Cars Childhood Autism Rating Scale
Cars Childhood Autism Rating Scale
Cars Childhood Autism Rating Scale
The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) is a 15 item behavioral rating scale developed to identify
children with autism and to categorie these behaviors from mild to moderate to severe! The total CARS
score may range from a low of 15 (obtained when the child"s behavior is rated as falling within normal
limits on all 15 scales) to a high of #$ (obtained when the child"s behavior is rated as severely abnormal on
all 15 scales)! The score represents placement on a continuum% the lower the score& the fewer autistic
behaviors the child e'hibits( the higher the score& the more autistic behaviors the child e'hibits!
School Rating Completed by ))))! The scores were as follows%
Relating to *eople ))
+motional Response ))
,mitation ))
-ody .se ))
/b0ect .se ))
Adaptation to Change ))
1istening Response ))
Taste& Smell& Touch ))
2isual Response ))
3ear or 4ervous ))
2erbal Communication ))
Activity 1evel ))
4onverbal Communication ))
1evel 5 Consistency of ,ntellectual Response ))
6eneral ,mpression ))
Total Score XX
The Childhood Autism Rating Scale was completed utiliing information provided by )))))! -ased on
his7her observations and evaluation& ))))) received an overall rating score of ))& placing him within
the )))) autistic range!
)))) displays a mar8ed difference in his7her social s8ills (including)& his7her communication s8ills
(including) and his7her repertoire of interests and activities (including) as well as his7her sensory responses