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TNOU Economics Syllabus

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, Economics
First Year:
MEC 11 - Micro Economics
MEC 12 - Macro Economics
MEC 13 - Fiscal Economics
MEC 14 - Development Economics
MEC 15 - Monetary Economics
Second Year:
MEC 21 - Indian Economy
MEC 22 - Managerial Economics
MEC 23 - Hman !esorce Management
MEC 24 - International Economics
MEC 25 - "tatistical Met#ods
MEC 11
Micro Economics
Block I: Basic Concepts:
$atre% "cope and Met#odology o& Economics ' Economic models '
Indction (s Dedction% Micro (s Macro Economics ' "tatic and Dynamic
)nalysis% *ositive (s $ormative Economic )nalysis ' !ole and "igni&icance o&
assmptions in Economic )nalysis+
Block II: Theor o! "emand and #rod$ction:
Mars#alls Cardinal tility ,a- o& Demand ' Deviation o& Demand Crve
and consmer e.ili/rim ' Hic0sian ordinal t#eory ' Elasticity o& Demand% types
o& elasticity ' *rice e&&ect income and s/stittion e&&ect ' Hic0s and "lts0y
Consmers srpls Mars#all and Hic0s )nalysis ' "amelsons revealed
pre&erence t#eory ' !ecent developments in t#e t#eory o& consmer /e#avior+
Concept o& *rodction ' ,a-s o& *rodction ' !etrns to "cale ' Internal
and E1ternal Economics ' *rodction &nction -it# one varia/le inpt ' Iso.ants
' Isocosts ' E.ili/rim "/stittion /et-een inpts and elasticity o& s/stittion+
,inear Homogenos prodction &nction ' Co//-Doglas and CE"
prodction &nction ' Mlti prodct &irm+
Block III: Cost Analsis and Theories o! #ricin%:
Concepts o& costs ' "#ort rn and ,ong rn costs-t#eir relations#ip ' 2#e
prodction possi/ility crve+
Mars#alls time period analysis ' *ricing nder di&&erent mar0et conditions
' *er&ect competition ' Monopoly ' Discriminating monopoly ' "#t do-n point
' "pply crve o& t#e &irm ' Monopolistic competition ' Firm and 3rop
E.ili/rim -it# prodct di&&erentiation% selling costs% e1cess capacity ' Ideal
otpt evalation+
4ligopoly ' Meaning and types ' Cont Model ' 5in0ed demand crve '
Collsive 4ligopoly model ' *rice leaders#ip ' Dominant &irm ' 6arometric
models ' 7oint pro&it ma1imisatin and mar0et s#aring models ' 6amols "ales
ma1imi8ation #ypot#esis+
2#e /asic assmptions o& t#e $e--classical t#eory o& pricing ' 2#e Hall
and Hitc# !eport ' 6ains ,imit pricing t#eory ' 6amols t#eory o& revene
ma1imi8ing &irm ' *rice Discrimination and its e&&ects ' */lic sector pricing '
Marginal cost pricing and pro/lems o& its applica/ility to p/lic tilities+
Block I&: "istri'$tion:
Classical )pproac# ' !icardo9s t#eory o& Distri/tion ' Mar1ian t#eory o&
Distri/tion ' Factor prices and Factor s#ares ' Elers 2#eorem ' 2ec#nical
progress and &actor s#ares ' $etral and /iased tec#nical progress ' ,imitations o&
t#e Marginal *rodctivity 2#eory+
Block &: (eneral E)$ili'ri$m and *el!are Economics:
*artial (s+ 3eneral E.ili/rim )pproac# ' :alrasian 3eneral E.ili/rim
Model ' Criti.e o& t#e 3eneral E.ili/rim 2#eory+
Criteria &or "ocial :el&are ' *areto optimality ' *igo9s :el&are
Economics ' 2#eory o& "econd 6est ' 5aldor% Hic0s and "citors0y Criterion '
"ocial :el&aer Fnction ' !alsian concept o& 7stice% Fairness and )ltrism '
E.ity and E&&iciency trade o&&+
Books +ecommended:
1+ 6amol% :+7+ - Economic 2#eory and 4perations )nalysis
4 Edn+ *rentice Hall% $e- Del#i+ ;1<=2>
2+ Fercson% C+E+ - Micro Economic 2#eory
Cam/ridge ?niversity *ress% ,ondon ;1<@=>
3+ 3ravel% H+ and !ees+ ! - Micro Economics% ,ongmans ;1<=1>
4+ Fotsoyiannis - Modern Micro Economics
Ed+% Macmillan ;1<=3>
5+ ,ittle% I+M+D+% - ) criti.e o& -el&are Economics
A+ E+ Mans&ield - Micro EconomicsB
Ed+% :+:+ $orton
@+ Mis#ar% E+7+ - :el&are Economics ' )n )ssessment
$ort# Holland% )msterdam+
=+ Cir0% 7 D !+ "aposnic - Introdction to 3eneral E.ili/rim and
:el&are Economics
Mc3ra- Hill% $e- Eor0+
<+ !yan% :+7+I+% D - *rice 2#eory ;1<@@>
*earce D+:+
1F+"amelson% *+)+ - Fondations o& Economic )nalysis
11+"tigler% 3+ - 2#e 2#eory o& *rice%
Mac Millan Co%+ $e- Eor0 ;3
12+:al&on% D+"+ - *rice 2#eory )dits ?ses
"cienti&ic 6oo0 Co+% Calctta+
13+2o-ns#ed% H+ - *rice 2#eory
*engin ;1<@1>
14+)#Ga+ H+,+ - Micro Economic 2#eory
"+ C#and D Co+% $e- Del#i+
MEC 1,
Macro Economics
Block I: Introd$ction:
Macro Economics ' Meaning ' Importance and ,imitations ' Micro and
Macro Economics ' "tatic% Comparative "tatic and Dynamics+
Block II: -ational Income and Cons$mption and In.estment F$nction:
Circlar &lo- o& income in t-o-t#ree-&or sector economy+
$ational Income Components% Concepts% Measrement% *ro/lems '
Di&&erent &orms o& $ational Income acconting ' "ocial ' Inpt ' Flo- o& &nds
and 6alance o& *ayment )cconting+
5eynesian *syc#ological ,a- o& consmption ' Factors determining
consmption ' "#ort rn-,ong rn consmption &nction+
Income ' Consmption relations#ip ' ,ong rn consmption &nction '
)/solte Income ' !elative Income% ,i&e cycle and *ermanent Income #ypot#esis+
