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Module 2
Introducing Financial Statements
and Transaction Analysis DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Q2-! An asset re"resents resources a com"any o#ns or controls! Assets are e$"ected to "ro%ide &uture economic 'ene&its! Assets arise &rom "ast e%ents or transactions! A lia'ility is an o'ligation t(at #ill re)uire a &uture economic sacri&ice! E)uity is t(e di&&erence 'et#een assets and lia'ilities! It re"resents t(e claims o& t(e com"any*s o#ners to its income and assets! T(e &ollo#ing are some e$am"les o& eac(+ Assets Cas( ,ecei%a'les In%entories -lant. "ro"erty and e)ui"ment /--E0 1ia'ilities Accounts "aya'le Accrued lia'ilities De&erred re%enue Notes "aya'le 1ong-term de't E)uity Contri'uted ca"ital /common and "re&erred stoc20 Additional "aid-in ca"ital ,etained earnings Accumulated ot(er com"re(ensi%e income Treasury stoc2 Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-1 Q2-2! A cost t(at creates an immediate 'ene&it is re"orted on t(e income statement as an e$"ense! A cost t(at creates a &uture 'ene&it is added to t(e 'alance s(eet as an asset /ca"itali3ed0 and #ill 'e trans&erred to t(e income statement as t(e 'ene&it is reali3ed! For e$am"le. --E creates a &uture 'ene&it and t(e cost o& t(e --E is trans&erred to t(e income statement /as de"reciation e$"ense0 o%er t(e li&e o& t(e --E! Q2-4! Accrual accounting means t(at #e record re%enues #(en earned. and record e$"enses #(en t(ey are incurred! Accrual accounting does not rely on cas( &lo#s in determining #(en items are re%enues or e$"enses! T(is is #(y net income /a 5AA- measure0 di&&ers &rom cas( &rom o"erations! Q2-6! Transitory items are re%enues and e$"enses t(at are not e$"ected to recur! One o'7ecti%e o& &inancial analysis is to "redict future "er&ormance! 5i%en t(at "ers"ecti%e. transitory /nonrecurring0 items are not rele%ant e$ce"t to t(e e$tent t(at t(ey con%ey in&ormation a'out &uture &inancial "er&ormance! Q2-8! T(e statement o& stoc2(olders* e)uity "ro%ides in&ormation a'out t(e e%ents t(at im"act stoc2(olders* e)uity during t(e "eriod! It contains in&ormation relating to net income. stoc2 sales and re"urc(ases. o"tion e$ercises. di%idends and ot(er accumulated com"re(ensi%e income! Q2-9! T(e statement o& cas( &lo#s re"orts t(e com"any*s cas( in&lo#s and out&lo#s during t(e "eriod. and categori3es t(em according to o"erating. in%esting and &inancing acti%ities! T(e income statement re"orts "ro&it earned under accrual accounting. 'ut does not "ro%ide su&&icient in&ormation concerning cas( &lo#s! T(e statement o& cas( &lo#s &ills t(at %oid! Q2-:! Articulation re&ers to t(e &act t(at t(e &our &inancial statements are lin2ed to eac( ot(er and t(at c(anges in one statement a&&ect t(e ot(er t(ree! For e$am"le. net income re"orted on t(e income statement is lin2ed to t(e statement o& retained earnings. #(ic( in turn is lin2ed to t(e 'alance s(eet! Understanding (o# t(e &inancial statements articulate (el"s us to analy3e transactions and e%ents and to understand (o# e%ents a&&ect eac( &inancial statement se"arately and all &our toget(er! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-2 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition Q2-;! <(en a com"any "urc(ases a mac(ine it records t(e cost as an asset 'ecause it #ill "ro%ide &uture 'ene&its! As t(e mac(ine is used u". a "ortion o& t(is cost is trans&erred &rom t(e 'alance s(eet to t(e income statement as de"reciation e$"ense! T(e mac(ine asset is. t(us. reduced 'y t(e de"reciation. and e)uity is reduced as t(e e$"ense reduces net income and retained earnings! I& t(e entire cost o& t(e mac(ine #as immediately e$"ensed. "ro&it #ould 'e reduced considera'ly in t(e year t(e mac(ine #as "urc(ased! T(en. in su'se)uent years. net income #ould 'e &ar too (ig( as none o& t(e mac(ine*s cost #ould 'e re"orted in t(ose years e%en t(oug( t(e mac(ine "roduced re%enues during t(at "eriod! Q2-=! An asset must 'e >o#ned? or >controlled.? it must "ro%ide >&uture economic 'ene&its.? and it must arise &rom a "ast transaction or e%ent! O#ning means (a%ing title to t(e asset /some leased assets are also recorded on t(e 'alance s(eet as #e #ill discuss in our Module @ entitled. >,e"orting and Analy3ing O&&-Aalance-S(eet Financing?0! Future 'ene&its may mean t(e &uture in&lo#s o& cas(. or an increase in anot(er asset. or reduction o& a lia'ility! -ast e%ent means t(e com"any (as "urc(ased t(e asset or ac)uired it in some ot(er cas( or noncas( transaction or e%ent! Q2-@! 1i)uidity re&ers to t(e ready a%aila'ility o& cas(! T(at is. (o# muc( cas( t(e com"any (as on (and. (o# muc( cas( is 'eing generated. and (o# muc( cas( can 'e raised )uic2ly! 1i)uidity is essential to t(e sur%i%al o& t(e 'usiness! A&ter all. &irms must "ay loans and em"loyee #ages #it( cas(! Q2-! Current means t(at t(e asset #ill 'e li)uidated /con%erted to cas(0 #it(in t(e ne$t year /or t(e o"erating cycle i& longer t(an one year0! Q2-2! 5AA- uses (istorical costs 'ecause t(ey are less su'7ecti%e t(an mar2et %alues! Mar2et %alues can 'e 'iased &or t#o reasons+ &irst. #e may not 'e a'le to measure t(em accurately /consider our ina'ility to accurately measure t(e mar2et %alue o& a manu&acturing &acility. &or e$am"le0. and second. managers may inter%ene in t(e re"orting "rocess to intentionally 'ias t(e results to ac(ie%e a "articular o'7ecti%e /li2e en(ancing t(e stoc2 "rice0! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-3 Q2-4! 5enerally. e$cluded intangi'le /unrecorded0 assets are t(ose t(at contri'ute to a com"any*s sustaina'le com"etiti%e ad%antage. 'ut t(at cannot 'e measured accurately! Some e$am"les include t(e %alue o& a 'rand. t(e management o& a com"any. em"loyee morale. a strong su""ly c(ain. su"erior store locations. credi'ility #it( t(e &inancial mar2ets. re"utation. and so &ort(! Q2-6! An intangi'le asset is an asset t(at is not "(ysical in nature! To 'e included on t(e 'alance s(eet. it (as to meet t#o tests+ t(e com"any must o#n or control t(e asset. it must "ro%ide &uture economic 'ene&its. and t(e asset must arise &rom a "ast e%ent or transaction! Some e$am"les are good#ill. "atents and trademar2s. contractual agreements li2e royalties. leases. and &ranc(ise agreements! An intangi'le asset is only recorded on t(e 'alance s(eet #(en it is "urc(ased &rom an outside "arty! For e$am"le. good#ill arises #(en t(e com"any ac)uires /eit(er #it( cas( or stoc20 anot(er com"any*s 'rand name or any o& t(e ot(er intangi'les listed a'o%e! Q2-8! An accrued lia'ility is an o'ligation &or e$"enses t(at (a%e 'een incurred 'ut not yet "aid &or #it( cas(! E$am"les include #ages t(at (a%e 'een earned 'y em"loyees and not yet "aid. interest o#ing on a 'an2 loan. and "otential &uture #arranty claims &or "roducts sold to customers! <(en t(e lia'ility is recogni3ed on t(e 'alance s(eet. a corres"onding e$"ense is recogni3ed in t(e income statement! Q2-9! Net #or2ing ca"ital B current assets C current lia'ilities! Increasing t(e amount o& trade credit /e!g!. accounts "aya'le to su""liers0 increases current lia'ilities and reduces net #or2ing ca"ital! Trade credit is li2e 'orro#ing &rom a su""lier to ma2e "urc(ases! As trade credit increases. t(e su""lier is lending more money t(an 'e&ore! T(is &rees u" cas(. #(ic( t(e com"any can use &or ot(er "ur"oses suc( as "aying do#n interest-'earing de't or "urc(asing additional "roducti%e assets! T(us. net #or2ing ca"ital decreases! T(is can 'e a good t(ing! As a 'usiness gro#s. its net #or2ing ca"ital gro#s 'ecause in%entories and recei%a'les generally gro# &aster t(an accounts "aya'le and accrued lia'ilities do! Net #or2ing ca"ital must 'e &inanced 7ust li2e long- term assets! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-# Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition Q2-:! Aoo2 %alue is t(e amount at #(ic( an asset /or lia'ility0 is carried on t(e 'alance s(eet! T(e 'oo2 %alue o& t(e com"any is t(e 'oo2 %alue o& all t(e assets less t(e 'oo2 %alue o& all t(e lia'ilities. t(at is. t(e 'oo2 %alue o& stoc2(olders* e)uity! Aoo2 %alues are determined in accordance #it( 5AA-! Mar2et %alue is t(e sale "rice o& an asset or lia'ility! Mar2ets are not constrained 'y 5AA- standards and. t(ere&ore. can consider a num'er o& &actors t(at accountants cannot! Mar2et %alues. t(ere&ore. generally di&&er signi&icantly &rom 'oo2 %alues! Q2-;! T(e arro# running &rom net income to earned ca"ital in t(e &inancial statement e&&ects tem"late denotes t(at retained earnings /"art o& earned ca"ital0 (a%e 'een u"dated &or t(e "ro&it earned during t(e "eriod! ,etained earnings are reconciled as &ollo#s+ 'eginning retained earnings D "ro&it /C loss0 C di%idends B ending retained earnings! T(e line. t(us. re"resents t(e "ro&its t(at (a%e 'een added /or t(e losses su'tracted0 to retained earnings /di%idends are recorded as a direct reduction o& retained earnings in t(e tem"late0! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-$ MINI EEE,CISES M2-= /8 minutes0 a! Income statement '! Aalance s(eet c! Income statement d! Aalance s(eet e! Income statement &! Aalance s(eet g! Income statement (! Aalance s(eet i! Income statement M2-2@ /8 minutes0 a! Aalance s(eet '! Income statement c! Aalance s(eet d! Income statement e! Aalance s(eet &! Aalance s(eet g! Aalance s(eet (! Aalance s(eet i! Income statement 7! Income statement 2! Aalance s(eet l! Aalance s(eet Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-% Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition M2-2 /2@ minutes0 a! Net income com"utation Ser%ice re%enue /record #(en earned0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@@.@@@ <ages e$"ense /record #(en incurred. e%en i& un"aid0!!!!!!!!!! /6@.@@@0 /F28.@@@ D F8.@@@0 Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 9@.@@@ '! Net cas( &lo# com"utation Cas( in&lo# &rom ser%ices rendered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F8@.@@@ /F4@.@@@ D F2@.@@@0 Cas( out&lo# &or #ages "aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /28.@@@0 Net cas( in&lo#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F28.@@@ Cas( in&lo# &rom ser%ices rendered #ill 'e F8@.@@@ less t(an ser%ice re%enue "er t(e income statement 'ecause -enno only collected F8@.@@@ o& re%enues in cas( 'ut re"orted F@@.@@@ as re%enue! Cas( out&lo# &or #ages "aid #ill 'e F8.@@@ less t(an #ages e$"ense on t(e income statement 'ecause F8.@@@ remained un"aid at year-end! T(e com'ined e&&ects o& t(ese t#o items yields an o%erall di&&erence o& F48.@@@ 'et#een net income and net cas( in&lo# /F9@.@@@ net income - F8@.@@@ D F8.@@@ B F28.@@@ net cas( in&lo#s0! M2-22 /8 minutes0 a! A '! 1 c! E d! A e! 1 &! E g! E (! 1 Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-& M2-24 /@ minutes0 2@ 2@2 Aeginning retained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F;=.@;= F 9=.946 Add+ Net income /loss0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /=.6880 6;.=2 1ess+ Di%idends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ /8.@9@0 Ending retained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F9=.946 F@2.:99 M2-26 /@ minutes0 Go(nson H Go(nson Statement o& ,etained Earnings For Iear Ended Ganuary 2. 2@ ,etained earnings. Ganuary 4. 