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QL Prog - Manual

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Microchip MCU Programmer

Users Manual

Qianlongsheng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Introduction....................................................................................................... - 1 -
Features.............................................................................................................. - 1 -
Operation Instruction ....................................................................................... - 3 -
I. Hardware Installation .......................................................................... - 3 -
II. Software Installation............................................................................ - 4 -
1. Installation of Programming Software ........................................ - 4 -
2. Installation of USB Driver........................................................... - 4 -
III. Running of Software ....................................................................... - 5 -
IV. Use of Software............................................................................... - 6 -
1. Select Communication Port/Select Programmer Hardware ........ - 6 -
2. Select Chip Type and Chip.......................................................... - 7 -
3. Load File to Program................................................................... - 8 -
4. Edit Buffer................................................................................... - 9 -
5. Set Configuration Bit................................................................. - 10 -
6. Setup and Protect of Parameter Calibration of Internal Clock .. - 12 -
7. Save File.................................................................................... - 13 -
8. Preset Programming Quantity ................................................... - 14 -
9. Installation Position of Chip...................................................... - 14 -
10. Fully Automatic Production Programming............................ - 15 -
11. About Checksum................................................................... - 16 -
12. About Serial Number Auto-increment Programming............ - 16 -
13. About ICSP Programming..................................................... - 18 -
14. Entire Process of Chip Programming .................................... - 20 -
15. Hardware Online Upgrade..................................................... - 21 -
Technical Support............................................................................................ - 21 -


QL-2006/QL-PIC280 programmer is the high-speed
programmer designed specially for development and
production programming of PIC single chip microcomputer
(SCM) by Shenzhen Qianlongsheng Electronic Technology Co.,
Ltd. The product is featured with small volume, low power
consumption, high reliability as well as easy and convenient

QL-2006 is applicable for almost all PIC10/12/16/18 series
SCMs except 16C5X. It also supports memories in 24XX
series and 93XX series.

QL-PIC280 fully supports entire PIC series of more than one
hundred types including 10/12/16/18. It also supports serial
EEPROMs including 24/93 series from 1K to 512K-bit. With
fully-open design of electronic switch using high-current field
effect transistor (FET) and collocation of all chips aligned to
the top, this programmer has more stable programming
performance, more prompt application and more convenient


Features of QL-2006/QL-PIC280 Programmer:

l High performance-price ratio, designed with the updated
PIC programming algorithm, higher speed than other
- 2 -
similar products, stable performance, support more
l Support online upgrade of programmer hardware, easy and
convenient upgrade.
l Two communication modes of USB and serial port,
convenient for application on lap-top computer which
doesnt have serial port (convenient connection of one
USB cable with computer).
l Automatic programming function and automatic
programming process enable mass production for
customers great convenience (programming available on
chip installation without pressing any other key).
l Overall message indication, audio plus word will enable
customer well informed about operating status.
l All operator interfaces of software in Chinese make
application more accessible (setup of configuration bits
also in Chinese for beginners convenience).
l Through built-in ICSP interface (completely compatible
with ICD interface of MICROCHIP), support ICSP
(in-circuit serial programming) directly without any
additional device. User may program after circuit board is
welded. For FLASH SCM, online upgrade is available.
l Equipped with 40pin DIP socket, available for direct
programming of 8pin-40pin DIP chip. Programming of
other surface mount device (SMD) is available based on
universal adaptor.
l Compatible with operating systems (OS) including
Windows98, Windows2000/NT and Windows XP.
- 3 -
l Function of programming counting, can preset and count
the programming number.
l Function of serial number auto-increment, available to set
auto-increment area as program area or EEPROM data
area, set auto-increment system, set auto-increment start
address/end address and auto-increment step, set to ignore
high byte in auto-increment to avoid effect to RETLW
instruction in auto-increment part of program
l Program supports load of *.HEX or *.BIN files, available
to converse *.BIN files to *.HEX format.
l With programming data monitoring. Through check
summing, available to find immediately if programming
data is changed or not. Verification and formula are subject
to definition of Microchip.
l Programmer hardware auto-search when start of software,
no need for software setup before use, easier and more
convenient operation.
l High programming success rate, enough programming
depth. Programmable voltage, electrical parameter of
programming and programming algorithm satisfy the
technical specifications of manufacturers.