Marginal e&&iciency and level o& investment ' ,ong rn and "#ort rn '
)ccelerator and investment /e#avior ' Impact o& in&lation+
Block III: S$ppl and "emand !or Mone:
Credit creation ' ) /e#avioral approac# to money spply determination '
Money spply determined /y demand ' Money spply and !6I policy ' Hig#
po-ered money and money mltiplier ' Money spply and Management o& 6dge
de&icits ' 4pen Economy and control o& money spply+
Classical approac# &or Demand &or money - Fis#ers E.ation '
Cam/ridge9s Cantity 2#eory ' 5eynesian ,i.idity pre&erence approac# '
Demands &or money movies ' )ggregation o& Demand &or money+
Block I&: (eneral E)$ili'ri$m Analsis and #ost /enesian Theories:
Hic0s ' Hansen "ynt#esis ' I"-,M model ' I"-,M model -it#
3overnment sector+
*atin0in and !eal 6alance E&&et ' )pproac# to 6amol and 2o/in '
Friedman and t#e monetary .antity t#eory ' !evival o& monetarism+
Block &: In!lation, B$siness Ccles and Macro Economic #olic (oals:
Classical% 5eynesian% Monetarist approac#es to in&lation ' "trctralism '
t#eory o& in&lation ' *#illips Crve )nalysis ' "#ort rn and long rn *#illips
Crve ' "amelson and "olo- ' 2#e $atral rate o& nemployment #ypot#esis '
*olicies to control in&lation+
2ypes ' *#ases ' 2#eories o& "c#mpeter% 5aldor% "amelson and Hic0s '
Control o& 6siness Cycles ' !elative e&&ectiveness o& monetary and &iscal
$eo Classical Macro Economics - !ational E1pectations #ypot#esis+
Fll Employment ' *rice sta/ility ' 3ro-t# and Distri/tion ' Fiscal and
Income policies+
Books +ecommended:
1+ )c0ley% 3 - Macro Economic 2#eory D *olicy
Collter% MacMillan ;1<@=>
2+ 6lac0#ose% ! and "alansi% )+ - Macro Economics and t#e !eal :orld;2 (ols>
41&ord ?niversity *ress% ,ondon+
3+ Dorn/sc#% !+ and Fisc#ers - Macro Economics
Edn+%> Mc 3ra- Hill% "ingapore+
4+ :illiam !+ 6ranson - Macro Economic 2#eory and *olicy
?niversal 6oo0 "tall% $e- Del#i+ ;1<<1>
5+ Don *atin0in - "tdies in Monetary Economics
$e- Eor0% Harpert !en ;1<@2>
A+ Ed-ard "#apiro - Macro Economic )nalysis
$e- Eor0% Harcont 6race
7avonoric#% Inc+% ;1<@=>
@+ 7ac0 (ernon - Macro Economics
Illinois% Dryden *ress ;1<=F>
=+ Hall% !+E+ and 7+6+ 2aylor - Macro Economics
:+:+ $orton% $e- Eor0 ;1<=A>
<+ 7#a% !+ - Contemporary Macro Economics%
2#eory and *olicy
:iley Eastern ,td+% $e- Del#i+ ;1<<1>
1F+!6I !eports on Crrency and Finacne
MEC 10
Fiscal Economics
Block I: Introd$ction:
!ole o& 3overnment in an organi8ed society ' !ole o& 3overnment in a
Mi1ed Economy ' *rivate "ector and */lic "ector ' Competition and Co-
operation ' 3overnment a tool in t#e planning process ' 6dget ' *rivate goods%
*/lic goods and Merit 3oods: Mar0et &ailre+
*/lic C#oice ' )llocation o& resorces ' Mec#anism &or allocation o&
resorces pro/lems-
2#eory o& */lic 3oods '
(olntary e1c#ange model -
Contri/tion /y msgrave and "amelson -
5eynesian case &or "ta/ilisation *olicy ' ?ncertainty and E1pectations '
"ocial 3oals ' *overty )lleviation% *roviding in&rastrctral &acilities elimination
o& distri/tional ine.alities and regional in/alances+
Block II: #$'lic E1pendit$re:
:agner9s ,a- o& Increasing state activities ' :iseman *eacoc0 #ypot#esis
' "trctre and 3ro-t# o& */lic e1penditre ' Evalation o& */lic e1penditre '
Criteria &or p/lic investment ' Cost /ene&it analysis ' "#ado- prices ' Discont
rate ' !e&orms in p/lic e1penditre /dgeting ' *er&ormance /dgeting '
*rogrammes /dgeting ' Hero /ase /dgeting ' Indian */lic e1penditre+
Block III: #$'lic +e.en$e: #$'lic "e't and Fiscal #olic:
2#eories o& 2a1ation ' 6ene&it and a/ility to pay *rinciples ' Incidence o&
2a1ation ' )lternative concepts ' 4ptional ta1ation ' E1cess /rden concept '
E.ity and e&&iciency trade-o&& ' Do/le ta1ation+
Indian 2a1 "trctre ' MaGor ta1es in India ' Direct and Indirect ta1es '
!e&orms ' )gricltral ta1ation ' *ost re&orm ta1es ' (ale )dded 2a1es ' 2a1
evasion ' $on-ta1 revene o& Central% "tate% ,ocal /odies ' 2a1 policies '
Classical t#eory o& p/lic de/t ' Compensatory aspects o& p/lic de/t '
6rden o& p/lic de/t ' De/t t#rog# created money ' */lic de/t and price level
' *rinciples o& de/t management ' 3ro-t# and composition o& p/lic De/t in
4/Gectives o& Fiscal policy ' Interdependence o& &iscal and monetary
policies ' 6dgetary de&icits ' Fiscal policy &or sta/ili8ation ' )tomatic and
discretionary sta/ili8ation ' 4t#er measres o& resorce mo/ili8ation and t#eir
impact on gro-t#% distri/tion and prices+
Block I&: Fiscal Federalism:
Fiscal &ederalism in India ' *rinciples o& Fiscal Federalism ' )llocation o&
&nctions and sorces o& revene ' Constittion and &iscal &ederalism ' Finance
commission and *lanning Commission ' 2#eory o& 3rants ' !esorce trans&er
mec#anism &rom ?nion to "tates ' Criteria &or trans&er o& resorces ' Centre-"tate
Financial relation - *ro/lems ' "tate resorces and inde/tedness-pro/lems '
2rans&er o& resorces &rom nion and state to local /odies ' ,ocal &inancial