2@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F:@.4@9 Add+ Net earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.446 Add+ Ot(er retained earnings c(anges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /940 1ess+ Di%idends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /8.;@60 ,etained earnings. Ganuary 2. 2@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F::.::4 M2-28 /8 minutes0 2@ 2@2 ,e%enues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F48@.@@@ F @ E$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2@@.@@@ @ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F8@.@@@ F @ E$"lanation+ All o& t(e re%enue is re"orted in 2@ #(en it is earnedJ"er t(e re%enue recognition "rinci"le! 1i2e#ise. t(e #ages e$"ense is re"orted in 2@ #(en it is incurred. t(at is #(en t(e lia'ility to "ay t(e #ages arises! T(e recei"t or "ayment o& cas( does not a&&ect t(e recording o& re%enues. e$"enses. and net income! T(ere are no re%enues or e$"enses in 2@2! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition M2-29 /8 minutes0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Cas( .@@@ CS .@@@ a( Issue stoc2 &or F.@@@ cas( D.@@@ Cas( B D.@@@ Common Stoc2 C B INK 8@@ Cas( 8@@ b( -urc(ase in%entory &or F8@@ cas( -8@@ Cas( D8@@ In%entory B C B A, 2.@@@ Sales 2.@@@ CO5S 8@@ INK 8@@ c( Sell in%entory in transaction b &or F2.@@@ on credit D2.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le -8@@ In%entory B D.8@@ ,etained Earnings D2.@@@ Sales C D8@@ Cost o& 5oods Sold B D.8@@ Cas( 2.@@@ A, 2.@@@ d( Collect F2.@@@ on account recei%a'le in transaction c D2.@@@ Cas( -2.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B C B Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-) EEE,CISES E2-2: /2@ minutes0 Aart( Com"any Income Statement For Iear Ended Decem'er 4. 2@ Sales re%enue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F6@@.@@@ E$"enses Cost o& goods sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F;@.@@@ <ages e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6@.@@@ Su""lies e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.@@@ Total e$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 229.@@@ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F:6.@@@ Aart( Com"any Aalance S(eet Decem'er 4. 2@ Assets 1ia'ilities and e)uity Cas(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 6;.@@@ Accounts "aya'le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 9.@@@ Accounts recei%a'le!!!!!!!!!! 4@.@@@ Aonds "aya'le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2@@.@@@ Su""lies in%entory!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.@@@ Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 29.@@@ In%entory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 49.@@@ 1and!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;@.@@@ Common stoc2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8@.@@@ E)ui"ment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :@.@@@ ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9@.@@@ Auildings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!8.@@@ Total e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2@.@@@ 5ood#ill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;.@@@ Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F629.@@@ Total lia'ilities and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F629.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-10 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition E2-2; /8 minutes0 Aaiman Cor"oration Income Statement For Mont( ended Ganuary 4 Aaiman Cor"oration Aalance S(eet Ganuary 4 Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4@.@@@ Cas(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F @ <age e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.@@@ Accounts recei%a'le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4@.@@@ Net income /loss0!!!!!!!!! F;.@@@ Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4@.@@ @ <ages "aya'le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2.@@ @ ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;.@@@ Total lia'ilities and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4@.@@ @ E2-2= /4@ minutes0 Carter Com"any Income Statement For Mont( Ended Marc( 4 Sales re%enue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F;.@@@ /F6.@@@ D F6.@@@0 E$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,ent e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4.2@@ <age e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6.;@@ ;.@@@ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-11 E2-4@ /8 minutes0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Cas( @@.@@@ --E 2@.@@@ CS 2@.@@@ a( Issued stoc2 &or F@@.@@@ cas( and --E o& F2@.@@@! D@@.@@@ Cas( D2@.@@@ --E B D2@.@@@ Common Stoc2 C B ,NTE 4.2@@ Cas( 4.2@@ b( -aid F4.2@@ &or rent! -4.2@@ Cas( B -4.2@@ ,etained Earnings C D4.2@@ ,ent E$"ense B -4.2@@ Cas( 6.@@@ ,e% 6.@@@ c( -er&ormed ser%ices &or F6.@@@ cas(! D6.@@@ Cas( B D6.@@@ ,etained Earnings D6.@@@ ,e%enue C B D6.@@@ A, 6.@@@ ,e% 6.@@@ d( -er&ormed ser%ices &or F6.@@@ on account! D6.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B D6.@@@ ,etained Earnings D6.@@@ ,e%enue C B D6.@@@ <E 6.;@@ Cas( 6.;@@ e( -aid F6.;@@ cas( &or #ages! -6.;@@ Cas( B -6.;@@ ,etained Earnings C D6.;@@ <ages E$"ense B -6.;@@ Cas( @.@@@ A, @.@@@ f( ,ecei%ed F@.@@@ cas( on recei%a'le! D@.@@@ Cas( -@.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B C B DIK =48 Cas( =48 g( -aid di%idends o& F=48! -=48 Cas( B -=48 Di%idends C B Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-12 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition E2-4 /8 minutes0 a! Sta"les. Inc! /F millions0 Amount Classi&ication Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 26.868 I Accumulated de"reciation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.899 A De"reciation e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6=; I ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.6=2 A Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;= I -ro"erty. "lant and e)ui"ment. net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.6; A Selling. general and admin e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6.=4 I Accounts recei%a'le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .=86 A Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.=9@ A Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.=8 A '! Total Assets B Total 1ia'ilities D Stoc2(olders* E)uity Total Assets B F9.=9@ D F9.=8 B F4.= Sales C Total E$"enses B Net Income F26.868 C Total E$"enses B F;;= T(us. Total E$"enses B F24.989 c! Net -ro&it Margin B Net incomeMSales B F;;=MF26.868 Net -ro&it Margin B 4!92N Total 1ia'ilities-to-E)uity ,atio B Total 1ia'ilitiesMStoc2(olders* E)uity Total 1ia'ilities-to-E)uity ,atio B F9.=9@MF9.=8 B !@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-13 E2-42 /8 minutes0 a! Target Cor" /F millions0 Amount Classi&ication Total re%enues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 9:.4=@ I Accumulated de"reciation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .888 A De"reciation e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.@;6 I ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.9=; A Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.=2@ I -ro"erty. "lant H e)ui"ment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 28.6=4 A Selling. general H admin e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.69= I Credit card recei%a'les!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.84 A Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2;.2; A Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 8.6;: A '! Total Assets B Total 1ia'ilities D Stoc2(olders* E)uity Total Assets B F2;.2; D F8.6;: B F64.:@8 Total ,e%enue C Total E$"enses B Net Income F9:.4=@ C Total E$"enses B F2.=2@ T(us. Total E$"enses B F96.6:@ c! Net -ro&it Margin B Net income M Sales Net -ro&it Margin B F2.=2@ M F9:.4=@ B 6!44N Total 1ia'ilities-to-E)uity ,atio B Total 1ia'ilities M Stoc2(olders* E)uity Total 1ia'ilities-to-E)uity ,atio B F2;.2; M F8.6;: B !;2 Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-1# Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition E2-44 /8 minutes0 a! ANF TGE Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4.69= F2.=62 Cost o& goods sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .28: 49!2N 9.@6@ :4!N 5ross "ro&it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.22 94!;N 8.=@2 29!=N Total e$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.@92 8=!8NO 6.88= 2@!;N Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 8@ 6!4N F .464 9!N Orounded ANF is a (ig(-end retailer and TGE o"erates in t(e %alue-"riced segment o& t(e mar2et! T(eir res"ecti%e 'usiness models are clearly e%ident in t(e gross "ro&it margin! ANF*s gross "ro&it margin is o%er 2!4 times t(at o& TGE /94!;N com"ared to 29!=N0! T(is im"lies t(at ANF adds a (ealt(y mar2u" to determine t(eir merc(andise sales "rice! T(e (ig(-end segment also re)uires additional "ersonnel. ad%ertising. and ot(er o"erating costs! ANF*s e$"ense margin is also o%er 2!; times (ig(er! On 'alance. TGE is 'ringing do#n to t(e 'ottom line a greater "ercentage o& eac( sales dollar t(an is ANF /9!N %s! 6!4N0! In t(is year. TGE*s 'usiness model a""ears to 'e more "ro&ita'le t(an ANF*s! '! ANF TGE Current assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F .644 6;!9N F 8.@@ 96!@N 1ong-term assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .88 8!6N 2.;:2 49!@N Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 2.=6; F :.=:2 Current lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 88= =!@N F 4.44 4=!4N 1ong-term lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!! 6=; 9!=N .:4= 2!;N Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .@8: 48!=N 6.;:2 9!N Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!! .;= 96!N 4.@@ 4;!=N Total lia'! and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!! F 2.=6; F :.=:2 ANF (as lo#er le%els o& current assets relati%e to total assets t(an does TGE! For clot(ing retailers. current assets are "rimarily cas( and in%entories! I& t(e t#o com"anies (a%e a'out t(e same le%els o& cas(. #e #ould conclude t(at ANF (olds less in%entory! T(is ma2es sense gi%en t(at TGE (as discount-ty"e stores c(oc2-&ull o& merc(andise! Tangi'le long-term assets consist o& lease(old im"ro%ements and e)ui"ment! A'ercrom'ie re"orts a (ig(er concentration o& assets in --E. #(ic( is due. in "art. to its large in%estment in lease(old im"ro%ements! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-1$ E2-44 /concluded0 c! ANF (as a muc( greater "ro"ortion o& stoc2(olders* e)uity in its ca"ital structure /96!N com"ared to 4;!=N at TGE0! T(is means t(at TGE relies more on de't to &und its o"erations t(an ANF! T(is is e%ident in 'ot( a (ig(er "ercentage o& current and long-term lia'ilities as a "ercent o& total assets! Current lia'ilities are ty"ically non-interest 'earing and sel&-li)uidating /&or e$am"le. "aid &rom t(e cas( &rom in%entory sales0! 1ong-term de't. (o#e%er. is ty"ically interest 'earing and re)uires "eriodic "ayments o& interest and "rinci"al! T(e de't "ayment re)uirements add an element o& ris2 and #e mig(t conclude t(at TGE is a slig(tly ris2ier com"any!
