?%
Nemon& 6a!feshnee $1* 1?%
Nemon& Suasit $1* P%
Nemon& >rock $1* A%
N'inni $1* A%
4freeti $1* 12%
4!ementa!& 7ir $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& 4arth $1* ;& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& -ire $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& Water $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4therea! Shade $1* 10%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
-rog& giant ki!!er $1* 2%
-rog!um $1* ;%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
/argoy!e $1* 9%
/argoy!e& +aggog $1* P%
/e!atinous 1ube $1* L%
/hast $1* L%
/iant 3hase S#ider $1* 9%
/iant& Storm $1* 19%
/ibbering +outher $1* 9%
/!ass ,utterf!y $1* 7%
/ob!ins& 0ni(7ka $1* 1%
/ob!ins& .edca# $1* 1%
/o!em& 1!ay $1* 1<%
/o!em& Iron $1* 1;%
/rey 0oze $1* L%
/rick $1* <%
He!! Hound $1* L(;%
Hounds of 1hronos $1* L%
Im# $1* 9%
Invisib!e Sta!ker $1* A%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+ind 4ater $1* 12%
+othdog $1* 2%
6ight Hag $1* 11%
6ightmare $1* 10%
0b!ivion Wraith $1* 1<%
Shadow $1* <%
Shadow +astiff $1* L%
Sorcery *eech $1* 1%
Stonef!ower $1* L%
The!idu $1* ;%
>argoui!!e $1* <%
Wight $1* L%
Wraith $1* 9%
Torn $1* ;%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
Zetan $1* L%
Dimensions 1eirder 'ubtable
7m#horons of Fothri $1* <& ;& 1?%
7rtificer of Fothri $1* 1<%
,eet!e& /iant 7rcane $1* P%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1!awed -iend $1* ?%
1ouat! $1* 11%
1rysta! /rowth $1* L%
1rysta!ine $1* L%
-o5 monk $1* ?%
-urious fountain $1* 1;%
/!ittersku!! $1* 1?%
/!urm $1* <%
/ob!ins& ,e!fry $1* ?%
/reat *antern Worm $1* ?0%
/rue $1* 10 or 11%
Hawktoad $1* ?%
Igniguana $1* 9%
*ea#ing +aw $1* 2%
*ich $1* 1L(21%
+arrosian Statue $1* L%
+echanism& /iant .obot $1* 1A%
+e!gara $1* L%
+imic $1* ;%
+othmere $1* 11%
0cu!aktis $1* 10%
0rigami Warrior $1* 2%
.etriever $1* 12%
.othran $1* P%
Sa!amander $1* ;%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Si!ent Inight $1* ;%
Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
Titan $1* 1A(2<%
Tsa!akian $1* P%
>ierd $1* <%
Wandering Ho!e $1* P%
Wi!!(o(Wis# $1* 10%
Dungeon Basic (able
7bo!eth $1* 12%
7ir /usts $1* <%
7!!i# $1* P%
7nimated 0b'ects $1* 1=%
7nt& giant $1* 2& <& ;%
7ranea $1* P%
7thatch $1* 1L%
7zer $1* 2%
,adger& /iant $1* ?%
,asi!isk $1* ;%
,eet!e& /iant $1* <%
,eet!e& /iant 7rcane $1* P%
,eet!e& /iant -ire $1* 1%
,!ack Hunter $1* ?%
,!ack 3udding $1* 11%
,ugbear $1* ?%
1ave 4e! $1* 2%
1enti#ede Swarm $1* 1%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1ha!keions $1* L(11%
1haos Inight $1* 1<%
1himera $1* 11%
1!awed -iend $1* ?%
1!oud /iant $1* 1?%
1ockatrice $1* P%
1rabmen $1* ?%
1rocodi!e& giant $1* 9%
1rocodi!e& norma! $1* ?%
1rumb!er $1* 2%
Narkmant!e $1* 2%
Nemon& Nretch $1* 9%
Nemon& *emures $1* <%
Nemon& +anes $1* 2%
Nemon& +ari!ith $1* 1?%
Nemon& Suasit $1* P%
Nemon& >rock $1* A%
No##e!ganger $1* L%
Nragon& ,!ack $1* varies%
Nragon& ,!ue $1* varies%
Nragon& /reen $1* varies%
Nragon& .ed $1* varies%
Nragon& White $1* varies%
Nrider $1* A%
Nwarf $1* 1%
4freeti $1* 12%
4!ementa!& 7ir $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& 4arth $1* ;& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& -ire $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& Water $1* ;& 12& 19%
4!f $1* 1%
4therea! Shade $1* 10%
4tterca# $1* 9%
4ttin $1* 10%
-ire /iant $1* 12%
-rog& giant $!arge% $1* <%
-rog& giant $medium% $1* 2%
-rog& giant $sma!!% $1*1%
-rog& giant ki!!er $1* 2%
-unga! 1ree#er $1* <%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
-urious fountain $1* 1;%
/argoy!e $1* 9%
/argoy!e& +aggog $1* P%
/e!atinous 1ube $1* L%
/hast $1* L%
/hou! $1* ?%
/hou!& 7o(nyobo $b!ue wife% $1* 9%
/iant 1rab $1* ?%
/iant& Hi!! $1* A%
/iant& Stone $1* 10%
/ibbering +outher $1* 9%
/!ass ,utterf!y $1* 7%
/!ittersku!! $1* 1?%
/no!! $1* 2%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/ob!ins& 0ni(7ka $1* 1%
/ob!ins& 0ni(Iage $1* 2%
/ob!ins& 0ni(Fama $1* 2%
/ob!ins& .edca# $1* 1%
/o!em& 1!ay $1* 1<%
/o!em& -!esh $1* 12%
/o!em& Iron $1* 1;%
/o!em& Stone $1* 19%
/o!em& Wa5 $1* P%
/orgon $1* 10%
/reen S!ime $no 1*%
/rey 0oze $1* L%
/rick $1* <%