Block &: Analsis o! Central and State (o.ernment B$d%ets:
,ac0 o& &le1i/ility ' "#rin0ing si8e o& development &inance t#rog# /dgets
' 2rends in p/lic e1penditre and p/lic de/t ' Fiscal crisis and Fiscal sector
re&orms in India ' Finance Commission !eports+
Books +ecommended: -
1+ Msgrave% !+)+% and Msgrave% *+)+ */lic &inance in t#eory and practice '
Mc 3ra- Hill% 2o0yo
2+ Mis#an% E+7+ - Introdction to $ormative Economics
41&ord ?niversity *ress%$e-Eor0-1<=A
3+ Mis#ra% D+5+ - */lic De/t and Economic
Development o& India
,c0no-% *rince Hose+ ;1<=5>
4+ D-i-edi% D+$+ - !eadings in Indian */lic Finance
C#an0ya */lications% $e-Del#i '1<=1
5+ Mis#an% E+7+ - Cost-6ene&it )nalysis ' )n In&ormal
Introdction ' 3eorge )llen D ?n-in
,ondon ;1<=2>
A+ C#ellia% !+ - Fiscal *olicy in nderdeveloped
contries% 3eorge )llen and ?n-in%
6om/ay ;1<@1>
@+ "eligman% E+!+)+ - Essays in 2a1ation% )gsts% M0elley%
=+ 6amol% :+7+ - */lic and *rivate Enterprises in a
Mi1ed Economy% Mac Millan% ,ondon
<+ C#ellia% ! and ot#ers - 2rends and Isses in Indian Federal
Finance% $ational Institte o& */lic
Finance D *olicy% $e- Del#i+
1F+3lati% I+"+ - Essays in Fiscal Federalism% ;1<=1>
3reen-ood *ress% :esport+;1<@@>
11+"tiglit8% 7+E+ - Economics o& t#e */lic "ector%
$orton% $e- Eor0+ ;1<=A>
12+*eacoc0% )+ and "#a- 3+5+% -Fiscal *olicy and Employment pro/lems
in less Developed Contries%
4ECD% *aris+
MEC 12
Mana%erial Economics
Block I: Introd$ction:
Introdction to Managerial Economics ' $atre and "cope ' Managerial
economics and ot#er disciplines ' !ole and !esponsi/ilities o& Managerial
Economists in /siness ' Managerial Economics and Decision ma0ing -
)pplication o& 2#eories o& Economics in 6siness decisions ' Fndamental
Block II: "emand Analsis:
a> "emand F$nction :
Distinctions in Demand ' Determinants o& Demand ' Elasticities o&
Demand and t#eir applications in /siness+
'3 "emand Forecastin%:
Met#ods o& Demand &orecasting ' Forecasting o& di&&erent types o&
goods ' For Esta/lis#ed prodcts ' $e- prodcts ' *rodcer and
consmer goods ' *eris#a/le and Dra/le goods+
Block III: #rod$ction and Cost Analsis:
a> *rodction &nction ' *ractical Importance ' 4ptimal com/ination o&
&actor inpts ' Iso.ants ' Isocost crves ' !etrns to scale ' Co//
Doglas *rodction &nction ' ,inear programming+
/> Cost Concepts ' Cost &nction ' Cost-otpt relations#ip '
Classi&ication ' Economics and Diseconomies o& scale and costs '
!elations#ip /et-een s#ort rn and long rn costs+
c> *ricing policies and met#ods ' "ales ma1imi8ation model ' pricing
policies &or ne- prodcts ' "0imming and penetrating pricing policies '
*ricing met#ods ' 3oing rate pricing ' Marginal cost pricing ' Fll cost
pricing *ea0 load pricing ' *rodct line pricing sggestive pricing+
d> *rice determinations nder di&&erent mar0et competition+
i+ *er&ect Competition ' C#aracteristics ' "#ort rn and long rn
e.ili/rim Evalation+
ii+ Monopoly ' C#aracteristics ,ong rn and s#ort rn e.ili/rim '
Disadvantages o& monopoly+
Measrement o& mar0et po-er ' Elasticity o& Demand ' 2#e
,earner Inde1 ' Cross Elasticity o& Demand+
Determinants o& mar0et po-er ' Economics o& "cale ' 6arriers
created /y 3overnment ' Inpt /arriers ' 6rand loyalities+
iii+ Discriminating monopoly ' Meaning ' :#en it is possi/le '
Conditions ' Descri/ing ' Degrees o& price discrimination+
iv+ Monopolistic competition ' Featres ' *rice Determination s#ort rn
and long rn ' 3rop E.ili/rim ' "elling costs ' $on-price
competition ' :astes o& monopolistic competition+
v+ 4ligopoly ' Dopoly ' Featres ' *rice rigidity ' 4ligopoly models
' *rice leaders#ip model ' 5ir0ed demand crve model ' 6amols
!evene ma1imi8ation model ' 2#e 3ance 2#eory model ' 4t#er
pricing models+
Block I&: Ad.ertisement Cost and #ro!it Analsis:
)dvertisement and "ales promotion )nalysis ' "elling costs and *ro&its '
)dvertising costs ' )dvertisement /dget ' )dvertisement e&&ectiveness in sales+
*ro&it Management )nalysis ' Measrement o& *ro&it ' *ro&it policies '
*lanning and control ' 6rea0-even analysis ' Cost-/ene&it analysis ' *ro&it
&orecasting ' Cost control+
Block &: Capital B$d%etin% and Macro Analsis:
Capital 6dgeting ' )ppraising proGect pro&ita/ility and c#oice o& optimm
investment programme ' Cost o& Capital+
Macro Economic policies and 6siness ' Monetary and Fiscal policies-
t#eir e&&ectiveness in /siness decisions ' 6siness cycles and /siness policies '
Demand recessions ' Cases indicators and prevention+
Books +ecommended:
1+ 7oel Dean - Managerial Economics
*rentice Hall
2+ Hayne% Mote and *al - Managerial Economics
2ata Mc 3ra- Hill% $e- Del#i 1<@<
3+ !+,+(ars#ney and - Managerial Economics
Ma#es-ari% 5+,
4+ H+ Craig *eterson and - Managerial Economics
:+ Cris ,e-is *rentice Hall% $e- Del#i 1<<5+
5+ M+C+3igan% Moyer and Harris - Managerial Economics
:est */lis#ing Company% Minnepolis%
"t+ *al% 1<<3+
A+ Henry and Haynes - Managerial Economics )nalysis and Cases
