Corporate Financial Reporting: Session-2 IIMC-PGP-2013: Prof. Arpita Ghosh
Corporate Financial Reporting: Session-2 IIMC-PGP-2013: Prof. Arpita Ghosh
Corporate Financial Reporting: Session-2 IIMC-PGP-2013: Prof. Arpita Ghosh
Conceptual Framework +,-ecti)es of Financial Reporting .!alitati)e characteristics "le&ents of Financial State&ents Assets' $ia,ilities' +/ners "#!it%' 0i)i(en(s' Retaine( "arnings' Re)en!es' "1penses Acco!nting Con)entions : Consistenc%' F!ll 0isclos!re' Materialit%' Cost- enefit' Conser)atis& "thics : Sar,anes-+1le% 2S+34' Fra!(!lent Reporting
Basic Assumptions
Money Measurement Financial acco!nting recor(s onl% those e)ents /hich can ,e e1presse( in &onetar% ter&s Mone% pro)i(es a co&&on (eno&inator to all transactions FS prepare( in c!rrenc% of the co!ntr% /here incorporate( 25 /here liste( if nee(e(4 2For international transactions : "1change rate to ,e !se to translate4 $i&itations 6 .!alitati)e infor&ation' Inflation Separate Entity !siness: Separate entit%' (istinct fro& its o/ners' cre(itors' c!sto&ers Acco!nts are 7ept for entities as (isting!ishe( fro& the persons associate( /ith the entities. Its financial records and reports should refer to the financial affairs of the business only. So' capital ,ro!ght in ,% the o/ner to his ,!siness is the o,ligation of the ,!siness entit% to its o/ner 8ol(s irrespecti)e of the for& of the ,!siness e)en if fro& legal point of )ie/ separate entit% (oesn9t hol(
Basic Assumptions
Goin Concern or Continuity An entit% /o!l( contin!e to operate in foreseea,le f!t!re' an( is not going to ,e li#!i(ate( 8elps to sprea( the effect of long ter& transactions o)er ti&e Meas!re&ent of Assets an( $ia,ilities on closing (ate Going Concern *al!e ; $i#!i(ation *al!e Cost and Fair !alue Cost or historical cost principle' (ictates that co&panies recor( assets at their cost Fair *al!e: In(icates that assets an( lia,ilities sho!l( ,e reporte( at fair )al!e - the price recei)e( to sell an asset or settle a lia,ilit%
asic Ass!&ptions
Accountin "eriod or "eriodicity Meas!re&ent of inco&e generate( ,% an entit% can not ,e postpone( in(efinitel% since a n!&,er of !sers nee( to ha)e the infor&ation at perio(ic inter)als for their econo&ic (ecisions Inter)al of ti&e' at the en( of /hich financial state&ents of the entit% are prepare( is calle( an Acco!nting perio( So' life of a ,!siness is (i)i(e( into artificial ti&e perio(s= inter)als >he inter)als are generall% of e#!al length' ?s!all% one %ear /hich can ,e calen(ar %ear' Can ,e prepare( for the interi& perio( 2.!arterl%4
>i&ing of cash receipts &ight not ,e the sa&e as the ti&e of re)en!e ,eing earne( an( >i&ing of cash payments &ight not &atch the ti&ing of e1pense ,eing inc!rre( >his Co&ple1it% is a((resse( ,% Accrual Basis of Accountin %ransactions 2li7e re)en!es an( e1penses4 are recorded when they occur 25 not /hen cash is e1change(4 and are reported in FS of the period to which they relate >his is &ore appropriate than cash ,asis for calculation of profits ,eca!se it lea(s to matchin of re!enues with e&penses It infor&s !sers of not onl% past cash transactions ,!t also f!t!re )en!es of cash receipts 2A=R4 an( pa%&ents 2A=P' $oan repa%&ent4
0ifferent !sers ha)e (ifferent' (i)erse infor&ation nee(s. Infor&ation that is (ecision !sef!l to capital pro)i(ers &a% also ,e !sef!l to other !sers 0ecision-!sef!l infor&ation helps !sers 1. Assess Cash Flow "rospects 2. Assess Mana ement.s Stewardship
Financial reporting infor&ation often res!lts fro& appro1i&ate rather than acc!rate &eas!res
"nhancing .!alities :