Operation Instruction

I. Hardware Installation

There is no special requirement for installation of this
programmer. Connect programmer to PC through serial port
cable or USB cable and power up, then the programmer works.
- 4 -
(This programmer supports direct USB power supply. If USB
cable is connected, you may not connect external power.
However, if current through USB interface is very low ! less
than 200MA and insufficient to drive programmer, connection
to external power is required to enable the programmer to work

II. Software Installation

1. Installation of Programming Software

Find file QL-PROGvXXen.EXE under root directory of CD,
double click this file to access installation interface of
application software, and operate according to prompts to
finish the installation.

Its shortcut will appear on desktop automatically after

2. Installation of USB Driver

When you first use the USB of this programmer for
communication, please connect PC and programmer hardware
through USB cable. Then, PC system will indicate to find new
hardware and request installation of driver for this hardware.

You can operate in regular way and designate path to install
driver, which is under directory "usbdriver# of attached CD.

- 5 -
After installation, a serial port will be added to your
computer. Now the programmer is connected to the serial port
converted from USB.

When there is no system message to find new hardware after
programmer hardware is connected, please check:

l Any bad or broken connection for USB cable?
l Does USB of computer works smoothly?
l Maybe there is similar USB driver already installed in your
computer. You may connect programmer hardware, right
click "My Computer#, select "Property# in pop-up list,
switch to "Hardware# from "System Property# window,
and then click "Device Manager# to check "Port (COM and
LPT)#. If you can find "USB Serial Port (COMX)#, the
driver of this programmer has been installed in your
computer (this operation requests proper connection of
hardware and PC).

III. Running of Software

After proper installation, shortcut of this software will
appear on desktop. We can double click it to run the software.
(Note: Run the software after proper connection of hardware so
as to identify the hardware easily.)

Interface after start of software is shown below:

- 6 -

IV. Use of Software

1. Select Communication Port/Select Programmer

Connect hardware and power up, run the software which will
automatically search programmer hardware. If search fails and
indicates "Hardware isnt connected. Please reset hardware#,
you can set programmer hardware manually. We offer two
methods for user to select communication port and programmer

Method 1: Directly runAuto Find Borad!underOption!.
Software will scan the port connecting hardware
- 7 -
automatically and check the type of programmer.
After scanning, software will switch to correct
connecting port and programmer type and indicate
to find the programmer. If software fails to find
programmer, please check if the connection to
programmer hardware and power supply.
Method 2: Directly select the port from the list of "Port
Selector# at top right of the software. Directly
select proper programmer from Select
Programmer !under Option !. (Note: Only
existing ports of computer are shown in the list. If
only COM1 is installed at your computer, there is
only COM1 for your choice. If you have
connected USB but cant find it in the list, the
reason may be that the software is started too fast.
You can shut down the software and restart it.)

2. Select Chip Type and Chip

A. Select Chip Type

The control for selection of chip type is at top
right of the software as shown in right diagram:

You may select the type to shorten the chip list
for fast selection of proper chip.

If you dont know exactly the device, please select "All
Chip# in the list of "Chip Family#
- 8 -

B. Select Chip

The control for selection of exact chip is at
top right of the software as shown in right

If the desired chip type is not listed, please
change the chip type or select "All Chip# and
try again.

If you cant find the desired chip to program in the list,
please send E-mail to us. We will upgrade programmer
software to support the chip you desire to program based on
conditions satisfying programmer hardware.

3. Load File to Program

RunFile!- Load!, or press "Load# button on programming
software panel to load machine code file of the chip you desire
to program.

This programmer software supports load of BIN files
(generally from code recover) and HEX files (generally from
normal program compiling).

