1. This document provides suggestions for answering tutorial questions for an economics module on macroeconomic concepts and measures.
2. It lists the answers to sample multiple choice questions and provides guidance on answering different types of short-answer, discussion, and other question formats.
3. The document emphasizes that macroeconomic statistics like GDP, inflation, unemployment, exchange rates, and interest rates affect many individuals and groups in the economy.
1. This document provides suggestions for answering tutorial questions for an economics module on macroeconomic concepts and measures.
2. It lists the answers to sample multiple choice questions and provides guidance on answering different types of short-answer, discussion, and other question formats.
3. The document emphasizes that macroeconomic statistics like GDP, inflation, unemployment, exchange rates, and interest rates affect many individuals and groups in the economy.
1. This document provides suggestions for answering tutorial questions for an economics module on macroeconomic concepts and measures.
2. It lists the answers to sample multiple choice questions and provides guidance on answering different types of short-answer, discussion, and other question formats.
3. The document emphasizes that macroeconomic statistics like GDP, inflation, unemployment, exchange rates, and interest rates affect many individuals and groups in the economy.
1. This document provides suggestions for answering tutorial questions for an economics module on macroeconomic concepts and measures.
2. It lists the answers to sample multiple choice questions and provides guidance on answering different types of short-answer, discussion, and other question formats.
3. The document emphasizes that macroeconomic statistics like GDP, inflation, unemployment, exchange rates, and interest rates affect many individuals and groups in the economy.
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ECO80001 Economics Module 06 (Macro Concepts)
MACROECONOMIC CONCEPTS AND MEASURES Note: Questions marked with a [B] are mainly for reviewing background and relatively straightforward material. [E] indicates extras uestions for dee!er learning. "he remaining #unmarked$ uestions are regarded as standard. %or assessment& all three ty!es of uestions will be included& but a ma'ority of them will be at the (standard( level. Answers to Multiple-!oi"e Questions 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. c 5. d Su##estions $or Answerin# S!ort-Answer Questions 1. ational income accountin!. a) "#$ %ill increase b& ' 4000. b) "#$ %ill increase b& ' 1000. (()e rest comprises non*mar+et transactions.) c) ,ll o- t)is transaction is non*mar+et. .t %ill not be included in national income accountin!/ and "#$ %ill not be a--ected. d) "#$ %ill increase b& ' 4 million. e) "#$ %ill not be a--ected. ()ere is no ne% production )ere (i- %e i!nore t)e ser0ices in0ol0ed in transportin! t)e e1uipment to &our uni0ersit&). -) ()e resale o- t)e 2impsons3 old )ouse is not counted (-or simplicit&/ %e are i!norin! t)e ser0ices in0ol0ed in trans-errin! t)e )ouse -rom one !roup o- o%ners to anot)er/ suc) as real estate a!ents4 ser0ices/ solicitors4 ser0ices/ etc.). ()e sale o- t)e ne% )ouse is counted/ )o%e0er. "#$ %ill increase b& ' 580/000 2. Components o- a!!re!ate e5penditure. a) consumption increases. b) in0estment (d%ellin! in0estment) increases. c) !o0ernment purc)ases increase. d) consumption increases/ imports increase/ net e5ports decrease e) in0estment (business -i5ed in0estment) increases. 3. "#$ 2tatistics a) 6.38 6 4.01 6 b) 2.68 6 2.61 6 c) 5442.7 5637.1 5816.1 d) 3.60 6 1.38 6 e) 9ecause t)e in-lation rates :see (b) abo0e; %ere positi0e. <isin! prices =in-late> "#$/ ma+in! nominal "#$ !ro% -aster t)an real "#$. "ro%t) in nominal "#$ :see (a); is appro5imatel& e1ual to t)e sum o- t)e in-lation rate :see (b); and t)e !ro%t) in real "#$ :see (d);. 4. ,ustralian e5ports/ imports and net e5ports. a) .mports increase/ net e5ports decrease. b) E5ports increase/ net e5ports increase. c) E5ports increase/ net e5ports increase. $a!e 1 o- 2 ECO80001 Economics Module 06 (Macro Concepts)