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-1% Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition E2-46 /8 minutes0 a! AA-1 DE11 Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F98.228 F9.6=6 CO5S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4=.86 9@!9N 8@.@=; ;!8N 5ross "ro&it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 28.9;6 4=!6N .4=9 ;!8N Total e$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .9: :!=N ;.:9 6!2N Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!F6.@4 2!8N F 2.948 6!4N AA-1*s gross "ro&it margin is more t(an dou'le DE11*s! T(is is li2ely due to t#o &actors+ &irst. a large "ro"ortion o& AA-1*s sales relate to t(e i-od. i-(one. and i-ad #(ic( are all %ery (ig(-margin "roducts 'ecause t(ey are "remium "riced! Second. DE11 com"etes as t(e lo#-"rice leader in t(e -C-sales segment! '! AA-1 DE11 Current assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F6.9:; 88!6N F2=.@2 :8!2N 1ong-term assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 44.8@8 66!9N =.8:; 26!;N Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F:8.;4 F4;.8== Current lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2@.:22 2:!8NO F=.6;4 8@!8N 1ong-term lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.9:@ ;!=N .48@ 2=!6N Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2:.4=2 49!6N 4@.;44 :=!=N Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6:.:= 94!9N :.:99 2@!N Total lia's and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!! F:8.;4 F4;.8== Orounded AA-1 (as a greater "ro"ortion o& stoc2(olders* e)uity in its ca"ital structure! Neit(er o& t(ese com"anies carries a large "ercentage o& long- term lia'ilities! A greater "ro"ortion o& de't is generally %ie#ed as a ris2ier ca"ital structure! Po#e%er. Dell*s relati%ely (ig( le%el o& s(ort- term de't arises &rom t(e &act t(at t(e com"any relies %ery (ea%ily on su""lier &inancing! Dell is an im"ortant customer &or many o& its su""liers. #(ic( gi%es Dell 'argaining "o#er o%er su""liers #it( res"ect to credit terms! Dell*s (ig( le%el o& "ro&ita'ility also lessens any concerns one mig(t (a%e regarding its sol%ency! A""le*s e)uity gro#t( (as 'een relati%ely recent. resulting &rom t(e meteoric rise o& t(e (ig(ly "ro&ita'le i-ods. i-(ones. and i-ads! Unless t(e com"any (as need &or ca"ital. it mig(t come under "ressure &rom s(are(olders. to "ay some o& its accumulated cas( out to s(are(olders in t(e &orm o& a di%idend or stoc2 re"urc(ase! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-1& E2-48 /8 minutes0 a! CMCSA KQ Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4:.=4: F@9.898 O"erating costs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2=.=8: :=!@N =.=2@ ;9!4N O"erating "ro&it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :.=;@ 2!@N 6.968 4!:N Nono"erating e$"enses!!!!!!!!! 6.468 !6NO 6.62; 6!NO Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 4.948 =!9N F @.2: =!9N Orounded Comcast*s "roduct lines yield considera'ly more o"erating "ro&it margin t(an do Keri3on*s! Its nono"erating e$"ense. (o#e%er. is (ig(er t(an Keri3on*s. yielding an identical net "ro&it margin &or t(e t#o com"anies! '! CMCSA KQ Current assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F ;.;;9 :!8N F 22.46; @!2N 1ong-term assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @=.96; =2!8N =:.98: ;=!;N Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F;.846 F22@.@@8 Current lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F ;.246 :!@NO F 4@.8=: 4!=N 1ong-term lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 98.:24 88!6N @2.6=9 69!9N Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :4.=8: 92!6N 44.@=4 9@!8N Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 66.8:: 4:!9N ;9.=2 4=!8N Total lia's and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!! F;.846 F22@.@@8 Orounded Aot( com"anies are (ig(ly ca"ital intensi%e. #it( o%er ;=N o& t(eir assets in t(e long-term category! Aot( com"anies* 'usiness models necessitate continued in%estment in long-term assets as t(ey see2 to continue to de%elo" t(eir in&rastructure! c! T(e t#o com"anies (a%e relati%ely (ig( de't loads. #(ic( ma2es t(em ris2y com"ared to ot(er industrial com"anies! 5i%en t(e large le%el o& ca"ital e$"enditures /CA-EE0 t(at t(e com"anies #ill ma2e o%er t(e ne$t decade. and t(e amount o& additional de't t(at t(ey #ill (a%e to incur to &und CA-EE. t(e de't le%els #ill 'e a continuing &inancial issue &or 'ot( com"anies! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-1' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition E2-49 /4@ minutes0 a! TGE AA-1 Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2.=62 F98.228 CO5S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.@6@ :4!N 4=.86 9@!9N 5ross "ro&it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8.=@2 29!=N 28.9;6 4=!6N Total e$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6.88= 2@!;N .9: :!=N Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F .464 9!N F6.@4 2!8N Orounded TGE is a %alue-"riced clot(ing retailer #(ose main e$"ense is cost o& sales! AA-1*s "roducts are #ell di&&erentiated and "atent-"rotected! T(e di&&erence in t(eir res"ecti%e 'usiness models is clearly e%ident in t(e le%el o& gross "ro&it! AA-1*s gross "ro&it margin is o%er 6@N greater t(an TGE*s! T(is does not im"ly t(at AA-1 is a 'etter-managed com"any! Muc( o& t(e di&&erence in o"erating "ercentages 'et#een com"anies in di&&erent industries is related to di&&erences in t(eir res"ecti%e 'usiness models! AA-1 net income as a "ercentage o& sales is more t(an 4!8E t(an t(at o& TGE! On t(is dimension. AA-1*s 'usiness model a""ears to 'e more "ro&ita'le! '! TGE AA-1 Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2.=62 F98.228 Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F :.=:2 F:8.;4 Sales M Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2!:8 @!;: TGE*s sales are almost t(ree times its total assets! AA-1*s sales are less t(an its total assets! It mig(t 'e tem"ting. t(ere&ore. to conclude t(at AA-1 is more ca"ital intensi%e t(an TGE! O%er one-t(ird o& AA-1*s total assets. (o#e%er. consist o& cas( and s(ort-term in%estments in mar2eta'le securities! T(is le%el o& li)uidity increases total assets. #(ic( de"resses t(e asset turno%er ratio! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-1) E2-49 /concluded0 c! TGE AA-1 Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F6.;:2 F2:.4=2 Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4.@@ F6:.:= Total lia'ilities M Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!! !8: @!8: TGE o"erates #it( muc( more de't relati%e to e)uity t(an does AA-1! Com"anies #it( (ig(er "ro"ortions o& de't are generally %ie#ed as ris2ier 'ecause &ailure to ma2e re)uired de't "ayments can (a%e signi&icant negati%e conse)uences! d! TGE AA-1 Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F.464 F6.@4 Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4.@@ F6:.:= Net income M Stoc2(oldersL e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 64!4N 2=!4N TGE net income to stoc2(olders* e)uity ratio /,OE0 is almost !8E greater t(an AA-1*s! Alt(oug( TGE*s "ro&it "er sales dollar is 2;N o& AA-1*s. its sales-to-assets ratio more t(an o&&sets t(e di&&erence! TGE relies on asset "roducti%ity to dri%e its returns. and a""ears to 'e succeeding on t(at dimension! It is im"ortant to 2ee" in mind. (o#e%er. t(at A--1*s net income to e)uity ratio is de"ressed 'y t(e relati%ely lo# yields on mar2eta'le securities and could 'e increased signi&icantly i& some o& t(at li)uidity #ere to 'e returned to s(are(olders as a di%idend or stoc2 'uy'ac2! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-20 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition E2-4: /2@ minutes0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en-ses B Net Income <E 8@@ <- 8@@ a( F8@@ o& #ages are earned 'y em"loyees 'ut not yet "aid B D8@@ <ages -aya'le -8@@ ,etained Earnings C D8@@ <ages E$"ense B -8@@ INK 2.@@@ A- 2.@@@ b( F2.@@@ o& in%entory is "urc(ased on credit D2.@@@ In%entory B D2.@@@ Accounts -aya'le C B A, 4.@@@ Sales 4.@@@ CO5S 2.@@@ INK 2.@@@ c( T(e in%entory "urc(ased in transaction b is sold &or F4.@@@ on credit D4.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le -2.@@@ In%entory B D.@@@ ,etained Earnings D4.@@@ Sales C D2.@@@ Cost o& 5oods Sold B D.@@@ Cas( 4.@@@ A, 4.@@@ d( Collected F4.@@@ cas( &rom transaction c( D4.@@@ Cas( -4.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B C B --E 8.@@@ Cas( 8.@@@ e( F8.@@@ e)ui"ment is ac)uired &or cas( -8.@@@ Cas( D8.@@@ -ro"erty -lant and E)ui"ment B C B DE .@@@ --E .@@@ f( ,ecord de"reciation -.@@@ -ro"erty -lant and E)ui"ment B -.