This programmer software supports load of configuration bit
in the file and EEPROM data. Accordingly, you may write
configuration bit information in your source program and
- 9 -
EEPROM data inside the chip you desire to pre-program. In
this case, HEX file compiled will contain configuration bit
parameter of chip and EEPROM data. This file doesnt need to
reset configuration bit when programming.

(1) Click "Load# icon on tool bar or select File!- Load!, the
dialog of selection of file will appear.
(2) Select the type of file to open in the list under "File Type
(T)#. For example, to open file of hexadecimal system,
please select "Hex File (*.Hex)#.
(3) Select the file to open under the directory.
(4) Click "Open# button in dialog, the file will be transferred
into current buffer.

4. Edit Buffer

You may edit current buffer by runningOption!-Edit
Buffer!or pressing "Edit# button on software panel. After
running the command software, pop-up window to edit buffer
will appear as shown in below diagram:
- 10 -

Change the content of buffer: first put mouse cursor on the
address to edit, double left click to select address content,
delete original content with "Delete# key on keyboard, and
then input the new content.

After edit, click bottom "OK# button on edit window to exit.
The software will automatically save the change in current
buffer. If you dont desire to change the content, you may
single click "Cancel# to exit the edit window.

5. Set Configuration Bit

You may set or change the configuration bit of chip by
runningOption!-View/Edit Fuses And ID!or pressing
"Fuses # button on software panel. After running the
command software, pop-up window to set configuration bit
will appear as shown in below diagram. Set the options
according to your requirement and click "OK# button.
- 11 -

Users ID can also be input in set window of configuration

If configuration bit information has been written in your
program, direct programming will be available without reset of
configuration bit.

Note: Setup of configuration is very important, which
directly affects the availability of your program. Consequently,
before programming, we must confirm the setup of
configuration bit is entirely correct. Different chips require
different configuration bit options. The detailed setup
- 12 -
information can be obtained by checking the DATASHEET of
chip (DATASHEET of chip can be downloaded from official
website of MICROCHIP at www.microchip.com).

The following are listed for your reference:

Setup of external crystal oscillator: select LP for below 200K;
select XT for 200K-4m; select HS for 2M-20M. For 4M crystal
oscillator at critical state of XT and HS, if chip doesnt work
when you select XT, please try HS.

For the beginner who doesnt know how to set configuration
bit, to shut down or disable the functions which are not
required if possible (e.g. Watchdog, Power-up Delay,
Power-down Monitor, DEBUG Mode, Low Voltage
Programming%%all these functions can be shut down or

If the chip is programmed for production, please carry out
the setup correctly according to the requirements of your
hardware and software.

6. Setup and Protect of Parameter Calibration of Internal

For most of the chips with internal clocks, there is
calibration value of internal clock stored in the last address of
ROM when leaving the factory. This value can be used to
calibrate the accuracy of internal clock frequency in the
program when internal oscillation is applied for the chip.
- 13 -

There are two options in our software under Option!- CAL
Program Option!, that is Preserve OSCCAL Calibration
Value!andUse File!.

If we selectPreserve OSCCAL Calibration Value!, our
software will always protect this value in chip unchanged
regardless of value in the last address of current buffer and
regardless whether you run "CALIB# on software panel to
change this value or not. In this case, "CALIB# button is
invalid now.

If we selectUse File!, the value in current buffer will be
used to change the original calibration value of clock when
programming. Now, we may press "CALIB# button on
software panel to input the calibration value of clock we desire.

For new chip or the chip whose clock calibration value is
never changed, we recommendPreserve OSCCAL Calibration
Value!to protect this value of chip unchanged.

For the chip whose clock calibration value has been changed,
we may selectUse File!and input the value we desire by
pressing "CALIB# button on software panel (this value may
be read from other chips with the same lot number). Then, we
can start the programming. When all chips have their own
clock calibration values, we had better resetSCAL Program
Option!toPreserve OSCCAL Calibration Value!