/rue $1* 10 or 11%
/um# $1* L%
Hag& 7nnis $1* 10%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Hierog!y#hicroc $1* ;%
Human& bandits $1* 1%
Human& berserkers $1* 2%
Hydra $1* P(1L%
Igniguana $1* 9%
Im# $1* 9%
*eech& giant $1* 2(P%
*ich $1* 1L(21%
*innorm $1* 10%
*ithonnite $1* A%
*izard& giant $1* ?%
*izard& !ightning $1* P%
*izardman $1* 2%
*urker& 1ei!ing $1* 10%
*ycanthro#e& were(rat $1* <%
*ycanthro#e& werewease! $1* L%
*ycanthro#e& werewo!f $1* L%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+a!formian $1* 1%
+anticore $1* ;%
+echanism& ,ronze 1obra $1* ?%
+echanism& Iron 1obra $1* L%
+edusa $1* ;%
+imic $1* ;%
+ind 4ater $1* 12%
+inotaur $1* 9%
+o!d& ,rown $1* <%
+o!d& Fe!!ow $1* ?%
+onstrous +outh $1* ;%
+ummy $1* P%
6aga& /uardian $1* 1?%
6aga& S#irit $1* 1?%
0b!ivion Wraith $1* 1<%
0gre $1* <%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0#hidian $1* L or ?%
0rc $1* 1%
0tyugh $1* ;%
0w!bear $1* L%
3iercer $1* 1(<%
3seudo(dragon $1* L%
3ur#!e Worm $1* 1P%
.at& /iant $1* 7%
.at& /iant Nesongno! $1* 1%
.at& /iant& monstrous!y huge $1* ?%
.at!ing $1* 2%
.o#er $1* 11(1?%
.ot /rub $1* 1%
.ust +onster $1* L%
Shadow $1* <%
Shadow +astiff $1* L%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Shrieker $1* ?%
Si!ent Inight $1* ;%
Sorcery *eech $1* 1%
S#ectre $1* A%
S#ider& /iant& -!agstone $1* 1%
S#iderweed $1* 2%
S#ine .at $1* 7%
Stirges $1* 1%
Stonef!ower $1* L%
Sumatran .at(ghou!s $1* 1%
Thugtoads $1* 2%
Ticks& /iant $1* ?%
Trog!odyte $1* ?%
Tro!! $1* ;%
Tunne! 3rawn $1* 1%
>am#ire $1* 10(12%
>argoui!!e $1* <%
Wa!king S!imes $1* <%
Wease!s& /iant $1* L%
Wight $1* L%
Wraith $1* 9%
Torn $1* ;%
Furm# $1* L%
Zombie $1* 2%
Dungeon 1eirder 'ubtable
7m#horons of Fothri $1* <& ;& 1?%
7ndros#hin5 $1* 1L%
7rcani5 $1* <& ;& 1<%
,ag of Teeth $1* 1%
,eet!e& /iant 7rcane $1* P%
,one +ound $1* 12%
1arrion -!y $1* P%
1rios#hin5 $1* 10%
1rysta! /rowth $1* L%
1rysta!ine $1* L%
Nergenue $1* ?%
Nhezik $1* L%
Nrago!em $1* 11%
45oske!eton $giant ant% $1* 2%
45oske!eton $giant beet!e% $1* L%
45#!oding ,ones $1* ?%
-!ying s8uirre!& carnivorous $1* ,%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
-rog!um $1* ;%
/!urm $1* <%
/ob!ins& ,e!fry $1* ?%
/reat *antern Worm $1* ?0%
/ynos#hin5 $1* A%
Har#y $1* <%
Hawktoad $1* ?%
Head Stea!er $1* ?%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Hieracos#hin5 $1* A%
Hounds of 1hronos $1* L%
Iounifier $1* varies%
*amia $1* 12%
*ea#ing +aw $1* 2%
*izard Samurai $1* ?%
+arrosian Statue $1* L%
+echanism& 1!ockwork 1ava!ier $1* L%
+e!gara $1* L%
+irror -iend $1* 12%
+ushroom(men $1* L&?&1%
0b!ivion Wraith $1* 1<%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0!d 1raw!er $1* ?%
0mgoth $1* L%
0rigami Warrior $1* 2%
.agged 1raw $1* ?%
.anine $1* <%
.at& Wizard2s *ab $1* 2%
.ock Wease!& /iant $1* L%
.othran $1* P%
.ottentai! $1* <%
Sku!!mura! $1* ?%
S!itherat $1* <%
S!ithering Tracker $1* 9%
S!oorg $1* 9%
S!ug& /iant $1* 1?%
Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
S#ectra! Scavenger $1* 11%
S#ider& /iant& Invisib!e $1* ;%
Star(+outhed Worm $1* 12%
The!idu $1* ;%
Tra##er ,east $1* 11(1?%
Treacherous Treasure $1* P%
Tsa!akian $1* P%
>am#ire $1* 10(12%
>ierd $1* <%
Wi!!(o(Wis# $1* 10%
Fienhoo!s $1* 1%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
Zombie& ,rain(4ating $1* L%
Zombie& *e#er $1* ?%
Zombie& 3yre $1* ?%
Forests Basic (able
7nkheg $1* <(A%
7nt& giant $1* 2& <& ;%
7ranea $1* P%
7rcher Tree $1* ;%
7ssassin >ine $1* ;%
,adger& /iant $1* ?%
,ear& 1ave $1* P%
,ear& /rizz!y $1* 9%
,eet!e& /iant $1* <%
,irhaakamen $1* 2%
,oar& Wi!d $1* <%
,ugbear $1* ?%
1atob!e#as $1* ;%
1entaur $1* L%
1enti#ede Swarm $1* 1%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1himera $1* 11%
1!awed -iend $1* ?%
1ockatrice $1* P%
Nraug $1* ?%
Nruid $1* 9& 10& 1<%
Nryad $1* ?%
4!f $1* 1%
4tterca# $1* 9%
4ttin $1* 10%
-erec $1* 9%
-!ying s8uirre!& carnivorous $1* ,%
-o5 monk $1* ?%
-rog& giant $!arge% $1* <%
-rog& giant $medium% $1* 2%
-rog& giant $sma!!% $1*1%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
/no!! $1* 2%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/ob!ins& ,e!fry $1* ?%
/ob!ins& .edca# $1* 1%
/wurrum $1* 10%