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D.@@@ De"recia- tion E$"ense B -.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-21 E2-4: /concluded0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en-ses B Net Income N- @.@@@ Cas( @.@@@ g( -aid F@.@@@ cas( on a note "aya'le t(at came due -@.@@@ Cas( B -@.@@@ Note -aya'le C B IE 2.@@@ Cas( 2.@@@ h( -aid F2.@@@ cas( interest on 'orro#ings -2.@@@ Cas( B -2.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D2.@@@ Interest E$"ense B -2.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-22 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -,OA1EMS -2-4; /4@ minutes0 a! Current Assets 1ong-term Assets Total Assets Current 1ia'ilities 1ong-term 1ia'ilities Total 1ia'ilities Stoc2(oldersL E)uity 2@@; F=.8=; F9.=8 F28.:=4 F8.=4= F=.88@ F8.6;= F@.4@6 2@@= @.:=8 9.688 2:.28@ 6.;=: =.@8 4.=6; 4.4@2 2@@ 2.28 :.=6 4@.89 9.@;= ;.@8@ 6.4= 9.@: '! 4M*s current assets most li2ely include cas(. accounts recei%a'le. in%entories. and "re"aid assets! Its long-term assets most li2ely include "ro"erty. "lant and e)ui"ment /--E0. good#ill. and ot(er intangi'le assets t(at (a%e arisen &rom ac)uisitions! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-23 -2-4= /4@ minutes0 a! Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Aeginning 'al! @ @ B @ @ @ C B Cas( 8@.@@@ N- @@.@@@ CS 8@.@@@ ! Se&ci2 in%ested F8@.@@@ into t(e 'usiness in e$c(ange &or common stoc2R com"any also 'orro#ed F@@.@@@ &rom a 'an2 D8@.@@@ Cas( B D@@.@@@ Note -aya'le D8@.@@@ Common Stoc2 C B --E =8.@@@ INK 6@.@@@ Cas( =8.@@@ A- 6@.@@@ 2! Se&ci2 "urc(ased e)ui"ment &or F=8.@@@ cas( and "urc(ased in%entory o& F6@.@@@ on credit -=8.@@@ Cas( D=8.@@@ --E D6@.@@@ In%entory B D6@.@@@ Accounts -aya'le C B Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-2# Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-4= /continued0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Cas( 8@.@@@ CO5S 4@.@@@ Sales 8@.@@@ INK 4@.@@@ 4! Se&ci2 Co! sold in%entory costing F4@.@@@ &or F8@.@@@ cas( D8@.@@@ Cas( -4@.@@@ In%entory B D8@.@@@ ,etained Earnings -4@.@@@ ,etained Earnings D8@.@@@ Sales C D4@.@@@ Cost o& 5oods Sold B D8@.@@@ -4@.@@@ <E @.@@@ Cas( @.@@@ 6! Se&ci2 Co! "aid F@.@@@ cas( &or #ages o#ed em"loyees &or Octo'er #or2 -@.@@@ Cas( B -@.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D@.@@@ <age E$"ense B -@.@@@ IE .@@@ Cas( .@@@ 8! Se&ci2 Co! "aid interest on t(e 'an2 loan o& F.@@@ cas( -.@@@ Cas( B -.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D.@@@ Interest E$"ense B -.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-2$
-2-4= /continued0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income DE 8@@ --E 8@@ 9! Se&ci2 Co! recorded F8@@ de"reciation e$"ense related to e)ui"ment -8@@ --E B -8@@ ,etained Earnings C D8@@ De"rec! E$" B -8@@ DIK 2.@@@ Cas( 2.@@@ :! Se&ci2 Co! "aid a di%idend o& F2.@@@ cas( -2.@@@ Cas( B -2.@@@ Di%idends C B Ending 'alance =2.@@@ @6.8@@ B 6@.@@@ 8@.@@@ 9.8@@ 8@.@@@ C 6.8@@ B ;.8@@ '! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-2% Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-4= /concluded0 '! Se&ci2 Co! Income Statement For Mont( o& Octo'er Sales re%enue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F8@.@@@ Total e$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6.8@@ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F ;.8@@ Se&ci2 Co! ,etained Earnings ,econciliation For Mont( o& Octo'er ,etained earnings. Octo'er !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F @ Add+ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;.8@@ 1ess+ Di%idends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /2.@@@0 ,etained earnings. Octo'er 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 9.8@@ Se&ci2 Co! Aalance S(eet Octo'er 4 Cas(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F =2.@@@ 1ia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F6@.@@@ Noncas( assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @6.8@@ Contri'uted ca"ital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8@.@@@ ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.8@@ SSSSSSSS Total e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 89.8@@ Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F=9.8@@ Total lia'ilities and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F=9.8@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-2& -2-6@ /4@ minutes0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Cas( @.@@@ CS @.@@@ ! S(are(olders contri'ute F@.@@@ cas( to t(e 'usiness in e$c(ange &or common stoc2 D@.@@@ Cas( B D@.@@@ Common Stoc2 C B <E 8@@ <- 8@@ 2! Em"loyees earn F8@@ in #ages t(at (a%e not 'een "aid at "eriod-end B D8@@ <ages -aya'le -8@@ ,etained Earnings C D8@@ <ages E$"ense B -8@@ INK 4.@@@ A- 4.@@@ 4! In%entory o& F4.@@@ is "urc(ased on credit D4.@@@ In%entory B D4.@@@ Accounts -aya'le C B Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-2' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-2)
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-2' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-6@ /continued0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income A, 6.8@@ CO5S 4.@@@ Sales 6.8@@ INK 4.@@@ 6! T(e in%entory "urc(ased in transaction 4 is sold &or F6.8@@ on credit D6.8@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le -4.@@@ In%entory B D6.8@@ ,etained Earnings -4.@@@ ,etained Earnings D6.8@@ Sales C D4.@@@ Cost o& 5oods Sold B D6.8@@ -4.@@@ Cas( 6.8@@ A, 6.8@@ 8! T(e com"any collected t(e F6.8@@ o#ed to it "er transaction 6 D6.8@@ Cas( -6.8@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B C B --E 8.@@@ Cas( 8.@@@ 9! E)ui"ment is "urc(ased &or F8.@@@ cas( -8.@@@ Cas( D8.@@@ --E B C B Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-30 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-2) -2-6@ /continued0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"enses B Net Income DE .@@@ --E .@@@ :! De"reciation o& F.@@@ is recorded on t(e e)ui"ment &rom transaction 9 -.@@@ --E B -.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D.@@@ De"reciation E$"ense B -.@@@ SU-E 4.@@@ SU- 4.@@@ ;! Su""lies account (ad a F4.;@@ 'alance at 'eginning o& t(is "eriodR a "(ysical count at "eriod-end s(o#s F;@@ o& su""lies still a%aila'le! No su""lies #ere "urc(ased t(is "eriod! -4.@@@ Su""lies B -4.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D4.@@@ Su""lies E$"ense B -4.@@@ N- @.@@@ IE 8@@ Cas( @.8@@ =! T(e com"any "aid F@.@@@ cas( to#ard t(e "rinci"al on a note "aya'leR also. F8@@ cas( is "aid to co%er t(is note*s interest e$"ense &or t(e "eriod -@.8@@ Cas( B -@.@@@ Note -aya'le -8@@ ,etained Earnings C D8@@ Interest E$"ense B -8@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-31 Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-32 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-2) Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-30 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-6@ /concluded0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en -ses B Net Income Cas( ;.@@@ U, ;.@@@ @! T(e com"any recei%e F;.@@@ cas( in ad%ance &or ser%ices to 'e deli%ered ne$t "eriod D;.@@@ Cas( B D;.@@@ Unearned ,e%enue C B Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-33
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-31 -2-6 /4@ minutes0 a! Com"any 5ross -ro&it M Sales Net IncomeM Sales Net IncomeM E)uity 1ia'ilitiesM E)uity Target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 42!N 6!4N ;!=N !;2 Ni2e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 68!9N @!2N 2!:N @!82 Parley-Da%idson!!!!!!!!! 64!6N 4!@N 9!:N 4!2: Cisco Systems!!!!!!!!!!!! 96!@N =!6N :!8N @!;4 '! Com"anies generally reali3e (ig(er gross "ro&it margins i& t(ere is some limit on com"etition. suc( as a 'arrier to entry! T(is 'arrier to entry can 'e legal in nature suc( as t(at a&&orded 'y a "atentR or o"erational. suc( as t(at created 'y strong 'rand identity! Cisco. Ni2e and Parley all en7oy a'o%e-a%erage gross "ro&it margins! Cisco is a tec(nology com"any t(at 'ene&its &rom "atents on desira'le tec(nology! Ni2e and Parley (a%e strong and %alua'le 'rands! Ni2e relies on its ad%ertising cam"aigns #(ile Parley en7oys its cult &ollo#ing! Target. #(ile a strong 'rand. sells goods t(at are di&&icult to di&&erentiate and t(e com"any cannot command t(e "ricing "o#er t(at t(e ot(er t(ree com"anies en7oy! Net "ro&it margin /Net income M Sales0 is a &unction o& 'ot( gross "ro&it margin and e$"ense control! Cisco*s and Ni2e*s net "ro&it margins are t(e (ig(est o& t(e com"anies in t(is sam"le. resulting &rom t(eir (ig( gross "ro&it margin and e$cellent e$"ense control! Parley*s (ig( gross "ro&it margin is eroded. to some e$tent. 