7. Save File

- 14 -
You may runFile!- Save!or press "Save# button on software
panel to save the current file as hexadecimal system file. At the
same time, configuration information of chip is saved. For the
next time this file is loaded, configuration information of chip
will be automatically set as the configuration word saved.

(1) Click icon on tool bar or selectFile!-Save!, dialog to
save the file will pop up.
(2) Select the file to save in list of "Save Type (T)#. For
example, to save file of hexadecimal system, please select
"Hex File (*.Hex)#.
(3) Input file name to save in "File Name# box.
(4) Click "Save# button in dialog.

8. Preset Programming Quantity

You may set the chip quantity to program in one order or
within one day by pressing "Pset# button on software panel.
After setup, it will count the programming chips. When the
quantity come up to the preset number, software will indicate
that the programming quantity XXXX has been completed.
This function helps to save your time in counting the number
of chips.

You may also press "Reset# button to initialize success
number and failure number at 0.

9. Installation Position of Chip

QL-PIC280 Programmer:
Pin 1 of all chips will be aligned with pin 1 at handle of
40-pin socket.
- 15 -

QL-2006 Programmer:
There are many chips not aligned with pin 1 of socket, which
have their own special installation positions. When the chip is
selected, software will automatically indicate the position for
chip installation on socket.

You may also forbid the pop-up graphics of device
installation by runningOption!-Not show chip position in
chip selector!.

We can also selectOption!-View Device Position!to
check the position of current chip on the socket.

10. Fully Automatic Production Programming

To set the availability of production programming of chip,
you may selectOption!-Auto Program!. Tick offAuto
Program!to enable it valid, now "Auto Program# button on
software panel is operational.

WhenAuto Program!is enabled, we may program chip
automatically through "Auto Programming # button on
software panel. When programming, what we need to do is
only to inset or take out the chip according to instruction of
software status bar without pressing any button. In this way,
production speed is improved. At wait state indicating "Take
out Chip# or "Inset Chip#, we may single click "Stop# ("Auto
Program# button turns into "Stop# button during programming
course) to stop automatic programming.

- 16 -
11. About Checksum

Checksum of this software is completely subject to standard
calculation of checksum.

Checksum comprises program area data and configuration
bit data of chip excluding user ID and calibration value of
internal clock if any.

After editing buffer and configuration bit, checksum is
automatically updated. After serial number auto-increment,
checksum is automatically updated.

12. About Serial Number Auto-increment Programming

User may program the serial number (SN) of device into
some certain units of chip to identify and manage the device
developed. The initial value and start address of this serial
number will be set by user.

SelectOption!-Serial Number Options!, the following
dialog will pup up:
- 17 -

SN auto-increment is valid only when "Serial Number
Enabled# is ticked off.

Memory region to use serial#
l Program Memory ! Select auto-increment address of
chip in ROM area.
l Data EEPROM ! Select auto-increment address of
chip in EEPROM area.

l End Adr(Hex) ! end address in chip to store SN.
l Start Adr(Hex) ! start address in chip to store SN.
l Inc Step! length increment of chip SN after each

l Hex ! set SN auto-increment step at hexadecimal
l Dec - set SN auto-increment step at decimal system.
- 18 -

l Increasement From Hei-Adr ! chip SN is
auto-incremental from high address to low address.
l Ignore Hei-Byte of Word ! ignore high byte of each
word, reserve low byte only.
l Each time Program Successful after,Save current file
go buffer! after successful programming of chip, there
is one auto-increment of SN. The value of current
buffer will be saved to current file.

Test auto-increment scheme of chip SN.
Properly set all options and click "OK# to apply current setup
in the program or click "Cancel# to exit.

13. About ICSP Programming

Please enableICSP Mode!underOption!manual.

On side of programmer, there is one 6-PIN telephone socket,
that is, interface of in-circuit programming. We may directly
use the download cable attached with the programmer for
in-circuit (on-board) programming.

Sequence of ICSP download cable is exactly same with
MCD2/ICD2 as shown below:
- 19 -

When using it, we only need to connect the output cable of
ICSP with corresponding pin of chip you desire to download.
For 12XXX series chip, connection shall be subject to
PGC-GP1 and PGD-GP0.

