America's Power
America's Power
America's Power
Alabama U.S.
In Alabama: Coal Production (Million Short Tons) 20.6 1,171.8
Estimated Recoverable Coal Reserves (Billion
2.73 261.57
Short Tons)
Coal provided 52.3 percent of Alabama’s Total Coal Consumption for Power
35.8 1,043.6
electric power generation in 2008. Alabama Generation (Million Short Tons)
Total Net Electricity from Coal (Billion kWh) 74.69 1,994.4
used 35.8 million short tons of coal to
Direct Coal Mining Employment 5,820 133,799
generate 74.69 billion kilowatt hours of Electricity Cost per kWh 8.61¢ 9.91¢
electricity. 2008 EIA production and electricity data. 2008 Mine Safety and Health Administration
employment data.
Source: EIA 4.6%