'y t(e signi&icant o"erating e$"enses t(at reduce its net income! Target*s net "ro&it margin is only a%erage &or "u'licly-traded com"anies. re&lecting t(e lac2 o& "roduct di&&erentiation and signi&icant ad%ertising e$"ense! c! Ni2e en7oys t(e (ig(est return on e)uity /measured as net income to e)uity0. &ollo#ed 'y Target and Cisco! Ni2e and Cisco. and to a lesser e$tent Target. are "remium 'rands t(at (a%e e&&ecti%ely di&&erentiated t(eir "roducts and can. t(ere&ore. en7oy a'o%e-a%erage returns on stoc2(older in%estment! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-3# Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-6 /concluded0 d! Target and Parley (a%e t(e (ig(est "ro"ortion o& de't in t(eir ca"ital structures mostly 'ecause o& Target*s "ro"rietary credit card and Parley-Da%idson Financial Ser%ices /its loan and lease &inancing su'sidiary0! T(e 'alance s(eets and income statements o& &inancial o"erations are similar to t(at o& a 'an2 C (ig( de't le%els and relati%ely lo# margins! Aot( com"anies consolidate t(eir &inancial o"erations #it( t(ose o& t(e o"erating com"any! T(is in&lates t(eir consolidated de't le%el a'o%e #(at #e ty"ically o'ser%e &or stand-alone retail and manu&acturing o"erations! Finally. com"anies t(at en7oy relati%ely sta'le cas( &lo#s can a&&ord (ig(er de't le%els 'ecause t(ere is some assurance t(at &uture cas( &lo#s #ill 'e su&&icient to co%er &i$ed de't "ayments! T(e ot(er t#o com"anies o"erate #it( a greater "ro"ortion o& e)uity t(an o& de't! -2-62 /4@ minutes0 a! Com"any Net Income M Sales ,an2 Macy*s 4!6N 8 Pome De"ot. Inc! 6!=N Sta"les. Inc! 4!9N 6 Target Cor"! 6!4N 2 <al-Mart Stores 4!=N 4 Pome De"ot and Target re"ort t(e (ig(est net "ro&it margins! T(ese com"anies (a%e succeeded at e&&ecti%ely di&&erentiating t(eir 'rands andMor controlling t(eir costs! <al-Mart. Sta"les and Macy*s o"erate in (ig(ly com"etiti%e mar2ets #it( undi&&erentiated "roduct lines! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-3$ -2-62 /concluded0 '! Com"any O"erating Cas( Flo# M Sales ,an2 Macy*s 9!@N 4 Pome De"ot. Inc! 9!:N 2 Sta"les. Inc! 8!=N 6 Target Cor"! :!;N <al-Mart Stores 8!9N 8 Target and Pome De"ot re"ort t(e (ig(est le%el o& o"erating cas( &lo# as a "ercentage o& sales! T(ese are %ery e&&icient o"erations! <al-Mart and Sta"les are not as e&&ecti%e on t(is dimension! c! Com"any In%esting Cas( Flo# M Sales ,an2 Macy*s -!=N 2 Pome De"ot Inc! -!8N Sta"les Inc! -!=N 4 Target Cor"! -2!9N 6 <al-Mart Stores -2!=N 8 In%esting cas( &lo#s are ty"ically negati%e /cas( out&lo#0. re"resenting t(e "urc(ase o& --E! Pome De"ot*s ran2ing o& (ere. does corres"ond #it( its ran2ing o& in "art a. 'ut t(ere is no similarity &or t(e ot(er com"anies! d! Negati%e cas( &lo#s &rom &inancing acti%ities can occur &or t(ree reasons+ net de't re"ayments in e$cess o& ne# 'orro#ings. stoc2 re"urc(ases /in e$cess o& stoc2 sales0. and di%idend "ayments! Com"anies ty"ically do not reduce de't unless t(eir de't le%els are uncom&orta'ly (ig( or t(e com"any (as e$cess cas( or mar2eta'le securities! Com"anies re"urc(ase t(eir stoc2 to 0 signal to t(e mar2et t(at t(e com"any 'elie%es its stoc2 is under%alued. 20 return ca"ital to s(are(olders in a ta$-ad%antaged #ay /&or e$am"le. i& t(e ta$ rates on ca"ital gains are less t(an t(ose on di%idends0. or 40 (onor em"loyee stoc2 o"tion e$ercises! Not all com"anies "ay di%idends so t(is is not as common as t(e &irst t#o reasons &or negati%e &inancing cas( &lo#s! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-3% Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-64 /6@ minutes0 a! De"reciation is added 'ac2 to undo t(e e&&ect it (ad on t(e income statement! <al-Mart deducted F:.96 million o& de"reciation /and amorti3ation0 e$"ense in com"uting net income! De"reciation is a noncas( e$"ense so <al-Mart did not actually use F:.96 million o& cas( to "ay de"reciation e$"ense! T(us. to determine (o# muc( cas( #as generated. net income is too lo# 'y t(e de"reciation amount o& F:.96 million! T(e de"reciation add-'ac2 is NOT a source o& cas( as some mista2enly 'elie%e! Cas( is. ultimately. generated 'y "ro&ita'le o"erations. not 'y de"reciation! '! ,e%enue is recogni3ed. and "ro&it increased. #(en it is earned. #(et(er or not cas( is recei%ed! Sales on account. t(ere&ore. increase "ro&it. and t(e deduction &or t(e increase in recei%a'les re&lects t(e &act t(at cas( (as not yet 'een recei%ed! T(e negati%e sign on t(e increase in in%entories re&lects t(e out&lo# o& cas( #(en in%entories are "urc(ased! In%entories are ty"ically "urc(ased on account! As a result. "ayment is not made #(en t(e in%entories are "urc(ased! T(e "ositi%e sign on t(e increase in accounts "aya'le o&&sets a "ortion o& t(e negati%e sign on t(e in%entory increase. and t(e net amount re"resents t(e net cas( "aid &or t(e increase in in%entories! Accounts "aya'le are ty"ically non-interest 'earing. t(us "ro%iding a c(ea" and im"ortant source o& cas(! Accruals relate to e$"enses t(at (a%e 'een recogni3ed in t(e income statement t(at (a%e not yet 'een "aid! A decrease in accrued lia'ilities means t(at cas( "aid out &or e$"enses during t(e year #as greater t(an t(e e$"enses recogni3ed in t(e income statement! T(ere&ore. a decrease in accrued e$"enses is s(o#n as a cas( out&lo#! c! Com"anies must continue to in%est in t(eir in&rastructure. 'ot( &or ne# additions and re"lacement. to remain com"etiti%e! De"reciation e$"ense re"resents t(e using u" o& de"recia'le assets! In general. #e s(ould e$"ect ca"ital e$"enditures /CA-EE0 to e$ceed de"reciation e$"ense! T(is indicates t(at t(e com"any is gro#ing its in&rastructure as #ell as re"lacing t(e "ortion t(at is #earing out! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-3& -2-64 /concluded0 d! I& <al-Mart can ma2e a 'etter return on rein%esting its cas( 'ac2 into t(e 'usiness t(an t(e return s(are(olders can earn &or t(emsel%es on t(e cas( t(ey #ould recei%e. <al-Mart s(ould &orgo "aying di%idends or re"urc(asing s(ares! Many com"anies #it( large cas( in&lo#s. es"ecially mature com"anies in relati%ely saturated mar2ets. &ind it (ard to unco%er additional in%estment o""ortunities! In t(ose cases. returning t(e cas( to in%estors is 'etter t(an in%esting it in mar2eta'le securities. 'ecause in%estors can do t(at &or t(emsel%es! e! <al-Mart is a large. mature. and "ro&ita'le com"any! In &iscal 2@. t(e com"any generated 4=N more o"erating cas( &lo#s t(an re"orted "ro&itsR F24!9 'illion o& o"erating cas( &lo# com"ared to F:!@ 'illion in net income! It &unds ca"ital e$"enditures &or ne# stores and remodels #it( o"erating cas( &lo#s #it( no need &or e$ternal &inancing! In t(e &inancing area. t(e com"any is 'orro#ing to re"urc(ase stoc2 and to "ay di%idends. a su'stitution o& lo#er-cost de't &or (ig(er-cost e)uity! T(is is a ty"ical "ro&ile &or a large. #ell-ca"itali3ed com"any li2e <al- Mart! In sum. <al-Mart is e$ce"tionally strong. and t(e com"any #ill li2ely continue in%esting in its in&rastructure! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-3' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-66 /6@ minutes0 a! De"reciation is added 'ac2 to undo t(e e&&ect it (ad on t(e income statement! Keri3on deducted F9.6@8 million o& de"reciation e$"ense in com"uting net income! De"reciation is a noncas( e$"ense so Keri3on did not actually use F9.6@8 million cas( to "ay de"reciation! T(us. to determine (o# muc( cas( #as generated. net income is too lo# 'y t(e de"reciation amount o& F9.6@8 million! T(e de"reciation add-'ac2 is NOT a source o& cas( as some mista2enly 'elie%e! Cas( is. ultimately. generated 'y "ro&ita'le o"erations. not 'y de"reciation! T(e relati%e si3e o& t(e add-'ac2 indicates t(at t(e com"any is e$tremely ca"ital intensi%e! T(e add-'ac2 is !9 times t(e si3e o& net income! '! T(e MDHA section o& t(e @-T "ro%ides management*s assessment o& t(e o"erating results and in%estment acti%ities o& t(e com"any! Aecause it is regulated 'y SEC disclosure rules. t(e @-T is a source o& use&ul in&ormation t(at includes less "romotional material t(an ot(er statements 'y t(e com"any! Com"anies must continue to in%est in t(eir in&rastructure. 'ot( &or ne# additions and re"lacement. to remain com"etiti%e! De"reciation e$"ense re"resents t(e using u" o& de"recia'le assets! In general. #e s(ould e$"ect ca"ital e$"enditures /CA-EE0 to e$ceed de"reciation e$"ense! T(is indicates t(at t(e com"any is gro#ing its in&rastructure as #ell as re"lacing t(e "ortion t(at is #earing out! Keri3on*s CA-EE is only slig(tly (ig(er t(an de"reciation! c! Keri3on*s (ig( de't load "laces se%ere demands on its o"erating cas( &lo#! Cas( t(at s(ould 'e used to de%elo" its in&rastructure must 'e allocated to t(e "ayment o& de't! T(is is "articularly "ro'lematic &or Keri3on as it is &acing sti&& com"etition &rom ri%al Comcast and must ma2e su'stantial ca"ital in%estments to remain com"etiti%e! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-3) -2-66 /concluded0 d! Di%idends are not a contractual o'ligation until declared 'y t(e 'oard o& directors! Alt(oug( stoc2 "rice may &all i& t(e com"any reduces di%idends. s(are(olders cannot &orce t(e com"any into 'an2ru"tcy li2e de't (olders can! Ne%ert(eless. (ig( di%idend-"aying com"anies. suc( as Keri3on. ty"ically continue t(eir di%idend "ayout e%en i& t(ey must 'orro# &unds to do so as &ailure to maintain di%idend "ayment le%els #ould de"ress t(e mar2et "rice o& t(e com"any stoc2 and increase t(e cost o& e)uity ca"ital s(ould t(e com"any need to use its stoc2 to raise ca"ital or ac)uire anot(er com"any! e! Keri3on*s o"erations generated a signi&icant amount o& cas(! Its ca"ital e$"enditures are signi&icant as t(e com"any continues to u"grade its in&rastructure to im"lement ne# tec(nology to remain com"etiti%e #it( ot(er telecom and ca'le com"anies! Pig( ca"ital outlays #ould. ordinarily. not 'e a "ro'lem #ere it not &or t(e com"any*s signi&icant e$isting de't load! Keri3on*s de't re"ayment &or 2@@ #as o%er F; 'illion &or long-term de't and an additional F 'illion &or s(ort-term de't! In addition. t(e com"any "aid interest e$"ense t(at is recorded in its income statement! Alt(oug( t(e com"any is &inancially strong. 'alancing its de't le%el #it( t(e cas( &lo# needs &or ca"ital e$"enditures to su""ort its o"erating acti%ities and di%idends to su""ort its stoc2 "rice is a di&&icult c(allenge &acing t(e com"any! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-#0 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-68 /28 minutes0 a! Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en-ses B Net Income Cas( 88.@@@ N- 88.@@@ CS @@.@@@ ! ,ecei%ed F@@.@@@ cas( &or common stoc2 and 'orro#ed F88.@@@ cas( D88.@@@ Cas( B D88.@@@ Notes -aya'le D@@.@@@ Common Stoc2 C B --E 8@.@@@ N- 6@.@@@ Cas( @.@@@ 2! -urc(ased F8@.@@@ o& e)ui"ment. &or F@.@@@ cas( and F6@.@@@ note "aya'le -@.@@@ Cas( D8@.@@@ --E B D6@.@@@ Notes -aya'le C B INK ;@.@@@ Cas( ;@.@@@ 4! -urc(ased F;@.@@@ o& in%entory &or cas( -;@.@@@ Cas( D;@.@@@ In%entory B C B Cas( 9@.@@@ A, 6@.@@@ CO5S :@.@@@ Sales @@.@@@ INK :@.@@@ 6! Sold In%entory &or F9@.@@@ cas( and F6@.@@@ on credit. cost o& in%entory F:@.@@@ D9@.@@@ Cas( D6@.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le -:@.@@@ In%entory B D4@.@@@ ,etained Earnings D@@.@@@ Sales C D:@.@@@ Cost o& 5oods Sold B D4@.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-#1 -2-68 /continued0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"enses B Net Income --DA @.@@@ Cas( @.@@@ 8! -aid F@.@@@ cas( &or &uture ad%ertising time -@.@@@ Cas( D@.@@@ -re"aid Ad%ertising B C B AE :.8@@ --DA :.8@@ 9! F:.8@@ o& ad%ertising time in transaction 8 is aired -:.8@@ -re"aid Ad%ertising B -:.8@@ ,etained Earnings C D:.8@@ Ad%ertising E$"ense B -:.8@@ <E 8.@@@ Cas( 8.@@@ :! Em"loyees "aid F8.@@@ cas( in #ages -8.@@@ Cas( B -8.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D8.@@@ <ages E$"ense B - 8.@@@ <E .@@@ <- .@@@ ;! Em"loyees earn F.@@@ in #ages not yet "aid B D.@@@ <ages -aya'le -.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D.@@@ <ages E$"ense B -.@@@ DE 2.@@@ --E 2.@@@ =! ,ecord de"reciation o& F2.@@@ on e)ui"mentO -2.@@@ --E B -2.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D2.@@@ De"reciation E$"ense B -2.@@@ Ending Aalances @@.@@@ @@.8@@ B =9.@@@ @@.@@@ 6.8@@ @@.@@@ C =8.8@@ B 6.8@@ O -ro"erty and E)ui"ment. gross less Accumulated De"reciation! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-#2 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-68 /concluded0 '! AniFoods. Inc! Income Statement For Mont( Ended Marc( 4 Sales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@@.@@@ Cost o& goods sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /:@.@@@0 5ross "ro&it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4@.@@@ Ad%ertising e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /:.8@@0 <ages e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/9.@@@0 De"reciation e$"ense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /2.@@@0 Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 6.8@@ AniFoods. Inc! Aalance S(eet Marc( 4 Cas(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@@.@@@ <ages "aya'le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F .@@@ Accounts recei%a'le!!!!!!!!!!!!6@.@@@ Note "aya'le /to o#ner0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 88.@@@ In%entory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@.@@@ Note "aya'le /to %endor0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6@.@@@ -re"aid ad%ertising!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.8@@ Total lia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =9.@@@ E)ui"ment. gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!8@.@@@ 1ess+ Accum de"reciation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /2.@@@0 Common stoc2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@.@@@ E)ui"ment. net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6;.@@@ ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6.8@@ Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2@@.8@@ Total lia'ilities and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2@@.8@@
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-#3 -2-69 a! Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Aeginning 'al! ;@.@@@ 48.@@@ B :@.@@@ @.@@@ 48.@@@ C B SU- 8.@@@ Cas( 8.@@@ ! T(e com"any "urc(ased su""lies &or F8.@@@ cas(R none #ere used t(is mont( -8.@@@ Cas( D8.@@@ Su""lies B C B A, 2.8@@ ,EK 2.8@@ 2! Ser%ices o& F2.8@@ #ere "er&ormed t(is mont( on credit D2.8@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B D2.8@@ ,etained Earnings D2.8@@ ,e%enues C B D2.8@@ Cas( @.@@@ ,EK @.@@@ 4! Ser%ices #ere "er&ormed &or F@.@@@ cas( t(is mont( D@.@@@ Cas( B D@.@@@ ,etained Earnings D@.@@@ ,e%enues C B D@.@@@ --DA ;.@@@ Cas( ;.@@@ 6! T(e com"any "urc(ased ad%ertising &or F;.@@@ cas(R t(e ads #ill run ne$t mont( -;.@@@ Cas( D;.@@@ -re"aid Ad%ertising B C B Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-## Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-#2 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-69 /Continued0! Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Cas( .2@@ A, .2@@ 8! T(e com"any recei%ed F.2@@ cas( as "artial "ayment on accounts recei%a'le &rom transaction 2 D.2@@ Cas( -.2@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B C B A- 4.6@@ Cas( 4.6@@ 9! T(e com"any "aid F4.6@@ cas( to#ard accounts "aya'le! -4.6@@ Cas( B -4.6@@ Accounts -aya'le C B <E 4.@@ Cas( 4.@@ :! -aid F4.@@ cas( to#ard t(is mont(*s #ages e$"enses -4.@@ Cas( B -4.@@ ,etained Earnings C D4.@@ <ages E$"ense B -4.@@ DIK 8@@ Cas( 8@@ ;! T(e com"any declared and "aid di%idends o& F8@@ cas( -8@@ Cas( B -8@@ Di%idends C B Ending 'alance :.2@@ 6=.4@@ B 99.9@@ @.@@@ 64.=@@ 2.8@@ C 4.@@ B =.6@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-#$ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-#% Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-#3 -2-69 /concluded0 '! Panlon Ad%ertising Com"any Income Statement For Current Mont( Sales re%enue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2.8@@ Total e$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.@@ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F =.6@@ Panlon Ad%ertising Com"any ,etained Earnings ,econciliation For Current Mont( ,etained earnings. 'eginning o& mont(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 48.@@@ Add Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =.6@@ 1ess+ Di%idends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /8@@0 ,etained earnings. end o& mont(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 64.=@@ Panlon Ad%ertising Com"any Aalance S(eet Mont(-End Cas(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F :.2@@ 1ia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 99.9@@ Noncas( assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6=.4@@ Contri'uted ca"ital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @.@@@ ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 64.=@@ SSSSSSSS Total e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 84.=@@ Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F22@.8@@ Total lia'ilities and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F22@.8@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-#& -2-6: /2@ minutes0 a! O"erating acti%ities Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F4@.