Newsletter Nov 2014
Newsletter Nov 2014
Newsletter Nov 2014
Mrs. Maurers
First Grade Class
November 2014
Phone: 712-279-6834
Fax: 712-279-6092
This school year is now in full swing. This week we had our 50th day of school! The students
enjoyed their trip to the pumpkin patch this month. We have been learning lots of things in
first grade, so I will continue to keep you posted on how your student is doing!
Thursday, November 20 will be Miss Greens last day in our classroom. She has helped us
learn lots of new things and we are very sad to see her leave. Miss Green will graduate from
Morningside College in December. Thanks for being our student teacher!!
READING- We are reading books, books, and more books! We have small reading groups
daily where students read at their level. Ask your student what character they are in their
Halloween book. I want to thank you for doing the reading homework with your child. Your
child will continue to bring a book home each night to read. Dont forget to write the title of
the book on the form and sign it! Make sure you send the baggie and book back every
day!! Remember, once your child has read 10 books, he or she will receive a prize! It is very
important to listen to your child read and for you to read to your child because it will help
them become better readers.
WRITING- The students are becoming awesome writers. We are still learning about the writing
process. Recently we learned about adjectives. We have been using adjectives to help our
writing come to life. We have been busy writing about our families and our trip to the
pumpkin patch!
MATH- We have been learning many different strategies to help us add (put things together)
and subtract (take things away)! We have been working on our double facts. It is important
for your child to know them by heart. Knowing their doubles will make it easier for them to
add other math facts. The doubles are 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 3+3=6, 4+4=8, 5+5=10, 6+6=12, 7+7=14,
8+8=16, 9+9= 18, 10+10=20. Ask your student to sing the doubles song to you! Another
strategy that the students learned was the part, part whole strategy. For example, you have
a whole pizza that has 10 pieces. You eat only part of the pizza. Lets say you had six
pieces. Your child ate four pieces. He or she only ate part of the pizza. You put your part
and your childs part together and you have a whole pizza. There are some students part,
part whole story problems featured at the end of this newsletter.
SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE- We finished up our learning about pumpkins with a trip to the
pumpkin patch. Then we started learning about solids, liquids, and gases. We have been
experimenting with the solids and liquids to see what we can discover about them. Ask your
students what they did with the solids.
Snacks- We have a nutritious snack each afternoon at school. Ask your child what they had
each day!
Friday November 14th---Last Day to order Irving Hawk T-shirts and Sweatshirts
Wednesday, November 26th ---2:30 Early Out
Thursday, November 27th ---Thanksgiving
Friday, November 28th --- No School
Some things to work on at home:
Read, read, read
TUES- PE** and Music
Rhyme words with cat, bus, man, sun, fox.
WED- Music
Count to 100 by 1s (1 2 3 4 5 100)
Count to 100 by 5s (5 10 15 20..100)
FRI- Library and Computer Lab
Count to 100 by 10s (10 20 30 ..100)
Tell you the months of the year in order
Tell you the days of the week
Practice writing numbers and letters
Practice doubles facts
Practice reading sight words
Practice telling time to the hour and half hour
**If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at school (279-6834) or send a note.
Thanks for sharing your child with me! Working together as a team will help your child be
even more successful!
Mrs. Maurer and Ms. Green