Hag& 7nnis $1* 10%
Har#y $1* <%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Human& ,andits $1* 1%
Human& ,erserkers $1* 2%
Human& 3atro! $1* 1%
*amia $1* 12%
*e#rechaun $1* L%
*innorm $1* 10%
*izard& giant $1* ?%
*ycanthro#e& werebear $1* ;%
*ycanthro#e& wereboar $1* 9%
*ycanthro#e& were(rat $1* <%
*ycanthro#e& werewease! $1* L%
*ycanthro#e& werewo!f $1* L%
*yn5& giant $1* 2%
+anticore $1* ;%
+antis& /iant 3raying $1* A%
0gre $1* <%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0w!& /iant $1* L%
0w!bear $1* L%
3i5ie $1* L%
.aven& /iant $1* <%
Skunk& /iant $1* 9%
Snake& 1onstrictor $1* 2%
Snake& Kave!in $1* 2%
Snake& >i#er $1* 2%
S#ider& /iant $1 ft. diameter% $1* ?%
S#ider& /iant $< ft. diameter% $1* L%
S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
S#iderweed $1* 2%
S#ire +onkey $1* 2%
Stag& /iant $1* <%
Stirge $1* 1%
Thy!acine $1* 2%
Ticks& /iant $1* ?%
Tigers& /iant $1* P%
Mnicorn $1* 9%
>argoui!!e $1* <%
Was#s& /iant $1* 9%
Wo!ves $1* 2%
Wo!ves& Worg $1* <%
Forests 1eirder 'ubtable
7!!i# $1* P%
7thatch $1* 1L%
,!ink dog $1* <%
,orsin $1* <%
1arrion -!y $1* P%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1haos Inight $1* 1<%
1or#se Tree $1* P%
1ouat! $1* 11%
Ninosaur& 7nky!osaurus $1* ;%
Ninosaur& ,rontosaurus $1* 2L%
Ninosaur& Stegosaurus $1* 1L%
Ninosaur& Tricerato#s $1* 1L%
Ninosaur& Tyrannosaurus $1* 1A%
45oske!eton $giant ant% $1* 2%
45oske!eton $giant beet!e% $1* L%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
-rog& giant ki!!er $1* 2%
/hou!& 7o(nyobo $b!ue wife% $1* 9%
/iant& Hi!! $1* A%
/ibbering +outher $1* 9%
/!urm $1* <%
/ob!ins& 0ni(7ka $1* 1%
/ravebird $1* ?%
/um# $1* L%
Hawktoad $1* ?%
Head Stea!er $1* ?%
Hydra $1* P(1L%
*eech& giant $1* 2(P%
*eucrota $1* 9%
*izard Samurai $1* ?%
*izardman $1* 2%
+acaw& giant $1* L%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+aun(/e $1* ?%
+edusa $1* ;%
+e!gara $1* L%
+e!hukiskata $1* <%
+othdog $1* 2%
+othmere $1* 11%
+ushroom(men $1* L&?&1%
0mgoth $1* L%
0#hidian $1* L or ?%
.agged 1raw $1* ?%
.azor Wing $1* 2%
Satyr $1* 9%
Shadow $1* <%
Shadow +astiff $1* L%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Snake& /iant 1onstrictor $1* P%
Snake& /iant >i#er $1* 9%
Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
S#ider& /iant& Invisib!e $1* ;%
Tang!e WeedEStrang!e >ine $1* 9%
Tendricu!os $1* A%
Tiger& /iant $1* P%
Tiger& Sabre(Tooth $1* ;%
Treant $1* P(12%
Tree /host $1* 10%
Mrs!umber $1* 9%
>am#ire Trees $1* 9%
Wight $1* L%
Wraith $1* 9%
Fgg $1* 10%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
Furm# $1* L%
2rasslands Basic (able
7ardvark& giant $1* 11%
7ir /usts $1* <%
7nkheg $1* <(A%
7nt& giant $1* 2& <& ;%
,irhaakamen $1* 2%
,!ink dog $1* <%
,oar& wi!d $1* <%
,orsin $1* <%
,u!!ette $1* 11%
1atob!e#as $1* ;%
1att!e $1* ?%
1entaur $1* L%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1ha!keions $1* L(11%
1himera $1* 11%
1ockatrice $1* P%
Nragonne $1* 10%
Nruid $1* 9& 10& 1<%
4ag!e& giant $1* <%
4!e#hant $1* 11%
-o5 monk $1* ?%
-rog& giant $!arge% $1* <%
-rog& giant $medium% $1* 2%
-rog& giant $sma!!% $1*1%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
/no!! $1* 2%
/oat& giant $1* ?%
/orgon $1* 10%
/wurrum $1* 10%
Hi##ogriff $1* <%
Human& bandits $1* 1%
Human& #atro! $1* 1%
Hyena $1* 1%
Hyena& giant $1* L%
*amia $1* 12%
*ion $1* L%
*ycanthro#e& wereboar $1* 9%
*ycanthro#e& were(rat $1* <%
*ycanthro#e& weretiger $1* P%
*ycanthro#e& werewo!f $1* L%
0gre $1* <%
0strich& /iant $1* ?%
3i5ie $1* L%
.agged 1raw $1* ?%
.aven& /iant $1* <%
Skunk& /iant $1* 9%
Snake& >i#er $1* 2%
S#ider& /iant $1 ft. diameter% $1* ?%
Stag& /iant $1* <%
Thugtoads $1* 2%
Tiger& /iant $1* P%
Toads& /iant $1* ?%
Mnicorn $1* 9%
Was#s& /iant $1* 9%
Wo!ves $1* 2%
Wo!ves& Worg $1* <%
2rasslands 1eirder 'ubtable
,aboon $1* 2%
,aboon& /iant $1* <%
1arrion -!y $1* P%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1haos Inight $1* 1<%
1rocodi!e& giant $1* 9%
1rocodi!e& norma! $1* ?%
Ninosaur& 7nky!osaurus $1* ;%
Ninosaur& ,rontosaurus $1* 2L%
Ninosaur& Stegosaurus $1* 1L%
Ninosaur& Tricerato#s $1* 1L%
Ninosaur& Tyrannosaurus $1* 1A%
Nraug $1* ?%
45oske!eton $giant ant% $1* 2%
45oske!eton $giant beet!e% $1* L%