6siness */lications Inc+% Dallas%
2e1as 1<@=+
@+ Egene F+ 6rig#am and - Managerial Economics
7ames *appas Hindsale% Illinois% 2#e Dryden *ress 1<@A+
=+ 5otosyiannis - Managerial Economics : E,6"
MEC 14
Monetar Economics
Block I: F$ndamental Concepts and Monetar Theories:
!ole o& Money in t#e developed and developing Economy ' Concepts '
Inside money ' 4tside money ' $etrality o& money ' Money and ncertainty '
(ale o& money ' Factors determining vale o& money+
Fis#er9s Cantity 2#eory o& Money ' Cam/ridge E.ation ' 5eynes
income ' E1penditre t#eory ' Modern .antity t#eory ' Friedman ' Don
*atin0in ' ,i.idity approac# ' (elocity o& circlation+
Block II: S$ppl o! Mone:
2#e H 2#eory o& Money spply and t#e &actors a&&ecting it ' 2#e money
mltiplier process adits determinants ' 2#eories o& money spply ' Factors
a&&ecting money spply ' !6I Control o& t#e money stoc0 ' Money stoc0 and t#e
Interest rates+
Block IIII: Banks, -on5Bankin% Financial Instit$tions and the Capital
Credit ' Meaning and Fnctions and ses o& credit ' 5inds o& credit '
4rganised credit+
Commercial 6an0s ' 4rigin ' Fnctions ' "trctre and 4rganisation '
2ypes o& 6an0s ' 2raditional and Modern 6an0ing t#eory ' Commercial /an0s
and Economic Development+
6alance s#eet o& a 6an0 ' ,ia/ilities and asset strctre ' Credit creation '
$ationalisation o& Commercial 6an0s in India ' 2#eories o& Commercial 6an0ing
' Co-operative /an0s ' Development /an0s ' $on-/an0ing &inancial
intermediaries ' 2ypes
?nreglated credit mar0ets and agencies ' Money mar0et and capital
Block I&: Central Bankin%:
*rinciples o& Central 6an0ing ' 4/Gectives and &nctions o& central /an0ing
' Met#ods o& credit control ' !ole o& central /an0ing in developing contries '
!eglatory and promotional ' 2#e crrency and t#e credit sc#ools ' !adcli&&e
committee ' !eserve 6an0 o& India ' !ole% Fnctions ' Central 6an0ing system in
?") and ?5+
Block &: Monetar #olic and (ro6th Models in "e.elopin% Econom:
Frame :or0 ' 4/Gectives ' !estrictive ' )ccommodating ' Monetary
policy ' Monetary management ' ,ags in Monetary policy ' Crrent isses in
monetary policy ' */lic de/t management ' Monetary policy compared -it#
Fiscal policy+
3ro-t# -it#ot in&lation ' Monetary and Fiscal policy &or sta/ility ' Fi1ed
or Fle1i/le monetary policy ' Monetary policy and 3overnment de&icits ' Interest
rate sta/ility and de&icit spending+
Monetary policy and t#e /siness cycle ' $eo classical vie- verss
Monetarist and 5eynesian vie-s on Monetary policy ' Monetary policy and
e1ternal sta/ility+
Books +ecommended:
1+ Davidson+ * - Money and t#e !eal :orld%
Mac Millan% ,ondon ;1<@=>
2+ Harris% ,+ - Monetary 2#eory
Mc3ra- Hill% $e- Eor0+ ;1<=5>
3+ C#a0ravart#y Committee - !evie- o& t#e :or0ing o& t#e
!eport Monetary system
4+ C#adler ;,+(+> and - Economics o& Money and 6an0ing
3old Field% "+M+ Horper D !o-% $e- Eor0 ;1<@@>
5+ "ayers% !+"+ - Modern 6an0ing
41&ord ?niversity *ress% Del#i ;1<@=>
A+ !adcli&&s Committee - !eport o& t#e Committee on t#e -or0ing o&
t#e mar0eting system% Mac Millan% ,ondon
@+ $arasim#am - !eport o& t#e Committeee on t#e Financial
"ystem ;1<<1>
=+ Dorn 6s#% !+ D Fis#er - Macro Economics
Ed+% Mc 3ra- Hill% $e- Eor0 ;1<=4>
<+ 3i/son and :E 5a&&man - Monetary Economics ' !eadings on crrent
isses% 2ata Mc 3ra- Hill% $e- Del#i+ ;1<@5>
1F+3pta "+6+ - Monetary planning &or India
41&ord ?niversity *ress% Del#i+
11+!6I% 7ana0i !aman Committee- Final !eport o& t#e committee to ensre into
t#e "ecrities transactions o& t#e 6an0s and
Financial Instittion
12+!oger $+ :ad - Macro Economics
Edn+% Herper Collins% $e- Eor0 ;1<<2>
13+Don *atin0in - "tdies in Monetary Economics
Harper International% $e- Eor0 ;1<@2>
14+$+$+"#rivastava - $e- Dimensions in Monetary 2#eory
*rint Hose% ,c0no- ;1<=A>
15+(ais#% M+C+ - Monetary 2#eory
1A+3overnment o& India 2FF2 - Economics "rvey
1@+De Cer#% M+H+ - Central 6an0ing
1=+"et#i% 7+D+% - *ro/lems o& Monetary *olicy in an nder
developed contry
1<+)la0 3#os# - Financial Intermediaries and Monetary policy
2F+IMF% :orld 6an0% ID)% - ) "rvey o& Contemporary 6an0ing 2rends+
IFC D )D6% 6as% "+5+%
21+Hansen - Monetar 2#eory and Fiscal *olicy
22+"+6+ 3pta - Monetary Economics% 2#eory D *olicy
"+C#and% $e- Del#i+
23+Mrgan% "+5+ - Modern 6an0ing in India
24+"en% "+$+ - Central 6an0ing in nderdeveloped contries
25+"im#a% "+,+$+ - 2#e Indian Capital Mar0et
2A+"et#i% 2+2+ - Monetary Economics
"+C#and% $e- Del#i+
2@+"ayers% !+"+ - Central 6an0ing a&ter 6ase #ot+
2=+!6I ;1<@@> - Money spply in India ' Concepts%
Compilations and )nalysis !eport o& t#e
"econd :ors#ip 3rop+
2<+!6I ;1<=5> - :or0ing o& t#e Monetary systems in India%
!eport o& t#e "0moy C#a0ravarty
3F+ 2o/in% 7+% ;1<A3> - Commercial 6an0s as creators o& money in
D+ Carson ;Ed>
6an0ing and Monetary "tdies
Ir-in% $e- Eor0+
31+Harman - Monetary 2#eory and Fiscal *olicy