d) E5ports increase/ net e5ports increase. e) .mports increase/ net e5ports decrease. Su##estions $or Answerin# Dis"ussion Questions 1. Most people are a--ected b& t)e state o- t)e econom&. .ndi0iduals loo+in! -or ?obs %ill -ind emplo&ment more easil& i- t)e econom& is e5pandin! t)an i- it is contractin!. @irms interested in e5pandin! %ill -ind it more pro-itable to do so i- t)e demand -or !oods and ser0ices is )i!) rat)er t)an lo%. "o0ernment o--icials %ill -ind t)at t)e 0oters are !enerall& )appier in !ood economic times t)an in bad. 9ecause people are a--ected b& o0erall economic conditions/ t)e& tend to be interested in t)e macroeconomic statistics %)ic) re0eal t)e )ealt) o- t)e econom&. More speci-icall&/ man& -amilies and businesses are a--ected directl& b& c)an!es in interest rates. .n turn/ t)e monetar& aut)orities (mainl& t)e <9,) %atc) t)e in-lation rate/ "#$ !ro%t)/ unemplo&ment rate/ e5c)an!e rates and ot)er macroeconomic 0ariables %)en t)e& set t)e benc)mar+ interest rate. 2o a lot o- people pa& close attention to interest rate mo0ements and to de0elopments t)at ma& prompt t)e <9, to alter interest rates. E5porters/ importers/ tourists and international students are a--ected directl& b& c)an!es in t)e e5c)an!e rate. ()is is %)& t)e& are particularl& interested in t)is macro 0ariable. 2. 2ee rele0ant sections in t)e te5tboo+/ and rele0ant lecture slides/ -or discussions o- t)e ad0anta!es and limitations o- usin! real "#$ per person as a measure o- li0in! standard and o- )appiness. Aour tas+ no% is to use all t)is in-ormation to create a %ell*structured and readable ans%er to t)e 1uestion. ,s a !uide/ &our ans%er mi!)t include t)e -ollo%in! pointsB <eal "#$ per capita is a con0enient indicator o- li0in! standard/ because it is readil& a0ailable/ and because it tends to be correlated %it) indicators o- material %ealt) (suc) as t)e number o- cars or telep)ones or )ospital beds per person) and %it) indicators o- socio*economic de0elopment (suc) as li-e e5pectanc&/ in-ant mortalit&/ le0el o- education/ etc.). .t is/ )o%e0er/ an imper-ect indicator o- li0in! standard/ becauseB it i!nores non*mar+et transactions/ especiall& )ouse)old production/ so ma& not re-lect accuratel& t)e true !ro%t) in total productionC it ta+es no account o- )o% muc) leisure people )a0eC it pro0ides no in-ormation about )o% t)e national income is distributedC it does not measure t)e impact o- economic acti0ities on t)e en0ironmentC it does not measure t)e 1ualit& o- li-e (suc) as t)e amount o- stress -or a representati0e person at %or+). @urt)er/ "#$ per person is a 0er& imper-ect measure o- o0erall %ellbein!/ or )appiness/ because a person %)o e5periences a )i!)er standard o- li0in! (e.!./ more !oods and ser0ices/ more leisure time/ less stress at %or+) ma& still -eel no )appier i- )isD)er nei!)bours en?o& e0en -aster rises in li0in! standards. On balance/ it appears reasonable to conclude t)at t)e li0in! standard in ,spaci-ica )as increased/ but it is di--icult to be precise about t)e ma!nitude o- t)is impro0ement. ,s -or )appiness/ it is not clear at all %)et)er people are )appier no%ada&s and/ i- so/ b& )o% muc). $a!e 2 o- 2
Capturing the Digital Economy—A Proposed Measurement Framework and Its Applications: A Special Supplement to Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2021