SKIRMISH!, Rules For Large Skirmishes
SKIRMISH!, Rules For Large Skirmishes
SKIRMISH!, Rules For Large Skirmishes
A) Inrtoduction.
B) The basic rules for infantry combat.
C) Rules for horses.
D) Characters for fantasy sirmishes.
E) !Close the "ates#$% a scenario for S&IR'IS(#.
These are rules for lar"e sirmishes *+ith ,- or .- mm fi"ures) in the /re0"un/o+der era. They can be used for
historical and fantasy simishes alie. The ideal number of fi"ures to use is 10.- a side. 2e /layed se3eral
sirmishes +ith near to 45 fi"ures on the table but these too . e3enin"s to finish. E3en +ith less fi"ures you
+ill notice that the "ame does not really /lay fast. It is /ossible to /lay +ith only ,5 to .5 fi"ures a side but then
you must ommit the command rules% e3ery character +ill be a "rou/.
The best as/ects of this system are that6
there are commandrules but they are 3ery sim/le and there is no need for a um/ire%
the "ame se7uence and mo3ement are random and fun%
the rules are sim/le but not sim/listic%
you can determine for each fi"ure ho+ they fi"ht *you dont 8ust roll a dice in close combat% characters ha3e
a number of combat/oits +hich you must di3ide in secret o3er 9 rounds of combat +ich "i3es a lot of
/ossible strate"ies).
Ran"es are in inches.
Each fi"ure is a character +ich are either a follo+er% an indi3idual or a leader. They all ha3e a number of
combat/oints *normally 10 4)% +ounds *normally 9)% +ea/ons and armour. Some characters ha3e e:tra traits such
as6 slo+% "ood shooter% stron"% ;
The "ame is di3ided in turns. At the start of each turn the characters are "rou/ed *follo+er characters +ill al+ays
try to buch u/ +ith a leader% indi3udals are more free). One actioncard is assi"ned to each "rou/. Those cards
form the actiondec.
Then one card is randomly dra+n from this dec and the "rou/ it re/resents may /erform actions. The number af
actions of the characters in a "rou/ de/ens on the 7uality of their leader and a dieroll. Each action allo+es the
character to mo3e *,d< inch)% shoot% reload% 8um/% etc. Once all the characters in the "rou/ e:/ended their
actions a ne+ card is dra+n and a ne+ "rou/ is acti3ated.
2hen all cards are dra+n close combat is resol3ed. This is done by di3idin" the modified combat/oints o3er
three rounds *assault% close and "ra//le) by /uttin" *in secret from your o//onent) , die for each round. Then the
results are further modified *de/endin" on +ea/ons) and com/ared /er round. If your result is hi"her then that of
your o//onent you hit him and roll on the hit table *a"ain modified for the ind of +ea/on% ;). 2ounds are
a//lyed and moralechecs made.
The rules for horses are a made so they "i3e horsemen an ad3anta"e in battle but lots of /roblems to maneu3er
*es/ecially at hi"h s/eeds).
The fantasy /art is under construction. 2e ha3e no "ood system for ma"ic yet. =antasy characters are
re/resented by alterin" stats of humans and s/ecial traits *Rat0>eo/le are fast% D+arfs slo+ and stron"% Trolls are
stu/id% ;.).
So% I ho/e you ha3e fun +ith these rules# Remember tou"h that sirmishers are only fun if they ha3e a "ood
scenario. ?ust /uttin" @5 fi"ures on the table and hain" a+ay +il be boorin" 3ery soon I ha3e included t+o
ideas for scenarios. They use the same forces and can be /layed as a mini0cam/ai"n.
I you ha3e any remars or ideas% let us no+.