32+!eserve 6an0 o& India - !eport on Crrency and Finance varios years
MEC ,1
Indian Econom
Block I: Economic "e.elopment and #lannin% in India:
Meaning ' Concepts ' India as an nderdeveloped economy ' /asic
c#aracteristics ' MaGor #rdles in economic development- Indicators o&
development ' Hman Development Inde1 ;HDI>% 3ender Development indices '
Indian #man development reports ' Determinants o& economic development+
India9s e1periment -it# planning ' 4/Gectives o& *lanning ' Mi1ed
economy and economic planning ' Models o& development ' $e#r and 3and#i%
Ma#alano/is model ' !ao% Manmo#an model ' "trategies and ac#ievements o&
plans ' *lanning Era in India - First plan to 1F
Five Eear *lan ' Failre o&
Block II: #op$lation and In!rastr$ct$re:
"i8e and 3ro-t# rate o& poplation in India ' "e1 composition ' )ge
composition ' ?r/ani8ation and Economic gro-t# in India ' *oplation e1plosion
as an o/stacle to economic development ' Family planning policy and Indian
poplation ' *oplation control ' *overty and ine.ality redction+
India7s In!rastr$ct$ral and +eso$rce #otential:
$atral !esorces in India ' Economic and "ocial over#eads in India '
Energy ' "aves ' 2ypes ' Energy crisis ' 2ransport ' *o-er ' "ocial over #eads '
Edcation and Healt# ' Environmental degradation in India ' In&rastrctre
development pro/lems and measres /y t#e 3overnment+
Block III: A%ric$lt$re and Ind$str:
)gricltre and t#e 3overnment intervention ' 3reen !evoltion and its
impact on prodction and income distri/tion ' 6&&er stoc0 operations ' *rice
and inpt s/sidies ' Mar0eting and Credit policies ' Facilitating t#e spply o&
inpts ' *o-er% Irrigation% "eed and Fertili8er ' Mo/ili8ation o& resorces &rom
agricltre ' )gricltral ta1ation ' Crrent /dget and agricltral development
' *olicies &or sstaina/le agricltre+
Indstrial policy relations ' *rivate and */lic sector ' Disinvestment o&
p/lic sector ' Disinvestment o& */lic "ector nderta0ings ' *attern o& Indstrial
gro-t# ' Indstrial sic0ness ' *rodctivity in Indian Indstries ' "mall "cale
"ector in India ' !ole% "igni&icance and *ro/lems ' Foreign Colla/oration '
,i/erali8ation era and Indstrial policy ' EIIM *olicy o& t#e 3overnment+
Block I&: #$'lic Finance, Bankin% and Forei%n Trade:
Centre and "tate Financial relations in India ' Finances o& t#e Central
3overnment ' "tate 3overnments ' *arallel Economy and its impact in t#e
economy ' Control o& parallel economy ' Fiscal re&orms+
Cases &or In&lationary "piral in India ' Control o& in&lation ' *rice policy
' Financial "ector re&orms ' Interest rate policy ' !6I Monetary *olicy+
Composition o& India9s Foreign 2rade ' Direction o& Foreign 2rade '
6alance o& *ayments position ' E1port and Import policy ' Foreign E1c#ange
Management ' Foreign Capital and M$C9s in India ' Foreign 2rade since 1<<1+
Block &: Economic +e!orms:
Economic !e&orms and ,i/erali8ation ' *rivati8ation and 3lo/ali8ation
*overty redction ' "ocial "ector re&orms ' Fiscal re&orms ' "trategy &or
Economic re&orms ' !e&orms -it# a #man &ace+
Books +ecommended:
1+ )so0 !dra - Indian *lan Models
2+ 6ramananda% *+!+ D - 2#e Development *rocess o& Indian Economy
*anc#am0i% (+!+
3+ 6ra#mananda% *+!+ - 3ro-t#less in&lation /y means o& stoc0less
4+ 6ra#mananda% *+!+ - *lanning &or an E1pending Economy
5+ 6anerGee MritynGoy - *lanning in India ;1<=1>
A+ C#a0ravart#y - Indian Economic )nalysis ' ) "rvey
@+ C#a0ravart#y - !eport o& t#e !eserve 6an0 o& India
Committee to revie- t#e -ors#ip o& t#e
Monetary system+
=+ C#a0ravart#y - Development planning ' Indian E1perience
<+ C#adry *ranit - Indian Economy% *overty and Development
1F+ C#adary% $+5+ - Indian Economy Crisis and !e&orms ;1<<@>
11+ Dande0ar% (+M+ D !at#+ $+ - *overty in India
12+ Dtt !dder 2FF3 D - Indian Economy
"ndaram% 5+*+
13+ Dtt !dder 2FF3 D - India9s $e- Economic *olicy
"ndaram% 5+*+
14+ 3pta% "+6+ - Monetary *lanning in India
15+ 3adgil% D+!+ - *lanning and Economic *olicy in India
1A+ 5idron% M+ - Foreign Investments in India
1@+ 5idron% M+ - Economic Development in "ot# )sia+
1=+ 5rie% C+2+% - India9s Mi1ed Economy
1<+ !ao% (+5+!+(+ ;1<=3> - India9s $ational Income 1<5<-1<AF% )n
analysis o& 3ro-t# and C#ange
*age% $e- Del#i+
2F+ "im#a% "+,+$+ - In&lation in India
21+ "rinivasan% 2+ ,ittle I+M+D+% - &oreign 2rade !e.ires and Development
"citovs0y and "cott% M
22+ ?p#al% 7+"+ - Indian Economic *ro/lems+
23+ ,rda-ala#% D+2+% - ?nit ' "tate Financial !elations
24+ 7#a% ,+5+ - Economic "trategy &or t#e =F s+
25+ Min#as% 6+"+% - *lanning Commission and t#e *oor+
2A+ (en0ata "//ia# - Indian Economy since Independence+
2@+ 7alan 6imal ;1<<1> - Indian Economic crisis ' 2#e -ay )#ead+
MEC ,,
"e.elopment Economics
Block I: Theories o! (ro6th and "e.elopment:
3ro-t# 'Development ' 4/Gectives and relevance o& economic
development ' measrement di&&iclties in measrement and comparison '