-e!ikaur $1* A%
-erec $1* 9%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
-rog& giant ki!!er $1* 2%
/hou!& 7o(nyobo $b!ue wife% $1* 9%
/!urm $1* <%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
Har#y $1* <%
Head Stea!er $1* ?%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Hierog!y#hicroc $1* ;%
Human& #atro! $1* 1%
Igniguana $1* 9%
*eucrota $1* 9%
*izard Samurai $1* ?%
*izard& giant $1* ?%
*ycanthro#e& werewease! $1* L%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+ammoth $1* 1?%
+aun(/e $1* ?%
+e!gara $1* L%
+othdog $1* 2%
+othmere $1* 11%
+ushroom(men $1* L&?&1%
6ight Hag $1* 11%
6ightmare $1* 10%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0mgoth $1* L%
3egasus $1* <%
.azor Wing $1* 2%
.hinoceros $1* ;%
Snake& /iant S#itting $1* 9%
Snake& /iant >i#er $1* 9%
Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
S#ider& /iant $< ft. diameter% $1* L%
S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
Sycore5 $1* P%
Tang!e WeedEStrang!e >ine $1* 9%
Tendricu!os $1* A%
Tiger& Sabre(Tooth $1* ;%
Toad& /iant 3oisonous $1* <%
Torthri $1* ?%
Tsa!akians $1* P%
Mrs!umber $1* 9%
>am#ire Trees $1* 9%
Wight $1* L%
Faruga $1* ?%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
Furm# $1* L%
Hills Basic (able
7ardvark& giant $1* 11%
7ir /usts $1* <%
7ndros#hin5 $1* 1L%
7nkheg $1* <(A%
7nt& giant $1* 2& <& ;%
7rcher Tree $1* ;%
7ssassin >ine $1* ;%
,adger& /iant $1* ?%
,ear& 1ave $1* P%
,irhaakamen $1* 2%
,!ink dog $1* <%
,ugbear $1* ?%
,u!ette $1* 11%
1entaur $1* L%
1enti#ede Swarm $1* 1%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1ha!keions $1* L(11%
1himera $1* 11%
1!awed -iend $1* ?%
1!oud /iant $1* 1?%
1ockatrice $1* P%
1ouat! $1* 11%
1rios#hin5 $1* 10%
Nragon& ,!ue $1* varies%
Nragonne $1* 10%
Nruid $1* 9& 10& 1<%
Nwarf $1* 1%
4ag!e& giant $1* <%
4!ementa!& 7ir $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& 4arth $1* ;& 1?& 1P%
4!e#hant $1* 11%
4tterca# $1* 9%
4ttin $1* 10%
-!ying s8uirre!& carnivorous $1* ,%
-o5 monk $1* ?%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
/argoy!e $1* 9%
/hou!& 7o(nyobo $b!ue wife% $1* 9%
/iant& Hi!! $1* A%
/iant& Stone $1* 10%
/iant& Storm $1* 19%
/no!! $1* 2%
/oat& giant $1* ?%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/ob!ins& 0ni(7ka $1* 1%
/ob!ins& 0ni(Fama $1* 2%
/ob!ins& .edca# $1* 1%
/orgon $1* 10%
/riffon $1* ;%
/ynos#hin5 $1* A%
Hag& 7nnis $1* 10%
Har#y $1* <%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Hieracos#hin5 $1* A%
Hi##ogriff $1* <%
Human& bandits $1* 1%
Human& ,erserkers $1* 2%
Human& 3atro! $1* 1%
Hydra $1* P(1L%
Hyena $1* 1%
Hyena& /iant $1* L%
Igniguana $1* 9%
*amia $1* 12%
*eucrota $1* 9%
*innorm $1* 10%
*ion $1* L%
*izard& giant $1* ?%
*ycanthro#e& werebear $1* ;%
*ycanthro#e& wereboar $1* 9%
*ycanthro#e& were(rat $1* <%
*ycanthro#e& weretiger $1* P%
*ycanthro#e& werewo!f $1* L%
*yn5& giant $1* 2%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+anticore $1* ;%
+edusa $1* ;%
+inotaur $1* 9%
6aga& /uardian $1* 1?%
6aga& S#irit $1* 1?%
0gre $1* <%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0#hidian $1* L or ?%
0rc $1* 1%
0w!& /iant $1* L%
0w!bear $1* L%
3egasus $1* <%
3eryton $1* 9%
3i5ie $1* L%
3seudo(dragon $1* L%
.agged 1raw $1* ?%
.aven& /iant $1* <%
Shadow $1* <%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Skunk& /iant $1* 9%
Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
S#ider& /iant $1 ft. diameter% $1* ?%
S#ider& /iant $< ft. diameter% $1* L%
S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
Stag& /iant $1* <%
Thy!acine $1* 2%
Mnicorn $1* 9%
Was#s& /iant $1* 9%
Wight $1* L%
Wo!ves $1* 2%
Wo!ves& Worg $1* <%
Wyvern $1* 10%
Hills 1eirder 'ubtable
7thatch $1* 1L%
,anshee $1* 11%
,ehir $1* 1?%
,!ink Nog $1* <%
1arrion -!y $1* P%
1haos Inight $1* 1<%
1or#se Tree $1* P%
Nraug $1* ?%
Nrider $1* A%
4therea! Shade $1* 10%
45oske!eton $giant ant% $1* 2%
45oske!eton $giant beet!e% $1* L%
-e!ikaur $1* A%
-erec $1* 9%
-!ying Ke!!yfish $1* 1A%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
-rog& giant ki!!er $1* 2%
/hast $1* L%
/hou! $1* ?%
/!urm $1* <%
/ob!ins& ,e!fry $1* ?%
/o!em& Iron $1* 1;%
/ravebird $1* ?%