For PIC16F57, connection shall be subject to 17PIN-PGD,

In case of in-circuit download, relative external circuits
connecting to ICSP output cable on user board shall be shut
down. Otherwise, the effects of other external circuits may
cause failure of programming. Furthermore, if current
consumption of 5V voltage on user board is more than 200MA,
the user board must be self-supplied with power of 5V voltage.
In addition, VPP pin in download circuit shall be connected
with 10K resistor pulling up to VCC.

In technical manual of MICROCHIP, there are typical
circuits about in-circuit programming for references.

- 20 -
14. Entire Process of Chip Programming

Step 1: Connect programmer hardware with PC, connect
power supply of programmer.
Step 2: Run programmer software.
Step 3: If message indicates failure, select programmer type
manually. Select hardware connecting port to enable
communication between software and hardware. (or
runOption!-Auto Find Borad!for automatic setup
of programmer type and connection port.)
Step 4: Select chip type and chip.
Step 5: According to the installation graphics as software
indicates, install the chip onto programmer socket (if
use QL-PIC280, then pin 1 of chip is aligned with pin
1 at handle of socket).
Step 6: Load the file to program.
Step 7: Confirm and properly set the configuration bit of
Step 8: If chip has internal clock whose calibration value is
used in the program, please calibrate the clock or
properly setCal Program Options!underOptin!.
Step 9: Preset programming quantity as required, properly set
SN auto-increment parameter (this step may be
Step 10: Properly set programming options.
Step 11: Press "Program# button to program.
Step 12: Take out the chip programmed and insert the chip to
Step 13: Repeat Step 11 and Step 12 until all chips are
Step 14: Exit, disconnect hardware and PC, or cut off hardware
- 21 -
Step 15: Finished.

15. Hardware Online Upgrade

RunDownload Operating System!underOption!, current
programmer hardware will be upgraded to the version attached
in the software to enable the new added function, new added
device or improved function. Each software version is related
to one hardware version. If you desire to upgrade hardware to
the higher version, please download the updated software from
our website. Then install the software and start it, runOption!
-Download Operating System!to upgrade your hardware

More often, when software is upgraded to a higher version,
the hardware isnt changed. Now you can use the updated
software stably without upgrading your hardware. The note
under installation folder of software will indicate if hardware
upgrade is required or not when the new software is applied.

You may refer tohelp!-Protocol! for current hardware
version.Technical Support

Customer Support

When our R&D department is working hard for high quality
product, our sales department is also making every effort to
provide perfect pre-sales and after-sales services. From our
website, you may find the prices of our products and purchase
method. You may also view the product appearance online. Of
course, should you have any difficulty for help, you may turn
- 22 -
directly to local sales agent, distributor or our engineers for
technical support. Our customer support staff will track the
problems and help to solve them completely.

For better service, please make the following preparations
before you contact us:

l If you cant understand the program, please study the user
manual first carefully.
l If there is fault during running of software, please repeat it.
l In case of fault message, please record it.
l Please sit in front of computer when you call us for
convenient contrast and prompt solution of the problem.

We are not liable for the following cases:

l Product repaired or changed by organization or individual
who are not authorized by us formally.
l Damaged product due to fault operation and product
changed by user.
l Program fault due to physical damage of CD.
l Any joint liability extension due to hardware fault or
software defect.

Licensing Agreement

Qianlongsheng Electronic Technology reserves all rights that
are not expressly granted.

- 23 -

The right of change in this manual is reserved without any
prior notice.

Any inconsistency of this manual caused by upgraded of
software version will be subject to software.

Warranty Service

Qianlongsheng Electronic Technology operates under strict
product quality assurance system. Within one year after the
date of purchase, maintenance is available free of charge for
both software and hardware problems.

The warranty is subject to correct installation of software
and operation under designated working condition.

In addition, if you have any other questions or suggestions to
our application software, please contact us and we will always
be dedicated in serving you!

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