*overty ' Income distri/tion ' Income ine.ality redistri/tion -it# gro-t#+
Factors a&&ecting economic gro-t# ' Capital% ,a/or and 2ec#nology+
a3 (ro6th Models: 3rand 2#eories )dam "mit#% !icardo% Mar1 and
"c#mpeter ' Development o& Capitalistic economy ' 2#eory o& "ocial c#ange
' "amples vale pro&it and e1ploitation ' Mar19s 2#eory o& nder development
' "c#mpeter ' tec#nology and development ' !ole o& innovations+
'3 Modern Theories: 6asic assmptions o& gro-t# models ' 2#e Harrod
Domar Model ' 2#e $eo 'Classical Model -it# and -it#ot tec#nical
*rogress ' Its relevance to ,DCs '5aldor- Mirrless 3ro-t# model '
Em/odied tec#nical progress+
c3 #artial Theories : (icios circle 2#eory ' 2#e stages o& gro-t# ' !osto-
"impls ,a/or ' ,e-is% 6ig ps# t#eory ' !esction !odan% 6alanced
3ro-t# t#eory ' $rs0e% Heirs#mans Model ' critical minimm e&&ort '
,ei/enstein ,o- income e.ili/rim trap ' $elson% Dal Economic Models-
Fei-rani9s Model 7orgenson
Block II: Factors in "e.elopment #rocess:
a3 8a'o$r: Hman !esorce Development ' *oplation gro-t# and
development process% - 2#eory o& demograp#ic transition ' 4ptimm
*oplation ' employment pro/lem ' *oplation ' *overty and
Environment ' Haris-2adora model ' Manpo-er planning Hman
development and ot#er indices o& development ' Cality o& li&e% &ood
secrity% edcation #ealt# and ntrition+
'3 Capital: !ole o& capital in development ' Capital otpt ratio ' Capital
and la/or saving tec#nical progress ' vale o& capital otpt ratio in assessing
resorces ' internal and e1ternal ' &inancial and p#ysical resorces+
Block III: Allocation o! +eso$rces and choice :
Investment criteria ' present (s &tre alternate investment criteria -
)ssigning priorities &or varios investment sc#emes ' c#oice o& tec#ni.es '
Capital intensive (s la/or intensive tec#nology ' 2#e Capital goods sector and
-age goods sector ' appropriate and inappropriate tec#nology cost '6ene&it
analysis ' s#ado- prices ' *roGect evalation+
Block I&: International "e.elopment #erspecti.es

2erms o& 2rade and economic development ' dynamic and static gains -
International trade as t#e engine o& gro-t# ' 2erms o& 2rade and development -
"eclar stagnation t#esis o& "inger *er/isc# and Myrdal ' 2ec#nical progress
and terms o& trade+ 2ari&&s and economic development - Dal 3ap analysis
o& 2rade t#eory ' E1port insta/ility and economic development ' :24 and
development contries ' $e- International Economic 4rder+
Block &: "e.elopment #lannin%:
$eed &or planning ' types o& planning ' 2-o sector - Harrod Domar Model
o& *lanning ' Filedman% Ma#alano/is ' Domar ;FMD> "ectoral *lanning Model
;FMD> Inpt '4tpt analysis ' 2-o 3ap approac#
Development *lans in India - )gricltre and economic development '
e&&iciency and prodctivity in agricltre ne- tec#nology and sstaina/le
agricltre ' Isses in li/eralisation o& domestic and international trade in
agricltre ' terms o& trade /et-een agricltre and indstry+
Monetary and &iscal policies - M$Cs and glo/ali8ation IMF and -orld
6an0 policies- 6orro-ing ' e1ternal and internal ' /rden o& /orro-ing+
Books +ecommended:
1+ )ddman% I% ;1<A1> : 2#eories o& Economic 3ro-t# and Development%
"tan&ord ?niversity *ress% "tan&ord+
2+ 6ose% ) ;1<@5> : Mar1ian and post ' Mar1ian *olitical Economy%
*engin% ,ondon+
3+ 6rig#t sing D% ;1<==> : Economic 3ro-t# ' *ro/lems and *olicies
4+ C#a0ravart#y " ;1<=2> : )lternative approac#es to a t#eory o& Economic
3ro-t#% 41&ord ?niversity *ress% Del#i+
5+ C#a0ravart#y " ;1<=3> : Macro models &or Developing Contries% Mc3ra-
Hill% $e- Eor0
A+ 3#atar " ;1<=A> : )n introdction to Developing Economics )llen and
?n-in% ,ondon
@+ "en% )+5+ Ed% ;1<@1> : 3ro-t# Economics% *engin 6oo0s% Haimonds
=+ 2#irl-all% )+*+ ;1<@=> : 3ro-t# and Development% Macmillan% ,ondon
ra#mananda *+! and
<+ C+$+ (a0il ;1<5A> : *lanning &or an E1panding Economy
1F+ Higgins% 6 % ;1<5<> : Economic Development $orton% $e- Eor0
11+ ,e-is% :+)+ ;1<55> : 2#e 2#eory o& Economic 3ro-t#
)llen D ?n-in% ,ondon
12+ Myrdal% 3+ ;1<5@> : Economic 2#eory and nderdeveloped !egions
Dc0-ort#% ,ondon
13+ Myrdal% 3+ ;1<A=> : )sian Drama ;3 (ols+>
14+ Meir% 3+M+ ;Ed+ 1<=4> : ,eading Isses in Economic Development
41&ord ?niversity *ress% $e- Eor0+
15+ ,itle I+M+D+ "citovs0y D : Indstry and 2rade in some Developing contries
M+ "C4H ;1<@F> 41&ord ?niversity *ress% ,ondon+
1A+ 5indle/erger% C+*+ : Economic Development%
Mc 3ra- Hill% $e- Eor0
1@+ 2#e/erge% 7+D+ ;1<A=> : Economics o& 2rade and Development
7o#n :iley D "ons+% $e- Eor0+
1=+ 2adoro% M+*+ ;1<@1> : Development *lanning% Models and Met#ods
41&ord ?niversity *ress% 41&ord+
MEC ,0
9$man +eso$rce Mana%ement
Block I: Introd$ction:
Meaning ' "igni&icance ' Fnctions ' 4/Gectives ' !ole and Fnction '
7o/ design ' 7o/ )nalysis ' 7o/ description ' 7o/ speci&ication ' ?ses o&
7o/ analysis+
Block II: 9$man +eso$rce #lannin% : +ecr$itment and Selection:
Integrated strategic planning and #man resorce planning ' Di&&erent