/rey 0oze $1* L%
/wurrum $1* 10%
Hag& +ountain $Fama(Mba% $1* P%
Head!ess Hound $1* P%
Hounds of 1hronos $1* L%
*eo#ard $1* <%
*ich $1* 1L(21%
*izard Samurai $1* ?%
*izard& !ightning $1* P%
*ycanthro#e& werewease! $1* L%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+ammoth $1* 1?%
+aun(/e $1* ?%
+echanism& /iant .obot $1* 1A%
+e!gara $1* L%
+ogura('in $1* 2%
+othdog $1* 2%
+othmere $1* 11%
+ushroom(men $1* L&?&1%
6ight Hag $1* 11%
6ightmare $1* 10%
6ykou! $1* 11%
0mgoth $1* L%
.azor Wing $1* 2%
.ock Wease!& /iant $1* L%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Si!ent Inight $1* ;%
Ske!eta! -ury $1* ?%
Stirges $1* 1%
Sumatran .at(ghou!s $1* 1%
Tiger& /iant $1* P%
Tiger& Sabre(Tooth $1* ;%
Toad. /iant 3oisonous $1* <%
Tro!! $1* ;%
Tsa!akians $1* P%
Mruak $scra# gno!!s% $1* 2%
>am#ire Trees $1* 9%
>a#or 1rane $1* 2&?&9%
>argoui!!e $1* <%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
#ungle Basic (able
7#e& f!ying $1* 9%
7#e& gori!!a $1* <%
7ranea $1* P%
7ssassin >ine $1* ;%
7thatch $1* 1L%
,aboon& /iant $1* <%
,aboon& 6orma! $1* ?%
,at +onster $1* A%
,at& /iant $1* L%
,ear& ,!ack $1* <%
,ear& 1ave $1* P%
,eet!e& /iant $1* <%
,eet!e& /iant -ire $1* 1%
,eet!e& /iant Huhu $1* 2%
,oar& Wi!d $1* <%
,orsin $1* <%
1arrion -!y $1* P%
1atob!e#as $1* ;%
1enti#ede Swarm $1* 1%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1!awed -iend $1* ?%
1ouat! $1* 11%
1rabmen $1* ?%
1rocodi!e& giant $1* 9%
1rocodi!e& norma! $1* ?%
4!e#hant $1* 11%
4tterca# $1* 9%
4ttin $1* 10%
-rog& giant $!arge% $1* <%
-rog& giant $medium% $1* 2%
-rog& giant $sma!!% $1*1%
-rog& giant ki!!er $1* 2%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
/hast $1* L%
/hou! $1* ?%
/reen S!ime $no 1*%
/rey 0oze $1* L%
/rick $1* <%
/um# $1* L%
Har#y $1* <%
Hierog!y#hicroc $1* ;%
Hi##o#otamus $1* P%
Human& ,erserkers $1* 2%
Human& 3atro! $1* 1%
Hydra $1* P(1L%
*eech& giant $1* 2(P%
*eo#ard $1* <%
*izard& giant $1* ?%
*izardman $1* 2%
*ycanthro#e& were(rat $1* <%
*ycanthro#e& weretiger $1* P%
+acaw& giant $1* L%
+antis& /iant 3raying $1* A%
+edusa $1* ;%
6aga& /uardian $1* 1?%
6aga& Hanu( $1* 9%
6aga& S#irit $1* 1?%
0chre Ke!!y $1* 9%
0#hidian $1* L or ?%
Shadow $1* <%
S#ider& /iant $1 ft. diameter% $1* ?%
S#ider& /iant $< ft. diameter% $1* L%
S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
>am#ire Trees $1* 9%
Zombie& ,rain(4ating $1* L%
#ungle 1eirder 'ubtable
,anshee $1* 11%
,ugbear $1* ?%
1!oud /iant $1* 1?%
1rabni#ede $1* L%
Ninosaur& 7nky!osaurus $1* ;%
Ninosaur& ,rontosaurus $1* 2L%
Ninosaur& Stegosaurus $1* 1L%
Ninosaur& Tricerato#s $1* 1L%
Ninosaur& Tyrannosaurus $1* 1A%
45oske!eton $giant ant% $1* 2%
45oske!eton $giant beet!e% $1* L%
-e!ikaur $1* A%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
/iant& Storm $1* 19%
/ibbering +outher $1* 9%
/!urm $1* <%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/ob!ins& ,e!fry $1* ?%
/ob!ins& 0ni(7ka $1* 1%
/ob!ins& 0ni(Iage $1* 2%
/ob!ins& .edca# $1* 1%
/o!em& Stone $1* 19%
/ravebird $1* ?%
Hag& 7nnis $1* 10%
Hawktoad $1* ?%
*e#hane $1* ;%
*ich $1* 1L(21%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+anticore $1* ;%
+ushroom(men $1* L&?&1%
0gre $1* <%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0mgoth $1* L%
Shadow +astiff $1* L%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Sycore5 $1* P%
Torthri $1* ?%
>argoui!!e $1* <%
Wight $1* L%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
Furm# $1* L%
Mountains Basic (able
7ir /usts $1* <%
7ndros#hin5 $1* 1L%
7nt& /iant $1* 2& <& ;%
7thatch $1* 1L%
,ear& /rizz!y $1* 9%
,ugbear $1* ?%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1himera $1* 11%
1!oud /iant $1* 1?%
1rios#hin5 $1* 10%
Nragon& b!ue
Nragon& red
Nragonne $1* 10%
Nruid $1* 9& 10& 1<%
Nwarf $1* 1%
4ag!e& giant $1* <%
4!ementa!& 7ir $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& 4arth $1* ;& 1?& 1P%
4!ementa!& -ire $1* A& 1?& 1P%
4ttin $1* 10%
-ire /iant $1* 12%
/argoy!e $1* 9%
/iant& Stone $1* 10%
/iant& Storm $1* 19%
/oat& giant $1* ?%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/ob!ins& 0ni(7ka $1* 1%
/ob!ins& 0ni(Fama $1* 2%
/ob!ins& .edca# $1* 1%
/o!em& Iron $1* 1;%
/orgon $1* 10%
/riffon $1* ;%
