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CWNA Guide To Wireless LANs, Second Edition - Ch2

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Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 2-

Chapter 2 Solutions
Activity Questions, Lab 2-1
14. What is the status of our connection! What is the s"eed! #o$ %ood is our si%nal stren%th!
Answer& Connected' (aries' (aries
Review Questions, Lab 2-1
1. What are the three steps involved in setting up a wireless client?
Answer& )nstall the ada"ter, load the dri*ers, load the client utilities.
2. What is another name for an ad hoc network?
Answer& +eer-to-"eer
3. In ad hoc mode, wireless clients communicate with each other directly. No
access point is necessary. rue or !alse?
Answer& ,rue
". What is the network name often called when you con#gure wireless
Answer& SS)-
$. %ou must use Windows to monitor and con#gure your wireless connection
if your computer is running Windows &'. rue or !alse?
Answer& .alse
Activity Questions, Lab 2-2
11. What is the na/e of the radio interface! What is the default SS)-! What is the na/e of the Ethernet
Answer& dot11radio0' tsuna/i' .astEthernet0
12. What is the MAC address of the radio! What is the 1)A 2burned-in address3 of the radio! What is the
band$idth 21W3 of the radio in Mb"s! What 402.11 standard is the radio usin%!
Answer& (aries' sa/e as MAC address of radio' *aries' *aries
15. What is the MAC address of the Ethernet interface! What is the 1)A of the Ethernet interface! What
is the band$idth of the Ethernet interface in Mb"s!
Answer& (aries' sa/e as MAC address of Ethernet interface' *aries but "robabl 10 or 100 Mb"s
14. What is the MAC address of the 1()! What is the 1)A of the 1()! What is the band$idth 21W3 of
the 1() in Mb"s! What is the default )+ address of the 1()!
Answer& (aries' *aries' *aries'
Review Questions, Lab 2-2
1. What Windows program allows you to con#gure an access point directly
through the console port?
Answer& #"er,er/inal
2. No device con#guration can (e done when operating in )isco*s user
mode. rue or !alse?
Answer& ,rue
3. Is the +,) address always the same as the (urned-in address ./I,0?
Answer& No
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 2-
". What )isco command will display the running con#guration on the access
Answer& sho$ run
$. What )isco command is used to con#gure an I' address on an access
Answer& i" address 6i" address7 6subnet /as87
Activity Questions, Lab 2-3
11.2ow many clients are connected to your access point? What is the speed
of the !ast 3thernet connection? What is the speed of the radio
Answer& All three ans$ers *ar.
11.What are the names, I' addresses, and +,) addresses of the connected
Answer& (aries
12.What is the status of the !ast 3thernet interface? What is the status of
the 4adio interface?
Answer& 1oth should be enabled and u".
13.What is your current radio channel?
Answer& (aries
1".What is the name of the access point?
Answer& a"
1$.What is the system software #lename?
Answer& (aries, but so/ethin% li8e c1200-89$:-tar.122-1;.<A
15.What two protocols can you use to upgrade your #rmware?
Answer& #,,+ and ,.,+
16.What is the 77I8? Is the 77I8 (eing (roadcast (y the access point? What
type of security is (eing used? What are some security options on the
)isco 1211?
Answer& tsuna/i' es' none' WE+=EA+=W+A 2and "ossibl others should be listed3
22.,re you associated with the new 77I8?
Answer& #o"efull, es
23.2ow did the laptop know a(out the new 77I8?
Answer& ,he SS)- $as bein% broadcast.
25.%ou should see two or three di9erent 77I8s listed. What does each
Answer& tsuna/i > default' al"ha-bra*o$a" > infrastructure /ode' al"ha-bra*o > ad hoc /ode 2note&
al"ha-bra*o is ?ust an e@a/"le of a tea/ na/e3
Review Questions, Lab 2-3
1. :nlike a direct connection via the console port, using a We( (rowser to
con#gure an access point re;uires a network connection and valid
con#gured I' addresses. rue or !alse?
Answer& ,rue
2. What is the function of the 77I8?
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 2-
Answer& )t ser*es as a net$or8 na/e and allo$s clients $ith the sa/e SS)- confi%ured to connect.
3. Why might you want to con#gure multiple 77I8s?
Answer& So ou can connect the sa/e client to /ulti"le access "oints or connect in different /odes
". /y default, you cannot connect to an access point without knowing the
77I8. rue or !alse?
Answer& .alse
$. Why might you want to disa(le We( (rowser access on your access point
and only use the console port for con#guration purposes?
Answer& Anone $ho 8no$s the )+ address of an access "oint can %et into it and confi%ure it *ia Web
access if the default settin%s ha*e not been chan%ed. -irect access *ia the console "ort reAuires
"hsical access to the de*ice, and so is /ore secure.
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 2-
Activity Questions, Lab 2-4
2. What is your pro#le name?
What is your link status?
What is your server-(ased authentication?
,re you using data encryption?
What network type are you participating in?
What channel are you using?
What is your fre;uency and (andwidth?
What is your I' address?
What is your signal strength?
Answer& -efault' associated' none' no' infrastructure' *aries' *aries' *aries' *aries
5. What type of NI) do you have?
Why was the authentication test (ypassed?
What is your access point*s I' address?
Was your laptop a(le to ping the access point successfully?
Answer& Cisco Aironet a=b=%' there is no authentication confi%ured' *aries' ho"efull es
<. What valua(le information is availa(le =ust (y pointing to this icon?
Answer& SS)-, status, stren%th, band$idth, N)C t"e, )+ address
Review Questions, Lab 2-4
1. Why is using )isco*s client utility .,8:0 to monitor the client (etter than
using Windows?
Answer& ,he Cisco client is desi%ned to $or8 $ith the Cisco ada"ter, $hile Windo$s is a %eneric
$ireless /onitorin% and confi%uration utilit. Also, the Cisco client has /ore features, such as
2. What are some of the features included with the ,8:?
Answer& Lin8 status, channel info, s"eed and freAuenc, dia%nostics tests, "rofile creation and
/ana%e/ent, "o$er settin%s, /ode settin%s, securit settin%s
3. What is the )isco default for encryption?
Answer& None
". What is the )isco default for authentication?
Answer& None
$. )lient utilities are useful for trou(leshooting a connection. rue or !alse?
Answer& ,rue
Activity Questions, Lab 2-5
11.8id you lose your connection? If you did, why do you think this is so?
Answer& Bes' Not in a freAuenc ran%e su""orted b the access "oint
Review Questions, Lab 2-5
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 2-
1. What is the purpose of pro#les?
Answer& ,o /a8e it eas to connect to different access "oints and in different /odes
2. 3>plain the di9erence (etween infrastructure mode and ad hoc mode.
Answer& )nfrastructure /ode in*ol*es an access "oint' ad hoc /ode reAuires no access "oint.
3. What is the point of con#guring the +,) address of your access point in a
Answer& 1ecause MAC addresses are uniAue, it is a $a of /a8in% sure ou connect to the correct
". What is the point of con#guring an 77I8 in a pro#le?
Answer& )t is a $a of /a8in% sure ou connect to the correct de*ice' also allo$s ou to turn off SS)-
broadcastin% so that all clients $ill ha*e to 8no$ the SS)- in order to connect.
$. ?ist three di9erent pro#les you would #nd useful.
Answer& (aries, but /a include an infrastructure /ode "rofile for hot s"ots' an infrastructure /ode
"rofile for $or8' an infrastructure /ode "rofile for ho/e' "ossibl an ad hoc "rofile for "eer sharin%

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