levels planning ' *rocess ' Demand and spply &orecasting tec#ni.es '
Calitative aspects o& #man resorce planning ' *ro/lems ' "ccession
De&initions ' 4/Gectives ' "orces and tec#ni.es o& recritment ' Internal
' E1ternal ' Modern sorces and tec#ni.es ' *re-re.irements o& a recritment
policy ' !ecritment practices in India+
"election procedre ' "teps ' 2ests ' Intervie- ' 2ypes ' Cality o& a
good intervie- ' *lacement ' Indction+
Block III: Trainin% and "e.elopment and #er!ormance Appraisal:
2raining ' $eed ' *rinciples% 2raining *rogrammes ' "teps ' Met#od o&
training ' "imlation ' 2raining evalation ' (ocational gidance+
De&initions ' *rpose and Importance ' )pproac#es to per&ormance
appraisal ' Evalation process ' Met#ods% tec#ni.es and tools &or appraising
per&ormance ' 2#e concept o& M64 ' M64 process ' !e.irements o& e&&ective
per&ormance appraisal ' Essential centre met#od ' Hman )sset )cconting
met#od ' 6e#aviorally anc#ored rating scales ' "ystems o& per&ormance appraisal
' Conselling ' Managerial appraisal
Block I&: *a%e and Salar Administration:
Factors &or consideration o& -ages ' :age di&&erentials ' :age systems '
Mec#anism o& -age and "alary )dministration ' 6ons ' Managerial
compensation ' *ro&it s#aring ' Co-partners#ip ' Employee "toc0 option plan '
:age policy in India+
Fringe /ene&its ' 2ypes ' Monetary and non-monetary re-ards+
Motivation ' 4/Gectives ' 2ypes ' Cality o& -or0ing li&e ' Cality circles
' Management o& con&lict ' Con&lict stimlating tec#ni.es ' Motivation t#eories
' ,eaders#ip ' 2eam /ilding ' Morale ' Commnication ' 7o/ satis&action '
Career *lanning+
Block &: 9$man +eso$rce Mana%ement and Manpo6er #lannin%
Hman !esorce Development ' :ages and /ene&its ' 2rade nions '
Collective /argaining% participative management and .ality circles ' Managing
diversi&ied cltres+
2erm ' *rinciples D core concepts ' 2otal .ality o& #man resorce '
3ood H!D *ractice ' Elements o& 3ood H!D ' Evalation o& 3ood H!D+
Books +ecommended:
1+ !a0es#% 5+ C#opra ;2FF1> - Management o& Hman !esorces
2e1t and Cases% 5ita/ Ma#al% $e- Del#i+
2+ !a/ia 7a#ani Faran8a% 3+ - Hman !esorce Management
3anes#0mar ;2FF3> "-at#i */lications% C#ennai+
3+ *+ "/#a !ao ;2FF2> - Essentials o& Hman !esorce Management
and Indstrial !elations
2e1t cases and 3ames ' Himalaya */lis#ing
Hose% $e- Del#i+
4+ "/ramani% *+$+ and - Hman !esorce Management and Indstrial
!aGendra% 3+ ;2FF1> !elation%
Himalaya */lis#ing Hose% $e- Del#i+
5+ Mic#ael% (+*+ ;1<<@> - Hman !esorces Management and
Hman !elation
Himalaya */lis#ing Hose% $e- Del#i+
A+ 5aila% H+,+% - Hman &actors in 4rganisational Management
!avisan0ar% "% Himalaya */lis#ing Hose% $e- Del#i
Mis#ra% !+5+ ;2FF3>
@+ "ing% *+$+ - Developing and Managing Hman !elations
=+ !aGinder% "+ )rora and - Management and Hman !esorce
$it#in% 3+ (a8irani Development ' 2#e Indian conte1t+
MEC ,2
International Economics
Block I: Theor o! International Trade and Meas$rement o!
(ains o! Trade
Classical 2#eory: - )dam "mit#% Comparitive cost t#eory o& !icardo% Mill
' Modi&ications o& t#e 2#eory
$eo Classical 2#eory:- 4pportnity Cost 2#eory+
Modern 2#eory : - Hec0s#er 4#lin 2#eory o& 2rade ' !y/eryns0i9s
2#eorem ' "topler ' "amelson 2#eorem+
2erms o& 2rade ' Concept% 3ains &rom 2rade ' "eclar deterioration o&
terms o& trade ' 2rade as an engine o& gro-t# ' :el&are aspects ' 2ec#nical
progress and 3ro-t#+
Block II: International Monetar Theor:
6alance o& payments ' Concepts ' E.ili/rim and Dise.ili/rim in t#e
/alance o& payments ' )dGstment mec#anism ' E1c#ange rate determination '
Fi1ed and &le1i/le e1c#ange rates ' Merts and demerits nder conditions o&
gro-t# and development in developing contries ' E1c#ange control ' Means o&
ac#ieving internal and E1ternal e.ili/rim ' Fiscal Monetary mi1+
Block III: Commercial #olic and +e%ional Co5operation:
Free trade (s *rotection ' 2ari&& ' Cotas and non-tari&& /arriers '
Economic repercssions on national income% otpt% employment% terms o& trade
and income distri/tion ' "tate trading ' 2rade pro/lems o& developing contries+
!egional trade grops ' t#eory o& cstoms nion ' EEC% E(% "))!C%
")*2)% )"E)$ ' !egionalism E?% $)F2)+
Commodity )greement : 3)22 ' :24% ?$C2)D+
3)22 and 2o0yo Declaration ' ?$C2)D ' Import "/stittion and
E1port promotion+
$e- International Economic order: $IE4 ' $eed ' $ort#-"ot# Dialoge
' $ort#-"ot# and "ot#-"ot# Co-operation+
Block I&: Trade and Economic "e.elopment:
2#eory o& comparative cost advantage in t#e conte1t o& gro-t# and nder
development ' 2ec#nical progress ' 2erms o& trade and e1port earnings o&
developing contries ' !ole o& &oreign capital in economic development ' Isses
in &oreign direct investments ' Crrent trends+
2rade pro/lems and policies in India since Independence ' Direction and
composition o& trade ' 2rade re&orms since 1<<1 ' E1port-Import policies '