@@@ Ad7ustments to reconcile net income to o"erating cas( &lo# De"reciation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F28.@@@ Accounts recei%a'le increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /@.@@@0 -re"aid e$"ense decrease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.@@@ Accounts "aya'le increase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.@@@ <ages "aya'le decrease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /6.@@@ 0 2@.@@@ Net cas( "ro%ided &rom o"erating acti%ities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F8@.@@@ '! No. t(e "ositi%e sign on de"reciation e$"ense does not mean t(at -etroni Com"any is generating cas( 'y recording de"reciation! T(e de"reciation add-'ac2 undoes t(e noncas( de"reciation e$"ense t(at is included in t(e com"utation o& net income! Cas( is generated &rom sales and "ro&ita'le o"erations and not &rom de"reciation e$"ense! c! T(e increase in accounts recei%a'le relates to sales on credit! Aecause -etroni Com"any uses 5AA-. t(e com"any recogni3es re%enues #(en >earned.? e%en i& no cas( is recei%ed! T(ese credit sales are included in net income e%en t(oug( no cas( (as 'een recei%ed &rom t(e sale! T(at means t(at net income is (ig(er t(an cas( &rom o"erations! Su'tracting t(e increase in recei%a'les o&&sets t(e noncas( sales included in net income! d! -re"aid e$"enses arise #(en a com"any "ays out cas( in ad%ance o& incurring t(e e$"ense! An e$am"le is t(e "ayment &or radio or TK ad%ertising t(at is not aired in t(e current "eriod! <(en "aid. t(e com"any records t(e decrease in cas( and also records an asset. "re"aid ad%ertising! <(en t(e ads are aired. t(e "re"aid ad%ertising account is reduced and an e$"ense is recogni3ed e%en t(oug( no cas( #as "aid in t(e "eriod t(e ads aired! T(e e&&ect is t(at net income is lo#er /'y t(e ad%ertising e$"ense0 t(an cas( &rom o"erations! To reconcile t(e t#o. t(e com"any needs to add 'ac2 t(e decrease in t(e "re"aid e$"ense asset! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-#' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-6; /2@ minutes0 a! Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"en- ses B Net Income Aeginning 'al! 4@.@@@ 228.@@@ B =@.@@@ 68.@@@ 2@.@@@ C B SU- 9.@@@ A- 9.@@@ ! T(e com"any "urc(ased F9.@@@ o& su""lies on credit D9.@@@ Su""lies B D9.@@@ Accounts -aya'le C B Cas( ;.@@@ U, ;.@@@ 2! T(e com"any recei%ed F;.@@@ cas( &rom a ne# customer &or ser%ices to 'e "er&ormed ne$t mont( D;.@@@ Cas( B D;.@@@ Unearned ,e%enues C B ,NTE 4.@@@ --,NT 4.@@@ Cas( 9.@@@ 4! T(e com"any "aid F9.@@@ cas( to co%er o&&ice rent &or t#o mont(s /t(e current mont( and t(e ne$t0 -9.@@@ Cas( D4.@@@ -re"aid ,ent B -4.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D4.@@@ ,ent E$"ense B -4.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-#) Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-$0 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-#% Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-6; /continued0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"enses B Net Income A, 28.@@@ ,EK 28.@@@ 6! T(e com"any 'illed clients &or F28.@@@ o& #or2 "er&ormed D28.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B D28.@@@ ,etained Earnings D28.@@@ ,e%enues C B D28.@@@ <E 9.@@@ Cas( 9.@@@ 8! T(e com"any "aid em"loyees F9.@@@ cas( &or #or2 "er&ormed -9.@@@ Cas( B -9.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D9.@@@ <ages E$"ense B -9.@@@ Cas( 28.@@@ A, 28.@@@ 9! T(e com"any collected F28.@@@ cas( &rom accounts recei%a'le in # D28.@@@ Cas( -28.@@@ Accounts ,ecei%a'le B C B DE 4.@@@ --E 4.@@@ :! T(e com"any recorded F4.@@@ de"reciation on its e)ui"ment -4.@@@ --E B -4.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D4.@@@ De"reciation E$"ense B -4.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-$1 Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-$2 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-#& -2-6; /continued0 Aalance S(eet Income Statement Transaction Cas( Asset D Noncas( Assets B 1ia'il- ities D Contri'! Ca"ital D Earned Ca"ital ,e%- enues C E$"enses B Net Income SU-E 6.@@@ SU- 6.@@@ ;! At mont(-end. F2.@@@ o& su""lies "urc(ased in 1 are still a%aila'leR no su""lies #ere a%aila'le #(en t(e mont( 'egan -6.@@@ Su""lies B -6.@@@ ,etained Earnings C D6.@@@ Su""lies E$"ense B -6.@@@ Ending 'alance 8.@@@ 22:.@@@ B @6.@@@ 68.@@@ 2=.@@@ 28.@@@ C 9.@@@ B =.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-$3
Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-#' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition -2-6; /concluded0 '! <erner ,ealty Com"any Income Statement For Current Mont( Sales re%enue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 28.@@@ Total e$"enses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9.@@@ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F =.@@@ <erner ,ealty Com"any ,etained Earnings ,econciliation For Current Mont( ,etained earnings. 'eginning o& mont(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2@.@@@ Add+ Net income!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =.@@@ 1ess+ Di%idends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ ,etained earnings. end o& mont(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2=.@@@ <erner ,ealty Com"any Aalance S(eet Current Mont(-End Cas(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F 8.@@@ 1ia'ilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@6.@@@ Noncas( assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22:.@@@ Contri'uted ca"ital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 68.@@@ ,etained earnings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2=.@@@ SSSSSSSS Total e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :6.@@@ Total assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2:;.@@@ Total lia'ilities and e)uity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F2:;.@@@ Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-$# Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition IF,S ASSI5NMENTS I 2-6= /8 minutes0 a! Income Statement Tesco Fe'ruary 29. 2@ A(old Ganuary 2. 2@ Umillions N Vmillions N Sales U9@.=4 @@!@N V2=.84@ @@!@N Cost o& goods sold 88.;: =!:N 2.9@ :4!2N 5ross "ro&it 8.@9@ ;!4N :.=2@ 29!;N Total e$"enses 2.6@8 4!=N :.@9: 24!=N Net income U 2.988 6!6N V ;84 2!=N A(old*s gross "ro&it margin /29!;N0 is t(ree times t(at o& Tesco /;!4N0 due to t(eir relati%ely lo# cost o& goods sold! Aut t(e o""osite "attern (olds &or t(e total e$"enses! T(e t#o com"anies (a%e roug(ly t(e same common-si3e net income! T(is could indicate t(at t(e com"anies classi&y certain e$"enses di&&erently C Tesco classi&ies more e$"enses as CO5S! '! Aalance S(eet Tesco A(old Fe'ruary 29. 2@ Ganuary 2. 2@ /Umillions0 N /Vmillions0 N Current assets U.64; 26!2N V 8.=6 48!4N 1ong-term assets 48.:9; :8!;N =.84 96!:N Total assets U6:.2@9 @@!@N V6.:28 @@!@N Current lia'ilities U:.:4 4:!9N V 6.@=2 2:!;N 1ong-term lia'ilities 2.;82 2:!2N 6.:24 42!N Total lia'ilities 4@.8;4 96!;N ;.;8 8=!=N Stoc2(older*s e)uity 9.924 48!2N 8.=@ 6@!N Total lia'ilities and e)uity U6:.2@9 @@!@N V6.:28 @@!@N c! A(old (as a greater "ro"ortion o& stoc2(olders* e)uity in its ca"ital structure C 6@!N com"ared to Tesco*s 48!2N! A greater "ro"ortion o& de't is generally %ie#ed as a ris2ier ca"ital structure! So. on t(at 'asis. #e #ould conclude t(at Tesco is t(e ris2ier com"any! T(at said. neit(er o& t(ese com"anies carries a large "ercentage o& long-term de't! <e #ould conclude t(at t(ey are 'ot( %ery sol%ent! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-$$ I 2-8@ /6@ minutes0 a. De"reciation is added 'ac2 to undo t(e e&&ect it (ad on t(e income statement! AstraQeneca deducted F2.@;: million o& de"reciation e$"ense in com"uting net income! De"reciation is a noncas( e$"ense so AstraQeneca did not actually use F2.@;: million o& cas( to "ay de"reciation e$"ense! T(us. to determine (o# muc( cas( #as generated. net income is lo#er t(at cas( &rom o"erations 'y t(e de"reciation amount o& F2.@;: million! T(e de"reciation add-'ac2 is NOT a source o& cas( as some mista2enly 'elie%e! Cas( is generated 'y "ro&ita'le o"erations. not 'y de"reciation! '! ,e%enue is recogni3ed. and net "ro&it increased. #(en it is earned. #(et(er or not cas( is recei%ed! Sales on account. t(ere&ore. increase "ro&it. and t(e deduction &or t(e increase in recei%a'les re&lects t(e &act t(at cas( (as not yet 'een recei%ed! T(e "ositi%e sign on t(e decrease in in%entories re&lects t(at t(e cost o& goods sold includes in%entory t(at #as "aid &or in a "rior "eriod! AstraQeneca "urc(ases muc( o& its in%entories on credit! T(e increase in trade and ot(er "aya'les and "ro%isions re&lects in%entories t(at (a%e 'een "urc(ased. 