/ynos#hin5 $1* A%
Hag& 7nnis $1* 10%
Har#y $1* <%
Hieracos#hin5 $1* A%
Hi##ogriff $1* <%
Igniguana $1* 9%
*eucrota $1* 9%
*innorm $1* 10%
*ycanthro#e& werewo!f $1* L%
*yn5& giant $1* 2%
+anticore $1* ;%
+edusa $1* ;%
+inotaur $1* 9%
0gre $1* <%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0rc $1* 1%
0w!& /iant $1* L%
0w!bear $1* L%
3egasus $1* <%
3eryton $1* 9%
.oc $1* 12%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
Skyworms $1* <%
Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
S#ider& /iant $1 ft. diameter% $1* ?%
S#ider& /iant $< ft. diameter% $1* L%
S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
Tatze!worm $1* ?%
Tiger& Sabre(Tooth $1* ;%
>a#or 1rane $1* 2&?&9%
Wease!s& /iant $1* L%
Wi!!(o(Wis# $1* 10%
Wo!ves $1* 2%
Wo!ves& Winter $1* 9%
Wo!ves& Worg $1* <%
Wraith $1* 9%
Wyvern $1* 10%
Feti $1* P%
Mountains 1eirder 'ubtable
7m#horons of Fothri $1* <& ;& 1?%
7zer $1* 2%
,ehir $1* 1?%
1rumb!er $1* 2%
Narkmant!e $1* 2%
Nrider $1* A%
45oske!eton $giant ant% $1* 2%
-e!ikaur $1* A%
-!ying Ke!!yfish $1* 1A%
-ormian ma!e $1* A%
-ormian taskmaster $1* ;%
-ormian warrior $1* L%
-ormian worker $1* 1%
/!urm $1* <%
Hag& +ountain $Fama(Mba% $1* P%
*ightning !am#rey $1* 1%
*izard& !ightning $1* P%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+aun(/e $1* ?%
+othmere $1* 11%
6ight Hag $1* 11%
6ightmare $1* 10%
0b!ivion Wraith $1* 1<%
.ock Wease!& /iant $1* L%
.othran $1* P%
Shadow $1* <%
Shocker *izard $1* 2%
S!itherat $1* <%
S8uid& /iant 7eria! $1* 1<%
Stonef!ower $1* L%
Sycore5 $1* P%
Titan $1* 1P(22%
Tro!! $1* ;%
Mruak $scra# gno!!s% $1* 2%
Torn $1* ;%
Fith& hounds of $1* P%
'+amp Basic (able
7!!i# $1* P%
78ueous 0rb $1* L%
7ssassin >ine $1* ;%
7thatch $1* 1L%
,anshee $1* 11%
,asi!isk $1* ;%
,at& /iant $1* L%
,ear& ,!ack $1* <%
,oar& Wi!d $1* <%
1atob!e#as $1* ;%
1enti#ede Swarm $1* 1%
1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& 6on!etha!% $1* 1%
1rabmen $1* ?%
1rocodi!e& giant $1* 9%
1rocodi!e& norma! $1* ?%
Nragon Turt!e $1* 1?%
Nragon& ,!ack $1* varies%
Nragon& /reen $1* varies%
4!ementa!& Water $1* ;& 12& 19%
4tterca# $1* 9%
4ttin $1* 10%
-rog& giant $!arge% $1* <%
-rog& giant $medium% $1* 2%
-rog& giant $sma!!% $1*1%
-rog& giant ki!!er $1* 2%
-ungi& vio!et $1* <%
/hast $1* L%
/hou! $1* ?%
/hou!& 7o(nyobo $b!ue wife% $1* 9%
/i!!monkey $1* ,%
/!urm $1* <%
/ob!ins& 0ni(Iage $1* 2%
/ravebird $1* ?%
/reen S!ime $no 1*%
/rey 0oze $1* L%
/rick $1* <%
/um# $1* L%
Hag& 7nnis $1* 10%
Har#y $1* <%
Hawktoad $1* ?%
Hi##o#otamus $1* P%
Human& 3atro! $1* 1%
Hydra $1* P(1L%
*eech& giant $1* 2(P%
*e#hane $1* ;%
*izard& giant $1* ?%
*izardman $1* 2%
*ycanthro#e& were(rat $1* <%
+acaw& giant $1* L%
+edusa $1* ;%
0gre $1* <%
.aven& /iant $1* <%
Snake& 1onstrictor $1* 2%
Snake& >i#er $1* 2%
S#ider& /iant $1 ft. diameter% $1* ?%
S#ider& /iant $< ft. diameter% $1* L%
S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
S#iderweed $1* 2%
S#ine .at $1* 7%
Stirges $1* 1%
Thugtoads $1* 2%
Toad. /iant 3oisonous $1* <%
Toad& /iant $1* ?%
Wi!!(o(Wis# $1* 10%
Zombie $1* 2%
Zombie& ,rain(4ating $1* L%
'+amp 1eirder 'ubtable
7#e& f!ying $1* 9%
,at +onster $1* A%
,at& giant $1* L%
,ehir $1* 1?%
1arrion -!y $1* P%
1ouat! $1* 11%
1rabni#ede $1* L%
Nragon Turt!e $1* 1?%
45oske!eton $giant beet!e% $1* L%
/iant 1rab $1* ?%
/ibbering +outher $1* 9%
/ob!ins $1* ,%
/ob!ins& ,e!fry $1* ?%
/ob!ins& .edca# $1* 1%
Head Stea!er $1* ?%
Hierog!y#hicroc $1* ;%
+a!carna $1* ;%
+a!formians $1* 1%
+aun(/e $1* ?%
+ushroom(men $1* L&?&1%
6aga& /uardian $1* 1?%
6aga& Hanu( $1* 9%
6aga& S#irit $1* 1?%
6aga& Water $1* 10%
0chre Ke!!y $1* 9%
0gre +age $1* P%
0gre& Tusken $1* L%
0ktomon $1* <%
0mgoth $1* L%
0#hidian $1* L or ?%
Shadow $1* <%
Shadow +astiff $1* L%
Shamb!ing +ound $1* 10(1L%
S!ug& /iant $1* 1?%
Sorcery *eech $1* 1%
Tang!e WeedEStrang!e >ine $1* 9%
Tendricu!os $1* A%
Todawan +aster $1* 11%
Torthri $1* ?%
Mrs!umber $1* 9%
>argoui!!e $1* <%
Wight $1* L%
Fgg $1* 10%
Furm# $1* L%
Encounter (ables
ANuatic River
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Nragon Turt!e $1* 1?%
B Furm# $1* L%
? 78ueous 0rb $1* L%
F 6aga& Water $1* 10%
G 1rabmen $1* ?%
E Thugtoads $1* 2%
