M.tech Advanced Digital Signal Processing
M.tech Advanced Digital Signal Processing
M.tech Advanced Digital Signal Processing
1.a) Define the DFT and prove the circular symmetry of it.
b) Determine the following sequence using the DFT and IDFT
x3 (n) = x1 (n) ⊗ x2 (n)
x1 (n) = [1, 2, 3, 1]
x2 (n) = [ 4, 3, 2, 2]
c) What is the difference between overlap-save method and overlap-
add method of linear FIR filtering?
-2- Code No: 54118/MT
6.a) Derive the mean and variance of the power spectral estimate of the
Blackman and Tukey method.
b) The discrete time sequence is given by
x(n) = sin 2π (0.12)n + cos 2π (0.122)n where n = 0,1,….15
Evaluate the power spectrum at frequencies f k = and k = 0,1.....15
7.a) Give the relationship between input and output power spectral
density of a linear system.
b) For the AR process of order two
x(n) = a1 x(n − 1) + a2 x (n − 2) + w(n)
where a1 and a2 are constants and {w(n)} is a white noise process of
zero mean and varice σ 2 . Calculate the mean and auto correlation
of { x(n)} .
8.a) What are the effects of finite word length in digital filters?
b) Explain the effects of Quantisation in Analog-to-Digital conversion
of signals?