.!alitati)e Characteristics that Co&ple&ent Infor&ation .!alit%
Comparability$ >he #!alit% that ena,les !sers to i(entif% si&ilarities an( (ifferences ,et/een t/o sets of econo&ic pheno&ena. +erifiability$ >he #!alit% that helps assure !sers that infor&ation as presente( can ,e s!,stantiate( %imeliness$ >he #!alit% that ena,les the !ser to recei)e infor&ation in ti&e to infl!ence a (ecision. 3nderstandability$ >he #!alit% that ena,les !sers to co&prehen( the &eaning of the infor&ation the% recei)e Presentation: Aggregation an( Classification' clear an( concise ?sers capa,ilit%: Reasona,le Fno/le(ge' Gillingness
Is In)est&ent in shares of a co&pan% /hich )anishe( after IP+ an asset 6 Is Salar% pai( to e&plo%ees an asset 6 Is intention to p!rchase an e#!ip&ent an asset 6 Are patents o/ne( ,% an entit% an asset 6 "1: !il(ing' Plant an( Machiner%' In)entories' Acco!nts recei)a,les' Cash
Acco!nting Con)entions
Consistency$ +nce an entit% has (eci(e( !pon a partic!lar acco!nting ðo( o!t of se)eral possi,le' it sho!l( !se the sa&e ðo( for all s!,se#!ent e)ents of sa&e character' !nless it has fo!n( a so!n( reason to change the ðo( An% change if necessar% nee(s to ,e -!stifie(' its effect on profits to ,e #!antifie( 5 (isclose( Facilitates co&parison o)er ti&e
Full disclosure 6%ransparency7$ Re#!ires that financial state&ents an( their notes present all infor&ation rele)ant to !sers "1planator% Jotes : "1planations to 7eep FS fro& ,eing &islea(ing Man(ator% 0isclos!re :
Acco!nting Policies !se( in preparing FS li7e Re)en!e recognition polic%' 0epreciation acco!nting' In)entor% *al!ation Significant ")ents after ,alance sheet (ate 2halt in constr!ction4
Acco!nting Con)entions
Constraints to Financial ,eportin $ Materiality$ Relati)e I&portance or siAe of an ite& or e)ent An ite& is &aterial /hen its o&ission or &isstate&ent is li7el% to infl!ence the (ecision of a !ser of financial state&ents : L!(g&ent Materialit% assesse( ,ase( on the ma nitude 2)al!e of the ite& sa% M <N of Jet Inco&e4 5 nature 2>heft' ri,e4
Cost/Benefit $ 8ol(s that the ,enefits of pro)i(ing acco!nting infor&ation 2that financial state&ent !sers /ill gain4 sho!l( e1cee( the costs of pro)i(ing it 2the costs that the co&panies /ill inc!r4 0iffic!lt to #!antif% Costs an( enefits : L!(g&ent
Acco!nting Con)entions
Conser!atism Ghen (ealing /ith &eas!re&ent uncertainties' if t/o esti&ates of so&e f!t!re a&o!nts are e#!all% li7el%' there sho!l( ,e preference for the s&aller n!&,er /hen &eas!ring assets an( re)en!es 5 for the larger n!&,er for lia,ilities an( e1penses "1a&ple: *al!ing closing stoc7 at cost or &ar7et )al!e /hiche)er is lo/er Anticipate no profits ,!t pro)i(e for all losses See7s to pre)ent o)erstate&ent of profits the possi,ilit% of s!ch o)erstate( profit ,eing (istri,!te( ,% /a% of (i)i(en( 8o/e)er' (eli,erate o)erstate&ent of lia,ilities=e1penses an( (eli,erate !n(erstate&ent of assets =inco&e (isco!rage( can ,ias the financial state&ents /ith hi((en reser)es
Manage&ent : I&ple&ents policies' R!ns (a%-to-(a% operations Corporate Go!ernance 6CG7 incl!(es oar(9s responsi,ilit% of &onitoring &anagerial actions an( ethics Sarbanes 8)&ley Act of 2992 2passe( in ?S after "nron' Gorl(co&4 to strengthen CG : Re#!ires C"+ 5 CF+ to certif% acc!rac% an( co&pleteness of Financial State&ents I&poses hea)% cri&inal penalties on )iolation Re#!ires a s!,-co&&ittee of the oar( calle( A!(it Co&&ittee 2for&e( /ith financial e1perts an( in(epen(ent (irectors4 to ")al!ate &anage&ent perfor&ance' Appoint a!(itors 5 re)ie/ their /or7 "ns!re e1istence of a(e#!ate internal control s%ste&s
>han7 Oo!