> 1rocodi!e& 6orma! $1* ?%
AH *izardman $1* 2%
AA -rog& giant $!arge% $1* <%
AD Toad& /iant $1* ?%
AI ,arracuda $1* 1%
AB 6ym#h $1* L%
A? 1rocodi!e& /iant $1* 9%
AF 6i5ie $1* 1%
AG 1!iessid $1* 7%
AE Hag& Sea $1* L%
ANuatic "a!e or 'ea
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Nragon Turt!e $1* 1?%
B 6i5ie $1* 1%
? .ay& /iant +anta $1* 10%
F Sahuagin $1* 2%
G Wha!e& Ii!!er $1* 12%
E .ay& Sting $1* ?%
> ,arracuda $1* 1%
AH Sea Horse $1* ?(<%
AA No!#hin $1* 2%
AD Shark& +edium $1* L(9%
AI Shark& Sma!! $1* ?(<%
AB Sea *ion $1* ?%
A? Triton $1* <%
AF Hag& Sea $1* L%
AG Ninosaur& 4!asmosaurus $1* 1L%
AE Sea Ser#ent $1* ?0%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Wight $1* L%
B +ammoth $1* 1?%
? .hinoceros& Woo!y $1* 10%
F Toad& /iant Ice $1* 9%
G Wo!verine $1* <%
E Feti $1* P%
> ,ear& 3o!ar $1* P%
AH Wo!f $1* 2%
AA *yn5& /iant $1* 2%
AD Human& ,erserkers $1* 2%
AI /iant& -rost $1* 11%
AB Nragon& White $1* varies%
A? Wo!f& Winter $1* 9%
AF Neasic $1* 10%
AG 4ttin $1* 10%
AE .emorhaz $1* 10(1L%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Nragonne $1* 10%
B 4!ementa!& 7ir $1* A& 1?& 1P% or N'inni $1* A%
? 1enti#ede& giant $+an(sized% $1* <%
F 1ame!& wi!d $1* 2%
G S#hin5 $any ty#e%
E 1enti#ede& giant $Sma!!& *etha!% $1* 2%
> Human& bandits or tribesmen $1* 1%
AH *izard& giant $1* ?%
AA 7nt& giant $1* 2& <& ;%
AD Snake& /iant S#itting $1* 9%
AI Snake& /iant >i#er $1* 9%
AB Snake& >i#er $1* 2%
A? Sand Screamer $1* 2%
AF Scor#ion& /iant $1* ;%
AG +a!formians $1* 1%
AE 4freeti $1* 12%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I *yn5& giant $1* 2%
B *ycanthro#e& wereboar $1* 9%
? Wo!ves $1* 2%
F 0gre $1* <%
G 7nt& giant $1* 2& <& ;%
E Human& ,andits $1* 1%
> /iant S#ider $1* ?(L%
AH ,oar& Wi!d $1* <%
AA 4!f $1* 1%
AD ,ear& /rizz!y $1* 9%
AI ,ugbear $1* ?%
AB Stag& /iant $1* <%
A? 0w!& /iant $1* L%
AF 7rcher Tree $1* ;%
AG 7ssassin >ine $1* ;%
AE Nruid $1* 9& 10& 1<%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Sorcerer 05 $1* P%
B Snake& >i#er $1* 2%
? ,oar& wi!d $1* <%
F 1att!e $1* ?%
G *ycanthro#e& weretiger $1* P%
E 1entaur $1* L%
> Human& bandits $1* 1%
AH Human& #atro! $1* 1%
AA 7nkheg $1* <(A%
AD /no!! $1* 2%
AI *ion $1* L%
AB Hyena $1* 1% or Hyena& giant $1* L%
A? Wo!ves $1* 2%
AF 0strich& /iant $1* ?%
AG Tiger& Sabre(Tooth $1* ;%
AE ,u!!ette $1* 11%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Wyvern $1* 10%
B Hi##ogriff $1* <% or +anticore $1* ;%
? Tro!! $1* ;%
F Human& bandits $1* 1%
G Har#y $1* <%
E /iant& Hi!! $1* A%
> ,ugbear $1* ?%
AH /oat& giant $1* ?%
AA 0rc $1* 1%
AD /ob!ins $1* ,%
AI 0gre $1* <%
AB Stirges $1* 1%
A? /no!! $1* 2%
AF Nwarf $1* 1%
AG Nragon $red& b!ue& or green%
AE 1himera $1* 11%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Hydra $1* P(1L%
B Zombie& ,rain(4ating $1* L%
? 7#e& f!ying $1* 9%
F *eech& giant $1* 2(P%
G 1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
E *eo#ard $1* <%
> 7#e& gori!!a $1* <%
AH ,aboon& /iant $1* <% or ,aboon& 6orma! $1* ?%
AA ,eet!e& /iant $1* <%
AD *izardman $1* 2%
AI 1rocodi!e& giant $1* 9%
AB /iant S#ider $1* ?& L& or P%
A? Human& tribesmen $1* 1%
AF 0#hidian $1* L or ?%
AG 6aga& Hanu( $1* 9%
AE 1ouat! $1* 11%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I 1himera $1* 11%
B /iant& Storm $1* 19%
? Hag& 7nnis $1* 10%
F 4ag!e& giant $1* <%
G Tro!! $1* ;%
E Nragon $red or b!ue%
> ,ear& /rizz!y $1* 9%
AH 0gre $1* <% or 4ttin $1* 10%
AA 1enti#ede& giant $*arge% $1* 9%
AD /ob!ins $1* ,% or 0rc $1* 1%
AI /riffon $1* ;%
AB /iant& Stone $1* 10%
A? Nwarf $1* 1%
AF Hag& +ountain $Fama(Mba% $1* P%
AG +inotaur $1* 9%
AE .oc $1* 12%
Die Roll ,IdF0 Monster
I Nragon& ,!ack $1* varies% or Nragon Turt!e $1* 1?%
B Wi!!(o(Wis# $1* 10%
? Thugtoads $1* 2%
F Toad. /iant 3oisonous $1* <%
G Hi##o#otamus $1* P%
E 1rocodi!e& giant $1* 9%
> 1rocodi!e& norma! $1* ?%
AH *eech& giant $1* 2(P%
AA *izardman $1* 2%
AD -rog& giant $any ty#e%
AI S#ider& /iant $9 ft. diameter% $1* P%
AB Snake& 1onstrictor $1* 2%
A? Hydra $1* P(1L%
AF +edusa $1* ;%
AG Shamb!ing +ound $1* 10(1L%
AE ,anshee $1* 11%
0346 /7+4 106T46T)
0#en /ame 1ontent may on!y be Msed under and in terms of the 0#en /ame *icense >ersion 1.0a $0/*%.