'ut (a%e not yet 'een "aid &or in cas(! T(is add-'ac2 to net income re&lects t(e &act t(at cas( "ro&it is (ig(er 'ecause t(ese accounts "aya'le are not yet "aid! c! To gro# and remain com"etiti%e. com"anies must continue to in%est in t(eir in&rastructure! Ca"ital e$"enditures /CA-EE0 are necessary 'ot( &or routine e)ui"ment re"lacements and &or ne# additions! De"reciation e$"ense re"resents t(e using u" o& de"recia'le assets! In general. #e s(ould e$"ect CA-EE to e$ceed de"reciation e$"ense! T(is indicates t(at t(e com"any is gro#ing its in&rastructure as #ell as re"lacing t(e "ortion t(at is #earing out! T(is is not t(e case in 2@@= &or Astra Qeneca! T(e com"any may (a%e slo#ed its gro#t( to #eat(er t(e economic do#nturn during t(e 2@@= "eriod! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-$% Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition I 2-8@ /concluded0 d! AstraQeneca generated a signi&icant amount o& cas( in 2@@= and "aid a (e&ty di%idend! I& AstraQeneca can ma2e a 'etter return on rein%esting its cas( 'ac2 into t(e 'usiness t(an t(e return s(are(olders can earn &or t(emsel%es on t(e cas( t(ey #ould recei%e. AstraQeneca s(ould &orgo "aying di%idends! Many com"anies #it( large cas( in&lo#s. es"ecially mature com"anies in relati%ely saturated mar2ets. &ind it (ard to unco%er additional in%estment o""ortunities! In t(ose cases. returning t(e cas( to in%estors is 'etter t(an in%esting it in mar2eta'le securities. 'ecause in%estors can do t(at &or t(emsel%es! e! AstraQeneca generated cas( &lo#s o& F.:4= million &rom o"erating acti%ities in 2@@=! T(e com"any (ad a net cas( out&lo# &rom in%esting acti%ities o& F2.6:9 million! T(is out&lo# #as due "rimarily to mo%ement in s(ort-term in%estments and &i$ed de"osits and relati%ely small "urc(ases o& "ro"erty. "lant. and e)ui"ment! T(e com"any also (ad a net cas( out&lo# &rom &inancing acti%ities o& F4.92= &rom loan re"ayments. di%idend "ayments. and mo%ement in s(ort-term 'orro#ings! Cas( increased signi&icantly during t(e year &rom F6.24 million to F=.;2; million! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-$& MANA5EMENT A--1ICATIONS MA2-8 /28 minutes0 a! T(e cas( con%ersion cycle is t(e num'er o& days t(at "ass &rom t(e time t(e com"any "ays cas( to "urc(ase or manu&acture in%entory. sells t(e in%entory and ultimately collects t(e accounts recei%a'le! T(is "eriod o& time is reduced to t(e e$tent t(at su""liers &inance a "ortion o& t(e in%entory "urc(ase! ,ecei%a'les and in%entories are costly to maintain! T(ey must 'e &inanced /eit(er #it( 'orro#ed &unds or 'y &orgoing in%estment in ot(er earning assets0. collected /#it( some "ros"ect o& loss0. stored. insured. and mo%ed! Ay reducing t(e amount o& in%estment in t(ese assets. com"anies can reduce t(eir e$"enses and t(eir need &or e$ternal ca"ital! '! A com"any mig(t reduce its cas( con%ersion cycle 'y reducing recei%a'les and in%entories and 'y increasing accounts "aya'le! ! ,ecei%a'les C managers can reduce recei%a'les 'y in%o2ing more stringent credit-granting "olicies! Com"anies need a""ro"riate "olicies to decide to #(om to e$tend credit and in #(at dollar amount! As credit "olicies 'ecome more restricti%e. t(e dollar amount o& recei%a'les declines! Managers can also im"lement more aggressi%e and or e&&icient collection "ractices 2! In%entories C &or retailers. in%entories are t(e cost o& t(e goods "urc(ased &or resale! For manu&acturers. in%entory costs include ra# materials. and additional la'or and o%er(ead costs to con%ert t(e goods into sala'le &orm! ,educing in%entory le%els #ill reduce t(e cas( con%ersion cycle time! T(is can (a""en #it( more e&&icient 'uying /"urc(asing &or actual orders rat(er t(an &or estimated demand0 and #it( leaner manu&acturing "rocesses! 4! -aya'les C lengt(ening t(e time to "ay accounts "aya'le />leaning on t(e trade?0 reduces t(e cas( con%ersion cycle time 'ecause less o& t(e com"any*s o#n ca"ital is in%ested in recei%a'les and in%entories! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-$' Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition MA2-8 /concluded0 c! Eac( action descri'ed a'o%e (as im"lications &or t(e com"any*s relations #it( customers and su""liers! ! ,ecei%a'les C recei%a'les are a mar2eting tool. li2e ad%ertising. "roduct "romotions and selling e$"enses! Tig(tening a com"any*s credit "olicies can ad%ersely a&&ect sales! On t(e ot(er (and. more restricti%e credit "olicies can reduce collection costs. 'ad de't e$"ense. and &inancing costs! Esta'lis(ing a credit "olicy and collection "rocedures in%ol%es 'alancing t(e com"eting e&&ects o& lost sales #it( cost sa%ings! 2! In%entories C reducing &inis(ed goods in%entory le%els increases t(e ris2 o& stoc2-outs and could result in lost sales! T(e decision a'out #(at de"t( and 'readt( o& &inis(ed goods in%entories to carry is as muc( a mar2eting decision as it is a &inancial one! Furt(er. t(e amount o& ra# materials and #or2-in-"rocess in%entories on (and a&&ects "roduction e&&iciency and (as &inancial im"lications! In%entory management is a delicate "rocess t(at must 'e (andled #it( care to 'alance com"eting needs! 4! -aya'les C lengt(ening t(e time to "ay accounts "aya'le. #(ile reducing t(e cas( con%ersion cycle. may also damage relations #it( su""liers! One com"any*s account "aya'le is anot(er*s account recei%a'le! T(ere is a natural tension 'et#een t#o com"anies see2ing to 'alance t(e "eriod o& time t(at t(e credit is outstanding! Alt(oug( e$tending "aya'les is &a%ora'le &rom a &inancial %ie#"oint. s(ould su""lier relations 'ecome strained. t(e com"any*s a'ility to o'tain additional "roducts or ser%ices may 'e 7eo"ardi3ed! -olicies relating to t(e "ayment o& su""liers must 'e (andled #it( care! <or2ing ca"ital management is as muc( art as it is science! Com"anies must consider many constituencies in &raming t(e a""ro"riate "olicies! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-$) MA2-82 /4@ minutes0 T(e FASA (as traditionally ta2en t(e "osition t(at accounting standards s(ould re&lect t(e di%ersity o& 'usiness models 'y allo#ing discretion in t(eir a""lication! ,e%enue recognition and e$"ense recording is a case in "oint! a! Follo#ing are some "ros and cons o& dra&ting more restricti%e accounting standards+ -ros+ ! >One si3e &its all? accounting standards sim"li&y t(e accounting "rocess and ma2e t(e resulting &inancial statements easier to inter"ret! 2! ,educing t(e discretion a%aila'le to accountants also reduces t(e tem"tation to manage t(e &inancial statements to ac(ie%e managers* sel&-ser%ing o'7ecti%es! 4! Sim"li&ying accounting standards #ill reduce com"le$ity o& t(e audit "rocess as #ell as "otential litigation costs 'ecause t(e rules are clear! Cons+ ! Ausinesses are too com"le$ to use a >one si3e &its all? standard- setting "(iloso"(y! Uni)ue transactions and cor"orate relations may not lend t(emsel%es to classi&ication in a standardi3ed accounting system! 2! Creating >'rig(t line? accounting standards /e!g!. standards #it( numerical guidelines t(at direct t(e a""ro"riate accounting treatment. suc( as t(e rules regarding recognition o& o&&-'alance s(eet entities0 in%ites creati%e managers to structure t(eir deals so as to meet t(e tec(nical re)uirements o& t(e standard #(ile %iolating its intent! 4! Standardi3ing accounting rules reduces t(e %alue added 'y "ro&essional accountants! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 2-%0 Financial Managerial !ccounting for MB!s, 3rd "dition MA2-82 /concluded0 '! T(e >end 7usti&ies t(e means? argument. &re)uently used in su""ort o& earnings management. is &la#ed on at least t#o &ronts+ ! Earnings management is generally "er&ormed to >smoot(? earnings &luctuations or to meet earnings targets! Ty"ically t(e "arties 'ene&iting &rom t(is action are managers /'ecause t(eir com"ensation is contingent on meeting targets and 'ecause t(ere #ill 'e less s(are(older dissent #(en earnings targets are met0 and in%estors long in t(e stoc2! Future in%estors. in%estors s(ort in t(e stoc2. su""liers. lenders. and &uture em"loyees may all 'e damaged as a result o& t(e &ailure to "ro%ide timely and accurate &inancial in&ormation! 2! T(e argument im"licitly assumes t(at managers are more ca"a'le o& understanding &inancial re"orts t(an ot(er mar2et "artici"ants! To 'e sure. managers (a%e access to in&ormation t(at is not a%aila'le to t(e mar2et. 'ut managing &inancial results to &ilter #(at is seen. or not seen. 'y t(e mar2et is not t(e ans#er! ,at(er. management s(ould di%ulge more o& its in&ormation in an un&iltered &orm and let t(e mar2et ma2e its o#n assessment! Cambridge Business Publishers, 2013 Solutions Manual, Module 2 2-%1