Mltinational corporations in India ' E1port promotion+
Block &: International monetar sstem:
IMF ' India and developing contries ' "#ort term capital movements -
East )sian crisis lessons &or developing contries+
International li.idity ' De/t ' IMF ' "D! ' Ero Dollar regime '
!e&orms and &tre o& t#e International monetary system+
Books +ecommended:
1+ 6#ag-ati% 7+ ;Ed> ;1<A<> - International 2rade ' "elected !eadings+
2+ C#ac#oliades% M+ ;1<@=> - International 2rade 2#eory and *olicy
3+ Ha/erler% 3+ ;1<35> - 2#e 2#eory o& International 2rade+
4+ Heller% !+ ;1<@4> - International Monetary Economics
5+ 7o#nson% H+3+ ;1<A4> - Money% 2rade and Economic 3ro-t#
A+ 5indle/erger% C+*+;1<@A> - International Economics
@+ Meir% 3+M+ ;1<A=> - 2#e International Economic Development
=+ "odersten% 6+ ;1<=F> - International Economic
<+ Ells-ort# - International Economy
1F+Caves% !+E+ D 7ones ;1<@3>- :orld 2rade *ayments ' )n Introdction
11+"cammel% :+M+ ;1<@5> - International Monetary *olicy
12+C#ac#oliades% M+ ;1<@=> - International Monetary 2#eory and *olicy
13+(ais#% M+C+ - International Economics
14+Mit#ani+ D+M+ - International Economics
MEC ,4
Statistical Methods
Block I: 9istoricit o! Statistics:
!ole and Importance o& "tatistical )nalysis - "/-Divisions ' "trategy%
)ssmptions and approac# ' )rranging data ' Classi&ication - Fre.ency
Distri/tion ' Constrction o& a &re.ency distri/tion ' 2a/les and 3rap#s+
2#e )rit#metic mean ' :eig#ted mean ' 3eometric mean ' 2#e median -
2#e mode ' Harmonic mean+
Measres o& Dispersion ' !ange% Cartile Deviation ' Mean deviation '
Median deviation ' "tandard deviation ' Coe&&icient o& variation ' ,oren8 Crve '
3imi Coe&&icient ' "0e-ness ' 5rtosis+
Block II: Correlation and +e%ression:
Meaning and ses ' "catter Diagram ' 5arl *earson9s prodct movement
correlation ' Interpretation o& coe&&icient o& correlation ' "pearman9s !an0
Correlation Coe&&icient ' ?ses o& Correlation analysis+
"imple ,inear !egression ' !egression lines ' Concept o& t#e least s.ares
' *roperties o& regression lines ' ?ses o& regression analysis+
Block III: Association o! Attri'$tes, Inter #olation and E1tra #olation:
Met#ods o& "tdy o& association o& attri/tes ' Comparison o& o/served
and e1pected &re.ency met#od ' )ssociation and disassociation ' *roportion
met#od and Ele9s Co-e&&icient o& association+
3rap#ic and )lge/raic met#ods ' $e-ton9s and ,agrange9s met#ods+
Block5I&: Inde1 -$m'ers and Time Series Analsis:
"imple and -eig#ted inde1 nm/ers ' Constrction o& -#olesale and retail
price inde1 nm/ers ' Inde1 o& indstrial prodction and /siness conditions '
2ests o& consistency &or an inde1 nm/er ' Conversion o& /ases ' "#i&ting /ase
periods and de&lating ' ?ses and ,imitations o& inde1 nm/ers+
!atio C#art ' Components o& time series ' Met#ods o& trend determination
' "easonal inde1 calclation ' Cyclical variation ' Measrement ' !esidal
met#od ' )pplication o& time series in /siness &orecasting+
Block &: Meas$res o! #ro'a'ilit and Sample S$r.e and Estimation
6asic concepts ' 2ypes o& pro/a/ility ' *ro/a/ility rles ' *ro/a/ility
nder conditions o& statistical independence and dependence ' )dditions and
mltiplications t#eorem ' 6aye9s rle ' Concept o& random varia/le ' Discrete
and continos distri/tions+
De&inition and properties o& 6inominal and *oisson Distri/tion ' Fitting
6inominal and *oisson Distri/tions ' 2#e normal Distri/tion ' E1pectations
and &nctions o& random varia/les+
"ampling and its ses ' "ampling 2ec#ni.es ' *lanning and E1ecting a
sample srvey+
"ampling Distri/tion ' "tandard Error ' 2ests o& "igni&icance ' Meaning
and "tatic parameter statistical #ypot#esis ' $ll and alternate #ypot#eses ' 2est
static ' Critical region and level o& signi&icance+ ' ,arge sample tests &or
proportions and means ' "mall sample tests &or mean% variance and correlation
coe&&icient% C#i ".are test as a test o& independence+
*oint and Interval Estimation ' 6asic concepts ' Interval estimates and
con&idence intervals ' Calclating t#e interval estimates &rom mean and proportion
o& t#e large samples ' Interval estimates sing t#e Jt9 distri/tion ' Determining
t#e sample si8e in estimation+
Books +ecommended:
1+ 3pta% "+*+ - "tatistical Met#ods ' "+C#and% $e- Del#i
2+ "anc#etti and 5appor - )dvanced "tatistical Met#ods
"+ C#and% $e- Del#i
3+ )st#ana% 6+$+ - Elements o& "tatistics
C#aitanya */lis#ing Hose+
4+ 5apr and 3pta - Fndamental o& )pplied "tatistics
5+ !+3+D+)llen - "tatistics &or Economics
A+ David 6o-ers - "tatistics &or Economics
@+ El#ance% D+$+ - Fndamentals o& "tatistics
=+ !ic#ard% I+ ,evin - "tatistics &or Management
<+ 2#omas H+ :orma C4H - Introdctory "tatistical &or 6siness and
and !onald 7+:onna C4H Economics
1F+Cro1ten and Co-den - )pplied 3eneral "tatistics
11+"-ain% )+5+*+C+ - "tatistical Met#ods
5alyani */lis#ing Hose+

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