This entire work is designated as 0#en /ame 1ontent under the 0/*& with the e5ce#tion of the trademarks Swords &
Wizardry&" S&W&" and +ythmere /ames&" and with the e5ce#tion of a!! artwork. These trademarks& and the Trade Nress
of this work $font& !ayout& sty!e of artwork& etc.% are reserved as 3roduct Identity.
0346 /7+4 *I146S4 >ersion 1.0a
The fo!!owing te5t is the #ro#erty of Wizards of the 1oast& Inc. and is 1o#yright 2000 Wizards of the 1oast& Inc $QWizardsQ%. 7!! .ights .eserved.
1. Nefinitions) $a%Q1ontributorsQ means the co#yright andEor trademark owners who have contributed 0#en /ame 1ontent: $b%QNerivative +ateria!Q
means co#yrighted materia! inc!uding derivative works and trans!ations $inc!uding into other com#uter !anguages%& #otation& modification& correction&
addition& e5tension& u#grade& im#rovement& com#i!ation& abridgment or other form in which an e5isting work may be recast& transformed or ada#ted: $c%
QNistributeQ means to re#roduce& !icense& rent& !ease& se!!& broadcast& #ub!ic!y dis#!ay& transmit or otherwise distribute: $d%Q0#en /ame 1ontentQ means the
game mechanic and inc!udes the methods& #rocedures& #rocesses and routines to the e5tent such content does not embody the 3roduct Identity and is an
enhancement over the #rior art and any additiona! content c!ear!y identified as 0#en /ame 1ontent by the 1ontributor& and means any work covered by
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#roduct and #roduct !ine names& !ogos and identifying marks inc!uding trade dress: artifacts: creatures characters: stories& story!ines& #!ots& thematic
e!ements& dia!ogue& incidents& !anguage& artwork& symbo!s& designs& de#ictions& !ikenesses& formats& #oses& conce#ts& themes and gra#hic& #hotogra#hic and
other visua! or audio re#resentations: names and descri#tions of characters& s#e!!s& enchantments& #ersona!ities& teams& #ersonas& !ikenesses and s#ecia!
abi!ities: #!aces& !ocations& environments& creatures& e8ui#ment& magica! or su#ernatura! abi!ities or effects& !ogos& symbo!s& or gra#hic designs: and any
other trademark or registered trademark c!ear!y identified as 3roduct identity by the owner of the 3roduct Identity& and which s#ecifica!!y e5c!udes the
0#en /ame 1ontent: $f% QTrademarkQ means the !ogos& names& mark& sign& motto& designs that are used by a 1ontributor to identify itse!f or its #roducts or
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60TI14 of any 0#en /ame 1ontent Fou are co#ying& modifying or distributing& and Fou must add the tit!e& the co#yright date& and the co#yright ho!derDs
name to the 103F.I/HT 60TI14 of any origina! 0#en /ame 1ontent you Nistribute.
P. Mse of 3roduct Identity) Fou agree not to Mse any 3roduct Identity& inc!uding as an indication as to com#atibi!ity& e5ce#t as e5#ress!y !icensed in
another& inde#endent 7greement with the owner of each e!ement of that 3roduct Identity. Fou agree not to indicate com#atibi!ity or co(ada#tabi!ity with
any Trademark or .egistered Trademark in con'unction with a work containing 0#en /ame 1ontent e5ce#t as e5#ress!y !icensed in another& inde#endent
7greement with the owner of such Trademark or .egistered Trademark. The use of any 3roduct Identity in 0#en /ame 1ontent does not constitute a
cha!!enge to the ownershi# of that 3roduct Identity. The owner of any 3roduct Identity used in 0#en /ame 1ontent sha!! retain a!! rights& tit!e and interest
in and to that 3roduct Identity.
;. Identification) If you distribute 0#en /ame 1ontent Fou must c!ear!y indicate which #ortions of the work that you are distributing are 0#en /ame
A. M#dating the *icense) Wizards or its designated 7gents may #ub!ish u#dated versions of this *icense. Fou may use any authorized version of this
*icense to co#y& modify and distribute any 0#en /ame 1ontent origina!!y distributed under any version of this *icense.
10. 1o#y of this *icense) Fou +MST inc!ude a co#y of this *icense with every co#y of the 0#en /ame 1ontent Fou Nistribute.
11. Mse of 1ontributor 1redits) Fou may not market or advertise the 0#en /ame 1ontent using the name of any 1ontributor un!ess Fou have written
#ermission from the 1ontributor to do so.
12. Inabi!ity to 1om#!y) If it is im#ossib!e for Fou to com#!y with any of the terms of this *icense with res#ect to some or a!! of the 0#en /ame 1ontent
due to statute& 'udicia! order& or governmenta! regu!ation then Fou may not Mse any 0#en /ame +ateria! so affected.
1?. Termination) This *icense wi!! terminate automatica!!y if Fou fai! to com#!y with a!! terms herein and fai! to cure such breach within ?0 days of
becoming aware of the breach. 7!! sub!icenses sha!! survive the termination of this *icense.
1<. .eformation) If any #rovision of this *icense is he!d to be unenforceab!e& such #rovision sha!! be reformed on!y to the e5tent necessary to make it
1L. 103F.I/HT 60TI14
0#en /ame *icense v 1.0a 1o#yright 2000& Wizards of the 1oast& Inc.
System .eference Nocument 1o#yright 2000(200?& Wizards of the 1oast& Inc.: 7uthors Konathan Tweet& +onte 1ook& Ski# Wi!!iams& .ich ,aker& 7ndy
1o!!ins& Navid 6oonan& .ich .edman& ,ruce .. 1orde!!& Kohn N. .ate!iff& Thomas .eid& Kames Wyatt& based on origina! materia! by 4. /ary /yga5 and
Nave 7rneson.
Swords & Wizardry 1ore .u!es& 1o#yright 200;& +atthew K. -inch
+onster 1om#endium) 0e& 1o#yright 200;& +atthew K. -inch
46N 0- *I146S4

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